Update 01
Naked Dare Ch. 01
I love my wife, Ella. To say she is gorgeous is a major misrepresentation. Although not tall at five feet two inches, she is the perfect height for me. When I hold her in a hug her head fits perfectly under my chin. She has thick wavy auburn hair that always smells fresh and clean and shines in the sunlight. Her radiant beauty belies her age and she still gets asked for I.D. at bars even though she's in her early thirties. Along with alabaster skin and eyes the color of melted chocolate, she has full, bow shaped lips that I love to kiss. She's fit and healthy in the traditional sense; unlike a sculpted gym junkie she is soft in all the right places but by no means overweight. I like to think she could have been a model for the early painters and sculptors. She has what I like to call a goddesses body - mainly because I like to kneel before her and worship her.
Ella has a wicked sense of humor and loves to tease. Sometimes she can be a real flirt but I don't think she's entirely aware of it or the reactions she causes in her hapless victims. Many times I've seen male friends, and even a couple of female ones, squirming in their seats at her innuendos and flirty behavior. The amazing part is no one seems to mind. We can have a group of friends around for an evening and not one person goes away without having a good time. None have ever become upset or angry at her behavior because like me, they seem to know that she is genuinely unaware of her impact on men.
This beautiful woman is not just my wife, she is also my best friend, and confidante and I truly believe she is my soul mate. I know that sounds corny and a little pretentious, but that doesn't make it any less true. I know she will always be there for me and has proven in the past that she will stand by me no matter what stupid thing I have done - believe me, there have been quite a few.
Having said all of this, I've noticed some changes over the last few months that have given me reason to think. For example, she has been spending a lot of time on the internet lately which is very unusual for her as she would sooner have her head in a book normally. When she comes to bed after being on the net she is very amorous and quite sexually aggressive. Even though she's flirty, she's always been fairly unadventurous in bed in the past - probably my only complaint within our marriage. Now, however, I find I'm struggling to keep up with her. There have been a lot of new suggestions lately and they seem to be getting more daring. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining, but all this just seems to have come from nowhere.
After a particularly vigorous session one afternoon when I came home for lunch - not that I ended up having any - I just had to ask.
"Where did this new sense of adventure come from?"
Now I am not the jealous type but this was definitely not the answer I was expecting. I'm also pretty sure we have no friends or relatives named 'Mike'.
"Whoa! Who the hell is Mike?"
"No, it's nothing like that honey."
"Like what? What's going on?"
"Don't get upset. There's nothing to worry about, okay? Mike's a guy I 've been talking to on the net."
"I don't understand. What's he got to do with us?"
"I was just surfing a while ago and I found a website where people get on line and dare each other to do things. They then sometimes post photos to prove they completed the dare. There's a group who chat online about it. They find a partner and dare each other to do things."
"What sort of things?"
I was getting very interested now, but I was still trying to figure out how involved she was with this Mike.
"They are usually sexual things. But it depends on what the people are interested in and how far they are willing to go."
"So this Mike is your partner, is he?"
"Yes, but you need to know that he lives in the U.S. He's on the other side of the world and he's not someone you need to worry about, alright?"
"Okay. I do trust you, and if you say there's nothing to worry about then that's enough for me. Besides If you were getting some action elsewhere then I guess I'd be missing out, and seeing as I'm reaping the benefits, who am I to complain?"
She laughed and gave me a big hug. Feeling her naked body pressed against me made me begin to rise again. When she saw my cock hardening once more she slowly ran her fingertips along the underside of it making it twitch and jump.
"Oh this is a bad idea. I have to get back to work and if you keep that up I'll never leave."
"Is that such a bad thing?"
"Only if you want to continue living in a house and eating."
"Spoil sport."
"Hey I'd be happy to stay here and pleasure you all day if somebody would pay me to do it but I've yet to see that job advertised in the papers. I reckon there would be a hell of a queue for that interview though."
"Yeah, yeah, stop being silly. Go back to work. I'd like to talk more about this tonight when you get home."
"Do I get to eat dinner first? A man could starve around here."
"If you're lucky I might cook you something. There will definitely be something to eat."
She winked and then lay back and spread her legs.
"Oh for god's sake stop it! You're making it too hard to leave."
She pulled the sheet up over herself and smiled.
"Yes and no. I love you. See you tonight."
The rest of the afternoon was going to be torturously slow.
By the time I was on my drive home my imagination was torturing me. Although I was fairly confident that there was nothing to worry about at lunch time, it was a different story by the time I was going home. Every time I had a second to think about it, I was conjuring all kinds of scenarios. To be honest though, it turned out to be pretty harmless.
Ella met me at the door, and along with her welcoming kisses I was greeted with the smell of roast lamb. My wife had a real sparkle of excitement in her eye and she had dressed in a very sexy red dress that was very low cut.
"Mmm, you look good. Are we going somewhere?"
"No I don't think so. That kind of depends on what Mike says."
"Oh, really? How does that work?"
"Well like I said, I want to discuss this with you, so let's sit down and enjoy this roast and some wine."
"How can I refuse a mysterious hottie with an offer like that?"
I went and had a shower while Ella carved the roast and I decided to get a little dressed up for the occasion as well; not that I really understood what the occasion was. We sat and enjoyed the roast and I must say that the view I had across the table straight down Ella's delicious looking cleavage was very distracting.
"Alright, what was it you wanted to tell me about?"
All of a sudden Ella looked very nervous.
"Come on spill the beans, I won't be angry."
"Well, you know how I mentioned Mike and what we do?"
"In the chat room?"
"Yeah, well as I said, it's about dares. What we do is dare each other to do things. So far it has been pretty tame and we haven't required much proof."
"What proof have you had to show so far?"
I figured this was the best way of finding out how far things had gone without sounding too demanding or angry. Truth is I wasn't angry and I didn't want her to think I was.
"We've just sent a few photos back and forth to show that we had performed our dare."
I rolled my hand in a 'give it to me' gesture and prompted more information.
"He dared me to take a photo of me holding up my panties and email it to him to prove that I was talking to him with no panties on."
"Did you?"
"You could have taken a photo with any pair of panties and still been wearing them."
"I know."
"Did you really take them off then?"
"Hmm. Did he ask for more proof that you were pantiless?"
"No he didn't need to."
"Why is that?" I was a bit concerned with how far she may have gone without telling me.
"The conversation we had earlier was a dare to tell each other about what underwear we were wearing, so he knew by my description what they looked like and there was a bit more proof too."
"Oh do tell." I said with a big grin.
"Well we were talking dirty a lot and I'd become very aroused, so there was a wet patch on them which you can see quite clearly in one of the photos."
"So you took several photos?"
"Well we wanted to see what each other looked like and there has been some teasing."
"Wow. How far have you gone in them?"
I have to admit to feeling a whole gamut of emotions. I was a bit jealous of this Mike. I was a little apprehensive of how far they had gone, but more than anything I was getting very excited.
"We've seen each other's face. We've sent photos showing what we look like physically, but not naked."
"And what about these teasing photos?"
"I'll show you everything when we're in the office but basically I sent a couple of photos of me with a tight t-shirt on and no bra. We were getting pretty worked up and my nipples were really standing out and I showed him the inside of my thighs as I was wearing a skirt."
"Could he see your panties in those shots?"
She gave me a cheeky grin.
"That was after I'd taken them off."
I swear there was a clunk as my jaw hit the table.
She laughed and said, "There's no way you can see my pussy from the angle I took the photo."
"Jesus! Ella."
"There is one I took that shows a bit more; you can see my pussy from above but I didn't send him that one. I didn't even tell him about it or he would have talked me into it."
"I have to get in on this."
I was so turned on by this idea I felt like I was about to rip the seam in my pants.
"That's where it gets awkward. He doesn't want me to tell you about it even though I said you would probably be fine with it. He also wants to start having these chats over the webcam but I told him we don't have one. I wanted to check with you first."
"If you're going to be having these chats over the webcam, there's no way I'm not going to be there. This is the sort of thing we share and there is no way I'll be kept out of my own office or our sex life."
"Calm down! This is why I wanted to talk to you about it. I wouldn't have it that way either. I've been giving this some thought, though and I think I've come up with the answer. If I say no to this, he'll back out. I think this is his way of getting off on it knowing that I'm married. So what I think we should do is say to him that I went out and bought a webcam today but didn't realize that I had to get a microphone as well. That way you can be in the room with me but out of view of the camera. We can still discuss things as we go; it will just look like I'm reading out loud or talking to myself."
I had to laugh at this.
"You really did put some thought into this didn't you? If this is what you really want then let's do it. We're going to have to move the computer a bit though so we can both see what's happening but still be comfortable and so I can come and go from the room without him seeing me."
We spent the next half an hour moving furniture and testing our theories. When we were happy with the set up we got online. Mike wasn't on yet and it looked like we'd have to wait a while.
"While we're waiting, why don't you show me these photos you took?"
She gave me another of her cheeky grins as she clicked her way into her folders and found the one labeled 'dares'. She opened it up and I was surprised by how many photos were in there.
"You've been busy!"
"You know what it's like; you have to take a heap of photos before you get some you're happy with. It's hard taking photos of yourself, even with a timer and tripod."
She was right. There were quite a few blurry ones and some with her head cut off. They did get better the further down the page we went and the more she practiced. I'd reached some of the 'juicier' ones now and was surprised at them. There was nothing x-rated but I was surprised she'd taken them at all, to be honest. Like I said earlier she does flirt a lot but mostly she never seems to be overtly aware of her own sexuality and how it affects other people.
As we went down the page she showed a bit more flesh. There were some of her cleavage, her bare tummy and the ones of her in her skirt. There were a few of her in a t-shirt that left me in no doubt at all that she had removed her bra. Her nipples were very rigid and there were a couple where you could even see the color of her areole through the shirt. In amongst the cleavage ones were some where she had pulled her shirt forward and taken a 'down blouse' shot, including one where you could quite clearly see her nipples. I asked her about that one.
"I never sent that one to him because it showed too much."
"Would you send it to him?"
"I wasn't sure how you'd feel about it so I didn't. I'm not sure if I would. I guess it depends on how horny I get and how far I want to go with this dare thing."
"I think you should."
She looked at me with one eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face.
"Turns you on thinking someone else is looking at me, doesn't it?"
"Hmm, interesting."
She said no more on the matter and we scrolled through more photos. We then came across the ones she mentioned earlier about her panties.
The first one was her just standing there in her skirt and white t-shirt. Her nipples were standing out and you could see that she had already taken her bra off. The next one showed her in the same pose except her panties were around her knees. The third one showed her still standing in the same place except she has the panties in her hand. The final one showed her still standing but leaning in closer to the camera. She was holding up her panties close to the camera and you could see a very definite wet patch in the crotch of her panties.
The next set showed her legs from the knees down. Then with each shot you could see more of her thighs culminating in the shot she had told me she hadn't sent. This one showed her body from below her tits right down. Because she held the camera very close to her body and the way the skirt was bunched around her waist you couldn't really see her pussy. You could see her pierced belly button, her pubes and her very sexy thighs but you couldn't make out the shape of her pussy lips. If she was shaved you probably could but she doesn't like to shave. She keeps her pubes very neat and tidy and she waxes during summer but she doesn't like to go bald because she says it makes her look like a child.
As we got to the bottom of the page I noticed another folder. This one was named 'Mike'.
"So Mike sends you photos too. I'm glad it's not all one way."
Ella clicked this folder open now and I received my first surprise. Mike was a very tall and quite an athletic, African American. I don't really know why this surprised me; it was just not what I expected. We scrolled through his photos and most of them were the same type of photos as Ella's. They were obviously giving each other the same type of dares. He was dressed very nicely like he was going to a party or an evening out. The next set showed him opening his shirt. Holy shit, this guy was well built.
"He must work out, a lot!" was all I could gasp.
I must have sounded a bit nervous. I was feeling a bit inadequate. I'm not in bad shape but I'm nothing like this guy. Ella gave me a look that pretty much asked if I was ok.
"You know you have nothing to worry about don't you? I have always said to you that it doesn't matter where you get your appetite so long as you come home to eat."
"Yeah I'm fine. Just feeling a bit underdone."
She laughed again.
"Your plenty for me hon. besides this one would be way too much for me. Have a look at this."
She scrolled down a bit further and brought up a photo of Mike in just a pair of jocks.
"Holy shit! What does he do, smuggle Anacondas from South America?"
"Yeah he certainly is a big boy. Too big for me. I think the only way to have sex with him would be to have your organs removed for the evening. You'd need the space."
I was gob smacked. I mean, I've seen those websites with blokes with enormous dicks but I always assumed they were fake.
"That can't be real."
"Well that's one of the things I'd like to find out but I'm pretty sure he won't show me any more unless I do."
"Honey, I'm not gay but I would like to know if that thing is real too. I think you should send him the two photos you didn't."
Ella gave me a very level look.
"If I do that I'm not sure where it is going to end. Are you prepared to do that?"
I thought about what she said for a while.
"You will only go as far as you want to. You know you can say no and stop anytime you want right? And you know that I trust you. Besides, he's half a planet away it's not like he can touch you physically from there."
"Let's do this."
She brought up the e-mail program and created a new e-mail. She inserted both pictures and left a small message saying she had decided to share these photos with him. She moved the mouse over the send icon and then looked me in the eye.
"You're absolutely sure?"
"Only if you want to."
A huge grin spread across her face and she clicked 'send'.
"I'm fucking wet already just thinking about him looking at those."
Within seconds of sending the e-mail, the chat icon lit up at the bottom of the page.
"That was bloody quick. Do you think he'd have it already?"
"I doubt it. Probably just a coincidence. Why don't you ask him?"
She logged on and began to type.
"Hi Mike. I was just looking at your cock and decided to send you some more pics from the other night."
"Awesome. Can't wait to see more of your hot bod. Send them through."
"I already have, check your e-mail."
"Right. brb."
I waited, nervously, while this stranger looked at my wife's naked body. I was surprised to find that I really wanted approval from this man that I had never met and would likely never talk to. I looked across at Ella and saw she had the same look of apprehension on her face.
"Got them."
"God damn you are fucking hot. I'm hard as a rock over here."
"I'd like to see that."
"Lol. Not yet. You've got to do some more things for me first."
"Shit. I forgot it's my turn."
"Does your camera take videos?"
"I'm going to up the ante now. I dare you to go check your mail topless and tape yourself doing it. Then send me the proof."
Ella looked at me and laughed.
"He's forgotten that it's the middle of the night here."
"Shouldn't be anyone around. Are you up for it?"
"Fuck it you only live once."
We were just about to get up to do it when a new message popped up.
"Are you still there?"
"Yes, just getting the camera ready."
"Won't your husband think that's a bit weird?"
"No he's away for a conference and he won't be back until late Sunday early Monday. That gives me tomorrow and the whole weekend to me."
"Awesome, we don't have to hold back then. Oh, and with your dare, NO RUNNING! You must walk all the way there, check your mail box and walk all the way back no matter what."
"That makes it harder but you know what? I'm gonna do it anyway. Back soon."
With that Ella stood up and grabbed the camera and tripod.
"You don't need the tripod. I can hold the camera."
"But if you move he will know you were there. It needs to be the same height and still. It's just easier if we put it on the tripod."
"Oh I didn't think of that."
We grabbed all that we needed and walked out the front door. We set up the camera in the driveway where it would catch everything.
"Oh shit!"
"What's up?"
"How am I going to do this with a dress on? I don't want to get changed."
"Here let me show you." I really wanted to be part of this.
I slowly pushed the shoulder straps down over her shoulders and down her arms. I felt her shiver with anticipation and excitement as her breasts popped out of her dress and into the night air. Her nipples stood straight out but it wasn't that cold. I half rolled, half tucked the top half of her dress in around the waist to stop it slipping right off.
Ella has a wicked sense of humor and loves to tease. Sometimes she can be a real flirt but I don't think she's entirely aware of it or the reactions she causes in her hapless victims. Many times I've seen male friends, and even a couple of female ones, squirming in their seats at her innuendos and flirty behavior. The amazing part is no one seems to mind. We can have a group of friends around for an evening and not one person goes away without having a good time. None have ever become upset or angry at her behavior because like me, they seem to know that she is genuinely unaware of her impact on men.
This beautiful woman is not just my wife, she is also my best friend, and confidante and I truly believe she is my soul mate. I know that sounds corny and a little pretentious, but that doesn't make it any less true. I know she will always be there for me and has proven in the past that she will stand by me no matter what stupid thing I have done - believe me, there have been quite a few.
Having said all of this, I've noticed some changes over the last few months that have given me reason to think. For example, she has been spending a lot of time on the internet lately which is very unusual for her as she would sooner have her head in a book normally. When she comes to bed after being on the net she is very amorous and quite sexually aggressive. Even though she's flirty, she's always been fairly unadventurous in bed in the past - probably my only complaint within our marriage. Now, however, I find I'm struggling to keep up with her. There have been a lot of new suggestions lately and they seem to be getting more daring. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining, but all this just seems to have come from nowhere.
After a particularly vigorous session one afternoon when I came home for lunch - not that I ended up having any - I just had to ask.
"Where did this new sense of adventure come from?"
Now I am not the jealous type but this was definitely not the answer I was expecting. I'm also pretty sure we have no friends or relatives named 'Mike'.
"Whoa! Who the hell is Mike?"
"No, it's nothing like that honey."
"Like what? What's going on?"
"Don't get upset. There's nothing to worry about, okay? Mike's a guy I 've been talking to on the net."
"I don't understand. What's he got to do with us?"
"I was just surfing a while ago and I found a website where people get on line and dare each other to do things. They then sometimes post photos to prove they completed the dare. There's a group who chat online about it. They find a partner and dare each other to do things."
"What sort of things?"
I was getting very interested now, but I was still trying to figure out how involved she was with this Mike.
"They are usually sexual things. But it depends on what the people are interested in and how far they are willing to go."
"So this Mike is your partner, is he?"
"Yes, but you need to know that he lives in the U.S. He's on the other side of the world and he's not someone you need to worry about, alright?"
"Okay. I do trust you, and if you say there's nothing to worry about then that's enough for me. Besides If you were getting some action elsewhere then I guess I'd be missing out, and seeing as I'm reaping the benefits, who am I to complain?"
She laughed and gave me a big hug. Feeling her naked body pressed against me made me begin to rise again. When she saw my cock hardening once more she slowly ran her fingertips along the underside of it making it twitch and jump.
"Oh this is a bad idea. I have to get back to work and if you keep that up I'll never leave."
"Is that such a bad thing?"
"Only if you want to continue living in a house and eating."
"Spoil sport."
"Hey I'd be happy to stay here and pleasure you all day if somebody would pay me to do it but I've yet to see that job advertised in the papers. I reckon there would be a hell of a queue for that interview though."
"Yeah, yeah, stop being silly. Go back to work. I'd like to talk more about this tonight when you get home."
"Do I get to eat dinner first? A man could starve around here."
"If you're lucky I might cook you something. There will definitely be something to eat."
She winked and then lay back and spread her legs.
"Oh for god's sake stop it! You're making it too hard to leave."
She pulled the sheet up over herself and smiled.
"Yes and no. I love you. See you tonight."
The rest of the afternoon was going to be torturously slow.
By the time I was on my drive home my imagination was torturing me. Although I was fairly confident that there was nothing to worry about at lunch time, it was a different story by the time I was going home. Every time I had a second to think about it, I was conjuring all kinds of scenarios. To be honest though, it turned out to be pretty harmless.
Ella met me at the door, and along with her welcoming kisses I was greeted with the smell of roast lamb. My wife had a real sparkle of excitement in her eye and she had dressed in a very sexy red dress that was very low cut.
"Mmm, you look good. Are we going somewhere?"
"No I don't think so. That kind of depends on what Mike says."
"Oh, really? How does that work?"
"Well like I said, I want to discuss this with you, so let's sit down and enjoy this roast and some wine."
"How can I refuse a mysterious hottie with an offer like that?"
I went and had a shower while Ella carved the roast and I decided to get a little dressed up for the occasion as well; not that I really understood what the occasion was. We sat and enjoyed the roast and I must say that the view I had across the table straight down Ella's delicious looking cleavage was very distracting.
"Alright, what was it you wanted to tell me about?"
All of a sudden Ella looked very nervous.
"Come on spill the beans, I won't be angry."
"Well, you know how I mentioned Mike and what we do?"
"In the chat room?"
"Yeah, well as I said, it's about dares. What we do is dare each other to do things. So far it has been pretty tame and we haven't required much proof."
"What proof have you had to show so far?"
I figured this was the best way of finding out how far things had gone without sounding too demanding or angry. Truth is I wasn't angry and I didn't want her to think I was.
"We've just sent a few photos back and forth to show that we had performed our dare."
I rolled my hand in a 'give it to me' gesture and prompted more information.
"He dared me to take a photo of me holding up my panties and email it to him to prove that I was talking to him with no panties on."
"Did you?"
"You could have taken a photo with any pair of panties and still been wearing them."
"I know."
"Did you really take them off then?"
"Hmm. Did he ask for more proof that you were pantiless?"
"No he didn't need to."
"Why is that?" I was a bit concerned with how far she may have gone without telling me.
"The conversation we had earlier was a dare to tell each other about what underwear we were wearing, so he knew by my description what they looked like and there was a bit more proof too."
"Oh do tell." I said with a big grin.
"Well we were talking dirty a lot and I'd become very aroused, so there was a wet patch on them which you can see quite clearly in one of the photos."
"So you took several photos?"
"Well we wanted to see what each other looked like and there has been some teasing."
"Wow. How far have you gone in them?"
I have to admit to feeling a whole gamut of emotions. I was a bit jealous of this Mike. I was a little apprehensive of how far they had gone, but more than anything I was getting very excited.
"We've seen each other's face. We've sent photos showing what we look like physically, but not naked."
"And what about these teasing photos?"
"I'll show you everything when we're in the office but basically I sent a couple of photos of me with a tight t-shirt on and no bra. We were getting pretty worked up and my nipples were really standing out and I showed him the inside of my thighs as I was wearing a skirt."
"Could he see your panties in those shots?"
She gave me a cheeky grin.
"That was after I'd taken them off."
I swear there was a clunk as my jaw hit the table.
She laughed and said, "There's no way you can see my pussy from the angle I took the photo."
"Jesus! Ella."
"There is one I took that shows a bit more; you can see my pussy from above but I didn't send him that one. I didn't even tell him about it or he would have talked me into it."
"I have to get in on this."
I was so turned on by this idea I felt like I was about to rip the seam in my pants.
"That's where it gets awkward. He doesn't want me to tell you about it even though I said you would probably be fine with it. He also wants to start having these chats over the webcam but I told him we don't have one. I wanted to check with you first."
"If you're going to be having these chats over the webcam, there's no way I'm not going to be there. This is the sort of thing we share and there is no way I'll be kept out of my own office or our sex life."
"Calm down! This is why I wanted to talk to you about it. I wouldn't have it that way either. I've been giving this some thought, though and I think I've come up with the answer. If I say no to this, he'll back out. I think this is his way of getting off on it knowing that I'm married. So what I think we should do is say to him that I went out and bought a webcam today but didn't realize that I had to get a microphone as well. That way you can be in the room with me but out of view of the camera. We can still discuss things as we go; it will just look like I'm reading out loud or talking to myself."
I had to laugh at this.
"You really did put some thought into this didn't you? If this is what you really want then let's do it. We're going to have to move the computer a bit though so we can both see what's happening but still be comfortable and so I can come and go from the room without him seeing me."
We spent the next half an hour moving furniture and testing our theories. When we were happy with the set up we got online. Mike wasn't on yet and it looked like we'd have to wait a while.
"While we're waiting, why don't you show me these photos you took?"
She gave me another of her cheeky grins as she clicked her way into her folders and found the one labeled 'dares'. She opened it up and I was surprised by how many photos were in there.
"You've been busy!"
"You know what it's like; you have to take a heap of photos before you get some you're happy with. It's hard taking photos of yourself, even with a timer and tripod."
She was right. There were quite a few blurry ones and some with her head cut off. They did get better the further down the page we went and the more she practiced. I'd reached some of the 'juicier' ones now and was surprised at them. There was nothing x-rated but I was surprised she'd taken them at all, to be honest. Like I said earlier she does flirt a lot but mostly she never seems to be overtly aware of her own sexuality and how it affects other people.
As we went down the page she showed a bit more flesh. There were some of her cleavage, her bare tummy and the ones of her in her skirt. There were a few of her in a t-shirt that left me in no doubt at all that she had removed her bra. Her nipples were very rigid and there were a couple where you could even see the color of her areole through the shirt. In amongst the cleavage ones were some where she had pulled her shirt forward and taken a 'down blouse' shot, including one where you could quite clearly see her nipples. I asked her about that one.
"I never sent that one to him because it showed too much."
"Would you send it to him?"
"I wasn't sure how you'd feel about it so I didn't. I'm not sure if I would. I guess it depends on how horny I get and how far I want to go with this dare thing."
"I think you should."
She looked at me with one eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face.
"Turns you on thinking someone else is looking at me, doesn't it?"
"Hmm, interesting."
She said no more on the matter and we scrolled through more photos. We then came across the ones she mentioned earlier about her panties.
The first one was her just standing there in her skirt and white t-shirt. Her nipples were standing out and you could see that she had already taken her bra off. The next one showed her in the same pose except her panties were around her knees. The third one showed her still standing in the same place except she has the panties in her hand. The final one showed her still standing but leaning in closer to the camera. She was holding up her panties close to the camera and you could see a very definite wet patch in the crotch of her panties.
The next set showed her legs from the knees down. Then with each shot you could see more of her thighs culminating in the shot she had told me she hadn't sent. This one showed her body from below her tits right down. Because she held the camera very close to her body and the way the skirt was bunched around her waist you couldn't really see her pussy. You could see her pierced belly button, her pubes and her very sexy thighs but you couldn't make out the shape of her pussy lips. If she was shaved you probably could but she doesn't like to shave. She keeps her pubes very neat and tidy and she waxes during summer but she doesn't like to go bald because she says it makes her look like a child.
As we got to the bottom of the page I noticed another folder. This one was named 'Mike'.
"So Mike sends you photos too. I'm glad it's not all one way."
Ella clicked this folder open now and I received my first surprise. Mike was a very tall and quite an athletic, African American. I don't really know why this surprised me; it was just not what I expected. We scrolled through his photos and most of them were the same type of photos as Ella's. They were obviously giving each other the same type of dares. He was dressed very nicely like he was going to a party or an evening out. The next set showed him opening his shirt. Holy shit, this guy was well built.
"He must work out, a lot!" was all I could gasp.
I must have sounded a bit nervous. I was feeling a bit inadequate. I'm not in bad shape but I'm nothing like this guy. Ella gave me a look that pretty much asked if I was ok.
"You know you have nothing to worry about don't you? I have always said to you that it doesn't matter where you get your appetite so long as you come home to eat."
"Yeah I'm fine. Just feeling a bit underdone."
She laughed again.
"Your plenty for me hon. besides this one would be way too much for me. Have a look at this."
She scrolled down a bit further and brought up a photo of Mike in just a pair of jocks.
"Holy shit! What does he do, smuggle Anacondas from South America?"
"Yeah he certainly is a big boy. Too big for me. I think the only way to have sex with him would be to have your organs removed for the evening. You'd need the space."
I was gob smacked. I mean, I've seen those websites with blokes with enormous dicks but I always assumed they were fake.
"That can't be real."
"Well that's one of the things I'd like to find out but I'm pretty sure he won't show me any more unless I do."
"Honey, I'm not gay but I would like to know if that thing is real too. I think you should send him the two photos you didn't."
Ella gave me a very level look.
"If I do that I'm not sure where it is going to end. Are you prepared to do that?"
I thought about what she said for a while.
"You will only go as far as you want to. You know you can say no and stop anytime you want right? And you know that I trust you. Besides, he's half a planet away it's not like he can touch you physically from there."
"Let's do this."
She brought up the e-mail program and created a new e-mail. She inserted both pictures and left a small message saying she had decided to share these photos with him. She moved the mouse over the send icon and then looked me in the eye.
"You're absolutely sure?"
"Only if you want to."
A huge grin spread across her face and she clicked 'send'.
"I'm fucking wet already just thinking about him looking at those."
Within seconds of sending the e-mail, the chat icon lit up at the bottom of the page.
"That was bloody quick. Do you think he'd have it already?"
"I doubt it. Probably just a coincidence. Why don't you ask him?"
She logged on and began to type.
"Hi Mike. I was just looking at your cock and decided to send you some more pics from the other night."
"Awesome. Can't wait to see more of your hot bod. Send them through."
"I already have, check your e-mail."
"Right. brb."
I waited, nervously, while this stranger looked at my wife's naked body. I was surprised to find that I really wanted approval from this man that I had never met and would likely never talk to. I looked across at Ella and saw she had the same look of apprehension on her face.
"Got them."
"God damn you are fucking hot. I'm hard as a rock over here."
"I'd like to see that."
"Lol. Not yet. You've got to do some more things for me first."
"Shit. I forgot it's my turn."
"Does your camera take videos?"
"I'm going to up the ante now. I dare you to go check your mail topless and tape yourself doing it. Then send me the proof."
Ella looked at me and laughed.
"He's forgotten that it's the middle of the night here."
"Shouldn't be anyone around. Are you up for it?"
"Fuck it you only live once."
We were just about to get up to do it when a new message popped up.
"Are you still there?"
"Yes, just getting the camera ready."
"Won't your husband think that's a bit weird?"
"No he's away for a conference and he won't be back until late Sunday early Monday. That gives me tomorrow and the whole weekend to me."
"Awesome, we don't have to hold back then. Oh, and with your dare, NO RUNNING! You must walk all the way there, check your mail box and walk all the way back no matter what."
"That makes it harder but you know what? I'm gonna do it anyway. Back soon."
With that Ella stood up and grabbed the camera and tripod.
"You don't need the tripod. I can hold the camera."
"But if you move he will know you were there. It needs to be the same height and still. It's just easier if we put it on the tripod."
"Oh I didn't think of that."
We grabbed all that we needed and walked out the front door. We set up the camera in the driveway where it would catch everything.
"Oh shit!"
"What's up?"
"How am I going to do this with a dress on? I don't want to get changed."
"Here let me show you." I really wanted to be part of this.
I slowly pushed the shoulder straps down over her shoulders and down her arms. I felt her shiver with anticipation and excitement as her breasts popped out of her dress and into the night air. Her nipples stood straight out but it wasn't that cold. I half rolled, half tucked the top half of her dress in around the waist to stop it slipping right off.