Part 01
I woke up in the morning with my usual raging morning wood. Right then, I had forgotten two crucial things as I whipped off my skivvies and started stroking my just above average cock, a reasonable 7 inches and decently thick. I lay there stroking slowly, wanting to get off, but I wasn't in a hurry. In the back of my mind, I heard the footsteps and a slight gasp, but they hadn't registered yet.
Maybe 30 seconds to a minute later, I felt a warm wet feeling on my cock and moaned, then I looked to see how that could be. That's when I looked down to find my own mother sloppily and energetically sucking my cock. I just smiled while we looked into each other's eyes. She was standing not quite at my feet as she sucked away, and I could see she was in her nightie, one that clearly showed off all her charms, and boy, were they great.
That's when we heard a sharp gasp, then, "Mom! What are you doing?"
Apparently, my sister had woken up too and walked past my open door seeing Mom sucking my cock. She didn't stop, and I just reached down and lightly pulled on her nightie to get her to swing her ass towards me. Mom complied quickly, and when her ass came into range, I pulled her panties off with a flick of my wrist, and they were on the floor. Then she threw her leg across me and mounted my face. I began eating her now glistening pussy with abandon.
Maybe I should back up and tell you about us. Our Mom, Alice, my sister Alison, or Allie, and me, Adam. Mom is a smoking hot MILF at 39, 5'6" tall, trim and fit due to regular trips to the gym for Yoga, spin classes, and light weights to stay toned. My sister just graduated High School at 18, shortly after her birthday. She was a cheerleader and girls' softball pitcher. Allie is a little more petite at 5'4' tall. She is a younger, slightly lighter blonde version of our Mom, who would refer to her hair color as Dirty Blonde and Allie's as Golden Blonde. Both have well-proportioned C-cup tits, maybe 34s. Trim waists and very shapely bubble butts. In a word, gorgeous.
Mine is lighter brown, like our father's. Dad, Albert, but he went by Bert. He had decided he needed to bang his 18-year-old secretary. He left Mom about five years ago. Ironically, the secretary sued him for sexual harassment a year after the divorce. He is now in prison as he started before she was 18 when she was an intern at 17, and he was convicted of statutory Ra*e. At that time, Mom joked I was the 'man of the house.' Now, this would turn out to be more than a simple quip.
As I said, I'm Adam, 20, and I just completed my sophomore year of college, two hours away. I am now home for the summer. I'm not exceptionally tall at 5'10", but oddly enough, I'm in decent shape now. I started playing pickup Soccer at a nearby park close to the college. I lost some baby fat to trim down from 180# to 160# and added some lean muscle. I look decent, not Ryan Gosling, but I am good looking enough to have had a few dates over my college years so far and more since losing weight.
When I got home from college a few nights ago, my Mom and sister were shocked at my lost weight, including my more muscled physique and more confident attitude. It's fantastic when women actually notice you and want to have sex with you. It's a nice ego boost. Mom gave me a long, tight hug, maybe a bit longer than a mother should. She pulled back and looked at me with a big grin at having her boy home. My sister gave me the same treatment. We had always been pretty close, especially after Dad fucked off.
But she said, "Looking good, bro. What have you been doing?"
"I started playing some soccer in the park on weekends plus other stuff and eating a little better, with less junk food." Mom smiles with a different glint in her eye and says, "Well, keep it up." We all laughed.
Over the next couple of days, I had forgotten more than once I wasn't in my studio apartment by myself. I would get changed with my bedroom door open, the same in the shower, and either one or both Mom and Sis would catch me naked, most times with a partially hard cock. They would gasp a little before getting red-faced and move quickly away, embarrassed.
The funniest time was when my Mom came charging into the bathroom and whipped down her shorts and panties to hit the potty in a hurry. Not hearing her since the door was open, I slung the shower curtain back, and Mom was staring dead at my mostly hard cock. She gasped, stunned, and stared for several seconds, got beet red, and yanked her panties and shorts back up to run out without cleaning herself up. I got a pretty good look at Mom's crotch and noticed she was shaved smooth, and it looked very hot.
My sister had a similar experience later the same day when we were messing around in the backyard on our old 'Slip 'n Slide.' When I teased her and pulled her bikini top string, she got mad, so to get back at me, she yanked down my trunks and came face to face with my mostly stiff prick. She, too, was shocked, flustered, and turned away, saying, "Games over Adam." Her voice is a little husky, and she walks off into the house. I laughed, pulled my trunks back up, and tucked old blue inside.
After a few seconds of shocked silence, Allie said again, "Mom, what are you doing? That's incest, it's so wrong."
Mom pulls off my cock with a popping sound, and she says, "Shut Up, get over her and help me suck your brothers' beautiful cock. I saw you staring at it, too."
I just listen to their exchange and continue to munch my moms' sweet pussy. I want her to cum in my mouth and taste more of her juices. After several seconds, I hear Allie move woodenly to the end of my bed and she stares at Mom blowing her son.
Mom nearing climax pulls off again and tells Allie with a husky voice, "Down on your knees and suck his balls I want us to cum together."
Allie finally realizes she is getting excited and feels moisture between her legs. She slowly does as she is told, then decides to just go for it. The extra stimulation gets my balls rolling, building to a massive orgasm. Mom gets off first by a few seconds.
As she starts filling my mouth with her girlie cum she shouts out, "I'm cumming, Adam! Don't stop!" She then slams back down on my cock and sucks even harder. I cum directly down my mom's throat for the first two huge ropes, and then she pulls back to take the rest of my load in her mouth. Moaning the entire time.
As Mom's orgasm ripples down, she pulls off, looks over her shoulder at me with my load showing in her full mouth, and then swallows. Allie sees that my cock is free and slams her mouth down on it to suck the last dribbles of my cum directly from my cock.
She swallows that little bit, moaning, "Tastes pretty good, Adam, and I hope I can get more next time." She looks up at Mom and smiles, leaning up to kiss her. Their tongues wrestle, sharing my taste between them.
Mom turns around and lays down next to me but slightly away, pulling me to her and giving Allie room to lie on the other side as I scooch over to Mom. We lay there waiting for our breathing to return to normal.
Chuckling a little, I say, "Not that I minded AT ALL, but what just happened?"
Mom blushes, then looks me dead in the eye, kisses me like the lovers we are now, then answers me. "When you came home the other day and surprised us with your manly body. I no longer saw my chubby boy but a man I got excited over. I tried not to think of my boy becoming a man that way. This morning, when I saw you jacking off, I felt something inside me snap. I had to have your cock in my mouth, so I just took you in my mouth, and it was wonderful. I want to do it again, but I need you to fuck me first. I have to have you inside me, Adam. The Man of the House gets all the benefits of that position. Including having the Woman of the House, you get to have your sister too by how she behaved."
I look over at Allie, and she shyly nods her head. I pull them into a tighter hug and kiss them both tenderly but packed with passion.
"Mom, he can't fuck you before I get a real taste of that cock gravy. All I got was the leftovers," Allie says with a bit of pout, looking across at our Mom.
Mom sighed and said, "Well, that's up to Adam now how he wants to have us. As the Man of the House, that's his right."
They both look at me, waiting for an answer. I thought about this for a few minutes. First, Mom says I am now the 'Man of the House' with all the rights that entails. That declaration sounds good, but it also sounds like there should be other responsibilities. I let the two beautiful women go from my arms and sat up. I push a couple of pillows against the headboard, then slide back to lean against them. I look down and offer each a hand to pull them up so their heads can lay on my chest.
I stare down at them as they continue to watch me. "Well, I guess the fair thing is to trade off between you until we have done everything we want together. Mom first because she is the woman of the house. But that can't be all there is to being 'the Man.' I am guessing there are other benefits but even more responsibilities. What will be expected of me in those regards, Mom?"
Mom smiles broadly, seeing her son thinking beyond his dick. She sits up and slides beside me, snuggling into my shoulder, still looking into my eyes. Allie moves up to match her, waiting for her and seeing the smile. "Now I know I made the right decision to make you the Man of our House and Home," Mom says.
She takes a big breath and continues, "Yes, Adam, there will be many benefits, but I'm glad you realize it's not all about sex. As 'the Man,' you must take responsibility for our welfare. Meaning, you will have to take our feelings, health, happiness, and most of all, our security into account with the decisions you make regarding our family." She looks sad for a minute and then says, "Your father forgot that somewhere along the line and started thinking only about his dick."
Adam looks pissed for a minute. "He was more of a 'sperm donor' Mom. He was never really a father like some of my friends have and was never there for any of Allie's or my activities when we were little, like a true father would be if they could, and he could. He just didn't. I won't be like him ever, and if I ever start doing it, you both have my permission to tell me how I'm fucking it up."
Mom leans in and kisses me tenderly with pride in her eyes and no small amount of love. Allie reaches up, pulls my lips to hers, and kisses me just as tenderly. My first kiss with my sister and it shoots lightning through us both. We both gasp when it's over.
"How am I going to be the Man of the House when in the fall I'm headed back to college? That will leave you two here without me."
Now it was Allie's turn to smile and give me some news I hadn't heard yet. "I got my acceptance letter to your school last week, and I will now attend there this fall, too." She kisses me lightly this time.
Mom looks at her and asks, "I thought you were going to go to that other college with a better Art and drama program?"
"Not now, if the man of the house will be at the university and I can too, so am I."
"That's great, Allie, but then that still leaves Mom here all alone, and that doesn't seem right."
"Oh, Adam, you're doing it already. Thinking about all of us, especially your 'old' mom."
"Pfft, you're not 'Old' Mom, you're only '30', that's not old," Adam says with a wink and a smile. "Plus, you're hot as hell. No one would ever see you as 'Old'. I sure as hell don't, and I doubt Allie does either."
They look at Allie, and she vigorously shakes her head. 'No.' "Not a chance, Mom. He's right, and you're fucking Hot, not old." Mom tears up at the love her kids are piling on her.
"Why don't we think about it while we have breakfast? I'm going to make some blueberry pancakes and bacon for us. Why don't you clean up our Man of the House, Allie? Take him to the shower and clean him thoroughly." Mom grins, flicking her eyes to Adams's cock.
Allie smiles back and replies, "Yes, Mom."
Adam laughs and says, "It's good to be king or, in this case, Man of the House." Allie rolls off the bed, pulling me with her and stripping right there. She walks me into the shower after I lean back and kiss Mom tenderly again. Mom follows her children out, grabbing her panties from the floor to cover her cooling sex.
While Alice heads to the kitchen, the two of us hit the shower and fire up the water to make it pretty warm, just short of hot. Allie steps in and pulls me in after her, then spins me around and puts me under the water to wet me down before grabbing the soap and washing me gently, decidedly, not sisterly. When she has my front washed, she turns me around and washes my back, including a vigorous scrub of my buttcrack. When she thinks I am clean and gently rinsed, she drops to her knees and begins sucking my cock like a champ.
She doesn't quite have Mom's talent but sucked it with enthusiasm. Still, in no time, she had me blasting a load down her throat and into her mouth just like Mom. She also showed me her full mouth before swallowing it with a little smack of her lips.
"Ahh. Tasty Bro, I agree with Mom. I need that again, too." I chuckle and pull her up and kiss her hard, tasting my own salty residue and not caring with my little sister in my arms. I was in heaven. I wash her quicker but just as tenderly. We stepped out in time to hear Mom hollering, "The food is almost ready. Get down here, kids." We dry off, return to my room, and grab our abandoned clothes.
Arriving in the kitchen, Mom is still at the stove, and I walk up behind her, fold her in my arms around her waist, kiss her neck, and lightly nibble her earlobe.
Mom sighed, "Stop that, Adam. I do want to eat. Besides, I think you'll need your energy for later." I chuckle and kiss her neck again, then pull back and kiss Allie again before sitting in my usual spot.
Mom turns around with a big plate of pancakes, then stops and looks at me with a confused face. She then says, "You're in the wrong chair, Adam. The Man of the House sits at the 'Head' of the table."
She then sets the plate down, grabs the butter and syrup, then sits down in the spot I just evacuated for the chair at the Head that used to belong to my jackass father. She is sitting to my left and Allie on my right. I get a little thrill from knowing that this is real. These beautiful women are looking to me to lead this family.
We dig into the light and fluffy pancakes, enjoying each other's company. As we sit there, I think about how to not leave Mom alone by herself. It occurred to me that I would need a bigger apartment if Allie were there with me, too. At that, I grin with a mouthful of pancakes at the thought of snuggling my little sister in our own place. How do we get Mom there, too? It has me thinking hard. I know that I don't have to have all the answers myself. A family is as much a partnership as a marriage.
Swallowing my current mouthful, I ask Mom, "Alice, do you have any ideas on how to keep us together at college? I realize I will need a bigger place to have Allie with me." Allie smiles at that, too.
Mom smiles at both being consulted, and he has shifted to thinking of her as a partner, not just his Mom, calling her Alice instead. She smiles, then says, "Oh Honey, I'm so proud you have realized we are in this together." She leans over and gives me a deep, heartfelt kiss. "Actually, I do have a suggestion. We could sell the house and get an apartment for us all. I could get a transfer from my bank to the branch near the college, which would keep our family together. This house doesn't define our family. We do. Besides, thanks to your 'Sperm donor,' it's paid off."
I nod, thinking about it. "I like it. Will it be hard to get the transfer? Will it take long to go through?"
Mom smiles again, liking how Adams' thoughts keep going forward and latch on to new details. "Usually about two weeks, but we can set it so it coincides with you two heading to college. Plus, we will need time to sell the house and move."
"Do you have a realtor to sell it, or will we need to find one?"
"Your cousin Millie sells houses now so that we could go through her, and she won't Ra*e us for a big commission, I don't think. We just will need someplace to move into before we finish here."
I think for a few seconds and then say, "Okay, call Millie and get that started. Allie and I will do some apartment searches near campus and find us a few options to go see."
"Ooo, I get to help! That's great, Adam. Thank you." Allie coos.
I look at Allie and tell her, "We are all family here, Sis. We do everything together or not at all." She tears up a little, nodding before kissing my cheek.
We finish breakfast, and then together, Allie and I clean up since Mom cooked. We sent her to get her shower. She whispers in my ear after kissing my cheek before heading upstairs, "You're doing great, Adam. I love how you are taking charge and thinking about all the parts before deciding. You are the man of our house and, more importantly, our home. I love you, Adam. I'm so proud." She walks away, grabbing my butt a little with a naughty smile.
Allie sees the ass grab and laughs, "It's good to be king, huh Adam?"
"You betcha, Allie-girl, come here and kiss me." We kiss for a couple of minutes, then finish cleaning up.
After Allie and I finished in the kitchen, we headed to our rooms to get dressed. I threw on some shorts I had been wearing on those days in the park for soccer and a tight-fitting T-shirt. We all met in the kitchen at the table again. Mom returns in a snug, flowery summer dress that looks great. Allie shows up in a white tank top that clearly shows her hard nipples and cute Pink booty shorts. Mom and I look at her and laugh.
I say, "Damn, Allie, you look like sex on a stick. Very nice."
She smiles and, with a wiggle of her tight little butt at me, replies, "I gotta look good for the Man of the House. I'm hoping for a stick somewhere later." She then giggles and plops in her chair at the table. Mom just chuckles at her less-than-subtle behavior and blushes a bit herself. I found out a few seconds later why. She pulls out my chair at the head of the table and motions me into it. Once I get seated, she sits down on my lap. When I put my arm around her, I noticed she wasn't wearing a bra or underwear either.
"Alice, you naughty woman. You're not wearing any underthings. I love it." She giggles, just like Allie. She then grinds into my lap a little, causing an immediate reaction. I pull her in for a passion-filled kiss, then lean over and give Allie the same treatment, too. Both women moan slightly in pleasure. I just sigh, very happy.
"Well, before we look for a new place, let's discuss what we need there. I'm thinking just like here, a three-bedroom, at least for appearances. We are in good shape, so if we have to, a few flights will be Okay, but anything lower would be a plus. Amenities like a pool would be a plus but not required. Laundry, if not in the apartment, is in the building. What else should we look for? Is there anything you ladies would want?"
"Just you, Adam," Alice says. "Wherever you are will be fine with me, even that old studio from last year." Mom leans in and kisses me again. I kiss her right back. I reach out and take Allies' hand, and she nods, too. While discussing the details, my hand has been rubbing Moms' fine figure from her shoulders to her tight butt.
In turn, she has continued to grind on me lightly. The feeling of my mother getting me hard is erotic as hell.
Allie says, "How about parking with three cars? That will be a thing at some apartments, I've heard."
"Good Allie, we will have to keep that in mind. What about what we tell any nosy neighbors about us? They are bound to hear either of you two in the throes of passion, and if it's just us..."
"We will cross that bridge if we get to it." Mom replies.
"Okay, Mom, call Millie while Allie and I do some apartment searches near the college." She smiles, knowing her boy is a Real man now and the real Man of the House.
All three break off and get their tasks going. Alice grabs her phone and heads for the living room to talk to her niece about selling the house. Allie and I head for my room to hit the computer and some popular housing websites. Allie keeps getting me distracted as she sits in my lap and grinds like she is picking up where Mom left off. After finding several options, we rated them from best to worst. She had me so worked up that I had her suck me off, and she loved getting another load of brother cum down her throat.
We grabbed the printed sheets and took them to Mom for her consideration. We all sat on the couch to discuss the options and eliminated a few. As we looked at the other details, Mom noted that they didn't fit our needs. Pairing them down to four, we had our first batch of possibilities.
Then, we talked to Alice about her conversation with Millie. She said, "I was right. Millie would do it cheaper for us, being family. She would still need a commission but only charge us half the usual rate. She also said sellers are well-positioned right now. We should get a good price for the house in short order as the house has been well-maintained. She even had a few customers looking at the moment as possible candidates." Feeling pretty good at the beginning coming together so well, we quickly moved to more fun activities.
Mom returned to my lap and immediately returned to grinding me in earnest. It wasn't long before she pulled her dress off and was kissing me with passion. After a few more minutes, she got up and pulled my shorts off. When my hard cock popped up, though, Allie slammed her mouth down on it and started sucking hard, plus gagging herself to coat my cock in her throat slime, then stopped, grinning at Mom to say, "He's all wet for you, Momma."
They smiled at each other. Mom leans down and kisses Allie hard and with a lot of tongue before turning to me and asking, "Well, Adam, are you ready to fuck the woman of the house, silly?"
"Yes, ma'am. Bend over the back of the couch, Mom, I'm going to fuck you from behind first."
Grinning wickedly, she puts her knees at the edge of the couch and leans over to support her upper body on the sofa's back. I kiss Allie hard with my tongue just like Mom had and then undress her telling her, "Sit next to Mom Allie and watch her get fucked. You will be next soon enough."
She grins just as wickedly as Mom had, replying, "Ooo, I can't wait, Bro. Tap that MILF ass and fuck her to a massive orgasm. Adam, Mom deserves it."
Giving her a mock salute, I step behind Mom and grab her full ass. I slip my cock into her warm wet willing cunt as a moan slips from Moms' lips. I stroke into her slowly at first, but in no time, I am punishing her sopping-wet hole to moans and near screams from her, including at least one low growl. In no time, Mom cums to a body-shaking orgasm and slips down onto the couch, spent for the minute.
Allie hops up, takes her place, and urges me, "My Turn, pound me, Adam. I want to cum just like Mom."
I lean in and give her another passionate liplock and release, taking her breath away. Then I drive hard into Allies' soaked cunt without any real resistance. I pound her in the same way I did Mom, and in minutes she cums just as violently. She cums just like Mom and then slips down beside a still recovering but alert Mom, "Jesus, that was so hot, Adam. You fuck us so good." I sit down between them with my cock still hard as a steel rod.
Mom climbs up onto my lap and impales herself on my stiff member. She rides me slowly, almost like making love instead of sex. We cum seconds apart, Mom first to a screaming orgasm, "Oh Fuck, Adam, you feel so good inside your mother. Fill me with your hot, incestuous spunk. I want it." I don't say anything. I just let loose my super-pressured cum and blast the insides of her womb with my seed. Mom cums again.
Meanwhile, Allie is sitting there furiously rubbing her clit and stuffing three fingers into her sopping pussy. She says after she finishes right behind us, "Jesus Christ, that was fucking HOT! I can't wait for you to fill me up like that, Adam. I almost want you to knock me up with that cock of yours."
Mom smiles and says, "Too bad I'm not on the pill. Oops." Allie and I look at each other and then at a grinning Mom.
I ask, "Mom, are you telling me I just knocked you up?"
She shrugs, "Maybe, but probably not. I should be in my safe time based on my last period. I guess I should get back on the pill, though. I would love to have a baby with the Man of the House but not now. You need to finish college and have a good job first, and then maybe you can knock us both up." She grins mischievously. "Until then, we can just 'practice.' But you have to fuck me again, Baby you were incredible."
"It was so hot, Mom; the frenzy of Adam pounding you and your moans almost got me off without touching myself, but," Allie shrugs, "I did anyway, why not, right?" We all laugh, "Why not indeed." Mom says.
She gets another devious look on her face and asks Allie, "Do you want to eat Adams' creampie from my cunt, honey?"
"Oh Fuck Yes!" Allie replies.
Mom spins around, still on my cock then leans back into my chest while Allie gets between our legs. When Allie is in position, she pulls up off my cock, and as the mixture of our cum begins to slip out, Allie shoves her face into Moms' hot box. She starts lapping, sucking, and slurping all those juices out until Mom is clean and has another more petite orgasm. Watching this hot action, my cock comes back to life. Especially after Mom climbs down and sucks our combined juices off my cock. "We taste pretty good together, honey. I'm going to have to have more of that, too." Mom smiles at me, her eyes filled with lust and love but more love than the other.
Seeing my cock at full mast, Allie licks her lips and says, "Is it my turn now, Adam? I want you to fill me up, too. Then Mom can eat my cunt of your load. That was so erotic."
Teasing her, I say, "I don't know if I can go again, Allie. I feel pretty deflated."
Both she and Mom look at my cock, and Mom says, "If that's deflated, I don't want full strength. Just kidding, even without a huge cock, baby, you get me off so hard. Now take your sister and make her fully your woman too. Fill her with your spunk, too. Complete our family bonding to you as our Man of the House, wherever we are."
I helped Allie climb on my lap like Mom had just done. Again I started off fast, knowing she was ready for some good brother dick. After several slow long strokes, I begin to fuck up into her as hard as the position allows. She cums in a few minutes after being in a near-constant state of arousal, watching Mom get fucked and then the creampie snack. I then roll her over so she is under me and pound her pussy even harder until we both get off. I do as requested and fill my little sister with a big load of my cum as she moans loudly with pleasure. I then roll off, and Mom pounces to get that freshly fucked pussy full of creampie. Just as Mom did, Allie gets off again. We all head for the shower, carefully climb in and enjoy a family rub down. We wash up, too.
We all get redressed again, and then I say, "Alice, you're going to have to put a cover on that pussy, or I won't get anything else done today. Not to mention I need some time to build up a nice big load to fuck and fill your unprotected cunt again later."
Mom and Allie giggle. "I want one too, Adam. We will just have to pretend I'm unprotected, too," Allie says.
They giggle again and I chuckle along with them. The thought of knocking up my Mom and sister gives me a thrill but one thing at a time. We all grab my phone, and I call the number for each apartment and arrange to view them throughout the day a few days from now. We next talk about beginning the packing of the house, starting with getting boxes to put stuff into. We discussed where to find good quality boxes and if there is anything we don't want with us.
Once we had all those details worked out I had the girls get a little dressed up while I grabbed a Polo and some good cargo shorts. Then we went out to dinner as a family at a local pizza joint getting a giant Supreme pizza and drinks. Throughout the meal both ladies flirt slightly, nothing overt, just little touches on my hands and arms occasionally. The attention was great, and that both my Mom and Sister were flirting with me in public just made it that much more erotic. A couple of people noticed but didn't think anything of it. We finished our meal and headed out.
I had an idea and said, "Alice let me have the keys. I want to take you, ladies, somewhere, and don't ask. It's a surprise."
I had Mom sit up front and Allie in the back. As we got close, I told them, "Okay, girls close your eyes until I tell you to open them." I let my voice become stern, "No peeking, or there will be punishment."
They both comply and I continue up to my destination. I find the area currently unoccupied as I'd hoped but parked where there was some cover of anyone else driving in. We are parked in a secluded part of town known as 'Make-out Park' as there are nothing but trees around with a small overlook down into town.
Checking to see if their eyes are still closed. "Who was tempted to peek?" I ask. Both of them raise a hand. "Did you peek?"
Mom says, "No, it was tempting, but I wanted to see what your surprise would be."
Allie replies, "I almost did, Adam, but was afraid of the punishment. You would never hurt us, but I didn't want to be punished, plus I want to know too."
"Very good ladies. I would rather you be tempted and hold yourself back than do it and lie about it. Open your eyes."
They both opened their eyes and blinked a few times to let their eyes adjust to the dark. Mom perks up and says, "I know where we are. This is great, Adam."
Allie looks around but shakes her head, "I don't know. Where are we? It just looks like some woods to me." Mom smiles and nods to Adam and lets Adam share his surprise.
Adam smiles at Alice's restraint, not saying anything but telling them, "Hop out and I'll show you but grab the big blanket in the back, Allie, Please."
When they get out he locks the car and leads them towards the woods but angles to the right a little to an open area. He only goes far enough not to be easily seen but can still clearly see the car and the lot beyond.
He takes the blanket from Allie and Alice quickly moves to help him spread it out for them. Adam motions for them to have a seat. He takes up a spot in the middle, naturally forcing the girls to sit on either side of him. He turns to Allie and says, "This is 'Make-out Park,' It's good you don't know about this place yet. I would be surprised if Alice didn't know about it, though. So who wants to make-out first?" Allie jumps me getting to me just before Mom can, and she chuckles.
I lock lips with Allie, and we kiss for a couple minutes and then switch to Mom, and she attacks me nearly as aggressively as Allie. I'm in heaven and spend the next half hour or so alternating between my sister and mother kissing fervently and passionately. Everyone enjoyed the naughty public make-out session getting everyone very worked up. At the end, we get up and head out. Someone drives in just as we are on our way out. I spot the headlights and tell both of them to duck down, and I turn my head away from the driver as we pass by as quickly as possible without appearing suspicious.
I drive us back home and it's still early enough that we still have the time to fool around awhile. I tell the girls, "Go quickly, put on something sexy, and let's meet in the living room."
I head there and close the drapes making sure there are no gaps. They both come back in under five minutes. Allie is in a small PJ set, and Mom is in a light nightie. I had put on one light in the corner for some indirect light then stood in the middle of the room.
I tell them, "Slowly undress your Man of the House ladies."
They sensually walk to me and first help me out of my polo shirt, then together move to my shorts, pulling my belt first, then unbuttoning and unzipping them, letting them slip to the floor. They get my shoes and socks off one woman for each leg. Lastly, they each take a side of my skivvies and slip them off. Mom grabs my inflating cock first and strokes it gently. Silently they begin to both suck my cock with some kissing between them, thoroughly getting me hard and each other more turned on.
Once fully at attention, I tell them, "Well, ladies, there is only one hole left to get used. Are you both ready to get your asses 'fucked'?" The last said to make it a little extra dirty, and both grin and nod vigorously. "As usual, Alice as Woman of the House gets the first crack. Are you ready for your Son to ravage your ass and fill your brown eye with a load of spunk, Mom?"
She doesn't say a word, just continues to grin, and just moves to the couch as before and bends over to take my cock eagerly. I motioned Allie to sit next to Mom like before so she could have a good view and be able to make out with Mom if she wanted. I yank Mom's panties right off, not even trying to take them off. Mom squeals in delight.
Just to get things started, I bury my turgid member in Mom's sweet, soaking wet snatch and get my manhood lubed up. At the same time, I spit down on her tight little bunghole and begin massaging it with my thumb. When both are sufficiently wet, I pull out and move to Moms' now slightly relaxed backdoor and press my cock head to it. I slowly fed her asshole my cock a little at a time. Once I'm fully seated, she takes a big breath, and I give her a minute to adjust. I enjoy the super snug velvety feeling inside my own mother's ass, wonderful. I begin slowly stroking in and out of her, and as she relaxes, I pick up speed until reaching full speed and am pounding her ass with all I have. Mom begins moaning after about the first minute, and her moans just gain volume and frequency until it's just one long moan, almost a scream of pleasure.
I look at Allie and watch as she is furiously rubbing her clit, alternating with shoving three fingers into her sopping wet muff while the other hand abuses her tits and nipples. After maybe 5 minutes at full speed, Mom cums hard and squirts all over my cock, balls, and thighs while her body shivers in near convulsions. I continue to pump away, but as her ass clamps down on my member, I release my pent-up load and fill her colon with my load. She cums again, only lighter. Like earlier she slips down to the couch seat to catch her breath with her legs tightly closed. Allie sees Mom's holes open and dives in to suck my creampie from Mom's asshole and slurp her cunt clean while there.
With Allie face down in Mom's holes, I line up on her and shove my pole into her pussy. She moans into Mom's pussy. Mom's eyes open just as I push into Allie, and she smiles.
"That was fantastic, Adam. I definitely want that again, so fucking hot."
"Anytime, Alice, that is your right as Woman of the House to ask for what you want." She smiles broader at his understanding of the dynamics that go with his new responsibilities. After pounding Allies' twat for a couple of minutes and subjecting her backdoor to the treatment Mom got, I repeat the entry into her ass the same way. I take less time coming to speed with Allie as she is more turned on and ready for the pounding.
She even says when I get buried, "Ram that cock into me, Adam, fill me with your seed hard and fast."
I accommodated her and pounded her with abandon, filling her colon just like our mother. Being alike in so many ways, Allies' own orgasm treats her just as massively as Mom's did, which again causes my cock to fill her as well. We both flop to the couch to recover. Mom, in the meantime, had recovered and had been rubbing her pussy but wasn't trying to get off, just be a part of our show.
Allie finally asks Mom, "You going to eat my ass of Adam's load Mom?"
She hesitates a minute, then says, "From your ass gives me pause, but I should at least try it at least once."
She then dives into Allies' holes like her daughter had done for her. She attacks the asshole first, then moves up to her quim, cleaning up everything there too. Then she sits back to curl up beside me while Allie does the same from the other side.
"Yup, once was enough, really hot and nasty, but I'll stick with cleaning out your hot cunt."
We both look at her smiling, and I say, "Never will you be forced to do anything you don't want, Alice. We are here to love each other as a family. Admittedly closer than most, I assume." We all chuckle at the last part.
Allie says, "I never thought I would do it, let alone say I love incest with both of you. I feel wanted and loved, and it's so damn hot. I don't know why more people don't do it. The hell with societal norms."
I lean over and kiss Allie tenderly and repeat it with Mom. "Yeah, just think it was only this morning we gave into the closest love we will ever experience. Thanks for being weak, Mom. We might not have ever felt this good if you hadn't lost it and jumped for my dick." I say, teasing her.
She playfully punches me in the ribs and replies, "It was really all you, Adam. Finally becoming the 'Man' we needed to take charge of our Family, but you're both right, it's wonderful."
I note the time and tell Mom, "It's getting late, Alice. You should get ready for bed since you have work tomorrow. I kind of hope you walk funny tomorrow. Now that would be hot to know why and you couldn't tell the truth of why to anyone. Oh, and don't forget to start the transfer Mom."
She smiles and acknowledges both 'suggestions' and replies, "Yes, Dear." She collects her ruined panties and tosses them into the trash on the way to the shower after a hot kiss with both of her children.
Adam pulls Allie to straddle his lap and begins making out with her gently. After a few minutes, they just slip into each other's arms and enjoy the warmth and love. Feeling very comfortable in a different way than before today.
Adam asks Allie, "Do you want to sleep with me tonight, Allie girl? Cuddling with you all night would be nice, I think."
"Oh, Adam, I would love to, Thank you. Are you sure you don't want to snuggle with Mom, though? She is the Woman of the House, and I wouldn't want her to feel left out or rejected."
"No, I'll go tuck her in and give her a kiss good night and tell her you will be with me tonight, but we both love her a lot." Allie snuggles in again and just sighs in contented bliss.
Laying there in the semi-dark, they hear the water come on in the shower and then shut off again about ten minutes later. They slowly get up, collect their own clothes, turn off the light, and head for the shower themselves.
Adam says, "I'll meet you in the shower. I'm going to go tuck in Mom."
Allie gives him a peck on the cheek and continues on to her room for clean night clothes. Adam drops his dirty clothes in his hamper after using his polo to clean himself of any residue. He then grabs some clean skivvies as that's all he needs, then heads for his mother's room to kiss her goodnight.
Alice is applying her nightly lotion to her body and is almost finished when Adam appears in her now open doorway as they have nothing to hide now. Adam leans on the frame watching his mother sensually finish applying the last of her lotion.
"No wonder your skin is always so soft, Mom. It's really nice to feel your silky skin next to me. I love you, Mother Alice. You are fantastic in every way, loving, smart, sexy, with a great work ethic, and always there for me and Allie, whatever we needed. Now I can be there for you and Allie too. It feels incredible to be able to do that and be that for you for a change."
Alice tears up at the smart, sensitive words from her son and new lover. The last lover she will ever have if she has her way. She holds her arms out to Adam, and he moves to her to hug her tightly, both as mother and lover as well. He kisses her deeply and then helps her into bed and then kisses her again.
"I love you, Mom. Sleep well. By the way, Allie will be sleeping with me tonight since you have to get up for work in the morning, and it's late. Sleep well, my Queen." Adam kisses her forehead and turns out the light. He hears her sigh happily, drifting off to sleep.
Adam turns and finds Allie standing there naked in the hall, smiling. "That was beautiful, Adam. You really do love us that much don't you? It really isn't about the sex. At least not all about the sex." She says, grinning with a teasing look.
"I really do, Allie, it did start with the sex, but it's so much more after today, and I like it. I love you too, Allie girl. Now let's get cleaned up and get to bed. For some reason, I'm a little tired."
"Well, seven big loads of jizz between Mom and me might have something to do with that, but maybe you just need to work on your stamina."
She giggles, pulling him towards the bath and into the shower. She fires it up nice and warm, then slips in to wait for Adam to join her. In a few seconds, Adam is rubbing his little sister's petite body helping her wet down in the stream from the shower head. She also begins to get wet elsewhere and reaches for his cock to lightly start stroking him to full attention again. Adam leans in and begins kissing first her lips, then her neck and breasts, including a chew on her nipples for a few seconds before slipping a finger into her hot wet muff.
They fool around until Allie drops down and sucks Adam off for the third time that day. He loves having his little sister's lips wrapped around his member. He lets the pressure build quickly, not holding back other than to build a little back pressure. That is to allow a good squirt when he floods Allie's mouth with his last load of the day. She moans, swallowing his load with pleasure, and then kisses him for letting her get her 'late night snack' before bed.
They finish getting washed and climb out heading for the bed dressed minimally. Adam gets in first and has Allie climb in in front of him to be able to spoon her while they sleep. Allie turns out the light and pushes back into Adam to feel his loving arms wrap her in his warmth and this newly found love. They both sigh and drift off to sleep.