Chapter 01.1

It was the trip my wife and I had been planning for a year. We were soon to celebrate our 25th anniversary and had decided to splurge on our selves. I loved golf and Gloria, my wife, had been an accomplished equestrian back in college. We were both going to enjoy our hobbies during the day and dine and relax in the evenings.

Even after having two children, Gloria still looked great at 46. She was just a couple inches over 5 feet and I doubt if she weighed more than 115. Any weight she had added over the years was in the right places. I am a year shy of 50 and in decent shape, for a guy that enjoys a cold beer. Our kids were both grown, finished with college, and on their own. We were finally able to concentrate on us and we were determined to enjoy our time together.

We checked in the hotel in the early afternoon and spend the rest of the day unpacking and touring the hotel. It was going to be an expensive two-week stay, but we both felt we had earned the right to luxuriate for that period. We had a great dinner in the hotel restaurant and returned to our room.

Gloria began reading through the hotel brochure and found something that gave her an idea.

“Let’s go try the hot tub,” she suggested. “It says there as several and they are very modern and comfortable, and set well back from the indoor pool. Who knows? If it is real quiet, you may get a little lucky!”

That was all I needed to hear. I was in my suit and ready to head down to the tub area in a couple minutes. Gloria came out of the bathroom in a very sexy suit I had never seen before. It was a bikini bottom with a top that was low cut but came down to her bottoms. She had nice C-cup tits and they were showing. Gloria always said a woman in her forties should not dress like a 20 something, but this outfit looked great! It was the sexiest I had seen her dress since college. We donned robes and headed down with a cooler filled with drinks.

There were a couple hot tubs and they were set back away from the pool some distance. We were enjoying a drink and relaxing all by ourselves. Gloria had her hand in my trunks and I was responding. I reached over and tugged one side of her top down and a very lovely tit was showing. She protested slightly, but I noticed she left it out. I was just going to slip it into my mouth when I heard a voice.

“Hello! Mind if we join you?”

I turned to see a couple about our age standing next to the tub. The guy was grinning like the cat that got the cream as Gloria quickly packed her boob back into her top. The woman was tall and big boned. I guessed her weight around 150 and it looked good on her frame. She was wearing a one-piece suit with a French cut that accentuated the length and shape of her legs. A second glance showed the man with her had a bit of a beer belly, a full head of hair, and a pleasant smile.

I concealed my disappointment and annoyance at the interruption and smiled back and responded, “Come right in. The water is fine!”

Gloria was still blushing as they stepped into the tub. It was obvious they had seen her exposed tit as they approached the tub.

“I am Alice, and this grinning monkey is my husband, Jim,” the woman offered. “I wanted to try the other tub and let you folks enjoy some privacy, but a bunch of teenagers passed by us and climbed in. We had to interrupt you, sit and listen to teens babble about all kinds of dumb shit, or go back to our room. Jim made up his mind to stay when he saw your lovely tit.”

Now Gloria was as red as a fire truck! The frank admission from Alice caught her by surprise. Most people would have pretended they had seen nothing.

Whether it was the beer I had been drinking or just the vacation mood I had finally adopted, I can’t say, but I found myself appreciating Alice’s candor and Jim’s approval of my sexy wife.

“I am Lance,” I replied, “and the red-faced lady with the nice tits is my wife, Gloria. You surprised us, but this is a public tub and we should be more considerate of others.”

“If Gloria were any more considerate I would have creamed my pants!” allowed Jim.

It was now obvious that the couple that had just joined us enjoyed sexual banter in the most open terms. I had dealt with it as a foreman in a utility company for years and could give and take as well as anyone. Gloria, on the other hand, was a schoolteacher and never encouraged crudeness. I wondered if she would find Alice and Jim too coarse for her liking.

I had to smile when Gloria finally found her voice and answered, “I would have to ask that you go take a shower before you get in the tub if that were the case. We don’t want any little swimmers in here, do we?”

Alice, Jim, and I all broke into laughter.

“Don’t worry about Jim, Gloria,” offered Alice. “He has been shooting blanks for 18 years now, since my last ‘surprise’ pregnancy. His swimmers drowned!”

“Then I guess we are both safe,” responded Gloria. “Lance hasn’t been a threat since 1982. We had a son and a daughter before we finally realized what was causing it. Lance made the ultimate sacrifice.”

“Right,” agreed Alice. “They both took a day out of their life so they could get laid every day the rest of it. Why do men think it is such a sacrifice? They should try having a baby!”

“Ladies, I propose a toast to birth control,” Jim announced as he handed a wine cooler to Alice and opened a beer for himself. We all laughed and took a pull on our drinks.

The conversation was light and I could see that Gloria was enjoying the company. She had already been more open than I was accustomed to her being.

Another couple approached our tub, but I saw them coming this time.

“Come on in and sit a spell!” I offered. “This is Alice and Jim. I am Lance and the lady next to me is my wife, Gloria.”

The man was tall and thin with an air of authority. The lady with him was average in height and very attractive and tanned. I guessed her to be around 40 and the man close to my age.

“Thank you for the kindness,” she answered. “I am Nancy and this is my husband, Horse.

The rest of us looked at each other to see if we had heard correctly. We all had the same puzzled look on our faces. As they settled into the tub, Nancy cleared the confusion.

“His real name is some Norwegian word no one can pronounce, but sounds like Horse, so everyone has always called him that,” she revealed.

Horse and Nancy had brought their own drinks so we settled into a small festive party in the tub. By now it was full and Horse’s long legs seemed to take up the entire center. The tub had a couple seats that were higher and he had taken one of those. The water was just above his navel.

After another hour, no one was feeling any pain when Alice turned the conversation back to names.

“Do you use Horse on your mail and in signatures?” she asked.

Horse smiled and answered, “No, I use Sven.”

“Doesn’t it seem like it would be easier and require fewer explanations if you would use that name all the time?” she persisted.

Nancy laughed at the question and responded before Horse could say anything.

“I just tell that story to keep questions to a minimum. His real name is Sven and he is Norwegian, but he has been called Horse since he was a teen,” she laughed. “A widow with a bit of a reputation gave the nickname to him when he was 15.”

“This explanation gets stranger and stranger,” Gloria opined.

“He was doing some odd jobs for her after school. He was a big kid,” continued Nancy. “Long story short, the widow seduced Horse and a legend was born. She told everyone ‘that boy is hung like a damn horse’ and it became his nickname.”

“Wow! What a great reason to have a nickname, Horse!” chuckled Jim. “Maybe I should have been prouder when everyone called me the jackass!”

“Are you telling us that your husband has a horse cock?” asked Alice. She impressed me with her bluntness.

“That is exactly what I am saying, Alice. That is what attracted me to him those many years ago,” she admitted. “It was a bit awkward explaining his name to my parents, though! That is why I originally came up with the Norwegian bullshit story. It was just easier.”

I had just met Alice a couple hours before, but I realized that for a big girl, she couldn’t hold her drink very well.

“Just how the hell big is it?” she demanded. “This is a subjective thing. One man’s horse is another’s pony.”

“Oh, I think he is a horse by any standard you would devise,” stated Nancy confidently. “Even doctors and nurses are amazed. Especially nurses!”

“Well, I am from Missouri,” replied Alice quickly.

“Alice, for God’s sake!” interjected Jim. “We can take Nancy’s word on this!”

Nancy had her hands under the water in Horse’s direction. He appeared to lift his ass a little and she soon produced his suit for all to see.

“Here, Alice. Trade places with me and find out for yourself,” she challenged. “I have run into a Doubting Thomas or two before. The proof of the pudding is in the tasting!”

“I didn’t say anything about tasting it,” replied Alice as she stood to take Nancy’s spot. “I do want to find out for myself.”

With that she sat next to Horse, who had a huge grin on his face. We watched Alice lean toward Horse with her hand under the water. It wasn’t long before she had her answer.

“Jesus!” she exclaimed. “It isn’t even hard and it is long as a snake. I wonder how big it gets!”

From her upper body movements, it was obvious she was jacking Horse’s cock. Her eyes seemed to get wider and wider.

“Gloria! Reach down here and feel this thing,” urged Alice. “Unless you are in a stable, you won’t find two like this!”

Gloria was seated between Horse and me. I chuckled at Alice’s suggestion. She didn’t know my wife if she thought Gloria would ever touch that big salami! Gloria hitched over closer to Horse and reached down! I almost shit right in the tub. How many drinks had my bride put down?

“Goddamn!” gasped Gloria. “That is huge! Alice and I both have it in our hands and there is still plenty left over.

“Unless I miss my guess, it will be breaking the surface of the water soon,” predicted Nancy.

“Now I know you women are pulling our legs,” laughed Jim. “It would have to be ten or eleven inches to reach the surface. His periscope can’t be that long!”

About that time, Horse’s cock head emerged from the briny depths! First it was just the pee hole but gradually the entire head was showing. Gloria and Alice both leaned in close to stare. There was a stunned silence.

“To answer your next question,” stated Nancy, “it is 10 and a quarter inches long. Now do you admit I was telling the truth, Alice?”

Alice seemed incapable of speech as she and Gloria both sat transfixed. They each had a hand under the water and it sure appeared that they were still stroking the old love muscle. Nancy smiled and moved in between Horses legs on her knees. She reached in and my guess is she had a hand full of cock, too. Horse was beaming as the three women worked his tube under the surface.

“I want you both to see something,” whispered Nancy as she took control. “Look closely at the opening.”

I think they would have stepped in front of a train if Nancy told them to do so at that moment. Both women leaned ahead to look at the head of Horse’s cock. Suddenly, and with no warning, a long string of cum erupted from the pee hole and smacked Alice in the face. Both she and Gloria gasped and moved back.

As Gloria was gasping, Nancy aimed her husband’s cannon at her and fired another volley. It caught her in the open mouth and chin! Then, to my eternal surprise, Nancy leaned forward and took the cock head into her mouth. We could all see her swallowing rapidly to keep up with the discharge. I found myself wondering how big Horse’s balls must be. If they matched his dick, they would be like baseballs!

I knew Gloria hated the taste of spunk. She had allowed me to cum in her mouth once just after we were married. She had run into the bathroom spitting and then coughing. Shortly after I heard her stop gagging, I could hear her gargling. By the time she returned to the bedroom, I knew would be my last blowjob.

I turned to see Gloria close her mouth and swallow! Then she licked whatever she could reach on her lips and chin. I was reeling with amazement. To top it all off, Gloria took her finger and scooped up a few wads on her chin and put it in her mouth. My cock was ready to explode as I watched my wife.

Alice had leaned back and was doing the same! She reminded me of a cat taking a bath by using her paws. It was incredible. I finally turned to look at Jim. He was fisting himself under the water’s surface and groaning loudly.

“Fuck! That was amazing!” he gasped. “No one would ever believe me if I told them what I just saw. I would have better luck convincing someone I had just seen Elvis!”

Gloria turned to look at me and I saw color begin to creep over her face. It was as if she had just emerged from a trance.

“Lance, I am so sorry!” she whispered. “I don’t know why I did those things.”

It looked like she was close to tears as she spoke. She looked so lovely and vulnerable at the same time. I pulled her to me and kissed her lips hard. The same lips that had just licked Horse’s cum! She responded and soon our tongues were dueling and I was squeezing her tits through her suit. We broke and looked to see everyone watching us.

Nancy was smiling as she cleaned dripping sperm from her chin. Jim had pulled Alice to him and was playing with her ample set.

“We need to get to our room fast,” croaked Alice. “Get our stuff and let’s get going, Mister!”

With that they stood and stepped from the pool. Gloria and I were right behind them. The four of us made the elevator together. On the way up the women were giggling like teenage girls.

“Did you ever see anything so beautiful in your life?” Alice asked Gloria. “I would never have known anything like that existed. I bet Nancy has some fun with that monster. I wonder if she can take the whole thing?”

“How could she?” answered Gloria. “I always thought that Lance was pretty big down there, though he fits quite easily anymore. That thing would be a real challenge, don’t you think, Alice.”

By this time the elevator door had opened and Jim and Alice had to get out.

“We are in 908, you guys. Give us a call tomorrow. We will have to get together,” Alice added as the door closed.

Gloria and I were alone in the elevator and she turned to me and squeezed my still hard member.

“You are hard as I have ever felt you, Lance! Did that show get you all hot and horny?” she teased. “What are you going to do to your naughty little wife for feeling some man’s big, hard cock? I think you will punish me someway for making that monster shoot its cum all over me, won’t you?”

Over the years we had played a game on occasion where we fantasized that Gloria had misbehaved in some sexual situation and I had to punish her. She enjoyed the submissive wife act. I had never really pushed it too much, but after watching events unfold in the hot tub, I had plans to push the envelope.

I reached down and grabbed the part of Gloria’s top where it met her bottoms and quickly peeled it off her. We were now in an elevator with her topless. Her nipples were hard and she was panting. I had never seen her so hot.

The elevator stopped and I looked and realized it wasn’t our floor! We were down one floor from our room. The door opened and a couple a little younger than us started in. Then they saw Gloria standing there with her arms crossed over her chest.

The woman looked at her and then at me. Then she smiled at us.

“I see you have a little slut there,” she chuckled. “I think she should show my husband her tits.”

I reached down and lightly pulled Gloria’s hands to her sides as the husband grinned. He reached out and pinched Gloria’s nipples, quite hard I thought. Gloria moaned and quivered in my arms. The elevator stopped and I ushered her out the door.

“Take care of that little slut,” called the woman. “If you ever want to give her away for a night let us know. We are in the penthouse.” The door closed.

“Get down the hall, slut,” I demanded. “I am not done with you, by a long shot. I saw you let a strange man squeeze your tits and heard you moan. I never saw a slut more in need of punishment.”

It seemed like Gloria was back in that zone she had been in when she had Horse’s cock in her hand. I unlocked the door and dragged her inside. I then pushed on her shoulders and she went to her knees.

“You know what you have to do!” I told her. “Jerking a cock of in front of your husband, swallowing cum, and letting another stranger pinch your nipples cannot go unpunished!”

Gloria pulled my trunks down and swallowed my swollen member. I had been tuned on all night and especially the last half hour. I knew I wouldn’t last long as Gloria hungrily fed on my dick. As she did, I berated her.

“I am just finding out what a cock hungry little slut you are. You love them big, don’t you?” I asked.

“Look at me while you suck my cock. You love big cocks don’t you?” I repeated. I pulled my cock from my wife’s mouth and slapped her with it several times.

“I do love big cocks,” Gloria answered. “The bigger the better. I want big cocks all the time!” With that she managed to corner my cock again with her mouth and went back to suckling me like a baby. With her ardor and all I had seen, I erupted immediately. Gloria never let up and sucked me dry. It was a night of firsts and then another one happened. I never went soft!

I grabbed her hair and pulled her to her feet and tossed her on the bed. I reached down and roughly pulled her briefs off and dove into her pussy face-first. She was soaking wet and orgasmed in the first minute of my efforts, but I didn’t quit there, as I usually do when I eat her out. I kept plunging my tongue deep inside per pussy and then sucking her clit. I got a pretty good system going and Gloria was having a constant orgasm. She trashed and jerked and finally tried to push my face away. I refused to stop and ate her to another orgasm. Then I pulled my face away and looked at her. At first I thought she was asleep, but really she had passed out for a second. I poised above her with my cock against her slit. She came around when she felt the slight pressure.

“Yessssss!” she urged. “Fuck my little pussy with that cock! I deserve it for being so bad. I jerked off a big cock in my little hand while you watched. What are you going to do about it?”

I drove into her as far and as fast as I could. She passed out again as her pussy convulsed around my cock. I pounded her until she came around again and she wrapped her legs around me. I pinched her nipples with my left hand, much harder than I ever had before and she went of like a rocket! That was all I could stand and I drained my balls in her spasming cunt. Exhausted, I lay down on her chest and passed out myself.

I woke to the ringing of the phone, I looked at the clock and it was noon! Gloria was naked and sleeping next to me. My head hurt as I reached over to answer it.

“Hello? Lance?” asked the voice on the other end. It was Jim. “You didn’t call so I found out your room number. Did you have mind-blowing sex last night, too?

I groaned an affirmative into the receiver.

“Let’s meet by the pool in an hour,” he continued. “I can’t wait to talk about last night. Alice is so horny she is sucking my cock right now! I hope I can finish the job by one! See you then, Buddy.”

I conjured up a vision of Alice sucking Jim off and found my cock beginning to stir. I looked over at Gloria and climbed on her. Her eyes opened as I aimed my weapon and she smiled.

“I must have been very naughty!” she cooed. “Are you going to poke me with that big, hard cock again?”

That was all I needed as I began to enter her. How could she be so wet? I had a very horny wife on my hands and I did my husbandly duty to help her.

It was a little after one when Jim and Alice found us on a couple lounge chairs by the pool. We were sipping drinks as they walked up with drinks of their own.

“Hair off the dog that bit you, Lance?” chuckled Jim as he and Alice pulled chairs up next to ours.

In what I had come to learn was typical for Alice, she blurted, “I never have sucked Jim’s cock like I have in the past 12 hours. I cannot get over how excited that little show made me last night. I always loved Jim’s cock, but now I have seen a Horse of a different color, so to speak.”

We all laughed at her little pun.

“So Gloria, did you suck off Lance last night? Did that whole thing get you going, too?” Alice asked.

A week ago a question like that would have embarrassed and angered my wife. But then a week ago she couldn’t have answered in the affirmative.

“I sure did!” answered my wife. Was this the same woman I married almost 25 years ago?
Next page: Chapter 01.2