Part 03.3

Ayan : Hahaha!!

Mona : How often do you fap to her??

Ayan : I last fapped to her... Hmmm... When was it?! Don't worry... It wasn't very long ago... Oh, yeah... It was last week!! Hehe!!

Mona : What!!

Ayan : Hahaha!!

Mona : What about your Asha Aunty?!

Ayan : That was... Err... Three days ago!!

Mona : After we got back from Delhi??

Ayan : Yes!!

Mona : At home?!

Ayan : Yes!!

Mona : Even after we had all that in Delhi?!

Ayan : Yes!!

Mona : What Yes?! You still masturbated thinking about Asha?! Even after everything you did in Delhi!!

Ayan : Oh, come on... What is this Mona Darling!! I need to be showing love to the other Moms as well... It would be so unfair, otherwise!! Hahaha!!

Mona : Great!! I did not know it was so easy for you to forget your mother!!

Ayan : Now who said I forgot about you!!

Mona : You were fapping to Asha!!

Ayan : Yeah!! So?!

Mona : What So?! Huh!! You wouldn't do that if you were happy thinking about taking me!!

Ayan : Ohh, Mom... I think you have got it all wrong!! I did stroke my dick dreaming about her... But, the scene also had you in it!!

Mona : What?!

Ayan : I imagined I was fucking Asha Aunty... I agree!! She was riding my pole, but it was only as you sat on my face, and rubbed your pussy all over, and all the cum I had just ejaculated inside your pussy gladly found its way into my own mouth, mixed with your lusty slimy fluids!!

Mona : Fuck!! This is insane!! Your fantasies are a lot more twisted than I ever expected them to be...

Ayan : Hahaha... This is just one of my regular settings, Mom!! And, you know what?! There was one more person in there!!

Mona : Stop it, Ayan!! I don't want to know!!

Ayan : Hahahaha!! That is a welcome change!!

Mona : Whatever!! I am more than satisfied listening to you share your views on Asha and Lakshmi. I am done... The only thing is... I just yet cannot understand what about them turns you on!!

Ayan : Lol!! I am not sure what exactly it is... But, they are similar in a lot of ways!!

Mona : Like what?! How are they similar??

Ayan : Well... To start with... They are both from Kerala... Mallus!! They are both Mallu MILFs!! Hehehe...

Mona : You have a thing for them because they are Mallus?? Just like that?!

Ayan : Hahaha!! Being a Mallu woman also means being the owner of a rare ripe sexy horny fuckable inviting dripping pussy!! That has to be respected!! Even more, when it is a MILF's!! Lol!!

Mona : Crap!! I hate these women from Kerala!! They always and always have been a threat to the other Indian ladies!! They take our men away!! And now, they are taking away our sons too!!

Ayan : Hahaha!! Mom!! I still can't understand you!! Are you really upset?! Lol!!

Mona : I am!! You dumb loser!! I hope these MILFs never make another appearance!! And everybody - primarily you, even forget about their existence!!

Ayan : Hahaha!! Whaaaattt!! Whyyy???? I was hoping there will be more of them... I mean... My first demand would be to have more of Asha Aunty and Lakshmi Aunty!! But, I will also greatly appreciate more Mallu MILFs!! Hahahaha!!

Mona : Why stop with calling them just 'Aunty'?! Call them 'Mummy', too!!

Ayan : Hahaha!! I never thought I will see you this jealous!!

Mona : Will you continue to leak for all these Mallu Whores, and your other slaggy bitches, even after you do me for real?!

Ayan : Mom!! Hahaha... That is not even worthy of being a question!! Come on... Why would I?! Why should I waste my juices in the drain, when I can safely deposit them deep inside your begging love-hole!!

Mona : You dirty bastard!! I thought I lost you!! Mmwwaahhh!! Hehe... I just hope you don't go all the way to prove your love, and end up making me pregnant!! Lol!! I love you, Babbyy!! And... You are mine and mine and only mine!!

Ayan : Hahahah... I love you too, Mom!! And, I don't know... Maybe, a baby bump would make you look even more irresistible!!

Mona : Ohh Shitt!! Ayan... Wait!! Did I tell you that there is a somebody in our neighborhood who is expecting a baby?!

Ayan : No... You did not!! And, neither have I heard anything from anybody there!!

Mona : You won't believe who it is!!

Ayan : Who could be carrying, among our neighbors!! I have no clue, Mom!! The only girl there is Pooja, and she is yet to marry... I don't think she has it in her to do anything pre-marital!!

Mona : Hahaha!! Ayan... It is Kavita!!

Ayan : What?!

Mona : Yes, Kavita!!

Ayan : Whooaaa!! What!! Kavita Aunty?!

Mona : Yeah!! But... Why do you sound so horrified?! As if she was also in your list of To-Do MILFS!!

Ayan : Lol!! I mean... Actually, Yes!!

Mona : Whatttt??!!

Ayan : Hahaha!! She is in there!! That is the truth!!

Mona : Wait... This is just a gut feeling!! The third woman in that fantasy of yours... Who was it?? Was it Kavita?!

Ayan : Damn!! Hahahaha!! Fucking Yes, Mom!! It was Kavita Aunty, along with you and Asha Aunty!!

Mona : What the hell!! Your 'Aunty' bullshit has been pissing me off, since the morning!! But, you have just shown that there are things a lot more worse... You were having a sleazy thought about a pregnant woman!! Perfect!! That was so kind of you, Ayan!!

Ayan : Isn't she over 40 now?! She does not look that old, but who would have thought she would be impregnated at this age!!

Mona : Well... She is only 38!! Same age as mine!!

Ayan : Ohh... Yeah!! Still... You are serious, right?! Kavita Aunty is really pregnant?!

Mona : Yes, Ayan!!

Ayan : Fuck!!

Mona : I know!! But, it is their choice!!

Ayan : Yeah...

Mona : How will you react if you get to know that I am pregnant?? Like... Right Now!!

Ayan : Haha!! Depends on who has impregnated you!!

Mona : Lol!!

Ayan : Hehehe... Quite strange hearing this news about Kavita Aunty!! I had completely screwed her holes, in that fantasy of mine!! Hehehe...

Mona : I could sense that!!

Ayan : Hahaha!! Was that a signal, Mom?? Why else would I have been tempted to choose her as the third participant?!

Mona : Hehehe... You don't get such carnal signals, Fucker!! Lol!! The actuality is that Kavita is pregnant, again, 19 years after she gave birth to Karthik!!

Ayan : I don't know if that is good or bad, Mom!! I am nobody to judge... So, it doesn't matter... But... What is Karthik saying say about this?? Did you see him recently?!

Mona : No... No... I haven't!! But, I can go meet him, if you insist!!

Ayan : Hahaha!! I am not insisting!!

Mona : Lol!! Well... Ayan... Listen... Don't tell this to anybody... But, there is something about Karthik that is leaving everybody concerned...

Ayan : What is it, Mom??

Mona : Karthik has been acting very weird of late... Rimi said she had seen him buy strips of sleeping pills, on consecutive days, from the medical store adjacent to her house!!

Ayan : What is so weird about that??

Mona : See... When the shopkeeper asked him why he needed so many of those pills, he said it was for his father!! Why would Kaushik need sleeping pills!!

Ayan : Mom!! Why can't Kaushik Uncle take sleeping pills!! There is no rule that says he cannot use them!! You people really have no idea what is happening inside their house!! That is the truth!! You guys are just assuming things are wrong!! Worst case, Kaushik Uncle is a bit stressed after the news, and maybe also feeling a little shy or even shameful about being a father again, after all these years...

Mona : Or... They want him asleep!!

Ayan : What?? I mean... Why?! This is why I ask you to stop assuming. Who in that house would want him asleep?! This whole sleeping pill story could be some misunderstanding, Mom!! Why would Karthik buy them for his father?!

Mona : The ladies here did an investigation, and have found out that Kavita locks herself inside her bedroom with Kaushik, all day long!!

Ayan : So?? She is in there with her husband!!

Mona : But, Mugdha - The Maid, says each time she got in to clean the room, last week, Kaushik was sleeping almost unconscious, and Kavita lay on his side, without anything covering her!!

Ayan : What?? In front of the maid?!

Mona : Yeah... Karthik said the room had to be cleaned, and he unlocked the door from outside. When Mugdha walked in, she saw Kavita there, on the bed, seemingly waiting for her to be seen with Kaushik... This was actually before we all heard she is pregnant... And that is not all... The maid also says Kavita keeps giving Karthik strange silly errands... Like making loud banging sounds with the plates!!

Ayan : What exactly are you suggesting is happening in there?! You first hint at the possibility of wanting Kaushik Uncle asleep, then you say Karthik is asked to make banging sounds!! Wouldn't that wake his father?! Why get him to sleep then!! And above all, why would Karthik help his mom, if it was something unpleasant?!

Mona : I don't know, Ayan... Whatever you said shows the contradictions!! I think I just got the feeling that Karthik is also upto something... Why would he listen to his mother, otherwise?!

Ayan : Do they have any idea that people are noticing?!

Mona : No... I think No!!

Ayan : Who told you she is pregnant??

Mona : Mugdha told Rimi, and she told me.

Ayan : I don't get it, Mom... There could be nothing about it... That is what I feel... All you ladies in the neighborhood should perhaps just quit gossiping, and do something more meaningful!!

Mona : Like teasing each-other's sons?!

Ayan : Haha!! No!! Lol!! What I am saying is that your biggest source here is a maid. There is now way you can trust one, especially her!! All the boys still strongly doubt that she was the one who stole the camera & mobile during Diwali... And... Rimi Aunty is a very sweet woman, but she enjoys such loose talks... Being married to an older man, from a conservative family, sometimes does that to ladies used to a more open life... They end up to love making up such rumors...

Mona : I am gald you took time to give me that information, My Dear Son... Really appreciate the fact that you have been a keeping a close watch on The Maid & Rimi Aunty, too!! That is really very appreciatable!!

Ayan : Mom... Hahahaha... Come on... See... Listen... I know you haven't said anything directly... But... You are trying to suggest that Kavita Aunty was having an affair, and she ended up getting inseminated, and now her son, Karthik, is helping her cover it up?! Right?!

Mona : Noo!! I mean, that is not what I have been thinking!! Well... The women here do, and that is already a good enough scandal... But, we would have easily found out if she was having an affair... Nothing happens here without the ladies knowing... So, I am assuming it is something else.

Ayan : What else are you pointing to?? The only other possible conclusion here is that you are telling me it is Karthik, himself, who has impregnated his mother!!

Mona : Yeah!! Exactly!! That is just what I meant!!

Ayan : What the hell!! Ohh, Mom... Don't be so insensitive, and make yourself look stupid!! That is impossible!!

Mona : How can you be so sure?? Why is it so impossible?!

Ayan : Because that is how it is!! He is her son!!

Mona : Wait A Second... Have you already forgotten about you and me?!

Ayan : Ohh, Mom... Hahaha!! We are meant to be together!! This is our Destiny!!

Mona : Lol!!

Ayan : We are special!!

Mona : I know, Ayan!! I know... But, what if Kavita is special for Karthik?!

Ayan : Come on, Mom... In that case, we will have to presume that all sons are fucking their mothers!!

Mona : Hahaha... And... Isn't that how it should be?!

Ayan : Haha!! My Darling Mom... You are so wonderful... If only this world had more Monas!! Hehehe...

Mona : Hahahaha!! Yeah, Right!! But, I would chose to say how lovely this world would have been if there were more Karthiks here!!

Ayan : What?! Lol!!

Mona : Nothing better than having a son who would be ready to impregnate his own mother!!

Ayan : Mom!! You do know he is a very harmless lad!! There is no chance for him to be the one responsible!! It is extremely unfair of you to confirm that!!

Mona : Maybe... Maybe Not... But... Why don't you in the meantime tell me whether you will be ready to impregnate me if I ask you to!!

Ayan : What the hell is wrong with you!!

Mona : You got to give me an answer, Ayan!!

Ayan : Well... Impregnating My Mother is not on the cards, as of now!! I am happy just enjoying this new phase of my life!!

Mona : Hahaha!! Is that so?!

Ayan : Yup!! Yo!!

Mona : And... Is that because you were told that is how it should be?! I mean... By any of your friends?!

Ayan : What??

Mona : Ayan... Has any of your friends ever told you they were having that special feeling for their mothers?? Do you know anybody who is already living this love filled phase!! Lol!!

Ayan : Hahahahaha!! No, Mom!! How ever close boys might be, and whatever be the nasty thoughts they share about the mothers, they almost never concede that their own mothers spread their legs for them!! Lol!! Never reaches there actually... Hehe... Still... You know... Only harmless fantasies are said in the open... The acts - successful & failed, are never mentioned... Hehehe...

Mona : Hahaha!! That is news!! And, why so?! Lol!!

Ayan : Maybe, it is not just lust that they have for their mothers!! They love them, too!! And... They may not want the world to be calling her a slut!! They may not want their revelations to be the reason for the others to be making a move on her!! Hehe... Maybe... They want their mothers to remain special!!

Mona : Hahaha!! Well... In that case... What about your friends finding mothers of their friends special?! You got to be knowing that!! This certainly will a topic very gleefully discussed, in my opinion!!

Ayan : Hahaha... Of-course, Yes!! Obviously!! Lol!!

Mona : Like something very very real?!

Ayan : Very Very Real Cravings!! Nothing more than mostly!! Again!! Hehe...

Mona : Whaaatt!! That is so underwhelming!! Lol!!

Ayan : Haha!!

Mona : Well... I don't care if any of your boys are into me or not... I am least interested, anyway... But, I am adamant I want to know if you are into any of your friends's mothers!!

Ayan : Okay... So, there is actually this very MILFy MILF that I have something very serious for!! Actually, it's not just me... Almost the entire male population in our college is attracted to this extremely enticing female parent!!

Mona : Yeah?! Have you ever seen her for real??

Ayan : Just once!! It was when she had come to meet her son, in the hostel...

Mona : What is her name??

Ayan : That is the funny part!! Nobody knows what her real name is!! And, what is even more intriguing is that we all actually call her THE ARABIAN HORSE!!

Mona : What?! Why?!

Ayan : Because, we all think she is one perfectly bangable MILF!! Her figure deserves a lot more than the regular basic praises!!

Mona : The fact you pricks want to bang her was already very obvious!! I was asking why the need for so much glorification!!

Ayan : Simply due to the very fact that the boys here are addicted to her, in insane ways!! You have no idea, Mom... She is celebrated like she is a Movie Actress... While some draw her portraits, in lewd postures, obviously, the others even write erotic stories featuring her!!

Mona : Oh Shit!! Seriously?! Ayan... Have you ever talked to her?? Have you made any progress?!

Ayan : No!! I never had a real chance to meet her and introduce myself, and tell her about my love for her!! Lol!!

Mona : Good!! Lol!! Great!! Phew!! Hahaha... Hope she is not in your Facebook Friend List!!

Ayan : Mom!! No... She is not on Facebook.

Mona : Hehehe... What about the other boys?? Has anybody else made a move??

Ayan : No... No... Everybody are just waiting for the right opportunity!! Haha!!

Mona : That is so sad... Boys of your age should be more proactive!! Lol!! But, not you!! Okay, Ayan?! Hehe...

Ayan : She has only made very few visits!!

Mona : That is so so sad!!

Ayan : Lol!! But that hardly matters... It is still like she is always there... Her pictures are so often shared in the Groups... It is however a bit odd that none of us know where exactly these pictures are coming from. We haven't found her on the Social Media, and even her name is still a mystery, but the Seniors seem to be having access to her images... It is... I don't know what I should say... The thing is... Nobody seems to care... Everybody in the hostel still spend hours ogling at her images!!

Mona : That includes you?!

Ayan : Mom... Haha!! Yeah... Yes!!

Mona : Really?!

Ayan : Well... Mom... Don't Worry... I don't waste time on all the photos being circulated... I only check out the the edited & fake ones!! Hehe...

Mona : Fucking Shit!! Her son knows about this?!

Ayan : I don't know... He has to be aware of it, with so much happening!!

Mona : It must be so hard on him!! I don't know... Ayan... You good friends with him?? You must be having a lot of cruel fun by secretly lusting for his mother, behind his back!!

Ayan : No!! To be honest, he does not even know I exist!! I have never even talked to him!! So, he is not exactly my friend... And, she is not exactly my best friend's hot mom!! Hehe... But... I don't know...

Mona : What is that you don't know?!

Ayan : If you and I never had this conversation, then maybe I would have taken the effort to make myself his best buddy, just to make his hot mom my cum whore!!

Mona : Hahaha!! You Dirty Bastard!! Lol!! I wish I could go on and on hearing all about your secret fantasies... It is hurting me, a bit!! Lol!! But... It sure is turning me on to hear my son lusting shamelessly for women of his mothers age!! Keeps giving me the feeling, and hope, that you are going to take out all the helpless frustration on your mother!!

Ayan : Hahaha!! Maybe, that is just what I am going to do!!

Mona : I won't mind!! Hahaha!!

Ayan : Hehehe... And... Mom... What about you?!

Mona : What about me?!

Ayan : Did you feel that special something for someone... Someone younger?!

Mona : Haha!! What!! No...

Ayan : You can tell me... You don't have to be shy!! Lol!!

Mona : Hahaha!! No, Ayan... Nobody!! Nobody - Until You Happened!!

Ayan : You are so sweet, Mom!!

Mona : Hehehe...

Ayan : Then... What about... Somebody older!!

Mona : Hahahaha.. Oh My... Ayan!!

Ayan : Tell me, Mom...

Mona : Well...

Ayan : Aaha... So... Looks like there is something, after-all!!

Mona : Hahaha... Actually... I don't know what to say about it... This happened almost 10 years ago, when you were still in school, and very young... I had this very strange experience with this very strange looking man!!

Ayan : Strange experience?! Like what?! And, what is the deal with this strange looking man?!

Mona : I mean... See... This man was strangely dressed for that period of time... He also had some kind of yellow colored raincoat in his hand, in the hot summer... He was at the door, one fine morning, asking if some person by the name Gautham lived there!! I had no idea what he was talking about!!

Ayan : And?! What did he do??

Mona : Nothing!!

Ayan : What??

Mona : He just stood dejected when I told him he was at the wrong place!! To which he stressed that he was at the right place... But, at the wrong time!! And... He just asked me what year it was!!

Ayan : What?!

Moan : Yeah...

Ayan : What are you trying to say with the story of this weirdo, Mom?? I don't get it...

Mona : Ayan... Listen... I know... I know this is just something that sounds idiotic... But, still...

Ayan : What happened next?? Tell me that...

Mona : I just looked back at him, starting to feel a little bothered... He for sure had a very pleasing vibe around him, and he looked very calm... Yet, I felt I had enough reasons to be worried!! I was very shocked by that question of his... I did sense he was acting weird, Ayan... But, there was also a certain desperation and hopelessness in his face, that suggested he really meant it when he asked me what year that was!!

Ayan : And??

Mona : I was worried, but then something made me completely startled!! I started to doubt if he had a weapon of some sort or maybe even a gun kept hidden in his pocket... There was a genuine bulge, and while it scared me, it also... I don't know... I don't know why I felt my pussy turn moist... I began getting this strange feeling... I was thinking what would happen if he was going to threaten me and force me... And it amused me that the idea was exciting me!!

Ayan : Hehehe... You said he was older, right?! How old do you think he would have been??

Mona : He was at-least 60!! Haha!! More than twice my age, that time... But... Ayan... I would have still gladly let him in, regardless of my happy equation with your Dad!! Lol!! Hahahahaha!! I can't believe I am admitting this!!

Ayan : Ohh, Mom... Okay... But... Wait... He was a man that old?! Yet, you doubt if he had a weapon in his pocket... And the very next second you are also dripping!!

Mona : Well... Even though I was left stunned, I also checked with my eyes to try and find how dangerous a tool he had inside his pocket, and in the process I was carefully observing his... You know!!

Ayan : Crotch!!

Mona : Lol!!

Ayan : And that was all what was needed?!

Mona : That was all what was needed, when I realized it was his meat that poked out of his pants!! His cock was thick and firm like a pole, proudly standing erect!! The old man continued to look like somebody's grandad, but all of a sudden also seemed to be a very untamable bull!!

Ayan : Hahahaha!! No wonder you leaked!! But honestly, a woman like you would have strayed even if he had a dead prick!! Lol!!

Mona : Okay... Fine...

Ayan : Haha!! Sorry!! Hehehe... And, what happened next?! Pretty sure your bottoms came down straight away!!

Mona : No!! Shut Up!!

Ayan : Hahaha...

Mona : Well... He knew I had noticed his manhood, and just like I expected, and wished, he took two steps forward and stood right in front of me... He was so close, I could feel his breath on my face!!

Ayan : And?!

Mona : I was all set to let him have his way with me, and I had already surrendered myself!! But then... Leaving me completely baffled, he told me that he only wanted to check for a package buried in the backyard!! And... He just stood there, waiting for my permission!!

Ayan : What?! What the hell!!

Mona : Yeah!! I felt he was crazy and I shooed him away!!

Ayan : Whaat!! But... This is nuts...

Mona : I know...

Ayan : I also meant who would skip such an opportunity... Hehe...

Mona : Lol!! But, Ayan... He still did not leave... He was trying to explain... Like it was something very important, and he is trying this for the third time, and he cannot afford to go wrong once more...

Ayan : What is this!!

Mona : No idea!! I still remember asking him to leave before I am compelled to call for help...

Ayan : Did he leave right away??

Mona : Not immediately... He kept explaining some strange theory to me, and that is when I lost it, and I just shut the door!!

Ayan : Who was he?! What was he doing there?!

Mona : He did tell me his name... But, I don't clearly remember... And... A name will in no ways solve the puzzle...

Ayan : You are lucky he never came back... You can never tell with such people...

Mona : I know... But... Well... The truth is... I could push him out of the house, but I could never stop thinking about him!! He kept coming back to my mind... Hehehe!!

Ayan : Fuckk!! You are so...

Mona : Hehehe... Not straightaway!! I very well believed he was mad... All my thoughts about him initially had him as a crazy lost soul... But what changed everything was the day we moved to our new house.

Ayan : What happened??

Mona : The old property was brought by the heir of a considerably big business family, and he had personally come to receive the keys from us, shortly after the house-warming ceremony at our new home. It was all normal... Until, he came forward and greeted me, and introduced himself, leaving me more than just merely surprised - His name was Gautham!!

Ayan : What?! Seriously?? Gautham?!

Mona : I am serious!! Yes!! The very same name the old man had mentioned!!

Ayan : Ohh!! Mom!! This is actually so unbelievable!! Insane!! That is almost paranormal!! Or, was it some kind of time travel shit?!

Mona : Haha... I just don't know, Ayan... I have no clue!! Still gives me goosebumps!!

Ayan : Hahaha!! That Was Dark!! Never Saw Or Heard Anything Like That!!

Mona : Exactly!! I know!!

Ayan : What did you do?? You must have been totally shaken!!

Mona : Well... you won't believe it!!

Ayan : Tell me... I want to know!!

Mona : Haha... Okay... So... I am not sure if it was the feeling that I had behaved a little too harshly with him that day, or the very impossible nature of the events, I was filled with thoughts of the strange visitor, and I was being reminded about of the old man, continuously!! Soon, I felt so lubed up that I fingered myself in the new bedroom of our new house, on the new bed I was to share with your father, imagining it was the old man taking me!! And, I did all this while your Dad unloaded our things from the truck.

Ayan : Fuck!! Hahahaha!! I thought you were typing down how you found out the truth about him!! This is so filthy!! You are such a sex starved slag, Mom!!

Mona : Hahaha... I cannot agree more!! Lol!! But... ywuou alkweays kjnnwew thgaayt

Ayan : What??!!

Mona : Sorry for the typo... It gets very difficult at times for me to type... Especially when my fingers are all sticky!!

Ayan : Lol!! Fucking Bitch!! Hehe... Your pussy must be so sour!!

Mona : I like this pain!!

Ayan : You deserve to be gang-banged!!

Mona : I think I just pushed my entire first inside my cunt!!

Ayan : What?! Fuck!! Mom!!

Mona : I am squirting, You Bastard!! Shit!! That felt so good!! I just don't want to pull my hand out!!

Ayan : Who are you thinking of?! Me?? Or, your old lover?! Hehehe...

Mona : I guess You... But, I hope it was him!! Hahaha!! It does not really matter... I can take the two of you together!!

Ayan : You are so wild!! If only I was there already!! Lol!! Hahaha... Mom... And... Is it only inside your pussy that you have your fingers stuffed?!

Mona : I am not very sure, Son... It is very difficult to guess correctly which hole is being used, when they are all loose & gaping, and feel the same!!

Ayan : Fuck!!

Mona : Hahaha!!

Ayan : You are such a slut, Mom!!

Mona : Damn!! Finally!! Haha... I was waiting for you to call me a slut!! I feel like I am the Queen of the World!! Lol!! Please make me the sluttiest among the sluts!!

Ayan : Bloody Horny Slut Mom!!

Mona : Hahahaha... Say something really really dirty, Ayan... Say something that will make me cum just reading it... Sexting My Son is the best thing that has happened in my life... Turn into the only thing I will ever want!! Right Now!!

Ayan : Mom... Will we do more of this once we really have sex?! Will we still sext each-other??

Mona : We can, Ayan!! We will, Ayan!! We have to, Ayan!!

Ayan : Are you really sure we can continue this forever?!

Mona : I am really enjoying it!! Isn't that all that matters!!

Ayan : Yes... I know, Mom!! I feel the same!! But, it is not just that what I was asking??

Mona : What else is it?!

Ayan : Do you think we can be together, forever?!

Mona : Of-course!! Yes!! Definitely!! Unless you ditch me for Ahaana & Her Mother!!

Ayan : Fuck you!!

Mona : Hahahaha!! The pleasure will be all mine!!

Ayan : Lol!!

Mona : Make me your girlfriend, Ayan!! Please!! I can do you so much more good than Ahaana... And you know that!! Tell her you don't want to continue the relationship!!

Ayan : Hahahaha... Mom!! Well... In that case... Maybe once we actually do it, we can have some very hot phone sex, every time I need to be away from home... That is what I did with Ahaana... And, that is what I intended to with my other girlfriends, as well, if I was going to have more... Hehehe... Once I have sex with them, I am done sexting them... It is only phone sex, thereafter!!

Mona : My dear Son!! Haha!! Oh Yes!! Hahaha!! That would be great... In-fact... Why didn't I think about it earlier?! Lol!! Typing all this with one hand of mine fully concentrating on my pussy is indeed a difficult & messy process!!

Ayan : Haha!!

Mona : So... You are going to break up with her... Right?! For real!! It is going to be only me... Right?!

Ayan : I am seriously thinking about it!!

Mona : Hahaha... Then... Maybe, we too should quit Sexting, and really do Phone Sex!!

Ayan : Hehehe... Always ready...

Mona : How about I give you a call, right now?! Why don't we start right away?! I think we should!!

Ayan : Yes... Yes... We should!! That is just what we should be doing... But...

Mona : What?! Ayan... Make me your girlfriend, already!! I don't mind if you consider you have been fucking me for ages, if it is a must that you have to do me before you & I engage in phone sex!! I will let you make up for all the lost time!! I promise you that!! Please... Just let me call you!! I want to hear you tell me the nastiest things!! Now!!

Ayan : Hahaha... Mom!! Still...

Mona : What??!!

Ayan : We will do that, Mom... But, first... Before Phone Sex With My Mother, it will be Fucking My Mother!!

Mona : Haha!! What?! Why are you talking like you are reading out titles of sleazy erotic stories??

Ayan : Hahaha... I was just Opening Up To My Mother!!

Mona : Lol!! But... Why is that I feel you are losing interest in this conversation?? Are you busy with something... Or, someone!!

Ayan : Hahaha...

Mona : Hhmmm...

Ayan : What??

Mona : Nothing...

Ayan : Tell me, Mom...

Mona : It is... Ayan... Ohh... Wait... Give me a second...

Ayan : What happened?? Are you upset??

Mona : No!! Why??

Ayan : You know why...

Mona : No... It is just that somebody is outside... I just heard the bell ring...

Ayan : Yeah?! Who is it??

Mona : I don't know!! Let me just put on something, and go check. I am not wearing much... Hehe...

Ayan : I thought you were all dressed up, and ready to welcome me home!!

Mona : Who said I am not ready?! I am ready... For my son!!

Ayan : Oh, Mom!!

Mona : Hahaha!! Let me just cover myself, okay?! My special attire is only for you!! Lol!!

Ayan : Mom...

Mona : What??

Ayan : Don't bother!!

Mona : What?!

Ayan : Open the door, without putting on anything more!!

Mona : Haha!! Are you crazy?!

Ayan : Just open the door, Mom... It is me... I am home!!

Exactly 24 hours later, Ayan was back to the very same spot where he began his journey - Finishing it right there, and starting another...
Previous page: Part 03.2