Part 06

Bull and Caitlyn are over for the routine dinner a few weeks later, but the night becomes a celebration.

Bull announces, "We are getting married in Vegas next month. Can you all join us?" Caitlyn beams at her man and then looks with imploring eyes at the Ericksons.

Adam quickly looks to his ladies before answering for them all. "We would be Honored Bull. Besides, I can't let my best friend get married alone. I was a nervous wreck, but we got lucky, and I met a wonderful man that calmed me down. I would love to be there for you, Bull."

Both Bull and Caitlyn are stunned at Adam's willingness to support them wholly. Bull is even more surprised that Adam would refer to him as his 'Best Friend.' Bull reaches out his huge paw to shake Adam's hand with a nod of thanks.

Alice pipes up, clearly emotional, "Have you made any arrangements for the ceremony?"

"Not yet," Caitlyn answers for them as Bull comes to grips with Adam's kindness.

Alice grins, "If you don't mind. Can I help you plan it? It was wonderful where these two and I suppose even I married them."

It was Caitlyn's turn to be stunned. She couldn't speak and just nodded, tears forming in her eyes to spill down her cheeks.

"Allie, get the laptop and show them the wedding chapel," Alice says to her daughter, who sprints away, grinning to comply. In moments, she is back, fires up the laptop, and pulls up the wedding venue they used.

As Allie and Alice show Bull and Caitlyn the website, Adam quietly gets up and retrieves wine and glasses to celebrate the news. He returns, setting everything in the center of the table. He pours the wine and hands one each to the ladies first, this time starting with Caitlyn, the bride-to-be.

When everyone has their glass, Adam proposes a toast, "To the happy couple. May you be as happy as possible and maybe even as happy as we are." Everyone chuckles and then takes a drink of the excellent wine.

Even Bull enjoys the wine. "Wow. This is pretty good. I don't usually drink this stuff as wine never had the punch I was looking for when I would drink. Thank you all for the ... for everything." The massive man blushes and tips his glass to the Ericksons. They clink glasses around the table and sip some more.

The couple gets excited as they look over the venue and see the marginal cost. Alice blows the couple away again when discussing the wedding and hotel costs. "With Adam's permission, we would like to pay for the wedding, everything. Ours was so fantastic. We would love for yours to be just as spectacular." Caitlyn simply bursts into tears, burying her face in Bull's shoulder.

"That is too much, Alice, really. We can manage." Bull responds for them.

Alice isn't having any debate. "Let me rephrase that. I will be paying for your wedding, Bull. Remember, the bride's family pays for the wedding. You two are as much a part of our family as anyone. I insist on paying, no more arguing, Okay?"

Bull sees how much it means to Alice to do this for them and to be called family after Adam said 'Best Friend' earlier. Even the tough Bull cannot handle it. He nods and begins crying, then hugs Caitlyn tightly. They hear her quietly saying, "Thank you, thank you, thank you."

After some time, the emotional level comes down, and the conversation turns to the wedding details. When the dress is brought up, Allie has an immediate idea and squeals in delight. "Mom, Kate should wear my dress. You know, something borrowed."

Again, Caitlyn looks stunned and asks, "Are you sure, Allie? That's a pretty big favor."

Allie grins and replies, "How else could I help my 'Big Sister' better than by loaning her my wedding dress? Unless you would rather have your own?" Caitlyn's eyes tear up again. As the topic turns to the dress, Adam sees they will be heading for the dress soon, and he motions to Bull.

Adam grabs a couple of beers from the fridge, and they go up to the roof. "You okay, Big guy?" Adam asks his massive friend.

Bull takes a big pull on his beer before replying with a huge sigh. "Yeah, Adam. It's great. It's just moving so fast I can't catch my breath. To think Caitlyn will be my wife soon scares me like nothing ever has."

Adam grins, knowing exactly how he feels, and tells him. "Bull, I didn't let on to Alice and Allie, but that guy I mentioned. He pulled me back from the ledge of doubt. I was so scared that I was going to both get caught marrying my sister and just getting married in general that I could hardly breathe. He told me the same thing I'm going to tell you. She already agreed to marry you. She loves you deeply. You know that, right?" Bull just nods, taking another smaller pull.

"So let that part of the worry leave your mind. All you need to do now is hang on and enjoy the ride. When the ceremony is over, the happiness and love that will fill you will make you feel like you will explode. I promise you. Then everything will look perfect, just like your wife will be. The love you will share will eclipse everything else."

Bull looks at Adam, simply stunned that this much younger man could explain all this to him, and it just blows him away. Then he realizes that all his worrying is gone just like that. He reaches out to Adam and pulls him in for a manly yet loving hug, saying, "Thank you, Adam. I feel a lot better."

When they pull apart, Adam is blushing. Bull offers his hand for a shake, and Adam gladly accepts. Bull again realizes the young man has become something more to him. He then realizes Adam is young enough to be his son and smiles.

Adam sees the smile and asks, "What?"

"I just realized with our age difference, you could be my son. It made me smile, that's all."

"I would have been honored to have you as my father, Bull. I can see the good man you are inside that huge shell, not just the scary exterior most people see. I'm thrilled we have met." Bull is stunned yet again at Adam's heartfelt statement and knows he means it.

Adam smiles to lighten the mood and says, "Let's call the girls and see if it's clear to come back. I don't want to hear the screeching if we come back and Caitlyn is in the wedding dress, and you see." Both men chuckle, knowing Adam would be right.

He calls Allie and asks, "Is it Okay for us to come back in, Allie-girl?" After a pause, he replies, "Okay, another ten then. Better yet, just send a text when it's clear, but could you bring us a couple more beers? We're on the roof. Thanks, Baby." Adam grins at Bull, "Well, 'Pop,' we continue to wait, but more suds is on the way."

Bull grins, "So it's 'Pop' now, huh? Are you trying to adopt me like Alice did, my lovely woman?"

"Yeah, Dad seems too formal, and you are way more fun than my sperm donor dad was. So 'Pop' it is. If you don't mind?"

"That's great, Adam, my son." Both men chuckle just as Allie appears with the beers.

She hears the men chuckling and asks, "What's so funny?"

"I just adopted Bull as our replacement dad, but we agreed on him being called 'Pop.'"

Allie hands them the beers and asks, "Ooo, Can I call you Daddy?"

Bull blushes a deep red before saying, "Umm, No. Please stick to 'Pop' or Bull, please, Allie."

Adam laughs, catching onto why Bull would prefer not to be her 'Daddy.' That's probably what Caitlyn calls him in private.

"Well, Okay, but I want a hug from my, I mean Our, new 'Pop.'" Then she hops up, wrapping herself around Bull in a tight, hard hug. He laughs and grabs her to hug her back before handing her to Adam.

Adam pulls Allie to him, her back to him, and kisses her neck, then her lips when she looks at him. "Go on now, Honey. Mom may still need you."

Allie grins with her mischievous smile and says, "Yes, Adam." She giggles and runs off.

Both men laugh, and Bull says, "You're a Lucky man, Adam. A very lucky man."

"Don't I know it, Bull, I mean Pop." Both men laugh again, and Bull shakes his head. Adam quips, "By the way. Alice is mine, Pop. I don't share."

Bull roars a colossal laugh again, replying, "Caitlyn is more than I need, Adam. Allie and Alice are both safe from me." The men grin and clink beers before taking long pulls from them.

After over 15 minutes, Adam receives the all-clear, and the guys with two empty bottles each head back inside. When they arrive, all three women are beaming. Allie and Alice both move to hug Adam tightly, as Caitlyn does to Bull. Both men sigh deeply, and the women do, too.

Adam shifts gears and asks, "So, who's up for takeout?"

Allie immediately asks, "Chinese?"

Adam and Alice just start laughing heartily. After a minute, Adam replies, "You want spring rolls and Crab Rangoon again, don't you?"

"You know I love those things, Adam. Pleeaassee?" Again, Alice and Adam laugh as Adam nods, 'Yes.' Allie squeals with delight, as usual. Adam asks, grinning at his loving sister/wife, "Are you guys good with Chinese? Our treat."

Bull replies, "Pepper Steak?"

Caitlyn says, "Yum, Spring rolls."

Everyone laughs. Adam grabs his phone and, before dialing, asks Bull, "We usually get it from 'Wu Changs.' Are they good for you guys?"

"Yup. The China Wall buffet is awesome if you're ever across town. Even I get filled up there."

Everyone laughs, and Adam replies, "And I'm sure they hate to see you coming and love it when you leave after they have taken a loss on the day's profits." They all start roaring in laughter, especially Bull.

"You know, they don't smile when I get there but do when I leave." The laughter gets even louder.

When everyone calms down to just chuckles, Adam asks, "Is Pepper Steak good for everyone?" Allie and Alice both nod, and Caitlyn does too. Adam grins and says to Caitlyn, "I'm glad you have good taste, too, 'Sis.'" Prompting more laughter. Adam looks around and counts, "Two for Bull, one for me and everyone else, so Six total and three orders of both Crab Rangoon and Spring rolls."

"Make that 4 Spring rolls, please, 'Bro.'" Caitlyn says grinning.

More laughing ensues. Eventually, Adam places the order for delivery and is told it will take an hour with such a big order. He gets the total and then pays with his debit card, checking his pocket for cash for the tip.

Bull puts a twenty in Adams' hand and says, "Tips on me, Son." Bull grins.

"Thanks, Pop," Adam replies, and both men and Allie chuckle.

When they all enter the Living room, Adam tells the other ladies the basics of their conversation. Not the part about reassuring Bull, though. Particularly the part where Adam adopts Bull as the new 'Pop' for the family. Alice grins.

Adam tells her teasingly, "No fooling around, Alice. He's about to be a married man, and you are a married woman, my woman. And soon enough, you will be the mother of my child." Adam pauses to sigh happily. "You two make me so happy. Sometimes, I have to pinch myself to be sure it's not a dream." He leans over and kisses both women lovingly. They look back at Bull and Caitlyn and see their amazement at how much love we share.

"God, I hope we can be half that happy, Baby." Caitlyn sighs.

"We already are sweetheart." Bull tells her, kissing her too.

Adam reaches out, flips on the TV, and finds a Rom-Com for them to watch and wait for the food. When it arrives, Adam gets the door, tips the driver exceedingly well, and thanks him. He takes all the food to the dining room table, and Allie and Alice begin doling out the portions. After everyone is served and drinks are gotten or refilled, Adam stands and proposes another toast. "To Our Growing Family. May we always love as much as today, if not even more." Everyone responds with 'Our Family'. Drinks are clinked, celebrating the simple toast, sips are taken, and everyone dives into the food.

An hour later, the table is devastated with empty food containers and surrounded by full bellies, even Bull. There isn't a spare Spring roll or Crab Rangoon to be seen.

After a quick combined clean-up, everyone returns to the living room to finish the movie. As usual, Adam and his ladies are on the couch with Bull and Caitlyn in his chair. Fifteen minutes later, everyone is asleep in their respective loving arms. Just before the end of the movie, a burst of raucous laughter startles everyone awake. They each look around and see they have all nodded off. Chuckles abound in the room.

Bull says, "Maybe we should head home. It looks like everyone is ready for bed."

Caitlyn takes a cue from Alice and Allie and replies, "Yes, Bull."

Everyone chuckles again as everyone slowly stands. Adam and Bull shake, and the ladies kiss each other on the cheeks.

"Goodnight Pop." Adam quips.

Bull looks back earnestly and replies, "Goodnight, Son. Night-night Allie Dear. G'night Alice."

Adam continues, "Night Sis."

Caitlyn tears up a little and says simply, "Good night, my beautiful new family." With that, she rushes out to keep from crying happy tears but doesn't make it as she is crying by the time she and Bull hit the stairs.

When the door closes, he locks it, and Adam pulls both his ladies into a hug. When he releases them, he asks, "I think I might have some energy for a little lovemaking. Is anyone interested?"

Alice replies, "I am always ready for my son and husband to make love to me and my daughter as well."

Allie smiles and simply says, "Ditto."

Leaving his arms around their shoulders, Adam walks them all to the master bedroom. They all get to the bed, and the girls tenderly strip Adam, and then he returns the favor to them both. Kissing as they climb into the bed, Adam then goes down on both ladies bringing them to gentle orgasms, then makes love to them both, Alice first, then Allie, at the end, giving his cumload to his wife in her tight pussy. They cuddle up after setting the alarm for the morning and slip into dreamland together.

Waking a little early, the Ericksons shower together and prepare for the day. All three put in notice for time off for the wedding: Adam for both work and the dojo and Allie for School and work. All three are given pleasant wishes for the happy couple.

As the day approaches, Adam checks in with Bull. "You doing Okay, Bull? Nerves aren't getting the better of you?"

Bull grins, "Nope. Not making love to Caitlyn for the last week is, though." The men chuckle together. Alice and Allie have Caitlyn down for final wedding dress fittings. She is also ready and happy to start her official life with Bull as her husband. All the other little things to complete the day are gathered and placed in a silk bag for the day. When the time comes, they head to the airport in a big airport shuttle van. At check-in, they verify Bull got the seat with the most room available for his huge size in First Class. Of course, Allie, Alice, and Adam sit together as they would on the couch. They cuddle up like that, too, and soon drift off to sleep shortly after take-off.

When they arrive, a Town car limo picks them up like before. The stretch one, though, with Bull's size, it is definitely required. Unfortunately, this time, it's not driven by the friendly author. Alice had arranged for the men to share a room for the night. The women would share the same suite as during Adam and Allie's wedding event over two years ago. 'Wow, how time flies.' The Ericksons all think separately with smiles, fondly remembering their wedding festivities. They all meet for breakfast in the morning while keeping the happy couple apart.

Adam and Bull return to their room and catch a little Sportscenter before getting ready. Adam checks Bull's tux for the last time and asks, "You ready to take the plunge, Pop?" Adam smiles at the man he has adopted with affection.

"I just want Caitlyn to be mine legally as well as in my heart, Adam. I don't think I could live without her at this point."

"You won't have to Bull. Now, let's get down to the concierge desk and get our car. We don't want to ruin things at this late date and accidentally see your blushing bride before the ceremony. We would be killed and left in the desert like so many others." Adam grins, and Bull does too, the tension leaving the older man with his new 'Son' there to prop him up.

Adam remembers where the desk is and steps right to it. He is happily surprised to see the same person behind the desk. He smiles and asks, "I doubt you remember me, but I'm Adam..."

"Erickson." The Concierge finishes smiling. "Of course, I remember you, sir. You were so lucky to have Mr. Clive as your driver to and from your wedding. What two years ago now?"

Adam smiles and notes a ring on her finger. "Almost three. Wow." Adam smiles at the realization. "Now we are here to get my Best friend and adopted 'Pop' married to his lady love." Adam gestures to the enormous Bull.

She smiles at him and says, "Congratulations, sir, and good luck with your future together."

Bull blushes and says, "Thanks."

Adam pulls her attention back and asks, "So, how long have you been married? Congrats to you, too, by the way."

It's her turn to blush, and she replies, "Almost six months now. My husband will be your driver today, coincidently. He should be out front now. Have a lovely day, gentlemen." Adam and Bull smile and head out, and she turns to help someone else.

Adam walks outside with Bull on his heels and finds the driver with a sign, 'Erickson men.' Adam laughs, and Bull grins and shakes his head, saying, "That Alice of yours thinks of everything, doesn't she?"

"You have no idea, Bull, but that is one of many things that made me fall in love with her. Now, let's get in and get the show on the road." Adam looks at the driver and says, "Congrats on marrying Marilyn, sir. She was very helpful a couple of years ago when I got married."

The driver beams at the compliment to his wife and then replies, "It's Rodney, if you please, sir." He says this with a decidedly cockney accent.

"Thank you, Rodney. Now, please, Off to the chapel to marry off my Pop to his lady."

"Righty-ho, sirs," Rodney replies.

The drive is quiet and quick. Rodney steps from the car and opens the door. He gives the same instructions about calling the hotel, and he will pick them up in the stretch. Adam nods and slips him a twenty for now. Adam then walks Bull into the Chapel. He then finds the officiant and confirms their arrival. Then, they retire to the Groom's waiting room. After about 10 minutes, Alice pops in and looks the men over, giving them both their boutineers. Giving both a light peck on the cheek and a squeeze to Bull's arm in support, then sweeps out.

Adam just chuckles. "That's my Alice. She is a fresh breeze every time I see her. The same it will be if it isn't already for you and Caitlyn, my big friend." Bull just nods as the nerves start to ratchet up. Adam sees it and says again, "She already agreed to marry you, Bull. After all this, she won't back out, and I know you won't either. Just take a few deep breaths and relax. The beauty that is about to hit you will assure you of the love you share, and you will no longer doubt anything. Okay, Pop?"

"Thanks, Adam. I couldn't find a better 'Son' and friend if I tried."

Adam grins and says, "Nope, you couldn't, so stop trying." Bull laughs and is immediately calm, knowing Adam is right there for him and that he is about to marry the woman of his dreams. He sighs deeply, and a calm settles on his face.

Right then, the officiant comes for them and takes them to the same gazebo where Adam officially married Allie and 'married' Alice in a less official ceremony between the three of them. The men took their positions, and soon, the wedding song was playing. Allie came out in the lead in a beautiful summer Yellow cocktail dress. She was followed by Alice, escorting Caitlyn down the aisle like she did for Allie. Bull sucked in a massive breath at seeing Caitlyn in her wedding dress.

Adam leaned over and said, "Breath, Pop. If you pass out, I can't pick you up."

Bull released his breath and took a few shaking more to calm himself as Caitlyn was presented to him.

Adam said, "Lift the veil and fold it up."

Bull, stunned, followed directions, just staring at his beautiful bride. "You're gorgeous, Katie." Bull mumbles. She blushes and takes his hand, stepping into her place to marry the man she loves. Alice takes the same seat as before on the bride's side.

The ceremony is short and sweet, just like Adam and Allie's. The usual things are said, and then the officiant asks, "Do you, Dwight Robert Allen, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you, Caitlyn May Brown, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

The two newlyweds kiss tenderly. Bull holds Kate to him for several extra seconds, pulling back and beaming a smile at his new bride. She looks up at her giant husband with that look all new brides have, love and pride mixed in equal portions.

After the ceremony is completed and the paperwork is signed, Adam pays the officiant again, smiling warmly.

The wedding party returns downstairs for the wedding pictures. Adam calls the Hotel for the car and is assured Rodney would be there shortly. The pictures are completed, and everyone heads out to be greeted by Rodney and his wife, Marilyn, the Concierge. They smile warmly, and Rodney opens the door as soon as the wedding party clears the chapel door. The Ericksons enter first, quickly moving to the forward seats so Bull and Caitlyn can have the back together, of course. They are driven back to the hotel and deposited at the front, and Rodney and Marilyn greet them with smiles as they exit.

Adam hands Rodney a thick envelope, shakes his hand, and says, "Thanks for the smooth rides. I hope you and Marilyn are happy all of your days. Good luck to you both." Adam lets his hand go and walks away following his family to more happy moments.

The extra pictures go just as smoothly as for Adam's wedding, and soon, the wedding party is in the restaurant, celebrating the completed nuptials of their friends. Champagne is served, along with a seafood spread chosen by Alice. When everyone is filled with food and tasty drinks. They all move to the wedding dances. Adam dances with Caitlyn for the Father-Daughter dance, telling her how beautiful she looks in the wedding dress.

He also tells her what she already knows, "You have a really good man there. I do hope you can be as happy as we are. We will always be here for you both now. You two are a part of our family. We love you both dearly. My new 'sister' married to my equally new 'Pop.' Remember, we always will have your back."

Caitlyn cries at Adam's simple but heartfelt declarations. At the end of the dance, she kisses his cheek. Quietly, she says, "Thank you all, and we love you too."

Alice dances with Bull for the Mother-Son dance with similar sentiments expressed by Adam. Allie dances with Bull, too, to show him how much he has come to mean to them all.

When the girls all dance together, Bull and Adam sit and watch them. Bull says, "We are very Lucky men, Adam."

"I know, Pop. Thank you for letting us do this for you. It meant a lot to Alice."

The men just watch until their ladies come off the dance floor, and they fold them into their arms in great big hugs. It being only mid-afternoon, Adam suggests, "How about a run through the pool, folks? Later, we can get a lighter dinner and then figure it out from there. How's that sound?" Alice smiles, and even Bull grins at Adam for taking charge and moving things forward to keep the fun coming. Everyone agrees to Adam's suggestion, and the wedding party returns to the suite to change.

All three ladies step out in bikinis: Allie in Yellow, that matched her cocktail dress, Alice in Light Blue, and Caitlyn fittingly in white. The men are pleasantly stunned at all the beauty presented to them. Each has only eyes for their ladies, though, even if they acknowledge the beauty of the others. The girls grab wraps for the walk to the outside pool. Adam is wearing a Light Green Speedo, and Bull has a pair of huge Black boardshorts, as that's the only thing big enough for his sizable frame. Everyone in flip flops and the men stuffing keycards in their trunks head out of the suite and outside. Even with the coverups, the ladies attract attention from both men and women.

With a repeat of the previous year's events and many times at their own pool, they all grab towels and a set of loungers together. Everyone hops in the pool.

Adam teases Bull first, though, "Should we wait for Bull to get in first to see if there is any water left?"

The girls giggle, and Bull, in mock anger, responds, "You're gonna regret that 'Son.'" Then jumps in the pool in a Cannonball, soaking them all to squeals from the girls followed by laughter from them all. Adam dives in, swims underwater to the far end, and is soon joined by his lovely sister-wife, Allie. She comes out of the water to kiss and be kissed by Adam.

They enjoy their loving kisses for a few minutes before Alice calls out, "Get a room."

The whole pool area bursts out in laughter, but Adam comes right back: "We got one, and it will be in use a little later. Thank you." Everyone busts up again, and then the pool returns to normal. After a couple more quick kisses, the two swim back to the other end and plot an attack on Alice on the way.

Drinks are ordered and billed to the suite. Later, some minor hors d'oeuvres are ordered. As the afternoon wanes, Adam suggests again, "How about a nap before dinner?"

Bull immediately rumbles, "Yup, this daylight activity is draining me."

Caitlyn grins and says, "Wait until tonight. Then you will know about being drained." She says with wiggling eyebrows. The expanded family all laughs and picks up to head inside. Of course, the master bedroom is given to the Newlyweds. Adam and his ladies take the other room.

Of course, there are sexy happenings in both rooms before the naps. Bull and Caitlyn make love for the first time as husband and wife. Adam, while kissing both women, alternating between them, fingers them both simultaneously to orgasm. They then tag team Adam's cock in another double blowjob, the ladies sharing his load and then cuddling in for that nap. Slowly, they all wake after about ninety minutes. Adam, waking first with his ladies and smiling at them, begins kissing them awake. He starts with Allie this time and then alternates again until both wake and stretch like cats. He watches them come to life and admires both women equally. As Alice stretches, he leans down and kisses her belly where their child grows. He smiles up at her and she strokes his hair as she smiles back.

Allie watches and then says, "Adam, I am so proud of your love for us and your growing child. I can't wait until everything is right for us to have our own, too."

Adam turns and takes Allie in his arms. "That is my next fondest wish, too, Allie-girl. Next, after this child is healthy, I don't even care whether it's a boy or a girl. Alice and you will be fantastic mothers to any children we have. Alice was already for us, Honey, as we had already discussed. With her as a role model, you will be just as good when the time comes. I love you both so much I don't know how I ever lived without it." Both women collapse on Adam, hugging him fiercely. He gives that love right back. He kisses them both, and they also kiss each other. Finally, they get up and grab a shower together before getting dressed for dinner out on the town.

Adam wears one of the good suits he brought for the occasion, and Allie puts her yellow cocktail dress back on. Adam finds her just as stunning as earlier. Alice dresses similarly in a black strapless cocktail dress of her own. Both women take Adam's breath away, and once again, they look like they could be sisters.

"How in the hell did I get so lucky to have two gorgeous women fall in love with me?"

Allie grins, saying, "It helps we already lived together, I think." Then her face turns serious, continuing, "But you made us fall in love with you, Adam, by just being you." She says honestly. She slides up to her husband and says, "I love you, Adam, Forever and ever."

"I Love you too, Allie-girl." He kisses her and then looks at Alice, offering her his hand. "And I love you too, Alice--my Mother, lover, wife, and eventually the mother of my first child. You two couldn't make me happier. Thank you both."

"Stop it, Adam. You make us cry. We will have to redo our makeup." Alice playfully admonishes him. They all chuckle and head out to check on the Newlyweds.

The Ericksons walk out to find both the newlyweds ready to go, even though Caitlyn still messes with Bull's outfit just because. Bull, seeing the trio coming, gently takes Caitlyn's hands. The big man is wearing a classy pair of chinos with a Leather blazer and light blue t-shirt, the definition of 'Classy Tough-guy.' Caitlyn is wearing an off-white cocktail dress with plenty of cleavage and snug without being tight, showing her incredible figure.

"I thought it was supposed to be us newlyweds that couldn't leave the bedroom?" Bull kids them.

"Adam was trying to make us cry, getting all emotional and lovey-dovey," Allie replies, squeezing Adam's hand. Adam just smiles and shrugs. Alice giggles a little, taking Adam's other hand.

Alice pipes up quickly and says, "Wait a minute, something is missing." She steps into the Master bedroom and promptly returns with the wedding veil. She gently places it on Caitlyn's head, with a peck on the cheek, and declares, "Now we're ready." Everyone smiles again at Alice's attention to detail and loving ways.

They all head down and hit the concierge desk. Adam requests a car to the Hard Rock. They are taken care of and are soon speaking to the Hostess about their reservation for five people at 7 pm. The table isn't quite ready, and they are handed a pager and offered the bar while they wait. The group slips to the bar and finds a stand-up table between the bar and the hostess. A waitress comes by and takes drink orders. Adam and Bull just ordered a beer. The ladies request a pitcher of Strawberry daiquiris.

The waitress moves away, and the couple and the throuple stare into each other's eyes for a minute before Adam realizes no one is talking and laughs lightly. "Well, aren't we a lively bunch tonight." Adam chuckles, and everybody else does, too.

Alice opens up by interrogating the newlyweds. "Well, so what's next on you twos' plans? Kids anytime soon? Maybe new jobs? What's on the horizon for you lovebirds?"

Bull says, "I'm staying at the club, but I want Caitlyn to move on. That place is too rough, and now I don't want to share my wife with anybody else."

"Yeah, it was just a job until something better came along. I was looking for a better job but found a man who loves me instead. I think I got a better deal than I had hoped for." Caitlyn looks at her new husband and kisses him. As big as Bull is, the gentility he displays with his bride is amazing. Just then, the waitress returns with their drinks, and Adam tells her to add it to the bill for the table under Erickson. Alice has an idea but decides to wait until they are at the table to ask.

"And how about kids?" Allie picks up the thread.

"Maybe in a year or so, we want to have time to be just us as husband and wife," Caitlyn replies and kisses Bull again, her love evident on her face.

The pager goes off and calls the party back to the hostess for seating. Adam grabs the pitcher for the ladies as they head for the front. Then he has to hand it off to Bull to grab the pager from his coat pocket. They are put at a lovely table near the front, a table for six, but a chair was removed to give Bull room. He nods his appreciation to the hostess. She smiles back and returns to her station. Adam is on one side looking at Bull with his ladies to either side, and Caitlyn is right next to her man, too.

Alice brings up her idea in a roundabout way. "Caitlyn dear, were you good in school, good grades and all that?" Everyone looks at Alice with her strange question, but Alice just looks at Caitlyn.

"Um, yeah, I was good. I graduated with a B+ average and I even excelled in a few areas. Why do you ask, Alice?"

Alice doesn't answer and asks, "Are you good with numbers and finances, Honey?"

"She's outstanding, Alice. She took over my finances after a few months and got me squared away quickly. What is this all about, Alice? These are weird questions on a night for celebrating." Bull says.

"I'm sorry, Bull. I don't mean to ruin the party before it starts, but I may have a solution to Caitlyn's job problem." She grins and looks at her kids before saying, "I need a teller at my bank, Caitlyn. Would you be interested in applying?"

Adam saw where this was going, so he kept his mouth shut and just smiled, but Allie squealed, got up to hug her Mom, and said, "Mom, you're the best." She returned to her seat, and Adam took her hand again, smiling openly now.

The newlyweds are blown away that Alice can help them yet again with nothing to gain but a deeper friendship from them both. Caitlyn is stunned for a few extra seconds but then says, "I would love that, Alice. Thank you for the idea and the opportunity."

Alice continues to grin. "What's a mother to do if she can't help her kids?"

Caitlyn starts to cry and says, "Thank you." Bull pulls her to him and looks at Alice with deep appreciation.

Adam speaks up and raises his glass to say, "To the happy couple and moving forward. It's all about our family." Everyone replies, "Our Family."

The waiter arrives and asks if they are ready to order. Adam and Bull don't have to look long, but Adam asks for a few minutes for the ladies. They all look at the menus and decide on three different meals with the intention of sharing. Adam and Bull look at each other and just say, "Steak loaded, medium rare, side of loaded baked potato and veggies." All the ladies laugh as if the guys had practiced it. The men just smile and clink their beer glasses. The waiter returns to the kitchen to place the orders.

The rest of the evening goes excellent, with some dancing for everyone, even Bull, as he is swarmed by all three women and dragged to the floor. All eyes are on the massive man on the floor with three gorgeous women.

One guy slides up to Adam and asks, "Are you here with both those hot women?"

Adam doesn't even look and replies, "Yeah. One's my wife, and the other is my mother-in-law."

"Which ones are which?" The guy pressed.

"If you can't tell, I'm not telling either. Besides, they are both taken, so have a good night."

The guy slips away. Adam then joins everyone on the dance floor. He treats both women like they are his because they are. They know and love it.

After a little more dancing, they decide to call it a night and return to the Hotel for good old-fashioned sex. In the car, both Allie and Alice attack Adam, and he loves it. The newlyweds just marvel at them for a few seconds before realizing that's a great idea. Caitlyn climbs in Bull's lap, and they make out all the way to the Hotel. Everyone retires to their rooms just like at Nap time. If anyone had been standing in the common area, they would have sworn there was an orgy going on. And truth to tell, there was, in a way.

Bull and Caitlyn went crazy for each other. While Adam and his ladies went at each other without limits, nothing but cries, moans, and erotic screams came from both bedrooms until late. Adam gave his ladies all he had, filling all three holes in both of them. He was decidedly tired at the end. Bull gave just as good to his new bride with only half the holes, but twice the age, he still wore Caitlyn out. Both bedrooms went quiet eventually. They all had the sleep of the dead, and everyone was satisfied.

Even with the late, energetic night, everyone wakes up relatively early for a vacation day. They assemble in the common area and, after a bit of discussion, decide to head down to the breakfast area. Having only light food at this time, they choose to see if there is a diner nearby for a more filling breakfast. Once again, Adam makes use of the Concierge desk and inquires. They are directed down a few blocks and back one from the main drag. They all walk down and get a large table, with Bull's size, a booth is out of the question.

Everyone orders Omelets, following Adam's example in various ways. Caitlyn's, a Goat cheese and spinach that both men grimace at. Both men order one with everything. Allie's is a simple Ham and Cheddar, while Alices selects the veggie version. Everyone has Coffee and various juices. Adam picks up the tab, this time beating Alice to the punch with a grin. Bull and Caitlyn just marvel at the Ericksons generosity.

After breakfast, everyone is satisfied, so they head back to the hotel to plan the day's activities. Alice mentions the food tour and Fremont Street, and then Adam mentions seeing scooters for rent. They find the scooters too small for Bull, but the shopping area sounds great to the women. Both men groan, and all the women giggle. The morning is pleasant, and everyone has fun, even the guys.

Both men, as expected, are loaded down with shopping bags at the end, except, like before, the worn items. All three women get new silly hats, beautiful scarves, and matching Ray-bans. Even the guys like the shades and buy some, too. The ladies get the original classic black frame units, and the men get the aviators. Alice again picks up the tab, except Adam pays for the shades for him and Bull, saying, "I gotta keep my Pop looking Cool and intimidating for work." Bull grins and simply nods his appreciation and thanks to his 'Son.'

As the Noontime hour comes, they hit the food tour and graze their way through lunch. Eventually, they return to the hotel, and after dumping off the swag, they all get into swimwear and hit the pool again. The women look stunning while leading the way, with the men following behind, appreciating the view. They swim, sun, and tan the afternoon away. Another dinner is shared by the family, which is a simpler meal but still at a tasty restaurant. The guys get massive hamburgers and sweet potato fries plus Shakes just because. The ladies all get some form of chicken and salads. After dinner, Alice treats everyone to a show at another nearby hotel. As the evening slows, they return to their suite, and the happy couple retires to the 'Honeymoon' suite while Adam takes his wives to bed, and everyone enjoys a sexy evening.

In the morning, they get a much earlier breakfast and prepare to take the flight back home. The flight is nice and calm, just like it was on the way out. Arriving at the local dinner time, they share a last meal at a new rib joint, and soon, everyone is covered ear to ear in BBQ sauce and has huge grins filled with meat and corn niblets. The men have a couple of beers, and the ladies have wine. Alice only has one, and then she smiles at Adam as she switches to Sprite. Adam nods at her, kisses her cheek, and then rubs her tummy, which doesn't yet have a bump. Allie sees the display and smiles at Adam's pure Love for them all. Seeing him embrace being a Father makes her happy, and she can't wait to see him doing it and then giving her a child to do it again.

When Adam looks back at Allie, he sees her with tears in her eyes and immediately worries again. But Allie waves off his fears, saying, "I love you, Adam. You will be a wonderful Father to our children. Thank you." Then she leans over and kisses him tenderly. Bull stiffens, trying like hell not to cry, but Caitlyn has no such resistance and lets her tears flow at Adam's display of love for his child and his women.

Alice speaks up saying, "My son will be a terrific Father and on his own terms. He had no role model for how he should behave but every example of what not to do. To Adam." She raises her glass to her son, her lover, and soon enough, the father of her latest child.

Everyone raises a glass to Adam. "To Adam." Adam blushes furiously. Even in the muted light of the restaurant, everyone can see that he is bright red.

Then something extraordinary happens. The patrons around them repeat the toast. "To Adam." The Ericksons, plus Bull and Caitlyn, are blown away by the respect given to this young man by strangers. Adam looks around and sees a few familiar faces, but one in particular. Master Ono sits in the corner with his wife and two children, smiling broadly at his best pupil and friend with a glass raised.

Adam stands, glass in hand, and says simply, "Thank you all." He retakes his seat and pulls both women into a hug and they both kiss his cheeks.

After the emotional display, the conversation is muted for a bit. Their waitress returned, asking if anyone had room for dessert. Adam orders a Banana split for the table, "Make it the biggest you can. And five spoons." He holds out his hands to about the size of a football, grinning broadly. The server smiles and nods. She returns a short time later with damp towels for everyone to clean up.

Adam cleans up both his ladies and even needs to help Allie and Bull get BBQ sauce from the back of an ear each. Bull grins proudly at Adam and says, "Thanks, Son. I'm not sure how that got there." Allie just giggles, knowing how she did it--kissing Adam with hands full of ribs.

After about fifteen minutes, the server comes back with the sundae. It was put into a serving bowl about 10' across. Adam grins, saying, "Perfect."

She smiles, handing each of them a long-handled Iced-tea teaspoon. Adam holds his spoon up and looks around. Everyone follows his lead, waiting for the reason for the spoon gesture.

Adam says, "Ready, Set, GO!" Everyone digs in, and the ice cream feeding frenzy begins. All the patrons around watch in amazement and laugh as the sundae slowly disappears under the onslaught. Allie, ever the smart ass, grabs a chuck of a banana and pantomimes sucking it for only the table to see. Ice cream shoots from Adam's nose just as he sees Allie as he starts to swallow a new mouthful. Alice laughs and then reaches in to clean her son's face like she did when he and Allie were little. Adam continues to laugh as Bull guffaws at Adam's misfortune.

When Adam is cleaned up, he says to Bull, "Thanks for the support, Pop. I'm glad I could entertain you all. And you, dear wife, will pay for that later."

"Oh God, I hope so," Allie replies, licking her lips.

Alice just laughs at the loving banter among her extended family. 'No,' she thinks. 'Adam's extended family.' She smiles with love at her Man of the House. 'Everyone is here because of Adam.' When everyone is full, there is very little left in the bowl.

The family slowly staggers to their feet after the bill is presented. Adam places his card on top but looks at the bill, not seeing the Sundae. He questions the server. She motions to the manager. He steps over and says, "It's on the house, Adam. Have a lovely rest of your evening." Adam shakes the man's hand, and before walking out, he makes his way to Master Ono's table.

He puts his hand out, saying, "Thank you, Takagi. I'll see you at the dojo soon."

"My pleasure, Adam. Have a good evening." Adam nods to his wife and steps back to his family, which is slowly migrating to the door. Adam puts his ladies in the car and assumes the driver's seat, with them both in the back smiling broadly. Bull and Caitlyn climb into Bull's pickup--like the man himself, it's also big. Adam's family caravans back to the apartment and they say their goodnights in the elevator. Adam takes his ladies into their home and to bed.

Allie does pay for making Adam shoot Ice cream from his nose and she loves it. Adam lets her start a blow job, then suddenly grabs her head and begins forcefully face fucking her. Alice laughs as tears stream from Allie's eyes, and snot runs from her nose as Adam uses her. He then shoots half his load down her throat to deny her the taste she loves, then pulls out and blasts her face with the rest.

Then he tells her, "Now, dear wife, you get to wear that all night. No slurping it up for either of you." He says this, grinning, as Allie playfully pouts and then grins.

"My pleasure, dear husband."

"Damn, no snack for me, Adam? What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing, dear mother, Alice. You get your own load too, but without the denial, now start sucking, Mom, get what's yours."

Alice wastes no time and pounces on Adam's cock with gusto and pleasure. In under 15 minutes, Adam fills Alice's mouth with moans from her as she tastes her son's cum again. Allie grins and then fake pouts before giggling at her happiness to be in this family. Her love with Adam and Alice will only be enhanced with children she knows. They settle into their usual positions and are asleep in minutes.​
Next page: Part 07
Previous page: Part 05.2