Chapter 60
An inspection team of two board members visited Wallzec on Monday. They carried a message to Shreyas and it was nothing good.
The new deal with GLS had opened door to more business for the company. Its brain heads were not going to mess it up. Before the end of the day Atul came face to face with Shreyas twice, but the latter did not utter a single word to him.
Atul was having a drink with Rajat in a bar later that evening when Anvita phoned him and told him about Ankita's visa issue. Ankita was coming for a small vacation.
“She’ll stay over the weekend with us. We’ll accompany her on Saturday; let’s spend a couple of days with my parents, okay?”
Atul agreed.
And it meant one more thing; the dinner with Rajat was not going to happen that week too.
“So we’ll have to cancel our weekend programs, right?”
He asked her.
Rajat's facial expression told him how disappointed he was when he heard the news, but he quickly changed his reaction.
“That’s great. These types of family gatherings are a must, man. Nothing is bigger than the family. Think, how happy Anvita will be to meet her sister and parents. We can move our dinner to next weekend.”
He opined.
The inspection at Wallzec lasted two days. Tuesday the team met Atul personally and appreciated him for his good work.
“You did commendable work, young man. We’ve come to know your struggle; there have been attempts to manipulate you,” Mr Anil, the senior among the members, said. “Did you ever felt you were risking too much for this?”
“The risk was actually there. But I had faith. I was not only doing the right thing but also doing it the right way.”
“The fear of losing can make good men give up.”
“Well, it didn’t make me. I’ve always believed I can handle him.”
Mr Anil nodded and shook his hand.
Atul phoned Maniesh and thanked him for his support.
“You are a remarkable person, Maniesh. You know how to handle things. I now understand why we had to meet.”
“Did I surprise you?”
“Not much, I know you now. But that was fast. He knew that something’s coming but he couldn’t even blink. What are you gonna do with him?”
“He’ll get his due.”
Maniesh said.
The following day Atul worked half-day and left early. Anvita was already home when he arrived. She was getting ready for the reception and she looked stunning in a high low dress. Atul could not look away. Anvita turned to look at him.
He moved behind her.
“I know it’s cliché but I don’t mind telling you this again and again that you look so gorgeous. I want to…”
He had her in his arms but she stopped just before he could kiss her.
“No! Don't spoil my face.”
“I won’t, I promise you. It will be a very quick one.”
“I don’t believe you; leave me.”
“What, why?”
She pushed his hands away and then managed to move away.
“You have no control.”
She argued. Atul mocked a sad face.
“This is what I get, despite being the husband. People at the function are going to envy me today; thank God they have no idea what I am going through.”
Anvita laughed.
“Hahaha. They have no idea what you are going to have tonight. Don’t worry.”
It was a short banter that they had before heading to the function.
The wedding reception was surprisingly simple. Most of the guests were from the family. Others were mostly Parthiv's friends with whom Atul hit it off very quickly.
It was already raining when they returned.
“The event was really simple, wasn’t it?”
Atul asked Anvita.
“Yeah, maybe it’s because of rain. They had a lot of problems during the wedding.”
She opined.
Atul was tired and he went to bed early. By the time Anvita made it to bed, he had slept. He had a faint memory of her hand around him. She was telling him a story. He smiled and then felt her lips on him. She was kissing him. He wanted to turn to her and kiss her back. But his body didn’t move. He sank back into sleep.
The rain had turned heavier and lightning exploded outside the window. Atul woke up feeling thirsty. The sound of heavy pouring made him wonder how one can be thirsty while listening to it. He turned to glance at Anvita and his eyes stuck at something unusual right away. At first, he thought he was dreaming it, but he knew he wasn’t. There were some covert movements under her blanket. It took him just a fraction of a second to grasp what was happening. His mind became alert and amused alike as he, for the first time ever in his life, was witnessing a woman –that too his wife – pleasuring herself.
Initially, all he could notice was the slightest movement visible outside the blanket; the very dim light coming from a fancy timepiece on the showcase at the side of the room was the only source of light. Then he paid more attention – by bringing his breathing to a stop – and he heard her breathing.
Her breathing was as stealthy as it could get, but Atul could still make out how deep she was engrossed in the act of pleasure. She was enjoying it. She was stroking with her hand, plunging her finger into her pussy and she was certainly enjoying it. For one moment he thought she was doing it in her sleep. Her breathing was slow but earnest, and her movements were peaking along with her breathing, but suddenly it all stopped.
Next moment she moved her blanket and Atul pretended dead, if not slept.
The show had come to an end.
The world had come to a still, Atul felt, except for his eyes that he kept rotating all around. He was pondering over who ought to be more embarrassed if they both knew what the other was doing. One was masturbating while the other was watching it secretly. He felt he would be more embarrassed because he was helplessly hard.
Anvita turned to her right and lay in absolute calmness. Atul was doubtful if she got a hint of him watching her. She would hate it, he knew, because when it comes to sex, she was a bit reserved and her inhibitions would make her hate it.
For a moment he regretted unknowingly spoiling her fun and then he was amused at the irony of it.
Getting caught while watching someone masturbating was almost as embarrassing as getting caught doing it, he thought.
A few moments later, her breathing assumed a familiar rhythm, and Atul was sure she had fallen asleep now. The initial amusement had sunk down by now, and Atul remembered the evening banter. They have no idea what you are going to have. He remembered the then look on her face. He remembered her eyes now. He felt guilty now.
He was solely responsible for this. It was his mistake. It was his forgetfulness that made her fight her loneliness by tending herself while lying in bed with her husband.
It was the first time he witnessed something like this from her. And it made him realise one thing: she’s as womanly as anyone whom he had ever known. She too has cravings that need to be satisfied. She too can have dreams.
And he was also disturbed by the thought that it could be sexual frustration that led her into this. He was definitely aware he was not doing enough. But he still hoped she wouldn’t be thinking so because she had never been vocal about that, apart from a remark during the early days of the marriage. It was a long time ago.
To his comfort, Atul remembered Leona’s words about having a fantasy. “What’s wrong in having a little fun?” Atul wondered who could be Anvita fantasising about.
Who did incite lust in her? Someone from the evening function? Someone she saw while returning from work? Someone in her office? Or a celebrity? Me?
Atul was sure he’ll never find out.
Friday evening Ankita arrived from Canada.
Atul's thoughts were mostly dominated by various issues from work until that evening. However, the moment he saw her emerging from the arrival gate, he had to let go of his office stuff. Ankita was wearing a loose T-shirt and faded jeans and her hair was tied back in a ponytail. When she smiled at Atul and Anvita her cheeks bulged slightly more than what he remembered. She had gained weight. It was not only her cheeks but all her body. Atul had a tough time not to take notice of what difference she visibly had in the size of her breasts. When the sisters hugged tightly Atul couldn’t take his eyes off the sight of their soft melons grinding against each other. When Ankita turned to him, he aptly grabbed her hand to shake it.
“Glad to meet you again, sis-in-law!”
He said.
He was not going to have a feel of her softness.
When he walked around her while putting her luggage in the car he got an eyeful of her ass too. He quickly remembered the fun chat they had once, comparing the size of both the sister’s asses. He was convinced that Ankita would now give tough competition to her sister.
Ankita sat inside the car and untied her hair. She was glancing at him while talking with Anvita and Atul kept his smile as casual as he could.
His sister in law was in town. And she looked hotter than ever.
Atul admitted this to himself first and then promised himself that he wouldn’t do anything stupid. Last time when he got some moments with her, he had tasted her lips. “I wouldn’t mind going to bed with you.” She had told him. He would have gone to bed with her, had her husband not returned home in time. The thought still gave Atul a pang of shock.
He was not going to let anything like that happen. He did not want to send even a wrong signal. Anything other than intended shouldn't be perceived. He thought.
Ankita was excited to be with them and Atul wasn’t surprised. The sisters bonded throughout the evening. It seemed their childhood had returned. Anvita was consumed by all the fun.
Atul took them to India Accent for dinner. Ankita wore an off-shoulder top and long skirt. Anvita chose a cut shoulder top and jeans.
No matter how much Atul tried, he couldn’t take his mind off his sister in law. Whenever he looked at her lips, he became nervous. He still remembered how they tasted. Both the sisters sat across the table and he was carrying a boner in no time. Weird thoughts were gathering in his mind. He thought of the possibility of going to bed with both the sisters. He thought of them both lying in bed, waiting for him. He thought of his dick getting buried in Ankita's pussy while he licked Anvita's pussy. He thought of Anvita sitting on him, riding his dick, while Ankita sat on his mouth, feeding him from her wet pussy. He thought of kissing Anvita and sucking her saliva from her mouth and then feeding it into her sister’s mouth. Even the thought of them taking their tops off to show off their breasts to him got him hard enough to ache.
He let out a sigh. He grabbed a green chilly from the creatively decorated salad dish and ate it. He wished it worked.
Atul was sharing how one of his friends goofed up his recent attempt to woo a woman he met during a birthday party and Ankita laughed her heart out in the end. It was so heartening to see her happy.
When Anvita was gone to the washroom, Ankita leaned forward.
“It was you, not your friend in the story. Isn’t it?”
Atul grinned.
“What do you think?”
He asked.
“I think it happened with you, not your friend.”
Atul looked away from her face for a moment before he replied.
“How do you know?”
She laughed.
“I just know.”
“Hello, Atul.”
Atul heard a voice and he slowly turned his head. A girl was smiling at him and it took him a moment to recognise her.
“Don’t tell me you don’t recognise me, please. I’ll be embarrassed.”
“I’ll be embarrassed if I didn’t recognise you, Deepshika,” Atul said. “You surprised me actually. How are you?”
“I am fine.”
Deepshika took a quick glance at Ankita.
“This is Ankita, my sister in law.”
He introduced her and Deepshika simply did not believe it.
“Sister in law!” She laughed. “I can see that.”
Ankita was smirking, amused, already.
Atul looked at her.
“She doesn’t believe you, my brother in law.”
Ankita stressed her last words and raised her eyebrows to tease him.
“Not my fault.”
Atul winked at her.
“Well, this is Deepshika. She’s a friend I’ve never gone on a date, unfortunately.”
Ankita's eyes widened. Atul looked up at Deepshika.
“So, are you with someone?”
“With a friend.”
“Didn’t see you at Parthiv's wedding.”
“Did you look for me?”
“Should I have looked for you?”
Her smile blossomed further, as she was at loss for words.
“Join us, Deepshika. Wedding’s gone I guess but we have this night.” Ankita interrupted.
“No, thank you. I have to leave. You guys enjoy. See you Atul.”
She began to leave.
“If you can wait a few more seconds I’ll introduce my wife to you.”
“No, thank you. This is enough, I guess.”
Atul was stunned.
When she was gone, Ankita burst into laughter.
“Does she belong to your circle?”
“What circle?”
“Circle of nine.”
She was referring to an old conversation.
“I can see you’ve already assumed a lot of things. All I have to say is…”
“Don’t worry; I won’t say anything to Anvi. You can trust me.”
Ankita interrupted him and leaned back in her chair.
“So how was she? Do you rate your dates?”
Atul was puzzled. She was turning on her flirty self. He spoke after a pause.
“You really think I am sort of a playboy, don’t you?”
“Full mark; for the right guess.”
Atul nodded his head, slowly.
“Mmm…I like the idea of a beautiful woman thinking of me a playboy. It has to make me feel good. But I’d like to be honest with you, for you are my sister in law. I am quite innocent in these types of matters.”
“Let me be honest with you too. No one believes you. No one believes you are my brother in law.”
“That’s not my fault. Deepshika would have believed if she saw my wife.”
“Lucky you, she didn’t see Anvi,” Ankita laughed. “The girl would have lost her sleep.”
“For what?”
“Thinking crazy things about you in a threesome with us.”
For one second Atul thought of the sisters taking off their tops, again.
“Let me tell you another secret.”
“You must be drunk.”
“I am not. Not yet.”
“You must be drunk to believe I’d believe you.”
“You are… I am helpless. I can’t talk with you.”
“I am not questioning you, gentleman. I am okay with whatever you are. My sister is still lucky.”
"What's so funny guys, share with me too!"
Anvita was back.
"Your hubby is funny, dear. I can't stop him."
Ankita said.
They watched a film after dinner. It was a romantic one.
"Do you like the film?"
Ankita asked him at the interval.
"Good one, so far. How about you?"
She looked at him in the eye and whispered, "I loved the lovemaking scene."
Atul ended up locking his eyes with her. He couldn't make out whether she was seriously into him or just playing for fun.
When they arrived at home the first thing Atul wanted was to close his eyes and drag one of the sisters to his bed to make love to her no matter who it was.
Unfortunately, he had to sleep alone. Anvita had decided to sleep with her sister. Not for one but two nights. Atul had heard when they were talking about it.
"Poor Atul. He’ll have to sleep dry for a couple of nights, I guess. I have a lot of bedtime stories to tell you.”
Ankita was telling and then turned to look straight at him. Atul didn't fail to catch her embarrassment before a bold smile took over her beautiful face.
Atul smiled, “It’s just two nights. I’ll catch up later.”
Ankita didn't look away.
“I’ll be gone soon. Don’t make my sister do ridiculous things when I’m gone."
She said.
Back in his bed, Atul felt tough to find sleep. He was hard. And he had a tough time to resist stroking himself.
The following morning Ankita woke up late.
“Don't you want to see your parents?”
Atul asked.
“I need to get some clothes from my house first.”
Ankita said.
“Atul will drive you. We'll have lunch when you come back and we'll leave straight away.”
Anvita suggested.
“That's cool.”
Ankita agreed.
She was smiling from the moment she got inside the car with him.
“You're beaming.”
Atul said after a while.
“Yes, I'm. You know why. Don't you?”
Atul took a moment to reply.
“Yeah, I guess I know.”
“Tell me, why?”
He stole a quick look at her face.
“How's Sahil? You hardly tell us stories of him.”
“He's setting up his own shop there. That's why he didn't come with me.”
“Shop? He's got a job already, didn't he?”
“Yeah, the job is there. This is his dream thing.”
“That's good. What type of shop?”
“Let's have a coffee. Pull over there.”
She pointed him to turn to left. Atul complied.
“What's this sudden need of a coffee?”
He asked as the car stopped.
“You had promised me this one. You forgot?”
She looked at him.
A date.
“Is that it?”
"This is that!"
She pressed his palm and got out of the car. Atul followed her to the cafe. Almost a solitary building, it looked small from outside. However, it was quite another world inside.
“Is it Saturday rush?”
Atul wondered.
“It's a perfect place.”
She said.
He noticed that the customers were mostly couples. Most of the tables were occupied and they took the one they saw first.
“Okay, here we go! We're on a date!”
He quipped.
“It's strange that you've never been here.”
She said.
“It's a new one. I can say that.”
“And it's a new date. So what's your plan?”