Chapter 13
Anvita knew she was dreaming.
She was on the bank of a river from which everyone appeared to be running away in panic. Anvita did not turn away; instead, she was drawn to the tiny cute flowers at the edge of the water. As she walked down to pick them up, an elder woman sought her attention from across the river, apparently seeking help to cross the water.
The water was calm, yet.
Anvita walked across the stream and approached the old woman who appeared to be ageing more and more with each of her steps. Anvita extended her right hand to the woman, “Allow me to help you.”
The old woman looked at her scornfully, and suddenly turned away and disappeared into the ever-growing darkness. Anvita was shocked, and she was even more shocked to realise she was alone, stranded at the face of a looming flash flood.
She panicked in a second, and ran back to safety, only to realise it was too late. The river had taken its monstrous form and it roared behind her, pulling her into it beyond saving.
All she could do was to scream.
And she woke up.
She was burning hot and sweating. She felt thirsty. She was alone.
Atul was gone to Mumbai and Anvita was alone in the apartment. The darkness and the silence were scary. Anvita switched on the lights in the bedroom and hall and went back to bed.
It was going to be a long night. She hated it.
She couldn’t find sleep even after one hour. She grabbed a framed photo from the table and kept it on the bed. Atul was smiling at her. She smiled back at him.
“Hello, baby!”
She waved at him. She wanted him back home as quick as possible. She was impatient.
Anvita had often wondered why all the boys were so impatient. The first ever proposal she had received was ironically the most serious one.
“Will you marry me?”
“What! Why?”
“You are the cutest girl I have ever seen.”
That was two years before she joined high college. Three years later she joined the higher secondary college and then came the beautiful college days. So many boys, so many ways of asking; the words used to change, but their meaning remained the same: say no to me, please.
Anvita kept her answer same for all; until she met Atul. Even for him, the routine was the same. He too put forth the ‘will you marry me’ question; but the meaning had changed magically: say yes to me, please.
There was no way she could say no to him because she had fallen for those black eyes well before that. She was in his destiny. She knew she had been waiting for him.
However, she had to thank him later, for waiting for one and a half month before he proposed her.
“Otherwise I would have rejected you too. What a miss it would have been.”
There had been many instances when she felt Atul was the one for her. He too was born with a gift: he could impress people without trying.
Anvita’s dad used to tell her, “You are the most beautiful girl I and your mom have ever seen, Anvi. A lot of men will be willing to win your heart. So the selection of choosing the one is going to be very tough for you and you’ll have to be very careful. You can use your heart to choose whatever you wish, but you must use your brain to decide where you put your heart.”
His message was clear and Anvita had no problem to follow it. Then came Atul.
When he met Anvita’s dad for the first time, Atul touched his feet, surprising both the daughter and the father. Her dad was going to be so impressed with his etiquettes and discipline that his approval came even before Anvita presented her wish.
“If you plan to marry this boy, you already have my blessings.”
Anvita just loved how easily Atul nailed it.
Everyone in Anvita’s family loved Atul and Anvita loved that too. Anvita was proud when she saw how excited everyone was when they met him at the engagement function. And Anvita took pride in displaying the engagement ring.
A month after the engagement, she had met a man at a friend’s wedding reception. He was also diagnosed with the disorder called impatience. He proved it when he pulled her aside and proposed her.
Anvita held up her hand, “You should see this. I am engaged.”
She thought she would surprise him but she ended up one when he held up his hand.
“Me too.”
Anvita laughed, “What!”
“I am going to throw it away. I have never felt it like this with her, now I understand why. She’s not the one for me, but you are!”
She laughed nonstop and walked away, leaving the man alone.
If there was one man who could put her to test before saying no, it was Varun. She was aware that Varun liked her. But she was not sure about herself. If he had proposed her, it would have been tough to take a call. She would have said yes, only to avoid disappointing him by saying no. However, she was lucky enough to meet Atul at the right time in her life.
Apart from the cuteness and handsomeness he possessed, Anvita loved the fact that Atul was honest in his approach. The moment she had seen him, she knew that he liked her. He had gone head over heels for her; yet he waited for a few days, learning more about her, and letting her know more about him before he made his move. He was unlike others. He knew what he wanted.
Apparently, Atul’s dad was against his study and then his job in the city and finally the love marriage. But Atul was ready to fight him every time and won them all. Anvita loved to tell those stories to her family members after the engagement. And then there were stories that pleased her even more: the stories of beautiful girls trying for his attention. A couple of them had even proposed him.
In fact, Anvita loved the attention Atul got from other girls. And what she loved, even more, was the way he casually ignored them all.
Even after the marriage, she had noticed eyes that worshipped her husband. Some of them were quite surprising, like Leona. George’s wife clearly had hots for him. Anvita wouldn’t have enjoyed it if not for Atul’s indifference toward Leona.
If Anvita didn’t like something about the marriage, it was indeed Atul’s dad, Rajyavardhan. If she had thought that her solicitous behaviour would bring him closer to her, she was mistaken. He never seemed to like her, no matter how respectfully and assiduously she behaved in front of him. However, in her attempts to impress her father-in-law, she had impressed everyone in the family. She was surprised to see Atul’s mom Sangeeta hugged her and cried when she left hometown. One of the neighbours remarked how the new girl has won the heart of all within so fewer days. For that, Anvita was to some extent grateful to her father-in-law.
After that everything was fine. Anvita loved Atul’s apartment. It was spacious and well designed and she loved the way the sun rays entered her room in the morning. Anvita loved mornings. She loved to wake up at early morning and she loved to watch the sunrise. It gave her happiness. She woke up early and resumed working out which was paused after marriage. She used to play badminton before marriage. She was a regular in the college team.
A week after coming to the place, Atul took her to the nearby park where she would spend half an hour of her mornings.
Anvita loved everything about the new place except the neighbours. There were three more apartments on the fourth floor. One was Rajat. She hated him for his disrespectful eyes, and the hatred only grew after Atul warned about him.
In the next apartment lived a man called Shiva and family. They were introverts in every way. They lived secretly and in complete silence. They were rarely seen outside and they seldom interacted with others.
The fourth apartment lie permanently closed for unknown reasons. Perhaps its owner saw it as just an investment.
Anvita’s relief was the occupants on other floors. Neeti was the one who helped her get the indoor plants. Anvita spent her spare time to nurture a small garden she set up in the balcony. She kept the house neat and clean all the time. Anvita believed cleanliness is the route to peacefulness.
Amongst all her neighbours Neeti had become the closest to her. Neeti lent her help for her garden. Anvita was disappointed when she first learnt about her hanky-panky with Rajat. It was a time when her hatred toward Rajat had peaked. She even mentioned it to Neeti, though reluctantly.
“Do you think what you are doing is right? You are risking two families.”
“I didn’t do anything. There is no risk.”
Neeti had argued.
And when she took that risk, it was fatal. And it was just a beginning.
While Atul was gone to Mumbai, Mohit was also out of town. And when Anvita came back from the institute, she had noticed Rajat’s bike in the parking lot. It was unusual for him to be home during working days. Then it crossed her mind. He’s here to make his move again.
The thought was going to stay in her mind for long. When Atul phoned her, she thought of telling him about it, and then decided against it. It might excite him like the other day. Anvita couldn’t stop smiling as she brought out the memories of the night in which they had made out on the couch. She sat on the couch sipping tea and replayed that night in her mind. How crazy I was.
The doorbell rang. It was Rajat and Anvita was surprised to see him. The first thought came across her mind was that he might have knocked on the wrong door.
After the usual greetings, Rajat handed her a packet of fish feed he had picked up from somewhere.
“This is better quality.”
He walked in, without waiting for her invitation. Anvita gently closed the door and followed him to the hall.
“Where is Atul? Not home yet?”
“No. he’s gone to Mumbai; will return tomorrow only.”
Rajat had begun to sit on the couch, and he stood up hurriedly.
“Oh, really? I didn’t know. Then I shouldn’t be disturbing you.”
“It’s okay. You are not disturbing me.”
Anvita said courteously. Rajat gave her a very short smile.
“Are you sure?”
Anvita couldn’t say no.
“Thanks. You know I was really bored. I rarely visit here on weekdays, it’s really boring. I should have known Atul isn’t here.”
He looked disappointed and sat down.
“Why only Atul? There are other neighbours too!”
Anvita smiled and picked up her teacup from the centre table. As she bent forward, she was suddenly aware of having accidentally put her cleavage on display. However, to her comfort, Rajat didn’t lower his eyes off her face. And he was amazingly dumb to catch her hint about Neeti.
“No, Anvita. I can't bear that guy. Shiva is a strictly-no adventure.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Anvita laughed and began to turn. “Let me keep the cup in the kitchen.”
“You are just keeping the cup? I thought you’d consider some mercy to me.”
“Isn’t it too late for a tea? You should be having something else by now.”
“Yeah. That’s my preference. But I hate solo. What about you? I’ve heard you have a couple of favourites too?”
Anvita laughed sheepishly.
“You heard! Consider it’s a rumour that’s not true.”
“But we both know it’s not a rumour.”
“No way.”
“You give me the name, I fetch it.”
“Do you really realise what you are doing? You are asking your neighbour’s wife to have a drink with you?”
“My friend’s wife.”
“Yeah, your friend’s wife, of course.”
“What is wrong with that?”
“I know what you do with…”
Anvita stopped midway, and she knew she had already touched the wrong subject.
“What! What were you saying?”
“Come on, you said something.”
“Nothing, leave it.”
She moved back further.
“Come on, stop, Anvita.”
Anvita stayed.
“You were saying something. What happened?”
Anvita couldn’t stop smiling.
“I was saying I know what you do with your friends’ wives.”
He was so surprised that Anvita was taken aback.
“What, what?”
She grinned.
“Speak your mind, Anvita. You are making some serious allegations.”
“Allegation! Yeah, yes!” Anvita shook her head continuously and walked to the kitchen.
“I took my invitation back. I will settle with tea.”
She heard him saying. She didn’t reply and he repeated.
“Okay, I heard it, Rajat.”
She shouted.
Suddenly she felt the house was alive, unlike her regular evenings. She put the milk on the induction cooktop and tea was ready in a few minutes.
“That was really quick.”
Rajat said.
“It’s just a tea, it’ll take that much only.”
She said without thinking.
“You are speaking a sophisticated language.”
He said.
He said nothing and took a sip. “Mmm…wonderful.”
Anvita was still standing there.
“You want me to leave, don’t you?”
Rajat looked up at her.
“You are not sitting.”
Anvita sat down immediately.
He smiled.
“So, what were you saying?”
“You know what I was saying, that’s why you are still talking about it.”
“You brought up the subject.”
“Okay, I am taking it back.”
“I see you are scared.”
He nodded.
“Okay, let’s move on.”
Anvita looked away briefly, before turning to him.
“I was talking about Neeti. Do you think I don’t know?”
“I don’t know what you know.”
He’s playing with me. He’s deliberately dragging me into this.
Anvita wanted to move on. She wanted to say “Then that’s the end of the conversation.”
Instead, she said, “I know where you were that night, Isha’s wedding night.”
Rajat stared at her like he didn’t have a clue to what she was saying.
“What are you saying?”
Anvita was beginning to be annoyed.
“You are playing the dumb character, Rajat. I know you are bluffing. You are lying to fool me. I know it.”
“Why should a try to fool you?”
“You don’t want me to believe what I might have heard, that’s in your mind.”
“I don’t know what you have heard, or you might have heard. Why are you still beating about the bush?”
Anvita forced a laugh, “I am beating about the bush?”
“That’s what you are doing. That’s what I am saying.”
“You are a liar, Rajat. You know, I was the witness when Neeti walked through your door that night. And I don’t want to talk about it anymore.”
Rajat looked toward the door.
“You mean to say you were standing there and Neeti walked into my house all the way without noticing you?”
“The door was closed, stupid. I was looking through that peephole.”
Rajat stared at her, in disbelief.
“If my memory is intact, you were at the wedding site when I left.”
“We were right behind you. She went up to her house first, and then she came down to yours. Stop denying it!” Anvita raised her hand in the air. “Oh, God! Why am I wasting my time arguing with you? You have confessed it to Atul, and Neeti has done so to me too. You were playing a prank on me, weren’t you?”
She sat back and watched him laughing aloud.
“Woman is the ultimate spy. How true!”
He said in the end. His eyes stayed on her for long and Anvita didn’t feel awkward.
“Your cup is empty; you can keep it on the table.”
She said grumpily.
“I know; I was deliberately keeping it.”
“If I place it on the table, you’d say it’s over and now leave!”
“Of course, you’ll have to leave. And you will leave.”
He sent his eyes to the walk clock.
“It’s not that late. But if you want me to leave, I’ll have no choice.”
He kept the cup on the table.
“I know who wants what, Rajat. You are playing some clever game. But it won’t sell here.”
“Again that complicated language.”
“It’s very tough to wake up someone pretending to be asleep.”
“You think I am going to see her?”
“You are, aren’t you? That’s why you are home tonight.”
“Do you think it’s that easy? There are people in other apartments. Who knows somebody’s not spying at her from behind closed doors?”
He took a dig at her and Anvita grimaced.
“Try inviting her to yours. I won’t spy on you guys anymore.”
“I know that’s a big, fat, lie.”
“I know perhaps you want to see us doing it.”
“Maybe.” Anvita challenged.
“Do you want to see it?”
“What? Hell, no!”
“No, if you want, I can arrange it.”
Anvita blinked. “How?”
“Come, watch it.”
“Shee…!” Anvita frowned.
“Don’t pretend,” Rajat said quickly. “Show some guts. Admit what you feel. You know my secret. Let me know yours too. You guys; I know Atul has taken a lot of advantage of my… this thing. He must be doing better now…”
“Stop it. You should…”
“I can see someone’s putting up a great show. I demand some feedback.”
“Leave, I say!”
Anvita raised her voice, pointing at the door. She was smiling out of both shame and sheepishness though, as she couldn’t help it. Rajat got to his feet.
“This is unfair.”
“Yes, it is. But I say, leave!”
“I deserve some mercy.”
Anvita didn’t want to say a word and she pushed him out of the house.
“Call it mercy. Good night.”
She said and closed the door before he could say anything. She waited a moment and looked through the peephole. He was waving at her.
Anvita opened the door.
“Go. Get inside your flat.”
Her voice had risen.
“Okay. Okay.”
He gestured her to calm down and opened his door.
“Promise me you won’t spy tonight.”
“Go inside, pervert. I am calling her to come right now.”
She said and he laughed.
“Are you?”
Anvita laughed.
“Go to your bed. Now.”
She slammed the door.
Anvita couldn’t get it out of her mind for the whole night.