Update 02

I pressed the record button and sent her on her way. She slowly walked down the drive way and her beautiful clear skin shone in the moonlight. She walked with an exaggerated sway of the hips and to be honest it was one of the sexiest things I have ever seen.

She arrived at the letterbox and made a big show of checking it for mail. She turned and looked straight down the camera with her lovely tits on display, and with a pouty expression said, "Gee nobody loves me. No one wants to send me a letter."

She then walked back towards the camera, sashaying as she went. About half way back a car came around the corner and its headlights swept down our driveway briefly. I could see the look of panic in her eye. As they went past somebody yelled something indecipherable out the window. Ella jumped when they yelled and her dress started to slip down. It dropped far enough that you could see her pubes but she grabbed it before it fell any further. She did keep her cool and kept walking though.

After I turned the camera off I said to her, "I can't believe you didn't run when the car went past."

"Mike said I had to walk. If I didn't do the dare right I'd have to do another one."

"Oh, so there are rules, hey?"

"Yes and they're strict. I want to keep going with this, if that's ok with you, but if I break the rules he won't play anymore."

I ignored the small reference to permission. I'd already given that.

"I also noticed a distinct lack of panties."

"I was going to surprise you later."

"Well consider me surprised."

We sat back down at the computer and they started up the conversation again. Ella hooked up the camera to the computer and uploaded the video to the e-mail and sent it.

"I'm back."

"Wow that was quick. I thought you might chicken out of that one, and you know what that would mean."

"Yeah I know. I've sent it to your e-mail."

"Have you watched it back?"

"No need. I lived it. That's better than watching it."

"Awesome. Give me a few minutes to watch it."

We sat and waited nervously again for Mike to go watch the video. It seemed to take forever.

"Why don't you want to watch it?" I asked.

"I don't know, just seems silly watching myself."

"I think you should."


"Just to see how you did."

"Alright. I guess we can. You just want to watch it again don't you? You are such a perve!"

"I know," I said, "But when it comes to you I can't get enough - besides you know I like to watch."

Ella laughed as I pressed 'play' on the camera, then she stared at the screen as she saw herself for the first time walking around outside, half naked. By the time it had finished she was lightly brushing one nipple with her finger tips and she was softly biting her bottom lip.

"Wow. That was hot."

"I told you."

"Yeah but you're biased."

The chat icon popped up and when she opened it there was a message that simply said.

"Holy shit!"

"Liked that did you? What took you so long?"

"I had to watch that twice. And try to pause it when your pussy showed. Lol."

"I'm glad you liked it. Guess what I got today."

"No idea."

"A webcam."


"I thought you'd be happy about that."

"That's fantastic, turn it on. Let's do this."

"Settle down. I haven't even got it plugged in yet. Oh, and I thought it had an inbuilt mike but it turns out it doesn't so we will still have to type."

"Oh well, maybe next time."

"Give me a second and I'll have the cam going."

Ella sat back and looked at me.

"What are you doing?" I queried.

"I'm just waiting a few seconds to turn it on. He thinks I don't know what I'm doing, so why ruin it by moving too quickly?"

If I'm honest with myself I have to admit to being impressed and just a little unnerved by just how sneaky Ella was acting.

"Are you ready for me to do this?" she insisted.

"Like I keep saying, if it's what you want to do, then go for it."

"Yeah, but is it what you want?"

"Have you not noticed the tent in my lap? The fact that you want to do this just adds to my enjoyment of it, honey. Now let's not keep the man waiting."

"Alright, here goes nothing," she laughed. "Remember to stay out of shot."

She clicked on the button to request a cam session. His picture came up within seconds, as though his finger was hovering over the mouse button just waiting. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Wow somebody's keen."

All of a sudden it was like Ella just changed personalities. She just totally relaxed into it and started up the flirting. Maybe 'changed personalities' is the wrong way of putting it. It was more like she amped up her personality. She had a huge smile on her face and she leaned a long way forward showing ample cleavage. It was kind of strange to witness.

"Well hello there, sexy lady."

"You don't look so bad yourself."

"Did you enjoy doing that dare?"

"You know, apart from being nervous, I really did. It kind of got me hot."

"Really? I'll have to keep that in mind."

"Just go easy on me. I am new at this you know."

"We've got all the time in the world, I have to admit that I was just a little disappointed that it's night time there, until the car went past any way. Now I guess it's my turn. Have you thought of something for me to do?"

"Actually yes I have, but I think you might think it's a bit lame."


"Because it's an easy one."

"Oh no!"


"Whenever someone says it's easy it always turns out to be harder than they imagined."

"I have got harder ones but I want you to do this one first."

"Alright. Give it to me."

"Ok, I dare you to tell me about yourself, not just your 'identity' on the net but who you really are and the place where you live."

"What the hell for?"

"You know the rules, do you accept the dare?"

"Alright, I ain't gonna back down now, but for the record, this is not easy."

"Well I'm glad it wasn't too lame."

"Well as you know my name is Mike. I am 32 and I have one brother and one sister. I'm single, not really by choice, never been married and I have no kids. I guess you could say that I'm the eternal bachelor. That doesn't mean that I sit on my ass and watch football and drink beer all the time, although I do like to play poker with my buddies and we usually have a few beers in the process."

Ella was about to reply but she could see Mike was typing another message. We both waited. He was telling us more.

"Both of my parents died when I was a teenager at college. My sister is married and has two gorgeous little kids but we don't get to see each other very often as she lives in a town called 'Lyons' in Colorado. Her husband owns an engineering company that mainly works on ski lifts. It's such a long way from where I live that we usually only see each other once a year. I refuse to go there in the winter because it's just so damn cold. She refuses to come here in summer because it's hot and humid.

"I live in a town called 'Cocoa' in Florida. So we do have to contend with some exciting weather and mosquitoes big enough to carry off small children. Oh, and the Gators can be annoying when you go fishing too. But when you see a shuttle take off from Cape Canaveral it makes up for it.

"My brother lives in the same town as me and he has a girlfriend who lives with him but I don't think either of them wants to get married. They still like a certain amount of freedom if you know what I mean. My brother is a traveling salesman for a power tool company, and like they say with sailors, he probably has a girl in every port. Don't get me wrong, he loves his girlfriend and they live together when he's home, he just ain't home all that much. I've never seen a 'visitor' at his house when he's not home but it wouldn't surprise me. You can't neglect someone as fine as her for long and get away with it.

"Any way that's me in a nutshell. Not much more to tell you."

"What do you do for a living?" my wife asked him.

"I cart rich people's boats around and put them where they want them. Sometimes I get to take them on a small trip up or down the coast but they usually want them trailered. So I spend half my days driving my truck and half my days doing whatever I want."

"Are there many decent shopping malls near you?"

"Typical girl question. Lol. I don't know what constitutes a good one but yes there are a few around here."

"Well I guess that just about covers my dare. I guess now it's my turn again."

"I might just have to think about it for a while."

"Well don't hurt yourself thinking too hard. I have to go to the bathroom, back soon."

Ella got up to move out of view of the webcam but she couldn't resist leaning a long way forward as she did, showing Mike a great view of her tits down the top of her dress.

"You look like you're having fun," I teased.

"Oh well, might as well give him something to think about while he thinks of a dare for me."

"Does it scare you that he's thinking of a new dare?"

"No, just kind of gets me a bit excited to be honest."

"So what was the deal with fishing for info?" I asked her.

"Gives me something to work on when I make up his dares. I've got some good ones floating around up here." She tapped her head with her finger.

She went and sat back down at the computer, judging she had been gone for the appropriate amount of time for a loo break.

"I'm back."

"I can see that. I also saw a very nice view when you got up."

"Did you now? Did you find the view inspirational?"

"Well it just so happens I did. I thought to myself, I really want to see those gorgeous titties some more."

"Oh that's easy."

Ella reached up to her shoulders and slowly lowered the straps of her dress. First one side and then she slowly lowered the other side until the dress was just barely staying in place and seemed to be clinging to her nipples. I looked at the image of Mike and he had his face right up to the screen, his eyes transfixed on my wife's chest. She looked straight into the camera and did this kind of shoulder shake that made her dress fall down to her waist, revealing her tits in all their glory with very erect nipples topping their swelling mounds.

"Well I must say they are glorious and I could look at you all day like that. I appreciate you doing it for me; now about that dare."

"I beg your pardon? Haven't I just completed your dare?"

"Not at all. I just said I wanted to look them, I didn't dare you to show them to me."

I burst out laughing and Ella blushed a bright red which then traveled from her face down her chest. I couldn't help but think she blushes the same way when she comes.

"Alright smart ass, you got a freebie. Now what's your dare?"

The way she typed it made her sound angry but I could see the smile starting at the corners of her mouth and eyes and I'm pretty sure Mike could too.

"I see you are in your office. So seeing as you have the girls out you may as well leave them that way and grab some of those clips behind you and see how long you can leave them on your nipples."

I saw her hesitate for the first time. She turned around and found the clips he was talking about. They were like miniature bulldog clips. She turned back to the computer and I could see the look of doubt on her face.

"These ones?"


"This is gonna hurt."

"If it's unbearable don't leave them there. Or are you going to reject my dare?"

All of a sudden there was a look of steely defiance on her face.

She looked down at the clips. She looked at her nipples. She looked up at the screen with a look that clearly said "Bastard". She took one of the clips and opened it; she slowly released the pressure off the clip as it clamped down over her right nipple. She took a sharp breath in. I expected to hear her say how much it hurt but instead she let out a guttural moan and she shivered, making her breasts shake.

When she looked back up her face had changed. Gone was the look of apprehension and instead I could see lust smoldering just below the surface. Her blush had returned and she was taking slow, deep breaths like she was trying to control herself. She looked at the screen and Mike had this 'knowing' look on his face. He bent forward and typed.

"That's good isn't it?"

"God yes," she typed with an effort.

"But you're not finished. It's time to put the other one on."

She let out another moan and picked up the second clip. She took a few deep breaths to steady herself and then placed the second clip over her left nipple. She moaned again as the little clamp bit down on her nipple. She was squirming in her seat and I knew she'd be very wet and I wished I could taste her, but I didn't want the game to end just yet.

Mike sent another message as Ella calmed down a bit.

"You like that more than you expected don't you?"


"Are you having fun?"


I could tell Ella was still struggling to control herself by her one word answers.

"You looked very intense just now."

"Did I?"

"Oh yeah. That made you feel real good - so good you were nearly going to cum?"


"Do you want to play some more?"


"Good. You're very wet aren't you Ella?"


Wow. This was getting interesting. It was like she had forgotten I was in the room and I wasn't about to remind her.

"Good. Do you like being wet Ella?"

"I love it."

"I want you to do something for me. I know you don't want to show me your pussy yet but I really want to see how wet you are."


"I want you to slip a finger inside your pussy and when it's all nice and wet I want you to show it to me."


Ok? Ella had never masturbated in front of me before. I know she does it just like everybody else but she has always been too nervous to display herself like that to me.

She reached down and started to pull the bottom of her dress up around her waist; it now looked like a large red belt holding up nothing. She put her feet up onto the chair so that they were sole to sole, and let her knees relax. Mike was looking at her down the monitor like he was trying to will the camera to see lower but what Ella was doing was below the height of the desk, so he couldn't see. All he could see was Ella's knees spread wide apart, her nipples in clamps and the look of intense pleasure on her face.

Opening herself up wide she reached down and slid one finger straight into herself. She was so wet that she didn't need to work her finger in, it just slid straight in. I could see her swollen lips and they were covered in her juices. She moaned as she slid her finger in and out of her pussy. She had her hand so that every time she pushed her finger in, she squashed her palm hard against her clit. She pulled her finger out then slid a second in beside it. She curved the two fingers she now had in her up so that she massaged her 'G' spot.

She looked like she was about to explode when she pulled her fingers out and held them up close to the camera. You could see the light reflecting off her glistening fingers and you could see the look of longing on Mike's face, especially when she took those fingers and popped them in her mouth, sucking her own juices off them.

I was blown away, and coincidentally I almost blew in my pants. I've never seen Ella behave like this before and I liked it.

"Can I take these clamps off now Mike? They're starting to hurt."

"Absolutely. That was stunning. You are so hot."

"Thank you, but I'm going to have to go now."

"I thought you might."

"But I'll give you your dare first. This one will take some time."

"I'm scared already."

"No this one isn't scary. I dare you to go to your busiest local shopping mall and take a lot of photos. The idea is that when you send them to me I should be able to get a very good idea what the place looks like and where things are in relation to each other. The reason for this will become clear with your next dare - if I make it through yours of course. It would probably be better if you take the photos over several days so people get used to seeing you in there with a camera."

"I've gotta say I've never been asked to do this before, but I'll give it a go. I accept your dare and I will talk to you tomorrow night. Oh and by the way, seeing as I got a freebie I decided that you should too. Check your e-mail. Goodnight."

"Ok. Goodnight."

We went straight into Ella's inbox. There was only one new message and it was from Mike.

It was titled 'A freebie for a freebie'. There was no text, just an attachment. Ella opened the attachment and there was a picture of Mike, obviously taken tonight while watching Ella's show. The man has the biggest hard-on I have ever seen. His cock looked rock solid and was so long it reached up to between his navel and his nipples. I was stunned and Ella couldn't seem to drag her eyes away from it. The head was the size, shape and color of a large plum. It was thick too - about as thick around as a good sized cucumber. I don't know if there are too many women in this world that could take all of Mike. In fact I think most would run screaming if presented with a cock that size.

We didn't even shut down the computer that night. Within moments Ella had jumped on me. She grabbed at my pants, trying to get them undone. I stood up and helped her pull them down. She pushed me back onto the office chair and straddled me. I had one very swollen nipple in my mouth and I just had time to hope the chair didn't collapse when I felt her wet pussy slide down onto my cock.

After that, all intelligent thought stopped. Ella rode me hard, slamming herself onto me in a frenzy. Very rapidly she reached her climax and froze in place. The only movement I could feel was her breathing hard and her pussy spasming on me. She had cum so hard and was so wet that I could feel her juices all over her thighs and my balls.

Once she had her first release she slowed things down a bit and slowly slid backwards and forwards on my cock, making it push on her 'g' spot and rub against her clit. She began a slow build toward another climax. Her face, neck and her chest were now blushing. She had her head thrown back, her mouth was open and between panting breaths she was moaning. Her eyes were closed and I wondered briefly if she was thinking of Mike and surprised myself by not being jealous.

In fact the thought of Ella riding that giant black cock pushed me right to the limit of my control and as Ella started to cum I was sent over the edge. I came so hard that Ella's eyes opened in surprise and we stared into each other's eyes as I squirted against her cervix again and again.​
Next page: Update 03
Previous page: Update 01