Chapter 41

“Because he told me, taught me that remembering him only give him pain. I don’t want to hurt him.”

“How’s he gonna know if you remember him or not?”

“Remembering someone makes us want to meet that person and today, or ten years later, we are gonna take that risk.”

“But how can you forget him just because he asked you?”

“It wasn’t easy, until I met Atul.” Anvita smiled lovingly. “Now I have Atul. He makes me happy and loved. Why should I remember my old crush?”

“Now I know why you never give me a chance.”

Prithvi laughed at his own remark.

Anvita looked at him through the corner of her eyes. “What chance do you want to have with me?”

“I know you don’t like me much.”

“If I didn’t like you, you wouldn’t be sitting here.”

“But you never told me you liked me.”

“I like you.”

“That was so unromantic. It was…”

Anvita had begun to laugh before he finished, and he noticed it.

“What is it?”

“Nothing. It's about Atul. Today when I asked him if he would miss me when he's gone, he asked me why not. And I thought his response was unromantic. Now you're using the same line on me.”

Anvita explained.

“Of course it was so unromantic.”

“If you expect me to say it like I do with Atul, I suggest you to dream it.”

“Yeah, I know that. But I deserve a little emotion when you say those words.”

“I like you, idiot! What shit emotion do you want in that?”

Anvita put up an angry face.

“That’s nice.” Prithvi laughed.

“You like it when I use some foul language at you, I’ve noticed it.”

“I feel great when you speak like that to me. I know you don’t do it with anyone else. There is something special about that; so I love that feeling.”

“You are some sort of a retard, cracked to be felt loved when abused!”

“I love abuse if it’s done by you.”

Anvita smiled, amused.

“Is that why you worshipped me feet? Because no one else would ever do that to me?”

“No. it’s the other way. I like it because you would allow no one else to love your feet that way. That’s very special to me. And not only that, your feet are so beautiful.”

“It should, because I am spending for it.”

“Spending for it?”

“It’s called pedicure, idiot.”

“Whatever, it’s just amazing. You know I’ve been dreaming to do it again.”


“Yup. Again.”

Anvita looked at her own feet. She began to feel that old ticklish feeling around it. His lips, around her toes, once again…

Anvita remembered Rajyavardhan. Am I crossing the limit, dad? She wondered. No, this is not a sexual act. It’s more like a foot massage. She decided quickly and smiled. “If that’s your dream…”

Prithvi jumped from his couch instantly.

“Oh my God! I can't believe you…”


Anvita said. “Not now. I need to take a shower and wash my feet first.”

“Not necessary. Your feet are already…”

“You don’t know. I’ve been walking around all over here.”

“I love that!”

“It will be very dirty. Dusty and sweaty; are you mad?”

“I want to taste that too, please don’t wash it.”

“You are a filthy dog. I can't believe you exist. I can't believe how you can even think of it.”

“You can call me anything, but it’s not going to stop my thirst for it.”

Anvita stared at him for a long moment and shook her head contemptuously.

“What do you want to wear tonight? I know it’s obviously my clothes. What exactly do you want – T-shirt, kurta, saree – what is it?”

Anvita ridiculed him.

“Skirt.” His reply was ready, “And top.”

Anvita burst into laughing.

“Are you serious? You will look a girl.”

Prithvi blinked.

“I would like it more if it is the one you are wearing now.”

Anvita’s laughing stopped abruptly.


She shook her head.

“That’s really nasty. And offensive too.”


“I don’t know the foul words that you deserve now. I can't be that abusive to anyone. You are beyond imagination.”

“Please, Anvita. I beg you.”

“I know you would enjoy that too. You know you must consult a doctor, a psychiatrist.”

Prithvi bit his lips and looked at her, pleading with his eyes.

In the end Anvita decided.

“Okay; but don't ask for my panty.”

She laughed at her own dirty joke.

“God only know what you’ll ask next time…”

She said and threw a pillow at him, already envisaging him in her clothes.

“Thank you. Thank you so much.”

Prithvi knelt in front of her to lift her right foot and kissed on the toes. Anvita felt shy, suddenly. She wanted him to start licking it right away.

While showering Anvita felt an urge to finish it quickly. When she rubbed the pouf around her feet, she was continuously smiling, thinking of his tongue tickling around them. How can someone be so obsessive over someone? When she finished, she put on a tank top and long skirt. She handed her used clothes over to Prithvi and watched his eyes shining.

“I can't believe I am doing it. I’ve never been so crazy.”

She blurted. Prithvi smiled at her.

Anvita waited for him to finish his bath. A boy, in my clothes! She could not suppress the gleefulness, yet. He is insane. He must see a psychiatrist.

Prithvi walked out after shower.

“Holy shit!”

Anvita screamed and burst into laughing. He looked a slim girl in her top and skirt.

“You are not Prithvi anymore, you are Prithvini. Such a girl!”

Prithvi smiled at her and put his clothes in the washing machine. Anvita studied him walking around.

“How do you feel in my clothes?”

“I can't tell. It’s amazing.”

“Next time I am gonna give you my saree.”

“Sure, but you are gonna help we wear it.”

Anvita laughed.

“Stupid, I’m joking.”

Prithvi blinked.

“But I am considering it.”

“You are mental; must see a mentalist.”

Anvita quipped.

Prithvi stood in front of her.

“Are you ready now?”

She stared at him. He sat down on the floor.

“Give me your feet.”

He took her feet in his hands.


Anvita shifted in the couch, preparing for the ‘tongue massage’.

His first touch itself was tickle-inducing as he moved his tongue upward from her toes. He looked up and smiled at her.

“You are so kind, Anvita; and the most beautiful woman I have ever met.”

Anvita was biting her lips.

“Thank you for being so kind to me.”

He said.

Anvita blossomed into a beautiful smile.

“You are most welcome.”

He licked between her big and long toes. Anvita sank back in the couch, holding tight on the edge of the seat, as he began to suck on her toes, one by one. Anvita wanted to tease him how she tasted to him, but she did not want to interrupt him while his tongue was in motion. It was a sensational feeling Anvita felt she had been anticipating for long. Prithvi lifted her right foot up and licked under it; Anvita could not help but pull it back like a reflex action to the tickle it evoked, but he held her back firmly. And he licked it fervently.

“Feeling good?”

He asked sometimes later.


She nodded as in sleep, completely smitten by the intense worship. He was sucking on her soft skin as if he was getting something to drink from it. Soon his attention spread to the ankles and even higher. He caressed her heels and stroked under her calves, and rubbed his face against her legs like a mad man. In a dream, it would have looked odd and unnerving; but in reality, it was lovely and awe-inspiring for Anvita.

In a dream, it would have jerked her out of sleep, but in reality, it was pushing her deep into a trance. She could only breathe.

Doorbell rang, waking Anvita from the trance. She looked puzzled, and stared at the wall clock. It was almost ten.

“Who’s this late?”


A gut feeling crept in her instantly. She looked at Prithvi.

“You cannot be seen in this… Change your clothes.”

“What will I wear?” He doubted, “First you check who it is. I’ll hide for now.”

She shook her head.

“Okay. You can wear Atul's clothes and come out if I call your name aloud. Otherwise you stay hidden. Go.”

Prithvi swiftly got up and moved to her room. Anvita walked to the front door and looked through the peephole. She was surprised. She opened the door immediately.

“George! What a surprise!”

It was George. Behind his smiling face, Anvita saw Leona.

“Hello Anvi.”

Anvita welcomed them both with warm embraces.

“Come in, George. You guys have really surprised me.”

As Anvita led them inside, she momentarily forgot about Prithvi.

“Where is Atul?”

George asked as Anvita served them juice.

“He’s out of town; won’t be here tonight. Business meeting.”

Anvita smiled.

“Oh shit,” Leona said. “That’s unexpected.”

“What happened?”

It turned out that George and Leona were travelling back from a distant family function when their car broke down. George had hoped they could use the opportunity to meet Atul and Anvita and spend the night with them.

“In fact I tried to contact Atul but he was out of coverage.”

George said.

“It’s okay, guys. Atul will be happy for you came. I am excited to see you guys again. It has been months since we met last time.”

Anvita reminded him.

“I would always tell George let’s pay a visit but he’s always busy; you know.”

Leona said.

Anvita phoned Atul and put the phone on speaker mode.

“George, you must sell your car! Getting breakdown is not a fault, but choosing to do so today, is damn wrong, buddy. I miss so much being there…”

Atul said.

“Anvita, please take good care of my friends, our friends.”

“What good care, Atul?” George laughed. “You know it’s raining heavily here. I was hoping to get high tonight like we did at my place. I better leave now and we’ll meet some other time, conveniently.”

“No buddy, we have that arrangement too. I have vodka there, if my memory is right. It’s really good, trust me.”

“You should have told me this in the beginning, Atul. I stay!”

George declared and laughed.

“He’s kidding, Atul. We’re not gonna take it.”

Leona interrupted.

“As you wish, guys. But please stay over. I’ll be sad if you don’t.”

“We are staying over, Atul. Don’t be sad.”

Leona said, smiling.

Atul phoned Anvita later.

“You can manage, can't you Anvi?”

“Yes. Why not? Don’t worry at all.”

“George will invite you to join with drinks. Don’t do it. It’s not cool if you take drinks without me. We have to respect that he’s a friend of my dad too.”

Atul advised.

“I know, Atul. Don’t worry.” Anvita assured.

“I will take a shower, guys. Then we’ll enjoy a couple of drinks, together.”

George announced.


Leona cautioned.

“Don’t worry, my dear. We’ll have it light. Very light.” He assured.

Anvita was beginning to cook some food for the guests. Leona walked in and checked the food.

“Mmm…this will be enough. You don’t need to cook anything for us. Do you really eat this much?”

“No. Uh…” Anvita thought out a quick answer. “Actually, I forgot that Atul’s not here. So I cooked for two.”

Anvita was now getting anxious. If she did not cook at least some rice, she knew there would be nothing left for Prithvi.

Anvita had managed to hide Prithvi’s mobile. However, she had more to worry. His clothes were in the washing machine. His shoes were in the shoe rack. Anvita though hoped the guests would not notice it. But she was sure that sending Prithvi out of the apartment was now impossible.

“I’ll need to change my clothes. Can I have from your wardrobe? A kurta, preferably.”

Leona approached Anvita.

“Why not?”

Anvita went to her room. She moved quickly to the attached bathroom. To her surprise, Prithvi was not hiding there. She looked at the room; she assumed he must be hiding under the bed. She wanted to have a look, but the fear of getting caught by Leona restrained her. She pulled out a kurta from the shelf and came back to the hall and felt like she forgot something in the room. She was struggling to behave naturally.

“This will look good on you.”

She handed Leona the clothing.

“This is beautiful. Thank you.” Leona smiled. “Okay, let me change.”

She walked inside the bedroom and closed the door.

Before Anvita could think of anything to say, she heard the door bolting from inside. Anvita could only watch, with her paled face.​
Next page: Chapter 42
Previous page: Chapter 40