Chapter 67

Her voice was trembling.
“What happened to him?” Rajat was surprised and he turned to Atul. “Atul…? Are you okay buddy?”
He got up and sat next to Atul and tried to wake him up.
He shook Atul's shoulder and it brought no response from him.
“I can’t believe this!” Rajat shook his head in shock. “Look at his glass. He barely had one and a half tot. Strange! Was he already drunk?”
Anvita knelt in front of Atul and tried to wake him, in vain.
“I had told him we’ll have just two drinks. I doubt he must have had something beforehand.” Rajat looked at her. “Anvita you should keep a check on his drinking habit. I’ve been advising him since I saw him so drunk at the dinner with his boss. His carelessness has landed him in trouble many times…”
He paused.
Anvita felt he was just trying to remind her about that night. That he knows my secrets.
She looked up and saw where his eyes were. She was suddenly aware of her cleavage. She got up and looked at his drink. It was exactly at the same level as that of Atul's drink. It was impossible that Atul got drunk and fell asleep with one and a half tot.

However, she was not going to believe his claim as well.
Atul was not drunk. She was damn sure.
Is he faking it?
A thought flashed in her mind and it disgusted herself. She grabbed her glass and took a sip, trying to pretend she was quite normal.
“Okay, leave him. We can still have some fun, Anvita.”
Rajat eased in the couch.
Anvita stared at him.

“What fun?”
She tried to sound as cold as she could.
“You can make a guess, Anvi. Atul is a clever husband. He wants us to have some fun.”
“Stop this nonsense. Let me arrange food on the table. Let’s have it and call it a day.”
She said bitterly.
“Come on, Anvi. You can’t do this to me. You had promised me.”
Anvita knew where it was heading. She wasn’t surprised anymore but she had to pretend shock.
“What are you saying? What did I promise you?”
“You promised me if Atul wanted you to do this, you’d do this.”
“And this is that? This is how he tells you he wants you to do this?”

“Anvi, listen to me. We are living in a society. We can do a lot of things but there is a way to do it. Do you think Atul's ego will ever allow him to ask you to sleep with me? The answer is no, and it will remain so forever. Now, you have a look at him. He’s giving you enough clues about what he wants you to do. You tell me, who else can get drunk and pass out like this, leaving his beautiful wife in the company of a young friend who he knows is very good at sex. And you take a close look at him; he’s truly slept. He’s not faking it.”
As if he had read her mind, he faced Atul and shook him. “See, he’s not gonna wake up. He has planned this. And this is how he has given you the freedom.”
Anvita quietly returned to her seat and placed the wine glass on the table. She brought her face down into her palms. Her head was spinning. Her arms and knees were quivering.
“Look at me Anvita,” Rajat said, shifting closer to Atul. He took Atul's left hand and Anvita died next moment breathless, as he brought his hand to his own crotch. He rubbed Atul's palm between them.
“What the…” Anvita yelled. “What the fuck are you doing?”
Rajat gestured her to calm down.

“I am not doing anything, Anvi. I am just trying to show you something; the truth. It’s going to hurt you but it’s between you and I. Atul is a willing cuckold. There are men out there who dream of their wives to be taken by men who can do better than them in bed.”
Anvita shook her head in denial, and with utter disgust.
“Stop this nonsense, Rajat. I have no time and energy for this…”
Rajat pulled out his mobile phone.
“I know it’s hard to believe for a woman like you, but I can prove it in a second.”
He tapped a few times on the screen and showed it to her.
“See this, Anvita. I’ve made a simple Google search and see the results.”
Anvita got up and took his mobile phone in her hand. Rajat had searched ‘how to convince my wife to sleep with someone else’ on Google and it had fetched many pages of confirming results. Thousands of men, wanting to see their wives have sex with other men – and Atul was one of them.
“It’s is not porn site results. You see, it’s from Quora, the people are real.”
Rajat added.
Anvita was exhausted. She looked up, breathing hard. The mobile phone fell from her hand, and Rajat caught it before it hit the ground.

Anvita was not shocked. That moment had already passed. She had already learnt what Atul was. But now suddenly she felt deep in her heart there was still a hope that she could be wrong in her judgement. Perhaps it could be just a momentary crush that made Atul behave in a certain way. But now that hope was gone, forever. Someone else had affirmed it.
The truth can never be unwritten, from this moment. She knew.

Anvita's knees became weak and she sat on the centre table.

“It's okay. It’s not the end of the world, Anvi.”

Rajat leaned forward and tried to grab her hand and she pushed him away.

“Don’t touch me,” her voice was weak. “Please!”

“Anvita, listen to me. He’s still your husband. I know about him because he chose me.”

“Chose you?” Anvita looked up. “For what?”

“Anvita, I want to remind you about one thing. I am not a person who’s gonna force you for anything. I really like you and I want to have sex with you but I am not gonna ruin our friendship for that. I don't wanna do any harm to you. But you also have to think about me. You know how much I…”

“What do you want to do with me?”

She asked suddenly.

“I want you to listen to Atul.”

Rajat said.

Anvita turned her eyes to Atul for a moment and then looked at Rajat.

“Be with me. Show some kindness.”

Rajat added.

Anvita looked on, trying not to panic further, for the fear that it would drop her unconscious.

“You are really scared of me; it hurts, Anvi.”

“No. I am not scared. I am okay.”

She said quickly.

“Then sit with me.”

“You are trying to use me.”

“Of course you can think so. But I am not gonna do any harm to you.”

Anvita shook her head in denial.

“Rajat, this is not right. I am really scared. If I scream aloud, everybody will know what you are doing.”

“You won't do that; you won't scream aloud.”

Rajat said coldly.

“When people come to your rescue and they see Atul, they can understand what’s going on. I can explain what is going on. Do you want all of our neighbours to know that Atul wants you to sleep with his friend?”

“They will never believe you.”

Rajat laughed.

“They will believe Atul. Look at him and me. It’s an easy guess, Anvi. He’ll never forgive you when he wakes up.”

Anita had lost her voice. Yes. He was right. We live in a society.

Tears were beginning to gather in her eyes, and it soon made her vision blurred. She closed her eyes and it ran down her cheeks. Rajat got up quickly and wiped it off her cheeks.

“Don't be nervous, Anvi. This is not what I want to see.”

Anvita didn't stop him from touching her this time. Rajat wiped her tears and patted her cheeks tenderly.

“Come on, Anvi. Don’t be rude with me.”

He said and sat back on the couch. Anvita took a deep breath and looked at him hopefully. Rajat placed his right palm on his thighs.

“Come, sit here.”

He wanted her to sit on his lap.

“Don’t make me do that, Rajat. I…”

“Anvita.I want to kiss you. I want to kiss you and do a lot of good things with you but I won’t do anything without your permission.”

“Atul is sitting here. Do you think I am gonna sit on your lap?”

“You want to go to your bedroom?”




“How about the balcony?”


“Then this is the place. Come, give me a hug.”

Anita didn't know what to do. She had lost the game. The fate of the night lay at the hands of Rajat. She slowly got up and took a step forward.

“Promise me you won’t force me to have sex. We won’t have sex.”

“I can promise about tonight.”

“After that?”

“We may have it later, when you say yes to me, with all your heart.”

Anita stared at him.

“Okay.”She said slowly. “No sex tonight.”

Raja opened his arms and she sat on his thighs. She felt her bum pressing on his thighs and the thought that he would be feeling the softness of her was disturbing. But she had no choice.

“No sex tonight. But we will have some other fun.”

He said and next moment his arms went around her. He touched her belly and she struggled to breathe.


She looked at him.

“Kiss me.”

He said.

“, Rajat.”

She shook her head.

“Kiss me, Anvita.”

He said again.

“No, please. Rajat, please.”

Her eyes didn’t move off his face as she thought it was the only thing that was stopping him from forcefully kissing her.

“Kiss me, Anvi. Please.”

Rajat touched behind her head and he slowly pushed her toward him. Anvita didn’t have the power to resist even a soft push and her lips touched him. He opened his mouth and Anvita felt her quivering lips being swallowed up. His hand behind her head had locked her into the position, and Rajat sucked her soft lips fully into his mouth. The force behind her head increased further, and Anvita had to part her lips and allow him into her mouth. His left hand had begun to caress her soft belly and it soon moved up to her breasts. Anvita fluttered like a bird caught in a trap, and it only helped his hands to get stronger around her.

Rajat stopped the kiss only when he was satisfied. Anvita wiped his saliva off her mouth with her palm quickly.

“Rajat, please leave me. I don’t wanna do this.”

She began to get up and Rajat opened his arms.


He had let her go. Anvita got up and moved away, looking at him in disbelief. She didn't expect him to leave her.

“Anvita I am giving you two options.”

Rajat spoke and quickly began to unbuckle his waist belt. Anvita watched in horror and took a step backward as he pulled the leather belt, and then unbuttoned his pants.


Next moment he unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick with his right hand. Anvita turned her eyes sideways quickly, but not before she had a glimpse of it. It was hard and horrifying.

“Look at this. I am really helpless. It is like this, from the moment I stepped into this house. I want you to fix it.”

More than the words he was speaking, the chilling coldness of his voice frightened her. She knew he was going to make it happen.

“Rajat, please. I am begging you. Please, Rajat. I can’t do this.”

“Then you have to give me your word. Not like last time, this time real promise.”

He said quietly.

Anita looked at him hopefully again.

“One, make a confession to me. Acknowledge that you have never touched a man’s dick other than Atul in your life.”


Anita stared at him.

“Swearing the name of God and your parents and in the name of the child you’ll give birth in future.”

Anvita's heart was pounding hard. Her chest was moving up and down.

“I…I had a boyfriend in high college…”

“After marriage. That’s what I am talking about.”

Anita stared at him, and she swallowed.

I can lie. I will never tell him.

“Tell me, Anvita.”

“I have touched.”

Anvita blurted out quickly. The words had slipped out of her mouth in a second and she hated herself next moment.

“I am not going to ask who it was, and I will never tell Atul about it.”

Rajan spoke.

“But you have to tell me how you held him. Like this?”

He wrapped his fingers around his dick and Anvita had to watch it with her wide eyes. And she nodded silently.

“And you stroke it like this?”

He moved his hand slowly and Anvita saw the shining of its bulbous head. Its foreskin was already out of place and as he moved his hand it moved behind its roundhead and Anvita felt choked merely by looking at it.

"Tell me, Anvita."

He was watching her eyes.

Anita could merely make a subtle nod, and yet she felt she was screaming it.

Yes. I have held and stroked the penis of someone other than my husband.

"Good. Now come here."

He gestured at her.

"Kneel down here."

Anita looked at him helplessly.


"Sit down here, Anvita. I won’t do anything bad. All you have to do is kneel down here, and look into my eyes and then make a promise."

Anvita still couldn't move.


Rajat shook his head in disappointment and slowly turned his eyes to Atul. Anvita knew what he was going to do, and she moved forward.


Rajat ignored her completely and grabbed Atul's hand. Anvita knelt down quickly.

"Stop! Stop, Rajat... Will you stop it?" She cried and grabbed Rajat's hand. "I've knelt down."

Rajat looked down at her.

"You can make it a lot easier if you want. But you kinda still hate me... and fear me. It's sad, Anvi."

"I'm sorry. I..."

She looked up and tried to concentrate on his face, only to be distracted and disgusted by his stiff organ right in front of her.

"Please keep it inside."

She added.

"I wish you had a close look at it, Anvi."

Rajat leaned slightly forward and touched her cheek with his right palm. Anvita struggled to stay put as she realised it was the same hand that was wrapped around his dick a moment ago.

"My dick is hard to the point of aching. I need to relieve it. There are two ways. You do it quickly, you know how you can do it."

"No... Rajat..."

"If you can't do it yourself I'm willing to take you to the bed and we'll do it together."

"I'm not going to do it. Can't you just see what I'm saying?"

Anvita's voice rose with frustration but it did not make any change in his tone. For once she felt she was going to get up and run to the bedroom and lock herself in there for the rest of the night.

"The second way is let Atul do it... Like this..."

Rajat took Atul's hand again and this time he brought it to his dick real quick. Before Anvita could do anything, he made his fingers wrap around the stiff pole and moved it.

Anvita's face became stiff like a stone and she grabbed Rajat's hand. She pulled away from his grip with her left hand and wrapped her right around his dick. When she looked up, her eyes burnt him with hatred.

"This is what you want, right? Stop using your friend!"

Rajat smiled at her, ignoring the sudden burst of anger, and let out a sigh.

"Ohhhh...yes! Finally, you're touching me!"

He cupped his palms around her face and kissed on her forehead. Anvita's heart was thumping hard. He smiled at her, and then bent further to kiss on her lips. She tried to move back a little but he quickly shifted his hands below her ears to hold her still and smooched her. He was thirsty for her lips and he literally chewed on her soft lips. As the kiss intensified and threatened to hurt her, Anvita fluttered and her grip around his hardness tightened.

"Ouch! Careful!"

He ended the kiss and looked down at his dick.

Anvita panted. She knew she was not going to get up and run anywhere. There's no place to go.

"You be careful!* She grunted.

"I'm sorry I'll be gentle, I promise you."

Rajat said. More than what he was doing, the slow pace he was making his moves was leaving Anvita powerless. It was like he knew he was gonna get what he had come for. His nonchalant attitude to her refusals and requests had left her in a sense of despair. For a moment she remembered Manjot and his way of ignoring her plights. She felt she was also trapped in a state of no escape like Sonakshi.

I'll be gentle, I promise you. Rajat's words were not meant to bring any solace to her. It sounded rather a warning.


She mumbled.

Rajat's eyes descended down to her breasts and he held on her shoulders.

"Let me see you clearly, Anvita. Do you know how much I have dreamt of you? That blouse, that Atul gave me, I keep it in my bed every night. I lay it on my bed and I sleep with my face on it, and I dream of you. You have no idea how bad I've been longing for you."

He reached around her and began to unzip her blouse.


Anvita yelled and pulled her hand and slapped across his face. She couldn't slap with force because of her position but her sudden attack left him baffled. He stared at her for a long moment and Anvita knew she had done a bad move.

"I'm sorry, Rajat."

She held on to his thighs.

"Don't do that."

"Then you do that for me. I want to see it."


"Come on Anvi. Stop this nonsense. You have already realised you have no choice. You can take it to midnight but it won't do any help. Remove your blouse."

He leaned forward and began to pull down the zipper behind her blouse again and this time Anvita held his hand firmly and looked up into his eyes.

"I can't do this torture Rajat. Take me to the room and do whatever you want. I won't refuse. Go on, bang me."

She had verbalised her surrender. There was no way to win this game. She looked at Atul and sighed.


Rajat's quick reply gave her no time to repent her own decision.

"I don't want to bang you. I want you to go for it willfully."

"But you're forcing me."

"I'm trying to help you. This is what Atul want. You'll never regret it. I know you'll be happier after this."

Anvita took a deep breath.

"What is it that you truly want from me?"

"I want you for one night. I have seen a lot of dreams for you. I want to make them all true. I'm not going to make you my property; that's not what I want. But when you go to bed with me, I want you to be mine."

"I'll never be. I can't."

"You will be. You can."


"You want Atul to ask you do that? You want him to tell you on your face?"

Anvita's heartbeats began to rise. She knew Rajat was going to do that too.



"Okay. Now, this is the word I want to hear from you. When he asks you, you won't show him even a little sign of refusal. He will ask you to follow me to that room; your bedroom. And you'll agree without a single gesture of denial. You'll walk with me to the room and you'll close the door. Then you'll be mine. For the whole night. You'll kiss me. You'll lick my balls. You'll take me in your mouth. I'll fill your mouth with my sperm. We'll have great sex for the whole night."

Anvita just wanted the night to finish. Or herself vanish. She wasn't even listening to him. She was already nodding. She knew Atul was going to ask her to follow Rajat to their bedroom. And then Rajat will own me for the whole night.


"Good. Now come closer."

Rajat held behind her neck and pulled her closer. Anvita's face fell into his crotch and his penis touched her lips. Anvita turned her head to left and his dick rubbed across her lips. She felt she was smeared by his dirty precum, and she quickly wiped her lips.

"Rajat... Rajat... Please, Rajat!"

His grip behind her neck grew stronger. He was going to push it into her mouth. She could smell urine from it.

"Rajat... Please... I can't. It stinks."

She cried and coughed.

Rajat stopped.


"Please...I can't do it. It smells so bad. I'm gonna puke."

Rajat smiled deliriously.

"Wow! Finally, you said something worth listening to. Come with me. We'll wash it together."

Anvita felt his grip loosening behind her neck and she coughed again.

She sat back on the floor and panted heavily.

Rajat watched her for a moment and nodded.

"Okay. I don't want to put too much pressure on you. But if you try to do something stupid here, I won't let Atul live peacefully. Mark my word."

Anvita had no plans to play stupid games any more. She was going to suck his dick like a whore when he returned. She nodded affirmatively and she kept nodding even after Rajat was gone to her washroom.

Rajat had gone to the washroom and the house was suddenly in silence. Anvita looked around. She couldn't believe it was still her house. The place that was supposed to be the safest place for her had become a hell. Her husband was still sleeping on the couch, a couple of feet away from her. Anvita looked at him and at his drink.

Suddenly something came into her mind.

Why didn't I think about it?

She grabbed his drink and smelled it. There was nothing unusual except the raw odour of the desi liquor. On an impulse, she thought she should replace it with the drink of Rajat. Perhaps!

A whiff of hope was enough to pump up energy into her blood. She rose to her feet with the blue glass and looked around. She hurried to the aquarium and opened the lid at its side. The pump was running and the water spilt over the opening. She switched off the pump and emptied Rajat's drink into it. She hurried back and poured Atul's drink into it. She replaced both the glasses as they were, and refilled Atul's glass with the liquor from the bottle to the half level.


Still not satisfied, she checked Rajat's blazer. There she found a small bottle with a dropper tip. Her eyes widened. She had no idea whether it was his nasal drops or a sedative drug. She only knew it was her only option left and that glimmer of hope was giving her the courage. She squeezed a few drops into Rajat's glass and then held her nerve.

When Rajat returned Anvita was finishing her drink.

"I'm done with wine. Can I have a drink from your bottle?"

She forwarded her empty glass to him.

"Yeah, why not!"

Rajat was happy to comply, and he quickly fixed a drink for her. She raised it to him hesitantly and he readily toasted with her. Anvita watched with the greatest optimism as Rajat finished his drink very soon. He was talking about his love for her.

"I was really sad when I saw you with his boss, Anvita. I could have told Atul. But it was too early. I'm sure it would have ended your marriage. I didn't want to see you cry then and that hasn't changed even now. I'll never make you cry."

Anvita nodded along.

"I need time, Rajat. I'm not ready."

She said.

"You don't need time, Anvi. Trust me."

Anvita had consumed her drink too soon because of her nervousness. She excused to the washroom and she stayed there for a while before she returned.

She walked out to the hall and stopped right there. It was the most satisfying sight she had ever witnessed. Rajat was sitting on the couch with his head resting on the backrest, exactly like Atul.

Anvita quietly sat down between the men and watched the world. Her world. It had returned.

She later had food silently, holding back her tears. She was almost there on the edge of destruction. She was convinced how Rajat was playing the game. He trapped Atul first and then tricked me. Anvita thought.

And I was a fool to believe him.

She pulled Rajat down on the floor and made him sleep there. She helped Atul rest comfortably on the couch before she went to sleep. The desi liquor was heavy for her but it helped her fall asleep very soon.

In the morning she woke up at the usual time. Atul and Rajat were still sleeping. Anvita woke Rajat up.

He was puzzled.

"What happened to me?"

''What was in the drink, Rajat?"


"You fell down and you didn't get up. What was in your drink?"

Anvita faked a smile. She didn't want to confront him about the drug, for now, thereby challenging him. She wanted him to keep thinking about it and keep pondering how he lost such a great opportunity.

"You should leave now, Rajat."

Anvita said firmly.

"I'm going to wake Atul up."

Rajat left soon and Anvita didn't intend to wake Atul up, and she went for jogging.

Atul was awake and embarrassed when she returned.

“Where were you? I was scared.”

Anvita gave him a stern look.

“Scared? You dumbass!”

“Where is Rajat?”

“Rajat went to his home. What was his stupid drink? You both slept like I thought you guys were dead. Both of you are morons.”

“Did you have dinner? I'm hungry. And what happened to the aquarium? The fish is dead."

Anvita wasn't surprised. She had not only switched off the aerator but also poured Rajat's drink into it.

Anvita was ready to confront Atul. But she didn't want to do it alone. When Atul was gone out, she phoned Rajyavardhan.

“I want to see you, dad. I have a lot to talk to you. Please.”

She cried.

Rajyavardhan remained silent for a few moments.

“When do you want me to come?”

“Monday. Or any day when Atul is not home.”

“I'll be there soon, my child. Stay calm for now.”

He assured.

Atul had realised how he had passed out. Anvita made him promise he would never bring home anyone to drink with him.

"Both of you fell asleep like idiots and I was scared. You know that?"

She asked him. Atul apologized for it.

Monday Anvita's leadership workshop resumed. Sonakshi was not there at ArmPro. From the reception, she found out Manjot was not there and that's when she really breathed normally.

When she was leaving after the session, she had a message at the front desk.

“Sonakshi is waiting for you.”

Anvita went to the room the staff had mentioned and there was no Sonakshi. There must be some mistake, Anvita thought and turned back. Manjot was standing there.

“Hi, Anvita.”

Lightning passed through her stomach.

Not again!

He came near her and walked around her, and Anvita felt intimidated.

“Hello, Manjot.”

She greeted him, watching his movements.

“I have been waiting for you. It’s been months since I told you one of my intimate wishes.”

He took a remote control from the desk and turned to face Anvita. She held her breath.

“I have no interest to fulfil your wish, Manjot. I should leave now.”

Anvita began to turn and Manjot pressed a button on the remote control. Anvita heard a click found from behind her.

“That’s the sound of the door being locked, Anvita. This is Manjot's space now. And you are Manjot's property.”

He smiled at her devilishly.

“And today we are gonna spend some time together. Come, have a seat.”

He gestured towards the couch at the side of the room.

“Open the door, Manjot. I have no time for this. Do you think you can force me?”

She thought to scream aloud and banging hard on the door. But it couldn't help. She was sure.

What I should do now? Beg him for mercy? Threaten him with repercussions? She couldn't decide.

“Anvita, I'm in a very good mood. I promise you a very good time. You'll like it, believe me.”

He said again and slowly moved closer.​
Next page: Chapter 68
Previous page: Chapter 66