Update 07
Naked Dare Ch. 04
After what was an incredible weekend, the week turned out to be a bit of a let down. Mainly because we couldn't get on the computer and play all night like we had been. Unfortunately I have to work and as such I also have to sleep. Life sucks when work always interferes with play time, but then I guess no work means no pay and no pay means no play.
Mike wasn't going to be on much during the week for pretty much the same reasons as us. Monday and Tuesday went by so slowly that you would swear each day was a week long. Wednesday morning I received a text message from Ella saying she had some good news and to hurry home after work because she wanted to discuss it with me.
It didn't take me long to invent all kinds of scenarios in my mind; the scariest being that Mike had decided to come to Australia after all. I was nervous all day and as soon as the clock hit five thirty I was out the door like a rocket. All the way home I had butterflies in my stomach. It dawned on me how much things had changed in the last week or so. Previously such a message would have had me mildly curious at best and I still might have thought about stopping at the pub on the way home. Wednesday was an informal pub night for some of my mates. You either came or you didn't but more often than not I would. Not tonight. Tonight I broke about ten different laws just to get home that little bit faster.
I screeched to a halt in the driveway and practically ran through the front door. I calmly walked into the kitchen, trying to be nonchalant and failing dismally, where Ella was making a cup of coffee.
"Hi hon. what's the good news?"
"Hi. Couldn't wait huh?"
"That obvious am I?"
Ella laughed as she handed me my cup.
"You are so transparent. You're all excited and scared at the same time. I think it's cute."
"Are you planning on telling me or are you going to tease me all night?"
"I don't know what you're so stressed about. It's not that big a deal."
"You're enjoying this aren't you?"
"Absolutely!" She said with a big grin spreading across her face.
"You are such a bloody tease. Is it about Mike?"
"Yes and no."
"Oh for gods' sake will you tell me what's going on?"
"I have invited Cassie and Steve over for a barbecue tomorrow night."
"Is that all? I mean it will be good to catch up with them but the way you put it in the message made me think it was something big."
"Well I was thinking of asking Cassie if she wanted to have a girl's weekend in the city this weekend. You know see a movie or two, have a few drinks Saturday night and Oh I don't know maybe go to some clubs... of the adult kind."
"What do you think?"
"I would have liked to have gone with you to be honest. But if you feel you will be safe with just you and Cassie then I guess that will be o.k."
I wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea and I was worried about their safety so I wasn't what you would call brimming with enthusiasm. I was feeling on the outer again and I would probably try to talk her out of it over the course of the evening.
Ella must have known I was feeling insecure because all night she doted on me and kept telling me how much she loved me and that I was the only man for her. I guess I'm just a softie at heart, either that or Ella just really knows how to manipulate me, because by the time I was drifting off to sleep I still hadn't broached the issue with her. Tomorrow I told myself before I drifted off into a very interesting dream about strippers and my wife.
The next morning I woke up to a note from Ella saying she had left early to get the required items for tonight's barbecue. Ella has never been an early riser in fact it was usually me who dragged her physically from the bed each morning. I got the impression she was avoiding talking to me until I came home tonight. Cassie would already be here and it would be a lot harder for me to say no once Cassie already new of the plans. I wondered how Steve would feel about it. That was when I had my first inkling of an idea.
I wandered off to work as per usual and tried to keep my mind on the job but it was awfully difficult knowing what was coming that night when I got home. I wasn't sure how much Ella planned on telling Cassie tonight and my plan kind of hinged on her telling Cassie everything and hopefully in front of Steve. If not I think I might have to pull him aside and tell him myself. I wasn't worried about how Cassie would react; she was up for just about anything and was quite often the life of our parties. I also knew she had a bit of a thing for Ella no matter how much Ella denied it. I was more concerned about how Steve would feel about the girls in the city and clubs without us there to protect them. In fact my plan kind of relied on him being concerned but I didn't want him to say no outright.
I was almost home before I had the plan worked out in my head. I pulled up in the driveway and saw Cassie and Steve's car already there. I walked in the front door and was immediately assaulted. Cassie leapt at me and hugged me fiercely for a second before kissing me on the cheek. She stood back and I was impressed as always by her nice figure and her amazingly short dresses. They seemed to me to be getting just a little shorter each time I saw her. Not that I was complaining. It did make it hard to concentrate though because she was a real little dynamo and was always flitting from one place to another and her dresses always looked like she was about to show a whole lot more. Steve reached out and shook my hand and smiled at my reaction to Cassie.
"You'll have to excuse me for a moment." I said as I headed for the bathroom. "It's stinking hot out there and I want to have a quick shower and get changed before I start the barbecue."
"No problem mate, take your time. We've just got here."
"Alright I'll be out soon."
I grabbed a pair of shorts, a shirt and a towel on my way into the bathroom. The shower was nice as it washed away the day's tension and I relaxed into it. I couldn't help but think of Cassie's gorgeous legs and her barely contained body. Then I thought of the time I was watching her stare up at Ella's barely covered ass and pussy the time she had convinced her to dance on the table. There was an unmistakable look of lust on her face and I started to get hard just thinking about it. I thought about having a quick wank while I was in there but then I thought the evening might be a bit more interesting if I didn't.
I turned off the taps, turned and grabbed the towel off the rack and started drying my hair and face as I stepped out of the shower.
"Mmm Ella was right you do have a nice cock Charlie."
I nearly fell over as I jumped in fright. I turned to see Cassie sitting on the toilet with her panties just below her knees. She was staring at my cock and had a cheeky smirk on her face.
"You look like your half way to a hard-on Charlie. What were you thinking about?"
Once I got over the shock of seeing her sitting there looking at me I thought why not play along?
"Well actually I was thinking about your legs and thinking about how you want Ella."
She blushed a little at hearing what she thought was a secret said aloud. She raised one eyebrow as she looked me in the eye gauging my reaction to the news.
"What makes you think I want Ella?"
"Perhaps it's the way you like to slow dance with her at some parties or maybe it's the way you stare at her with pure lust in your eyes when you think no one is watching. The clincher though was the way you were practically drooling while you looked up her dress when you convinced her to dance on the table that time."
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she relived the memory in her mind. When she opened her eyes again she was back to staring at my cock again. I was starting to get hard again thinking about that night and looking at Cassie's legs.
She took a handful of paper, parted her legs and patted lightly on her pussy. When she stood up her dress stayed up around her waste and she stood there with her recently shaved or waxed pussy on full display. I couldn't help but reach down and give my cock a quick squeeze. She was so sexy and I don't think she would have said no if I walked over and took her right then. I bent over, picked up my clothes and stepped into my shorts. She pulled her panties up as I pulled my shorts up. We were tensely focused on each other. I gave my cock another quick squeeze before stuffing it into my shorts and carefully doing the zip up. She smiled and gave her pussy a bit of a rub through her panties then pulled her dress into place. She walked past me to wash up and I pulled my shirt over my head. I felt another quick squeeze on my cock as she went past me on her way out. I let out an involuntary moan and she gave me a wicked grin as she went out the door.
I was surprised by the incident but glad that it hadn't gone any further. As it was I had to spend an extra five minutes in the bathroom just trying to get my hard-on to go back down. I eventually joined the others out the back and started the barbecue as Steve got me a cold beer out of the fridge.
Several beers and a nice steak later I was feeling very laid back. It was a beautiful evening with an orange sunset and a nice cool breeze taking the heat out of the day. It was still early in the season so there weren't too many mosquitoes out yet. We were all very relaxed. Ella looked over to where Cassie and Steve were sitting together on the hammock.
"How would you like a girl's night out this weekend Cassie?"
"Now that sounds like a great idea. Got anything in mind?"
"Well I have some ideas but I need to run something by you first."
All of a sudden I was really tense. I was worried this would not go down well. Ella then spent the next half an hour explaining the whole dare situation with Mike. Both Cassie and Steve were very interested and Cassie demanded to be shown the photos of Mike stating that she refused to believe that any one has a dick like that in the real world. I just laughed as we all made our way to the office and the computer.
Ella opened her file named dares but before she could get to the folder named Mike Steve spotted the thumbnails of her photos.
"Holy shit Ella! Is that you?"
She hurriedly clicked on the Mike file while blushing madly.
"I forgot they were thumbnails." She mumbled. "Here's Mike."
Ella took them through the photos of Mike. Both Steve and Cassie were suitably impressed by the size of Mike's cock. Inevitably though Steve and Cassie started asking questions about what dares were being done. Ella went through them and told them pretty much everything.
"I really want to see your dares Ella."
"Well... I guess I can show you some Steve." Ella said, turning crimson.
We were all crowded around the monitor with Ella sitting in the chair and our guests standing behind her looking over her head. I had already seen them all of course so I was enjoying watching Steve and Cassie's reactions. After a while I could see Cassie's nipples start to get hard under her dress and I couldn't help but think about her squeezing my cock and her bald pussy. I was getting hard again and while Ella was showing them the video of her walking back up the driveway with her tits out I noticed her blushing again. She turned around and looked at Steve.
"You all right there Steve?"
"Huh? Yeah. why?"
"Well your poking me in the arm with your cock and I figure it must be uncomfortable."
Cassie burst out laughing and it was Steve's turn to blush.
"I can't help it. I mean looking at Ella walk around with her tits out would give anyone a hard-on. You look fantastic like that Ella."
As though he just realized what he had said might offend his wife he looked at her and said.
"Yours are beautiful too babe."
I laughed.
"Would you like a shovel to dig your self into a deeper hole Steve?"
Cassie pouted and gave him a pretend angry look.
"So you think her tits are nicer than mine do you?"
"No sweety; that's not it at all."
I felt sorry for Steve even though I knew Cassie was just teasing him. I thought I might have an idea that will turn this situation on its head.
"I think the only fair thing to do is for us to look at yours as well Cassie and compare."
Ella was giggling now.
"You wish Charlie."
"You better believe I do."
They all laughed at this but then Cassie stood back against the wall and pulled her shoulder straps down her arms and released her breasts. There was a moment of silence as we all stared at her. She had a slight tan that went uninterrupted down to her navel with a light smattering of freckles across her upper chest. She obviously sunbathed naked and she had light brown coloured nipples and aureole that seemed to point up toward the sun they worshipped. They were firm and didn't sag a bit. Her nipples were very hard and it was awfully tempting to just lean over and suck one into my mouth.
Ella paused momentarily while she soaked in the sight of her best friends breasts. She then stood up next to her, unbuttoned the top two buttons of her summer dress and pulled it down to her waist. She then turned her back to Cassie who automatically reached up and unclasped Ella's bra. Ella tossed the bra onto the computer desk and turned back to face Steve and myself.
I was rock hard by now and had a teepee in my shorts that was quite uncomfortable. I imagine Steve was feeling pretty uncomfortable in the pants as well. I saw him adjusting a number of times as he stared at Ella's creamy white tits. Both girls were blushing but it was Cassie who kept things going.
"Well if you're going to compare, you have to do it properly. Have a feel."
I heard Ella draw in a sharp breath and she gave Cassie a sideways glance that was full of uncertainty. Her sudden intake of breath came back out as a soft moan as Steve reached up and took one of her nipples between his fingers. I didn't want to be left out either and though I was watching for Ella's reaction I ran my hands over Cassie's firm breasts and felt her hard nipples poking into the palms of my hands. Ella moaned again as she watched me playing with Cassie's tits.
"Do you like the feel of her tits Steve?" Cassie asked.
"Yes they feel fantastic. They're nice and firm like yours but they are so pale. They are like milk."
"Do they taste like milk Steve? Taste them for me."
Cassie was obviously very turned on by the whole situation and it was apparent Ella had relaxed as she didn't bat an eye when Steve leaned forward and took one of her nipples in his mouth. She just put her head back and moaned deep in her throat, almost a purr. Ella looked back down at me with lust in her eyes.
"Aren't you going to taste Cassie too? I want to watch you suck her nipples hard like you do to me."
I certainly didn't need telling twice. I took one of those delicious upturned nipples into my mouth and sucked hard. Cassie moaned and ran her hands through my hair as I ran my tongue around her nipple then flicked it rapidly with my tongue.
"O.k. Now it's time to swap." Ella said.
Steve and I swapped places and went about pleasuring our own wives breasts for a few minutes before Cassie said it was time to swap again. We all looked at each other momentarily confused until Cassie leaned over and sucked Ella's nipple straight into her mouth. I nearly came on the spot. Steve looked on in awe.
"Oh my god! That is so unbelievably hot."
I had to agree with him. Ella had a strange look on her face, a mixture of confusion and pure animal lust. As though it felt fantastic but she wasn't sure that it should. Cassie stood up, looked Ella in the eye and said.
"My turn."
She put her hand on the back of Ella's head and gently guided her mouth to her nipple. Ella's instincts took over and she started sucking and licking like an expert. Cassie shivered and let a moan.
"Oh god yeah, that's it. Oh you do that so well."
All of a sudden the phone rang. It was like an alarm clock going off and it was as though we were all waking up from a particularly pleasant dream. I reached for the phone and the girls started to get dressed again with slightly embarrassed looks on their faces.
"Yes, good evening sir." Came the reply in an Indian accent. "I am calling today to talk to you about your telephone service provider."
"Do you have any concept of how incredibly bad your timing is?"
"I am terribly sorry sir. Would you like to save money on your long distance calls?"
I bit back the tirade of abuse that was on the tip of my tongue and instead I explained that I was in fact not interested. I put the phone down and looked around at everyone but they were all busy avoiding each others eyes and I knew the moment had passed.
"Who wants another drink?"
"Good idea Steve, I know I could use one."
I was going to have a hangover tomorrow but I was at the point of not caring.
"So Ella, tell me what this dare involves on the weekend and how does it involve me?"
Cassie was still interested I was pleased to see but Steve had a look on his face that made me realize I was going to have to put my plan into action.
"My dare is to suck a stranger's cock and I need someone to record it and then talk to Mike about the circumstances surrounding it."
There was a long pause while this news sunk in.
"Oh, so nothing too difficult then." Cassie said with a laugh. "Charlie can't do it because he's not supposed to know about it, is that right?"
"That's right. I know this is kind of a weird thing to ask of you but you're the only person I would trust to do this."
Steve returned from the next room with the drinks and he had a bit of a scowl on his face.
"I don't know if I like this." He said. "It's not that I don't trust you two together, although I'm not sure that I should, I am more concerned with the danger of the situation. How do you intend on doing this? If it means picking up a stranger and taking him to a motel room or something like that I will have to say no."
Cassie gave Steve a look that would make any man take a step back.
"Do you honestly think either of us would do something that stupid? There are other ways to do this."
I was intrigued that Cassie had obviously thought about this enough to know of other options. Steve looked like he was about to ask her about this too when Ella explained what she had in mind.
"A glory hole."
"What?" Steve looked a little confused. I wasn't sure if he didn't know what a glory hole was or if he was surprised that Ella did.
"I looked up locations of glory holes in the city and once I had found a few I looked into the ones that were in the busiest areas of the city. The benefit being that you don't have to worry about picking up guys in a bar or somewhere else. Everyone knows why they are there and there are no worries about seeing the person in your normal everyday life. In fact you probably won't see their face at all and if you don't want them to they won't see yours either. I like the idea of the men being at your mercy so they are going to be on their best behavior."
Steve still didn't look convinced but he looked as though he was thinking it through. Ella could see his uncertainty.
"I don't expect Cassie to join in Steve. I'm not asking her to cheat on you. I just want her to be there as a witness to me completing my dare. All I want of her is to film this experience for me and be a support for me, someone to hold my hand if you like. I'm pretty nervous about doing this. It's not something I would normally do but it is my dare and it's a part of me I would like to explore a little."
I could see Steve begin to relax a little. Then a smile crept across his lips.
"I know a way you can do this real safe."
Ella was onto him straight away and laughed.
Mike wasn't going to be on much during the week for pretty much the same reasons as us. Monday and Tuesday went by so slowly that you would swear each day was a week long. Wednesday morning I received a text message from Ella saying she had some good news and to hurry home after work because she wanted to discuss it with me.
It didn't take me long to invent all kinds of scenarios in my mind; the scariest being that Mike had decided to come to Australia after all. I was nervous all day and as soon as the clock hit five thirty I was out the door like a rocket. All the way home I had butterflies in my stomach. It dawned on me how much things had changed in the last week or so. Previously such a message would have had me mildly curious at best and I still might have thought about stopping at the pub on the way home. Wednesday was an informal pub night for some of my mates. You either came or you didn't but more often than not I would. Not tonight. Tonight I broke about ten different laws just to get home that little bit faster.
I screeched to a halt in the driveway and practically ran through the front door. I calmly walked into the kitchen, trying to be nonchalant and failing dismally, where Ella was making a cup of coffee.
"Hi hon. what's the good news?"
"Hi. Couldn't wait huh?"
"That obvious am I?"
Ella laughed as she handed me my cup.
"You are so transparent. You're all excited and scared at the same time. I think it's cute."
"Are you planning on telling me or are you going to tease me all night?"
"I don't know what you're so stressed about. It's not that big a deal."
"You're enjoying this aren't you?"
"Absolutely!" She said with a big grin spreading across her face.
"You are such a bloody tease. Is it about Mike?"
"Yes and no."
"Oh for gods' sake will you tell me what's going on?"
"I have invited Cassie and Steve over for a barbecue tomorrow night."
"Is that all? I mean it will be good to catch up with them but the way you put it in the message made me think it was something big."
"Well I was thinking of asking Cassie if she wanted to have a girl's weekend in the city this weekend. You know see a movie or two, have a few drinks Saturday night and Oh I don't know maybe go to some clubs... of the adult kind."
"What do you think?"
"I would have liked to have gone with you to be honest. But if you feel you will be safe with just you and Cassie then I guess that will be o.k."
I wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea and I was worried about their safety so I wasn't what you would call brimming with enthusiasm. I was feeling on the outer again and I would probably try to talk her out of it over the course of the evening.
Ella must have known I was feeling insecure because all night she doted on me and kept telling me how much she loved me and that I was the only man for her. I guess I'm just a softie at heart, either that or Ella just really knows how to manipulate me, because by the time I was drifting off to sleep I still hadn't broached the issue with her. Tomorrow I told myself before I drifted off into a very interesting dream about strippers and my wife.
The next morning I woke up to a note from Ella saying she had left early to get the required items for tonight's barbecue. Ella has never been an early riser in fact it was usually me who dragged her physically from the bed each morning. I got the impression she was avoiding talking to me until I came home tonight. Cassie would already be here and it would be a lot harder for me to say no once Cassie already new of the plans. I wondered how Steve would feel about it. That was when I had my first inkling of an idea.
I wandered off to work as per usual and tried to keep my mind on the job but it was awfully difficult knowing what was coming that night when I got home. I wasn't sure how much Ella planned on telling Cassie tonight and my plan kind of hinged on her telling Cassie everything and hopefully in front of Steve. If not I think I might have to pull him aside and tell him myself. I wasn't worried about how Cassie would react; she was up for just about anything and was quite often the life of our parties. I also knew she had a bit of a thing for Ella no matter how much Ella denied it. I was more concerned about how Steve would feel about the girls in the city and clubs without us there to protect them. In fact my plan kind of relied on him being concerned but I didn't want him to say no outright.
I was almost home before I had the plan worked out in my head. I pulled up in the driveway and saw Cassie and Steve's car already there. I walked in the front door and was immediately assaulted. Cassie leapt at me and hugged me fiercely for a second before kissing me on the cheek. She stood back and I was impressed as always by her nice figure and her amazingly short dresses. They seemed to me to be getting just a little shorter each time I saw her. Not that I was complaining. It did make it hard to concentrate though because she was a real little dynamo and was always flitting from one place to another and her dresses always looked like she was about to show a whole lot more. Steve reached out and shook my hand and smiled at my reaction to Cassie.
"You'll have to excuse me for a moment." I said as I headed for the bathroom. "It's stinking hot out there and I want to have a quick shower and get changed before I start the barbecue."
"No problem mate, take your time. We've just got here."
"Alright I'll be out soon."
I grabbed a pair of shorts, a shirt and a towel on my way into the bathroom. The shower was nice as it washed away the day's tension and I relaxed into it. I couldn't help but think of Cassie's gorgeous legs and her barely contained body. Then I thought of the time I was watching her stare up at Ella's barely covered ass and pussy the time she had convinced her to dance on the table. There was an unmistakable look of lust on her face and I started to get hard just thinking about it. I thought about having a quick wank while I was in there but then I thought the evening might be a bit more interesting if I didn't.
I turned off the taps, turned and grabbed the towel off the rack and started drying my hair and face as I stepped out of the shower.
"Mmm Ella was right you do have a nice cock Charlie."
I nearly fell over as I jumped in fright. I turned to see Cassie sitting on the toilet with her panties just below her knees. She was staring at my cock and had a cheeky smirk on her face.
"You look like your half way to a hard-on Charlie. What were you thinking about?"
Once I got over the shock of seeing her sitting there looking at me I thought why not play along?
"Well actually I was thinking about your legs and thinking about how you want Ella."
She blushed a little at hearing what she thought was a secret said aloud. She raised one eyebrow as she looked me in the eye gauging my reaction to the news.
"What makes you think I want Ella?"
"Perhaps it's the way you like to slow dance with her at some parties or maybe it's the way you stare at her with pure lust in your eyes when you think no one is watching. The clincher though was the way you were practically drooling while you looked up her dress when you convinced her to dance on the table that time."
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she relived the memory in her mind. When she opened her eyes again she was back to staring at my cock again. I was starting to get hard again thinking about that night and looking at Cassie's legs.
She took a handful of paper, parted her legs and patted lightly on her pussy. When she stood up her dress stayed up around her waste and she stood there with her recently shaved or waxed pussy on full display. I couldn't help but reach down and give my cock a quick squeeze. She was so sexy and I don't think she would have said no if I walked over and took her right then. I bent over, picked up my clothes and stepped into my shorts. She pulled her panties up as I pulled my shorts up. We were tensely focused on each other. I gave my cock another quick squeeze before stuffing it into my shorts and carefully doing the zip up. She smiled and gave her pussy a bit of a rub through her panties then pulled her dress into place. She walked past me to wash up and I pulled my shirt over my head. I felt another quick squeeze on my cock as she went past me on her way out. I let out an involuntary moan and she gave me a wicked grin as she went out the door.
I was surprised by the incident but glad that it hadn't gone any further. As it was I had to spend an extra five minutes in the bathroom just trying to get my hard-on to go back down. I eventually joined the others out the back and started the barbecue as Steve got me a cold beer out of the fridge.
Several beers and a nice steak later I was feeling very laid back. It was a beautiful evening with an orange sunset and a nice cool breeze taking the heat out of the day. It was still early in the season so there weren't too many mosquitoes out yet. We were all very relaxed. Ella looked over to where Cassie and Steve were sitting together on the hammock.
"How would you like a girl's night out this weekend Cassie?"
"Now that sounds like a great idea. Got anything in mind?"
"Well I have some ideas but I need to run something by you first."
All of a sudden I was really tense. I was worried this would not go down well. Ella then spent the next half an hour explaining the whole dare situation with Mike. Both Cassie and Steve were very interested and Cassie demanded to be shown the photos of Mike stating that she refused to believe that any one has a dick like that in the real world. I just laughed as we all made our way to the office and the computer.
Ella opened her file named dares but before she could get to the folder named Mike Steve spotted the thumbnails of her photos.
"Holy shit Ella! Is that you?"
She hurriedly clicked on the Mike file while blushing madly.
"I forgot they were thumbnails." She mumbled. "Here's Mike."
Ella took them through the photos of Mike. Both Steve and Cassie were suitably impressed by the size of Mike's cock. Inevitably though Steve and Cassie started asking questions about what dares were being done. Ella went through them and told them pretty much everything.
"I really want to see your dares Ella."
"Well... I guess I can show you some Steve." Ella said, turning crimson.
We were all crowded around the monitor with Ella sitting in the chair and our guests standing behind her looking over her head. I had already seen them all of course so I was enjoying watching Steve and Cassie's reactions. After a while I could see Cassie's nipples start to get hard under her dress and I couldn't help but think about her squeezing my cock and her bald pussy. I was getting hard again and while Ella was showing them the video of her walking back up the driveway with her tits out I noticed her blushing again. She turned around and looked at Steve.
"You all right there Steve?"
"Huh? Yeah. why?"
"Well your poking me in the arm with your cock and I figure it must be uncomfortable."
Cassie burst out laughing and it was Steve's turn to blush.
"I can't help it. I mean looking at Ella walk around with her tits out would give anyone a hard-on. You look fantastic like that Ella."
As though he just realized what he had said might offend his wife he looked at her and said.
"Yours are beautiful too babe."
I laughed.
"Would you like a shovel to dig your self into a deeper hole Steve?"
Cassie pouted and gave him a pretend angry look.
"So you think her tits are nicer than mine do you?"
"No sweety; that's not it at all."
I felt sorry for Steve even though I knew Cassie was just teasing him. I thought I might have an idea that will turn this situation on its head.
"I think the only fair thing to do is for us to look at yours as well Cassie and compare."
Ella was giggling now.
"You wish Charlie."
"You better believe I do."
They all laughed at this but then Cassie stood back against the wall and pulled her shoulder straps down her arms and released her breasts. There was a moment of silence as we all stared at her. She had a slight tan that went uninterrupted down to her navel with a light smattering of freckles across her upper chest. She obviously sunbathed naked and she had light brown coloured nipples and aureole that seemed to point up toward the sun they worshipped. They were firm and didn't sag a bit. Her nipples were very hard and it was awfully tempting to just lean over and suck one into my mouth.
Ella paused momentarily while she soaked in the sight of her best friends breasts. She then stood up next to her, unbuttoned the top two buttons of her summer dress and pulled it down to her waist. She then turned her back to Cassie who automatically reached up and unclasped Ella's bra. Ella tossed the bra onto the computer desk and turned back to face Steve and myself.
I was rock hard by now and had a teepee in my shorts that was quite uncomfortable. I imagine Steve was feeling pretty uncomfortable in the pants as well. I saw him adjusting a number of times as he stared at Ella's creamy white tits. Both girls were blushing but it was Cassie who kept things going.
"Well if you're going to compare, you have to do it properly. Have a feel."
I heard Ella draw in a sharp breath and she gave Cassie a sideways glance that was full of uncertainty. Her sudden intake of breath came back out as a soft moan as Steve reached up and took one of her nipples between his fingers. I didn't want to be left out either and though I was watching for Ella's reaction I ran my hands over Cassie's firm breasts and felt her hard nipples poking into the palms of my hands. Ella moaned again as she watched me playing with Cassie's tits.
"Do you like the feel of her tits Steve?" Cassie asked.
"Yes they feel fantastic. They're nice and firm like yours but they are so pale. They are like milk."
"Do they taste like milk Steve? Taste them for me."
Cassie was obviously very turned on by the whole situation and it was apparent Ella had relaxed as she didn't bat an eye when Steve leaned forward and took one of her nipples in his mouth. She just put her head back and moaned deep in her throat, almost a purr. Ella looked back down at me with lust in her eyes.
"Aren't you going to taste Cassie too? I want to watch you suck her nipples hard like you do to me."
I certainly didn't need telling twice. I took one of those delicious upturned nipples into my mouth and sucked hard. Cassie moaned and ran her hands through my hair as I ran my tongue around her nipple then flicked it rapidly with my tongue.
"O.k. Now it's time to swap." Ella said.
Steve and I swapped places and went about pleasuring our own wives breasts for a few minutes before Cassie said it was time to swap again. We all looked at each other momentarily confused until Cassie leaned over and sucked Ella's nipple straight into her mouth. I nearly came on the spot. Steve looked on in awe.
"Oh my god! That is so unbelievably hot."
I had to agree with him. Ella had a strange look on her face, a mixture of confusion and pure animal lust. As though it felt fantastic but she wasn't sure that it should. Cassie stood up, looked Ella in the eye and said.
"My turn."
She put her hand on the back of Ella's head and gently guided her mouth to her nipple. Ella's instincts took over and she started sucking and licking like an expert. Cassie shivered and let a moan.
"Oh god yeah, that's it. Oh you do that so well."
All of a sudden the phone rang. It was like an alarm clock going off and it was as though we were all waking up from a particularly pleasant dream. I reached for the phone and the girls started to get dressed again with slightly embarrassed looks on their faces.
"Yes, good evening sir." Came the reply in an Indian accent. "I am calling today to talk to you about your telephone service provider."
"Do you have any concept of how incredibly bad your timing is?"
"I am terribly sorry sir. Would you like to save money on your long distance calls?"
I bit back the tirade of abuse that was on the tip of my tongue and instead I explained that I was in fact not interested. I put the phone down and looked around at everyone but they were all busy avoiding each others eyes and I knew the moment had passed.
"Who wants another drink?"
"Good idea Steve, I know I could use one."
I was going to have a hangover tomorrow but I was at the point of not caring.
"So Ella, tell me what this dare involves on the weekend and how does it involve me?"
Cassie was still interested I was pleased to see but Steve had a look on his face that made me realize I was going to have to put my plan into action.
"My dare is to suck a stranger's cock and I need someone to record it and then talk to Mike about the circumstances surrounding it."
There was a long pause while this news sunk in.
"Oh, so nothing too difficult then." Cassie said with a laugh. "Charlie can't do it because he's not supposed to know about it, is that right?"
"That's right. I know this is kind of a weird thing to ask of you but you're the only person I would trust to do this."
Steve returned from the next room with the drinks and he had a bit of a scowl on his face.
"I don't know if I like this." He said. "It's not that I don't trust you two together, although I'm not sure that I should, I am more concerned with the danger of the situation. How do you intend on doing this? If it means picking up a stranger and taking him to a motel room or something like that I will have to say no."
Cassie gave Steve a look that would make any man take a step back.
"Do you honestly think either of us would do something that stupid? There are other ways to do this."
I was intrigued that Cassie had obviously thought about this enough to know of other options. Steve looked like he was about to ask her about this too when Ella explained what she had in mind.
"A glory hole."
"What?" Steve looked a little confused. I wasn't sure if he didn't know what a glory hole was or if he was surprised that Ella did.
"I looked up locations of glory holes in the city and once I had found a few I looked into the ones that were in the busiest areas of the city. The benefit being that you don't have to worry about picking up guys in a bar or somewhere else. Everyone knows why they are there and there are no worries about seeing the person in your normal everyday life. In fact you probably won't see their face at all and if you don't want them to they won't see yours either. I like the idea of the men being at your mercy so they are going to be on their best behavior."
Steve still didn't look convinced but he looked as though he was thinking it through. Ella could see his uncertainty.
"I don't expect Cassie to join in Steve. I'm not asking her to cheat on you. I just want her to be there as a witness to me completing my dare. All I want of her is to film this experience for me and be a support for me, someone to hold my hand if you like. I'm pretty nervous about doing this. It's not something I would normally do but it is my dare and it's a part of me I would like to explore a little."
I could see Steve begin to relax a little. Then a smile crept across his lips.
"I know a way you can do this real safe."
Ella was onto him straight away and laughed.