Page 02

Gaze intense, he watched me fill a bowl with warm water, make sure the temperature was perfect -- we didn't want a hiccup at this stage -- dip the nozzle of the medical bulb into the water, squeeze, blowing air into the water, then let go, draw water into the bulb, hold it above the bowl and squeeze. Water squirted into the bowl. "See, you fill it with water, put the nozzle in your backside, squeeze...."

"Yeah, I got it Mom, no need to explain."

I handed him the bowl of water and bulb, pressed my breasts to his chest, kissed his cheek, let my kiss linger.

While he was in the bathroom I lowered the examination table to the horizontal, then asked, "How did it go?" when he returned.

"You were right, it felt peculiar, but it was fine."

"Good. Now lay on the table, on your stomach. We'll be done in a few minutes."

He did, reaching back to cover his behind with the gown. I plucked a wipe from the dispenser on the adjoining table, reached under the gown, and said, "First thing I'll clean you. Ready?"


I ran the wipe down his anal crevice. He shivered; his anus instinctively tightened.

"Sorry son, I should have warmed it first. I'll be sure to do so with the lubricant."
* * * * *​

Running my left hand on his butt, relaxing him, habituating him to my touch, I slipped my right hand into a latex glove -- I'd had a manicure that morning, my nails were smooth and polished -- squeezed silicon lubricant onto my fingers and rubbed them together, warming the gel. It was good stuff; we doctors get the best stuff.

"Ready son."

"Yeah Mom." There was tension in his voice.

Saying, "Don't worry, I'll go slow," I reached under his gown with my gloved hand, touched his anus with my index finger, felt it snap shut. I stroked it, gently and persistently, and it responded, relaxing, spasming open and shut.

"If we to take our time we'll do fine and we'll take all the time we need. How does it feel?"

"Fine Mom, I guess it takes awhile to get used to it."

"I know son, now let's try this," and I worked the tip of my finger into his sphincter. My step-son gulped down some air and tightened his frame, but when the anticipated pain did not appear he relaxed. I moved the tip of my finger in a short lazy oval. Enjoying the novel sensation Ryan was soon trembling at the unexpected pleasure.

I moved aside the flaps of his gown, exposed his muscular butt, ran an ungloved hand down his spine and my voice low and seductive said, "How does it feel? Are you ready for me to put it inside?"

"Yeah, it feels okay. Go ahead, but be careful please."

Transitioning from doctor to mother I said, "Of course my darling, I'll be very very careful, I always take good care of my boy, don't I. Now, remember to breathe."

Slowly, carefully, rocking back and forth, my finger slithered past his sphincter and inside him, stopping at the first knuckle. I held it there, let him adjust, squiggled the tip. When he sighed I squiggled again, pushed deeper, stopped, squiggled some more, slipped it all the way in. He drew in a long breath between pursed lips and I held it still for a beat or two, then squiggled its entire length. He moaned. I twisted my hand, rotating my finger inside him.


"I'm sorry son, was that too hard?"

Talking through a deep breath he said, "No Mom, it's fine, you're doing fine. I hadn't expected it to feel like this."

Carefully moving the finger around inside him I said, "And how is that son?"

"Y'know, it's not all that bad, kinda nice actually."

"That's what happens with centuries of homophobia. Guys get uneasy about being touched back here, but if you take your time, if you know what you're doing, it can be quite pleasurable. Now, just to be safe I'll add some lubricant," and sliding the finger out until its tip rested on his anus I squeezed gel on his anal crevice, rubbed it up and down, slipped the finger back inside. I pulled aside his gown and ran my free hand from his shoulder to his butt.

He was taking long shallow breaths.

"Ryan, you've grown into such a handsome young man. Now, let's get started," and the fingers of my ungloved left hand resting on his inner thigh I pressed the index finger of my gloved hand to his prostate. He stiffened, but as I massaged it Ryan sank into the table, closed his eyes murmured, lost himself in the sensation, made no effort to hide his pleasure. I traced, re-traced the outlines of his prostate, palpitated it, stroked it, applied more pressure. His moans deepened. I kept going, extending the examination far beyond any conceivable medical necessity, but he didn't know that. He just knew it felt good.

And then it happened, he was getting hard.

Acting as if unaware, assuring him with a, "Your doing so well son, so well," I worked his prostrate, fondling and stroking this most underappreciated pleasure spot, immersing him in forbidden pleasure until, regretfully, I slid my finger from him and taking off my glove said, "Good news Ryan, your prostate is in excellent condition. We have one more test, but first let me take off my coat. The air conditioning must go off at 5:00, it's getting warm in here."

My step-son, grateful for any delay to allow his erection time to recede, said, "Go ahead," and I unbuttoned my coat, hung it on a coat rack in the corner of the room, primped my hair and clothes, and turning back to him said, "Now please sit up."

He rolled over, sat at the end of the table, his legs dangling over its edge. Not wanting to embarrass him -- was he still erect? -- I kept my eyes on his and said, "This is the last test my darling, and it's also personal. I need to check for a hernia and to do that I have to hold your scrotum. When I say so, cough. Understand?"

With a flicker of concern in his brown eyes he said, "Sure."

Fanning myself with my hand as if still warm, I said, "Okay, let's get started, but first, it's still...," and not finishing my sentence, hands gliding across my chest, I unbuttoned the top two buttons of my blouse. The material spread open, exposing the top of the white teddy I wore underneath. Then, as if oblivious to what just happened, I checked my I-pad, giving him the opportunity to admire my cleavage and lingerie, then knelt, providing an even better view, reached under his gown, cupped his balls, said, "Oh my."

"What is it Mom?"

I said, "Sorry son, that was unprofessional. It's just that, well, how do I say this, your testicles, they're unusually large and firm, which is very good. It means you're an especially potent young man," then lay my free hand on his chest and said, "Go ahead and cough."

He did; his oversized balls rocked on my palm. I have no idea if there was a hernia. I wasn't paying attention.

Kneeling before him I squeezed his balls, then pulled my hand from under his gown, brushing his penis as I did. His dick, although not fully erect, was warm and thick with blood.

I stood, placed a hand on the side of his face, ran my thumb on his cheek, said, "Well, I can provide Columbia a clean bill of health. Now that were done with the examination there is something else I need to talk to you about."

"What is it Mom?"

Moving closer to him, my hand straightening his hair, I said, "This may sound a little weird, but hear me out. Because I'm your step-mother there are things I can show you, things I can do for you that your biological mom couldn't. When I became your step-mom it became my responsibility to make sure you grew into a well-rounded healthy happy young man. It's been my most important, most pleasurable, and highest responsibility, and my greatest joy."

Unsure of where I was going he stared into my eyes. I moved closer and, our legs touching, my hand resting on his arm, continued. "I know the past year has been tough on you. That growth spurt left you feeling awkward, clumsy, your clothes never seemed to fit right, although," -- I stroked his chest with two fingers -- "everything turned out just fine. Then there was Katie, she treated you badly during your relationship and ended it unconscionably. Since that time I've seen you grow a bit shyer, a little uncomfortable around woman. You're also not getting your sexual needs met."

He broke eye contact and looked down.

I placed two fingers on his chin, tilted his face up towards mine. "A healthy young man like you has needs he must address, and not through masturbating several times a day. I can help you feel comfortable around women again, I can help with those needs."

"I don't understand."

My eyes on his crotch I ran a hand up his leg, under his gown, across his erect penis, smiled knowingly, "Ryan, I think you do. A young man like you, as sweet and handsome as you, there's no reason to go without. I can teach you about girls, how to talk to them, how to look at them, how to touch them. I can make sure you never go without."

"I'm not sure...."

"I understand, you need time to think this through. It's a big step. But while you're thinking about it you don't mind if I ...."

I undid the third button of my shirt, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, opened it, exposing the teddy I wore underneath. My breasts and swollen nipples were visible through the lacy white mesh.

He stared at them.

"Do you like it baby? I bought it for you."

I took his hand in mine, held it to my breast, said, "Go ahead." He looked at me, I nodded, and he closed his fingers, pressing them into the tit-flesh. Letting out a long happy breath I covered his hand, held it to my breast, then moved it to the other. He squeezed.

"Ryan, oh god, that feels so good."

Buoyed by my response he took a nipple between his fingers though the fabric, rolled it back and forth.

"Oh honey, so good, so good, feels so good. Play with my titties."

Inspired by my sighs and groans of pleasures he grew bolder, explored my chest.

My hands roving over his legs, chest, and arms I leaned forward, brought my mouth to his. He froze, but when I parted my lips, let the tip of my tongue dance on his, they opened, and taking advantage I explored his mouth, leaving no doubt as to what I wanted, what I was willing to do. Soon his tongue danced with mine. He locked his fingers on my nipples; I moaned into his mouth.

I reached behind his neck and untied his gown. It tumbled into his lap and I ran my hands down his sweet hairless chest and my increasingly aggressive step-son cradled my head in his hands and kissed his way up my neck. I held my hair aside and he turned to my ear, explored its curves and crevices with the tip of his tongue, sucked the earlobe into his mouth, ducked down to my breasts, dragged the flat of his tongue over my sensitive nipples through the fabric of my teddy.

"Oh so good."

Hands on his chest I gently pushed him forward until, holding himself up on his arms, he was leaning back over the table. I caressed his bare chest, licked and sucked his nipples, captured them between my lips. He pulled my head to his and kissed me, his tongue rampaged through my mouth, then kissed my neck and shoulders, licked the flat of my ear. I pulled the straps of my teddy off my shoulders. It fell to my waist, my shirt to the floor, and Ryan returned to my naked breasts, sucked one into his mouth, lashed its aching nipple with his strong agile tongue. Arching my back I pressed my breast to his hungry mouth.

He bathed it with his spittle, turned to the other, held it with his hands, sucked and licked and chewed like a ravenous child. My hand on the back of his head I sang, "Oh god Ryan, yes, this is what I want, this is what I need, my titties, eat my titties baby, eat Mama's titties, just like that, like that, so good."

As he made mad love to my blood bloated breasts I let go of his head and unbuckled my skirt. It and my teddy joined my blouse on the floor, then, wearing only skimpy silk panties and blue heels, I turned around. My back to him, he reached down, kneaded the ample cheeks of my ass, ran his hands up my body to my breasts, held them, pulled me to him. His hard cock was pressed to my back.

"Is this what you want Mom?"

"Oh yes son, this is what I want."

He kissed my neck and shoulders. His hands, strong and powerful, rambled over my naked torso sending surges of pleasure through me. But still there was one place he hadn't gone, a place that might require a bit of extra encouragement. I took hold of his index finger, moved it down my body, pressed it to the center of my silk panties.

And not that I needed to -- my panties were soaked -- but I said it anyway. "I'm wet for you baby."

He worked my sex through my panties. I covered his hand with mine, pressed it to me.

"Oh yes, oh yes, Ryan, oh yes."

Intent on the seduction of my step-son I hadn't fully realized how turned on I was. But now my sex throbbed and ached and when my son pulled aside the hem on my panties, trapped my clit against my body with the pad of his finger, rocked it back and forth, I whimpered in taboo pleasure.

There was a fire, fierce and ferocious, burning between my legs, a heat born in my clitoris surging through me. It occupied my belly, my chest, spread. I gasped and groaned and closed my eyes and the universe was my clit and Ryan's finger and I was at the edge, on the edge, then over the edge. The orgasm washed over me with a tidal wave of energy and I surrendered to it, writhed and squeaked and chirped and although I knew it lasted only a few seconds it felt like a thousand years.

My step-son, possessing the instincts of a lover his father lacked, held me in his arms as I rode out my orgasm. When I came down I found my exhausted slunk into his. He was warm and firm and strong and he kissed the side of my head and I turned to him and said, "That was wonderful. Let's do some more. How would you like to taste your step-mother's cunt?"

He said, "I thought you'd never ask," and kissed my mouth. Our tongues darted and dueled and danced, our lips rolled back and forth, and I rotated our bodies until I was standing against the examination table. I sat on it, leaned back, spread my legs, pulled my panties to the side, ran a manicured finger up the cunt I'd neatly trimmed that morning.

My step-son, hospital gown hanging from his waist, stared; my finger moved down my slit, disappeared inside, reappeared, journeyed up my labia to my clit.

"Go ahead Ryan, eat me, eat your step-mother."

My step-son fell to his knees. Placing one foot on his shoulder, angling my other to the side, I offered him my sex.

He pressed the flat of his tongue to the face of my vagina, licked, curled his tongue, speared it into me.

I covered his head with my hands.

He licked the length and width of my cunt, flicked its folds and flaps and valleys, ventured inside, tongue-fucking me until, tongue exhausted, he returned to my clit to capture it with his lips. I leaned back, raised my ass in the air. He licked down to my perineum, teased my anus with short hard stabs of his tongue.

I whimpered, blubbered, mewled in. "Oh god, so good, you do that so good."

Noting how I moaned and shivered, the involuntary contractions of my muscles, my hurried erratic breaths, the sheen of sweat on my skin, Ryan intuited what I liked best, what moved me most, and returned to those spots with relentless efficiency.

I slid my foot from his shoulder to the middle of his back, pinned his face to my pussy.

Stretching the skin above my clit, exposing the pulsating red nub, he licked it, hard and fast. I squealed, rocked my hips, muttered gasped, "Yes yes yes yes yes yes...."

It was exquisite, he was exquisite, and I was heading to the edge, but wanting to delay things, to draw them out, I sat up, cradled his head, tugged it upwards. He stood and kissed me, our tongues curled around each other, and I worked my panties over my hips, let them slide down my legs, and, naked but for heels, turned around and leaned over the table face forward, ass in the air.

My step-son kissed and nipped my butt cheeks, then focused on my anus, tonguing the pink rose bud. My sphincter spasmed open and shut in a steady obscene rhythm. Happy that Ryan did not share his father's aversion to anal play I reached back, spread my ass cheeks, and rocked my butt on his face. He drove the tip of his tongue inside me.

"Oh god, fuck yes, yes, fuck yes, yes, yes, yes, yes."

He licked my sex with the flat of his tongue.

I tipped my ass up, opening my vagina, and said, "Ryan, you and I are going to have so much fun together," then stood, turned to face him, yanked the gown from his hips, tossed it into a corner.

His father was big, but my step-son was hung. Bigger, longer, thicker, much thicker that his father, Ryan's cock was hard and beautiful and, except for the purple head, lighter in color than the rest of his tanned skin. I pressed it to his stomach, ran my open hand up its length, gestured for him to lay down. He did and twisting my hand on his shaft we kissed, whatever boundaries remaining between us dissolving in a sea of depraved shameless carnal desire.

When the kiss ended I held his dick straight up, let the thick glob of saliva I'd built up in my mouth ooze onto it, swallowed his cock-head, pushed. My jaw stretching over about half of him I cradled his hot heavy balls, bobbed my head, moving at a steady speed, engraving every detail of his step-mother's first blow job in Ryan's memory. Sometimes I moved straight up and down, sometimes forward and back, sometimes in a circle as his tool swirled around inside my mouth until, needing to catch my breath, I let him slide out, pushed my hair from my face, and spit dripping from my lips looked into his glazed eyes. "Ryan I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I love sucking cock. It makes me hot, makes me want to fuck," then took him back in my mouth.

As I bobbed my head Ryan ran a hand down my back, between my legs, found my wet hungry cunt, pushed a finger inside, twisting and turning it to match his dick plunging into my face. A second, then a third finger, joined the first and they felt as big as a baseball bat and I pushed until I'd swallowed three-quarters of his tool and his cock-head sat at the entrance of my throat.

I could deep-throat him, but a girl should leave something for the second date.

It was time. I moved to the foot of the table between his legs, pulled my hair back, and, eyes locked on his, took his cock into my mouth, released him with a loud slurp, kissed his chest, tongued a nipple, then the other, climbed onto the table and straddled him, my knees beside his hips. With a wink I lowered myself, trapping his hard manhood against his body, and slid my sex back and forth on him, my open vaginal lips gliding up and down his dick. He sat up and sucked my left breast into his mouth, licked and fed on it like a desperate baby.

Placing a hand on the back of the examination table to steady myself, I cradled his head, moved it to my other breast, and, as he attacked it with the same fervid need said, "Are you ready Ryan, ready to fuck me?"

Yanking his mouth from my breast he said, "Yes, ohmigod yes."

I raised myself on my knees, reached down, held him straight up, lowered myself onto him. His cock head pushed aside my vaginal lips and slithered inside.

"So good Ryan, so good."

We fucked, leisurely at first, his hand on my ass guiding me, but soon faster, the table squeaking and squawking with our motion. He, sitting up, swiped the nipples of my swaying breasts with his tongue. I dropped down, ground my hips on him; his dick twisted in the depths of my sex; his pubic bone mashed my clit. I looked into his eyes and breathed, "Oh honey, oh yes, oh yes, fuck me, fuck me, fuck fuck me, fuck me so good."

We resumed thrusting. At the apex of each motion I felt his cock-head on my vaginal lips, then pushed down, let his long thick wonderful tool drill deep inside my body. Consumed in joy I felt it, felt it emerging from the miasma. A sweet pressure in my pussy -- undeniable unstoppable -- built and grew, spread, washed through me, filled me. Ryan, hands on my hips, drove me down onto him as he jerked his hips up to meet me. I shut my eyes; nothing could stop it. Lights danced and flickered and there was heat and sweat and the pressure kept building and then it slammed into me...

"Oh yes yes yes yes..." a hurricane...

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes..."

...a fricking class five fricking hurricane...

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes..."

...I needed it, needed it, needed it, needed it...

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes..."

...and it was here and it was wonderful and I was coming, coming on Ryan's cock, coming on my step-son's cock...

"Oh, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, FUCKITY FUCK..."

...and the orgasm filled me and fulfilled me and shattered me and glued me back together and was everything I'd ever dreamed of, only better.

I slunk down onto his body. Ryan held me, my head nestled against his. I sucked in air, enjoyed his smell and warmth, whispered, "I came so good. Do you like fucking me? I hope so, I'm gonna wanna do this all the time. It's been so long."

I kissed him. As The Shoop Shoop Song teaches, the answer is in his kiss and the answer his nimble tongue delivered was unmistakably, "Yes."

I flexed the walls of my cunt. He was still hard.

I slipped off the table, stood by its side, and took him into my mouth. His cock, tall and proud, was as rigid as iron. My tongue slathered its sensitive underside. It stretched my jaw and filled my mouth.

Ryan pulled my hair aside; I glanced at him, winked. He sucked two fingers into his mouth, slid them into my sex from behind. The fire in my belly intensifying I pushed my hips into his fingers, reached for his thumb, placed it on my anus. Ryan rocked it back and forth, eased it into my convulsing sphincter.


I wanted his cock inside me.

"Oh honey, get off the table, I need you to fuck me."

He stood, we kissed, I slid onto the table, lying on my back. Ryan, standing at the base of the table, grasped my right leg so it ran up his body, my right foot resting on his shoulder. I dangled my left leg to the side, placed the head of his cock on the mouth of my vagina, raised my hips, forced the tip inside me.

It was Ryan, pushing into me with a slow steady motion, who did the rest. Arms wrapped around my leg, holding me in place, he thrust into me, his motion firm and fast, our bodies smacking together each time he bottomed out. My tits bounced and swayed and I greeted each penetration with a sharp explosion of air, "Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh unh, unh, unh, unh."

And we were there, the coda of our first fuck. Craving another orgasm I urged him on. "Ryan, use me, fuck me, use me, fuck me."

He slammed into me, shook my body, I poured it on. "I love your cock. Fuck your step-mommy, fuck your daddy's wife."

"Unnnh," burst from his gut.

"Keep going, that's it. Oh yeah, oh yeah, fuck me, fuck, don't stop, don't stop, please don't stop."


"I'm in love with your dick, your big hard dick."

His arms wrapped around my right leg he drove into me again and again, rattling my bones, shaking my teeth.

"From now on you get your step-mother's pussy whenever your want."

Leaning forward he wrapped his fingers in my hair, pulled me to him. We kissed ravenously, ferociously, mercilessly. I bit his lip, gasped, "Fuck me," tilted my hips so his cock-head and shaft slid over my g-spot and clit each time he filled me. Locking his eyes on me he pounded the deepest depths of my sex and I reached down, frigged my clit, stared back, said, "That's it baby, jeez so good, so good. Don't stop baby, I love your cock, love it, never stop, feels so good. Fuck me, wherever you want, the kitchen, the sofa, your car, your Daddy's bed. Give it to me, give it to me, give it to mommy."

His eyes drifted shut; his face reddened; his thrusts grew random, varied in tempo and power, lost their machine-like precision. He was losing control; he was about to come.

"Fuck me, give me your cum. I want it, want it. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck."

Ryan leaned forward, placed his hands on the edge of the table beside my waist, and I poured it on. "Slam your cock into me. I'm a fuck-toy, pound me with your cock."

He tried to mouth some words but what exploded from his lungs was a bellow born in his solar plexus. It filled the room and Ryan jerked, drove my ass off the table, and filled me with a blast of heavy cream. My body shuddered and my clit pulsed and the bottom of my feet tingled and my cheeks flashed and I came. My pussy clenched on Ryan's dick and he moaned, jolted again, shot a rope of hot cum into my sex.

Physical and mental merged into a single serene joy and I drifted, warm comforted content. I felt Ryan's fingers lightly stroking my shoulders, breasts, stomach, and I took his hand in mine, brought it to my mouth, kissed it, said, "I can't believe Katie gave that up."

"It was never this good with Katie. You were so into it."

"A real woman puts her whole self into fucking her man. Ryan, we're going to have so much fun."

I saw a question in his eyes. Then I understood.

"After you and Katie broke-up I'd hear you masturbate. It got me thinking about you as a sexual person. And although I knew I shouldn't, the more I tried not to the more I did. But it was more than that. I loved the time we spent together, loved being with you. Then one day, after all those years of frustration with your father, I realized there was this perfect stud living in my house and I asked myself, why not?"

Sliding a hand behind his neck I brought my mouth to his. We kissed, lips lazily moving, tongues lolling stroking curling. I had him to myself the next two weeks. Then we'd return to the mainland as step-mother and step-son. What better guise to continue our affair?
Previous page: Page 01