Chapter 01.1
Dr. Dan Makes a House Call
Sultry auburn-haired Nancy Gardner applied a subtle shade of lipstick in the mirror and turned a pretty profiled face from side to side; staring at her lovely reflection. She sat at the vanity in her master bedroom painstakingly applying makeup ahead of what promised to be a big evening and every now and again she checked her elegant ladies watch to make certain she wasn't running behind.
She was giddy with anticipation at what the night might have in store at her home and happy wicked fantasies made her heart flutter with excitement. Just a few hours before she'd finished up her shift at Helping Hands City Hospital in downtown Phoenix; setting the wheels in motion for that for what was about to occur but at the time it was completely unintentional. None of this had been planned.
She'd stopped in to the hospital cafeteria for a much needed cup of coffee before her commute back to her Chandler bedroom community home. At the time, the pretty five foot seven nurse had just finished another grueling shift and she just needed a bit of an eye opener before she got behind the wheel. She got it in spades! It walked past her table and it answered to the name of Doctor Dan. Well... not exactly.
It had been a hard day for all parties involved. Her battle-axe chief OBGYN Physician, Dr. Henrietta Polkfeste had told her bright and early that Dr. Dan Hardwoode, that handsome young intern would be observing with her as she saw patients. Nancy reminded Dr. Henrietta that she had her annual date with the stirrups (and with the doctor's latex gloves). This was not something Nancy relished or looked forward to under ordinary circumstances, but just the thought of that handsome intern with his dreamy hazel eyes staring at her bald lotus blossom; well made her take her break early so that she could skip off to the restroom to clean up her Brazilian wax job and make things "pretty down there" with a razor and some special toiletries.
The thing was, Dr. Polkfest was in a bit of an "ill humor" that day and that wretched raincloud of a foul mood that she dragged around above her head had a certain "contagious" nature to it. By the time arrived for Nancy's go at the stirrups, Dr. Hennrietta was in possession of a particularly short temper and the type "A" alpha female had been berating poor Dr. Dan all morning long; zinging him with snide comments and criticisms that bordered on the positively humiliating! He was not in the least bit inclined to notice the lovely bit of clean "lady-scaping," Nurse Nancy had performed upon herself prior to his arrival in the room.
"Such a shame," Nancy thought as she dressed after Polkfest had given her a clean bit of health and left the room; the somewhat downcast Dr. Dan close in tow of her snide condescending wake, "yes ...such a shame. He didn't notice anything. I blame that cast-ironed ball-busting harpy Dr. Henrietta! She lights into him all day long and then I miss the chance to flash my pink goodie basket at such a fine choice specimen of...MALE?.. Such a waste!"
And indeed it was a waste. A lot of ladies would have enjoyed flashing "the goods" at Dr. Dan had he been in a better mood; untroubled by a shrieking shrew of a superior like Henrietta. Who could blame them!
Daniel Hardwoode was in his internship with a year left to go. At six feet one inches, the dark haired hopeful seemed lately like he always had the weight of the world upon his shoulders, which was ironic because he appeared to be the sort of specimen other men could only hope to be! He was handsome, wiry, strong-muscled and had a face that made women take notice followed by an immediate double-take to scrutinize his strong cleft chin, prominent high cheek bones, and hazel eyes; of which one of the candy-stripers referred to "dreamy" and nurse within earshot had corrected the silly girl by remarking that they were in fact "soulful." Whatever the case, "Doctor Dan" was the sort of fellow who could smile at a young woman and she'd actually start speculating just how pretty the babies would be between her and him as things got warm and dewy down below!
Now at the cafeteria, Nancy saw that same handsome intern walk past her table (looking like a good-looking whipped-dog). She saw an opportunity over her umptieth cup of caffeine as well. She shouted a loud and assertive "HEY!" to Dan and he turned. He was met with a smile and batting eyelids.
One thing led to another and she had him sitting down next to her and the cup of coffee turned into another cup while they talked and he smiled and she smiled back and played with a bit of jewelry around her neck and fiddled with a lock of her short auburn hair absent mindedly. It turned out they had a lot in common. They like the same music, the same books, even the same fake froo-froo junk in their coffee. Most intriguing they had the same schedule for the week which meant they had the day off for the next two whole days! Life is grand how it works out, isn't it?
Meanwhile he smiled and talked and talked and smiled and... OH... GOOD GOD! she thought, was that how he smelled? It was like incense or sandalwood or some lovely musky scent that was wafting her way as he spoke and looked into her eyes! She actually found herself inhaling deeply as if she was trying to huff him in through her nostrils and hold that scent in the back of her nose; making her squish her thighs together involuntarily under the table as she laughed and smiled back, holding onto his every word.
At some point the conversation turned into a bit of a pep-talk between Nancy and Dan, as the fifty-three-year-old MILF nurse and her sultry soothing "come to mama" batting eyelashes told him in a reassuring tone that Dr. Polkfeste's bark was much worse than her bite and that he was doing just fine from what she and the other staff had seen. Nancy's mind was working like fine Swiss watch as she tried to angle this conversation around to where she wanted it to be. She finally just threw a seemingly innocent question out there to the somewhat downtrodden and beaten intern.
"So with two days of nothing ahead of you," she asked, "aren't you looking forward to a nice dinner this evening with your girlfriend and perhaps a drink followed by some, 'unwinding?' A fellow like you must be happy to have the next two days ahead."
"No," he said with a note of disappointment like some lame kid that was going to be stuck in a college dorm on a Friday night, "I think it will be just an early night tonight." He indicated that currently there was in fact; no girl, and there hadn't been since the start of med school. He'd been too seriously minded. When Nancy told him that there were plenty of pretty young things trotting around and left things sort of open ended, he commented that a lot of the younger ladies simply didn't interest him. She batted those two "come to mamas" at him again and asked him what he'd meant.
Quite matter-of-factly; he said he liked older women, and that his last girlfriend had been ten years older than him. Although he'd dated several girls in college that were younger, he always found that relationships with older ladies; be it three, five, seven or even fifteen years his senior; tended to be more satisfying and provided better conversation "afterwards."
She saw an opening and "pounced." In the next three minutes like an old-pro; she'd invited him to her place for a home cooked meal, there was a promise of a movie, and she'd even go over some pointers of dealing with "Doctor Henrietta Hellfire;" so that in two days... there would be no fear of the "dragon- lady" doctor from him. He made a meek half-hearted protest but in the end; her persistence, the batting eyelashes on her pretty face, and her 36C bust line attached to a five- foot -seven skinny shapely body crushed any attempt at protest he could have made!
He was on his way now. He'd be here soon. She stood up and added a "wee-touch" of eye shadow to those killer "come to mamas" of hers. She looked down at her nakedness in the mirror. Her shapely boobs with their gumdrop nipples, her "still-flat after all this time" belly, her bald pussy with its cute little gold ring piercing; all were going to be used to maximum advantage tonight. She'd better get some clothes on quickly however, she thought, or she'd spoil the surprise for him!
It was then that a pair of strong hands reached around from out of the shadows and hugged her close. She leaned back into them and cuddled. They roamed her body and fondled her. They touched her nipples; tweaking them into excited nubs of blood-rushed tissue. They traveled down her perfectly shaped belly; the product of countless bike-rides, hours of yoga, and laps at the local pool. The hands found her naked pussy, teasing and stroking at it; giving her clitty-ring a playful tug and making her sigh. The naughty nomadic hands now roamed "around back" over the exquisite twin hills of her absolutely bangin' ass. Let just say that by the looks of things; the gym liked her and so did this pair of hands! A voice spoke.
"Are you going to be ready soon?"
"Yes," Nancy answered," just a couple more minutes.
"This is my favorite part of the night," came the voice.
"Mine too," she agreed, "my head and heart always feel like they're racing."
"It's the thrill of the hunt," the voice observed, "I love to see you getting ready for it."
"And my outfit?" she asked.
"I've laid out something special," the voice reassured her, "I picked it out along with a special set of earrings. Oh... and I'm sure you'll love the shoes!"
"And you?" she asked.
"I'll be off with my usual entertainments," was the reply, "but if you need me, I'll be close by." There was pause and the voice corrected, "Well...WE'LL be watching close by!" There was a masculine chuckle and she brought one of the hands up to kiss in sincere gratitude.
"I love it knowing that you're always watching over me," she thought out loud reaching back and grabbing a hard cock behind her to stroke and rub it in her hand. Fingers then steered it up-and-down the groove to her ass cheeks in a little pre-date tease.
"Is she here?" Nancy asked.
"Yes," the voice answered," she's already had dinner and drinks. She arrived here ten minutes before you pulled into the drive. I've prepared her."
"Exquisite," Nancy said with an inquisitive smile, "and she knows who my special guest is?"
"No," he replied, "I want to enjoy that look on her face. To tell you the truth; it was quite a stroke of luck you were able to get him here."
"I know," she agreed, "quite a bit of irony in this evening; it would be criminal to waste it all!" She chuckled thoughtfully as though she was wicked queen from Snow White gazing into her magic mirror.
"We better get ready and take our places," he observed glancing at a large masculine watch on a powerful hairy arm," curtain call is in thirty-five minutes!"
"Ok... til then," Nancy answered.
"Til look beautiful!" he answered and then she was alone in the room. She looked at the outfit that was laid out upon the bed. Her sex juiced with the satisfying knowledge that as she'd prepared; she'd been watched and loved, and adored... and now she'd be shared! The Sir had departed to get ready himself; for it was to be another wonderful night for BOTH of them and there was still plenty for both to do!
Dan wasn't exactly nervous as he drove to the address. Nancy had given it to him on the back of a cafeteria napkin before they'd both left the hospital. If you were to sum up his emotions as to how he felt, it was more or less a concern of being on time.
He'd asked her if he needed to bring anything and she mentioned her love of Margaritas but lamented that she'd run out of Tequila again. He told her that he'd hit a liquor store on the way over; a task that took all of five minutes, but a vehicle accident combined with late Friday commuter traffic had put him about fifteen minutes behind. It didn't help that the rusty heirloom he'd been driving had an AC system that was temperamental on a good day and so far this day didn't seem to be fitting in a category.
Here he was; tequila in a bag on the front seat...showered, shaved, and ready to go... and he was going no-place. He was stuck with a long line of cars ahead. Now to add insult to injury, his AC went out again and he began to get warm. He rolled down the window but it was still quite warm. Phoenix was being its characteristic late spring self!
Soon there was a little trickle of sweat running down his purple silk shirt as he sat in the "dry heat of the valley." This had an added effect. He'd slapped on cologne before leaving the shoe-box sized loft that he paid rent on. The expensive fragrance had been a gift from his sister and it now mingled with his sweat trickles in a sort of "pheromone stew" of untapped scent potential; an unintended but fortunate development, (although he was unaware of its beneficial effect at the moment). Mother Nature and Lady Luck were working overtime to make certain the evening was going to be a pleasant one!
As he reached the accident area ahead and then passed it, the traffic ahead began to speed up on the other side of the fender bender, (which fortunately had resulted in no injuries and only a few flaring tempers). Dan breathed a sigh of relief and with the hot desert air blowing through the window, his shirt dried and his mood improved. He was simply happy to be moving again.
At Nancy's place she was now dressed, ready, and pacing impatiently; like a cougar at the zoo in a cage that was too small. Where was he? He was now late and had been for some time. Then again, she was soooo like a doctor to keep a person waiting like this.
His tardiness didn't exactly make her angry; it built tension with her...anticipation. What was happening now was akin to the pretty girl being late to the dance and there was an ardent boy nervously pacing and waiting to see if she'd show. It was as if a role reversal of the sexes had occurred and it worked fantastically in Dan's favor. Anticipation and pheromones were now set to make sexual fireworks of epic proportions this evening!
She checked dinner on the stove. The Sir, had set the meal up for them both and even found an appropriate wine before stepping away with "the other." Now all Nancy had to do was shut-off the stove top and really; this was most desirable if Dan was bit tardy. It gave her "something to do" as she set the table and Dan wouldn't have to see her clattering around with pans!
Her phone buzzed. Dan had shot her a text that he was five minutes out after clearing a traffic jam. Everything was working for both now! She was anxious to get him through the door and he was now dry... and yet fragrant. What's more; as he came up the hill to the house the AC in his four wheeled relic came on and he took it as a sign that things would improve. He couldn't have been more correct!
The air was therefore a "perfect storm" of passionate atmospherics in the very air of the Sante Fe style home as Nancy answered the doorbell. She had a glass of wine in her hand and her green shorty dress hugged her form "just-so." Their eyes lit up in bit of an "AH! There you are!" sort of thing as the door came open. She met him with happy sweet words of welcome and he replied with a happy comment that she "cleaned up nicely!"
She giggled shyly and touched his arm in a calculated greeting as he instinctively did the little "kiss to the cheek thing;" where the lips end up someplace halfway between the cheekbone and the ear... not anything on the lips yet, but warmer than a handshake. She got a whiff of that "cologne-sweat stew" of his and swirled in her nostrils. A split second later the man-scent did a happy dance with the nervous tension in the back of her head; causing her to flush ever so slightly. There was now a bit of spark between him and her, and he'd only just stepped through the threshold.
The two took dinner on a rear veranda and enjoyed the last of the sun on that May Friday evening. In another calculated move as she led him out to the veranda before sitting down, she'd asked him he'd like some wine. Again she touched his wrists and flicked off an imaginary piece of nothing on his sleeve; grooming him as they walked. He answered that he would indeed, but instead of immediately finding a separate glass for him; she offered him the oversized glass of red in her hand to "try things before he completely made up his mind."
He took a sip touching her wrist now; making her clit pulse and twitch ever so slightly. She looked at the painstakingly prepared table and scowled in an exaggerated fashion that almost tipped her hand. She said that she'd forgotten to get a second wine glass for him at the table but he immediately said he was fine and not to bother. In a bit of stagecraft she acted as though she'd just had an epiphany and commented that with the size of the glass she had in her hand they could share it between the two of them. He smiled and said that was ..."perfect," as he looked into her eyes. The dance had begun.
Dinner was a series of more "calculations" on her part. She didn't seat him opposite her. She'd made a comment about the sun being beautiful in the west to see going down and that the best view would be afforded if they sat at the same corner of the long rectangular Santa Fe style table; with him and her at very tight right angles to each other. That way there was no distance... there was immediate intimacy. But that was not all Nancy had in her bottomless bag of tricks; not by a long shot!
Although she'd set two salad bowls out for them; it seems she'd only set out one entre plate, and she'd placed it precisely in the corner between the two of them. Nancy made a casual remark that she often liked eating with special guests off the same plate as it kept things more cozy and made the meal more special. He agreed it lent itself to better dinner conversations. She noted in the back of her mind that he wasn't shocked and therefore, she took it as a good sign. She became bolder with each move.
They chatted and ate. She kept offering him sips of wine from her glass; that much we've already established but each time she offered or he took a sip for that matter; she smile and batted those "come to mamas" of hers at him and she was sure to either touch his wrist or knee when he sipped. As they discussed the meal and the wide variety colorful items upon the oversized plate; she took special pains to every now and then say, "Oh try this, or have some of that," spearing the item with her fork and popping it in his mouth. A break-through came for her when she reached for her wine glass; only for it to be seized by him and brought up to her lips for a sip as he returned a smile that felt like the sun on a tropical beach. Pretenses were slowly melting away but the dance continued as they shared sips from the loving cup they'd established.
She now turned on some music for the meal, using a remote she'd "just left" on the table. He recognized it as jazz but couldn't make out who it was. He asked it were Miles Davis on the trumpet or Charlie Parker possibly playing sax. Nancy faked an embarrassed look and stared over into her salad bowl. She'd timed this move by figuring just how much of her oversized wine glass was left and by how much was left in the bottle of red on the table. He persisted; somewhat confused now and asked who the artist was. Nancy waited and dragged it out for a few seconds longer until with a heavy sigh she shared with him an interesting musical fact.
"It's a musical collection of jazz soundtracks form 1980's and early 90's porn movies, " she said bluntly as she looked directly into his eyes and smiled, "It was made into a cd I guess at one time and I downloaded it to my computer sound system when I listened to it one night on the internet. It's about four hours total in length and there's a sister soundtrack that is also the same length that I downloaded." She'd broken the ice a bit more and opened things to a discussion of all things "boy-girl." He took the bait.
They continued to eat and pass the wine glass between one another, but she was now more easily able to steer the discussion to the "birds and the bees." She asked him what he'd meant earlier with his comment about older women and how they were more satisfying with better conversation "afterwards." What exactly did he mean by "afterwards?" He reached for the glass and her hand scooped it up and placed it to his lips for a sip before she bid him to continue.
His reply was quite candid (thanks in part to the wine), but not at all vulgar. He quite plainly told her he meant sex, and that it wasn't JUST about the conversations that he enjoyed with a more mature lady following sex. She told him to go on; spearing a bit of grilled bell pepper from the plate with her fork and putting it to his lips. He took a bite with the most charming of smiles and explained that older women nine times out of ten knew exactly what they wanted. She demurred and coyly asked,
"From men you mean ...from young men?" She knew the answer damned well, but the dance was being danced and her hand found his knee and parked on it.
"No," he said picking up a black olive-halve from the plate and bringing it to her mouth, "for sex." He popped the bit of olive into her mouth onto her tongue. She saw an opportunity and gave his knee a good firm squeeze, like a cat kneading its claws in a cushion; not painfully but in a way that said, I like this, I like YOU, and let's keep going shall we?
"So they are more... direct?" she asked, spearing another grilled pepper and popping it in his mouth with a fork.
"I'd have to say," he replied picking up another black olive, "I'm absolutely certain of that fact... now more than ever!" He stirred it around in some olive oil at the edge of the plate before popping it in her mouth playfully. She saw another opportunity and as she took the olive in her mouth, she batted her "come to mamas" again into his eyes and then looked at his hand that hovered before her lips.
Her lips seized his thumb and she drew it in; sucking upon it in a tight luscious "kissy-pucker" as her hand meanwhile; moved from his knee, up his trouser leg, and straight to the erection in his pants! She gripped him through his trousers and held him firmly; letting him know this was definitely more than just dinner, and had been for several minutes!
They both leaned towards each other across the corner of the table. He pulled his thumb from her lips as his own lips came dangerously close to hers. She smelled him again, his scent popping all the circuit breakers in the back of her head. To hell with the meal... she wanted to gobble him up for dessert and wash him down with the remainder of the wine!
"So what," she asked with her lips brushing his, " you see as the advantage of such a woman?" Their mouths rushed together; mashing lips together in a torrid kiss; tasting chewing and savoring each other's mouths hungrily. He pulled off for a moment; holding her face in his hand gently as her hand squeezed and jerked his cock and balls roughly through his pants. He looked directly into her fluttering "come to mamas" with his own dreamy hazel lady-stunners and said to her,
"They see what they want. They tell you what they desire and they flat out ask for it!" He kissed her again deeply; driving her nearly out of her head with desire. Her nipples now became achy swollen gumdrops beneath her lacey bra and her clit throbbed hard and strong for him! He pulled away with a tug of his mouth on her lower lip and breathlessly saying,
"So then... I think we both agree on the fact that they tell younger men what they want; soooo... why not tell me precisely what it is that you WANT!"
Apparently her answer was quite specific and direct, for not ten seconds later they were careening down the hallway to the master bedroom; kissing biting and groping one another as hands sought all manner of things to seize, squeeze, tug and pull-off; a trail of clothing leading all the way back to the veranda. The door to the bedroom was kicked open and the two fell upon the king-sized with Nancy wrapped around Dan like a scarf! Both were covered with considerably LESS clothing than when they'd started the trip from the Veranda but a few items remained.
The head of his circumcised cock eased through the slit of his boxers and ground along the edge of her panties. Dominant masterful hips plowed downward and inward; seeking the seam to her thong and the notch to her puss-hole. The lacey elastic edge of the thong yielded and gave way; allowing his tip to nest at the mouth to her sex in preparation for the wonderful thrust inside! Nancy now took control; as she had him precisely where she wanted him. In a move he had not expected, she said to him,
"NO wait? REALLY?" he thought, "Is she some sort of tease?" If she was a tease this was the most immaculately orchestrated "Blue-ball" session he'd ever encountered! She had other things in mind for his balls however; other than turning them cobalt blue with teasing, but these things needed to be savored "appropriately" and she damned well knew it!
"Get up!" she said with a cocked eyebrow and a voice of authority that sounded more to him of a horny woman who understood her sexuality than one who'd had second thoughts. He rose up off of her and stood at the edge of the bed. She reached behind herself and off came the green lace brassiere. Her fingers now tweaked at her 36C tits and pinched at her gumdrop nipples. She could feel his eyes gazing upon her titty-nubs as she twisted and delicately tortured them; her tongue running over her lips and her nostrils flaring slightly. She loved the feeling of him watching her; she simply loved it!
"Get out of those boxers," she ordered him calmly. He grinned and did as she told him.
"Yank your cock," she said, "I want to see you pulling it and I need to see your eyes!" He did. His hand wrapped around his veiny boner and his other hand cupped and tweaked his balls.
As he performed his little show for her, he decided that he knew the method to her madness. She was a connoisseur of sorts he reasoned. Well, from what he'd already seen... she was a true foodie; it only seemed logical that she treated sex like a fine meal or an exquisitely fine wine.
He masturbated for her and now it was HIS turn to feel the weight of her gaze upon him as he pulled his throbbing cock before her. It excited him! It excited her that he was excited! She made her next move. Up came her legs and off came her thong.
She spun around on the bed and sat upon her knees; facing away from him and flicking her green thong onto the floor. He had a perfect view now of her perfect heart-shaped ass and her hummingbird tramp-stamp tattoo with its two twisty vines that formed little leafy hearts. She bit her lip as she pulled her asscheeks aside; giving him a view of her pussy from the rear as well as the view of her pink rose-hole anus; both items Brazilian-waxed clean as a cue-ball's surface! She turned her head over her shoulder and whined to him,
"MMMNNnnn Yesss, pull that cock and look at this ass! That's it... touch yourself for me, you bad little boy!" He did as she said. If this was her thing and it got him that ass; then he was all good with it! He kept stroking his cock, feeling like an especially naughty boy who'd been caught by his mommy or auntie doing terrible things to himeslf as she continued,
"Dan," she said seductively, "You know that part about how older women know what they want and what they are into?" He nodded and jerked his dong. She began to masturbate; frigging her clit out of his view for a moment until he noticed that he could see her in the far wall mirror as she touched her clitoris. Come to think of it, there were a lot of mirrors in this bedroom to include the wall above the bed head-board and the ceiling above the bed. She to fiddle with herself and he now craned his head to see her do so in the reflection,
"Well," she said, "perhaps Mama needs to show you a few things she's into; to let you know what the package looks like before it's all unwrapped! Just keep making naughty in your hand for me sweetie and let me get something." She reached for a remote by the bed and then resumed her own self-pleasure in front of him; only now she turned to face a large screen television on the wall opposite the bed. The TV was hooked through its HDMI to a laptop computer next to a cable box, as well as some other home entertainment odds and ends. She hit the power button and as the TV came on, she went down through a menu until she had an internet search engine on the screen. A quick scroll down through "My Favorites" and she had what she was looking for.
She opened a folder and several links to websites popped up. Dan was sure he was going to look at her favorite flavor of porn and he half-turned to the screen; still slowly jerking his cock. She turned her head and looked at him approvingly, noticing his penis was big as cocks went... like 70's pornstar big! Aw HELL Nancy! - this guy was like Hickory Farms Gift-Pack BIG!Could she pick 'em or could she pick 'em? she thought with a chuckle! She pointed the remote to a link and clicked upon it. A film clip began.
Dr. Dan watched as the movie short opened; obviously a bit of film posted on the internet from an adult feature. A young man about his age was being sucked hard by a red-head with shoulder length hair. The woman turned her eyes to the camera for a lovely deep-throating close-up and Dan realized he was looking at a slightly longer haired version of Nancy. ...OF NANCY!
He turned his eyes from the screen and looked at her. She continued to masturbate but turned her face to him. Another chuckle escaped her as she said with a scolding tone,
"You bad little boy! You stopped jerking for me!" He continued to pull on himself as she continued, "You didn't think a nurse's salary paid for ALL this did you?" She glanced around the room sweeping her hand in a dramatic fashion that said the entire home could not possibly have been bankrolled by all her years in nursing. He nodded as she turned back to the screen saying,
"I've done many things on film in my spare time and adult films have been rather good to me. You can't say this entire house was the result of my adult work but significant "extras were." I have no regrets!" Brad finally found his voice and spoke,
"So why are you showing me this?" he said, turning his face back to the screen as a younger Nancy deep-throated a young man who was just on the brink of his orgasm.
"Because," she continued with her eyes riveted to the screen, "as I just said...I have no regrets. Everything I've done on film, I've also enjoyed in real life! This facet of that life has been quite beneficial; keeping me from becoming all vanilla and feeding my 'appetites' at the same time. Keep stroking and watch. Watch and understand sweetie!"
He did as she requested and she selected another link. In it she was masturbating furiously and fiddling her pierced clitoris for the camera; until she turned to show off a glass butt-plug which she sawed back and forth lasciviously up into her rectum. Nancy then selected another clip and as it started, Brad could see her clearly being split up her rectum by a particularly long hard greased cock. Another film clip showed her nipples pinched and twisted by a towering gorgeous blonde woman as she was manacled to a whipping post. Yet another showed her being spanked loudly over the knee of a gentleman while two other women stood in a corner, whimpering and baring reddened ass cheeks; evidence of earlier corporal punishments. Lastly she showed him a movie clip of Nancy and three black men making her "airtight;" each with a cock occupying one of her three free holes as Nancy howled and screamed despite being gagged by cock!
She shut of the television and turned her head to him saying, "Well? Shocked yet?"
"No." he lied as he continued to yank upon himself. Yes, he was shocked; shocked and wanting to fuck her rotten now!
"Well" she said hopping from the bed, "if you're not now... you will be shortly I think!" She pointed the same television remote at the wall next to the vanity corner. It opened. Behind the mirror above the bed, two sets of eyes turned to the secret room, blinked... and stared. A feminine voice made a muffled whimper like a puppy and another voice; masculine and soothing said,
"SHHHHHHH dear. All in good time...mustn't rush things!"
Brad looked at the hidden room and stared in disbelief. Nancy stepped in front of the entrance to the secret room; sweeping her arm like a buck-naked spokes-model who was grandly showing-off a new Mercedes at an automotive show. She could see he was stunned,
"Well," she said, "do you trust me? I'd like to play if you're game!" Brad nodded; speechless and feeling a bit insecure but determined not to show it.
"Sure," he lied again," no problem here!"
She reached out and pulled him to her. She closed her eyes and huffed her breath in; smelling him once more and feeling another wicked tingle down between her legs. A smile formed at the corners of her mouth.
"I don't believe you," she said sweetly," but it's alright Sweetie there's nothing to worry about, I'm not about to do anything to harm or scare you," then she added, "You're going to do things - TO ME!" The smile became a foxlike grin as she took his hand and led him into the room.
Dan's eyes were now met with an impressive menagerie of devices and implements; a medical exam table, a bizarre apparatus with holes for a person's head and wrists, several coiled lengths of rope, iron rings from the wall and ceiling, a strange hole in the wall next to a simple door, and most unusually...a set of gynecologist's stirrups with restraint belts. It was as if the Marquis de Sade had opened a home medical practice!
"Your cock n' balls need draining before we have sex... otherwise you'll take three strokes n' pop your seed; I can tell that just looking at you. I want you to cum first at my special 'man-milking station' so we can drag things out a bit and enjoy things afterwards!" He didn't protest but he didn't feel any easier about it either. It was a supreme effort on his part not to show hesitation or reservation.
She led him past the bizarre devices and altered medical equipment straight to the hole in the wall. It was just a simple hole set into the white tile-covered wall, but it was lined with rubber. She applied a tube of medical grease to the hole and gave Dan's cock a good hard scrutinizing before she nodded and thought to herself, Oh hell yeah... even HE will fit through that hole!
She then opened the door beside the hole and led him into something about the size of a voting both. Inside was a small television set that she flicked-on. Immediately on the color screen, Dan could see the hole outside in crystal-clear detail. Down in the wall directly in front of Dan laid the rubber lined hole, slathered in grease. To either side of the hole were two iron hand grips coming from the wall. Nancy saw him noticing the grips and explained,
"All the better for you to hold on with sweetie!" She grinned up and him and then gave his bum a playful slap saying,
"Alright sweetie, I'm going to get in position outside. You'll be able to hear and see me right through this TV. When I yell to you... put your cock through the hole." She pulled him down for a kiss and tugged at his penis playfully for a moment, then she turned and excited, closing the door behind her. Dan saw her reappear outside on the TV screen and she looked right at the camera as she winked and blew him a kiss. He then heard her voice saying,
"Alright honey, stick your cock through the hole, its milking time!" The word "silly"simply did not begin to describe how he felt but ...hey -he was a dude and he was horny. An extremely attractive MILF had told him to put his penis through a hole- do the math!
One hand grabbed a hand-grip and the other fed his cock through the entrance. Immediately on the TV screen he saw his boner emerge on the other side of the wall; a piece of veiny throbbing flesh that stuck out dramatically in vivid color against the clean white tiles. He now held onto both grips with his hands and waited.
Nancy's head and shoulders came into the screen frame. She was seated comfortably in front of the hole in a swivel stool. Her hand came up and she felt his fingers wrap around his cock. Half his mind told him it was all crazy and again, the other half reminded him of the fact that he was horny and she was an absolutely fantastic surprise for him! He basked in the kink and the pleasure of it all as she jerked his cock with her hand through the wall.
"You know Dan," she said masturbating him and looking down at his veiny dong thoughtfully, "I first got the idea years ago as a young lady at the age of eighteen back in the Midwest. There was a truck stop on the highway just outside of town. It's where I learned to play with cocks, it's where I learned to suck cocks, it's where I learned to eat cum, its where I a total penis addict and cum-slut!" Brad watched intently on the screen as Nancy's hand jerked him and she told her story like it was some bizarre handjob talk show,
"There were several holes in the wall that separated the ladies' side from the men's side of the restroom. My girlfriends and I would wait until we'd see a cock plop through the hole and then we'd do ...things to it; wonderful terrible things! It's where I learned from my girlfriends that cocks were fun squirty toys and that I liked their feel...their smell, and most importantly; their taste!" With that her head went down and Dan strained against the handgrips as he felt an experienced hungry mouth close upon his cock; engulfing it in exquisitely wonderful warm wetness. He felt her tongue, her felt her lips, he felt her raking teeth; best of all he felt the back of her throat as she took him deep and he was immediately beside himself with pleasure!
He turned his eyes to the screen and saw Nancy's lovely red-haired noggin; bobbing on his throbbing penis and sucking him hard and loud! He realized it was like watching himself in a porno... a porno that he could feel; all exquisitely kinky! Nancy sucked him for several seconds like that and then pulled off to jerk him some more with her hands and continue her story saying,
"I wasn't just addicted to the cocks and neither were my girlfriends. We were addicted to the anonymity of it all too! We were hooked on the casual hookup where a cock could spunk through the wall into some part of you (or onto some part of you), and then you 'd just get on with your life and never see the man on the other side of the wall. I began to like not seeing who I fucked... it was a rush!
Later in nursing school, me and my fellow students would hang out down at a place called "Hippy Park" to hook up with guys we'd never see ever again. The casual nature of it all made it extremely arousing. Today I guess they'd call it, "dogging." As long as the condoms and the lube held up I was a happy camper at Hippy Park!" She tugged his cock and through the door he called for her to go on.