Update 06

Intrigued I walked into the department store. I oriented the map and walked to the corner marked on it. At first I couldn't see anything but then I looked under the clothes rack right in the corner. There they were her white cotton panties. I looked around to make sure no one was watching then reached down and grabbed them. I stuffed them in my pocket then headed back out of the store.

I hoped no one had seen me stuff them in my pocket and I wouldn't get done for shoplifting. I walked out of the store and went straight to my car. Once I felt that I wasn't about to be arrested I pulled the panties out of my pocket. There was a note in them. It said "I hope you liked what you saw; now you can smell how horny I am. I want you to send the pictures to my mobile phone because I want proof of how slutty I can be. My phone number is 0412--------." I'm not sure though if I want to do that in case it's some kind of trap."

"Wow that is fucking hot and so are the pictures. So do you still have her panties?"


He held them up for Ella to see.

"Sniff them."


"I want to see you smell her pussy."


"Because it's fucking hot. Don't be embarrassed. She wanted you to smell how horny she was and I want to see you smell her pussy. I mean how cool is this? She's probably in another town and has no idea who you are but she wants to share her pussy with you. She has no idea that I even exist but I'm sitting here looking at pictures of her pussy while I watch you with her panties and I would love nothing more than to end this evening with you jacking off into her panties. I think you should take photos of her panties wrapped around your cock and send them to her. In fact I dare you to send her those photos you've taken of her and ones of the panties wrapped around your cock, then jack off into her panties and ask her if she wants you to post them to her. I bet she will say yes."

"But you haven't sent me your completed dare yet."

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. I kind of got all enthusiastic about this one. I'll send it through now."

"Ok. I'll go and have a look."

Several moments went by before Ella looked at me. I was sitting there with my cock still throbbing in my hand and I was giving it the occasional rub but not wanting to get carried away and cum all over myself. Ella looked almost surprised to see me then giggled when she looked at my state of dress.

"I'm sorry honey I'm kind of absorbed in what I'm doing. I'm not meaning to neglect you."

"Don't worry about me, I'm doing fine. I have never seen you so hot before. I couldn't believe it when you grabbed the web cam and almost fucked yourself with it."

"Sorry, I got a bit carried away."

"Are you having a good time with this?"


"Have you done anything you think you'll regret?"


"Then stop apologizing and enjoy it."

"Are you still ok with it?"

"Honey I'm sitting here with my cock throbbing in my hand. If you even looked like you were about to suck it I would probably blow all over your face with excitement. I am more than ok with this."

"Good because Mike has just come back."

Sure enough there he was sitting there with a silly grin on his face.

Ella was getting impatient.

"Well? Did you watch it?"

"I sure did. It's a shame the camera couldn't show more of you but it was worth it for the look on that kids face. He looked like he was having a stroke."

"Yeah I think he probably did go and stroke something after that."

"I bet he did. I reckon he would've liked to stroke you a bit too."

"Oh stop it. This chair is wet enough already. I don't know if I would have stopped him if he tried to either."

"You mean if he tried to stroke you?"

"Or if he tried to stroke his cock. I think I would have liked to have seen that."

"Do you think you would have been able to resist sucking on it?"

Ella started squirming in her seat again.

"I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. I don't think hubby would like me to suck a stranger's cock."

I had to let go of my cock in case I blew all over myself. Just the thought of watching my sexy wife sucking a stranger's cock nearly sent me over the edge.

"What he doesn't know won't hurt him."

"I don't want to cheat on him though. What we are doing isn't cheating, as much as I'd love to feel that giant cock filling me up, I know that you can't because we are so far apart. That would be a bit different."

"What if he did know about it? What do you think he would say if he got to watch you sucking a stranger's cock? To see you milking the cum from a stranger's balls?"

The idea was obviously turning Mike on a lot too. I was struggling to remain calm.

Ella looked at me out of the corner of her eye and smiled. She could obviously see that I was struggling to hold back my excitement at the idea.

"I don't know. I have a feeling he might like that actually. I must say that it turns me on a lot to think of him watching me while I slide a cock past my lips and over my tongue; Taking that cock as deep into my throat as possible before I slowly come up for air. Maybe just sucking on the tip and swirling my tongue under the head. Until this random stranger couldn't take any more and blew his hot, sticky cum all over my lips and my tits. I would love to watch him jack off his cock while I rub the stranger's cum into my skin and nipples."

She slowly circled her exposed nipples and tweaked them with her finger tips.

I know it appeared as though she was just teasing Mike with the nipple play and the mental image but she was also driving me crazy. I believe she was sounding out my reaction to the possibility of this turning into a dare. I have to say that my cock was saying "yeah go for it." But at the same time there was a small voice in the back of my mind saying "I'm not sure this is such a good idea." At the moment my cock was winning by a long way.

"Well I think I'm going to have to keep that in mind. But in the mean time I think I'm going to call it a night and go to bed."

"Oh come on. You can't go now. What about the flashers panties. Aren't you going to fill them with cum for me? I know you want to do it."

"I don't know. That just sounds like a request to me. Not a dare."

"You cheeky shit! You're trying to use up a dare aren't you?"

Mike had a very cheeky grin on his face.

"Maybe. It really depends on how much you want to see me stroke my cock. You could always just give me a different dare. Sure you wouldn't get to see my cock spurt all over these panties but I'm sure you'll survive."


Mike stood up again and his massive cock was still swollen. He slowly stroked it up and down a few times and then dangled the panties off them. There was a flash as he took a photo. Then he sat back down again and began typing.


Ella had moved one hand down to her soaking pussy and was moaning until Mike sat down. She was cursing him now.

"Fucking tease!"

"Who me?"

"Alright fine, I dare you to stroke your cock for me and I dare you to cum all over those dirty panties. I want you take photos the whole time and I dare you to send them and all the others to the dirty slut who flashed you."

Mike was obviously very turned on by the thought of this as he didn't even reply. He just stood up and slowly began stroking his cock. Very slowly he squeezed the top of his cock hard. I could see the muscles in his fore arm tense and the veins in his cock bulged. He then slowly pulled his fist down the length of his cock. He had a very firm grip of his meat and the skin was pulled tight as he pulled it back towards his body. The eye of his cock was pulled open by the pressure and I could see the first signs of his pre cum glistening there.

Once he reached the bottom he reversed the direction of his still clenched fist and started the slow ascent back to the tip. He was still squeezing tight and the skin bunched around the head of his cock as he squeezed his way back up. When he got near the top the head became larger and much darker in colour as he was pushing the blood to the end. When he let go I could see a large, clear drop of pre cum formed on the tip. He then started to rub the head of his cock with his palm and smeared the sticky cock juice all around. He grabbed his cock tight again and started to fuck his fist with more vigor. His pre cum had lubricated his cock nicely. It was shiny and wet and he was really pummeling it now. Every now and then there would be a flash as he took the pictures.

He picked up the panties and wrapped them around his cock. He took some more photos and went back squeezing his cock.

Ella was really getting into it and was staring open mouthed at Mike. One hand was squeezing her breasts and playing with her nipples while the other was making squelching noises as she slammed two fingers in and out of her pussy. Mike stopped for a moment and typed.

"Move back a bit so I can see all of you."

Ella, who was now completely naked, pushed her chair right back to the shelves behind her. She lifted her feet up onto the chair and spread herself wide open for Mike. She was so wet she had cum running from her pussy down over her ass and it was all glistening in the glare from the monitor.

"Oh yeah that's more like it." Typed Mike.

Ella wasted no time and immediately stuffed two fingers straight back into her pussy. She moaned out loud when Mike went back to wanking his big tool. They were both really getting into it now and they seemed to be matching each others pace as though they were fucking each other from around the globe. Mike's photo taking was becoming very intermittent now with just the occasional flash.

The pace started to go up and Ella now had three fingers spreading her very wet pussy wide open. She was slamming them into herself with a frenzy and I could tell from the look on her face and her breathing that she was about to have a very big orgasm. Mike's fist was just a blur now. I looked back to Ella and saw the red blush creeping up her neck and face and saw her stomach tighten. She looked at the monitor again.

"Oh fuck yes!" she yelled. "Cum for me. Cum all over those dirty panties."

I looked back at the monitor myself and saw thick ropes of cum flying from Mike's cock and coating the panties. I heard Ella grunting hard and when I looked back at her I was just in time to see her squirt cum all over her self. It came pouring out of her, hit her hand and squirted back up all over her stomach.

That was just too much for me to take and I let fly with my own cum. The first squirt flew from me with more pressure than I have ever produced before and promptly landed right on Ella's thigh which seemed to trigger another orgasm from her. The rest of my cum just poured from my cock and ran over my hand to fall on the clothes piled on the floor.

At first I thought I was busted. Surely he had seen my cum land on Ella's leg. But almost straight away she was rubbing it into her thigh and pussy with her very wet hand. There was a long pause while every one caught their breath. I saw a flash out of the corner of my eye and I realized Mike was taking the last photos of the flashers panties covered in his cum.

Ella sat back down on the chair after pulling it back to the computer desk.

"That was fucking hot Mike. Don't forget you have to send those pictures to the flasher. I want to know if she replies too."

"You were pretty hot yourself. I can't wait to see what happens with these pictures. Do you want me to send them to you too?"

"Oh yes please."

"Good they're on their way. Now I have to go. I think I'll have to have a lay down after that."

"Yeah, me to. I need some sleep. Do you want to set my dare for me before you go?"

"Are you sure? You don't want a break for a while?"

"Hell no! Give it to me big boy. Lol you can take that however you want to."

"You are turning into such a naughty girl."

"Do you think I should be spanked?"

"You wish. I have a question for you."


"Just did. Lol. Do you have any close, open minded friends?"

"Hmm. I can think of a couple. Why?"

"Well the next dare I want witnessed and I want to hear their report of it."

"What about my husband? Can he be the witness?"

"Only if you absolutely can't get any one else. I would prefer to hear a report from a woman."

"I'll try but it sort of depends on what the dare is. I might not want a friend to witness it."

"Just do your best."

"Ok. What's the dare?"

"I dare you to suck the cock of a complete stranger. I want proof that you did the dare and I want to hear from your witness that it was truly a stranger and not your husband. Remember that you have sent me photos of you sucking his cock so I know what it looks like. I will be able to tell if you have cheated. If you cheat the penalty will be severe. Do you accept this challenge?"

"I don't know if I can do that. That's sort of crossing the line into cheating."

For the first time I saw Ella really hesitate. She looked as though she was about to pull the pin on the whole thing and I just couldn't let that happen right now.

"Just tell him you will for now. It gives you time to think about it and time for us to discuss it. You can still back out if it's too much but don't back out without having thought about it."

That seemed to clarify things for her and she smiled.

"I am accepting your dare but be prepared for a tough one coming your way."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Good. For now though I need something from you."

"Oh yeah? What might that be?"

I could see Mike look a bit nervous and knowing Ella he probably should.

"Do you have any photos other than ours on your computer?"

"Of course I do. Holiday photos, some of the boats I've had to tow and family albums etc."

"Good. I need you to send me some photos of your brother and his girlfriend. I promise they will not leave my computer. They will not be used for anything other than our little game."

"I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Don't you trust me? You want photo proof of me sucking a strangers cock with my friend there witnessing it but you won't send me some photos of your brother and his girlfriend?"

"Oh all right. What are they for?"

"You'll find out soon enough. Now send me those photos and I'm heading off to bed. I'll try and get on again this week but with David home it might be a bit harder. I'll try and keep you updated on the dare."

"Ok. Good night. Have pleasant dreams."

"I'm sure I will after the show you just put on. I think my dreams will be filled with massive spurting cocks, very pleasant. Good night."

Ella turned off the computer and we both staggered off to bed. I was absolutely worn out but Ella managed to bring herself off one more time with her favorite vibrator and she came especially hard when I asked if she liked being splashed with cum earlier.

We were definitely going to have to discuss this stranger blowjob dare.​
Next page: Update 07
Previous page: Update 05