Part 08
Mom showered and changed while dad gave me a long, long talk about why, as provider, he had every right to spend his time the way he wanted to, and why if he felt like going out to day drink on the vacation he paid for, or to sleep in a random bar, he was going to, and nobody was going to stop him. I nodded after every bite of food and checked my pants nervously to make sure extra cum didn't soak through.
Unbearable minutes went by while dad went on, and on, entirely oblivious to the activities that went on right below his nose in the kitchen just minutes before. The thrill of beating my dad at a game he had no idea he was playing was... extraordinary. I felt like I was six inches taller.
I finished breakfast just as mom stepped out of the bathroom, wearing a sundress with a white bikini underneath -- she looked simply angelic, her face highlighted by her clean, dark hair. "Brett and I are going to tan," mom interrupted dad's little speech. "Aren't we, baby? After you shower?" She looked at me with a stern look that told me I wasn't going to waste too much time with my ridiculous father.
"Yeah," I nodded, "We planned on doing this since yesterday," I said, trying to make it sound natural. Mom sidled up close to me, on the opposite side of the counter from dad. Her soft hip pressed against mine. I reached over to grab her ass, and got a harsh slap on the hand instead of a handful.
Dad shrugged, letting his utensils drop as his hangover and his tiredness caught up with him. "You two do whatever. But that's what I'm trying to say here. You do whatever, I do whatever. Everyone's happy with that, right?"
"Right," mom and I said in unison while I rubbed at the newly formed stinging red mark on my wrist. Mom gave me a stern look, and mouthed, "we're going to talk." That wasn't good.
I showered off, but the afterglow and the aftermath of all the excitement almost put me to sleep in the shower. I stumbled out and got dressed, hoping I'd at least make it to the beach so that I could spend the time with mom versus letting myself collapse in the same building as my cuck dad.
It was really, really strange to think of him that way -- even if I had just come all over his wife's face. Though it was stranger to take that train of thought and to run with it -- to realize that if my dad was a cuck, what did that make me? I wasn't quite a motherfucker. All I did was cum on his wife's face and... I guess, down her throat. I felt myself tingling from the pleasure and the dominant position that gave me within the household, but it mixed with the strange new reality that the woman I was messing with was my mother. My sweet, kind mom.
I wondered when the last time was that mom let him do anything like that... if ever.
I got out of the shower, somehow erect again. My body must have awoken to the recent events and prepared itself for yet another session, but I wasn't sure if mom was going to be down for it judging by the way she slapped my hand earlier. I got my answer as I stepped out of the bathroom door.
Mom was waiting for me, leaning against the front door like a cutie in high school waiting for her date. Her sunglasses were low on her face, and she held her sunhat behind her legs with both hands. Her beautiful, pale legs were crossed, her gorgeous, ample thighs calling me to bury my face in them again.
"Good morning, baby," she said sweetly. "You ready for another day in the sun?" She pulled up one edge of her sundress, showing off the pretty white of her bikini bottom. She lowered it back down once I had gotten a thorough look, raising an eyebrow to ask for my reply.
"I guess," I shrugged, as if it wasn't a big deal.
Mom frowned. "You're done spending quality time already, huh?"
I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulders, opening the door for her as I whispered, "I'm just joking. Come on. Let's go, sexy."
"Don't call me that. I'm still your mother," she hissed, allowing me to lead her out.
I heard dad give a half groan, half goodbye from inside. "Try to have fun," he mumbled. "Half the trip is over already, so make it all count."
That threw me for a loop. Were we half done already? But it had only been... four days. So we really were half done. Mom and I shared worried glances on the way to the beach, the reality of our quickly passing vacation hitting us square in the face.
"I didn't know we had been here for this long," said mom worriedly. "I could have sworn it was only a couple days." Her hips settled against mine while we walked. She was soft, her hips grabbable. I just wanted to lift the edge of the dress and push her against a palm, and stick myself between those lovely, firm legs and see how fast I could cum for a third time this morning.
Mom could see that I was clearly fantasizing again. "Not again, big guy." She rolled her eyes at me, twining an arm into mine as we walked. "Not after what we did this morning, which, by the way, you had me do something very, very uncomfortable."
I scratched my head, trying not to look her in the eye.
"Do you know how hard it is to breathe with a cock like yours is going down my throat?" Mom scolded me as I dipped into reverie about the image -- of the loads of cum that splashed across my mother's face, or of the sensation of her throat as she swallowed my second load. "And what's more," my reverie vanished with mom's scolding, " -- we went a lot farther this morning than we had ever planned to. Our agreement was hands, only. It wasn't mouths, and it certainly never, ever included your cum on my face or in my mouth."
"You asked for that one," I reminded her.
"I was only going along with the theme of the moment," mom blushed. "You need to take a big step back. Which is why I'm grounding you. So now, you're grounded."
I stopped walking. "...grounded?"
Mom nodded, giving her hips a subtle flick. "You crossed a line. And regardless of how..." she paused, searching for the right word. "Regardless of how... fun that line was to cross, we had it set up for a reason."
"What reason?" I challenged. "It felt good, so what's the issue?"
"Because," mom returned back, "We're related. Very, very related. We shouldn't have even been touching each other that way -- no matter how good it felt. Keeping everything to hands was for your protection and mine. For our sanity." She eyed me, now genuinely angry. "And don't talk back to me. We're going the rest of the day without touching, and it's going to get worse if I get any more attitude from you."
I closed my mouth and sulked. We made it to the path that would bring us to the secret beach. "So what does grounding mean, exactly?"
"It means you have to wait," mom flicked her dress upward again, allowing me a full glimpse of her upper thigh, of the way the bikini stretched around the creamy skin of her ass, of the fullness of the cheek. "No touching, no kissing, no feeling." Her hand grazed my chest and drifted down, before drawing away as her fingers traced at my groin. "And certainly, no cumming from you." I groaned as I realized that she was going to keep up the teasing for as long as it suited her.
"For how long?"
"Until I say," said mom, grinning. "Until then, you're going to treat me with respect. The respect your mother, who went through all this effort to raise you, deserves. You're my son, remember? You don't just get to treat me like a freshman slut in the dorms." She gave a languid sigh as we crossed out of the palm forest and onto the delicate sand of the hidden beach. "I want you to be a gentleman today. Can you do that?"
It's not like I had much of a choice. Forcing my cock down mom's throat that morning was... risky, to say the least. There were very few girls I personally knew who would have been alright with that -- and I didn't know if any of them would even admit to it even if they were.
"I deserve a nice day after letting you enjoy your mommy's face and mouth," mom reiterated with a coy smile, "don't I?"
I nodded, giving up. "Yeah. You're right. You deserve it."
"I really do, after a slutty thing like that," mom's hand flicked up my chest, and she tapped my nose with her finger. I haven't gotten a thank you, yet, either."
I rolled my eyes. Mom really was back on the parental rampage. "Thank you," I said reluctantly.
"Oh Brett," mom, laughing, pulled her summer dress over her head, revealing her luscious skin to the sun, "you are so, so welcome." She threw the dress in my face and stepped out to the sand in small, flirty steps. The bikini was especially low cut -- the bottoms were thin and skimpy. It was the kind of bikini a girl would wear as a treat to her man, but all I could do was watch.
Mom laid out her towel and laid down, bringing out the bottle of oil. "Do my back again, baby?" She asked. The thought of rubbing it all over her was so enticing.
"Of course," I replied, but mom shook her finger at me and poured it into her own hands, leaning back.
"Sorry hun, I was just messing with you. You're still grounded." She giggled and stretched out, and started to apply the oil to herself, shyly rubbing it all along her arms, over her chest, her breasts squishing down and around as she rubbed them with her silky fingers. I watched her, helpless, as she slowly pulled down one of the blooms of fabric from her breast, carefully hiding her nipple as she rubbed oil on it with her fingers. "Now go on. Go for a swim or something."
I turned and left, no longer happy with her game. "You're the worst."
"I love you, baby," she called after me, laughing at my tantrum.
We spent an hour on the beach, soaking in the sunlight, taking turns swimming in the salt water. Every time I got close to mom, she made a tisking noise and reiterated that I was grounded, and that I had to keep a solid arms length. "If you even touch me before I give permission," she threatened, clearly enjoying her newfound power, "I'm going to revoke all of this and you won't get any fun for the rest of the trip. And you'll be busy with college after this, won't you?" Her lashes bounced at me under her sunglasses. "So behave."
Sometime later, I wandered into the forest to get to the swimming hole. It didn't take long, and when I passed through the subtle entrance, the coolness of the oasis was a welcome retreat. It gave me the promise of quiet, a spot to refresh my brain, to ruminate on what exactly happened. I slipped into the watering hole and let the cold pull all the heat from my mind.
Mom came in shortly after, following after me.
"Are you mad?" She asked, relaxed, clearly not caring if I was.
"No," I replied honestly, but still feeling pent up below the waist. I supposed it was unfair of me to be even a little cold. I got more out of my mother than most boys ever could, especially in the last four hours. What reason was there to be upset?
"Do you want to talk?" Mom stepped elegantly to the pool and sat down, trailing her lovely, pale legs within it.
"Do you?"
"With my son? On our only family vacation in forever? Of course." Mom smiled at me, "Especially with the clock counting down. What, you don't think I'm only a sexy body, do you?"
"You're much more than that," I replied, and relaxed. Mom wanted to spend time with me -- quality time. Real time, outside of the insanity that was our recent sexual experiment. Outside of the reality that dad seemed to ruin on the daily. Outside of the reality that we were destined to return to.
Mom was herself -- just herself, and it was almost as if I was still in high school on a weekend trying to avoid my mom's conversations for the millionth time. Except this time... she was a delight to be around. She was pretty -- she was sexy, she was reasonable and nice and fun and joke around, and she was the kind of woman that I'm sure I wanted deep down. My own mother.
It was better than any girls I went on dates with. It was better than trying to spend time in a girl's dorm, where I'd have to compete with other dudes as well as a girl's homework schedule. But mom was right here -- she was here for me, now, and she was more fuckable and lovely than any of the other girls I ever knew.
"So?" She slid down and into the water. "Tell me all about college. What's it like? Any professors you prefer? How are the parties? I want to know everything," she said, her questions innumerable, but I realized I was so happy to answer all of them.
Hours passed as we talked. My descriptions were accented by mom's comparisons to her time in university. I told her about all the girls I knew, all the reasons why I didn't really care for them. Her face pinkened when I explained to her that I didn't really like them a whole lot, and I thought she was prettier. She didn't quite respond to my explanation on why she was better company, except by smiling and touching the side of her face as I went on.
We eventually wandered out and back onto the beach, still talking. It was like we were just hanging out, kids in college, spending time on a spring break party and enjoying the sun. Mom laid down in brightness of the day, allowing the brilliant light to soak into her skin that was turning the lightest caramel under the oil. I sat next to her, just outside of the minimum distance required.
"Can I trust you, Brett?" Mom ended the subject and laid back, raising her arms above her head, exposing the lily-white undersides of her arms.
"I think so." I thought she was talking about keeping a secret.
"I need to know if I can trust you." Her head turned to me, serious. "Can I trust you, or not?"
It was weird. "You can trust me," I started. "If this is about dad, I could back you up. I know he's been really bad lately and if you want, I can talk to him and see if maybe he can relax a bit."
"It's not about your father," said mom, growing thoughtful. She let the ocean carry the silence for a few seconds while she collected her thoughts. I wondered if she was considering a divorce. If that was the case, I'd do whatever it took to support her.
"What do you need?" I asked.
My mother stretched and gave a little sigh. "I'm just thinking about putting your pretty, pretty cock inside me." She lowered her sunglasses as she looked at me. "That's all."
"We're going to have sex?" I asked, stunned. I had no idea that this was something she was even considering.
"I don't know. But you're still grounded right now," mom said with a grin. "I haven't made up my mind when, if ever, to let you loose, but if you're willing to be a good boy, I'll let you have mommy all to yourself. At some point. Maybe." She slipped a hand between her legs and moved her palm over her pussy. "But you have to be a very, very good boy."
"Of course," I said, my mouth going dry. "You got it."
"Now let's go back before you get any ideas."
It was too late. I was getting those ideas. But mom stood up and walked back, her hips swinging with each step, her pale, thick ass calling me home. I groaned, biting my lips, trying to keep from being too obvious. I followed her, practically panting as I watched her bottom shifting underneath that skimpy bikini. It took everything in me to keep from tackling her over, tearing off her bikini, and savagely fucking her in the sand. The fantasy built up to epic proportions as we walked, but I held back. That would have grounded me forever.
We got back and saw dad still passed out on the couch. Mom gave a sigh of disgust. A sleeping pill bottle sat open by him, while he snoozed contentedly from the cushions where mom allowed me to eat her out the other night.
"He's going to be out all day, and all night," she murmured.
"So?" I asked. "What's the plan?"
"I want to go dancing," mom said without much thought. "You're going to take me."
"I'm going to shower first," she said, grinning at me.
"Can I join?" I whispered, excited at the idea, wondering if somehow I could convince her to fuck while we were washing. Somehow.
"No." Her hand went up and tapped me lightly on the cheek. "You're grounded. So no touching, no seeing, no nothing. But you can use your imagination." My excitement deflated. She stepped behind the bathroom door and closed it, eyeing me mischievously. I heard the lock engage with a disappointing click.
I went to my room and tried desperately to keep my focus on my phone, or on my music, or on anything but the sound of the water running off my mother in the adjacent bathroom. I could see her arms in my mind's eye, lathering soap, pulling slippery bubbles up and down her milky sides, moving between her legs and massaging the sweet pink slit between her legs.
Agonizing minutes passed until the water turned off and I heard the lock click. I jumped up from my bed, desperate for a peek.
The door opened.
Mom wore nothing but a towel, but it wasn't even on her body.
The soft cotton was wrapped up around her head, hiding away her hair. The look accentuated her coy, innocent face and her dark eyes. Her overflowing breasts were jeweled with pink nipples, but what made her body so achingly beautiful over before were the tan lines that criss-crossed her body, that kept the flesh on her tits an achingly pale white, while creating a light caramel sheen on the rest of her. Between her legs, a white triangle where her bikini kept her covered decorated her wide hips with the sharp contrast of her pubic hair, and just below that, I could see her pussy, glowing pink, the lips of her labia seeming juicy in the light of the house.
"What happened to not being allowed to see?" I croaked. I turned back and forth between dad, passed out on the couch thanks to his pills, and back to my mother's gloriously decorated body, now imprinted and painted by the sun.
"You get to see only when I want you to see," she whispered, her hands tracing upward, pressing into her slick skin. "How does mommy look?"
"Amazing," I groaned.
"You're going to dance with me tonight?" She asked. "You're going to buy me drinks and give your mother a good time?"
"Yes," I gasped.
She turned past me and walked up the stairs, watching my eyes track her lovely white plush cheeks. She ascended upward, the soft white of her feet drawing upward between her legs, until she arose out of sight and I mouthed a frustrated, pent up, "sexy bitch," just as she disappeared from view. Deep down, I was a little scared that she would hear or sense that I had said that with some kind of special motherly sixth sense, but she didn't come down to yell at me about it.
We made it to Chetumal by taxi shortly afterward. Mom was wearing a black mini sun dress that hiked all the way up her thighs, occasionally revealing the tight slip of her panties underneath. It barely clung to her shoulders, the tiniest straps holding the front of her dress up. As we sat in the back, she kept needing to pull the dress down over her legs, as it flashed the driver, again and again. The poor guy in the front couldn't quite hide his glances in the rear view mirror, and when we got out, I could see him wiping sweat from his forehead and talking to himself.
"Be good," mom admonished me, after she caught me looking too closely. I wasn't sure what she expected -- anyone with eyes could see what she had.
Mom chose a cantina closer to the docks -- the ocean was visible from the dance floor, but we settled into a table in a hidden alcove. Mom signaled for drinks. She was in her element -- sure and confident now, looking at me with bold glances that I wasn't used to. I'm sure she felt dominant, powerful, and I wasn't about to take it from her, not if it meant I maybe, possibly got to have her sometime later. But it occurred to me that maybe she was just letting me think a certain way.
There was no way my own mom would want to have sex with me. Right? What we were doing was so insane in and of itself. The fact that she had my cock in her mouth, the fact that I had cum on her face at her request, that she had... tasted my cum. All of this was so insane. My own mom. Tasting her son's cum. My cum.
Our beers came. Mom signaled again for tequila. "I want to let loose tonight," she said, excited. And so we did. I watched her, trying to guess at what was going on inside her head. She had a suppressed look -- one of concern.
We drowned ourselves in tequila, in beer, the haze and heat of alcohol rising as the sun set, darkening the bar. With every drink, mom's concern seemed to vanish. The alcohol simmered in our blood, our muscles and our tongues relaxed. The music began -- we got up to dance, and whirled around each other, mom's legs revealing themselves over and over, the sweat forming on her chest and wicking at her hair as she exerted herself, glorying in the fun and freedom. She pressed against me at one point, whispering, "you don't get to touch, but that doesn't mean I can't do what I want." Her ass pressed against my pelvis, hard, and I felt the softness of her ass cheeks pressing against my rapidly growing hard on. She pushed against it, her face growing redder as my mother toyed with my cock through my pants.
As she danced, the occasional man came up to her, trying to get her to move with them instead, no doubt cluing into the fact that my hands couldn't touch her, but she didn't bother with them, drawing closer to me instead. I got dirty looks by the handful from the disappointed guys who desired her. I felt like I was six inches taller and six inches bigger, easily.
Hours went by in ecstatic dancing, the music deafening us, the taste of the alcohol growing sweeter and sweeter as we downed more of it. My cock almost hurt with the pleasure of pressing between her ass cheeks through the sheer material of her dress. She would occasionally turn to face me, allowing my erection to push against the front of her hips. With each movement she made eye contact, opening her mouth as the head of my cock twitched against her.
I reached out a hand to grab her waist, but she pushed her own hand against it. "Be good," she said, seemingly delighted at telling me what to do. "Otherwise, you get nothing later, remember?" I remembered, frustrated at mom's insistence on rules that she got to flaunt in my face. But what could I do? I wanted her. I wasn't going to mess up her offer to give herself to me for anything.
"Come on," she said to me after a round of shots. "Let's go."
I followed her out, entranced. We stepped into the cool night air. It must have been midnight -- people were pooled through the streets. Mom led the way, half stumbling in our drunk walk. Every once in a while she turned around and smiled at me, her cheeks flushed with the alcohol. People watched us as we went by, and I could tell what they were thinking -- that I was an incredibly lucky man, and that I was with a woman that wanted me deep, deep inside her.
The streets cleared as we wandered out of the commercial quarter. Ships floated in the water ahead, distant rows of pontoon docks and sheltered mooring posts dotted the ocean. Mom kept turning, gesturing for me to follow her, her pink cheeks vivid in the darkening space.
We were alone on the docks. The pontoons below us rose and fell in the mellow tide. It was dark -- only the light of the moon and a few lone electric lamps made it at all possible to see. We made it to a sheltered spot on the edge, the tin roof above us, aluminum rails lining the space, the wood below bleached by the salt and sun.
"How badly do you want your mother?" Mom asked. She leaned back against a rail, her hair loose and flowing around her chest. She slightly raised a leg and crossed it. I thought I could see a thin glimpse of the edge of her panties. She raised an eyebrow at me while I tried to come up with an answer.
"And what do you think you're going to do while I've still got you grounded?" She asked, snickering.
I gripped the railing. Furious at her teasing. It looked like she wasn't about to let me do much of anything.
"You know," she said, her fingers trailing up her waist, "I can let you do other things..."
I snapped up. "Like what?"
"It depends," she pouted. "Are you going to be a good boy?"
I couldn't help but tell she was mocking me. It made my cock throb in frustration, my chest pulse with anger. I wanted to grab her by the neck. To bend her over the railing, tear her dress upward. Mom could tell I was getting heated. That I was trying to relax. To hold back. She leaned back and gave a soft laugh.
"How about..." she conceded, "if I won't let you actually fuck me... maybe you can fuck between your mother's thighs?"
My anger disappeared. What remained was a drive that jetted me forward. I pinned her to the rail, pressed against her. My grip was tight behind her. Her heavy breathing brushed against my mouth. She looked up at me, her pupils dilated, a faint smile coming through the excitement and fear in her face.
"Is that a yes?" She gasped.
"Turn around," I snarled.
"Only between my thighs," mom whispered, turning around. "It shouldn't be too hard. I'm so, so wet right now." She turned her head back. "But you're still grounded. And right now, that means no hands on me." She took one of my hands and placed it on the railing, then picked up my other hand, circled it around her, and placed it on the rail on her other side. I had my beautiful mother, who was always more quiet and elegant and composed finally caged in with my arms, pushing against my cock with her hips.
It was like my mom was hungry to take cock. My cock.
"Ready?" She pushed her hips back and rubbed against me. "You can't let go of the rails."
"Alright," I could barely speak.
My mother brought her hands back, looking ahead and away from me, blindly moving her fingers up my pants and to my button. One hand expertly found my zipper and pulled it down in a smooth motion, the other gripped the button on my waistband and gave it a little tug. My pants were loose. Her other hand cruised over my underwear. Her palm felt cool as I felt it through the thin cotton. I pushed my hips forward, grinding my cock against her hand, and she tucked her fingers into the waistband, pulling it down. My cock pulled free from my underwear and into the coolness of the night.
My mom's hands wrapped around my length. She gave a soft hiss as her fingers coiled on the shaft and gave it a light squeeze. "Ohhh... Brett..." Her voice shook with anticipation. "You're going to be a good boy with this thing, aren't you?"
All of her insistence on the rules drove me crazy. I groaned and pushed against her, and she tucked it lower, pushing my head against the cotton of her panties. I felt the humid wetness between her legs, wicked into the soft cloth, and felt the fragile heat of her pussy emanating. She pushed the tip of my cock on it and we made a noise together, relishing the feeling of our hot parts pushing against each other, of the slight give between her pussy lips.
"Hold on," she gasped, letting my cock go. She reached under her dress, and pulled downward. I could see the glimpse of her panties falling as she let them drop to the ground. She stepped out of one leg and then pushed her hips back, presenting her ass to me for the first time.
I felt the nakedness of her ass against my thigh. Between her lovely white cheeks, below the curve of her bottom, I could almost see the pale pink of her slit -- my mother's pussy in view as she thrust her rear back for me to behold. It took everything in me to not let go of the railing, to dip my face down and to lick all over her and to taste her again. She spread her legs. I wanted nothing more in life than to grab her by the waist and thrust in to her before she could react.
Instead, I let her play. Mom's hand went back again and grabbed my cock, guiding it lower. "You're too tall," said mom quietly, the sound of the water below kneading the docks. I saw her feet flex, she rose to her tip toes, and then moved slowly back, guiding the softness between her thighs around my cock, before I was completely between her legs, my cock aligned under her cunt. Then she slowly settled down, and I could suddenly feel the wet heat of her entrance.
She closed her legs, sealing in my cock between her soft, juicy thighs, and I felt my cock closed in, almost as if I were balls deep in someone. But instead, I was between the thighs of my mother -- and I couldn't keep from moving. I pushed farther, feeling her slickness coating the top of my cock.
Mom shuddered. I couldn't help it -- my cock flexed, and it pushed between her pussy lips. It wouldn't have taken much at all for my cock to move inside her -- but I held back, entirely for reasons I didn't want to accept. It was wet between her legs -- her wetness and arousal clear after all the time we spent flirting and dancing and anticipating -- her cunt was ready even if she didn't want to use it. Instead, she let her juices drip all over me, gasping.
She gave a slight move with her hips, sliding the pocket around my cock. She gave a grunt as she angled her hips higher, pushing her clit against the head of my cock. I could almost feel it, but she definitely could. Mom shook as she carefully swiped herself up and down, letting the head of my rod push against her nub, as she shuddered in pleasure.
It wasn't enough for either of us -- I could tell. Mom's gasping seemed frustrated, urgent, but unsatisfied.
"You want it, don't you?" I asked. I pushed my hips into hers and she opened her mouth, eyes closed.
"Need what?" Her voice was high. Tense.
"Cock," I said. Her reaction was clear. She shook, involuntarily pressing her ass onto me as she rubbed her cunt all over me.
Mom shook her head. "No, baby, not now... not yet..." Her voice was a whine. It was immeasureably slick between her legs now. She moved back in a rhythm, allowing her legs to fuck on my cock, relishing the feeling of her hole rubbing all along my length. But I knew she wanted more. As I did. It was unbearable. I needed her. I needed to be deep, deep inside my mother.
"Do you want me to?" I asked, pushing my lips against her ear.
" baby," mom said, whining. "Well..."
I pushed upward at an angle. My cock slipped against her hole, and I felt something giving. Mom gave a heavy breath, and flinched forward. "Brett..." her voice was a mixture of warning and wanting. "You're being bad. I'm your mother -- you can't."
"And what are you going to do?" I let go of the rails, and gripped her arms. Mom gasped. But she didn't resist. Instead she looked back at me, her gaze hungry, her mouth open, her eyes wide.
"Nothing," her lips moved in slow motion. She gave a slight smile and drunkenly pushed her hips even farther back, saying in a careful, begging whine, "do you want to fuck me, Brett? Do you want to be inside your mother?"
I pulled back, my cock slipping against her cunt. I angled upward, and carefully moved it towards her pink entrance -- her labia quivered as I moved forward and slowly pushed it against her lips. She was unbelievably slick -- her wetness was hot, scalding, and her lips parted before my head. I pushed into my mom for the first time -- the flesh giving way, bathing my cock in the unstoppable pleasure of liquid heat. My mother's sweet, soft pussy accepted me -- all of me -- as I incestuously sank inside of her.
Mom's back arched as she took me in, inch by inch, her breath stopping as I entered into her, deeper and deeper. I felt myself getting dizzy as I sank up to the hilt, feeling my balls push against her labia as well. My cock twitched involuntarily, over and over.
"Oh, fuck," mom gasped, rolling her eyes back.
I was there. I was inside her.
I was balls deep inside my own mother, and she was quivering on my cock as I twitched within her.
"Fuck, mom..." I groaned as I tightened my grip on her arms. I started to move.
The slippery feeling, volcanically hot inside her soaked my cock in unbelievable pleasure -- I pulled back, feeling the suction of her pussy clinging to me, and then pushed back in, the firm give of her tightness swallowing me up again. Mom's mouth opened wide as she tried to breathe, the pleasure overtaking her.
"Is it good?" I asked, hissing. "Do you like your son inside you?"
"Fuck, baby..." Mom gasped, trying to respond. With each movement in and out, she shivered. "Brett, you feel so much better than your father..."
"Hold on to the rail," I ordered her. "I'm going to fuck you better than dad ever could."
My mother shuddered and sucked in a breath, trying to steady herself, her hips trembling in anticipation for me.
I pulled back, and then slammed forward, a wet slap echoing over the water, my head pushing against something soft deep, deep inside her. Mom gave an uncontrollable gasp. I pulled back, and then slammed into her again. Mom whined, "oh, yes... please, fuck me, please!" Her words unlocked something in me, the booze hazed over my thoughts, and I let go.
I drove forward and into her, starting to fuck, slapping my hips against her plush ass, the loud, sticky smacking sound of fucking overcoming everything else. Mom shuddered in my grip, trying to speak, but her words were disappearing in the moans that escaped her as I drove my cock in and out of her cunt, feeling the mind-numbing pleasure of my cock plunging deep in and out of her at the edge of the docks.
I felt her tensing. Her cheeks were red in the half light, her panting was practically breathless. "Fuck, baby..." she moaned. "Ohhh... that makes your mother feel so good. Just keep fucking mommy like that, ohhhh..." I used her arms as grips, pulling her back, using my mother's body like a fuck toy, feeling the clench of her pussy around my cock as I fucked inside of her. I changed my angle and slammed into her, pushing deeper and deeper against the walls of her cunt.
I went faster, the slapping sound increasing in volume and frequency, mom's gasps getting louder, a mix of pain and pleasure as I tore into her, savaging her pussy with my cock until she started to give an uninterrupted whine. "Babyyyy..." Mom's lips parted and she leaned her head back. I let go of one of her arms and wrapped my bicep around her neck. I could feel her breathing, simultaneously tensing and melting under me.
I tightened my arm, lightly choking her, and plunged into her faster. "Fuck!" mom gave a strained cry as her lower back tightened, and as she started to shake in my arms as my cock stroked inside her. I pushed faster, and I felt both of her hands go up and clutch at my forearm, her nails digging in as she started to cum.
"Cum for me," I whispered, in full control, my mom's throes causing her to let go of her sanity.
"Yes, yes, baby, mommy's going to cum," mom whined, her nails digging in deeper, "Mommy's going to cum all over her baby's cock," and then she did, her mouth opening in a soundless, ecstatic scream of pleasure, her cunt gushing hot fluid over me, her entire body shaking and shuddering, her knees growing weak as she fell over the railing, only my arm around her upper body keeping her from falling into the sea.
I didn't stop, feeling a strength and heat building in my core -- mom was cumming for me -- and soon, it was my turn. Mom rolled in my arms as she moaned, the waves of her orgasm causing her to lose conscious awareness, the juices flooding her pussy bathing over my cock and soaking against my pants, her ecstasy unstoppable as her baby boy gave her pussy what it needed, deep inside her.
My balls felt heavy, tingling as they slapped against her ass as I kept fucking, her groans and gasps driving them to contract, to build in anticipatory strength. I started to grunt as I felt it rising, as my cock throbbed inside her while I drove into her, her mind breaking with pleasure as a second orgasm suddenly rocked her, causing her to exclaim loudly, "oh fuck, yes, don't stop fucking mommy's cunny, yes!"
I felt it building -- I felt the cum rising in me -- and so did mom.
"Pull out," she suddenly gasped as she realized what was happening.
I tightened my arm around her neck in response, feeling my balls start to constrict and to push my semen upward.
"Brett," her voice rose in panic and pleasure, "please, Brett, don't cum inside me." I wasn't going to listen - I felt out of control, my cock thrusting inside her on its own, my physical instincts overtaking even the thought that I was about to cum inside the woman who gave birth to me. "Please, use my mouth," she begged. "Please, Brett. Don't cum inside me -- not yet."
My mother was powerless in my arms, still writhing with pleasure. I could have cum inside her cunny -- I could have busted deep, deep within my mother's womb and there was nothing she could have done to stop me if I wanted it. I could have pumped all of my pent up seed, deep inside her, forcing her body to take it, and she wouldn't have fought me -- she would have even liked it, judging by the way she still creamed over my cock, pushing herself hard on to it. But the way she pleaded with me and the way she looked at me stopped the animalistic instinct. Her dark eyes stared deep into me, pleading. "I'll be a good girl and swallow, I promise," she whispered.
The animal in me thought that was good too.
I pulled out, her pussy making an audible, slick pop as my cock departed her tightness, and mom, true to her promise, turned around and fell to her knees, opening her mouth just for me. Her hand went up and she started to jerk me off - her tongue emerged and she looked up, grateful, as I moved past the point of no return.
Semen burst from my tip in ropes -- it showered over her lips as she closed her mouth over me, tasting her juices, the hot, wetness of her tongue moving under my cock as I came, and she pushed her head onto me, letting the cum go straight down her throat. I reached for either side of her face and forced myself into her, deeper, just like that morning, and I heard her soft whimpers as she swallowed my cum, as my balls pumped ounces and ounces of her son's semen as deep into her as it could.
She gave a last moan as she suctioned on my cock, pulling back, and popping off of my head, strings of my cum trailing from her lips. She wiped at her mouth with the back of her hand, breathless.
I stumbled back, zipping up my pants. It was the second time I used my mother's mouth, and all within the same day. I shuddered with pleasure and testosterone as I felt the sheer dominance of my privilege. "This means I'm not grounded anymore," I said, trying to keep from falling over, "right?"
Mom smiled at me, sitting back on the pier, her hands moving up her long, long legs. She stared at me for what felt like minutes as the reality of what we had just done settled around us. Her fingers went over her pussy, feeling at where I had just pounded her, where her son had made her orgasm using his cock.
"No honey, you're not grounded anymore." She shivered in pleasure, hands on her pelvis, watching my fading bulge. "What did you think of being inside your mother?"
"I think I liked it about as much as you did," I replied. Mom sighed and leaned against the rails, blissful.
"That was so, so bad of us. To think, I almost let my son cum inside me. While he was supposed to be grounded, no less. We should probably get back," said mom, closing her eyes, sleepy. "It means a lot to me, by the way," she said, through loose lips. "It must have taken a lot to keep from cumming inside mommy, huh?"
I felt my cock twitch again. It didn't have any juice left, but it knew something sexy when it heard it.
"Well, I just want you to know, it was a very gallant thing you did, pulling out and letting mommy take it in her mouth again." Mom looked up at me with a sultry look. "And just know I'm not saying you can't cum inside me, someday," she sighed again. "But I just want to wait a bit. I'll save it for you."
I stepped over to her and picked her up. She leaned on me, legs weak, as we walked back out to the streets. I ordered a taxi on my phone and we made it to the end of the docks where the streets began, and minutes later, a taxi arrived to bring us back.
Mom drifted in and out of sleep as we rode in the back. Our driver this time was a lot more respectful, keeping his eyes on the road, only glancing once at my mom and then at me, putting the puzzle pieces together on the kind of relationship we had just discovered with each other. The streets disappeared as we made it onto the main road that brought us back toward the villas, until the sandy path that led up to the two story bungalow came into view. Mom woke up and we stumbled out, as if we were just two kids coming home after an illicit party. The feeling of the breeze and the sound of the surf in the distance brought us back to reality.
It felt like going back to a disappointing second life.
"That was fucking fun. I wish we could have done that forever," I said out loud. Mom clung to me, finally standing a little straighter.
"I know, hun," she said sadly. Then she patted at her waist. "Oh, fuck. I left my panties on the dock." We laughed quietly as we went up the steps to the front door.
We made it to the front, let ourselves in. Dad's shoes were still in the front. It was pretty clear he was still in the house, so we let go of each other and carefully moved through the house. "Dad's probably still on the couch," mumbled mom. "Help me up the stairs, will you?" I escorted her up, as much of a college gentleman as I could muster. We made it to her door.
Mom gently swayed, elegant even in her drunk, post-orgasmic state. I took her hand. She looked at me curiously.
"I had fun tonight," I said, as if this were the end of a date.
Mom smiled as if she were a young woman again. "You're sweet," she said. "I had fun too." She put her ear close to mine. "Lots."
I pulled her closer to me. Brought her lips to mine.
Her soft mouth lightly pressed against me. Her eyes closed, her body softened against me.
The door opened and dad stood there, red eyed and stinking of booze again.
Mom pulled away from me like a snapping rubber band. Just in time.
"Have a good date?" Dad mumbled, his eyes hardly focused. "You guys have been going out a lot." He yawned and stumbled back, looking mom up and down. "Hey, hot stuff," he said. Mom's eyes rolled at his crass comment.
"I'm sleeping on the couch," she said, already headed down the stairs. "Get a blanket for me, will you Brett?"
I shrugged at dad, who grumbled as he closed the door.
Mom was downstairs, sighing as she settled into the couch. I tossed her a blanket from one of the downstairs closets and she caught it, wrapping it tightly around herself.
"Not enough room to snuggle, dear," she said, humming as I passed by, melting into the cushions. "You'll have to... go to your room..." She yawned.
"But that means I'm in the same doghouse as dad," I teased.
One of mom's eyes opened. She looked me up and down, gave a last smile and said, "you sure are. Putting that big, yummy cock where it doesn't belong. You fucked your mother, didn't you baby?" She started a soft snore almost immediately after finishing.
Stunned, and unsure if I was grounded again, I stumbled off to bed, feeling the exhaustion taking hold. I fell into my sheets and passed out immediately.