Chapter 47
Radhika returned only in the morning. She looked pleasant. Atul could not believe this girl was so nerdy last night. He was looking for signs, and he was staring at her.
“What are you looking at?”
“Where were you last night?”
“You don’t know?”
“Varun had called me and he was really pissed off. He said if something happens to you, then he won’t spare Anvita too.”
Radhika stared at him and then laughed.
“He said that?”
“Not the same wording but I got his point. It was that.”
“And what did you say where I was?”
“I told him the truth. I don’t know.”
“You didn’t know I was with your boss?”
“He’s not my boss.”
“But you knew I was with him, didn’t you?”
“No, I wasn’t sure. You’re unpredictable.”
Radhika smiled.
“So you don’t think I was with him.” Her eyes bulged. “You have a heart of gold, I can say.”
“But you were very bad to call him and tell him that you were with me.”
“Don’t worry; I will never tell anyone anything that jeopardizes you. And I am sorry I misbehaved.”
“I am sorry too.”
Radhika smiled fondly and hugged him. He hugged her back. He felt good. It was a friendly hug, finally.
“So how did the night go?”
He asked later.
“I know what you are implying, smartie!”
“Good. Then tell me.”
“I am not telling you anything because it’s not your concern.”
Atul didn’t bother to ask again. He knew she wouldn’t tell him.
Radhika collected her bag from the bedroom.
“Where are my clothes?”
She asked.
“In the bathroom,” Atul said. “I was angry when I saw it in the bed. I threw it in the bathroom.”
Atul had put them in a bucket. He had cleaned his cum stains off it.
Radhika smiled.
“You are unbelievable. I thought you’d at least have some respect for my clothes.”
Atul laughed.
Yeah, I paid a lot of respect and it was spilt on the floor. He thought.
Radhika packed her wet clothes in her bag and left soon.
Nikunj phoned him.
“Atul, let’s do breakfast with him. I think it’s better than a crowded lunch.”
Atul was very happy. He got ready and picked up Nikunj from the hotel in an hour.
Atul asked about Radhika.
“She’s a fantastic girl, Atul. I’m so glad that we met. Otherwise, I doubt my life would have been so wonderful.”
He was genuinely impressed by Radhika. He praised her a lot, but he never told Atul what he exactly wanted to know.
Pawan Mehta was a handsome man in his fifties. His spectacles helped him cut his age a few years but the maturity he carried with his movements reversed it. He introduced his friend to Nikunj and Atul. Her name was Nida Mahmood. She wore shrugs over a sweatshirt and looked a little plumb with a nose ring and no makeup at all. She looked very attractive, especially the way she had done away with any kind of makeup caught Atul’s attention. He didn’t fall for it though, as he quickly turned his attention to his main target, Mr Pawan himself.
Atul did not intend to spoil the morning vibes with a technically heavy presentation. He rather spoke lightly about the facts he thought would bring a change in the relationship between the firms. Nikunj was sitting silent and he smiled at his associate when Atul finished.
“I told you what this young man has.”
“Right. You are right.”
Pawan Mehta nodded.
Nikunj had pulled the right string. Atul wondered if it was his presentation or the present that worked better.
“You must send us a communication. The door is open, gentleman.”
Pawan Mehta shook Atul’s hand before they parted.
Atul thanked Nikunj.
“I am so glad that we met, Nikunj. This is wonderful.”
Nikunj shook hands with him.
“Believe me, young man. We are destined to do a lot of good things. Together.”
It was like life was changed overnight when he was back at home. He was welcomed by his dad with a bag of cash.
“I came to return some money. I don’t want you to blame me later.”
Atul looked at Anvita in surprise.
More than the cash it was the fond smile what caught his eyes. It was rare and it was going to make him smile a lot in the future.
Finally, someone is ready to acknowledge him.
Atul didn’t want to repay the loan with that cash and erase that rare smile. He wanted to cherish the memorable gesture for a long time.
“Let’s buy a car with this money.”
He told Anvita.
Next day he went to meet Pradeep at his showroom. Prithvi was there. He looked nervous.
Atul knew exactly what the boy was worried about.
“Just chill, Prithvi. We both know what happened. I am sorry I played a prank on you.”
Prithvi’s face paled even further. Atul patted on his shoulder.
“I can understand why you are so nervous. It’s okay because I never took it seriously.”
Prithvi looked stunned. “Are you sure?” He hesitated.
Atul shook his head. “I know I should have told you the truth when I learned the woman you had mentioned was actually my wife. Instead, I chose to have a little fun with you. I didn’t tell you that I was married. I am sorry about that. How did you find out she’s my wife, by the way?”
“She…she had told me.” Prithvi stammered. “In the very beginning when I saw you together. But I didn’t believe her. There was a misunderstanding. I believed she was married to someone else and I thought she was trying to fool me. Later I realized she was right.”
“Last time when I saw you, you were wearing a shirt that I was familiar with. It was a gift from her, and I had seen her shopping it.”
“Is that it?”
“Yeah, it was like, oh, what a stupid I was. I should have believed her when she told me this in the beginning. There was a lot of confusion on my part, and in fact, I felt bad for not taking her seriously. If that’s not enough, it was even more idiotic what I did after that. I am sorry I fell in love with your wife. I have a lot of friends but I found none to confess it other than you.”
Atul shook his hand in the end.
“Leave it. I came to tell you something else. I am buying a car. Like I had promised, I am buying it from your shop.”
Prithvi took him to the office. His dad, Pradeep got up from the chair and greeted Atul.
“Hi, Atul! My friend, how are you? Prithvi has told you about his brother’s marriage, hasn’t he? You must come with your family. We have planned great programs on the eve.”
Atul accepted his invitation happily.
Pradeep promised the delivery of the car in a week. Atul phoned Anvita.
“We are buying a Belano, dear.”
Prithvi followed him up to the road.
“How’s Anvita?”
“She is fine. You are not in touch with her?”
Prithvi coughed.
Atul smiled earnestly.
“Visit us when you find the time. Anvita will be happy to see you after so long.”
Prithvi nodded.
“This Sunday is okay? How about lunch?”
“Sunday? Yeah, okay. Fine.”
Atul shook his hands and walked away.
Wednesday, Shreyas was excited to greet Atul.
“You’ve made it, Atul. They’ve replied. We’re off their blacklist.”
He was ecstatic. “It’s just fantastic. I don’t know how to celebrate this news. Come to my cabin Atul, let’s talk.”
He guided him to the chair in his cabin. “I want you to oversee all the communication with them. This project is huge. I want you to assume whatever liberty you want to have. Take anyone in my office for granted. Make them run. I’ll still be indebted to you.”
Shreyas went on.
“I don’t want everyone. I just need you to send a photographer to our warehouse. I need some photos that don’t look like an advertisement; you know the real looking ones.”
Atul was convinced that being simple in the approach is the way forward with the new client.
Shreyas was too happy to comply. Next morning when Atul reached the warehouse the photographer was waiting for him. It was a holiday and Atul got his photos without any fuss.
While returning, he was walking into the metro station when George spotted him. Atul was happy to see him. He thought of George as a man who saved him from a stressful event.
“Leona is coming to pick me up. Why don’t you come with me? Let’s have lunch at my home.”
George invited him. Atul agreed instantly.
“Why not!”
George’s flat wasn’t far away from there.
Leona drove in very soon. She waved at Atul.
“Hello boy!”
Atul grinned.
“Choose your words wisely, lady. Show some respect when you greet men!”
“Oh, you’ll complain to your wife? Is that what you gonna do?”
“I’m gonna make her call you aunty.”
“Holy cow! Please, I beg you, don’t remind me of that.”
Leona laughed.
“She called you an uncle, do you remember, George?”
George seemed to be lost in thought.
After the quick banter got in the car and barely moved when George got a phone call.
“What? Now? You mean now?”
He shook his head and turned to Leona.
“Stop the car, Leona.”
“What happened?”
“I need to get down here. Atul, I’ll be back soon. You go with Leona and I’ll join you before lunch.”
“What happened?”
“Urgent issue. Can’t avoid, sorry.”
“Come on George, it is okay. We’ll wait for you.”
Atul assured.
“I’ll be there soon, and we’ll have lunch together.”
George promised and stepped out of the car.
“Leona, take good care of him, dear.”
He reminded his wife before walking back.
Atul shifted to the front seat. Fifty minutes later, he was stepping inside Leona’s flat. It was nothing like Atul remembered from his last visit. Newspapers, magazines, clothes, glasses, snacks plates, and everything collectively seemed to contribute to the mess.
“I’m sorry, Atul. This is an unexpected visit. The whole house needs rescue.”
Leona hurried to the hall and picked up piled up clothes. She grabbed the newspapers and magazines. Moved chairs back into its place.
“It’s okay. I have no problem with a little disorder. All you need to do is ignore when I make fun of you later.”
Atul said.
“Yeah, that’s exactly I’m worried about.”
Leona stopped only after she felt content with her efforts. Later she prepared him some drinks and they settled on the couch in the hall.
Leona removed her shrugs before sitting with him. Atul looked away quickly, but not before he saw her perfectly shaped soft melons. Her tight t-shirt only helped them look better.
Leona smiled.
“Show some respect. I am taking off my clothes and you are looking away.”
Atul laughed.
“I’m sorry, senior.”
He widened his eyes and pretended to stare at her boobs. Leona was perfectly comfortable with his tease.
George did not return even after one hour. Leona had got busy in cooking. Atul watched TV and then he phoned him.
“I am so sorry, Atul. I am the most horrible host you’ll ever have, I concede.”
George apologised immediately.
“We are gonna have start lunch here. What’s your stat? Shall we wait or not?”
“I am almost halfway with the task. It’s the only chance I have. It’s an opportunity I’ve been seeking for so long. Don’t be bored, please feel yourself home.”
“I am not bored at all, friend. Relax. I’m alright here.
“Thank you for understanding me, Atul. You know you’ll never know how tough it is to have fun with these types of unexpected tasks.”
Leona was smiling at Atul when he put down the phone.
“What did he say? Is he coming?”
“He said he’ll take some time. So he asked me to have fun with you until then.”
Atul joked and regretted immediately.
“He asked you that? Wow! This is why I love my husband so much.”
“But you are too busy in the kitchen. What fun are you offering me?”
“Come here. I’ll show you what’s in the offer.”
“No. I’m alright here.”
However, Leona meant her words. She grabbed his hand and led him to the kitchen. She was almost done with her cooking. She took some gravy from the steaming dish and offered him to taste.
It was delicious.
“How’s it?”
“Just like you. Hot and delicious.”
Leona’s eyes grew wide.
She turned and kissed on his cheek before he could move away.
“Stop taking advantage of me, senior.”
He warned.
“You heard what George asked me.”
“He wanted me to take good care of you.”
“He’ll go insane if he knew how you interpret his words. He has no idea how clever is his wife.”
“He won’t mind if I had a little fun with you here.”
Atul was stunned.
“Do you really have any idea what you are talking?”
“We aren’t newly married like you. We can afford a little fun.”
Atul forced a smile.
“We aren’t newly married. We are only two and a half months from our first anniversary. But I know no one can afford such little fun.”
He blurted out while he returned to the hall.
Leona followed him when she finished cooking. She sat on the couch with him, very close. Atul's mind grew nervous. Not because she was getting closer but he was sensing a hard-on.
Leona took his hand.
“Honestly, I never thought I’ll ever have a chance to sit with you like this and talk.”
“You are intimidating me. I have a feeling that you have something in your mind.” Atul said. “I really don’t want to cheat on Anvita.”
Leona laughed aloud.
Atul was perplexed at her reaction but he couldn’t look away from her face. Her eyes had an alluring charm that told him how excited she was at the moment.
“Who is making you cheat on her? I have no plan to lure you to my bed. Do you have any such plans?”
“If we go by the momentum, I fear we’ll be in there.”
“You fear. I like how you put it. Like you are kind of helpless.”
“I’ve been in situations like this many times before…it’s life. And only I know how lucky I was to save myself from that. But I don’t think I’ll be able to do so every time.”
“Really? Then we are perfectly matched. I like to be in that situation. That’s fun.”
“How exactly?”
“Like this…”
She leaned to him and kissed him. Atul moved back a little, but he couldn’t help much as he felt her lips on his. He kissed her back. She leaned further, pressing her body to him. He opened his mouth and she pushed her lips in and he sucked them together. She brought his hand to her breasts and he, as if he was just waiting for it, began to caress her. Leona let out a soft moan into his mouth.
They were making out.
Atul was going to pull up her T-shirt and dive into the softness he was fondling until then, and then he suddenly sat up as though awake from a dream.
“No… No, Leona.”
He panted.
Leona looked at him with a sense of admiration.
“You are really a good kisser.”
Atul shook his head.
“This is exactly where I don’t want to be.”
He began to get up. Leona gripped at his wrist.
“What happened?”
Atul stared at her.
“What not happened? “
“We were just kissing.”
“Just kissing? You mean just kissing? I don’t understand you, Leona.”
“I told you. We won’t do anything serious.”
“What do you mean by that? Doesn’t this make you regret later?”
Leona glared at him.
“Leona, I told you. I often find many get confused around me. What makes it even worse is that they all are as close to Anvita as they are to me. Like you. You know how much we love each other but you still want me to cheat on her.”
Leona shook her head.
“No. it’s not like that. I don’t know about others but I am not doing anything that’d risk your life.”
“Then what were we doing just a moment ago?”
“Please don’t get me wrong Atul. But I like the feeling to be held in arms. George is a bad lover. Never mind, I am not comparing you to him. Neither I am dissatisfied of him. I am merely saying why I like you. I know how much you love Anvita. We talk regularly, over phone…”
“That’s what puzzling me, Leona.”
Atul interrupted.
“I know you will never push me to bed and take advantage of the situation.”
“This is exactly what I don’t understand. You are ready to kiss me and…and…and if you stop before the final barrier and you think you haven’t done anything. Is that really right thing to do?”
Leona laughed.
“What’s wrong in having a little fun? A little hide and seek? It’s fun.”
“But it is also cheating, isn’t it?”
“Everyone does cheating in their life.”
Leona took a deep breath. “If I tell you about George, he cheats his customers. He sells old stocks with new tags. He cheats his customers. My milkman, I know he’s adding a little water into the milk. He cheats his customers.”
“Come on.” Atul laughed. “They are not doing it with their dear ones.”
“What does make one dear and another one not? George shakes hands with his customer after selling the old collection. The milkman puts on a brotherly smile when he delivers the milk at our doorstep. How do you differentiate this from that?”
Atul shook his head.
“No. you are finding loopholes in other’s lives but that doesn’t undo your actions. You have to be faithful to your spouse. That’s your responsibility.”
“I am not diverting your attention to other’s way of life. You see, suppose I am travelling on the metro and I spot a handsome guy and I suddenly feel attracted to him. There are some aspects in him that draw me to him. We don’t know each other and I am not looking for an adventure but I am excited to see him, I am aroused simply because he exists in my world. I am enjoying that feeling. For a very short duration, I have fallen for his charm. I am helpless. And then I go home. I would forget him in a couple of days. What do you expect me to do now? Prove your loyalty and tell George about it? Tell him that I saw this stranger and I was sexually attracted to him? No, the logical answer is no. I believe everyone is like that. Maybe we are married and we have a happy life, social life, everything. But we have to have our little secrets. The milkman is never going to accept he’s adding water.”
“You can’t compare this to that. He’s doing it for a living.”
“And George? He has made this much wealth. Now he can stop. Do you think he’ll ever stop? No. Nobody stops cheating. Everybody does it, while some look at it a bit differently.”
“So you are perfectly okay with this…”
“That’s the actual point where it makes a difference. I said a little bit. A little water. Some old stock. No one can forgive or ignore if the line crosses by a big margin. I don’t think George is thinking only about me. It’s okay for me. But if I learn that he is having an affair with one of our staff, then I can’t forgive him. There’s a line. That line is important. You should keep that in mind.”
Atul stared at her for long.
So here’s a woman, he thought, who thinks it’s okay to play with fire as long as it doesn’t burn one’s hand. He remembered Radhika. She wanted to play with fire and leave a burn mark as proof to make a statement to her unfaithful boyfriend. Then there’s Ridhima who had every reason to be unfaithful. She hadn’t had sex for years, she wanted to have it and she was closest to it. However, she still chose to value their friendship over lust.
The memory of Ridhima had brought a smile to Atul’s face.
“It’s also about safety.” Leona went on. “You know last year, we had visited the Taj Mahal. It was the weekend and the crowd was huge. We were stuck in the crowd and then, then I felt someone touching me. George was two feet away from me, and this man behind me was trying to touch me. I could have stopped him but I didn’t. Instead, I chose to enjoy it. He groped my ass and fondled everywhere, but I was like, it’s okay. I really felt good, to be honest. A total stranger. I don’t know that guy. If I knew anything of him, it was that he was not going to do anything dangerous to me. I enjoy that moment. Even in our shops, when I am alone, our staffs ogle at me. I know they are dreaming about me. And I give them enough to dream.”
Atul sat staring at her for long and nodded.
“Yeah, I got it. We know sugar is bad for our health. But we still use it because we like the taste and we think it won’t make us ill overnight.”
A little fun is not that bad. Atul was never gonna believe her theory no matter how much she talked.
Suddenly a thought crossed his mind. Maybe her husband sucked in bed.
He forwarded his arms to her.
“Come; let me have a little fun with you. But I won’t make you surrender to me.”
Leona laughed.
She hugged him and he hugged her back.
“I like the way you hold me.”
She said.
“George doesn’t hold you like this?”
“Then what does he do?”
“You wanna know, really?”
She parted and looked at his eyes.
“Tell me a few of your secrets.”
“He’s a bit rough. He doesn’t believe in hugging and kissing. He’s like an animal sometimes. Only in bed, though.”
“What does an animal do in bed?”
“Animals prefer to mate from behind. He’s a bit unnatural.”
“You mean…”
He eyed down at her.