Update 04

"Forgetting something?"


"Take some photos if you think you can concentrate on that and being blown at the same time."

She laughed at me again and then went back to giving me a fantastic blow job. I started taking photos and was impressed with the sultry looks she was giving me as she slowly slid her mouth down the length of my cock. I took a photo every few seconds as she went until she had her nose buried deep in my pubic hair and the head of my cock right in the back of her throat. Once I had taken a few photos she picked up the pace and really started to get into blowing me. I was getting closer and she must have tasted my pre cum because she stopped.

"I don't want you to cum just yet. Did we get enough pictures?"

I tried not to sound too disappointed.

"Yeah I guess so."

"Oh don't pout, poor baby."

"Smart ass."

"It's more than just smart."

"Yeah it's pretty damn sexy too."

She walked around to the other side of the bed, wiggling that sexy ass all the way. When she bent over to get her toy box she spread her legs and bent over straight legged. She looked over her shoulder at me.

"Is it sexy enough for you?"

"If you keep that up it won't just be sexy, it will also be full of my cock."

A slow grin spread across her face and she raised one eye brow. That was the closest she had ever come to agreeing to anal. I nearly blew my load right there I was so excited. I closed my eyes and tried, not very convincingly, to calm down. I took a deep breath to steady myself.

"We should be getting back in there. Mike will be expecting you back. You should probably put your top back on too."

Ella seemed to think about it for a moment.

"I suppose. I kind of want to leave it off though."

"You can take it off again for Mike but put it on first."


Every now and then I had to shake myself mentally. Did I really just tell my wife to strip for a stranger? Well he's not really a stranger but not far off it. This was definitely a strange couple of days.

We went back to the office, I was careful to stay out of view and Ella loaded the photos into her file and then emailed them all to Mike. She brought back up the chat program and Mike was still there waiting patiently.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I had an idea and had to get a few things."

"Sounds interesting, I hope it was a naughty idea."

"I don't know about naughty but it definitely is nice."

"Do tell I'm very intrigued now."

"In a minute. First things first. Do you want your next dare?"

"I guess. After the last one I'm a bit uncertain."

"This is very similar and very much related to the last one. I dare you to take your camera back to the mall and get as many up skirt or down blouse photos as you can without being caught. Then I want you to email the photos to me so that I can compare them with the ones you've already taken. This way I can make sure you took them and didn't just download them."

"Fuck me. That is not going to be easy."

"You wouldn't be chickening out on me are you?"

"Hell no! I've never caved on a dare yet. I'm not about to start now."

"Good I look forward to your results. Now about those jaw stretching exercises. Check your email."

"Ok. Brb."

"Man that was a tough dare."

"Yeah I didn't want him to think I was going soft on his dares."

"Yeah but he could get into real trouble."

"And walking around outside half naked won't get me in trouble if the wrong people see? He'll be alright he's smart enough to be able to do it without getting caught. I'm not trying to get him in trouble, just giving him something challenging. Oh look here he comes back."

"Damn girl. You sure know how to suck a cock. I love seeing you with a cock in you. You have a beautiful pair of tits too."

"So you like seeing that?"

"Hell yeah."

"I guess I can help you a little there then."

She reached down, grabbed the bottom of her top and pulled it straight up over her head. After throwing her shirt onto the floor she reached up and pinched each of her nipples making them stand to attention.

"Is that better?"

"That's a lot better. Now if only I could see you sucking my cock."

"It's big Mike but it won't reach half way around the world. I'm afraid this is the best I can do for you."

Ella lifted the lid on her toy box and lifted out a flesh coloured dildo about seven inches long and started licking all around the head and slowly taking it into her mouth. Inch by inch she slid it into her mouth until eventually all that was protruding was the vibrator control.

"Fuck that's hot. I wish that was my cock. That dildo is a nice starting point but obviously it is way too small."

"Hmm too small you say."

"Only compared to my cock of course."

"Of course. Perhaps this is more accurate."

She replaced the flesh coloured dildo and I knew what was coming. It was a dildo a friend of Ella's bought for her once as a joke. The joke however was on Cassie, her friend, because Ella loved this thing. It wasn't a dildo she used all that often, only when she wanted to feel especially full. It was twelve inches long and about two inches thick, it was also black. Not quite as big as Mike but still it was pretty big. She had never managed to get it all the way into her before and she always talked about how stretched it made her feel when she had it in her pussy but I had never seen her attempt to suck it.

She looked longingly at it and started to lick the head while she kept eye contact with the web cam, essentially looking Mike in the eye as she tried to take this massive cock into her mouth. It took quite a few attempts and a lot of licking just to get the tip past her teeth. All of a sudden the head just popped into her mouth and she could move it back and forth a few inches. It was obvious she could never get it much further and there was spit running down off her chin.

Mike was mesmerized. He sat there with a stunned look of disbelief on his face and I have to say that I agree. I too was feeling shocked that she managed to get a cock that big into her mouth. There was a loud pop and a gasp as she pulled it out of her mouth and she rubbed the corner of her jaw for a moment.

"Sorry, had to stop. I got a cramp in my jaw."

"Holy shit, how much is a ticket from Australia to here? I have got to try that."

"More than I can afford, that's for sure."

"What a shame. That's a talent that shouldn't be wasted."

"Hubby certainly didn't complain when those photos were taken."

"I bet he didn't the lucky bastard."

"So have you thought about your next dare for me?" Ella asked.

"I haven't done mine yet."

"I know. I just thought that I might make a start on it while you're doing yours."

"Well tomorrow is Saturday and the Mall is always busy on a Saturday so I guess I should be able to get some. So by the time I come back on I should have mine done and you could have yours done. Let me think about it for a minute."

"Don't take to long; I need to get to bed. But in the mean time you can sit back and have a nice long look at my tits while you're thinking about it."

She tilted the camera down just a little bit and then pushed her chair back. She lifted her bare feet up onto the chair and let her knees fall out to the side. She licked one of her fingers and started to run it around one nipple and then the other. She quickly squeezed one and her stomach tightened and her knees came up together as she sucked in a short sharp breath.

At first I was a little confused as to why she had tilted the camera down but after a moment discovered the reason. Her loose legged shorts fell open as she spread her legs and the camera was looking straight down her thighs at her very wet pussy. Needless to say, so was Mike. After a few minutes of nipple tweaking Ella reached down, pulled her shorts to one side and slid a finger straight into her pussy. After getting her finger nice and wet she brought it back out and started circling her clit with it. Every now and then she would dip her finger back in to moisten it and then start rubbing her clit again. It didn't take her very long to reach her climax. As she came she squeezed her legs together, clamping her hand onto her pussy for a few moments before shuddering and relaxing again.

"Ok times up. What's the dare?"

"You actually expected me to think while watching you play with your pussy like that? I can't think right now all the blood has gone from my head into my cock. Look."

He stood up and there right in front of the camera he was stroking the biggest, fattest cock I had ever seen. Ella seemed to shudder again and her hand went straight back to her pussy. I was stunned and even a little jealous because Ella was licking her lips again and she now had two fingers deep inside her pussy.

I had to wonder would my cock ever satisfy her again.

Mike sat down and the spell was broken. Ella was very flushed in the face and was breathing quite heavily. Mike was looking a little stunned himself. I think he normally had a bit more control but was losing it when it came to Ella. I have to say I understood where he was coming from. I was feeling a little shell shocked myself.

"Wow. Ok. Um your dare. Alright, I was going to save this one until later but what the hell. You gave me a difficult one so you can have one too. I dare you to accidently/on purpose flash a pizza delivery guy and catch it on video."

"Shit that is a hard one."

"Do you accept my dare?"

"Yes, of course."

"Well then I had better go. I've got some issues to take in hand if you know what I mean."

"I wish I could help or at least watch."

"Not yet. Good night."

"Spoil sport. Good night."

"Well what a night." I said once I had my wits about me again.

"You're not wrong; I wasn't planning on doing that. The idea just popped into my head and I went with it. You aren't angry are you?"

"No not at all, I'm a bit surprised but not angry."

"Good. Let's get into bed and you can finish me off."

"I'm not going to finish you off. Tonight Mike is going to finish you off."

I held up the big black dildo grinning.

"Well if Mike is going to finish me off I guess I better finish what I started earlier."

We just about ran to the bed room and seconds later we were both naked. Ella straddled me in a 69 position and immediately started to lick and suck on my cock. I licked her pussy a few times but she let go of my cock and said.

"Just get that big black cock into me now."

Who am I to refuse I thought and immediately went to work sliding the head all around her wet, slippery hole. I applied a bit of pressure and felt her moan around my cock. She pushed back hard against it and forced it into herself. As I started sliding it in and out of her pussy she started making growling noises in her throat, which felt incredible on the head of my cock.

She was really impaling herself hard onto the dildo now and her back and forth motion meant she was sucking my cock in and out of her mouth. I could tell she was only moments away from coming and I wasn't far off either. I reached up and as the dildo slid deep into her pussy I rubbed my finger over her very wet ass hole. She didn't complain or stop; instead she pushed back harder and moaned louder. Emboldened I threw caution to the wind and applied some real pressure. My finger slid into her up to the second knuckle. She froze and I thought for a moment she was going to get angry but instead she started shaking and almost screaming around my cock, of which she still hadn't let go, and she started coming. Her juices were flowing out around the dildo and running down her thighs.

She spasmed twice more then really went to town on my cock. She was swirling her tongue around the head and then plunging down, filling her throat with my cock. She did this four or five times and I couldn't take any more. I warned her that I was about to come but she didn't stop. I blasted into her mouth and she just moaned as she swallowed all that I had to offer her.

As she came up for air she had this wild look in her eye.

"That was fucking good. You tasted so good."

Talk about a night for firsts.​
Next page: Update 05
Previous page: Update 03