Chapter 16

Anvita still remembered the girl she had met at the shopping centre. She could not stop smiling when she thought about the suspense Varun had been building so far around the girl he had surrendered his heart. Throughout the last couple of times they met, whenever Anvita asked him about her, he had guarded against even showing a photo of his girl.

Varun was taking her to a pub. Anvita was hesitant but Varun was too excited to reveal the suspense and Anvita was not going to miss it. Varun walked her inside and she recognised the girl as soon as she entered the small lobby.

“Radhika, this is Anvita, my best friend. Anvita, this is my…”

Anvita was already laughing. She leaned forward and hugged Radhika.

“Well, that was quicker than I thought. I already knew it would be you when he showed up wearing his gift.”

Varun was amused. “Wait, you guys know each other?”

Anvita hoped Atul won’t be running into Varun wearing the same shirt. She had like it very much, and she did not tell Atul about it.

The following week Anvita went for coffee with Prithvi again. There was absolutely nothing unusual about it except for Atul’s behaviour at home that night. When he was home, he straightaway pulled her closer and kissed her. He was very happy; there was something mysterious in his eyes. But he was not ready to tell her. The way he looked at her eyes, or the way he looked away from her eyes, she could easily say he was hiding something.

“Have you cracked a new deal or something?”

She asked him in the morning.

Next day, his behaviour was even stranger in an exactly opposite way. He was upset over something. Anvita waited for it to come out naturally. Then he dropped it.

“Yesterday you were late to come home. You had gone somewhere?”

“Yeah, I went for a coffee with a student. Why?”

“Nothing… Nothing…”

Atul said nothing else. But it was enough for Anvita to understand where it was going.

Anvita had reached home earlier than him on Wednesday. How did Atul know whether she was late or not?

Is he spying on me?

The thought hit her like a jolt and left her restless. What is he hiding from me? What is he thinking I was doing with Prithvi over a coffee? She had hidden nothing from him, and still, he was not happy with her. It was apparent from the change in his voice when he said ‘nothing.’

He doubted me. Anvita was certain. Why isn’t he asking about it so I can explain?

Anvita had a hundred questions to ask him, but she did not know whether she should start it; or where to begin.

She was worried over it throughout the day followed. When Prithvi suggested a coffee after the class, she refused right away. No. I don’t want to displease him. That was all in her mind. She knew it was stupid and she had to reiterate it in her mind.

And the truth unearthed itself in an hour when Varun phoned her.

“Anvita, there is something that you should know.”

When he put down the phone, Anvita was burning in anger and disappointment.

Did he put someone to spy on me? What for? Because I was having a coffee with Varun or a student?

She wanted to ask him a thousand questions, and she was waiting for him. Atul did not show up at his regular time. Anvita did not bother to phone him. She meekly sat on the couch, and waited, her eyes on the closed door. She sat for two hours, with each a second passing like two. And finally, when Atul came, it wasn’t someone she had been waiting for.

Atul was drunk, struggling to stand up on his feet. He was about to fall any moment as he walked in, and he wasn’t even able to hold his head straight.

Anvita wanted to cry.

Is this the man I married? No, this is not my Atul. My Atul is cute and handsome and honest and caring and innocent and loving and lovable altogether.

Atul leaned forward and tried to kiss her. Strong smell of alcohol tousled Anvita’s senses, further escalating her anger. He was insanely out of mind to see her blazing eyes. He leaned forward again and Anvita shook him off.

“I want to kiss you, my dear. I love you. Let me kiss you.”

Atul sang in a slurred voice that was incomprehensible, and he swayed forward, forcing a kiss. Anvita could not resist and she slapped him, without thinking anything, and he fell on the couch.

“I love you, baby…”

He was still smiling as if nothing happened, infuriating Anvita further. She moved forward and slapped him again and again.

“Did you seriously think I was fucking him?”

She screamed.

Atul looked up, shocked, but Anvita saw his eyes. Nothing was going to wake him up.

She fell at his feet and wept.

She wept all night.

Next morning Atul had a lot to confess.

“I know. I doubted over you and Varun and I asked my friend to keep an eye whenever you showed up with Varun at his pub. But that doesn’t mean I had doubts over your character. I was worried about you because I felt he’s still after you. He’s been seeing you a lot in the past few weeks. Wednesday Naveen told me Varun was there with you… I thought Naveen knew you by face… and I believed it. I thought you lied to me.”

“Then why didn’t you ask me?”

“I thought you would tell me and also, Naveen told me you guys were just talking…”

“Just talking…! What a phrase to put it! Why don’t you say you didn’t question me because we were not fucking in the back of his car?”

“Anvita, please… that’s not what I meant.”

“I am sorry Atul. I know this is not how I should talk to you. But I don’t know how to…”

Anvita cried.

Atul sat with her, consoling her.

“I am sorry… I should have talked to you. Yesterday too, I should have called you. But when he said he saw Varun kissing you, I could not hold myself; not even for a moment. I took a bike ride so fast that I should have been killed in an accident on my way if I wasn’t lucky enough. When I made it to there, that bastard is telling me Varun has already taken you to his car! What do you think I should have done? Dialling your number to verify it wasn’t you?”

Anvita wiped her tears.

“I still can't come to terms with the thought that you believed even for a moment it was me.”

“I was blind. I just saw a woman there. What would you have done if one of your friends told you that I am making out with a woman?”

Anvita stared at him.

“I wouldn’t live to interrupt you, Atul. I would jump off the building that I am at.”

“Then you should consider lucky that I am the one blessed with such a friend. God is merciful.”

Anvita smiled despite tears in her eyes.

Atul hugged her tight and she kissed him.

“I am sorry I slapped you…”

“You did? I didn’t know.”

“How would you have known? You were so drunk.”

“I had reason to celebrate, baby.”

“What was the name of your friend?”

“Naveen. Why?”

“Promise me you’ll never see him again.”

Atul laughed.


Anvita was still concerned about Varun.

“Varun and Radhika must have thought you are a total jerk.”

She worried.

“I am ashamed to even think about meeting them again.”

“Leave it to me,” Atul said. “I can handle it. We can impress them. We aren’t that bad.”


“Let’s invite them for dinner. It’s going to be very fun.”

Anvita instantly thought it’s a good idea.

“Okay, let’s host them a dinner.”


“Yeah, that’s better. I don’t want to talk about this in a public space.”

She pointed out. Atul agreed.

“Let’s do it coming Friday.”


Atul phoned Varun and invited him for dinner along with Radhika. He put the call on speaker, allowing Anvita to join the talk. Varun agreed after speaking to Radhika.

Life was coming back to normal.

Whenever Anvita thought about the crazy incident she found herself smiling. Atul was right. God was merciful.

“You look very pleasant today.”

Prithvi said during the class.

“Why, do I look sad other days?”

“I said ‘very’. There has to be a reason.”

“Concentrate on what I am teaching you, Prithvi.”

Anvita dismissed his banter.

Next day after the class they were enjoying a cold coffee, and Prithvi pointed to the building across the street.

“Did you see that building?”

“That’s a pub, isn’t it?”

“It’s a small one. And a very good one.”

He suggested. Anvita understood what he meant.

“No, it won’t be possible.”

“If you don't want to drink anything, it is okay; we’ll feel around the ambience and come back.”

“What’s in it that you want to show me?”

“It’s going to be fun. Good fun.”

Anvita gave it a moment of thought.

“Okay, but first I’ll have to ask my hubby.”

Prithvi was unfazed. His calm response prompted her to root for his wish. She phoned Atul.

“Dear husband, do you mind if I went with a friend to a pub?”

She spoke in an animated tone. Atul laughed.

“I’ll be envious. But you can go.”

“Okay, thanks, dear.”

Anvita cut the call. Prithvi was eagerly looking at her face.

“Just half an hour, and then I’ll leave. No pressing for more.”

She put forth her conditions.

“O my God. I can't believe it was so quick. You have a super awesome hubby.”

“Yes. I do.”

Anvita smiled.

“And you are a super awesome wife.”

“Remember my conditions.”

“Everything is as you like it, miss.”

He promised.

Wednesday Anvita went to the institute with a bit of preparation. She wore a navy blue T-shirt and light pants in place of her regular kurta. One of her girls in her class made a remark ‘fabulous’ to her. Before leaving the academy she retouched her light make-up and left her hair loose around her shoulder. She also put on an open front shrug.

Prithvi was awestruck.

“I can tell you’ve done something apart from your hair; I can't say what exactly. But I am sure that you look so stunning than ever. O my God. No one can take his eyes off you.”

Anvita flushed.

“Stop this flattery and let’s go.”

She said.

He had hired a cab for them.

“What’s this for?”

She thought they could walk.

“Can't we just talk a walk?”

“Please, I insist. Let’s do it like we are doing something. Walking steals the sheen.”

He said.

Anvita was all smiles when she got into the back seat. Prithvi sat right next to her. After two minutes’ drive, they arrived at their destination.

Prithvi was wearing a blazer that incidentally matched with her shrug. As she stepped out of the car, he forwarded his hand to her. She smiled at him and followed. They walked into the pub with hand in hand. Anvita was slightly nervous and she didn't know why. She was quite surprised when she entered the reception. It was much bigger than where Varun had taken her to and also elegantly decorated. She was taken to another world as they were led inside. Music and lights and shining decor made it look like quite a place.

“O my God.”

She couldn’t walk.

“Do you like it?”

“I love it.”

Prithvi’s face lit up.

“That’s exactly what I’d like to hear. I wish I could record it forever.”

The crowd wasn’t much big as it was early into the evening. Anvita earned attraction from everywhere as she walked confidently with Prithvi. She felt safe now. Her nervousness had vanished somehow. She was happy. As they settled across as side table, Anvita noticed a few girls stealing quick glances off Prithvi and she was familiar with that. They certainly were impressed with his good looks. Anvita knew he looked quite younger than her. For once a thought crossed her mind about what those girls would be thinking about him. That he seduced me?

Anvita smiled at her little thought. Prithvi seemed remarkably unaware of all the attention he was getting from the opposite sex around him at the moment, and it amused Anvita. And it reminded her of Atul.

Anvita chose wine for her and Prithvi chose the same for him too. The pub got busier and active as time passed and music began to rise in volume and the dark shades of the light became prominent. When the seats were taken, people helped themselves on the decorative structures that didn't seem like means of sitting in the first place. Anvita thought Prithvi would ask her to dance with him but it never happened. At the end of his allotted time, when Prithvi led her out of the pub, leaving behind all the fun, she felt somewhat disappointed.

But I would have refused even if he had asked her for it. Anvita thought later. Nevertheless, she wished if she was asked for it.

“It was a great evening, miss,” Prithvi said warmly before he dropped her at the metro station later. “It’s going to keep me happy for long. “

Anvita reached home and was walking out of the lift when Atul called.

“Honey, I will be late tonight. Got some unfinished stuff. Don't wait for me for dinner. Okay?”

“Okay, Atul.”

She said calmly as she walked into the house.

She bolted the door and turned to see the empty house. Dark and lifeless. She felt lonely. In the back of her mind, she still had the music beating. For once, she felt she should have stayed with Prithvi a little more.

When Atul came home, there was bad news.

“We can't do the dinner on Friday, baby. I have a client meeting. Let’s postpone the dinner by a day.”

“Client meeting is at night?”

“Of course it’s during the day. But it’s in Mumbai.”

“You are going to Mumbai?”

“Yes. It was decided at the last moment. But it won’t be a problem as I’ll be leaving early morning and will be back by night. So let’s do the dinner on Saturday.”

Anvita talked to Varun and he agreed.

“Don’t change it again. Radhika is going to her hometown on Sunday.”

He said. Anvita was happy.

There was a lady named Nandini in the neighbourhood who cooked well for small home gatherings. Atul arranged her service for the dinner. Nandini agreed to go with Anvita and shop grocery for dinner. ‘Thereafter you leave everything to me.’ Nandini told him.

Friday Prithvi showed up near the apartment when Anvita was returning home. She was surprised.

“You were absent today.”

“I was absent at college too. Do you live here? I’ve been here so many times.”

“Really? I live on the fourth floor. Who do you know here?”

“I don’t know anyone here. A friend of mine lives nearby.”

“So what are you doing here now?”

“I had come to meet someone. It’s done.”

Anvita began to walk.

“I have to go, Prithvi. We have guests coming tomorrow for dinner. See you on Monday.”

“Not inviting for coffee?”

“Some other time. I have a lot of work to do.”

“What work? Dinner is tomorrow, right?”

“The cleaning and stuff.”

“Then allow me to help you in that. I didn’t have classes and I am pretty bored already. “

Anvita hesitated.

“Are you not comfortable to introduce me to your husband?”

He asked.

Anvita decided to change her mind. Atul should meet the boy with whom she had gone to the café ‘that’ day. She felt.

“Okay. Come,” She nodded. “I’ll introduce you to him.”

“You have a ‘wow’ type house here. Just wow. Just two of you stay here right?”

He asked when they reached her house.

“And you never told me about what you have here; an aquarium!”

“It’s not ours; it’s our neighbours. We are just looking after it for a few months.”

“It’s beautiful. You have a beautiful house.”

When she brought some juice to him, he said “Wow. Nice. It’s very good.”

While he enjoyed the drink, she changed to a kurta. And he said, “O my god. You look great.”

Anvita smiled. “You keep saying the same thing. Now tell me something negative about me.”

“There is nothing about you.”

He refused.

“No. You’ll have to say. Otherwise, you’ll have to leave right now.”

“You are somewhat bossy.”

She laughed.

“Somewhat? I am bossy.”

“Maybe I like that.”

“Yeah boys like beautiful girls no matter what they are. How cliché...!”

“Your thinking is actually cliché.”

He retorted.

“Okay, now I am gonna show you my bossy side.”


“Get up and help me arrange this hall. It’s a mess.”

“But you can’t be bossy. I am here to help.”

Prithvi soon noticed that the house was already very clean.

“You should actually see my room, and then you’ll be very happy about this one.”

“But it’s not your room. My standard is very high. I want to impress my guests.”

“To impress anyone, all you need to do is to smile at them.”

“Shut up and move that sofa here. It needs to be rearranged.”

She said.

He helped her arrange and set up furniture and articles around the living room. He then began to wipe clean all the things starting from TV.

That’s when Atul called.

“There’s a small delay in the proceedings, baby. I still haven’t got the sign on the deal and I’ll have to cancel the flight.”

He said.

Anvita was disappointed. “Can't you just tell your boss it’s not the day? Tell him you have a family too.”

“It’s not a good thing to leave it in the middle, Anvi. I am very close. Please try to...”

“I am okay Atul,” Anvita said quickly. She knew how much he wanted the deal. Last time he missed it he was so disappointed. “I was just saying... but I can handle it.”

“Thank you Anvi; I love you.”

“Come back soon.”

She said and ended the phone call. She looked at Prithvi dejectedly.

“Shit happened. He’s not coming.”

“Have some manners. I am still your student.”

He teased her.

“What do you say when shit happens to you.”

“I’ll say shit happened.”

“Why? That shit isn’t shit?”

“It’s not about shit but you and me.”

“When the shit happens, it is shit whether it’s you or me.”

“Okay, it’s getting too shitty. Why he’s not coming?”

“Work. He has to stay in Mumbai.”

She had started to cook when suddenly there was a sound of a mild explosion from outside and the power went out. The house sunk into darkness except for the balcony side. Anvita switched on the emergency lamp. It was dim and apparently undercharged.

“What happened? Something exploded right?”

Prithvi took a look from the balcony.

“I think there’s a fire breakout.”

“Why the standby isn’t working?”

“The fire. Maybe that’s why.”

He was right. The generator room had caught on fire. And there was a blast resulting in the spread of fire. People couldn’t throw water into the power room and it caused a lot of confusion and chaos. Prithvi joined the crowd trying to put it out. There was some sand left around the corner of the parking. He started throwing it to the room and it helped. People followed him. Some of them pulled some unburned materials from the room minimising the chance of further spread. Eventually, the fire was put out.

When Anvita returned to the house, she found the lamp out of charge.

“The luxury of standby power made me lazy. Shit.”

She rued.

“It’s okay.”

Prithvi switched on the torch in his mobile.

Anvita tried to call Atul but he was not reachable. She switched her mobile’s torch on while she resumed cooking.

Then it started raining.

“What’s happening? Power is not coming back for sure.”

Anvita worried.

Power was not restored even after one hour. She looked at Prithvi’s face.

“Who are we waiting for? Let’s have dinner.”

Anvita was silent during dinner.

“What happened? Power will be back by morning. Why are you worrying about something that’s not under your control? Even if it doesn’t get fixed, we’ll find another way. Your dinner won’t be affected tomorrow.”

“I am not thinking about tomorrow you fool. I am just disappointed.”

“But I am not. I have got to taste food cooked by you. It’s fantastic. Like you, it’s sweet.”

Anvita smiled.

“Say something wrong about it. Then I will believe it.”

“There is nothing wrong about it. I am already having it; so you can't threaten me anymore.”

They sat in the low light at the hall later.

“So, what now? Shall I leave?”

He asked. She was expecting that.

“O my God. I will be alone now. Shit.”

“Are you scared?”

“Can you stay?”

“Are you really scared?”

“Can you stay?”

They looked at each other.

“There’s no problem if you can stay. I will definitely feel better.”

She said hopefully.

“So you’re scared.”

“Of course I am scared. Can't you see it?”

She frowned.

“And you are getting angry too.”

“Your parents won’t ask for you?”

“I can tell them; what’s the big issue?”

He called his dad and informed him about the fire and rain.

“My friend’s parents are asking me to stay.”

He made up an excuse and easily got his dad’s consent.

“Wow! What a liar!”

Anvita said when he ended the call.

“Do you think it’s gonna work if I tell him I am gonna stay with my miss because she’s alone in her house?”

“Why not? Wouldn’t he trust you?”

“Yes.” He gave a cheeky smile. “But maybe not you.”

“What!” She threw a pillow over him.

Anvita tried many times to call Atul but he remained unreachable. She wondered if it’s raining in Mumbai too.

They sat on the couch and talked for long. Prithvi later took a shower. She let him use the additional bedroom. When he came out after a shower, he had put on a T-shirt he found in the room.

“I am sorry I’ve just worn your hubby’s shirt.”

Anvita laughed.

“That’s my T-shirt, you idiot.”


He looked at himself.

“Oh yeah, now I can see why it’s so loose at the chest.”

He laughed, and she was embarrassed.

“Take it off. Take it off.”

She tried to pull it off him and succeeded in it.

“I am glad you didn't find my bra.”

“Stop making fun of me and give me a shirt.” He demanded.

Anvita gave him one of Atul’s shirts. It was very large on him.

“It’s horribly misfit. I’ll better cover myself by a bed sheet.”

He said.

“It’s not my fault you are so lean like a pencil.”

“It’s not my mistake that your hubby is a bodybuilder.”

“He’s not a bodybuilder. He’s a normal human being. He’s just lean but not a pencil like you.”

“Solution, please...”

On an impulse, she handed him her T-shirt back.

“Okay. Wear it.”



He wore it and she kept smiling.

“Stop simpering.”

“Turn around.”

She said. When he turned she laughed.

“You look like me from sides.”

“Don't lie. I know I don't look like you in any angle.”

She kept laughing.

“You know the only thing I feel better is the smell of it. It has your smell. Sweet.”

And she felt her laugh stopping. Then his mobile went off, leaving them in complete darkness.

“O, God!”

Anvita panicked.

“It’s okay.”

She heard his voice, comforting her.

“Your mobile is still there, right?”

“It’s already dead.”

“Okay; still no worry. You have me.”

He said. She felt his hand reaching for her and she clung to it readily.​
Next page: Chapter 17
Previous page: Chapter 15