Chapter 49

“I told you, buddy! You are not as innocent as you claim to be. All you needed was a perfect opportunity, and see it yourself how you’ve shown your real face.”

Rajat said. Atul wanted to jump on him and smash him right there, on the couch.

Then he will learn I am not a saint for sure.

“It’s not like how you put it.”

Atul defended. “I was drunk yesterday. Besides that, it was dark in there and I lost control of myself…”

“Come on, stop it, my friend. I’ve met Neeti and she confessed everything to me. I know everything you guys have done in my bed. She told me how you sucked on her tits. They taste so good, don’t they?”

There was no point in defending now; Atul knew. He won’t even believe that I didn’t fuck her.

“Rajat, I…”

Rajat interrupted him. “Stop it, Atul. You better be thankful to me. You’ve got your wristwatch back. Do you have anything? I am running dry.”

Atul opened a bottle of whiskey. He thought Rajat might have dropped the subject as he talked very friendly and cracked usual jokes. But he soon came back to the subject.

“You know, I keep going back to Neeti for I do not have other options. Pooja still hasn’t recovered. She’s needs rest. It’s understandable. But how long can I be alone? I deserve some fun, don’t I?”


Atul nodded. Pooja had caesarean delivery two months ago. The child was underweight and under constant medication.

“But your case is just selfishness, let me be honest, buddy. You have one on the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. She’s away for two days, and you want this one. What are you really, boss?”

“Come on, Rajat. I am begging you. Just drop that topic. It was a mistake I shouldn’t have done. I am trying to get it over mentally. Just drop the topic.”

“Okay. I will drop it but you’ll have to admit that Neeti is a hot woman and it was so good when she sucked your dick.”

“Yeah. I admit that. She told you everything. What’s left there to tell you?”

“There is something she didn’t tell me but I understood.”

“What is it?”

“That you came early and easily.”

Atul was too stunned to react.

Atul was shocked.

“Wait, Neeti didn’t tell me exactly that, but she wanted to say you didn’t fuck her at all. The reason, you finished too quickly. What’s actually wrong, buddy?”

Atul knew Rajat was cornering him. But he did not know how to defend himself.

“You had told me about this friend, with sort of premature ejaculation problem... There’s no such friend. It is you.”

Rajat declared and Atul had to admit it.

“No. There’s no such problem now. I am doing well.”

Atul said with a weak voice. Rajat refilled his empty glass.

“What happened with Neeti suggests otherwise.”

“I wasn’t ready. She was taking advantage of me.”

“A man is always ready, Atul. He should be. You bring me a woman like Anvita and you know what I would do? I’ll fuck her for one hour nonstop before I get there. She’ll cry in pain but she’ll say in the end that it was a pleasure. That’s what I am talking about.”

Atul took the glass and finished it in one go. Rajat was studying him.

“I am not aiming that, Rajat.”

“But you’ll be happier if you could, won’t you?”

Rajat poured another drink for him.


“You know what is your real problem? You are not sharing. You know, these types of problems are not discussed outside, except with the closest ones, the trusted ones. Luckily you have me. Now you need not tell anyone. I’ll help you. But you must admit it.”

“Admit what?”

“Admit that you have this problem. It’s not going to help you if you keep beating about the bush.”

Atul stared at him for a long moment.

“It’s between you and me, Atul. I never hide anything from you. If you want to see the difference between what I do and what you do, I’ll hold a show for you. I’ll let you watch when I fuck Neeti next time…”

“No. that’s not necessary.”

Atul said quickly. He was scared of watching someone pleasuring a woman for so long and good.

“That’s your choice. But you got my point, didn’t you?”


“Then tell me, do you have a problem?”


“Good. Now tell me what exactly it is?”

Atul took a long breath.

“Uh…I…I am too aroused whenever I go to bed.”

“How long do you last? You do get inside?”


“I mean when you do it with Anvita, are you able to put your stuff inside her?”

“You are kidding me. I am not that bad, bro.”

“Okay. But how about her? Does she like it?”

Atul was not comfortable to talk anymore. But he had no other options.

“Yes. I guess.”

“You guess? Don’t you look at her face when you push it inside her?”

“Yeah, I meant yes. She moans.”

“That’s good. And does she moan when you push it deep? How is she? Very tight or lose?”

“She’s good. I mean, tight but not so tight.”

“What I meant to ask is, if it’s too tight or too loose, it’s not good.”

“No, it’s good. Perfect, I believe.”

Atul could not believe he was discussing his wife’s private parts with his neighbour.

“Does she take you in her mouth?”


“How often?”

“Very often.”

“She likes it, right?”

“You are having fun, aren’t you?”

“Fun? She takes your dick in her mouth, damn! Who’s supposed to have fun?”

Rajat laughed.

“Tell me what I should do?”

Atul asked, finally.

“Did you try what I told you?”

Atul stared at him.

“I told you to let her go to other men, remember?”

“Yeah. I remember. But I am not comfortable with that, Rajat.”

Atul shook his head slowly.

“It’s not like what you think. I am not asking you to push Anvita to someone else’s bed. What I am telling you is, you need to handle your level of excitement. That’s the clue here. And there is no better way than this to achieve that. You have to let her go to dates with others.”


“Yeah. Coffee date, lunch, dinner, etc. all the silly, safe things only. A little sexy chat, a slow dance in a pub…”

Atul looked on. He was not going to do any of those, though.

“You must allow her to mingle freely with other men. Let them rub their body against her, like in a crowded bus or a train. I know you won’t like it. That’s what we want. It’ll bring down your arousal. Your body will protest against producing more hormones. You’ll produce less cum; lesser cum means slower ejaculation. Do you get my point? Eventually, you’ll be fucking her like I would; longer and longer without stopping until you want to. I mean, imagine how happy Anvita will be with you pound her for a good twenty minutes nonstop?”

Atul’s eyes grew wider. Rajat had his attention completely.

“She will love you more and more, you have no idea how!”

Rajat was growing inside his head. Atul shook his head.

“And let me warn you of one thing. If you do not act now, she will cheat on you. See what Neeti did with Mohit. She thinks you are attractive and she’s willing to go to bed with you. You barely did anything to seduce her.”

Atul remembered Neeti’s words. Mohit disappoints me every time. What else I am supposed to do?

Atul felt sick in his stomach.

“Actually, the worst thing about cheating isn’t the sex but the fate of a husband that he has no idea his wife is sleeping behind him. That is the worst part. Mohit has that fate. He’s lost it yet he has no idea.”

Rajat took a long sip from his drink and Atul remained silent. “Let me tell you a secret. We are close friends; I have no problem to admit this. You, know, I am not that smart when it comes to ladies. Maybe I pretend to be smart but I really have no idea how to impress them. It was just my luck that I got to enjoy with Neeti. You know if I wasn’t there, Neeti would have gone to someone else. She needed someone, that’s the truth, whether it’s me or you or someone else. Do you agree with me or not?”


Atul had no answer to that question. Or any question that Rajat was to ask.

“So tell me, what’s your plan to save your Anvita fucking behind you?”

Rajat asked in the end, and Atul threw his hand.

“You are making me upset, bro.”

“I know that. But if you don’t act now, my friend, you will lose her.”

“I don’t know. Really, I… I… How do I… But what will Anvita think of me if I make her…”

“What is in there for her to think? You are letting her, but you should be discreet with your plan. All you need to do is, to act like you have seen nothing. Like, in a pub, you can leave her alone. I am sure a woman like Anvita will be sought to dance with by many handsome men. When someone takes her hand, and dances with her, you just stay back hiding somewhere. You don’t have to fear because a pub is a safe place. I mean, no one can cross the line too far in a pub.”

“But he can kiss her... feel over her body…”

“So what? Isn’t that okay?”

“No. I can't watch Anvi like that.”

“That’s my point. That’s the exact feeling that’s gonna fix your problem. If a man kisses her, you let him; because you don’t like it. And keep watching even if she returns the kiss. Allow him to touch all over her body. It’s okay. Because kissing and touching and fondling are far better than having your Anvi lying in someone’s bed with her legs spread apart and still, you have no idea. Do you agree with me or not?”


“So, what I am suggesting you is, you must take her to a crowded pub this weekend and try it.”


Atul said slowly, already envisaging it. Maybe, I’ll see her just interact with someone.

“No. you are not sure of it, Atul. Okay. Let me come with you if you are too scared. I’ll keep an eye on her from a distance.”

“But I am still scared, Rajat. What if…”

“Oh come on, Atul. You can't be such a coward. You need to act. Your cowardice will only help you lose her. Mark my word. One day she’s going to come home and tell you that she’s found a better one if you don’t act now.”

Rajat’s words pierced into his heart and he was unable to speak.

“Don’t lose her, Atul. Not when you are my friend.”

Atul took a deep breath; his mind and body still weak.

“In a pub, there will be a lot of men, total strangers. How do we know who’s gonna…”

Atul asked.

“Why should we know that? It could be anyone.”

“But I think I will be better if I knew the person who’s going to…you know.”

Atul hesitated. Rajat shook his head.

“That’s good thinking; because we can have an arrangement with him, like a promise that he will not go too far, right?”

“Yes. That will be safe.”

Rajat thought for a second.

“I can get one or two of my friends easily. But there’s a glitch.”

“What is it?”

“They will know there’s a problem. It’s not good. We can't be sure that they won’t tell their close friends and then so on until it’s a talk in the neighbourhoods that you last for just seconds in bed.”

Atul shook his head. “That’s right.”

“And my advice is that we must not involve a third person, apart from me and you, in the whole thing.”

Atul agreed quickly and he fell thoughtful. Rajat studied him carefully before he spoke again.

“You know, I am not sure how you’ll take it. I think I can be your saviour.”

Atul stared at him for a second.


“I mean, I can be your wife’s date, if you want.”

Atul glared at him.

“I know what you are thinking,” Rajat said, “that I am kind of volunteering to do it.”

“Not exactly.”

“Come on man. Do you think I’ll do something to Anvita? I must be the dumbest to so, especially when I know you are watching me. Do you agree with me or not?”

“I wasn’t thinking that.” Atul shook his head. “Anvita will never agree to do such things with you.”

“What things? We are not doing anything. Because I know why we are doing this, I know where we should stop, right?”

“It doesn’t make sense.”

“What you need to do is to imagine worse things about me.”

“Worse things, such as? “

“Like, imagine me with Anvita. I won’t be pissed if you think I am the worst thing ever happened to you, if it helps you, man. Go ahead and think I’m a pervert.”
Next page: Chapter 50
Previous page: Chapter 48