Chapter 09
Phone calls between the sisters were regular. Anvita would often pass the phone to Atul. Initially, he felt awkward to speak to her, but Ankita’s indifference to their little misdeed brought him back to his usual self. As time passed, Atul was able to move on, but there was one thing he could not erase from his mind. It was the fact that Sahil had no idea how disappointed his wife was about him. Atul became upset whenever the thought came up.
“Sahil isn’t giving me enough. He has never made me scream. I used to think it’s impossible for me…I am scared, Atul. I am scared I’ll end up doing something stupid with someone else.”
As her words lingered in his mind, Atul saw the inevitable connection with what Rajat had told him earlier.
“She will cheat on him. Mark my words, Atul”
Though Rajat was making the prediction about a non-existing friend’s wife, Atul had those words pierced deep into his heart.
Ankita’s voice initially made Atul feel sorry indeed, but it faded away quickly as he tried to see it as Ankita’s fault. One day he was talking with Sahil when he remembered their kiss. He remembered how she was pushing her body against him. If Sahil hadn’t shown up, wouldn’t I have taken her to bed? Atul knew it was wrong but the thought gave him an arousal. He later thought of the various porn videos he had seen before marriage in that a married man made love to his wife’s sister. While making love to Anvita it once crossed his mind and suddenly he was guilt-ridden. But surprisingly it didn’t spoil his night. Instead, he found himself choking Anvita with his kisses. Anvita had noticed it.
“I loved the way you did it.”
She said later.
“Really? What did it I do?”
“You were eating my tongue.”
“It was sweet.”
Atul had begun to make love with her regularly. Though it was pretty ordinary stuff with him coming early in the act, she showed no hint of any disappointment. She seemed to have adjusted with the reality.
One fine Sunday evening Atul took Anvita to a hangout street. He ordered some snacks dish and turned to see Rajat standing near. To his surprise, Neeti was with him. She saw Atul and he could see she was embarrassed to be seen with Rajat. Rajat was, however, quick to play it safe.
“What a surprise! Looks like all my neighbours are here! I’ve just met Neeti here, and now you!”
Anvita and Neeti complimented each other with light hugs.
“You look beautiful, Anvita.”
Neeta collected herself very well. They sat across a table and Atul asked Neeti about her husband.
“Mohit is not in town. I was here to meet an old friend and then I found Rajat here. I was curious about Pooja. It’s really sad to hear about her complications. Hopefully, everything will be normal, right?” She blabbered.
While returning, Anvita looked at Atul.
“I think they are having an affair.”
“What!” Atul was surprised.
“Did you see how beautiful she looked in that kurta? She’s not wearing a shawl and I am sure he must be eating her alive with his eyes. He was not sparing even me.”
That surprised him. “Really?” He hadn’t noticed that.
She ignored his response.
“If she’s ready to sit with him, it clearly shows her intention. And her body language was also positive.”
Anvita drew her conclusion.
That night Rajat was back in his flat. He invited Atul for a drink. Atul would have refused if not for Anvita’s idea. “Ask him what’s going on with Neeti.”
She seemed more enthusiastic than him to figure it out.
And Rajat had no hesitation discussing it once they were a couple of beer bottles down.
“Neeti is giving me sleepless nights, man. She let me bang her with my eyes. She never turns away and she enjoys my torture. She knows I am after her and she’s enjoying all the attention. You know this is the most beautiful phase during the seduction of a married woman. We both know it’s about to happen.”
“What’s your plan?”
“There’s no plan required to lay this one. I will have her sneak into my flat one day, and I am gonna have a lot of fun.”
He was confident.
Atul tried to imagine Neeti in bed with him. He imagined her taking off the yellow kurta she had worn that evening. It gave him an erection.
“Are you visualising her with me in bed?” Rajat asked.
“It’s a real turn-on,” Atul confessed, overlooking his embarrassment.
“When you are horny, you can push your Anvita to your bed and make love to her. And when I am horny, all I can do is to shake myself! What an irony!” Rajat joked. “You are going to do it with your Anvita, aren’t you?”
“Are you visualising me with my wife in bed?”
Atul reverted to his earlier question.
“No. I visualise only when I am alone.”
Rajat was remarkably unabashed. Atul laughed stupidly. “What do you visualise about us when you are alone?”
Rajat smiled at him. “Everything you could do with your wife!”
Atul was becoming tipsy now.
“Come on I don't wanna piss you off...”
It was like he had said it without saying it. Atul felt an urge to be courageous.
“So you visualise about my wife but not me, huh?”
“That’s a fucking straight question, man!” Rajat stared at him. “But it’s anybody’s guess. Every man lives with a naughty dream of his neighbour’s wife.”
“I don't.” Atul shook his head.
“You are a liar, then...”
Rajat smirked.
“Nonsense!” Atul shook his head in disgust. He felt angry. “No, never. You are too much into this.”
“Come on Atul. I know you wouldn’t like it but I’ve seen you stealing glances of my wife before her pregnancy.”
“What!” Atul threw his arms up. The accusation was too much to bear.
“Don't deny it. It can't be a lie.”
“It is a lie. Maybe you are looking at Anvita, and to evade that guilt you are cooking up things...”
“To evade guilt, huh? Hahaha!” He laughed aloud, annoying Atul further. He forgot to pick up his drink.
“I swear I haven’t. I don't know what particular incident you are referring, Rajat. I am very serious about this.”
“Okay, I know you. I can accept that you were not doing it deliberately. But you must realise the fact, women, with a well-shaped body, whether it is Pooja or Anvita they deserve to be appreciated by our eyes, and they will be...”
“Does Pooja know you hold this view?”
Rajat ignored his sarcastic voice and picked up his glass.
“Ok, so that means you've been staring at Anvita...and don't you think she’d know?”
“She knows. Every single female body in this world knows when a man stares at her. It’s in their instincts.”
“That’s really shameful then. I can't believe... I am ashamed; Pooja may be thinking me a pervert.”
“Dude you know nothing about women’s mind. They actually take pleasure in that. I will tell you a big secret if you’re listening. “
“Tell me.”
“Women just love to be stared by men, unless they feel threatened.”
“Some like it, yes. It’s not a secret.”
“Not some. Every one of them.”
“No. That’s not true.”
“Everyone - Pooja and Anvita included. If you look at Pooja in a way that makes her believe you’re not planning to bang her but are just appreciating, enjoying her beauty, she’s going to love it. And... And I hope you remain calm when I tell you more; that she’s going to let you stare at her by creating more opportunities to keep doing it!”
It took a moment to sink in but it did, inevitably. And his message was clear.
“Let’s move on to some other topic Rajat,” Atul said calmly.
This man is poison. He thought.
According to him, Anvita not only loves his dirty gazes but also would love to encourage him until unless he became a threat to her.
No. She can't be a fake. She hated his pervert eyes. She hated him. Atul reassured himself and finished his glass.
At the end of that month, there was a party at Atul’s office.
“It was a fabulous month for us. We all know we have been trying hard to stand on our own in the market, and this month a few deals were too good for us... it has put us in the map. We now have an identity. People know we exist, and we are here to stay. Let’s celebrate it together. “
Shreyas toasted to the teamwork. Everyone cheered.
It was Anvita’s first appearance in the office parties. Atul introduced her to his colleagues and their spouses. Anvita wore a blue knee-length dress and she outshone every ladies present. Giri’s wife Shilpa didn't hide her awe.
“I am intimidated by your wife, Atul. She makes me uncertain about my looks.”
“Befriend her, you’ll feel confident.” He retorted.
Anvita was equally enthusiastic to be at the party. She stayed mostly by Atul and she chose to have vodka. As the crowd began to dance, she pulled him to the floor. They danced well and when they pulled out, there were claps from everywhere.
Somewhere at the peak of happenings, Shreyas sought Anvita’s company to dance with him. She politely refused. Shreyas’ wife Anjali was dancing with a friend. She reached up to her husband’s support and asked Atul to take on the dance floor with her. He was ready though he waited for Anvita’s response. Shreyas again put his hand forward.
“Please come, Anvita.” He was very polite, in his usual self.
Anvita shook her head.
“Sorry, I am not comfortable. Please excuse me.” She nodded at him and walked away.
Atul was embarrassed and so was Shreyas. Anjali whispered something to him and guided him away.
Atul didn't hide his disappointment while they were returning.
“You shouldn’t have hurt his pride like that. What was wrong with you?”
Anvita was furious. “You should make your stand first, Atul. With whom can I dance with and those I can't; you make a list and give it to me.”
She was referring to his objection to her dancing with Varun.
“Don't be arrogant, Anvita. You are comparing Shreyas to Varun.”
“Yes, why shouldn’t I? Both are just two persons. One is your friend and other is mine. What else? If I am not dancing with Varun then I am not dancing with anyone else as well, except you.”
“Why are you so persistent about dancing with him?”
“Am I?” She threw a stern look at him. “What are you hinting, Atul?”
“You are mad because I didn't like you dancing with Varun, aren’t you?”
“Don’t talk like a fool, Atul! I am mad because you wanted me to dance with your boss only.”
“Mind your words Anvita,” he lowered his voice as he felt the cab driver was listening.
“You know,” She spoke further when they reached home. “You have doubts over my character. I don't know what’s going on in your head but I have a strong apprehension that it has to be because you are unable to put up a decent performance in bed.”
It was like a blow to Atul’s ego. He felt his blood boiling and it filling up his head. He could not find words to talk to her.
He wanted to scream but he did not know what to scream. Instead, he threw a pillow on the wall in a rage and broke a couple of glasses when it fell on the table.
“So that’s in your mind, that I am a failure in bed?” He asked finally.
He felt his voice weak and he could do nothing to look strong.
“Did I ever behave like that, Atul?”
“You were suggesting it...”
“I was suggesting what’s in your mind.” She walked up to him and held his hands. “All I want to know is if you doubt my character, Atul. It’s not about you but me.”
Her voice was soft. Atul did not say anything.
“Tell me,” She looked into his eyes. “Do you doubt me?”
He had a strong urge to look away as he felt a sudden surge of remorse and it crippled his senses. He looked down for a moment before he replied.
“No.” He swallowed and spoke. “I have never felt anything about you in that sense. You haven’t done anything that would make me doubt you.”
“Then why were you worried when I danced with Varun? You can watch me dance with George or this Shreyas who was a total stranger to me until today. Both are your friends in the first place. Do you think Varun was my ex-boyfriend?”
“No. No.”
“Then why?”
“There’s nothing wrong even if you dance with Varun, okay? All I said was that you danced with him longer than I expected. It leaves a bad image about you. I would have appreciated it if you had come back to me after a song or two. And even with Shreyas, I didn't ask you to dance with him for the whole night; just a couple of minutes were enough; it’s a part of etiquette. Nothing more.”
“But you were okay with George dancing with me more than that.”
“That was when it was just us, there were just us. Nobody was there to judge us.”
“So the public perception is your concern.”
“Isn’t it everybody's concern? You didn't want to talk about how I performed in bed while we were in the cab. You certainly didn't want the driver to know it.”
“I am sorry for that remark.” She held his hand again and her voice turned even softer. She leaned on him and touched his face. “I am so sorry, I didn’t mean it. I was angry.”
Atul melt in a second.
“It’s okay.”
Within a couple of months, they had a few altercations. Though silly and quickly resolved, it invariably set up an image of both in front of each other.
Atul was losing confidence in his personal life, and he certainly felt he was trying too hard for her. He felt like he is not what she deserved.
“You know I miss good sex… You know a woman can't live like this forever.”
He remembered Ankita’s words and it sank him every time he did.
Isha, the only daughter of Chandrakant who lived on the fifth floor of the apartment complex was getting married in a week. Anvita had gone to meet Isha when Rajat visited Atul.
Atul was glad that Anvita wasn’t there.
“Did you tell him?”
Rajat was eager to know if his advice to Atul’s ‘friend’ on his premature ejaculation problem worked or not.
“Yes, I told him; and he was really surprised. But when I gave him the points you said, he was like, I mean, I think he’s going to try it.”
Atul chose his words carefully.
“It’s been many weeks, man. He must have had some results. You should ask him.”
“Yeah,” Atul nodded, “I wasn’t seeing him regularly lately.”
“Call him, then.”
Atul was stuck now.
“No, come on. Relax. We don't poke that much.”
“We’re not poking, we’re helping. You know, when he begins to fuck his wife like a real man, he’ll chase you to thank you. You know that?”
Rajat was very confident about his stupid idea, Atul felt.
“Then we’ll automatically know, won’t we?”
“But we haven’t. That means it’s not working. He must be doing it wrong. We should help.”
Atul really had no idea how to get rid of this gentleman.
Luckily Anvita returned and Rajat changed his topic. He smiled at her and she smiled back pleasantly. Atul was surprised a little for there was no hostility in her behaviour which was visible when the topic of Rajat came up last time between them. She had avoided even looking at him when he had visited them last time. Now, she not only looked at him but also maintained good eye contact with him as he spoke to her. She spoke casually, asking about Pooja’s health updates. She also asked him if he was actively cleaning his house or not.