Chapter 52
Everything reveres here. She thought. This is the punishment. No! Anvita shook her head. No. Atul won’t do it. He’s not like me. He’s not like Varun. He’s not like Rajat and Shreyas and Prithvi and…
"Atul is the good guy. He’s the epitome of goodness." Somebody had told her once. But.
Anvita couldn’t really gather her thoughts into one place. No. somebody’s trying to fool me. Somebody’s too envious. She decided.
Her phone rang. Radhika.
She is calling me to tell she played a prank on me. Well.
“You lied, didn’t you?”
Anvita asked.
“Listen to me carefully, Anvita. I wanted to know what happened between you and Varun at Alyssa. That’s why I went with him. And I didn’t go to sleep with him, if you believe me.”
She said and disconnected the call.
Anvita was stunned.
An hour later, they were in a coffee shop.
“I suggested this place only to assure you one thing. Nothing like you worry had happened.”
Radhika said.
“Atul told me what Varun was trying to do with you. I have no interest to discuss that with you now. I have got enough of that. What I am telling you is strictly about Atul. We didn’t spend time together in his suite. I was upset when I heard the truth and he alone went to meet his friend. Then, later, I went with his friend after dinner. But I told Varun something else – exactly what he told you - and it's all lies."
“But why? Why did you say that?”
“Because I am a woman. I too have feelings. You know something about my boyfriend. Atul knows about it. Varun knows what he did. Everybody knows everything – what happened and what not. But where am I? In darkness!”
Radhika’s voice was low but it didn’t hide her anger. Anvita felt for her.
“I am sorry. I was drunk that night. And it left me too embarrassed to talk about it.”
“I know. Atul told me.”
“But he didn’t tell me about your meeting.”
“That you should discuss with him.”
Anvita stared at her and reached across the small coffee table and clasped Radhika’s hand.
“I am sorry Radhika. When Varun told me Atul took you and then sold you to his friend and all…”
Radhika laughed.
“You thought Atul was a pimp?”
“No. I didn’t believe it.”
“Do me a favour. Let Varun think Atul did it, and you’re pretty cool with it. Varun deserves it. He’s not what you think, Anvita. You know him for longer but I know him better. He’s a…leave it.”
Radhika breathed normally now. Anvita told her what Varun told her, word by word.
“I am not surprised.”
Radhika said.
“In fact, I didn’t have sex with anyone that night. But to be honest, I was really angry and I would have done something stupid with Atul if he had wanted. You are very lucky. He had all the chance in the world to show some anger and use me. But he didn’t. He said he was happy that he didn’t lose you that day at Alyssa. I actually went with Nikunj – his friend – only to make Atul jealous, but he was still very much unfazed. He earned my respect, Anvi. Please don’t doubt him.”
Radhika was full of praise about Atul.
Anvita was not going to confront Atul now. But she told him about it.
“I should have told you Anvi. But I didn’t feel good that Radhika knew about what happened at Alyssa. I thought it would further embarrass you. I didn’t want to tell Radhika about it. But she got doubtful from Varun’s behaviour. And we were all weren’t really speaking to each other since then, so her doubt was justified. She stalked me to South Delhi and I was left with no choice. Varun was pissed off when he learnt this. He phoned me that night and threaten me. But Radhika had already left with Nikunj. They had become good friends. And I still have no idea what they did that night. I don't really care whether she slept with him or not.”
Anvita was convinced that Varun was just playing some crooked games with her. Perhaps he was just venting his anger at Atul. He’s always been jealous of him. Perhaps he wanted to get something from her.
Well, I have stopped doing stupid things. You fool. Anvita thought.
When she held Atul tight and kissed him fondly, Varun’s words flashed in her brain.
“Mark my words, he’s gonna sell you too.”
The words made her laugh.
Next morning, when she went for jogging, she was expecting Rajat. But he didn’t show up. Perhaps he too must have realised his blunder.
Then one day, during dinner, Atul suggested.
“This Friday we are giving Rajat a dinner. We have never invited him to dinner. He's very keen to join us. Let’s do it.”
Atul's friendly equation with Shreyas was invariably damaged when he questioned the latter's apparent malpractice. Atul couldn't believe Shreyas was willing to trade the company's reputation to avoid answering questions from the top which was expected if the quantity of idle products outgrew the permitted limits. Atul wished he could convince Shreyas to move on; he could move on if he admitted his mistake. But Shreyas was rather covering it up by distributing the outdated products among his clients.
However, Atul was left to wonder why none of the clients reported the issue. Atul didn't want to find out because he knew it wasn't his business. He had nothing to do it.
Even if somebody found out and shot back at Wallzec, it would never bring harm to me. Atul thought.
But it invariably caused malaise in him when he returned to work. He was losing interest in the task at hand. He had prepared the proposal to GLS Engineering; so much brain and creativity were put into the project and Atul was hoping only the best outcome out of it. The thought of one man who would spoil all those efforts to benefit his personal agenda felt disgusting to Atul.
However, when he contacted Maniesh he disagreed to regard Shreyas as corrupt.
"There are no credible sources to prove any wrongdoing, Atul."
Maniesh said.
“Shreyas asked me to mind my own business. But I would like to believe it is my business. I have a chair here; when I am keeping my ass firm on it, it means only one thing; that I represent Wallzec. I am not a saint to be honest with everyone. But you must be sure who you’re lying to. I can’t bear someone playing this game with Wallzec.”
Atul ranted.
“I suggest you keep calm for a while, Atul. I’ll go through his recent dealings. Until then you keep doing what you are doing. Stick to your task. Don’t make it lose your concentration. We need good guys like you.”
Maniesh assured him.
That evening Rajat phoned Atul and they headed to a bar after work. Soon they were discussing their dinner plan.
“I think I should bring food myself.” Rajat said. “I don’t have a good feeling about having Anvita to cook for the dinner.”
“It’s not you giving us the dinner, bro.” Atul said. “We’ll give you chance when you bring back Pooja.”
“That’s for sure, but that’s a different thing.”
“This is a date, right? I am your wife’s date.”
Atul did not like how he said it. He pushed it down though.
“Yeah, you are.”
“So obviously I am looking forward to making Anvita happy. I mean, genuinely happy.”
Atul remembered how they were discussing Anvita the other day. Even the most private matters between them. Here it’s coming back, again. Atul cringed.
“What happened?”
Rajat was studying him. Atul took a long sip from the beer jug, bringing the liquid level down to its bottom.
“I really hate discussing these things with you.”
He admitted.
“That’s what our aim is. But I want you to promise me one thing. I know whatever I do will make you hate me more and more. But please, don’t hit me. Because no matter what happens I will never bring harm to you; I want you to believe that. You push her to me and leave her with me, but I won’t do anything stupid that will ruin your life. You must remember it always, no matter what we speak or behave in front of Anvita. Do you agree with me or not?”
“Yeah, I do agree.”
Atul was calmed down by him every time he doubted his plan.
“I am playing this game only for you.”
Rajat added.
“Yeah, I know.”
Rajat ordered more booze.
“If the food is yours then the drinks should be my right. You can’t stop me.”
“That’s agreeable to some extent. You can bring one bottle. But I’ll have my own inventory.”
“Come on, I have a very special item for the party. I won’t tell you the brand. It’s rare and I know you’ll like it.”
“As you wish.”
“But I want you to control your drinking habits. It weakens you in bed. Two days in a week maybe, but not more than that.”
Rajat had many pieces of advice to keep him concentrate on his quest to satisfy his wife sexually. Atul agreed to everything.
“I think Anvita has a really bad impression on me, Atul. Because of my…you know this little thing with Neeti. Only you can help me with that.”
Rajat admitted her.
“How can I help you?”
“I think I should gift her something…something that she will like.”
“Do you have something in your mind?”
“How about a dress?”
Atul laughed.
“You want to gift my wife a dress?”
“I think it’s a great idea. I should buy her a beautiful dress. And I want her to wear it and show us.”
“What’s the point?”
“I don’t think I am gonna enjoy too much if a man gifts my wife a sexy dress and then makes her wear it. I am a bit jealous type, especially if that dress looks great on her and if she likes it very much. I’ll be dying in jealousy.”
“So will be me.”
“That’s the point, exactly.”
Now Atul got it.
“You are putting me in a difficult situation.”
“Later that night, when I am gone, you make love to Anvi. She mentions you she likes the dress when you are taking it off her. It will distract you. That’s a great idea.”
Rajat did not need to say anything else to convince him.
“And I want you to help me choose the dress.”
“Yeah. Because only you can select according to her taste and body shape. You help me with that, and I’ll make the payment.”
Atul was not really perturbed by his idea. The idea of his wife being gifted by his friend didn’t actually upset him so much. In fact he was wondering if Anvita would wear it on the dinner night.
Next day Pradeep phoned Atul.
“Your car is ready, pal. Drive it home. When are you coming?”
Atul was at work.
“Right now.”
He said.
That evening he went home driving his own car. Anvita was excited.
“Let’s go for a drive. I’ll drive.”
She said.
That night they went for a late night film show. Anvita took the driver’s seat.
Rajat took Atul to a fashion store as they had agreed. Rajat first selected a bright yellow dress that was too short in length.
“Anvita would look great in it, wouldn’t she?”
Rajat asked.
“It’s too short. I don’t think she would accept it.”
Atul didn’t want his wife to wear it and allow Rajat relish by looking at her.
“Come on we’ll persist and she’ll accept.”
Rajat suggested.
“Even if she did, she won’t wear it for us. She’ll refuse to wear it. I know her.”
Rajat selected another dress that was an off-shoulder dress.
“It would show too much of her…umm…cleavage.”
Atul hesitated.
“Come on. Do you have any problem with that? Who doesn’t show it?”
“She doesn’t.”
Rajat stared at him and then shook his head.
“Okay. If you say so.”
“I suggest we choose something that makes her comfortable.”
“It should also look sexy. You have a sexy wife, buddy. You must appreciate the fact.”
“Let’s go for another one, Rajat.”
“Okay. Then make a choice yourself. What would you like me, I mean your wife’s date, gift your wife on her first date?”
Atul looked around. His eyes stuck on a mannequin on display.
“That one.”
“A lehenga?”
Rajat was disappointed. Atul felt good watching his disappointment.
“Yeah. Anvi likes lehenga. It’s her favourite. If you gift her something like this, I can guarantee you she’s gonna like it.”
“Is that so?”
Rajat walked to the lehenga section and after twenty minutes he made his selection.
“This one.”
It was a light pink colour net lehenga choli. Atul could already imagine her stunning look wearing it.
“We’ll have to get the blouse stitched to shape. But it’s no problem. I will get this one done if you bring me one of her blouses.”
Rajat suggested while making payment. He took the garment with him as they walked out.
“It’s your responsibility to support me when I ask Anvita to wear it. Do you agree with me or not?"
"Yeah, definitely. But you should not tell her that it's me who helped you to buy this.”
Atul said.
“Done. Deal.”
Rajat shook his head.
That night Atul scanned Anvita's wardrobe for a blouse and he secretly took it to his neighbour.
“So let’s do it this Friday. Good?”
Rajat shook his hand.
Atul nodded.
When Atul mentioned the dinner idea to Anvita, she was stunned.
“Dinner? For Rajat? Are you crazy?”
“What happened?”
Atul tried to play it down. “It’s just a dinner with him, baby. Our home. He’s coming over; what’s the big deal?”
“He’s a jerk. That’s a big deal!”
“Come on I know why you hate him. He too knows that.”
“What is it?”
“It’s his affair with Neeti, isn’t it?”
“Please Atul. I have no interest in this dinner.”
“Actually he was inviting us to his place. I thought it would be a great pain for him. And it’s not right to allow him to host us a dinner when his wife is not there. So I said we’ll do dinner at his place after Pooja’s return. And I invited him. Please don’t say no.”
Anvita shook her head.
“I don’t…”
Atul held her hand. “I gave him my word. Please don’t embarrass me.”
Anvita stared at him for a long moment.
“I am not embarrassing you, Atul. He’s a big tease. I hate the way he looks at me.”
“So what? It’s just looking. Ignore it.”
“I can’t believe you are saying this. I still remember the day we had an argument over him when I allowed him to take a couple of pictures of me.”
“That was something else, Anvi. He came and took your pictures when I wasn’t here. I wasn’t comfortable about it then.”
“And now?”
“He won’t intimidate you when I am around. I can promise you that.”
Anvita glared at him and slowly shook her head.
“So you want me to sit through a dinner with Rajat.”
Atul turned her to face him. “Like you have sat through George and Shreyas. And be nice with him, for a couple of hours.”
Anvita was not looking at him.
“Okay. As you say.”
She nodded.
When the project presentation for GLS was ready, Atul was asked to run it for Shreyas. It was strange for him to come up with the demand.
And he wasn't impressed when it was shown to him.
“You need to exclude these photos, Atul. They don’t look professional. And also your idea weighs too much on simplicity. It seems you’ve forgotten what we are selling. Make it a bit complicated, I tell you. That’s what we must look like.”
Shreyas's critical attitude foretold Atul one thing. He didn’t believe in him anymore.
Atul had enough faith in his way, and he stuck to his plan though.
Next day Atul’s colleague Aakash approached him.
“I’m told to handle the GLS project, Atul. Mail it to me.”
Atul turned his head slowly and stared at Aakash for a long time. Aakash smirked.
He said.
“That’s unbelievable.”
Atul rose from his chair and pushed his way into Shreyas's cabin.
“What’s happening here, Shreyas?”
Shreyas looked up.
“Take a seat, Atul.”
He moved in his chair. “I told you. Your work still seems like… it lacks the punch.”
Atul felt an urge to punch him on his face.
“Forget the punch and weight of my work, Shreyas. You tell me one thing. How much chance did you have when you put me on the GLS project?”
“Did you really believe Wallzec would be off their blacklist just like that?”
“It was a miracle, Atul. I admit that. But now I don’t want to lose the advantage.”
“You don’t want to lose the advantage. And you think Aakash is the one who’s gonna help you with that, not me. Do you really wanna say that?”
“Atul, I am not going to go on like this with you. You are spoiling your team’s work with your ego. Just hand over the project. It’s okay. Aakash will handle the remaining work.”
“What remaining work? It’s over. All we need is an invitation from them. And I’m not gonna let it go at this stage.”
“You’re defying me, Atul. I must remind you.”
"Atul is the good guy. He’s the epitome of goodness." Somebody had told her once. But.
Anvita couldn’t really gather her thoughts into one place. No. somebody’s trying to fool me. Somebody’s too envious. She decided.
Her phone rang. Radhika.
She is calling me to tell she played a prank on me. Well.
“You lied, didn’t you?”
Anvita asked.
“Listen to me carefully, Anvita. I wanted to know what happened between you and Varun at Alyssa. That’s why I went with him. And I didn’t go to sleep with him, if you believe me.”
She said and disconnected the call.
Anvita was stunned.
An hour later, they were in a coffee shop.
“I suggested this place only to assure you one thing. Nothing like you worry had happened.”
Radhika said.
“Atul told me what Varun was trying to do with you. I have no interest to discuss that with you now. I have got enough of that. What I am telling you is strictly about Atul. We didn’t spend time together in his suite. I was upset when I heard the truth and he alone went to meet his friend. Then, later, I went with his friend after dinner. But I told Varun something else – exactly what he told you - and it's all lies."
“But why? Why did you say that?”
“Because I am a woman. I too have feelings. You know something about my boyfriend. Atul knows about it. Varun knows what he did. Everybody knows everything – what happened and what not. But where am I? In darkness!”
Radhika’s voice was low but it didn’t hide her anger. Anvita felt for her.
“I am sorry. I was drunk that night. And it left me too embarrassed to talk about it.”
“I know. Atul told me.”
“But he didn’t tell me about your meeting.”
“That you should discuss with him.”
Anvita stared at her and reached across the small coffee table and clasped Radhika’s hand.
“I am sorry Radhika. When Varun told me Atul took you and then sold you to his friend and all…”
Radhika laughed.
“You thought Atul was a pimp?”
“No. I didn’t believe it.”
“Do me a favour. Let Varun think Atul did it, and you’re pretty cool with it. Varun deserves it. He’s not what you think, Anvita. You know him for longer but I know him better. He’s a…leave it.”
Radhika breathed normally now. Anvita told her what Varun told her, word by word.
“I am not surprised.”
Radhika said.
“In fact, I didn’t have sex with anyone that night. But to be honest, I was really angry and I would have done something stupid with Atul if he had wanted. You are very lucky. He had all the chance in the world to show some anger and use me. But he didn’t. He said he was happy that he didn’t lose you that day at Alyssa. I actually went with Nikunj – his friend – only to make Atul jealous, but he was still very much unfazed. He earned my respect, Anvi. Please don’t doubt him.”
Radhika was full of praise about Atul.
Anvita was not going to confront Atul now. But she told him about it.
“I should have told you Anvi. But I didn’t feel good that Radhika knew about what happened at Alyssa. I thought it would further embarrass you. I didn’t want to tell Radhika about it. But she got doubtful from Varun’s behaviour. And we were all weren’t really speaking to each other since then, so her doubt was justified. She stalked me to South Delhi and I was left with no choice. Varun was pissed off when he learnt this. He phoned me that night and threaten me. But Radhika had already left with Nikunj. They had become good friends. And I still have no idea what they did that night. I don't really care whether she slept with him or not.”
Anvita was convinced that Varun was just playing some crooked games with her. Perhaps he was just venting his anger at Atul. He’s always been jealous of him. Perhaps he wanted to get something from her.
Well, I have stopped doing stupid things. You fool. Anvita thought.
When she held Atul tight and kissed him fondly, Varun’s words flashed in her brain.
“Mark my words, he’s gonna sell you too.”
The words made her laugh.
Next morning, when she went for jogging, she was expecting Rajat. But he didn’t show up. Perhaps he too must have realised his blunder.
Then one day, during dinner, Atul suggested.
“This Friday we are giving Rajat a dinner. We have never invited him to dinner. He's very keen to join us. Let’s do it.”
Atul's friendly equation with Shreyas was invariably damaged when he questioned the latter's apparent malpractice. Atul couldn't believe Shreyas was willing to trade the company's reputation to avoid answering questions from the top which was expected if the quantity of idle products outgrew the permitted limits. Atul wished he could convince Shreyas to move on; he could move on if he admitted his mistake. But Shreyas was rather covering it up by distributing the outdated products among his clients.
However, Atul was left to wonder why none of the clients reported the issue. Atul didn't want to find out because he knew it wasn't his business. He had nothing to do it.
Even if somebody found out and shot back at Wallzec, it would never bring harm to me. Atul thought.
But it invariably caused malaise in him when he returned to work. He was losing interest in the task at hand. He had prepared the proposal to GLS Engineering; so much brain and creativity were put into the project and Atul was hoping only the best outcome out of it. The thought of one man who would spoil all those efforts to benefit his personal agenda felt disgusting to Atul.
However, when he contacted Maniesh he disagreed to regard Shreyas as corrupt.
"There are no credible sources to prove any wrongdoing, Atul."
Maniesh said.
“Shreyas asked me to mind my own business. But I would like to believe it is my business. I have a chair here; when I am keeping my ass firm on it, it means only one thing; that I represent Wallzec. I am not a saint to be honest with everyone. But you must be sure who you’re lying to. I can’t bear someone playing this game with Wallzec.”
Atul ranted.
“I suggest you keep calm for a while, Atul. I’ll go through his recent dealings. Until then you keep doing what you are doing. Stick to your task. Don’t make it lose your concentration. We need good guys like you.”
Maniesh assured him.
That evening Rajat phoned Atul and they headed to a bar after work. Soon they were discussing their dinner plan.
“I think I should bring food myself.” Rajat said. “I don’t have a good feeling about having Anvita to cook for the dinner.”
“It’s not you giving us the dinner, bro.” Atul said. “We’ll give you chance when you bring back Pooja.”
“That’s for sure, but that’s a different thing.”
“This is a date, right? I am your wife’s date.”
Atul did not like how he said it. He pushed it down though.
“Yeah, you are.”
“So obviously I am looking forward to making Anvita happy. I mean, genuinely happy.”
Atul remembered how they were discussing Anvita the other day. Even the most private matters between them. Here it’s coming back, again. Atul cringed.
“What happened?”
Rajat was studying him. Atul took a long sip from the beer jug, bringing the liquid level down to its bottom.
“I really hate discussing these things with you.”
He admitted.
“That’s what our aim is. But I want you to promise me one thing. I know whatever I do will make you hate me more and more. But please, don’t hit me. Because no matter what happens I will never bring harm to you; I want you to believe that. You push her to me and leave her with me, but I won’t do anything stupid that will ruin your life. You must remember it always, no matter what we speak or behave in front of Anvita. Do you agree with me or not?”
“Yeah, I do agree.”
Atul was calmed down by him every time he doubted his plan.
“I am playing this game only for you.”
Rajat added.
“Yeah, I know.”
Rajat ordered more booze.
“If the food is yours then the drinks should be my right. You can’t stop me.”
“That’s agreeable to some extent. You can bring one bottle. But I’ll have my own inventory.”
“Come on, I have a very special item for the party. I won’t tell you the brand. It’s rare and I know you’ll like it.”
“As you wish.”
“But I want you to control your drinking habits. It weakens you in bed. Two days in a week maybe, but not more than that.”
Rajat had many pieces of advice to keep him concentrate on his quest to satisfy his wife sexually. Atul agreed to everything.
“I think Anvita has a really bad impression on me, Atul. Because of my…you know this little thing with Neeti. Only you can help me with that.”
Rajat admitted her.
“How can I help you?”
“I think I should gift her something…something that she will like.”
“Do you have something in your mind?”
“How about a dress?”
Atul laughed.
“You want to gift my wife a dress?”
“I think it’s a great idea. I should buy her a beautiful dress. And I want her to wear it and show us.”
“What’s the point?”
“I don’t think I am gonna enjoy too much if a man gifts my wife a sexy dress and then makes her wear it. I am a bit jealous type, especially if that dress looks great on her and if she likes it very much. I’ll be dying in jealousy.”
“So will be me.”
“That’s the point, exactly.”
Now Atul got it.
“You are putting me in a difficult situation.”
“Later that night, when I am gone, you make love to Anvi. She mentions you she likes the dress when you are taking it off her. It will distract you. That’s a great idea.”
Rajat did not need to say anything else to convince him.
“And I want you to help me choose the dress.”
“Yeah. Because only you can select according to her taste and body shape. You help me with that, and I’ll make the payment.”
Atul was not really perturbed by his idea. The idea of his wife being gifted by his friend didn’t actually upset him so much. In fact he was wondering if Anvita would wear it on the dinner night.
Next day Pradeep phoned Atul.
“Your car is ready, pal. Drive it home. When are you coming?”
Atul was at work.
“Right now.”
He said.
That evening he went home driving his own car. Anvita was excited.
“Let’s go for a drive. I’ll drive.”
She said.
That night they went for a late night film show. Anvita took the driver’s seat.
Rajat took Atul to a fashion store as they had agreed. Rajat first selected a bright yellow dress that was too short in length.
“Anvita would look great in it, wouldn’t she?”
Rajat asked.
“It’s too short. I don’t think she would accept it.”
Atul didn’t want his wife to wear it and allow Rajat relish by looking at her.
“Come on we’ll persist and she’ll accept.”
Rajat suggested.
“Even if she did, she won’t wear it for us. She’ll refuse to wear it. I know her.”
Rajat selected another dress that was an off-shoulder dress.
“It would show too much of her…umm…cleavage.”
Atul hesitated.
“Come on. Do you have any problem with that? Who doesn’t show it?”
“She doesn’t.”
Rajat stared at him and then shook his head.
“Okay. If you say so.”
“I suggest we choose something that makes her comfortable.”
“It should also look sexy. You have a sexy wife, buddy. You must appreciate the fact.”
“Let’s go for another one, Rajat.”
“Okay. Then make a choice yourself. What would you like me, I mean your wife’s date, gift your wife on her first date?”
Atul looked around. His eyes stuck on a mannequin on display.
“That one.”
“A lehenga?”
Rajat was disappointed. Atul felt good watching his disappointment.
“Yeah. Anvi likes lehenga. It’s her favourite. If you gift her something like this, I can guarantee you she’s gonna like it.”
“Is that so?”
Rajat walked to the lehenga section and after twenty minutes he made his selection.
“This one.”
It was a light pink colour net lehenga choli. Atul could already imagine her stunning look wearing it.
“We’ll have to get the blouse stitched to shape. But it’s no problem. I will get this one done if you bring me one of her blouses.”
Rajat suggested while making payment. He took the garment with him as they walked out.
“It’s your responsibility to support me when I ask Anvita to wear it. Do you agree with me or not?"
"Yeah, definitely. But you should not tell her that it's me who helped you to buy this.”
Atul said.
“Done. Deal.”
Rajat shook his head.
That night Atul scanned Anvita's wardrobe for a blouse and he secretly took it to his neighbour.
“So let’s do it this Friday. Good?”
Rajat shook his hand.
Atul nodded.
When Atul mentioned the dinner idea to Anvita, she was stunned.
“Dinner? For Rajat? Are you crazy?”
“What happened?”
Atul tried to play it down. “It’s just a dinner with him, baby. Our home. He’s coming over; what’s the big deal?”
“He’s a jerk. That’s a big deal!”
“Come on I know why you hate him. He too knows that.”
“What is it?”
“It’s his affair with Neeti, isn’t it?”
“Please Atul. I have no interest in this dinner.”
“Actually he was inviting us to his place. I thought it would be a great pain for him. And it’s not right to allow him to host us a dinner when his wife is not there. So I said we’ll do dinner at his place after Pooja’s return. And I invited him. Please don’t say no.”
Anvita shook her head.
“I don’t…”
Atul held her hand. “I gave him my word. Please don’t embarrass me.”
Anvita stared at him for a long moment.
“I am not embarrassing you, Atul. He’s a big tease. I hate the way he looks at me.”
“So what? It’s just looking. Ignore it.”
“I can’t believe you are saying this. I still remember the day we had an argument over him when I allowed him to take a couple of pictures of me.”
“That was something else, Anvi. He came and took your pictures when I wasn’t here. I wasn’t comfortable about it then.”
“And now?”
“He won’t intimidate you when I am around. I can promise you that.”
Anvita glared at him and slowly shook her head.
“So you want me to sit through a dinner with Rajat.”
Atul turned her to face him. “Like you have sat through George and Shreyas. And be nice with him, for a couple of hours.”
Anvita was not looking at him.
“Okay. As you say.”
She nodded.
When the project presentation for GLS was ready, Atul was asked to run it for Shreyas. It was strange for him to come up with the demand.
And he wasn't impressed when it was shown to him.
“You need to exclude these photos, Atul. They don’t look professional. And also your idea weighs too much on simplicity. It seems you’ve forgotten what we are selling. Make it a bit complicated, I tell you. That’s what we must look like.”
Shreyas's critical attitude foretold Atul one thing. He didn’t believe in him anymore.
Atul had enough faith in his way, and he stuck to his plan though.
Next day Atul’s colleague Aakash approached him.
“I’m told to handle the GLS project, Atul. Mail it to me.”
Atul turned his head slowly and stared at Aakash for a long time. Aakash smirked.
He said.
“That’s unbelievable.”
Atul rose from his chair and pushed his way into Shreyas's cabin.
“What’s happening here, Shreyas?”
Shreyas looked up.
“Take a seat, Atul.”
He moved in his chair. “I told you. Your work still seems like… it lacks the punch.”
Atul felt an urge to punch him on his face.
“Forget the punch and weight of my work, Shreyas. You tell me one thing. How much chance did you have when you put me on the GLS project?”
“Did you really believe Wallzec would be off their blacklist just like that?”
“It was a miracle, Atul. I admit that. But now I don’t want to lose the advantage.”
“You don’t want to lose the advantage. And you think Aakash is the one who’s gonna help you with that, not me. Do you really wanna say that?”
“Atul, I am not going to go on like this with you. You are spoiling your team’s work with your ego. Just hand over the project. It’s okay. Aakash will handle the remaining work.”
“What remaining work? It’s over. All we need is an invitation from them. And I’m not gonna let it go at this stage.”
“You’re defying me, Atul. I must remind you.”