Part 04.2

They leave a note for Alice in case they aren't back before she comes home. They take the elevator to the main floor and walk out the back door to the pool. When they arrive, one neighbor is there. Adam, wanting to be friendly, approaches the man to introduce themselves.

"Good Afternoon, sir. We are your new neighbors in Six. I'm Adam, and this is my wife..."


Adam chuckles, "No, Allie. We are newlyweds and just moved in early last week." Adam offers his hand to the obviously big man.

The man takes his hand and says, "Bull."

Adam does a double-take and says, "What?"

"It's my name, well, my nickname. Short for Bulldog, but after I came off the trucks and started bouncing, I shortened it to just Bull."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Bull. Where do you bounce? Is it a club I might know?"

"Probably, most people do, whether they like the place or not. It's 'Poledancers.' The strip club off the warehouse district."

"Yeah, I know that place, kinda rough. But I guess that's what they need you for, to fix that."

Bull just grins. "Well, I'm going to head inside. Enjoy the pool. It seems most folks don't use it much. Have a nice afternoon." Then he stands up, and when he finishes, he stands before them, more than an entire foot taller than Allie. He casts a large shadow at 6' 8" and 360#.

"Damn, Bull, I knew you were a big man, but damn," Adam says with a smile. Bull just nods and grins, then heads off.

When he's gone, Allie says, "Jesus H. Christ, he was huge, not just big Adam."

"Yup, but he seems nice enough. Hmm. I wonder if he would talk to me about being a trucker? About the stuff he knows about roads and bridges from a man on the ground perspective."

"Couldn't hurt to ask sometime, I guess. Just don't make him mad and me a widow." She teases.

"Well, it looks like we have the place to ourselves, Allie-girl. Whatever shall we do?"

Allie puts her stuff down and runs up the pool, saying, "I bet you can't catch me, Adam!" Then she giggles like she's ten years younger, and it tickles Adam's heart.

He takes off after her quickly, though, and when he does catch her, he tosses her into the pool to shrieking laughter. He jumps in right behind her, grabbing her again in the water. He proceeds to attack her face with kisses, making her giggle more before kissing him back. They have fun in the pool for a good hour before climbing out to lay out and dry off. They hop in and out for the rest of the afternoon.

Later, Alice meets them at the pool, still in her work clothes. They see she is tired but happy. "How was your first day, Mom?" Adam asks, mildly concerned.

"It was good, Honey. Just a lot of meetings, new people, names, and faces. The best part, though? I have my own office with my name on the door in Gold leaf. Pretty awesome." The kids note the excitement Alice has saying that.

"Well deserved, Momma," Allie says.

"For Sure," Adam adds. "Well, it looks like it's almost dinner time. Do you want us to cook for you, Mom?"

"No, let's just order takeout for delivery."

"Okay, how about something besides pizza? How about we Google what's nearby and choose from there?"Adam suggests.

"Sounds good, Honey. Now, walk your old mom upstairs."

Adam looks at Allie and says, "I have a better idea." He digs the apartment key out and hands it to Allie. Then stands up, picks up Alice, and carries her inside with a squeal of surprise. Adam and Allie just laugh. Alice does, too, after a few seconds.

They get upstairs and plop in front of Adams' desktop computer that they set up in the study. They find a few nearby, but Allie sees one and says, "They have Chinese nearby, and it says they deliver!"

Before she can say it, Adam and Alice say, "Yes, we will get you Spring rolls and Crab Rangoon." Allie gets all giddy again, just like the little girl she was when she fell in love with those items.

"What meal to go with them, Allie-girl? And you know you have to share those two things, right?"

Allie looks at Adam and says just like about the bikini earlier, "No promises."

They all laugh, but Adam grabs her to a squeal and pulls her to his lap, attacking her in a frenzy of kisses again. "God, you guys are so damn cute together," Alice says, sighing happily. The kids just grin.

Alice repeats Adam's question, "So what meal with them, Allie?"

"I think Pepper Steak tonight, Momma. I should have other meat besides Adam's, too." She giggles again, and Adam tickles her to another shriek.

"So, while I was working hard, you two were scrogging all day?"

They look a little sheepish, but grinning, Allie replies, "Well, we are Newlyweds. Isn't that kind of expected?"

Alice just laughs, "I guess so."

"Well, actually, we fooled around twice today, but not all day." Adam clarifies with a huge grin.

Allie just has to elaborate, saying, "Yeah, we fooled around this morning after you left and again after we got back from the college and stuff. Oh, Momma, wait until I tell you what I learned about Adam today. He really is our Man of the House." She says with pride in her husband. She shakes her head at that with a grin, Husband. My husband and Mom's too. She sighs, very content right then. She hugs Adam's neck softly and sighs again.

"I think I will, too, but not for the same reason," Adam replies, snuggling Allie into him and sighing.

"You two will give me the cutest grandbabies, I tell you," Alice says. Let's keep it simple, then, with three orders and Allie's stuff. Should we order extra sides, Adam, to get some, too?" Alice teases Allie.

But Allie answers first, saying, "That might be a good idea." Then she squeals again when Adam tickles her again, and everybody laughs. Adam places the order online and pays using his debit account, pre-adding the tip.

That done, Adam looks at Allie and says, "I think Mom needs some loving, Allie. Do you want to help me?"

"For sure. I'll go high, you go low. Divide and conquer."

Alice looks at them in mock horror. "You wouldn't do that to your mother, would you? Make me cum over and over while we wait for the food?"

"Damn straight," Adam says, slipping Allie off his lap, then grabbing Alice and slinging her over his shoulder like a caveman. Alice squeals again, laughing.

Adam and Allie take Alice to the bedroom and gently undress their tired mother before laying her down in bed. They begin pleasuring her over the next 45 minutes. Adam goes to town on her quim while Allie attacks her tits and kisses her mouth, neck, and lips over and over. Alice cums three times before the Chinese food arrives. She feels exhausted when she tries to eat but gets her energy back as they begin to eat. Allie tells Alice about Adam's adventures over the last two years here. Alice is equally impressed and says so.

"Adam, I must say, you are twice the man your sperm donor father ever was. You just keep both surprising me and making me, I mean Us, proud." Adam simply blushes at the high praise from his mother. Allie nods her agreement. But Adam has to laugh looking at Allie since she has spring roll veggies and cream cheese from the Rangoon on both cheeks.

He leans over and licks her face clean, then laughs again. She just attacks a new roll plus stuffs steak and pepper in her pie hole. Both Alice and Adam just laugh. Even with Allie's appetite, there are leftovers. Adam suggests Alice take some for her lunch tomorrow.

She says, "I guess that will depend if that's what my kids pack for my lunch in the morning, doesn't it? And if Allie doesn't finish it off overnight."

"Nope. I'm good." Allie says then, 'Buuurrrppp.' "See." They all laugh again, completely happy.

After the movie, the kids put Alice to bed since she fell asleep again before the movie ended. The kids make love again and slip off to sleep, too.

Alice wakes early again, waking Adam with lips wrapped around his morning wood. "That feels great, Mom." Alice grins around his cock.

Allie wakes up right then. "Dammit, did I miss Adam's breakfast again?"

Alice pulls off with a pop. "Nope. Get over here and help me suck our husband to a nice big load. I'll share today, even if you get him to yourself all day again." She says, teasing Allie.

"Yummy," is all Allie says, moving down with Alice to service her husband. With both women attacking him, Adam cums pretty quickly, but this time he doesn't warn them, and Alice gets most of the load. Adam lays there grinning.

"I'll get you for that later, Adam," Allie says.

"No, you'll be getting that later Allie-girl."

"Ooo, Promise?"

"Definitely," Adam says, continuing to grin. Meanwhile, Alice smacks her lips and quotes Allie, "Yummy." Everyone chuckles.

"Ok, I gotta get ready for work. See you two in a bit." She kisses them both before hopping off the bed and heading for the shower.

The two snuggle in again for a few minutes, making out tenderly. When they hear the shower going, they get up and put Alice's morning coffee, breakfast bars, and lunch together. Allie even adds a post-it note to the plastic container, saying, 'We love you, Momma. Thank you for a wonderful life together.' She adds a couple of little hearts.

Adam sees it and says, "That's sweet Allie-girl. Thank you for being so sweet, too." Then Adam kisses her tenderly.

Just then, Alice appears ready for work and says, "Hey, hey. Sucking face doesn't get my things ready, children." She says teasingly.

Allie holds up her lunch bag, and Adam holds up the bars and coffee, saying, "We got you, Mom. Have a great day."

Smiling broadly, Alice kisses her kids and then loads up to head out the door. "I love you too," she tosses back before the door closes.

Adam looks at Allie and says, "We got really lucky having her as our Mom, Allie. She is so perfect."

"Yup, exactly. So what now? What are we doing today?"

"Well, I'm taking my wife back to bed and having breakfast myself. Then I might give her another snack. How does that sound?"


They slip their arms around each other and head back to bed. Adam gives Allie three orgasms from munching her muff and then pops a load into her throat before they get up. They get cereal and then a shower before getting dressed for the day.

Allie and Adam return to the campus to further familiarize Allie with where her classes will be. Then he shows her where his classes will be to figure out places to meet for lunches and the occasional frisky business. On a whim, as lunch approaches, they get some Tex-Mex at an outdoor cafe and then hustle to the bank to see Alice. They surprise her with lunch and company for the short time she has. Alice is touched that the kids would do this for her. She saw the beautiful note Allie put into her lunch just as her kids showed up, though, and she smiled. After lunch with Alice, they head back home, take Alice's accusation from yesterday, and 'Scrog' their brains out for a few hours. After a short nap, they shower and head down to the pool again, Adam hoping to see Bull again.

When they arrive, Bull isn't there, so like yesterday, with no one around, the two lovebirds enjoy the pool. They frolic, grope, splash, and just play, deeply enjoying each other's company and love. Bull arrives shortly after they climb out to rest and dry off in the sun.

"Hey, Bull!" Adam hollers to him. "How are things today?"

"Not bad, Adam. Thanks for askin'. Last night was a little weird, though. Hello to you too, Allie." He says with a restrained smile.

"I'm wonderful, Bull. I have been having a lovely day with my husband here." She says, smiling at him, then at Adam. Next, she leans over for a kiss. Adam, grinning back, meets her in the middle, and they kiss tenderly, entirely in love.

Bull shakes his head and says, "You guys are cute together. Don't tell anyone I ever said cute, though."

They grin, and Adam asks, "So what was weird about last night, Bull? Sounds like it could be a good story."

Bull grabs a lounge one chair over from Adam and then answers, "Well, there was a fight."

"That doesn't seem too weird so far."

Bull shrugs, then continues, "Well, you're right, a fight isn't unusual. It was the participants. You see, it was two flaming Queers on a non-lady boy night. One was looking at one of the dancers with a straight man's interest, and his boyfriend started caterwauling, then it just went 'cat-fight' crazy. Neither were big guys, so it was really just a couple sissy's, but it was still weird."

Adam and Allie both laugh at Bull's story. "Sounds like fun down there. Maybe we should come down there some night."

Bull gets a severe look on his face. "No, Adam, never come down there. Promise me."

"Why Bull? I can take care of myself pretty well."

Bull shakes his head negatively, very emphatically. "No, Adam, stay the fuck away. It's not the fights you should worry about. It's the knives, guns, and other shit that goes on with the dancing as cover. I'm deadly serious. Do.Not.Come.To.The.Club.Ever. Never Adam."

Seeing that Bull is very serious. Adam understands the man they just met is trying to protect them. "Okay, Bull, Never. And Thank you." Feeling he owes the man, Adam gets up with his hand out. "Really, Bull, Thanks."

"Yes, Bull, Thanks a lot," Allie adds from her chair with a meaningful nod. The men shake, and that's it.

Adam sat back down and asked Bull for a favor, "Bull, would you be willing to talk to me about roads and bridges and the like? I'm studying civil engineering at the college and was thinking about it. A man with as many years and miles under him as you do, you might have a unique perspective."

Impressed that Adam would think of that and ask him to be a resource, he smiles a big toothy grin. "Sure, Adam. I like you're thinking outside the box about finding resources and information. It shows an actual intelligence in there that isn't stuck in the 'this square peg goes in this square whole and you can never use a triangle' mindset. To analyze a problem means looking at it from all sides, not just the standard perspectives."

"Wow Bull. Thanks for the compliment. I feel the same way. The obvious answer isn't always the right one to fix something." Bull just continues to grin and nods once.

Adam then looks at the time and tells Allie, "It's near time for Mom to be home, Honey. Do you mind calling and telling her where we are and maybe asking about dinner?"

Allie grins and falls back on the usual answer, "Yes, Adam." They chuckle, and Adam lays back, enjoying the sun for a minute while she works out the details with Alice.

"Your Mom lives here too, Adam?"

"Yeah, technically, she is my mother-in-law, but we don't make that distinction. I love her like she is my Mom anyway, So." Then Adam shrugs a 'what ya gonna do' shrug and smiles. Bull smiles back, getting it exactly.

Allie talks animatedly for a bit and then hangs up with a grin. "She's just leaving and will be down right after, ready to swim."

Adam grins back and then asks Bull, "Will you still be here in about a half hour, Bull? We would love for you to meet Alice."

He nods, saying, "Yeah, I've got time before work. Thanks again for asking. Most people here see my size, and they usually avoid me." He shrugs.

Allie pipes up, saying, "A big man just means a big heart, Bull. You showed us that earlier by warning us off. Thanks again for that, by the way."

"Anytime, Allie. Thank you." He smiles ruefully. Bull then gets up, strips down to his trunks, and hops into the pool. He does a few laps, then climbs back out again.

The three just chat about everyday things until Alice shows up. When she steps out, all eyes turn and look. Alice steps out in her Yellow bikini, looking sexy as hell.

Bull whistles, "Jesus. That's your Mother-in-law, Adam?"

"Yup. That's our Mom." Adam says with pride. Adam gets up and hugs Alice after she walks up and hugs Allie. Then, he introduces Alice to Bull. "Alice, this is our neighbor Bull. Bull, this is our Mom, Alice."

The two shake hands, Bull's big mitt making Alice's little one disappear. Bull just stares in wonder at Alice and sees immediately where Allie got her good looks. "Pardon me for saying so, but you're gorgeous, Alice. Welcome to the building."

Alice blushes and replies, "Thanks Bull. I don't hear that too often these days." She says with a twinkle in her eye to her kids.

Adam just chuckles, "Yeah, right."

Alice takes the empty chair between Adam and Bull. Bull notes the wedding ring and is slightly disappointed. "So where is your husband, Alice? I see the ring."

Adam looks at Allie. She nods back, and then he answers, "Right here, Bull."

Alice gasps. "It's okay, Alice. Bull is a man of honor and has already preemptively saved our lives today." Alice relaxed slightly but wasn't sure about telling a stranger about their private business. "By the way you said without saying anything earlier about the club. I'm guessing you know how to keep your mouth shut?" Adam asks both seriously and smiling at his new friend.

Bull just shrugs and gives a noncommittal nod.

"The truth, Bull, is that Alice is both Allie's and my mother. We are brother and sister and husband and wife, thanks to a wedding in Vegas. When we got married, we asked Mom to join us in our union as an equal part."

Bull had thought he had heard it all until now. "Are you telling me you're married to your biological Sister and your Mother, Adam?"

"Yes, Bull, that's exactly what I'm saying. Something happened to us at the beginning of summer, and our love for each other exploded and became the beautiful thing we have now. We couldn't be happier."

Allie pipes up again, grinning, and says, "Until Adam puts a baby inside me, that is. We plan on having children, too, Bull. I love Adam more than I ever thought I could love any man, and Mom is an extension of that love we all share."

Bull just sits there and absorbs all this information. "Wow. Honestly, that's the weirdest thing I ever heard."

Alice, still worried, looks at Adam and then at Bull and asks, "You won't say anything to anybody, will you Bull?"

"No, Alice. Adam is right. I am a guy that can and will keep his mouth shut. It's just a little different." He pauses, then says, "I guess when I told you I liked how you looked at things differently, Adam, I didn't really know how differently. But that's okay, too. Love should never be something used to shame. Whether that is between two men, two women, or a family like yours. Love is Love." He shrugs mightily.

"Damn, Bull, that's insightful. And Thank you." Adam says to him earnestly.

"No problem. I just hope your love is contagious. This world could use a little more love in whatever form."

"Amen," Alice says, smiling now. "Bull, would you join us for dinner tonight? Or some other night?" Alice says.

"I can't tonight, Alice. I have to work in a bit. But I would love to have dinner with you all. I need to hear the whole story. Now that will be an 'interesting' story, Adam." He replies, grinning broadly.

"You have no idea, Bull, really. It was as surprising to us as it will be to you." Adam chuckles, and the ladies giggle.

Allie says, "And how." They all laugh out loud at the most unusual conversation ever.

The Ericksons and Bull hop into the pool for the next 30 minutes until Bull has to leave for work. The family decides it's time to get dinner tonight, too, and head for their apartment as well. Being a little late, they all pitch in and make a quick, lighter meal. When it's ready, they sit together in the dining room and enjoy the tremendous love they share. After eating, they all take a quick run through the shower to get the pool residue off and then get dressed in sleep attire. Both women are in small PJs, and Adam is in just house shorts.

They gather in the living room like normal and watch TV for about an hour. Then Adam says, "I would like to make love to my wives tonight. Please?"

Allie is more than ready, and she teases Adam anyway. In a little girl's whiny voice says, "Oh, do we have to?" Then giggles, unable to keep a straight face.

"Nope. I can just make love to Alice tonight and give you the night off if you like." Adam says, not meaning a word of it. Alice just giggles, and Allie fake pouts. The TV goes off and Adam takes both ladies by the hand and walks them into the bedroom, taking them to bed. He makes love to them both for about an hour, concentrating on Alice. Then they shower again for real, Allie and Adam putting Alice to bed lovingly as usual during the week. Then, they return to their bed and make love again for another hour, as only young newlyweds can.

With the routine set on Friday morning, everyone is up early and gets Alice taken care of for work. After more snuggle time, the kids get dressed. Deciding to stay home, Adam and Allie make a list of the places the family should go on the weekends when they have time: museums, parks, different restaurants of all kinds for day and night, a local festival soon, and upcoming concerts.

That done, and having no other plans, Adam chases Allie around the apartment before 'dragging' her off to bed to screw their brains out until lunch. Still reeking like sex, they eat some sandwiches, then head back to bed to screw the afternoon away. They are still at it when Alice returns home. She chuckles, watching her kids going at it. 'So hot.' She thinks. She then hits her room quickly, undresses, and heads in to join her kids for some full-on family orgy.

When Alice joins them, both Adam and Allie jump her and take her, bedding and ravishing her with energy and love. Alice giggles for a bit before the moans start for everyone. About an hour later, the family climbs free and decides again on delivery, this time Greek. Everyone orders Gyros, Waffle fries, and, of course, Baklava. When ready, they hit the shower together to fool around and clean up. Everyone is happy and giggling when they all leave the bath. Loungewear is put on, and everyone hits the living room just as the bell rings for the delivery.

Adam accepts the delivery, hands out the cash tip, and closes up with a smile. They take the food to the dining room, chat about nothing, and have a nice meal. Another evening of a movie for the family and snuggling, including making out during commercials, this actually keeps Alice awake for the whole movie. When the movie finishes, Adam takes the women back to bed and makes love to them for another hour before they all fall asleep snuggled together.

The morning starts with more making out, rubbing, and caressing, then up for a shower and breakfast. Adam tells the ladies he has to get back into the dojo this morning to get back into his training. Allie asks if they can watch him.

"It's not really a spectator activity, Allie. There are shops nearby, so why don't you and Mom do some window shopping or whatever? Tomorrow, though, is Soccer day, and I definitely want you to be there watching then." He says, kissing her gently.

She grins, saying, "Is it okay if I watch the other players too, Adam? There are bound to be a few cute ones there, too."

"Wow! Only married a week and she already has a wandering eye. Maybe I should have married you instead, Alice." Adam quips.

"Sounds like it, Adam. Oh well, since you scrogged for the last week, there is no Annulment for you." Seeing the look on Allie's face, Adam starts laughing hard and then kisses Allie just as hard. She latches on, ready to continue that tongue-wrestling battle. Adam pulls back and kisses Alice more gently. Adam then moves into the bedroom to gather his training gear.

They drive downtown to Adam's dojo and find parking. He kisses both women again and heads inside while they walk off arm-in-arm to shop. Adam spends 30 minutes stretching and then an hour in a training cycle. When he finishes, he calls his wife to meet him at the car. Instead, they invite him to an outdoor cafe nearby for lunch. He puts his gear into the car and walks down to meet them. About two blocks later, he finds them as described at a small cafe.

They see him coming, and Allie hops up and then rushes to her husband for a big hug and deep kiss. Adam picks her up and spins her around, laughing, seeing Allie so happy. He then sees Alice behind her, grinning at the joy she sees on her kid's faces. Adam walks Allie back to her chair, helps her in, and then pushes her chair in like a proper, gentlemanly husband. Pecks her cheek again to a giggle from Allie, then leans over and gives Alice a long smooching peck on the cheek, too. Alice giggles, too.

Adam takes a seat between his two ladies, Allie to his left. The server appears with a menu, and Adam orders a Chicken salad sandwich and Coke. The ladies place their orders, and the server retreats. They all enjoy lunch together, and then afterward, they retake a stroll in the park before going home. In the evening, the family works together, makes a good meal, and has excellent dinner conversation. After that, it is the usual movie and commercial kissing, then to bed for an energetic romp and lovemaking before sleep takes the happy family.

Sunday starts like the previous day with cuddling, kissing, and caressing. Breakfast is kept light for them, and sandwiches are made and then packed for lunch in the park between games. They head down about mid-morning and find a good spot near a tree for shade during the day's fun in the park. Adam moves off to find others looking for the usual Sunday games. Soon, enough guys are there for a game. Adam introduced his wife and Mother-in-Law to a few of the guys he had played with regularly. After three games to 30 minutes, Adam takes a break to grab lunch with his ladies. As the afternoon wanes, The Ericksons head home.

That evening, they host Bull for dinner and serve steaks fresh from the BBQ off the pool. Plenty of beer for Bull and Adam, and the women dressed demurely for Adam's pleasure. Adam begins the story by telling Bull about the 'Sperm Donor.' By setting the scene for Alice, Allie, and his High School years after the divorce and then the donors' going to prison. Adam tells Bull how Alice fixed that asshole for treating them all so poorly and having a little revenge too.

Bulls' eyes widen looking at Alice, and he laughs hard, then says when he can, "Ruthless Alice. I love it. Remind me not to piss you off!" Alice blushes and giggles, Allie joining her.

Adam says, "I said the same thing, Bull. My little Alice is all that and a bag of chips. It's obvious where Allie got her spunk and lust for life." Adam takes both women by the hand and smiles at them both. "It's good to be the 'Man of the House'. With this much Love, how could it not be." He kisses the back of both women's hands.

He then launches into the first time he and the girls become intimate. Of course, Alice blushes deeply again but just sips her wine, smiling and looking at Adam and Allie with love. He finishes talking about being able to officially get married to Allie in Vegas and the beautiful ceremony, continuing with giving Alice a ring as a part of their unofficial ceremony as well.

Bull then asks, "Let me get this straight. You are actually married to your sister, Allie, with your mother's, Alice's, blessing? And on top of that, you are also unofficially married to Alice?"

"Yes, Bull. Both these wonderful, beautiful women are my wives as far as we are concerned."

Allie says, "We all love each other as both a parent and children plus man and woman, Bull. We wouldn't have it any other way. The only thing left is starting our family when Adam and I graduate. Then, we will both give Adam children, and even more love will be added to our unique family. I can't wait, but it's better for us to wait. I will need a job before then, too. I need to be able to help support our little family." Allie tells Bull with love and passion in her voice and on her face. Bull is astonished at the latest pronouncement that both Allie and Alice will provide Adam with children.

He looks at Alice with incredulity on his face and asks, "You're going to have children with Adam too, Alice?"

"Yes, Bull. I love Adam that much." She says, then looks at Adam and Allie. "Probably just one, as I'm not as young as my little Allie, but I want to have Adam's child, too." Alice tears up a little thinking about the miscarriage but quickly bucks up and smiles while taking another sip of her wine.

"Adam, you are one lucky son of a bitch. Pardon the expression, ladies."

"Yes, Bull, I know it, and I wonder every day how it happened." He says, squeezing both women's hands and smiling broadly.

The ladies clean the dishes from the table and set them for cleaning later while Adam and Bull move into the living room. They also move the conversation to the living room, where Adam sits on the couch with his ladies and has Bull take his big chair.

Bull looks at the happy faces, looking back at him, and shakes his head saying, "You folks are the most amazing thing to happen to me in years. Thank you all for trusting me with your secret. Don't worry, I won't say a thing to anyone ever."

Adam looks solemnly at Bull and says, "We know Bull. Men with Honor know how to keep their mouths shut when needed. But on that, Thanks anyway."

Changing topics, Alice asks, "Bull, would you like to make this a regular thing? Have dinner with us every couple of weeks when your schedule allows. We would love to have you, wouldn't we, kids?"

"Absolutely." Replies Adam. Allie nods vigorously in agreement.

"That would be wonderful, Thank you all. I have felt very comfortable with you all night tonight. Thanks for having me."

"It's our pleasure, Bull, really," Adam assures him with a brotherly nod. Bull leaves after another hour, seeing Alice getting tired. They all walk him to the door. Adam shakes hands with Bull, and the ladies hug him and kiss him on the cheek. He walks away, blushing amazingly. The girls giggle.

Since everyone has to get up in the morning, the evening is called early. They all share a fun shower before Adam and Allie take Alice to bed. After a little frisky fooling around and then lovemaking, the kids head to their room to make love some more before going to sleep. Adam spoons his little Allie, and they both sigh and are soon sound asleep.​
Next page: Part 05.1
Previous page: Part 04.1