Part 02.1
They wake to Mom coming in dressed for work and kissing their foreheads like she used to do before bed when they were kids. They drift off again for another hour until both bladders force them from bed. Adam chuckles as they both head for the toilet, having a kinky thought. He lets Allie sit down to do her business first but tells her, "Hold it a second, slide to the back of the seat, and make a big gap up front." She looks askance at him but does as requested. He whips out his morning wood stiff from needing to pee. He says, "Okay, let it flow, but sit back." Again, she complies and begins urinating. Adam takes careful aim and lets it fly himself, aiming to merge the piss streams.
After a second, he is successful, but instead of it flowing into the toilet, it splatters all over Allie. At first, she is shocked but realizes she is effectively getting a golden shower, which turns her on. She pushes her piss out harder, and it starts splashing back at Adam, plus splattering her more. When they finish, Allie looks down and sees she is covered in their combined piss and enjoys the warm feeling until it begins to cool.
She laughs and says, "That was pretty hot, Adam. Is that what you were trying to do?"
He laughs, seeing the piss from them everywhere, especially on his sister. "Not exactly. I was just trying to have it go into the bowl so we could go simultaneously. But you're right that it was hot, even accidentally. Now we need another shower, though."
"I'm good with that, a shower with my loving, sexy brother. Hmm, sign me up."
She opens the shower and just steps directly in with her piss-soaked PJs still on. She gets the water going again while Adam takes his skivvies off and tries to clean up the overspray. He is mostly successful, dropping them in the sink. He then joins Allie in the shower. After rinsing her of piss, he peels the soaked PJs off her kissing her all over as he does. Allie cums lightly, just with Adam suckling her tits.
Allie says, "Wow, Adam, you just made me cum with your kisses. Thank you, and I love you too. I should have said it back last night. You are the best lover I have ever had, and it's because you're gentle, giving and my brother. Amazing."
They kiss as lovers do and enjoy the love between them. After getting rinsed, they step out carefully, avoiding the remaining piss, and head for clean clothes.
Adam grabbed a tee and his cargo shorts from yesterday, but there were no socks for now. He pads down to the kitchen and looks for something for breakfast for them. Allie steps in behind him while his head is bent at the waist in the fridge. She slides up behind him and slips her hands into the rear pockets of his cargos, and squeezes his butt lovingly.
"Hhmm, nice and firm, very edible."
She giggles and leaves her hands there when Adam stands back up and reaches back to pull her into a kiss. He pulls her hands out and turns around, picks her up, cupping her butt cheeks in each hand, kissing her fervently. They kiss like that for a few minutes until both their stomachs growl.
They laugh, Adam, saying, "I guess we both need fuel to continue with any more of that today."
Allie has an idea. "Are there any pancakes left?"
Adam thinks so but isn't sure. They return to the fridge, and he finds a few on a plate. "Looks like enough for a plate for me or one for both you and Mom. There are four cakes left. What's your idea?"
Allie smiles and says, "That's perfect. How about any fruit besides blueberries? Any cut stuff? You know, strawberries and such."
They turn back, and he looks for the requested fruit and pulls both the pancakes and all the fruit, including more blueberries anyway. "Here's everything like that. You still haven't said what you are thinking, Allie."
She moves to the pantry, grabs a small jar, and returns to Adam. "This."
She replies by showing him a jar of Nutella. "Warm the pancakes, spread them with the Nutella, and fold them into sandwiches essentially. Serve with fruit and whipped cream, and it's breakfast."
Adam laughs, pulls her to him, and kisses her tenderly this time. "You're pretty smart too, Allie, that's brilliant, let's do it. I'll heat the cakes, and you apply the Nutella. I'll find the whipped cream, get some bowls, and split up the fruit mix. Sound good?"
"I shall perform as the Man of the House directs, sir." She gives him a mock salute and a big grin. "God, I didn't think I could love you this much, Adam. How one day can change Everything."
Allie sighed happily and moved to get their breakfast going. Adam grabs the pancakes and pops them into the Microwave. When they finish, he hands them to Allie and continues with the fruit, getting bowls and putting everything together. In about ten minutes, they have breakfast ready and sit at the table. They eat smiling and looking at each other in a decidedly different way than any breakfast before yesterday. After they clean up and skip the coffee, they decide on a walk in the park that sounds good after grabbing socks and sneakers.
The park is only four blocks down the street so they walk down holding hands. They head to the park and walk the paths, enjoying the beautiful day. They see some people they know and speak to them. Those others note the two holding hands and think it's odd but don't think any further about it. They spend about 2 hours in the park, then head back home. They head into the living room, flop onto the couch together and cuddle up. Adam grabs the TV remote, flips it on, and finds a game show just starting. They watch some TV just relaxing since they are off school for a bit and want to enjoy the company and the slower pace before it gets crazy again. When commercials come on, they smile slightly and start making out for those couple of minutes.
They continue like that for a few hours, then decide to hit the backyard for more 'Slip 'n Slide.' This time naked and groping each other as often as possible. That's where Alice finds them when she gets home later, naked in the backyard and having fun. She decides she wants to do it, too, and runs to her room to get undressed, leaving her clothes on the bed. She quickly makes her way out to the backyard, stepping out buck-naked like her kids. She feels so free when she moves to them so loved. Unfortunately, in about thirty minutes, they all start getting cold between the water and the sun dipping below the houses around them. They head inside, grab towels to dry off, but then move to the living room, still naked. They cuddle up around Adam on the couch and with contented sighs.
Alice then asks her kids, "So what did you do today besides have sex and play slip and slide?"
Adam thinks about it and is surprised. He replies, "We actually didn't have sex today."
"Well, Adam suckled my tits in the shower after our piss accident and made me cum, but he's right. We didn't have sex all day, Wow. But I felt special all day Momma. It was great." Adam blushes at the compliment.
Alice tilts her head and says, "What 'piss accident'?"
"Oh, that reminds me, we forgot to finish the cleanup, Oops." Adam says.
Between the kids, they tell Mom about their relaxing day, starting with the incident.
Alice laughs at the picture of Allie covered in piss that forms in her head. They both smile a lot at the talk of making out through the commercials. She smiles at the love and tenderness they have now.
"I guess that means Adam is mine to make out with tonight since you had him all day," Alice says, teasing Allie.
Allie gives it right back, saying, "Nope. That means you get to make out with both of your kids tonight. We missed you today, Mom. We're glad you're home." Adam nods in agreement.
Alice tears up a little. "I missed you kids too. Well, I guess you aren't exactly kids anymore, huh? Especially after yesterday. And I would love to make out with both of you all night." Adam leans in and does exactly that and kisses Alice for a few minutes, then hops up to finish the piss cleanup so Mom and Allie can have some make out time. Allie moves to her Mom and kisses her in earnest, loving every second. Alice starts crying happy tears at all the new love they have now.
Adam cleans up the mess using his skivvies and Allie's abandoned PJs, then throws them into the washing machine. He returns to the living room and finds the make out session has changed sets of lips. He finds Allie going down on their Mom, munching away with gusto. He watches from the hallway and watches their Mom cum in a tremendous orgasm. Allie keeps slurping away until Alice pushes her off to recover. Allie sits up with her face covered in her mother's juices and a huge smile plastered to her face. Adam moves in and kisses and licks Allie's face clean then pulls her down and, after getting her shorts off, goes down on her while Mom recovers.
Shortly after, when Alice recovers, she pushes Adam aside to repay her daughter for the orgasm. Adam, not to be left out, strokes a few times to finish getting hard. He then slips his manhood into his mother's upturned pussy. He immediately receives a moan for his efforts. He slowly pumps his mother's pussy making love to her rather than the frantic fucking of the day before.
After Alice finishes Allie off to a nice orgasm, she lays there with her head in Allie's lap, taking her son's love and moaning delicately. After Adam gets Alice off again and he drops his load in her unprotected pussy, Allie jumps up and slurps her mother clean again. Both Adam and Alice chuckle at Allie's excitement to slurp her mother's snatch and get her brother's cum to eat.
They all resumed their positions with Adam in the middle, and the women snuggled up to him. "It's good to be 'Man of the House,'" Adam says with a happy sigh.
Alice replies, "It's good to have a Man of the House again. I missed the loving arms of a man."
Allie's head pops up and asks, "Momma, haven't you been intimate since Dad left?"
"Not since before he left for almost a year. I assume he started banging the Intern and left me out in the cold."
Adam gets a little angry again at his father and mutters, "Fucking Asshole. I hope he is somebody's intern in prison." The anger and attitude surprise both women.
Alice says, "Honey, I'm glad you're taking our health and welfare to heart, but don't let that 'Sperm Donor' turn you bitter. He's not worth it. Besides, I found peace with it when he went to prison."
She pauses a minute, then continues. "I sent the biggest Black bull queer some cookies and told him about your father. He smiled and accepted the cookies. Later, I heard your father was in the prison hospital with a torn colon."
Adam and Allie look at their smiling mother and then start laughing. When he can stop laughing, Adam tells Alice, "Remind me not to get on your bad side, Alice. Wow. Does the 'Intern' know what happened to him?"
"Yup, I sent her an anonymous letter with the information."
"That's awesome. Good riddance," Adam remarks. Allie just giggles.
They sit there quietly for a few minutes before, once again, their bodies announce the need for food. Allie and Adam burst out laughing. Allie tells her mother about breakfast or, more specifically, how they realized they needed to eat then. She giggles, too.
"Well, if I'm supposed to monitor your health and welfare, that means figuring out dinner at this late hour. How about getting Chinese delivered?" Adam asks.
Allie's face lights up, "Spring rolls and Crab Rangoon?"
Adam and Alice laugh at Allie's predictable question. She asks for the same thing every time and has since she was six when she fell in love with those sides.
Alice replies, "Of course, honey. Have we ever not gotten them for you? What meal with that tonight, though?"
"Just Chinese veggies, Mom. I'm planning on other protein later." She says, grinning at Adam.
In mock anger, Adam says back, "Oh, you are, are you? What if I was planning on giving Mom all my protein tonight, Miss Thing?"
"You gotta sleep sometime. I'll get some."
They all laugh, and Adam hugs them both to him and sighs happily. "General Tso's chicken for me, Mom. What are you thinking?"
"I think I'm feeling seafood tonight, Shrimp and Snow Peas."
"Okay, I'll get it ordered. You want to pay on the phone, Mom, or at the door?"
"Let's pay on the phone and just pay the tip in cash."
"Okay. Let's get some clothes on for now, ladies. I don't plan on sharing our love with the delivery guy." They all laugh, then head to their rooms to dress in PJs and sleepwear for the evening.
Alice reappears in a nice robe but hides a surprise for Adam underneath. Allie returns with a different short set of PJs and fuzzy slippers. Adam returns in a t-shirt and his loose house shorts. Once everybody is back, Adam calls in their order and then, getting the card from Alice, provides the number. They tell him 30 minutes, and he thanks them. He hangs up and sets a timer. Adam grabs the remote and flicks the TV on. He first finds the weather channel to get the weather for the next couple of days. Seeing it's all good through next weekend, he smiles and returns to the Guide to find a comedy movie.
He put on 'The Ugly Truth' and parked it on pause. He then hits the fridge for drinks all around. He grabs Tea to go with his food and asks, "What would you like for drinks, ladies? I'm having Tea."
"That sounds good, Baby," Alice replies.
Allie says, "Rum and Coke?"
"Coke, it is for the underage girl in the corner."
"Noooooo. Make mine Tea, too, Please."
Alice laughs at the fake pout on Allie's face, leans over, and gives her a peck on the lips. Allie brightens immediately. Adam chuckles, grabs the Iced tea pitcher, brings it to the table, and then heads back for glasses.
He gets a sarcastic idea and says, "Hmm, I wonder why the 'Man of the House' is doing all these 'Domestic' things while both women languish on the couch?"
"Because we have him trained well." Allie quips.
"There she goes, being flippant again. I think some punishment is in order, don't you, Alice?"
"Definitely." Responds a grinning Alice.
Allie starts to worry, it's two against one, and she is the one. Adam leaves the glasses on the table and moves back to the living room, but instead of sitting on the couch, he takes the recliner that no one has used since 'Sperm Donor' left.
Adam looks at Allie and curls a finger, saying, "Come here, young lady."
Adam is trying to maintain a stern look without laughing and is doing okay so far. Allie hesitates but moves to Adam anyway. He looks at her and tells her with a sly look to Alice, "You have two choices. A spanking or No sex tonight?"
She looks stricken. After several seconds Adam says, "You took too long, now you get a spanking and then fucked in the ass later." He moves quickly to pull Allie over his knee.
She squeals, "Momma, help?"
"You promised to honor our Man of the House. You made your bed, and now it's time to lay in it." Alice responds by playing along.
Allie looks over her shoulder at Adam with trepidation in her face. Adam's hand goes up, and Allie squeals. Adam brings his hand down and barely pats her ass but instead shoves two fingers into her pussy and starts finger fucking her but stops when she gets close to orgasm.
"Now, who is supposed to do the domestic duties?"
"Whoever gets to them first?" Allie guesses.
"Okay, and what didn't you do you but could have and didn't?"
"Clean the bathroom?"
"What will happen next time?"
"I will clean it without being told to. I'm sorry, mister Man, I'll do better. Can I cum now, please?"
Adam shoves his fingers back into Allie and finishes getting her off, then pulls her up to kiss her tenderly.
"That was hot, Adam. I wasn't sure what you would do, but it was cool, and I will do better to help out."
"Oh, Allie girl, I was playing with you too, but any help you could give would be great," Adam tells her hugging her to him with another kiss.
Stage whispering to Allie, he says, "Now I have to get over there and fuck the shit out of Mom. She still walked normally earlier, and I want her bowlegged tomorrow."
Alice has a look of mock terror on her face and says, "Oh No, Adam, I can't go to work like that. That would violate your promise to care for our health and welfare."
"Servicing you thoroughly as the 'Woman of the House' is part of my responsibilities too, Alice."
"Looks like someone else needs disciplined Adam. The Woman is balking at taking care of the Man properly."
"You may be right, Allie-girl. Hop up and return to the couch."
"Yes, Adam." She says acting demurely with a little smile on her face.
Just then, the doorbell rings, startling them all. They begin laughing together as Adam grabs the cash tip Alice had set out earlier. He accepts the Chinese and hands the driver the tip, saying good night as he closes the door. Adam turns with arms full and meaningfully clears his throat. In a flash, Allie is right there to lighten his load with a quick peck on the lips. Adam and Allie smile, Alice grins broadly at the love between her children, and they sigh happily.
They all assume their rightful places at the table and chow down. Enjoying the food and the company. The little family eats, giving each other looks of love and happiness. When the food is gone, or the leftovers are put away, they return to the living room.
"Now Alice. Assume the position. Prepare to be reamed in both orifices tonight, maybe all three. Don't you want to swallow a load, too, Alice? Should I go for the three-hole trifecta?"
"Whatever the Man of the House wants, Adam. But I should tell you I have a surprise for you first."
"Very well, Alice. What is your surprise for me?"
Smiling, Alice gets to her feet and walks in front of Adam. She says, "Take my robe off, Adam. My surprise is underneath."
Adam smiles, expecting her to be naked or maybe just panties. He reaches out, slowly pulls the tie loose, and lets it slide away to hang. He reaches out with both hands and opens her robe even more slowly. He can see Alice's excitement.
When he finally pulls the robe open, Alice pushes it off her shoulders and lets it drop to the floor. Alice stands there in a pure white teddy and panties with a garter belt and even a choker. He also notices that Alice has put on stockings and had fuck me pumps on. The effect is awesome and immediate. Alice reaches out and caresses Adam's face, then tells him, "I wore this on my wedding night for your father and thought since you were so angry with him that giving you something he had and threw away might help you. I belong to you now, Adam. I love my son and want him to have me, body and soul. Please make love to me and claim that which I freely give to you. My body and my love."
Adam is stunned and can't speak but reaches out slowly to pull Alice into his lap and kisses her tenderly, full of the passion she instills in him. After kissing her, and she does him for a few minutes, Adam pulls back and tells her, "I would be honored to have you 'body and soul,' Mother Alice. I love you more than I can tell you." With that, Adam stands her up, sweeps her off her feet, and carries her to her bedroom to make love to her as long as she will have him. Alice looks back at Allie, who is sitting there crying, astounded by the love they all share. She hopes her mother is as happy as she can be tonight.
Allie heads to bed alone but not lonely because she knows Adam will love their mother all night. She will still be here whenever he wants her, and she does know Adam loves her, too. Allie climbs into her bed and falls asleep quickly, dreaming of Adam making love to her like he will be tonight to their Mom. She has a little smile on her face as she slips off to sleep.
Adam makes love to Alice for a few hours with breaks to recover, but every time tenderly, there is no hurry to their lovemaking, and Alice feels the love Adam has for her in both her roles in this household and has absolutely no regrets. They fall asleep together at about midnight and sleep spooning with Adam still tucked into Alice's pussy as a reminder of his love for her in all ways. Alice wakes in the morning with Adam's arms still around her and his cock still lodged inside her. The warmth of having a man holding her as she wakes up is incredible. Alice revels in the love she knows she will always have for the rest of her days.
As she lies there, she realizes Adam's manhood is still tucked inside her and enjoys the slightly filled feeling inside her. Alice smiles to herself and starts grinding and pulling and tugging on Adam's mostly flaccid cock using just her lower lips. He grows and stiffens in no time, filling Alice with his hard meat. It reminds her how he makes her feel like a woman again. Once he is stiff enough, she begins fucking herself on it until Adam slowly awakens to the beautiful sensation of being inside a warm and wet pussy. He takes over stroking with longer, deeper strokes. This morning becomes more about heat and passion, and Adam starts thrusting into Alice with more force until she is moaning in ecstasy. Her loving son and the new Man of the House makes her feel his heat and urgency for her. The building need and passion they share at that moment, they to cum together. Adam fills Alice with another hot load, and both moan in love and pleasure.
"Good morning, Mom. That was an awesome way to wake up."
He hugs her tightly and kisses her neck and ear lobe. Alice rolls over to face him and kisses Adam with a tender hunger she has never felt before. Adam pulls her to him, and they make out for several minutes until Alice's alarm clock begins to sound.
Alice sighs, "Time to start another day, Baby. I loved waking up with your loving arms around me. It was heavenly."
Adam smiles at the woman in his arms. His own mother and his new lover. His only regret is not having been doing it sooner. "I'd have to say waking up to having sex was pretty hot, too. I love you, Mom. Loving you like a man is an incredible feeling in my heart as well as my loins."
Alice reached over and silenced the alarm. She knows she has to leave these loving arms but also knows they will always be here for her. Alice sighs, saying, "I have to get up and get ready for work, Honey. I love you. Thank you for last night. Making love the whole night like that was beautiful, and I hope we can do it again."
"Anytime the feeling is right, Alice. I will take care of you. You and Allie are my world now, more now than ever. I plan to ensure you both have the happiest lives I can provide you." Alice kisses him tenderly one last time for the morning before pushing his shoulder to signal him to get up.