Chapter 02
Anvita gratefully accepted the gift. It was a Bangalory silk pink lehenga choli and a white blouse. It was gorgeous.
She wore it immediately and showed Atul.
“It’s perfect.” He said.
“Leona had my measurements.”
“When did that happen?”
Atul remembered Leona taking her aside for a small talk during the wedding.
“Why did you tell me George was very funny?”
“Because he is funny. Don't you think so?”
Atul was not surprised.
“Let me change this dress.”
Anvita said.
“Why, you are not showing it to them? Leona is eager to know how it fits.”
“Not now. I’ll wear it when they throw us lunch. He has promised me one.”
“Really? He didn't tell me.”
“Now get out of this room. Let me change.”
She winked at him and pushed him out of the room.
Anvita later expressed her disappointment to George for not bringing Leona with him. He had other ideas.
“Leona is waiting there for you. In fact, I am told to bring both of you along.”
Atul asked.
“Yes. Leona is waiting there with a bottle of wine, especially for Anvita.”
“Yeah, I had told her that I like wine.”
Anvita said.
“But I won’t settle with wine, uncle.”
Atul commented.
“Don't embarrass me with such silly doubts. There will be an arrangement for men too.”
“I am afraid I can't leave now, uncle. A friend of mine is coming this afternoon. Can't we plan it some other day?”
Anvita suggested.
George couldn’t disagree. However, he later asked Atul to drop him home.
George’s new flat was twenty kilometres away. It was on the top floor of the building and he had most of the terrace for himself. It was very costly but it was near to his shop.
Leona was disappointed to see Atul alone.
“Where’s Anvita?”
She gave George a stern look when she learnt about the guests Anvita was expecting.
“It’s okay, Leona. We’ll come together another day.”
“Not on the day. Come for dinner. We’ll have a blast.”
Atul nodded.
George quickly opened two beer bottles and filled three glasses.
“Come on George!” Atul hesitated.
George was dismissive of his protest. “Cheers man. Raise your glass!”
Atul had no choice. He sat on the sofa and took a large sip from his glass.
“How's your business going, George?” He was asking when Leona walked in.
“Don't ask him about it now. Just leave the topic I say!” Leona sat next to him. She took extra care not to spill her beer.
She toasted it to him and winked.
“Of course I'm not talking about my stupid business.”
George defended.
“Tell me about your first night. How did it go?”
Leona tilted her head forward to look at him. Atul merely passed a smile hiding his embarrassment.
“Tell me.”
George pressed.
“It was good...”
“Good? Just good? Good is bad for the first night. Great is the only good!”
George laughed.
“What is better than good?”
“Did you have it?”
“Mmm... I don't want to say that.”
“I guess you didn't let her sleep all night.”
“No, I wasn't that harsh.”
He tried to laugh it down. He was certainly finding it funny especially as Leona sat next to him.
“Then how else was it?”
Atul looked at him and Leona alternately.
“It’s really tough to sit between you guys and talk about my first night. What kind of couple are you?”
“Don't divert the subject. Come to the point.”
George was persuasive enough to make him admit.
“We did just once, George.”
He stared at him.
“Just once? How long did it last?”
“Fuck you, George!” Leona scolded him immediately, “Don't be so mean!”
“Mean? Am I acting mean?”
“No, not at all, George.”
Atul said sarcastically.
“See. This is how we men talk after the first wedding...”
He paused deliberately to make Atul look at him through the corner of his eyes, “I mean the first night.”
“No. It’s okay.”
Leona retorted to his ‘first wedding’ remark. “You know Atul. George didn't really have a difference between a first wedding and second wedding. He was so...” She leaned forward and threw a suggestive glance at her husband. “Just forget it.”
Atul could not understand if she meant he was too good or too bad. Then George added.
“I didn't let her sleep.”
“You made me cry.”
“I never had an idea you’d be a virgin.”
“I was not a virgin.”
Atul could not believe her blatancy.
“But you cried.”
“Yeah, I told you, you made me cry.”
Atul intervened. “But was it fun?”
“It was a lot of fun, for sure.”
Leona gave him a smile that was really special. Is she thinking of her first night with her second husband? He wondered.
George opened next bottle and refilled the glasses.
“You know Atul, after our marriage I had given a nice, detailed picture of my first night to my friends. It's common.”
He looked at Leona to see her reaction.
“I know that.” She said.
“Don't say you know that. Say you remember that.”
“Remember? How can I forget that? It was unbelievable.”
“Unbelievable, huh?”
He was curious. She just smiled and looked down.
“Explain please.”
He pressed a bit to see her face redden.
“Okay, you kept me awake the whole night. And I cried every time.”
She confessed.
Atul was amazed. A woman was admitting how she was fucked by her husband on her wedding night, while her husband was sitting next to him. Atul suddenly found himself aroused. He could not deviate from the topic.
“Cried? Say you moaned, baby.”
George said and he watched her blush even more.
“It’s basically same to your eyes, isn’t it?”
“Crying with severe pleasure is called moaning.”
“Fuck you, George!”
She leaned over him to push him lightly. Atul thought he felt her breasts on the side of his shoulder. He couldn’t help but threw a quick glance at her chest. It was round and full and hard to miss. It took him one-quarter of a second to find his dick gaining its full possible thickness under the confinements of his pants.
“She’s acting innocent, Atul!”
George was playful, completely unaware of his horny situation.
“She was begging me for more.”
“Don't embarrass him, I beg you now, George.”
Atul had finished his glass too quickly. George was quick to refill it. He didn't care to stop him anymore.
George brought back the subject as soon he took the glass again.
“So, tell me how was it? Just once? Then you must have had it very slowly. How was she? Was she open for the idea? Some girls, you know, come up with shitty ideas like no sex on the first night and all. It’s a bull shit!”
“No, she had no such bullshits.”
Atul admitted.
“Yeah, she’s a good girl. Like Leona.”
Atul had started to like it whenever he talked about Leona.
“You had it relaxed, right? Then it must be a milky one. Who did come first?”
“George!” Leona was smiling, just like him. George ignored her.
“You guys hadn’t done it before the night, right?”
“George you’re going too much...”
“What is too much? He knows how we did it on our night. So he should tell how he had his.”
“It’s the cool stuff, isn’t it, Atul?”
“What can I say?” He looked helplessly at her.
She grinned.
“Okay, great, you pervert. Now he’s gonna ask you about your favourite pose...”
“What’s yours?”
Atul interrupted quickly.
She was taken aback for a moment.
George snapped his finger. “Ask her, ask her that!”
Leona was now showing the heat on her face.
“Can't we just stop this nonsense, please?”
“She is not gonna tell, Atul. She doesn’t have it.”
George teased his wife further.
“You don’t have a favourite pose, don’t you Leona?”
Atul played along.
“No. I don't have one.”
She said firmly.
“She loves doggy.”
George announced instantly, completing her embarrassment. Leona got up and shook her head.
“Fuck you guys. Both of you are impossible.”
She though settled on the opposite couch.
“Enough! Atul you carry on and tell him whether Anvita liked the, let's say your...your gun.”
It was amazing how she was still sticking around the subject. As she took a long sip of her beer, Atul dared to stare right at her breasts. He was ashamed of his act though.
Control, Atul. Control.
“Every girl loves that gun.” George declared. “They just have to, don't they?”
“Of course!”
He did a high five with Atul for that. Atul was just going with the flow. He had absolutely no idea about Anvita ‘loving’ his ‘gun’.
“Yeah. Did you try anything extra? She can give a great blowjob. I can see that.”
Suddenly his wife was the point of discussion and Atul fell conscious.
“Some girls are too good. We can gauge it in one look. Look at my wife.”
His daring invitation pulled both Atul and Leona off their feet.
“Fuck you, George.”
Leona was angry now.
“No, look at her. Look at her lips.”
George was unbelievably blatant.
“Look, her upper and lower lips are almost identical; same thickness. They’ll form a perfect O when you need it. It resembles a perfect... do you know what an O is?”
“George I am gonna throw this glass on your head...”
Leona raised the glass and threatened.
“I am praising you, darling, why are you getting angry?”
“If you say a word more to praise me like this, I swear I’ll throw this beer...”
“It’s empty, Leona.”
He reminded her.
“No problem. I can refill it.”
She stood up to check the beer bottles and they were empty.
She looked at George.
“Bring me some beer, darling!”
George immediately rose to his feet and walked to the kitchen. He was more than tipsy already; Atul would have stopped him unless he had his eyes on Leona’s lips as she sat down with him.
“What are you staring at, you pervert-in-making?”
She dilated her eyes to him.
“It’s a perfect O.”
He said. It was more like a whisper.
She rolled her eyes for a moment and emptied her beer glass on his head.
A few last drops fell over his hair and he felt its freezing coldness on the skin beneath his hair.
“Don't spoil my hair.”
He sat still though.
“Anvita has a perfect O with her lips. Have you tried it?”
Leona ran her fingers through his hair to rub the beer drops off it.
As she leaned forward slightly, his eyes rightly fell at her cleavage. He could see fine hair strands at the middle of the valley and his throat dried up instantly. His ‘gun’ twitched and it was hurting him in a pleasing way. He looked up and saw her lips again.
“You are again watching my mouth... what are you thinking?”
She touched his chin to lift it slightly up to make him look at her eyes, like a child. They were dangerously close. It was indeed a moment of uncertainty. She had him, completely under her mercy.
“Uh... nothing!”
He stammered.
“So you haven’t got a blowjob from Anvita yet, have you?”
“It’s okay. Even I hadn’t given George one on the first night.”
It was amazing to see this beautiful woman talk about sucking her husband’s dick. He was tempted to look at her lips, shamelessly, but he resisted his wish for the fear of putting her off.
“When did you...”
“One the next day, of course; in the morning...”
She smiled.
“When he demanded one.”
“How was it?”
He asked as he exhaled.
“It was...mmm...tough, he was, you know he was hitting on the back of my throat.”
Her voice was low now.
“You enjoyed it?”
He could see she was enjoying now, reliving it.
“Yeah. But I didn't like the taste...”
“What taste?”
“I mean, not the taste actually, but its feeling of sour. But he was a bastard by then. He made me swallow it.”
Atul was looking at her in a different way than he ever did. She had sucked her husband’s dick and had made him cum in her mouth and then had swallowed his juice.
“I don't know how to get Anvita to do it.”
“Don't worry; I will give you tips to make her give it.”
Leona assured him. He forced his eyes off her and she sat back as George suddenly walked in. Atul took a long breath. He feared if George sensed anything unusual in him. His heartbeats soared. He couldn’t really reason out what was happening.
Shouldn’t I be leaving? He wondered.
Yet he could only watch when George refilled his glass to its top edge and spilt some on the table. Leona grabbed a piece of cloth and wiped it clean. As she bent forward, Atul could not help but notice her perfectly shaped round ass.
Atul was learning one thing anew. Leona was a 36-year-old wife of 40-year-old George and mother of a nine-year-old, and she had been around him for many years, but she was indeed a perfectly hot woman. Atul had never noticed it before. Now he was too thrilled to ignore the fact that he was seduced by her even while her husband, a family friend of him, sat a couple of meters away from him.
Atul grabbed his glass and took a large sip.
“I’ll bring more snacks. You’re a pathetic host, George.”
Leona walked to the kitchen. Atul was trying hard to ignore the rhythmic swaying of her ass when George tapped him on his thigh.
“Look at her ass. Isn’t it lovely?”
“Come on, George!”
Atul tried to be modest, although he was staring exactly at it.
“I love it. It’s really soft and...”
He took another sip and Atul noticed how drunk the man was.
“You know the best pose to fuck is from behind your woman, while she stands on all fours; you get to see the wonderful shape of her. Luckily Leona has a great bum; round and soft. What about Anvita?”
Atul could not really find a word to reply. Round, soft, nice, great: what should he describe his wife’s ass to this man?
He nodded and pretended to take a slow sip of beer to evade the question.
“You haven’t noticed?”
“Uhh...mmm...kind of...I haven’t thought about it.”
“You are okay when I talk about your wife, right?”
“What? Why do you think like that?”
“No, I mean I didn't want to hurt you, boy. This is how we are. We don't mean to...”
“It’s okay, George. There is nothing wrong. I am having a blast with you guys. You both are awesome... But I think I am getting late, George.”
“You can leave soon. It’s okay... you are not late.”
“Yeah... Yeah...!”
He raised his glass and they started drinking again.
They were drunk. Atul had his stomach full. His head was just one glass short of spinning.
“You said you did only one. Anvita deserves more... and I know you’re just taking it slow. But my advice is that you shouldn’t waste time.”
George spoke and Atul listened.
“Yours is a love marriage. You must have planned about kids and all. Delay it. But the practice should be solid. You know what I mean?”
George had become a coach. And Atul was a rookie. Men when drunk adapt marvellously.
“This is time, man. Play hard! Fuck hard!”
Atul was already having visions of Anvita, her milky thighs wide open. He felt an urge to run to her and push her down to the bed. He wanted to mate with her like an animal; in the bed, him and Anvita, completely nude.
“I will prefer the slow game, George. Actually, I rushed it a little on the first night.”
He said.
“Oh really? Then?”
“I finished too early.”
He said without thinking.
“That’s no problem. Even I had got there in three minutes when I did it for the first time with a friend’s sister. A long time ago.”
“Three minutes? I lasted barely a minute!”
Atul regretted his words immediately.
“Still no worry, dear. The time is not important. You know how horny we become by the time all the fuckers leave us alone on a wedding night and allow us to walk into our bedroom. Your marriage was an evening affair. It can never help. It is not a rare thing to lose the grip in a few pushes. “
“I really felt bad, though.”
“Come on, man. That wasn’t you. So let it go from your head. Now listen to me.”
Leona walked in with snacks and George turned to her.
“Go bring some water. And delay your return. I am giving him some nice advice.”
“Don't spoil him, George.”
“Go. I’ll see that.”
Leona walked back and Atul’s eyes automatically fell on her ass. When He turned to George, he was watching him. He was caught off guard.
“He... uh...”
He stammered.
“It’s okay man, you can look wherever you like. It’s just okay.”
“I didn't mean...”
He tried to speak up in his drunken voice.
“It’s okay, I told you.”
He looked down.
“Now where were we? Oh yes, listen. For tonight I will give you an action plan. You can follow it if it sounds cool to you. Get her on all fours, and hold her like this...”
He held his palms in front of his crotch, pretending to hold an imaginary woman, “...and then take her from behind.”
“I like it a bit soft, George.”
“You can do this in a soft way. You just bend her forward and slowly push it in. Do it very slowly. It will be tough in the beginning, but Anvita will get used to it and she will love it. When you have her round, plump ass in front of your eyes, you’ll have your dick in its best shape for the longest... And do this very slowly, as you wish.”
He held his hands forward again.
“Just like this, and when you push it in, you pull her body back to you. When you get high to the peak, you can pause and lean forward to grab her tits. Anvita has really good breasts. It’ll leave her too horny. She will writhe under you. Then, you take a breath and then boom! Again! You got it?”
Atul could only shake his head.
“So today, tonight, do doggy.”
He raised his glass.
He finished it in one go.
Atul’s mind was filled with visions of Anvita bending in front of him, in her absolute glory. All He wanted was to get back to her, now.
She wore it immediately and showed Atul.
“It’s perfect.” He said.
“Leona had my measurements.”
“When did that happen?”
Atul remembered Leona taking her aside for a small talk during the wedding.
“Why did you tell me George was very funny?”
“Because he is funny. Don't you think so?”
Atul was not surprised.
“Let me change this dress.”
Anvita said.
“Why, you are not showing it to them? Leona is eager to know how it fits.”
“Not now. I’ll wear it when they throw us lunch. He has promised me one.”
“Really? He didn't tell me.”
“Now get out of this room. Let me change.”
She winked at him and pushed him out of the room.
Anvita later expressed her disappointment to George for not bringing Leona with him. He had other ideas.
“Leona is waiting there for you. In fact, I am told to bring both of you along.”
Atul asked.
“Yes. Leona is waiting there with a bottle of wine, especially for Anvita.”
“Yeah, I had told her that I like wine.”
Anvita said.
“But I won’t settle with wine, uncle.”
Atul commented.
“Don't embarrass me with such silly doubts. There will be an arrangement for men too.”
“I am afraid I can't leave now, uncle. A friend of mine is coming this afternoon. Can't we plan it some other day?”
Anvita suggested.
George couldn’t disagree. However, he later asked Atul to drop him home.
George’s new flat was twenty kilometres away. It was on the top floor of the building and he had most of the terrace for himself. It was very costly but it was near to his shop.
Leona was disappointed to see Atul alone.
“Where’s Anvita?”
She gave George a stern look when she learnt about the guests Anvita was expecting.
“It’s okay, Leona. We’ll come together another day.”
“Not on the day. Come for dinner. We’ll have a blast.”
Atul nodded.
George quickly opened two beer bottles and filled three glasses.
“Come on George!” Atul hesitated.
George was dismissive of his protest. “Cheers man. Raise your glass!”
Atul had no choice. He sat on the sofa and took a large sip from his glass.
“How's your business going, George?” He was asking when Leona walked in.
“Don't ask him about it now. Just leave the topic I say!” Leona sat next to him. She took extra care not to spill her beer.
She toasted it to him and winked.
“Of course I'm not talking about my stupid business.”
George defended.
“Tell me about your first night. How did it go?”
Leona tilted her head forward to look at him. Atul merely passed a smile hiding his embarrassment.
“Tell me.”
George pressed.
“It was good...”
“Good? Just good? Good is bad for the first night. Great is the only good!”
George laughed.
“What is better than good?”
“Did you have it?”
“Mmm... I don't want to say that.”
“I guess you didn't let her sleep all night.”
“No, I wasn't that harsh.”
He tried to laugh it down. He was certainly finding it funny especially as Leona sat next to him.
“Then how else was it?”
Atul looked at him and Leona alternately.
“It’s really tough to sit between you guys and talk about my first night. What kind of couple are you?”
“Don't divert the subject. Come to the point.”
George was persuasive enough to make him admit.
“We did just once, George.”
He stared at him.
“Just once? How long did it last?”
“Fuck you, George!” Leona scolded him immediately, “Don't be so mean!”
“Mean? Am I acting mean?”
“No, not at all, George.”
Atul said sarcastically.
“See. This is how we men talk after the first wedding...”
He paused deliberately to make Atul look at him through the corner of his eyes, “I mean the first night.”
“No. It’s okay.”
Leona retorted to his ‘first wedding’ remark. “You know Atul. George didn't really have a difference between a first wedding and second wedding. He was so...” She leaned forward and threw a suggestive glance at her husband. “Just forget it.”
Atul could not understand if she meant he was too good or too bad. Then George added.
“I didn't let her sleep.”
“You made me cry.”
“I never had an idea you’d be a virgin.”
“I was not a virgin.”
Atul could not believe her blatancy.
“But you cried.”
“Yeah, I told you, you made me cry.”
Atul intervened. “But was it fun?”
“It was a lot of fun, for sure.”
Leona gave him a smile that was really special. Is she thinking of her first night with her second husband? He wondered.
George opened next bottle and refilled the glasses.
“You know Atul, after our marriage I had given a nice, detailed picture of my first night to my friends. It's common.”
He looked at Leona to see her reaction.
“I know that.” She said.
“Don't say you know that. Say you remember that.”
“Remember? How can I forget that? It was unbelievable.”
“Unbelievable, huh?”
He was curious. She just smiled and looked down.
“Explain please.”
He pressed a bit to see her face redden.
“Okay, you kept me awake the whole night. And I cried every time.”
She confessed.
Atul was amazed. A woman was admitting how she was fucked by her husband on her wedding night, while her husband was sitting next to him. Atul suddenly found himself aroused. He could not deviate from the topic.
“Cried? Say you moaned, baby.”
George said and he watched her blush even more.
“It’s basically same to your eyes, isn’t it?”
“Crying with severe pleasure is called moaning.”
“Fuck you, George!”
She leaned over him to push him lightly. Atul thought he felt her breasts on the side of his shoulder. He couldn’t help but threw a quick glance at her chest. It was round and full and hard to miss. It took him one-quarter of a second to find his dick gaining its full possible thickness under the confinements of his pants.
“She’s acting innocent, Atul!”
George was playful, completely unaware of his horny situation.
“She was begging me for more.”
“Don't embarrass him, I beg you now, George.”
Atul had finished his glass too quickly. George was quick to refill it. He didn't care to stop him anymore.
George brought back the subject as soon he took the glass again.
“So, tell me how was it? Just once? Then you must have had it very slowly. How was she? Was she open for the idea? Some girls, you know, come up with shitty ideas like no sex on the first night and all. It’s a bull shit!”
“No, she had no such bullshits.”
Atul admitted.
“Yeah, she’s a good girl. Like Leona.”
Atul had started to like it whenever he talked about Leona.
“You had it relaxed, right? Then it must be a milky one. Who did come first?”
“George!” Leona was smiling, just like him. George ignored her.
“You guys hadn’t done it before the night, right?”
“George you’re going too much...”
“What is too much? He knows how we did it on our night. So he should tell how he had his.”
“It’s the cool stuff, isn’t it, Atul?”
“What can I say?” He looked helplessly at her.
She grinned.
“Okay, great, you pervert. Now he’s gonna ask you about your favourite pose...”
“What’s yours?”
Atul interrupted quickly.
She was taken aback for a moment.
George snapped his finger. “Ask her, ask her that!”
Leona was now showing the heat on her face.
“Can't we just stop this nonsense, please?”
“She is not gonna tell, Atul. She doesn’t have it.”
George teased his wife further.
“You don’t have a favourite pose, don’t you Leona?”
Atul played along.
“No. I don't have one.”
She said firmly.
“She loves doggy.”
George announced instantly, completing her embarrassment. Leona got up and shook her head.
“Fuck you guys. Both of you are impossible.”
She though settled on the opposite couch.
“Enough! Atul you carry on and tell him whether Anvita liked the, let's say your...your gun.”
It was amazing how she was still sticking around the subject. As she took a long sip of her beer, Atul dared to stare right at her breasts. He was ashamed of his act though.
Control, Atul. Control.
“Every girl loves that gun.” George declared. “They just have to, don't they?”
“Of course!”
He did a high five with Atul for that. Atul was just going with the flow. He had absolutely no idea about Anvita ‘loving’ his ‘gun’.
“Yeah. Did you try anything extra? She can give a great blowjob. I can see that.”
Suddenly his wife was the point of discussion and Atul fell conscious.
“Some girls are too good. We can gauge it in one look. Look at my wife.”
His daring invitation pulled both Atul and Leona off their feet.
“Fuck you, George.”
Leona was angry now.
“No, look at her. Look at her lips.”
George was unbelievably blatant.
“Look, her upper and lower lips are almost identical; same thickness. They’ll form a perfect O when you need it. It resembles a perfect... do you know what an O is?”
“George I am gonna throw this glass on your head...”
Leona raised the glass and threatened.
“I am praising you, darling, why are you getting angry?”
“If you say a word more to praise me like this, I swear I’ll throw this beer...”
“It’s empty, Leona.”
He reminded her.
“No problem. I can refill it.”
She stood up to check the beer bottles and they were empty.
She looked at George.
“Bring me some beer, darling!”
George immediately rose to his feet and walked to the kitchen. He was more than tipsy already; Atul would have stopped him unless he had his eyes on Leona’s lips as she sat down with him.
“What are you staring at, you pervert-in-making?”
She dilated her eyes to him.
“It’s a perfect O.”
He said. It was more like a whisper.
She rolled her eyes for a moment and emptied her beer glass on his head.
A few last drops fell over his hair and he felt its freezing coldness on the skin beneath his hair.
“Don't spoil my hair.”
He sat still though.
“Anvita has a perfect O with her lips. Have you tried it?”
Leona ran her fingers through his hair to rub the beer drops off it.
As she leaned forward slightly, his eyes rightly fell at her cleavage. He could see fine hair strands at the middle of the valley and his throat dried up instantly. His ‘gun’ twitched and it was hurting him in a pleasing way. He looked up and saw her lips again.
“You are again watching my mouth... what are you thinking?”
She touched his chin to lift it slightly up to make him look at her eyes, like a child. They were dangerously close. It was indeed a moment of uncertainty. She had him, completely under her mercy.
“Uh... nothing!”
He stammered.
“So you haven’t got a blowjob from Anvita yet, have you?”
“It’s okay. Even I hadn’t given George one on the first night.”
It was amazing to see this beautiful woman talk about sucking her husband’s dick. He was tempted to look at her lips, shamelessly, but he resisted his wish for the fear of putting her off.
“When did you...”
“One the next day, of course; in the morning...”
She smiled.
“When he demanded one.”
“How was it?”
He asked as he exhaled.
“It was...mmm...tough, he was, you know he was hitting on the back of my throat.”
Her voice was low now.
“You enjoyed it?”
He could see she was enjoying now, reliving it.
“Yeah. But I didn't like the taste...”
“What taste?”
“I mean, not the taste actually, but its feeling of sour. But he was a bastard by then. He made me swallow it.”
Atul was looking at her in a different way than he ever did. She had sucked her husband’s dick and had made him cum in her mouth and then had swallowed his juice.
“I don't know how to get Anvita to do it.”
“Don't worry; I will give you tips to make her give it.”
Leona assured him. He forced his eyes off her and she sat back as George suddenly walked in. Atul took a long breath. He feared if George sensed anything unusual in him. His heartbeats soared. He couldn’t really reason out what was happening.
Shouldn’t I be leaving? He wondered.
Yet he could only watch when George refilled his glass to its top edge and spilt some on the table. Leona grabbed a piece of cloth and wiped it clean. As she bent forward, Atul could not help but notice her perfectly shaped round ass.
Atul was learning one thing anew. Leona was a 36-year-old wife of 40-year-old George and mother of a nine-year-old, and she had been around him for many years, but she was indeed a perfectly hot woman. Atul had never noticed it before. Now he was too thrilled to ignore the fact that he was seduced by her even while her husband, a family friend of him, sat a couple of meters away from him.
Atul grabbed his glass and took a large sip.
“I’ll bring more snacks. You’re a pathetic host, George.”
Leona walked to the kitchen. Atul was trying hard to ignore the rhythmic swaying of her ass when George tapped him on his thigh.
“Look at her ass. Isn’t it lovely?”
“Come on, George!”
Atul tried to be modest, although he was staring exactly at it.
“I love it. It’s really soft and...”
He took another sip and Atul noticed how drunk the man was.
“You know the best pose to fuck is from behind your woman, while she stands on all fours; you get to see the wonderful shape of her. Luckily Leona has a great bum; round and soft. What about Anvita?”
Atul could not really find a word to reply. Round, soft, nice, great: what should he describe his wife’s ass to this man?
He nodded and pretended to take a slow sip of beer to evade the question.
“You haven’t noticed?”
“Uhh...mmm...kind of...I haven’t thought about it.”
“You are okay when I talk about your wife, right?”
“What? Why do you think like that?”
“No, I mean I didn't want to hurt you, boy. This is how we are. We don't mean to...”
“It’s okay, George. There is nothing wrong. I am having a blast with you guys. You both are awesome... But I think I am getting late, George.”
“You can leave soon. It’s okay... you are not late.”
“Yeah... Yeah...!”
He raised his glass and they started drinking again.
They were drunk. Atul had his stomach full. His head was just one glass short of spinning.
“You said you did only one. Anvita deserves more... and I know you’re just taking it slow. But my advice is that you shouldn’t waste time.”
George spoke and Atul listened.
“Yours is a love marriage. You must have planned about kids and all. Delay it. But the practice should be solid. You know what I mean?”
George had become a coach. And Atul was a rookie. Men when drunk adapt marvellously.
“This is time, man. Play hard! Fuck hard!”
Atul was already having visions of Anvita, her milky thighs wide open. He felt an urge to run to her and push her down to the bed. He wanted to mate with her like an animal; in the bed, him and Anvita, completely nude.
“I will prefer the slow game, George. Actually, I rushed it a little on the first night.”
He said.
“Oh really? Then?”
“I finished too early.”
He said without thinking.
“That’s no problem. Even I had got there in three minutes when I did it for the first time with a friend’s sister. A long time ago.”
“Three minutes? I lasted barely a minute!”
Atul regretted his words immediately.
“Still no worry, dear. The time is not important. You know how horny we become by the time all the fuckers leave us alone on a wedding night and allow us to walk into our bedroom. Your marriage was an evening affair. It can never help. It is not a rare thing to lose the grip in a few pushes. “
“I really felt bad, though.”
“Come on, man. That wasn’t you. So let it go from your head. Now listen to me.”
Leona walked in with snacks and George turned to her.
“Go bring some water. And delay your return. I am giving him some nice advice.”
“Don't spoil him, George.”
“Go. I’ll see that.”
Leona walked back and Atul’s eyes automatically fell on her ass. When He turned to George, he was watching him. He was caught off guard.
“He... uh...”
He stammered.
“It’s okay man, you can look wherever you like. It’s just okay.”
“I didn't mean...”
He tried to speak up in his drunken voice.
“It’s okay, I told you.”
He looked down.
“Now where were we? Oh yes, listen. For tonight I will give you an action plan. You can follow it if it sounds cool to you. Get her on all fours, and hold her like this...”
He held his palms in front of his crotch, pretending to hold an imaginary woman, “...and then take her from behind.”
“I like it a bit soft, George.”
“You can do this in a soft way. You just bend her forward and slowly push it in. Do it very slowly. It will be tough in the beginning, but Anvita will get used to it and she will love it. When you have her round, plump ass in front of your eyes, you’ll have your dick in its best shape for the longest... And do this very slowly, as you wish.”
He held his hands forward again.
“Just like this, and when you push it in, you pull her body back to you. When you get high to the peak, you can pause and lean forward to grab her tits. Anvita has really good breasts. It’ll leave her too horny. She will writhe under you. Then, you take a breath and then boom! Again! You got it?”
Atul could only shake his head.
“So today, tonight, do doggy.”
He raised his glass.
He finished it in one go.
Atul’s mind was filled with visions of Anvita bending in front of him, in her absolute glory. All He wanted was to get back to her, now.