The night sky was splattered with stars, both bright and dim, close and far. Though it was tiny and seemed far, one speck of light flickered out and something fell from its place. It traveled towards the earth at an incredible speed, its hot scorched mass breaking apart and crumbling away until only a small pollen-like orb remained. It fell much slower now, its contact with the grassy earth gentle and silent, to the ears of a human that is.
Once the orb was nestled against the night grass dripping with condensation, it split in two and revealed a translucent, worm-like, being. It exited its capsule and darted through the grass forest surrounding it. However, it wouldn't get far.
Eight legs dropped all around it and imprisoned the being under the spider. Seemingly lost in confusion it turned in circles threatening to dig a hole through the earth with its rotational speed. Two fangs sunk into the being and it fell still only seconds later. The spider, satisfied with its victorious hunt, turned around and began to pull out some of its webbing so it could feast as it had many times before. No webbing ever left its gland. The shock of something forcing its way into its anus caused the spider to collapse to the ground. It laid there, the minutes passing by. With a spasm of life, the spider stood back up, looking towards a house. In a steamy window the topless figure of a woman wrapping her soaked hair up with a towel, her breast swaying back and forth for anyone, or anything to see.
Having wrapped her hair up with a towel, Bella wiped away the condensation on the mirror to reveal her topless figure. Water ran from her tied-up hair, down and around her neck, and over her breasts. She placed her hands together and squeezed her breasts between her arms, watching herself in the wet mirror.
"You can really only do so much with these, yet they still can't seem to get enough of them. Bella smiled at her reflection before turning and walking out of her bathroom. "Fuck!" She bit her lip as her nipples hardened and her skin tightened, "SO cold. I forgot to dry off." She wrapped her arms around her chest in a struggle to hold in her body's warmth while she quickly tip-toed her way to her bedroom, her breast threatening to slip out with every step.
By the time Bella got to her room, she was mostly dry and freezing. She hopped up and down while turning on her space heater. "Damn, I want to snuggle up under my blanket so bad but I'm still too wet for that." Her glutes audibly clapped together while she hopped from one foot to the other trying to build up heat, her breast still locked in the vice-grip that was her arms.
"Fuck it, I'm dry enough!" She dove head and breast first under her blanket, her goosebump-covered thighs swaying back and forth as she crawled the rest of her way under. After some time her head poked out from the blanket with flushed cheeks, "That's what I'm talking about, nice and warm." Reaching over she turned on the TV and watched a couple of 10min videos before her room was finally the right temperature.
Sliding out from under her blanket she felt the slightly cooler air feel her up. She walked over to a drawer and pulled out a hairdryer. Plugging it in while she yawned she ran her mid-length well-kept fingernails along her left nipple to quell the itching sensation that had suddenly appeared. Taking off the towel from her head she hung it on the doorknob and began drying her now only slightly damp hair.
She watched herself in the dresser mirror as she did, making sure to brush her hair as she dried it. After finishing she placed her nails on her jaw, dragging them down her neck, in-between her breasts, over her stomach, and ending at the creases in her hips where her thighs and torso met. She raised an eyebrow to the mirror, "I need lotion... so itchy."
Reaching over She grabbed a pump bottle of lotion, quickly squirting it into her hands and smearing it over her body. She lifted her leg up and placed it on her dresser, with her fingers she ran the lotion into her freshly trimmed pubic hair. Looking down at her vagina she pushed and pulled at her lips while applying the lotion to view her craftsmanship.
"Doesn't look like I missed any spots," taking her middle and ring finger she ran them from the base of her vagina to her anus and back. "Nope, all smooth there. Hmm, did I go a little too narrow this time, it almost looks like an arrow. Oh well, it'll grow back soon enough."
After finishing her lotion session she slipped on her robe and climbed back into bed. Pressing a few buttons on her universal remote her TV and lights went out, and it wasn't long before her chest raised and fell with a rhythm that only sleep caused. Though it was a robe it was better suited to be called a cape with how she wore it. The front was open, leaving her almost fully exposed if not for the blanket that she huddled under. The same blanket that she had chucked across her room in her sleep because she had forgotten to turn off her space heater. Lying there she was spread eagle on her back as if trying to expel all the excess heat she could. It only did so much because sweat was beginning to form in every crevice and crease on her body.
Due to the sweat covering her body she didn't wake when a prickle caused her to instinctively kick her leg. Nor did she wake when that prickle began to crawl up her body. It slowly crept up her inner calf, over her knee, up her thick thigh, and onto her pelvis. The prickly sensation stayed in her pubic hair; it wasn't long before she unconsciously reached down to rub the sensation away as if it was an itch. Her fingernails danced in the well-kept bush before returning to her chest, nuzzled between her breasts. The prickle returned, traversing her neck, and stopping at her lips.
The spider could smell the nice scent of sweetness and warmth from this opening, however, it was currently closed off. Using two of its eight legs it gently pushed and pulled at Bella's lips. Slipping its legs in-between those two moist lips it felt a hard surface beneath. It dragged its arm slowly across Bella's teeth in search of an opening but found none. The spider was big enough that its legs spanned Bella's mouth and nose, the same way a surgical mask might. Using its two legs that rested on either side of Bella's nose it pulled itself up a bit, placing its butt-plug-sized rear-end over Bella's lips. Soon a milky substance began to ooze from its anus and it dragged it across the crevice in her lips. After a couple of swipes back and forth Bella unconsciously began to rub her lips together. When she did the spider stopped moving and held its hind end right in the center of Bella's lips. The lips kept rubbing each other and occasionally grazing the spider.
Then the unbelievable happened. A wet, slimy creature pulled the spider's rear end down, the lips latching onto the being, it now unable to get away. It used all eight of its legs to try and push off of Bella's face but couldn't overpower the lips. Inside Bella's mouth, her tongue rubbed the spider's anus causing it to flail its legs in the air. Then she began to suck on it, forcing the milky substance out of the spider whether it wanted it or not. The spider spasmed as it was sucked for everything it had. The spider was eventually sucked so deep into Bella's mouth that her lips were within biting range. Clamping down on Bella's large lower lip the spider poured its poison into the plump flesh. Bella moaned as the spider's fangs sunk deeper and deeper into her lip. Her thighs clamped together causing her pussy's lips to press firmly against her clitoris while she arched her back and ground her ass into the bed. Her nipples were firm and the sweat running off her breast teased her body as it ran down her stomach and in between her clenched legs. Her legs squeezed tighter and tighter, as she only shoved her ass into the mattress harder. The mattress was caving in slightly under the force of her ass and as a result, was spreading her cheeks the more she pressed into it. Her body locked, reaching its limits. Her legs couldn't get any tighter, they were already shaking just trying to maintain the pressure. Her back couldn't arch anymore and her ass cheeks could only spread so far apart, her asshole now being shoved into the sheets.
Her body stayed like that for a while. Bella sucking on the spider and the spider injecting her with poison.
That was until water began to splatter out from her tightly clenched thighs that were eventually forced to open. She threw her hips high in the air and a stream of crystal-clear water shot out from her pussy. She squeezed her tits, her nails nearly drawing blood as she felt a tense jolt of pleasure assail her body. Bella's eyelids shot open but she couldn't see anything due to them being rolled into the back of her head from pleasure. She opened her mouth wide as she screamed out in euphoria, not even noticing the spider that crawled out of it and fell between her tightly clasped tits. With her heart racing faster than it had ever before the poison quickly spread through her system and she began to feel all the strength from her muscles fade away as her pleasure left her. Dropping back to the bed, her and it now covered in her bodily fluids, her hands left her tits causing them to jiggle violently while her legs fell open causing her tits to shake for the second time.
Despite the strong poison her body still spasmed slightly due to the intense orgasm she had just experienced. Only in control of her eyes, mouth, and neck, she looked down at the mess she had just made. The sheets drenched in her sweat among other things. Her tits were producing so much sweat you'd think they were meant for it, and the spider resting between them.
A spider! "What the fuck! Get off me!" She swung her arm at it, but her arm didn't move. No not just her arm, not a single part of her body moved beside her head. Tears began to form at the edges of her eyes as the frustration of not being able to move combined with the fear of a spider resting between your tits. "Please, just leave me! Get off me! It's so gross!"
The spider stood up and turned to face the now immobile Bella. Bella noticed something tug from inside her mouth. Looking at the spider she saw a thin thread that trailed from the spider's backside to her own mouth. Her mind moved so fast it went silent, her consciousness leaving her.
The spider severed the piece of thread and crawled away. However not everything had left. The creature crawled out of her mouth, it had tripled in size. It disappeared under the covers.