Part 04.1

In the morning, they all slowly wake after kissing all around, but before things can really get rolling, Alice needs to get up and head for her bathroom. She sits on the toilet but feels something is wrong. Before she knows it, there is a small amount of blood and a small plop into the bowl. She looks in the bowl and sees the little glob of flesh and umbilical cord, and she knows what just happened. Knowing it's probably for the best at this time, but it still hurts to know she was that close to a magical moment. She begins to cry, unable to stay quiet, and before long, both kids are there comforting her when they see what has happened.

Adam takes Alice in his arms, saying, "It's Okay, Alice. We will try again when the time is right. I am sorry you had to go through this, but it does thrill me that we were this close to another life joining us. At least it proves it can still happen." He gently pulls her face up to look at him. "I'll get you knocked up before you know it, Alice." He smiles, trying to get her to realize he isn't disappointed. He just loves her and is sorry for her pain. She gives him a wan smile back. Alice appreciates what Adam says and feels a little like she let him down but really knows now is not the time.

Allie helps her mother pull herself together while Adam heads to the kitchen to start the coffee and look for breakfast. He decides to do the cooking today and knows just what to make. He pulls all the ingredients from the fridge and starts fixing the meals. When Allie and Alice finally come out, Alice is almost back to normal, with a bit of sadness in her eyes. Upon seeing Adam, he kisses her again, and she knows everything will be okay. He hands her a fresh cup of coffee and kisses her again, a little peck on the cheek. He returns to grab Allie a cup and kisses her also.

Then he returns to his cooking: "Today, ladies, I'm making breakfast for you, and you aren't allowed to help. Just sit and watch the master work." He looks back and grins. Both women can't help but giggle; it breaks the pall over the morning.

As he finishes cooking, Adam hands the finished products to his ladies, Alice first. On the plate is an omelet filled with ham, sausage, cheese, and sauteed onion with Red and Green peppers. Each one covers the plate, and Adam has placed a slice of toast lightly buttered on the side. To say the women are shocked is a mild understatement.

Adam just grins and takes his seat. "It's the only thing I treated myself with every Sunday during school. Everything is inexpensive and, when put together, is wonderful and filling. Wait until you taste it. Please." Adam motions for them to do just that.

Alice and Allie grab forks and dig in, then each moan at the flavor as advertised. Wonderful. "My God, Adam, this is perfect! I usually don't eat this much, watching my figure, but I won't leave a bite behind." Alice gushes.

Allie keeps forking the tasty meal bite after bite, grinning briefly at Adam between each one. Adam just chuckles and digs into his, grinning like a fool at being able to bring his ladies this much joy with a simple effort of making breakfast.

When all the food is gone, both women are full and loving it because Adam made it, which was great. They all take their coffees and head to the patio for fresh morning air.

The morning was clear as a bell, and the birds were flitting around, singing and doing bird things. Other small animals scurried about in the bushes and trees, chipmunks and squirrels, and mice in the grass. It was all so normal and beautiful. Seeing all these little things made the day brighter.

Adam suggested, "How about another walk in the park, ladies?"

Allie agreed, but Alice had a counterproposal. "How about a trip to Makeout Park instead?" She said with a little smile at them.

Both of them smiled broadly, but Adam asked, "But it's daylight. Won't it be a problem? Folks usually go there in the evening."

"That's why it will be empty now. It's pleasantly isolated, and we should have the place to ourselves." Everyone grins, approving the logic. They all slug down whatever coffee they have left and move back inside to get ready for this excursion.

Adam takes the wheel and drives them to Makeout Park, and as Alice predicted, it is empty and beautiful. They leave the car, take the blanket with them again, and return to the same spot as before. They look out over the town and marvel at the place they will soon be leaving for another place two hours away. They all get a little nostalgic, but then the excitement hits for the next part of their adventure. When they look at each other, Adam pulls both women in and begins kissing them both like before.

The love is flowing, and the feeling is magical. Just like the first time, Adam kisses one for a minute and then switches to the other, splitting his time as equally as possible. Everyone loves the time they share, then head back home. They spend the rest of the day hanging out together and enjoying each other. They kiss the evening away while watching TV. Both kids tuck Alice into bed and then slip out to make love before they, too, surrender to sleep.

The next day, everyone dug into finishing packing everything that could be. Including getting clothes into suitcases and an extra one for the weekend trip to Vegas that Alice arranged. The next day, the movers arrived and moved the family into their new home. Before leaving, cousin Millie met them at the house to accept the keys and say goodbye to her aunt and cousins. The family looked at the house that had been their home for most of the kids' lives. There were plenty of good memories, but the worst ones made them less enjoyable. They were moving on to a new chapter in their lives, happy in the knowledge they were together.

A couple of hours later, they were looking at their new home--a beautiful 6-story apartment building in white stucco and black trim. There is a 1st-floor garage, with space for one tenant vehicle, of course, given to Alice. Adam and Allie would park outside, Allie in the parking lot, and Adam on the street. Their apartment is on the 4th floor, listed as #6, on the right from the front of the building.

Amenities include a small pool in the back with associated patio and BBQ. There is an elevator in the back of the garage, big enough for moving in and out, but not quite a freight elevator. To the left of that is an old-fashioned idea, a dumbwaiter, usually meant for groceries and the like. On the right is a set of stairs up to all the floors. Each apartment has a fully appointed kitchen with all the conveniences: dishwasher, big double door fridge, an oversized stove-oven combo, and a large central island with lots of countertop space, including a butcher block section and a lovely dining area nearby.

The living room is to the right in their apartment, with the kitchen on the left from the door. Beyond these are the bedrooms and bathroom. A pocket door directly connects the master bedroom to the bath, and an outside door to the short hall for the other two bedrooms. The Master bedroom will go to Adam and Allie as the 'newlyweds,' and Alice will take the second bedroom towards the back for privacy. The near-side bedroom will be the study for all of them, predominantly Adam and Allie, to do their studying.

They beat the movers there by several minutes, having passed them on the highway. The luggage and delicate electronics are left in the vehicles for now. When the movers arrive, everything is brought in and found a place. If there isn't a specific one yet, it went into the third bedroom. The beds are set up. Alice gave up her king-size to the happy couple and took Allies' old queen-size. Adam's bed was sold to an old neighbor. Alice puts the kitchen together and finds places for everything, similar to the old house but still different. The limited groceries go into the fridge, and then she makes up a shopping list to fill it back up the next day or so.

The day ends near dusk, with the movers leaving about an hour before that. The family decided they had done enough that day and, using Google, found a place nearby to deliver some pizza. There were still boxes to unpack, but the majority of their new lives were in place. Adam makes sure the entertainment center is up and ready. The only thing missing there is the cable/internet service that was due the next day.

When the pizza arrives, they assemble in their new living room and pop in a DVD to watch a movie while eating and relaxing. When the pizza is gone, they finish the movie and retire early since it's been a long day already. The little family then enjoys their first shower in the large glassed-in shower. The jacuzzi tub will see plenty of use as well. The double sink vanity will also help with two women in the home. As his wife has told him, Adam understands when he needs it to be quick. He replies, "Yes, Dear."

They shower together, and while it is soft and gentle, it's still very romantic and even a bit erotic as is their way. Much kissing and groping is had by all, with many caresses and hugs. They all sleep together in the big bed tonight, continuing the love from the day and the recent shower. The ladies wear cute babydolls and panties while Adam is in his boxer briefs. Both women cuddle up to Adam, having an arm around each one from Adam. Sleep comes easily to the tired family.

The following day starts with a big breakfast with everyone pitching in. After that, they finish unpacking everything left to be unboxed or found a new home. For the rest of the week, Adam shows the women around town. Showing them the essential parts; the college, Alice's new branch, and the shopping areas, including the nearest grocery store where they pick up some of Alice's grocery list. Soon, they have a small routine, and then it's the day to head to the airport for the trip to Vegas.

Hours later, the excited family arrives in Vegas. They head directly to their hotel. Alice went all out and booked a two-room penthouse suite at the Bellagio, famous from movies and TV. They get checked in and take their things to the room. The women then send Adam to the pool to relax, and they go shopping. Alice takes Allie downstairs to the shopping area, not telling her where they are going until they stop in front of the bridal shop. Alice says, "Let's get you a beautiful dress to get married in Allie-girl. I want you to be the most beautiful Bride for our Adam."

Allie burst out crying. "Oh, Momma, I love you so much!"

Alice just hugs her until her tears slow. Pulling back, she tells her, "Honey, I hope this will be the best day of your life. Now, let's get that dress. I arranged a few from the website, so they should be expecting us." Alice takes Allie by the hand and walks her daughter in to buy her wedding dress.

While the women are doing, who knows what, since Alice wouldn't say. Adam just throws on some trunks he buys at the hotel gift shop. He grabs his ladies some as well and lays them out on the beds as a hint to join him when they finish. He gets a Coke and sits in a lounge to watch folks a bit before jumping in himself. He does a few laps when there is space. He loves feeling his muscles rippling and cutting through the water like a fish. He climbs from the pool, but the ladies aren't here yet, so he sits back down and people-watch some more.

At some point, it hits him. 'This time tomorrow, I'll be married to Allie, my sister, with our mother's blessing.' He chuckles softly to himself and continues the thought. 'I couldn't be happier. Well, maybe if I could marry Alice, too. Wouldn't that be awesome? Married to both of the women I love more than my own life. Wow! Now that would be the life of Riley.' Adam gets another thought right then and quickly heads back inside. He goes to the room to change to regular clothes and then goes shopping himself. He quickly finds what he needs at the store and the item. He leaves, grinning at his brilliance and love.

All three get back to the room near the same time. The women are just ahead of Adam with the dress and get it hidden in the closet just as they hear the door lock beep. They grin and step out to find Adam quickly hiding something behind his back.

"I thought we sent you to the pool, Adam?" Alice questions.

"I remembered I had to do a little shopping myself, so I went out maybe a half hour ago. Did you find what you went shopping for?" He asks curiously.

Allies' eyes get misty, and she can't speak, but Alice saves her and says, "Of course. Have I ever gone shopping and not come home with what I went for?"

"Well, there was that one Easter you went to get the stuff for dinner and actually forgot the Ham," Adam says, teasing Alice.

She grins, remembering the day. She replies, "Okay, once I forgot. Am I never going to live that down?"

Both kids say together, "Nope." Then everybody busts out laughing hysterically.

Adam looks out the window and, still seeing plenty of sunshine, says, "How about we all go down to the pool? I bought you ladies new suits when I got mine." Adam grins, knowing both are a little skimpier than the ones they had back home when they did the Slip 'n Slide. He grabs his suit, notes it is mostly dry, begins stripping right there, and pulls it back on with an, "Oof. Damn, that's cold." The women giggle. He mock scowls and shoos them to put on theirs.

They giggle again, and both say, "Yes, Adam." Again, they all laugh.

When the women return, Adam grins broadly and says, "Perfect. And gorgeous." The ladies stand there in tiny bikinis in opposite colors. Alice in the Red with White polka dots and Allie in White with Red dots. The center dots right over their excited nipples poking out from their suits.

"High Beams on, yummy." Adam quips. Both women giggle.

"Let's go make every woman envious of us for our Adam, Allie."

"You betcha."

The happy family heads down in just their suits, Adam having grabbed a room key since he is the only one with pockets.

In a place where gorgeous women are everywhere, even Alice and Allie still attract a lot of attention. When they stepped out of the elevator in counter-matching suits, every eye in the lobby looked. When Adam draped an arm around both women and walked them smiling towards the pool, the room flooded with envy. Adam felt every bit the King. Attention is given to the women all the way to the pool, and this continues when they arrive. The three grab towels as they enter the pool area and claim some lounges together, Adam as usual between the two women. They frolic in and out of the pool until near dinner time, when they return to their rooms and dress for dinner.

Adam puts on his good Blue suit from a few weeks before, after a recent cleaning and repressing after they checked in. The women put on dresses they also picked up this afternoon. Adam is stunned when they step from the first bedroom, which will be the bridal suite the next night. Again, the women are dressed in opposing colored dresses. Alice wears a cocktail-length dress just above her knees in Gold Lemay, while Allie wears a Silver number in the same style with the length a few inches shorter. Of course, heels to match, plus clutches. To say they are stunning is an understatement, but that's precisely how Adam is, stunned beyond belief.

He stands, mouth literally hanging open. Their hair piled high, showing off their long necks and deep cleavage. Both wearing chokers matching their dresses as an added detail. Complimentary small diamond earrings finish the ensemble.

Able to say nothing more, Adam just says, "Wow!"

"See honey, I told you he would like these outfits," Alice tells Allie. Smiling in pleasure, seeing that Adam truly appreciates the trouble they went to and the results.

"You're right again, Momma. Should we help him close his mouth?" Without waiting, Allie walks up to Adam and, with one finger, gently pushes Adams' jaw closed, looking deep into Adams' eyes. "You look pretty good, too, Mr. Man of the House. And of my heart, Adam. I love you."

Adam finally blinks as his mouth is closed. "I thought people stared at you two in those bikinis. Wow. Gorgeous ladies, you two, you never looked more beautiful and so damn sexy."

Alice smiles, replying, "Thank you, Adam. Now, take your fiancé and her mother to dinner. We have reservations in 15 minutes." Alice tells him.

"I would love to, Alice," Adam replies.

Their return downstairs is a repeat of earlier, with even less subtle stares and gawking by most men around and even some women. Adam spots a few sharks but isn't too worried, having done more than he had told Alice and Allie about his weight loss. He escorts them both arm in arm to the restaurant where they will have dinner. One shark moves to follow, but Adam just stops and looks the man in the eye. He flinches and moves away. They continue up to the Hostess, and Alice provides the reservation.

They have a wonderful meal and afterward move to a nearby club where all three dance, switching off when a break is needed. Adam must stare down a few more small fish, but nothing happens to spoil their evening out. After a nightcap in a lounge bar, they return to their suite. Alice directs Adam to her room, and she takes the bedroom with Allie, saying, "No sex tonight, kids, for anybody. Tomorrow night will be special for you both, and I want you to have a peak performance."

Adam smiles and replies, "Yes, Mom, no hanky panky. Sleep well, ladies." Adam heads off to the other room.

Alice looks at Allie and says, "This means you too, Allie. Nothing."

She sighs and says, "Yes, Mom." She, too, heads off to the other bedroom.

Alice follows her long enough to take off her dress and throw on a long T-shirt, and then she returns to the living room couch to sleep. Both kids try to sneak across to each other during the night, and Alice busts them with a deep sigh.

In the morning, they get up and have a gentle, non-sexual shower, just enjoying being together and getting cleaned up for the day. They still show all the love with lots of kissing, but that's all Alice will allow. They get out and head down for a quick, light meal in shorts and tees. They just had the continental breakfast and then returned to the room. Adam asks for a moment with Allie but in full view of Alice, "Just a quick private conversation. Please, Mom?" She nods, opens the bedroom doors wide, and moves across the living room out of earshot. Adam shows Allie what he got yesterday while shopping, too.

Allie exclaims, "Oh, Adam. It's perfect." They hug quickly, and Adam heads for the other room to get ready while the ladies get ready in the Bridal suite.

Adam reaches into the closet and finds what he initially expects to be a suit, but it turns out to be a modern tuxedo, Armani. He sucks in a deep breath and whispers, "Thank you Alice. It's beautiful." He slips into the Tux and, in about 45 minutes, is ready to go. He checks with the ladies before leaving, not to see the bride before the wedding. Getting the all-clear from Alice, he heads out the door and down to the lobby and requests a cab to the wedding chapel. He provides the address. The Concierge notes it's nearby and smiles, plus offers her congratulations. A very nervous Adam just nods with a strained breath. When the car is there, he is directed outside to a Lincoln Town Car to make a quick trip to his destination. He is told just to call the hotel and another car would return all compliments of the Concierge desk.

Again he nods, his nerves climbing slowly, he knows Allie wants to marry him, as he does her, but he thinks, 'What if I screw this up?' The driver speaks up and says, "You'll be fine, young man. She already agreed to marry you. The days after, making her happy will be both a challenge and the most fun." When Adam looks up at him, he continues, "I have been married to the woman of my dreams for 30 years. Every day wasn't an adventure, and many weren't the happiest, but we made it to 30 because we did it together. Go get your girl and really make her yours. Everything else will wait."

Adam reaches up and shakes the man's hand firmly, saying, "Thanks, that really helped."

"Have a great day, young man."

Adam's chin rises, continuing, "I know I will. Thanks again." Adam climbs from the car with his nerves under control and moves confidently into the chapel.

About 15 minutes later, the ladies show up. Alice heads in first to find Adam and to ensure he doesn't see the Bride. She finds him in the Groom's waiting room, a little nervous but better than she expected. "Are you Okay, Adam?"

He nods confidently and says, "I'm good Alice. I got some good advice, and now I'm ready. By the way, we must give that first driver a big tip." Alice smiles and leaves to get Allie into the bride's chambers. They get the bouquet and her veil in place, and Adam already has his boutonniere. When their time comes, Adam takes his place, and Alice walks Allie to the gazebo where they chose to have the ceremony.

When the two lovely women step out to present Allie to Adam, his breath catches again at the sight before him. Allie is wearing an off-the-shoulder cocktail-length White wedding dress in Charmeuse with a Chiffon overlay and covered in lace accents. The sleeves come down to cover the backs of her hands. There is a small strap around her elegant neck. Adam recognizes her white wedding shoes as the ones Alice wore the night she gave herself to Adam in her wedding night babydoll set.

He smiles. That must be the 'something borrowed'. He sees her wearing a large gold, heart-shaped locket with a blue ribbon around her neck, covered with 'Something Blue. ' Next, he notes the Diamond earrings his sperm donor father gave Alice on an anniversary, 'Something old,' got it. So what's the 'Something new'? Adam scans her up and down and finally sees Allie is wearing a pair of toe rings, one for each second toe, in a twinkling silver. Adam swells with love for his soon-to-be Bride.

Alice doesn't look too shabby, either. She is wearing a snug cocktail-length Pastel Pink sundress. Top that off with an old-school pillbox hat and matron's veil, also in pink. Finishing off with low heels, of course, color matched. Adam sighs deeply at the visions coming towards him.

Allie gets to Adam and says, "I love you, Adam."

"I love you, Allie." Adam lifts her veil.

They turn to the officiate, and he performs their chosen simple ceremony.

"Do you, Allison Mae Greene, take this man, Adam James Erickson, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

He nods, then turns to Adam and repeats the question.

"I do."

When they are pronounced 'Husband and Wife' without waiting, Adam takes Allie in his arms and kisses her gently but fervently, and she gives it right back. To anyone watching, there is no doubt there is love between these two. Pulling back, both look at each other with shining eyes and faces full of Happiness.

As the ceremony finishes, they clear up the required paperwork, and then Adam asks, "Can we have this place for a few minutes for a small family moment?"

The officiate nods and walks away. Adam and Allie turn to a crying Alice. Adam reaches into his pocket and palms the item he showed Allie. He reaches out for Alice's hand, her left hand. She accepts his hand and waits for whatever her kids have planned.

Adam says to Alice, "Alice, you are the most important person to both of us. We agree we want you to be part of our ceremony, too, even if it's not official. Alice, will you marry me too?" Adam slips the item from his palm and places a matching gold band like his and Allie's but with a tiny difference. Hers has a small diamond chip on its top in a heart-shaped recess. "We promise to love you for as long as we live. Will you complete our family, Alice?"

Alice takes a gasping breath and then squeaks out, "Oh God, Yes!"

The little family is now complete, and they all hug in a three-way embrace. Everyone is crying happily, even Adam, unashamed at the joy they are experiencing.

When they finish, they return downstairs, and Adam calls the Concierge desk again. He requests the same driver who brought him to the chapel, and he is available and will be there shortly. When he arrives, he steps from the car to open the door for the party. Adam smiles at him and, before stepping in, introduces his Family.

"Sir, this is my 'girl,' my Wife Allie, and her mother Alice. Thanks again for the pep talk. It really helped."

"My pleasure, son. You're not the first nervous Groom I brought here or other Chapels over the years. Just take care of each other, and everything will work out. Remember, 30 years." He says the last showing his simple gold wedding ring, very similar to the happy couple.

Alice looks at him, feeling she knows him, and asks, "You look that familiar, sir. Do I know you?"

"No, I would remember a lovely lady such as yourself, Ma'am. I do a little writing. You may have read one or two."

That's when it hits her. "What's your name, sir?"


Alice gasps. "I have read many of your books, not all of them yet, but I definitely will now."

"Please, let me take you back to the hotel and your reception," Clive says.

"Oh, we don't have a reception. We are just having dinner later. We would be honored if you came. Please bring your wife, too." They all climb in as requested. Allie and Adam aren't sure what has gotten into Alice, but her excitement is ratcheting up on their already exciting day.

Alice joins Clive up front and continues talking to him. "Wow, what are the chances of an encounter like this? I heard you do random things like this, but I had never in a million years thought of meeting you. Are you in town for a book tour?"

Clive smiles, loving Alice's enthusiasm. "As a matter of fact, I am." Grinning, he continues, "I do these kinds of things to stay in touch with my readers, you know, real people."

Alice gasps and asks the kids, "Do you kids know who this is?"

Adam says, "No, Alice." Allie just shakes her head.

"Which author do I have the most books by in the office?"

Then it hits Adam, and Allie's not far behind. "Mr. Cussler?"

"Just Clive is fine, Adam. Lovely to meet you all."

They arrive back at the hotel, and Alice reaches for the door handle. Clive says, "Let me. Please." Clive steps out and lets Alice out first, then reaches back and grabs the door for the wedding couple.

They all step out, and Adam offers his hand to Clive, "Thanks again, Mr.... I mean Clive. It has been an honor, sir. Thank you for making our day just a little bit brighter." Adam shakes firmly with a huge smile.

"No, Adam, it was my honor to meet such a lovely family. I wish you all the happiness. And I'm sorry, Alice. I can't make dinner, and my wife isn't here. I fly out again late for my next tour stop. Let me give you something, though." Clive reaches back inside, pulls out a copy of his latest novel, and autographs it to all of them. 'To Adam, Allie, and Alice. Be Happy and in love forever.' He hands the book to Alice, closing the door. He notes another car pulling up behind and saying, "Good Luck, folks. Have a brilliant life." With that, he hops into the car and pulls away.

They walk back in, looking at the message Clive left them, and everyone sighs deeply. Adam says to the women, "I intend to make your lives the best I can. Even without having met Clive, this is the best day of my life."

The ladies get teary-eyed and smile, knowing he means it. Next, Adam takes the tip he was going to give Clive and goes to the Concierge desk. He hands it over with a firm shake to the Concierge, who set him up with the car. "Thank you for the special driver. It was awesome. Have a great day, I know mine already is." As if to prove it, he kisses Allie passionately and walks the ladies away.

Adam doubles back and asks, "Is there somewhere to get pictures taken?" The young woman provides directions. The happy family gets to the photographers and gets some additional wedding photos taken to accompany the ones from the chapel. After previewing and selecting the ones they want, they are processed. They will be sent to their room when they are done.

When they get to the room, Alice opens the door. Adam then sweeps up his Bride, steps across the threshold with her, and kisses her hard. "Welcome home, Mrs. Erickson."

Allie immediately tears up and says again, "Oh, Adam."

They both hear Alice burst out crying for her children. "You two are so beautiful together. Thank you for making us complete, Adam."

After setting Allie down with another gentle peck on the lips, he turns to Alice. He then sweeps her up, steps her in, and kisses her just as passionately. "We love you too, Mom, Always."

Allie kisses her mother, too, as passionately but slightly more gently. "Thank you, Momma. You could have refused us this happiness but didn't stand in our way. Like Adam said, we will love you, always."

Everyone moves to get out of their wedding attire and meets back in the living room. Adam arrives first, like usual, and puts on some soft music. He grabs a bottle of wine from the fridge and pours three glasses, taking them to the couch as well. The ladies, like Adam, return in their usual loungewear. Adam takes his customary spot in the middle, and the ladies join him on each side. He hands them their wine glasses and gives them a small toast.

"To the happiest little family and my lovely wives."

Both women choke up and say together, "Oh, Adam."

They drink and relax on the soft couch, just thinking about the day. Adam shakes his head in wonder and says, "My God, Allie, we did it. We're married." He looks at her intensely, gives her a tender kiss on the lips, then turns to Alice and kisses her just as tenderly. "I don't know if I could stand it to be happier than right now."

Alice smiles and says, "Wait until you hear the patter of little feet, Adam. You'll think your heart is going to explode." They all chuckle.

"To the patter of little feet," intones Adam.

"Little feet." The women echo. Adam sets his glass down and begins kissing both women. They kiss, pet, and caress the afternoon away.

When it is near time everyone gets redressed in their wedding clothes and heads for the restaurant again. Their table is waiting, and it's both intimate and romantic. A bottle of Dom Perignon waits chilling in a silver bucket table-side. They go all out and order Surf and Turf in different combinations. They all share from each plate, each feeding the morsels around them. The loving antics are noted by everyone nearby and smile. The champagne is poured, and the restaurant manager speaks the traditional toasts to life, love, and happiness.

Dessert is another three-way treat, a vast Hot Fudge Sundae. Adam quickly grabs the cherry and presents it to Allie. She tears up at his gesture of love. Then the wrestling begins as they all attack the sweet treat, acting like silly kids and loving the memories they will cherish forever. When Alice asks for the check, the manager reappears with a note and a smile.

The note reads, 'I'm sorry I couldn't be there this evening, but as a gesture of my best wishes for your family's future, I picked up the tab. Best wishes, Clive.'

After reading the card, she hands it to the kids and grabs her napkin. She begins dabbing at tears of respect and honor for the man that is Clive. As they leave, Adam calls over the manager, "Thanks for the toasts, sir. I am in your debt. Have a beautiful night." He just smiles and nods. Adam leaves his 'wives' in tow, holding each by the hand.

They return to the suite and repeat, getting out of their wedding clothes and returning to the living room like before dinner. The wine is finished, and then Adam and Allie head for the Bridal suite. They stop and look back at Alice, who is hanging back.

"I married you too, Alice, remember? I expect to make love to both my wives on our wedding night."

Adam holds out his hand, and Alice almost runs to her kids, kissing them both as they walk into the bedroom and closing the doors behind them. Adam, true to his word, makes love to both women until late into the night. Everyone then fell asleep cuddled like usual, Adam surrounded by his wives, one on each side. They sigh as one as they drift off to slumber together in love.

In the late morning, they wake and, in the light of the horny new day, begin fooling around with more energy and passion. Adam pounds both women to massive orgasms and then cums inside Allie as the latest attempt to 'knock her up.' Both women giggle at his proclamation. When everyone is satisfied for the moment, they return to the shower and clean up before heading down for a late brunch. The rest of the day, they try to squeeze in as many 'touristy' things as they can.

They go to the Mob Museum. They go on a walking food tour in the afternoon, including a trip through the Fremont Street shopping area. They get a lot of souvenirs along the way, and of course, Adam is tasked with carrying whatever the women aren't wearing, like hats, scarves, and sunglasses. The day is phenomenal, and everyone has a great time. In the evening, they attend a show in the ballroom, a performance of Cirque du Soleil. The last thing they have is a drink from the first night in the bar. A couple of guys try to pick up either or both of Adams' women and have to be persuaded to leave before having something broken. After a second drink, they return to the room and have hot, sweaty sex the rest of the night.

In the morning, they are up a little earlier, and after another family shower, they make it downstairs for breakfast. Again, they get a mix of items, and they share just like the night before at dinner and dessert. After breakfast they go back upstairs and get packed. Alice packs the tux and wedding dress and sets it aside for careful handling when they arrive at the airport. They return home relatively late, but since everyone is off another day, it's just fine. The wedding clothes are placed carefully in the study closet. Everything else is left for the next day, and everyone heads to bed for some more three-way lovemaking and enthusiastic sex. Again, showering before drifting off to sleep very contentedly.

Tuesday dawns slightly overcast, and they complete their return home after breakfast. As a family, they head to the grocery store and pick up everything that wasn't gotten last week, plus a few new items. They take their time, not in a hurry, and to familiarize themselves with the store. Arriving home, they use the dumbwaiter to load everything and send it upstairs. After lunch, the day brightened, and they went for a walk in the park. It's new to the ladies, but ironically, it's the same park where Adam plays pick-up soccer. He mentions planning on going down Sunday for some more games and invites his ladies to come and cheer him on.

Of course, they agree. Alice says, "We need to support our Man of the House in all things important to him."

"The same goes for things important to you ladies, too. Be sure to tell me about your things also, please." He requests, looking at each of them until they reply together.

"Yes, Adam." Everyone laughs and thoroughly enjoys the walk in the park.

As the afternoon wanes, they return to their new home. As a family, they make a simple yet filling pasta dinner with fresh steamed veggies and wine. As evening begins, they turn to the TV for some mindless shows before the kids put Alice to bed since she has to work in the morning and plans on going in early to get a jump on her new position. The kids snuggle Alice to sleep, then return to the living room for a little more TV, snuggling and kissing through the commercials. They make their way to bed, and after a slow lovemaking session, they drift off.

The kids get up with Alice, and while she showers, they prep her breakfast to-go and her travel mug. That way, she can breeze through and out the door with kisses from her kids. They return to bed and fool around for another hour before getting up and getting breakfast themselves.

They continue their day by going to the college bookstore for the textbooks they need for the semester. Adam gives Allie a more detailed campus tour since most of her classes will be in buildings different from his. They plan to meet for lunch as many days as possible, though. They even decided to grab lunch at the student union since they were already there. Adam sees a few guys and gals he knows and introduces them to his wife, Allie. Everyone is blown away. Adam went home single and came back married. Everyone congratulates the Newlyweds. Adam and Allie even ran into a few professors that he had, and Allie will now have them this year, too. Again, they are surprised but welcoming.

He then takes her off campus, to his surprise. One he wasn't forced to use in Vegas. He takes Allie to his dojo, introducing her to his Sensei, Master Takagi Ono.

Allie is amazed and asks, "How long have you been taking lessons here?"

"It's called training, Honey. I have been coming since the middle of my freshman year. I was bullied a little and decided some self-defense would be prudent. I have excelled, and I am already a Green belt and will be testing for Blue this Fall, right Sensei?"

"If you have not lost anything by not training all summer, Adam."

Adam looks at him guiltily. "I will be back in right away, Sensei, to be ready again." Master Ono nods and walks off to start a new class.

Allie is surprised and impressed with her husband's achievements while away from home. "What about work, Adam? Where did you work?" Allie asks.

"I was the stereotypical college freshman and delivered pizza for Dominoes. That's actually part of the reason for the training here. I was ripped off at a couple of Frats that fall, so I needed to step up my game.

Then I got a better job in a Hardware store last year, and I figured I would learn more about tools and such that would apply to my Engineering degree." He shrugs a little chagrined.

"Will you go back there this year?"

"Nope. This year, we will get internships at engineering firms around the city. It is usually pretty stiff competition for the best ones. I'm going for the best firm, but even if I don't get them, I will work towards what I want to apply my degree."

Allie stops as it occurs to her. "What degree are you working on, Adam? I'm sorry, but I never thought to ask."

He smiles and kisses her tenderly, a peck on the lips before answering, "Civil Engineering, it's a specialty of Mechanical engineering. You know, buildings, bridges and roads, stuff like that."

"Wow, Adam, you did a lot growing up while you were here before. I'm proud of you, Adam. You did a lot to make your life better. It actually makes me feel a little safer knowing these things. Our future will be bright with you working so hard to do your best in everything." She leans up and kisses Adam long and tenderly. "I love you so much, Adam." She says, smiling at him.

He looks back with a smile of his own, saying, "I love you too, Allie-girl. Let's go home so I can show you how much." They go home and, at first, make love, but the play becomes more frisky as they continue. Adam gives her multiple orgasms in two of three holes and even worships her little breasts and nipples. And, of course, he gave her a mouthful of his cream.

When they decide to take a break, and after a shower, Adam suggests, "How about we go down and check out the pool? It's pretty hot still being late August."

"Sounds good, Adam. Let me get on one of my bikinis, and I'll be ready soon."

"No micro bikinis, please? I don't want to give anybody a heart attack before we meet them."

She looks at him with a sly grin, "No promises." Allie giggles and then steps into the closet. Adam just chuckles, grabs his trunks from Vegas, and slips them on. Allie returns in her cute Red one from the first day's Slip 'n Slide fun. She grabs a light cover-up to walk down. Both grab flip-flops, and Adam grabs the spare key, slipping it into his trunks in the little inside pocket.​
Next page: Part 04.2
Previous page: Part 03.2