Page 04
"I don't want to get paint on these. I had to throw the black ones out yesterday."
Mom waited, still smiling, but didn't say anything more. Her words sank in and I reached out with both hands to tug the panties down her hips. They caught briefly on the jutting swells of her behind, then snapped down to the base of her ass and the thickness of her thighs. Her pussy was bare, a neatly trimmed slot barely covering the puffy lips. I savored its musky aroma. Slowly, I tugged the panties further, in no hurry, leaning closer to Mom the farther I pushed them down her legs. When they were near her feet, my face was so close I could have stuck out my tongue and tasted her. Mom stepped out of the panties and I dropped them where they were on the floor.
"Come," Mom whispered. "We've got work to do."
She pulled me up by my hand and turned to lead me outside. I stumbled trying not to step on her panties. What would Dad think if he came home to find Mom's clothes strewn around the kitchen, especially her panties? Halfway across the yard, just as she had the day before, Mom stopped and pulled me even with her, then pushed on my back to urge me ahead.
"Go get the paint," she said.
I turned back to Mom and folded my arms around her naked body.
"We don't need the paint."
I leaned down to plant a kiss in the crook of her neck.
"No," she whispered.
I stiffened, then pulled back and looked into her eyes.
"I guess you're right, we don't," she said and stretched up to kiss me on my mouth.
I pulled her to me and mashed my lips on hers, slowly slipping my tongue into her mouth. My hands roamed down Mom's back and onto her gently sloping buttocks, curling around her bottom and squeezing her delicious buns. The kiss was intense and when we stopped twisting our faces to catch our breath, I had pulled Mom hard against the fullness of my swollen private parts. I realized what I had done and was about to pull away when Mom's mouth sought mine again, her tongue pushing thickly into me. I responded to its demand, kissing her hard and wrapping my arms tightly around her. Her pelvis thrust against mine and I ground my cock into its yielding flesh, forcing it into a rotational movement that continued until we parted again to breathe.
"No," Mom said. "We certainly don't need the paint." She stepped back, out of breath, but didn't turn away. My eyes moved down from her flushed face to her heaving chest and quivering nipples, then below to her pubic hair which was pulsing with excitement. I noticed that the front of my shorts were bursting with my own excitement and dropped my hands in front as I quickly looked up to see if Mom had seen. She had. I caught her just as she averted her eyes.
"Don't interrupt me today," she said, her breathing barely allowing the words to get out. "I want to know you're waiting, and that I can't see you until I'm done."
It was one of the most difficult things I ever did, watching Mom walk naked away from me. She worked for hours and hours. It was late afternoon when she finished. I stepped hesitantly up to the door just as she was covering her new work with the tarp. Her look kept me from entering so I waited, patiently, until she joined me at the door.
"Your father will be here any minute. It's a good thing we didn't use the paint," she said.
"Yes, good thing," I agreed, though I didn't really agree at all. I had been waiting all day to have our shower and it hadn't dawned on me once that it needn't happen if we didn't use the paint.
That night, I prepared a comforting environment for Mom after she and Dad retired for the night, just in case she did come downstairs unlike the previous two nights. After sitting alone for over two hours, I was about to give up and go to bed when I heard the soft click of a door being carefully closed upstairs. I craned my neck, turning my ear toward the stairs but I saw her before I detected the soft fall of her footsteps. She descended the stairs slowly, dressed like she had been every other night in a tightly cinched robe. Her eyes said it all as she stepped into the living room.
"Hi sweetheart. I couldn't sleep... Oh Ben, this is so lovely. Thank you so much."
Mom's eyes danced with the reflection of the candles I had placed all over the living room, on the window sill, the tables, and even on the floor. Her nostrils flared as she breathed in deep, inhaling the aroma of their scented oils.
"Gosh, it's a bit overwhelming... almost too much."
Her steps faltered and I leapt to my feet, crossing the floor to steady her.
"Sit here," I guided Mom to the couch, first sitting down myself against the pillows piled up at one end, one leg stretched across the cushions, then pulled her down with her back toward me. Mom wiggled her back, nestling comfortably against my chest.
"I couldn't sleep," she continued where she had left off. "I didn't want to wake Dad so I got up."
"Mmhmmmm," I nodded, though she couldn't see my head behind her.
"I keep thinking about their request," Mom referred to the couple whose commission pieces she had worked so hard to do the past couple of days. "I hope they like them."
"I'm sure they will," I said, confidently, kissing Mom's hair.
"I don't know. Their instructions leave so much latitude: statues of a woman lying down and of a man sitting, watching her; statues of the two of them lying down together; and to make the woman older than the man, much older."
"I know, it's strange."
"Yes. Usually it's the man with a wife much too young for him but a woman with a much younger man but I'm sure it happens. They sound like they're wealthy." Mom paused, then added, "It's probably her money."
"Yes, probably," I murmured, kissing Mom's neck inside the collar of her robe.
"It's just that I can't decide what to do next. That's why I can't sleep."
"Relax. You'll think of something."
By the sound of Mom's sigh, she wasn't as sure as I about that. My fingers found the belt securing her robe and began toying with it in a lackadaisical fashion, tugging its ends and slowly pulling the knot undone. Mom shifted left to bring her right leg up onto the couch too. I continued playing until the knot pulled free. Mom seemed to be deep in thought and unaware of my activity. Slowly, not because I was afraid she would stop me but rather because I didn't want to disturb her, I pulled Mom's robe apart until I had an unobstructed view down the front of her body, covered by the nightgown until just below her knees. Her feet were bare; she had kicked off her slippers.
As Mom pondered what to do the next day, I untangled the laces connecting her nightgown with discretion similar to that I had applied to dismantling the robe. After quite a few minutes, I had succeeded in unfettering Mom's breasts and taken them gently into my hands. For the next half an hour, I nuzzled Mom's neck and massaged her breasts, occasionally letting my hands stray down her belly inside the nightgown to stroke her soft skin. I was surprised when I encountered the upper traces of her pubic hair but I didn't venture into it.
I didn't want to disturb Mom's thoughts as I was sure she was well into the creative process. Nevertheless, I could not stop my cock from swelling more at the thought of Mom's bare pelvis. Had she purposely removed her panties before coming downstairs or was it just a coincidence? Her pussy was bare just inches below my trembling fingers. I hoped my hard cock, now pressing into the small of her back, didn't intrude rudely into her thoughts but there was little I could do about that. Hoping to alleviate the situation, I returned my hands to Mom's breasts. Mere seconds later my fingers surrounded her nipples, gently tugging and tweaking them into full extension. I would have stopped when I became aware of what I was doing were it not for Mom's contented sigh and the feel of her body relaxing against mine. What I was doing must be helping her generate creative thoughts.
Several minutes later, Mom pulled up her knees, pushing her back more forcefully into my erection. Incredible as it sounds, my hands tired of manipulating Mom's breasts. Again, they descended her body but this time stayed on top of her nightgown, stopping on her hips. My fingers stretched out and retracted, pulling the nightgown back. I repeated this several times until the hem was dragged up and over Mom's raised knees. A few more clenches and the hem started an inexorable descent down the top of Mom's thighs until it was bunched up on her belly. As soon as that happened, Mom lowered her legs until they were once again stretched out straight on the couch.
I returned my hands to her breasts but after several minutes reviving her stiff nipples let them stray down to Mom's waist. There, my fingers began kneading her sides and, as a side-effect, rolling the nightgown up under Mom's breasts. She was very quiet but I could feel her breath shortening and knew she was excited by either her thoughts or what I was doing. So was I! My boner was so ragingly hard I worried that I might damage her spine if I moved suddenly. I moved my head, stretching it up slightly so I could get a better view past Mom's breasts. I was pleasantly surprised when she adjusted her head to accommodate me, or was that just accidental?
The last of the nightgown was now sliding up over Mom's pouting tummy, revealing the tuft of pubic hair covering her mound, a slash of white to either side where the sun never reached when she tanned in the back yard. When the nightgown was completely rolled up, Mom pulled her legs up again, her rising knees held tightly together. Was she feeling self-conscious? Was she going to cover up?
Mom turned her head sideways toward the back of the couch. Maybe she was embarrassed that she'd let me expose her this way. Her head rubbed into the hollow under my left shoulder as if scratching an itch in her ear, then was still. A few seconds later, Mom's knees parted, then stopped when the gap was only two inches wide. Haltingly, her knees continued to give way, stopping and starting, again and again, until they were more than two feet apart. I raised my hand to press Mom's hair against the back of her head to clear the line of sight between my eyes and her bare pussy, now pulled slightly apart.
I could see a slight furrow through the slot of pubic hair. She was trembling down there. Why? Was she ashamed? If so, why didn't she close her legs? Or maybe she was quivering in anticipation, or from the feel of my eyes' caress?
I didn't know. What I did know was that I wanted to be closer to that tantalizing tuft of hair. I returned my hand to Mom's hip and moved both of them closer to the center, stopping in the shallow groove just inside her hipbones. Stretching my fingers toward each other, I set them down on Mom's soft pelvic flesh just short of that wondrous strip of hair, pressed in, and pulled.
What a fantastic revelation! The furrow widened and a moist, pink slit appeared at the bottom of the trench. I had seen Mom's pussy this morning when she let me pull her panties down but this, this was my first ever view of her cunt. My cock throbbed into her back. Oh God, don't come, don't come. I groaned out loud with the effort, willing my cock to stop.
The moment passed and I sighed with relief. I rubbed my fingers up and down at the sides of Mom's pussy, then pushed them together and pulled them apart.
"Ohhhhhh," Mom released a quiet sigh.
I kept manipulating the flesh at the sides of Mom's pussy, alternately hiding and revealing that pink slit and causing Mom to sigh again and again, more frequently as the pinkness moistened. When her sighs were almost constant, I moved my hands closer together. Now, when they reached toward each other, they met on top of that beckoning furrow and descended together into the pinkness, prying it apart, tenderly, lovingly. Up and down, my fingertips stroked as Mom's sighs were converted into soft moans.
When the moans because groans, I began openly thrusting my hardness into Mom's back, at first slowly but then with more and more vigor. In my passion, I forgot to be tender and felt the fingers of my right hand push inside Mom, between her pussy lips, inserting themselves in her cunt, which immediately shoved itself more firmly upward until my digits were completely ensconced. My left hand moved instinctively to the top of Mom's pussy and was hotly welcomed there. I was bucking frantically against her back now, no longer afraid of a messy release. In fact, needing it desperately. When it came, filling my shorts with hot, sticky goo, Mom's hands covered mine, pressing them tight as she shuddered to her own release.
We were still. The candlelight flickered in the night as we became once more aware of our surroundings. I pushed Mom's nightgown down over her belly until it was piled up, covering her. Mom's hands took over, pushing it up and over her knees which were now closed demurely together. Her legs lowered and Mom sat up, twisting to put her feet on the floor. She gathered her robe about her and tugged it in to her waist, threading the belt into a bow and pulling it tight into a knot. She found her slippers and slipped her feet into them, then turned and looked down at me.
"Thanks," she said, patting my chest. She didn't look down at my still bulging shorts or the spreading wetness there. "I think I know what I'm going to do now.
Mom got up and quietly walked away.
Mom was already out in the studio working when I got up the next morning. Dad was gone. After breakfast, I returned to my room instead of disturbing her, deciding instead to work on the website and check for emails. There were several queries which I answered. I made a lunch and took it out to the studio. Mom had just finished a piece and covered it up so we ate together. I glanced curiously several times at the tarp, wondering what was underneath. Mom noticed.
"Be patient," she said. "I'll show you when I'm ready."
"Do you need some support before you go back to work?"
"Support?" she asked. My eagerness for her response must have answered her query because she smiled softly as if trying to let me down gently, "No, I know exactly what I want to do."
I must have looked devastated because Mom immediately added, "But I'm not sure what to do for tomorrow. Perhaps we can do a little more mentoring tonight?"
"Yeah, Mom. Whatever you want. I'm happy to help out any way I can."
"You a bigger help than you know."
Mom turned back to work and, as she did, her eyes flitted across my shorts. I looked down to see a huge boner that, until then, I had been completely unaware of. I blushed and looked at Mom, ready to say something, to apologize or whatever, but she was already working. Quietly, I slipped outside and disappeared into the house.
It was late, much later than the night before, when Mom appeared on the stairs. She was standing still, as if she was waiting for me to notice her before she made her descent. She was dressed in the same robe. Her eyes sparkled as she neared the candlelight. I thought it odd that I could notice her eyes at the same time I registered the way her body pressed against the robe as she walked and noticed how silently her bare feet carried her across the carpet.
Her steps didn't falter tonight. She strode confidently toward me, motioning for me to lie back against the pillows. When she was next to me, she pulled two of them out and pressed me back until I was almost prone. Then she undid the belt on her robe but held it together with one hand as she lifted one knee over me and set it down between my leg and the back of the couch. As she lay down on top of me, her robe fell open and her breasts dangled down. Mom was naked!
Mom wriggled on top of me, getting comfortable. When she was finally still, her head was on my shoulder and her face was buried in my neck.
"Will you tickle me while I think?" she asked.
"Tickle you?" I asked.
"Yes. You know what I mean. Start with my back."
I placed my hands on Mom's back and started stroking it.
"Underneath," she murmured. "On my skin."
"Oh," I said.
I pulled at Mom's robe but had trouble baring more than a few inches below her neck. Pulling it up from her front, squeezed between us, I peeled it away from her shoulders until her back was bare and the robe was piled on top of her buttocks. I started from there, in the small of her back, using long strokes up her sides and down her spine.
"Mmmmmmm, like that," Mom purred.
I stroked and caressed Mom forever, my fingertips dancing lightly with the barest of touch at times and then rubbing firmly with the sole of my knuckles and even pressing in with my palms. I scraped along the side of her breasts but I didn't try to reach underneath to hold them. I was familiar with them now and didn't want to relieve the pressure of her body along mine, it felt so good. At some point, I pulled the rest of the robe up from Mom's sides and pushed it off her bottom until it fell on the floor. Now, my strokes traced the length of her back and more, tasting the full range of her buttocks.
I gravitated more and more onto Mom's ass, plying it with my eager fingers, exploring every curve, every cranny, and the full extent of her jutting cheeks. When my fingers tracked near her hidden valley, Mom's pelvis pressed down more firmly against my own. Soon, my fingers were plying that forbidden canyon, pulling her cheeks apart to make the entrance wider. My right hand stretched in search of the moist crevice I had explored the night before but I couldn't quite reach it. Mom shifted on top of me, moving up until her head flopped over my shoulder and my straining fingers found her delicious slit.
So inviting, so wet! My fingertips slid easily inside.
"Ohhhhhhh," Mom moaned in my ear, her lips pressing against the side of my head and encircling the edge of my ear just as her tongue pressed inside.
I pushed my fingers in deep. Mom scrunched hard into my cock and moaned in my ear, then lifted her ass back to shove my fingers deeper inside her. I started fingering her and running my other hand up and down her ass. Mom's hip began to rotate, dry humping my cock and fucking my fingers. The fingertips of my left hand found and pressed on her anus. Mom's tongue shoved hard into my ear, swirling wetly, then broke away. Her head lifted up and the next thing I knew her mouth was covering mine and her tongue was reaching for my throat. I slipped my fingertip into her asshole.
Immediately, Mom started bucking on my cock and her hands shoved under my back, grabbing my shorts and pushing them down. She was like a woman possessed, desperate to get at me, desperate to find relief. I strained to lift us both. The effort was worth it when my shorts suddenly shot down over my hips and ass, scraping over my cock until the waistband was caught by my balls. One hard jerk later, and my balls were pressing against Mom's moist pussy.
Feverishly, Mom's hand found my cock. She didn't hesitate for an instant. She rose up until her head was hanging above mine and, looking down, she guided my cock to her entrance, slowed to carefully insert its tip, then just as slowly sank down my rigid shaft, mewling a strange animal-like sound until her mound found my root. The fucking started right away. Mom leaned over me, huffing and puffing while her cunt gripped my cock, chewing up and down its length like a starving cow deprived of its cud. All I could do was lay underneath and groan my pleasure. Each time I thrust up, I was immediately smashed down. Mom was fucking my ass off and all I could do was grab her hips and hang on.
I came hard but was dwarfed by Mom's silent yet thundering explosion which drenched my balls. She didn't stop right away. Rather, she continued fucking my cock, though ever slower and slower, until finally, she collapsed on my chest, hands running through my hair and kissing my forehead. After a long time, Mom pulled away and stood beside the couch. She let me look at her heaving breasts and trembling, wet pussy, only slowly pulling her robe closed and belting it up. She touched her fingers to her lips and then pressed it to my forehead. About to turn away, she repeated the touch to her lips and then touched the tip of my worn out cock, now flopped over my stomach. She giggled, a mischievous glint in her eye, and turned away.