Update 05
Naked Dare Ch. 03
After a well deserved sleep in we awoke to a beautiful sunny day. Not wanting to waste it we decided we would get out of the house for a while. We packed a picnic lunch and headed off. We had no destination in mind as we drove down the road. I just pointed the car in a general direction and drove. We found ourselves heading out of town and as I went through one of the many small country towns around here I remembered a nice spot I had been to years earlier. I turned off the sealed road not far out of this town and headed down a dirt road. After about ten minutes I found the turn off I was looking for.
I don't know if this was someone's property or just public land but there were no gates or fences saying that we couldn't go in there. There were just two tire tracks through the grass that meandered down to a flat section just before the river. I parked the car and when I got out I thought this is the perfect place for a picnic. The grass was nice and soft under my bare feet, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and the trees along the rivers edge offered shade from the relentless sun.
We set up the picnic rug under the shade and listened to the sounds of the river babbling and the birds chirping; chasing each other and insects through the trees and undergrowth near the river. We could have been the only people in the world at that moment as there were no other signs of humanity.
We ate our lunch and enjoyed a chilled white wine I brought in the cooler. The river was winding its way through a valley and the valley offered protection from the wind. The lack of a breeze soon meant we were getting very hot under the sun. We got up and wandered down to the river with plans of cooling our feet in the water.
We walked along the edge trying to find a nice level area to get in but they were few and far between. I spotted a likely spot a bit further along. I walked down to the waters edge and got in as deep as my ankles and turned to Ella.
"It's nice and cool but be careful, those rocks are slippery."
She got level with me and I turned to head deeper into the water but as I turned I heard a yelp followed by a large splash. I turned back around fast, nearly losing my balance, to find Ella on her bum in the mud and water where she was previously standing. I tried so hard not to laugh but it just came flooding out. I thought she was going to be angry at me for laughing at her but thankfully she saw the funny side of it too and began laughing herself.
"Oh crap! I'm soaked."
"You should see your back."
"You're covered in mud from your bum to your shoulders."
At first she was laughing about it but then her face turned serious.
"What am I supposed to wear home? I didn't bring a change of clothes. I wasn't planning on going swimming."
"I don't think you can really call that swimming you know. Mud diving maybe, but definitely not swimming."
"Yeah, very funny smart ass."
"I'm pretty sure there's a towel or something in the car we can use or you can sit on the picnic blanket."
"Great, now I get to sit in this muck for the next hour while we drive home."
We went back to the car and I tried not to laugh at the way she was walking. It was more of a stiff legged waddle than a walk. I opened the boot and discovered a towel that had been put there on a previous occasion. I offered it to her but she didn't look real impressed.
"There is no way I can clean up and get all this dry so I can sit in the car. I'll get mud everywhere and I don't want to get the seats wet."
"I'm sorry but there is nothing else in here."
I packed up the picnic basket, threw it in the boot and put the picnic rug on the front seat. While I was doing this Ella was on the other side of the car muttering and mumbling. I looked up after laying down the picnic rug to see Ella standing there with just the towel around herself and her wet clothes in her hand. Being an older towel that had been thrown in as an emergency, it wasn't exactly a big one.
She walked around the car after dumping her wet clothes in the boot. As she came around the car I could see that it wasn't going to be any where near enough to cover her. Her tits were covered but her pussy and ass were on full display to any one who looked. It wasn't a problem here but once we got back to civilization it might become an issue.
I took pity on her and took my shirt off.
"Here, wear this and put the towel around your waste."
We got into the car and headed back. Ella hadn't said a word since about ten minutes after we left. I thought maybe she was pissed off and just not talking but when I turned to look at her I realized she had fallen asleep. That was when my imagination kicked into gear and I decided to have a little fun with the situation.
Instead of returning through the small country towns the way we had come, I headed for the freeway. This added about twenty minutes to the trip but gave me a much better chance of success for my plan.
As we were nearing the freeway I slowly started to move the towel apart where it crossed over. Inch by inch the two halves came away from each other until finally they fell down either side of her thighs.
We hit the freeway and straight away I spotted what I was looking for. A truck just up ahead looked to be a perfect target for what I wanted to do. I took off, accelerating until I pulled along side of the truck, pacing myself with the cabin for a few minutes. The driver looked across straight down into Ella's lap where he could see she had no pants on. He swerved slightly with surprise and gave me a 'thumbs up' before I accelerated to find my next potential voyeur. I managed to show her to about half a dozen trucks and four wheel drives on the trip home.
We were almost home when an advertising board gave me a new idea. I pulled off the freeway at the sign and pulled into a well known fast food drive through. I ordered two coffees and the girl taking the money was blushing bright red but couldn't take her eyes off my wife's pussy. She was so distracted that she dropped the change as she was handing it to me.
"Oh sorry sir, you stay there I'll get it for you."
I smiled at her as she got out of the booth and she certainly took her time handing me the change. By the time I got to the next window to get my coffee I suspected she may have said something to the rest of the staff.
I have never had four people serve me for two coffees before and they certainly lingered. I almost laughed when one of the boys was standing there with his mouth wide open and his eyes nearly hanging out of his head.
I pulled out of the driveway and was reaching for my coffee when Ella spoke.
"Well I'm glad you thought to get me a coffee too."
"Ah, sure hon."
I wondered if she had noticed the towel yet.
"I'm pretty sure I know what that pimple faced boy will be dreaming about tonight. Probably gave him the thrill of his week."
Oh shit. She was onto me.
"How long have you been awake?"
"For about twenty minutes. I didn't want to spoil your fun though so I just pretended."
"You're not angry at me?"
"No. It's not like any of them could see much more than some pubes, except maybe the girl who gave you the change. Seeing as she went to so much effort to get a closer look I decided that would be the right time for a small stretch."
"Holy shit!"
"I just spread my legs a little for a few seconds to give her a better look."
"I didn't even notice."
"I think you were too busy watching her reaction. She was certainly having a thorough look though. We might have to visit her again some time."
She had my full attention now and my cock was getting very uncomfortable in my pants.
"We're definitely going to have to do this again."
"Mmm yeah I think I would like that. Next time though let's bring the camera."
When we got home we decided to continue the afternoon's fun and incorporate it into Mike's pizza dare.
Ella went and had a shower while I set up the camera in a place where it would catch all the action but not be too obvious. She came out of the shower wrapped in a towel albeit a much bigger one this time. We set up the situation so that when the pizza delivery guy arrived with the pizzas, Ella would have to turn around and bend over to get the money from her purse and thereby flashing him and making it look like an accident. Unfortunately I had to be out of the room as the camera and the pizza guy would be able to spot me. Ella rang the pizza restaurant and ordered the pizzas and then we ran a trial run to see if he would see anything. We had to adjust the towel a bit to make sure it was in the right position.
A car pulled up in the driveway and I peeked out the window to make sure it wasn't someone else visiting. That could have been a bit awkward. I ran out of the room and Ella laughed at my excitement.
While I was hiding in the office I was fighting my instinct to have a peek. I could hear Ella greet the delivery guy and ask how much she owed him. There was a mumbled reply and a few seconds of silence, followed by somebody sucking in a deep breath in surprise. I could see Ella's shadow on the wall and she was definitely taking her time getting her money out. She straightened up and her shadow was gone. She handed him the money and thanked him.
"No, it should be me thanking you."
"What for? The tip wasn't that big."
I could hear her teasing him.
"Best tip I've had all night ma'am. Any time you want a pizza you make sure you ask for Tim ok."
"Sure. Thanks Tim."
The door shut and Ella ran back into the office giggling like a school girl.
"You should have seen his face. It was like Christmas came early for him."
"You're really getting a kick out of this aren't you?"
"I wouldn't be doing it if I wasn't. I can't wait for Mike to come back on to show him this."
"Just don't forget that he has to finish his dare first. You don't want to appear too eager."
"Yeah you're right. Let's load this onto the computer and eat our pizza. We will come back later to see how he's done with his dare."
"I hope you haven't got the poor guy arrested."
"Yeah that would suck. I wouldn't get to play with him any more."
I had to laugh.
"Nice to see you've got your priorities straight."
"I don't want to get him in trouble but the whole point of the dare game is to be pushed out of your comfort zone. If there is no risk then what's the point?"
"I guess. We could have had some conservative as a pizza deliverer who got offended and called the cops."
"Somehow I don't think that was a problem tonight. Judging by the bulge in his pants, I'm pretty sure he was a happy boy when he left."
"Yeah he didn't sound to me like he had any complaints."
We put the video onto the computer and of course I wanted to watch it through to see it for myself. Unfortunately because we only have the one camera all I could catch was a side on view, so there wasn't much to be seen of Ella other than her flirty looks and her cute butt. However it was worth it for the look on the pizza guy's face. Talk about laugh. He looked like one of those excited cartoon dogs where their eyes bug out and their tongue unrolls like a carpet.
"I think next time we should get that tall mirror out of the bedroom and lean it against the wall so the camera can get a good view of me and the pizza guys face."
"Next time?"
"Yeah well it was kind of fun and if I'm going to flash the delivery guys you should get to see it too."
"You won't get any arguments about that from me. I love this."
Later that night we got back on line and after setting up so I couldn't be seen we were ready to go. We had the video loaded and ready to send. We were just waiting for Mike. Luckily we didn't have to wait long. The icon lit up and Ella practically pounced on the mouse to open it.
"Well hello there miss sexy nipples."
"Hello yourself Mr. juicy cock."
Off to a good start then. Obviously they were now beyond the shy nervous stage.
"Did you have fun with the dare I gave you?" Ella asked.
"Actually, once I got over the nerves and worked out that it's easier to do this with my phone than an actual camera then I did enjoy it."
"Did you get any?"
"I got some but there aren't that many girls wearing skirts at the moment. It doesn't often get really cold here but at the moment it's not exactly hot. I managed to get a couple of tourists and there is one in particular that I think you will like."
"Excellent, send them through."
"I have already sent you some but there is a couple that I was saving to show you later tonight."
"Oh sounds very intriguing. I'm just going to have a look at the ones you've sent. Brb."
Ella opened the email and clicked on the attachment.
The first few photos were taken above the food court and looking down onto the people queuing. There were some reasonable down blouse shots but nothing that showed a whole lot, some nice cleavage none the less.
The next few were taken from under a table in the food court and there were a couple of up skirts but once again they weren't all that good because there was usually a chair leg or somebody in the way.
Then there were some taken on an escalator. They were obviously a lot riskier but as a result they were also a lot better. There were a couple of nice bums in cotton panties and one very clear one where the girls panties had ridden up into her ass crack. That last one was incredibly hot.
"I'm back. Good work. Some of those last ones looked a bit risky."
"Yeah that last one with the great ass, I bumped into her just after I took the photo and she turned around. Luckily I hid the phone in my sleeve before she saw it. I just made out that I had lost my balance. It was a close thing but worth it."
I looked at Ella and noticed she was pouting.
"It was a cute bum but it wasn't that nice was it?"
I suspected Ella was getting a bit jealous.
"It looked pretty good to me."
"I think you would like mine more."
"I haven't really seen yours."
There is one thing I know with absolute certainty. Ella's ass isn't just nice it is spec-fucking-tacular. I have yet to meet a man who hasn't wanted Ella's ass. Plenty of our friends have seen it in bikinis or underpants before. A couple even saw it in a thong once at a party when one of her girl friends dared her to dance on the table. I suspect her friend wanted to look at her ass as much as the guys there did and it gave me a very uncomfortable boner at the time thinking about her wanting my wife's ass.
I believe this was just the excuse Ella was looking for to send Mike the photos of her ass that I had taken earlier. She emailed them to him straight away.
"Have a look in your e-mail and tell me what you think of that ass."
"Yes ma'am."
When he came back Mike had a very pleased look on his face. It wouldn't have surprised me to learn that he had set up the whole situation just get her to react that way.
"Well Ella that is a mighty fine ass there. However I can't see any face so I don't really know for sure that it is indeed yours."
I knew exactly what he was up to but Ella went for it hook, line and sinker.
She stood up with a look of determination and said.
"I'll show him it's definitely mine."
She turned around and bent over as she slid her pants straight down her legs. She waved it back and forth teasing him.
"You were right Ella you definitely have a better ass. You were moving around a fair bit though and I would love to have a better look."
She turned around again but this time she stood there looking over her shoulder to see his reaction.
He was almost drooling with desire. He was once again close up to his monitor trying to get a better look.
Ella turned back and typed.
"What's the matter? Can't you see properly?"
"I'd love a closer look."
"Fine; I'll show him."
She picked up the webcam and turned around. While looking over her shoulder she moved the camera in closer and closer on her ass. She then bent forward and moved the camera until it was about two inches from her ass and her now exposed pussy. With her other hand she reached between her legs and slowly inserted her middle finger into her pussy.
The view on the screen was incredible. A super clear and close up view of her finger sliding deeper into her pussy. I'm sure Mike was about to stick his tongue out for a taste when Ella stood up again, turned around and very businesslike sat down and began to type.
"Was that a good enough look for you?"
There was no reply; instead Mike's cam went a bit blurry as he moved around. Then it appeared out of the darkness, that monster of a cock. It was crystal clear, you could see every ridge and vein on it, it was huge and it was being slowly stroked by one hand.
It was Ella's turn to sit and stare. I must admit to being a little awed myself. I have seen a lot of porn but never had I seen anything like that. After god knows how long, it truly was mesmerizing, a large drop of pre cum appeared on the end of his knob. He used his thumb to smear it around and lubricate his hand.
I heard a sound that drew my attention back to Ella. She let out a soft mewling sound. She was licking her lips and one hand was buried between her legs. While I was watching her slowly frig her self I just had to get my own cock out and pay it some attention. I was watching her intently but it was like I wasn't even in the room, which was good in a voyeuristic kind of way.
All of a sudden the mood changed again.
"Oh no don't go. Bring it back."
"Huh?" As you can tell, I'm great with the witty replies.
I looked at the monitor to see that Mike had sat back down. He was obviously very flustered and Ella was gently shaking her head as though she had just come out of a trance.
"Well I think that's enough of that for now."
"Oh god that was not nearly enough for me I want more." Ella typed.
"That's all there is going to be for now. Now if I remember correctly we were talking about what I did for a dare."
"If you insist."
"Don't you want to hear what happened with the last one?"
"Yes, of course. Sorry, just a bit worked up here."
"Don't worry about it, I can relate to how you're feeling. Anyway I'm sending through the last few photos now.
I thought I was in so much trouble with this one. I was sitting there when a woman sat down opposite me in a skirt. I was pretending to type a text message but I was actually zooming in on her panties which were clearly visible under her skirt. She sat there for a few minutes then I noticed she was giving me a funny look. I thought I was busted so I put the phone back into my pocket. I thought to myself that staying put was the smart thing to do because if I took off I would just look guilty. At least this way I could pretend I was sending a text message if somebody asked.
She got up a few minutes later and disappeared into a department store. Then about five minutes later she was back. She sat in exactly the same place and she was giving me a funny look. I was relieved to see she hadn't run off to get security so I got the phone out again. I did the same as before, trying to focus on her panties but her legs were tight together. I thought perhaps that she knew what was going on because she looked kind of tense. Then before I knew what was going on she moved her legs apart. Not a lot but enough to let me see between her legs. Any one else would have been very lucky to have seen a thing but I was at the perfect angle for it. As I focused I realized that she had no panties on. She had obviously taken them off in the department store. Then she came back to flash her pussy at me. She sat like that for about thirty seconds before being joined by her husband and kids. She got up and walked off with them.
I got up to walk off myself when I saw a piece of paper on the bench where she had been sitting. I went over and picked it up, it was a crude map of the department store she had walked into and in the far corner of the map was an X.
I don't know if this was someone's property or just public land but there were no gates or fences saying that we couldn't go in there. There were just two tire tracks through the grass that meandered down to a flat section just before the river. I parked the car and when I got out I thought this is the perfect place for a picnic. The grass was nice and soft under my bare feet, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and the trees along the rivers edge offered shade from the relentless sun.
We set up the picnic rug under the shade and listened to the sounds of the river babbling and the birds chirping; chasing each other and insects through the trees and undergrowth near the river. We could have been the only people in the world at that moment as there were no other signs of humanity.
We ate our lunch and enjoyed a chilled white wine I brought in the cooler. The river was winding its way through a valley and the valley offered protection from the wind. The lack of a breeze soon meant we were getting very hot under the sun. We got up and wandered down to the river with plans of cooling our feet in the water.
We walked along the edge trying to find a nice level area to get in but they were few and far between. I spotted a likely spot a bit further along. I walked down to the waters edge and got in as deep as my ankles and turned to Ella.
"It's nice and cool but be careful, those rocks are slippery."
She got level with me and I turned to head deeper into the water but as I turned I heard a yelp followed by a large splash. I turned back around fast, nearly losing my balance, to find Ella on her bum in the mud and water where she was previously standing. I tried so hard not to laugh but it just came flooding out. I thought she was going to be angry at me for laughing at her but thankfully she saw the funny side of it too and began laughing herself.
"Oh crap! I'm soaked."
"You should see your back."
"You're covered in mud from your bum to your shoulders."
At first she was laughing about it but then her face turned serious.
"What am I supposed to wear home? I didn't bring a change of clothes. I wasn't planning on going swimming."
"I don't think you can really call that swimming you know. Mud diving maybe, but definitely not swimming."
"Yeah, very funny smart ass."
"I'm pretty sure there's a towel or something in the car we can use or you can sit on the picnic blanket."
"Great, now I get to sit in this muck for the next hour while we drive home."
We went back to the car and I tried not to laugh at the way she was walking. It was more of a stiff legged waddle than a walk. I opened the boot and discovered a towel that had been put there on a previous occasion. I offered it to her but she didn't look real impressed.
"There is no way I can clean up and get all this dry so I can sit in the car. I'll get mud everywhere and I don't want to get the seats wet."
"I'm sorry but there is nothing else in here."
I packed up the picnic basket, threw it in the boot and put the picnic rug on the front seat. While I was doing this Ella was on the other side of the car muttering and mumbling. I looked up after laying down the picnic rug to see Ella standing there with just the towel around herself and her wet clothes in her hand. Being an older towel that had been thrown in as an emergency, it wasn't exactly a big one.
She walked around the car after dumping her wet clothes in the boot. As she came around the car I could see that it wasn't going to be any where near enough to cover her. Her tits were covered but her pussy and ass were on full display to any one who looked. It wasn't a problem here but once we got back to civilization it might become an issue.
I took pity on her and took my shirt off.
"Here, wear this and put the towel around your waste."
We got into the car and headed back. Ella hadn't said a word since about ten minutes after we left. I thought maybe she was pissed off and just not talking but when I turned to look at her I realized she had fallen asleep. That was when my imagination kicked into gear and I decided to have a little fun with the situation.
Instead of returning through the small country towns the way we had come, I headed for the freeway. This added about twenty minutes to the trip but gave me a much better chance of success for my plan.
As we were nearing the freeway I slowly started to move the towel apart where it crossed over. Inch by inch the two halves came away from each other until finally they fell down either side of her thighs.
We hit the freeway and straight away I spotted what I was looking for. A truck just up ahead looked to be a perfect target for what I wanted to do. I took off, accelerating until I pulled along side of the truck, pacing myself with the cabin for a few minutes. The driver looked across straight down into Ella's lap where he could see she had no pants on. He swerved slightly with surprise and gave me a 'thumbs up' before I accelerated to find my next potential voyeur. I managed to show her to about half a dozen trucks and four wheel drives on the trip home.
We were almost home when an advertising board gave me a new idea. I pulled off the freeway at the sign and pulled into a well known fast food drive through. I ordered two coffees and the girl taking the money was blushing bright red but couldn't take her eyes off my wife's pussy. She was so distracted that she dropped the change as she was handing it to me.
"Oh sorry sir, you stay there I'll get it for you."
I smiled at her as she got out of the booth and she certainly took her time handing me the change. By the time I got to the next window to get my coffee I suspected she may have said something to the rest of the staff.
I have never had four people serve me for two coffees before and they certainly lingered. I almost laughed when one of the boys was standing there with his mouth wide open and his eyes nearly hanging out of his head.
I pulled out of the driveway and was reaching for my coffee when Ella spoke.
"Well I'm glad you thought to get me a coffee too."
"Ah, sure hon."
I wondered if she had noticed the towel yet.
"I'm pretty sure I know what that pimple faced boy will be dreaming about tonight. Probably gave him the thrill of his week."
Oh shit. She was onto me.
"How long have you been awake?"
"For about twenty minutes. I didn't want to spoil your fun though so I just pretended."
"You're not angry at me?"
"No. It's not like any of them could see much more than some pubes, except maybe the girl who gave you the change. Seeing as she went to so much effort to get a closer look I decided that would be the right time for a small stretch."
"Holy shit!"
"I just spread my legs a little for a few seconds to give her a better look."
"I didn't even notice."
"I think you were too busy watching her reaction. She was certainly having a thorough look though. We might have to visit her again some time."
She had my full attention now and my cock was getting very uncomfortable in my pants.
"We're definitely going to have to do this again."
"Mmm yeah I think I would like that. Next time though let's bring the camera."
When we got home we decided to continue the afternoon's fun and incorporate it into Mike's pizza dare.
Ella went and had a shower while I set up the camera in a place where it would catch all the action but not be too obvious. She came out of the shower wrapped in a towel albeit a much bigger one this time. We set up the situation so that when the pizza delivery guy arrived with the pizzas, Ella would have to turn around and bend over to get the money from her purse and thereby flashing him and making it look like an accident. Unfortunately I had to be out of the room as the camera and the pizza guy would be able to spot me. Ella rang the pizza restaurant and ordered the pizzas and then we ran a trial run to see if he would see anything. We had to adjust the towel a bit to make sure it was in the right position.
A car pulled up in the driveway and I peeked out the window to make sure it wasn't someone else visiting. That could have been a bit awkward. I ran out of the room and Ella laughed at my excitement.
While I was hiding in the office I was fighting my instinct to have a peek. I could hear Ella greet the delivery guy and ask how much she owed him. There was a mumbled reply and a few seconds of silence, followed by somebody sucking in a deep breath in surprise. I could see Ella's shadow on the wall and she was definitely taking her time getting her money out. She straightened up and her shadow was gone. She handed him the money and thanked him.
"No, it should be me thanking you."
"What for? The tip wasn't that big."
I could hear her teasing him.
"Best tip I've had all night ma'am. Any time you want a pizza you make sure you ask for Tim ok."
"Sure. Thanks Tim."
The door shut and Ella ran back into the office giggling like a school girl.
"You should have seen his face. It was like Christmas came early for him."
"You're really getting a kick out of this aren't you?"
"I wouldn't be doing it if I wasn't. I can't wait for Mike to come back on to show him this."
"Just don't forget that he has to finish his dare first. You don't want to appear too eager."
"Yeah you're right. Let's load this onto the computer and eat our pizza. We will come back later to see how he's done with his dare."
"I hope you haven't got the poor guy arrested."
"Yeah that would suck. I wouldn't get to play with him any more."
I had to laugh.
"Nice to see you've got your priorities straight."
"I don't want to get him in trouble but the whole point of the dare game is to be pushed out of your comfort zone. If there is no risk then what's the point?"
"I guess. We could have had some conservative as a pizza deliverer who got offended and called the cops."
"Somehow I don't think that was a problem tonight. Judging by the bulge in his pants, I'm pretty sure he was a happy boy when he left."
"Yeah he didn't sound to me like he had any complaints."
We put the video onto the computer and of course I wanted to watch it through to see it for myself. Unfortunately because we only have the one camera all I could catch was a side on view, so there wasn't much to be seen of Ella other than her flirty looks and her cute butt. However it was worth it for the look on the pizza guy's face. Talk about laugh. He looked like one of those excited cartoon dogs where their eyes bug out and their tongue unrolls like a carpet.
"I think next time we should get that tall mirror out of the bedroom and lean it against the wall so the camera can get a good view of me and the pizza guys face."
"Next time?"
"Yeah well it was kind of fun and if I'm going to flash the delivery guys you should get to see it too."
"You won't get any arguments about that from me. I love this."
Later that night we got back on line and after setting up so I couldn't be seen we were ready to go. We had the video loaded and ready to send. We were just waiting for Mike. Luckily we didn't have to wait long. The icon lit up and Ella practically pounced on the mouse to open it.
"Well hello there miss sexy nipples."
"Hello yourself Mr. juicy cock."
Off to a good start then. Obviously they were now beyond the shy nervous stage.
"Did you have fun with the dare I gave you?" Ella asked.
"Actually, once I got over the nerves and worked out that it's easier to do this with my phone than an actual camera then I did enjoy it."
"Did you get any?"
"I got some but there aren't that many girls wearing skirts at the moment. It doesn't often get really cold here but at the moment it's not exactly hot. I managed to get a couple of tourists and there is one in particular that I think you will like."
"Excellent, send them through."
"I have already sent you some but there is a couple that I was saving to show you later tonight."
"Oh sounds very intriguing. I'm just going to have a look at the ones you've sent. Brb."
Ella opened the email and clicked on the attachment.
The first few photos were taken above the food court and looking down onto the people queuing. There were some reasonable down blouse shots but nothing that showed a whole lot, some nice cleavage none the less.
The next few were taken from under a table in the food court and there were a couple of up skirts but once again they weren't all that good because there was usually a chair leg or somebody in the way.
Then there were some taken on an escalator. They were obviously a lot riskier but as a result they were also a lot better. There were a couple of nice bums in cotton panties and one very clear one where the girls panties had ridden up into her ass crack. That last one was incredibly hot.
"I'm back. Good work. Some of those last ones looked a bit risky."
"Yeah that last one with the great ass, I bumped into her just after I took the photo and she turned around. Luckily I hid the phone in my sleeve before she saw it. I just made out that I had lost my balance. It was a close thing but worth it."
I looked at Ella and noticed she was pouting.
"It was a cute bum but it wasn't that nice was it?"
I suspected Ella was getting a bit jealous.
"It looked pretty good to me."
"I think you would like mine more."
"I haven't really seen yours."
There is one thing I know with absolute certainty. Ella's ass isn't just nice it is spec-fucking-tacular. I have yet to meet a man who hasn't wanted Ella's ass. Plenty of our friends have seen it in bikinis or underpants before. A couple even saw it in a thong once at a party when one of her girl friends dared her to dance on the table. I suspect her friend wanted to look at her ass as much as the guys there did and it gave me a very uncomfortable boner at the time thinking about her wanting my wife's ass.
I believe this was just the excuse Ella was looking for to send Mike the photos of her ass that I had taken earlier. She emailed them to him straight away.
"Have a look in your e-mail and tell me what you think of that ass."
"Yes ma'am."
When he came back Mike had a very pleased look on his face. It wouldn't have surprised me to learn that he had set up the whole situation just get her to react that way.
"Well Ella that is a mighty fine ass there. However I can't see any face so I don't really know for sure that it is indeed yours."
I knew exactly what he was up to but Ella went for it hook, line and sinker.
She stood up with a look of determination and said.
"I'll show him it's definitely mine."
She turned around and bent over as she slid her pants straight down her legs. She waved it back and forth teasing him.
"You were right Ella you definitely have a better ass. You were moving around a fair bit though and I would love to have a better look."
She turned around again but this time she stood there looking over her shoulder to see his reaction.
He was almost drooling with desire. He was once again close up to his monitor trying to get a better look.
Ella turned back and typed.
"What's the matter? Can't you see properly?"
"I'd love a closer look."
"Fine; I'll show him."
She picked up the webcam and turned around. While looking over her shoulder she moved the camera in closer and closer on her ass. She then bent forward and moved the camera until it was about two inches from her ass and her now exposed pussy. With her other hand she reached between her legs and slowly inserted her middle finger into her pussy.
The view on the screen was incredible. A super clear and close up view of her finger sliding deeper into her pussy. I'm sure Mike was about to stick his tongue out for a taste when Ella stood up again, turned around and very businesslike sat down and began to type.
"Was that a good enough look for you?"
There was no reply; instead Mike's cam went a bit blurry as he moved around. Then it appeared out of the darkness, that monster of a cock. It was crystal clear, you could see every ridge and vein on it, it was huge and it was being slowly stroked by one hand.
It was Ella's turn to sit and stare. I must admit to being a little awed myself. I have seen a lot of porn but never had I seen anything like that. After god knows how long, it truly was mesmerizing, a large drop of pre cum appeared on the end of his knob. He used his thumb to smear it around and lubricate his hand.
I heard a sound that drew my attention back to Ella. She let out a soft mewling sound. She was licking her lips and one hand was buried between her legs. While I was watching her slowly frig her self I just had to get my own cock out and pay it some attention. I was watching her intently but it was like I wasn't even in the room, which was good in a voyeuristic kind of way.
All of a sudden the mood changed again.
"Oh no don't go. Bring it back."
"Huh?" As you can tell, I'm great with the witty replies.
I looked at the monitor to see that Mike had sat back down. He was obviously very flustered and Ella was gently shaking her head as though she had just come out of a trance.
"Well I think that's enough of that for now."
"Oh god that was not nearly enough for me I want more." Ella typed.
"That's all there is going to be for now. Now if I remember correctly we were talking about what I did for a dare."
"If you insist."
"Don't you want to hear what happened with the last one?"
"Yes, of course. Sorry, just a bit worked up here."
"Don't worry about it, I can relate to how you're feeling. Anyway I'm sending through the last few photos now.
I thought I was in so much trouble with this one. I was sitting there when a woman sat down opposite me in a skirt. I was pretending to type a text message but I was actually zooming in on her panties which were clearly visible under her skirt. She sat there for a few minutes then I noticed she was giving me a funny look. I thought I was busted so I put the phone back into my pocket. I thought to myself that staying put was the smart thing to do because if I took off I would just look guilty. At least this way I could pretend I was sending a text message if somebody asked.
She got up a few minutes later and disappeared into a department store. Then about five minutes later she was back. She sat in exactly the same place and she was giving me a funny look. I was relieved to see she hadn't run off to get security so I got the phone out again. I did the same as before, trying to focus on her panties but her legs were tight together. I thought perhaps that she knew what was going on because she looked kind of tense. Then before I knew what was going on she moved her legs apart. Not a lot but enough to let me see between her legs. Any one else would have been very lucky to have seen a thing but I was at the perfect angle for it. As I focused I realized that she had no panties on. She had obviously taken them off in the department store. Then she came back to flash her pussy at me. She sat like that for about thirty seconds before being joined by her husband and kids. She got up and walked off with them.
I got up to walk off myself when I saw a piece of paper on the bench where she had been sitting. I went over and picked it up, it was a crude map of the department store she had walked into and in the far corner of the map was an X.