Part 05.2
She squeals much like Allie and says, "Oh, Bull! Yes, I will marry you. I love you, you big lug."
Bulls grins as he slips the ring on Caitlyn's finger. She then crawls into his lap in the chair, and they begin making out. The Ericksons quietly slip from the room to the bedroom to make out themselves, eventually making love. When Bull realizes they are alone, he strips Caitlyn and then himself and they make love there in the living room. After an hour or so, everyone returns to the living room for dessert, and then Bull and Caitlyn leave--everyone gives heartfelt well wishes.
In the last week of the year, The Bank Manager announces his retirement and his replacement by Alice. She is saddened at her supervisor's departure but is also filled with excitement about the new opportunity before her. She can't wait until she can tell her kids that night. When she tells them that night, she first surprises them with takeout ordered for delivery, about when she usually gets home, and they look to begin dinner prep. When she tells her kids, they explode in pride and Love for Alice. Adam picks her up and swings her around the room, kissing her the whole time. He then allows Allie to congratulate Alice as he answers the door to the delivery guy. He tips the guy and thanks him.
Adam returns to the living room to find the two women with shirts and bras ready to come off next while they make out. He sets the food on the dining table and sits in his big chair, watching the erotic fun they are having. After several minutes, Adam moves in. While the ladies continue to make out and fondle each other, Adam kneels before Alice. He gently pulls Alice's panties off and begins eating her out to renewed moans from Alice. Allie senses a shift and opens her eyes while still enjoying her mother's kisses, and she sees Adam in place. She moves so her legs are open with one thigh crossed over Alice's, of course, after removing her panties one-handed. Adam continues eating his mother's cunt gently but puts his closest hand on Allie's thigh and strokes it slowly with a light touch. Soon Alice cums in Adam's mouth to his erotic ministrations. He then moves to his wife, repeating his previous attentions while lightly touching Alice. Of course, Allie cums, too, and then Adam leans into their kissing, and they share a three-way kiss for a few minutes.
Soon, he whispers, "Dinner has been here for about an hour. We should eat."
During the three-way kissing, he had taken a breast of each woman in hand. Now, he pinches their nipples to emphasize his suggestion.
They both moan but break the kiss to answers of, "Yes, Adam." He smiles, and they giggle. He stands up and helps his half-naked women from the couch with a hand out to each of them. Alice takes her seat in just her skirt and heels. While Allie decides to just run to their room and grab PJ shorts and nothing else.
Adam takes his chair and, grinning, enjoys the view of his topless tablemates. He says, "It's good to be Man of this House. With two hot and loving women like you two, it couldn't be any other way." Both women giggle again and blow kisses to Adam. He mimes, catching them and slapping them to his face with a moan. They all laugh at that. They enjoy the slightly cold meal but love each other's hot company. When both women end up with some spilled onto their tits, Adam jumps right to cleaning them with his tongue, to moaning from the eaten. After the meal is consumed and the leftovers are put away, they return to the living room for some TV and commercial making out before both kids head for the study again. Adam made arrangements with a nearby restaurant for dinner that Friday night to honor Alice. He also calls the car company again.
The outgoing bank manager fills in Alice in on the last-minute details of the job. Then, after a lunchtime party, he heads out for his retirement with his wife of over 30 years. The first stop is a long cruise in the Caribbean. After he leaves, the party shifts to a small one for Alice before the bank returns to regular business through the afternoon. Over the weekend, Alice's name was stenciled on the new office door. She had a picture taken of her next to the door on Monday morning. She sends it to her ex, who is still in prison, with the message, 'Thanks for leaving; it's been nothing but success for us since.' She copies Allie and Adam.
Adam is offered a full-time position with the company in early March, contingent on his graduation. No one thinks he would ever not finish. He is further surprised when Brad pulls him into his office for another surprise on the Friday before graduation. Brad takes one of the chairs beside his desk and motions Adam to join him in the other chair. He looks at the young man and is amazed at his intelligence and, more so, his humility when dealing with his contemporaries. He tells him, "Adam, you won't be starting on Monday as an engineering technician as discussed in March." Adam looks dismayed. Brad pushes forward with a big grin.
"You will be starting as a salaried Junior Engineer, reporting directly to me. But from Monday on, you will be running your own projects. You have demonstrated very aptly that you can do the work and make the right decisions. You aren't afraid to ask for help when you don't know something, as well as being willing to help others without making them feel stupid. Those are qualities we need here. I knew before that was who you were, but I had to see how you would apply it here. Now everyone here knows and is very pleased. Everyone here is happy to have you join our company fully and in the position I stated. Do you accept Adam?"
Stunned, Adam nods and puts out his hand to shake Brad's hand automatically. When Brad grabs it and squeezes slightly, Adam snaps to the present and grins, saying, "It would be my pleasure to join the company, Brad. Thank you for your confidence in me. I can't wait to tell Allie and Alice."
"Then don't. Get out of here, and we will see you on Monday. I will show you your office then."
Adam hops up to leave, but what Brad just said finally processes. "My office? I will have my own office?"
Brad grins again and nods. "Wow. Thanks again, Brad, for everything." With that, Adam bolts out the door to tell his ladies the latest news.
Both women continue to talk about babies through the winter and into spring, and Allie's schooling is geared toward working more with kids. Allie gets her dream job in the spring in a pediatrician's office. As the kids' graduation approaches, Alice begins preparing for her graduation present for Adam with Allie's help. She starts being more Anal minded when Adam goes to fuck her and creampie her for a few weeks. About a month before Graduation, Alice has Adam creampie her pussy again as many times as possible over an entire weekend, Allie even giving up a creampie or two to Alice. Adam doesn't think anything of it, as he just loves loving his women and making them happy. Two weeks later, the women find time alone and get the answer they had hoped for.
On graduation day, Adam and Allie are dressed up in nice clothes under their Cap and gowns. Bull and Caitlyn are invited and included as family to watch the events unfold, both at the ceremony and later at home. After a nice lunch out, the growing family heads to the Erickson's apartment. When the family returns to the apartment, the ladies and Bull get Adam to the couch. Then Bull and Caitlyn take Adam's chair and wait, not yet knowing what this is all about. The ladies take their usual seats around Adam.
Then Alice begins saying, "Adam, and you too, Allison Dear, I am so proud of you both for finishing your degrees with excellent GPAs and jobs to boot." She pauses, getting a little nervous, but pushes on with a nod from Allie. "Adam, I wanted to give you a gift for your graduation, one only I could give you."
She swallows hard and hands Adam a small box with a ribbon. A box, something like a pen set, would come in. "Please open it for us, Honey, your Family."
Adam looks at her, puzzled, but pulls the ribbon and opens the box. He finds a white handle with a small message on the front: 'Pregnant.' His eyes go wide, and he looks up at Alice. She sits there holding her breath, waiting for his reaction.
He grins broadly, "We're Pregnant, Alice?"
"Yes, Honey. Mom is going to give you a child. Our child to love all of our days. Are you happy? Is it Okay? It's not too soon?" She asks nervously.
Setting the box down, he answers her by taking her into his arms and kissing her, at first gently, then harder. When they break the kiss, Alice says, "Wow. I guess it's Okay then."
Adam just grins and nods. He looks over at Allie, and she is smiling and crying happy tears. He then looks at Bull and Caitlyn and is surprised again as they both sit there unashamedly crying, too.
Bull speaks up for them both, "Congrats, folks. We are so happy for you all." Caitlyn nods emphatically in agreement.
A bottle of wine is opened, and a toast is shared about the new life joining the Erickson household. After one glass, Adam tells Alice, "No more for you. You're cut off until that baby is here." He says, grinning at Alice.
She just replies with the standard answer, "Yes, Adam."
He kisses Alice again and then Allie. Even a peck for Caitlyn and a first bump for Bull. Then he gets a look on his face and says, "Holy shit! I'm going to be a Father!"
As the reality of it hits him, his knees give out a little, but his ladies and even Bull grab him to put him in his chair. He looks at Alice, then motions her over, lovingly rubs her belly where their child grows, and begins crying his own happy tears. Alice wraps her arms around her son's head and strokes his hair like she did when he was little.
Tears still streaming down, he looks up at Alice and says, "I love you, Alice. Thank you for making me so happy." She begins crying too and kneels down to fold Adam in a hug that Allie joins in moments later. Bull and Caitlyn slip away but are crying again, too, as they head for their apartment.
The Ericksons make love long into the night, Adam giving Alice a few more orgasms than Allie, with Allie's help, of course. When they settle in as usual, with Adam centered and the ladies cuddled to either side, Alice drops off quickly and easily, a contented smile on her lips. Adam kisses her forehead and then turns to Allie. She smiles up at him, and he kisses her gently. A troubling thought occurs to Adam, and his face shifts, unaware, in concern.
Allie pulls back, slightly worried, and asks, "What's wrong, Adam? Are you Okay? You're not worried about being a father, are you?"
Adam takes a deep breath and replies, "It's not being a father that bothers me, Honey. It just occurred to me that my first child won't be with my wife, and I'm worried it will hurt you. Are you Okay with the turn of events?"
Allie's expression is one of pure love for Adam. "Of course, I'm Okay with it. I helped Mom get the timing down to get pregnant. It was a little bit of my present to you too in that way. Do you remember the weekend a few weeks ago when you kept filling Mom with creampie after creampie?" Adam nods. "I actually allowed her a few extra creampies. When I went down to 'clean her out,' I faked it to give us the best chance to get pregnant. So Adam, no. I don't mind that Alice is giving you a baby first. That was always the plan, remember? Besides, I want to talk to you about something anyway."
She moves up to lie there but props up on her elbow to be able to look him in the face more directly. "I want to stay in school. I even want to take classes this Summer to be able to graduate next year with my RN degree. Is that Okay? It would mean putting off my getting pregnant for at least another year." It's Allie's turn to look pensive.
Adam just smiles. "I want you to do what feels right for you, Allie-girl. Of course, I would love to have a child with my wife and the other woman I love more than I love my own life. I can wait as long as you need me to. We are young and in no hurry. I would like my first two children to be as close in age to each other as we were, though. I love you, Allie. I want to make you and Alice as happy as possible, whatever that means or it takes." Adam leans in again and kisses her gently but with passion behind it.
"My God, Adam. You really are the Man of our House and our Hearts." They hear Alice say, not realizing their conversation had woken her.
Adam looks back at Alice and kisses her just like the one he gave Allie. Then he lays back, sighing and pulling both women in close to him again, hugging them gently yet firmly. Both women moan lightly, feeling Adam's love for them. Adam sighs as his eyes close, "I'm going to be a Father, Hot damn." As he begins to slip off, he has a massive grin on his face. Both women see how happy he is and smile at each other before settling back in, and all three drift off to sleep.
The morning starts a little late for the threesome. They climb from bed together to smiles, kissing all around, and most importantly, Love. While Adam and Alice kiss, not even realizing it, Adam caresses Alice's tummy, where their child has begun growing. Alice and Allie see, they just smile at each other, tears rimming their eyes. They all head for the kitchen naked and pour bowls of cereal all around to keep things simple that morning. About an hour later, Adam leaves for his Saturday teaching classes, now having two back-to-back. One is for white belts, and the other is for yellow belts, including Brian Merrill.
When Adam leaves, Allie and Alice return to bed together to cuddle and discuss the baby. They readily agree that Adam will be a terrific Father. A thought occurs to Allie, and she asks Alice, "Is there a possibility either of us, especially you now, might have twins, Mom?"
Alice thinks about it for a minute and then says, "I don't think so, as there have been none in my family before, but I'm not sure about your Sperm donors' side. Honestly, I only want one, but if God blesses us with more, it is as it should be."
This is the first time Allie remembers her mother referring to God in more than a passing thought. "What we are doing by loving each other this way, Mom, do you really think God is okay with this? I mean, it's in the Bible not to be like this."
"I choose to believe God is more benevolent than the writings of Men, and I know how he would love his children. Just like I love my children. You and Adam are the best thing your father ever did for me. To have our love become what it is has just made it that more special, I think. Don't you?"
"Definitely. I love you, Momma, both as Mom and as Alice. I would never want it to be anything else either." She reaches down and gently caresses Alice's tummy like Adam did earlier. "Except maybe this way, sharing and giving Adam another being to love. He has so much to give, and I don't think he knows it."
"That's a big part of why I wanted to give Adam a child, too." She grins a little dirty smile and continues, "Not to mention getting Fucked and knocked up by my own son is a little Hot. Don't you think so?" Alice giggles, and Allie joins her, which turns into a full-blown belly laugh for them both.
"Definitely," Allie repeats her previous statement. The two then cuddle a little bit more, but the hot thought of Adam fucking both his Mother and Sister gets them both hot and bothered. Soon, the women are kissing and on to a full-on lesbian love session.
When Adam finishes his two classes, he asks to speak to Master Ono privately. Ono nods and leads him to the small office in the back of the dojo. Adam is grinning from ear to ear when he turns around. Master Ono takes his chair and motions to the chair opposite his desk.
"I see you're happy, Adam, so it isn't something bad to tell me. What's on your mind?"
"We are pregnant, Sensei. Alice is going to give me a child. Last evening, she presented me with a positive pregnancy test for my Graduation present. I'm so happy and had to share that with you since you are aware of our relationship without disapproval. Thank you again for that." Adam gushes.
Ono smiles, too, at Adam's exuberance about becoming a Father. He responds, "Well, I knew you shared a love few have ever experienced. I didn't expect you would father a child with Alice, but it has a certain poetry to it. Congratulations to all of you, Adam. I'm sure that child and any others will be loved deeply." He steps from behind the desk as he says these things and puts out a hand to Adam to shake his hand.
Adam smiles at his Sensei's well wishes and thoughts for his family. "Thank you, Sensei. I will do my best to ensure our children know they are loved. Unlike my own father, we refer to him as our 'Sperm donor,' as he was never there. I intend never to be that way."
"Knowing you, Adam, I'm sure everything will be fine and come out just as you say. Again, congratulations to you all. Now go home and enjoy your family. I think I need to do the same today." Ono says to Adam with another handshake and a smile.
Adam returns home later to find both women curled up in bed, obviously having been having a good time based on the condition of the sheets. He strips down and slides up the bed to plant a kiss on both red and puffy mounds as they sleep. When his lips touch the women, their eyes flutter open to look down at the Man they both love so much. All of them smile, and Adam is pulled up between the women, and they slip into his loving embrace with contented sighs.
"Looks like my ladies have been playing without me. Was I even missed?" Adam teases.
Taking his cock in hand, both women say their customary response, "Yes, Adam." Everyone chuckles a little. Adam kisses both of them passionately but with an equal measure of gentleness. Deep sighs fill the room, and they settle in for several minutes of loving cuddling.
Soon after, Allie's hand is on Adam's currently flaccid cock, and Alice's hand isn't far behind. When Adam is at full strength, Allie slips up and slides onto Adam's hard cock to slowly ride him to her first orgasm. She also leans down and kisses Alice with passion, just like before. Adam sees the kissing and decides he needs to do that, too. He leans over and adds his kisses to Alice. He then turns his attention back to Allie for more kissing just before she orgasms. The ladies switch, and Adam is ridden a second time by Alice, and she also orgasms on Adam's cock. Adam then gets up and bends Alice over to fuck her from behind in doggy to finish himself. Alice takes another of Adam's creampies to heavy moans of pleasure and even cums a little bit again.
With an evil grin, he looks over at Allie and tells her, "Give me a few minutes, and I'll pound my Wife's asshole raw." Allie squeals in delight and assumes the position just like Alice, and they look at each other, faces pressed into the bed, grinning. When Adam gets his wind back, he shoves his cock hard into Allie's waiting ass, and she screams out in pleasure of being filled completely.
"OH GOD YES!! Fuck me hard and fast, Adam Honey. Fill my ass with your cum."
Adam delivers as promised and pounds Allie until she has both a vaginal and anal orgasm back to back before filling her as requested.
Allie moans out, "Shit yeah!" Once she gets her breath back.
Alice says, "God, that was hot as hell, kids. Adam, you have to do me like that, too, in a bit. In a few months, we won't be able to be that forceful." Alice grins broadly, caressing her belly lightly.
Adam grins and steps back off the bed to hit the kitchen for bottled water for them all. He returns to find Alice 'Cleaning' Allie's asshole of his cum, grinning as she does so.
"Oh, now my Mother has gone full nasty today. Slurp my cum from her ass Alice. That's god damn hot, ladies."
When Alice finishes, Adam hands both women water, and they all chug them down. After getting rid of the empties, Adam returns to put Alice back on her hands and knees. He then gives her a powerful ass fucking just like he gave Allie. Alice even gets the dual orgasms Adam gave his wife. Alice has the added joy of a squirting orgasm that Allie pounces on when she sees it first start. In the end, Adam dumps another load into Alice's colon, and they all fall to lie on the bed in a tangled heap, getting their breaths back. As their breathing gets closer to normal, they cuddle up again, even with the sheets wrecked.
After about 15 minutes, they crawl from bed to the shower to take another dirty family shower. When everyone is drying, Adam remembers to tell the girls about Sensei Ono. That he knows about both their relationship to each other and the impending birth of their first child.
"He sends his congratulations about the child ladies. He even said much the same as you two earlier, saying the child will definitely be loved." Adam grins at them, ensuring all is fine.
They share a hug, standing naked in the bath, and so in love. Everyone reached down to caress Alice's tummy. They all chuckle. They dress for lounging the rest of the day. After a while, they head for the kitchen to prepare dinner together as a family. There are many smiling bumps and nudges while the cooking is done. Dinner is taken at the dining table again tonight. Then, more TV and commercial kissing before bed.