Page 01

I still can hardly believe the events of the last year, and although I've never written before, I thought that writing them down might help me come to terms with what I seem to have become. Maybe you'll be able to explain it - I can't.

I'm a rather unremarkable, forty-three-year-old woman, called Hilary. I'm about five-ten tall, only a few pounds above my recommended weight, so compared with many others, relatively trim. My eyes are brown, darker than my mousy brown hair. My figure isn't bad, though my chest never grew boobs as large as I wanted.

I was never particularly gifted academically, and after a variety of organisational jobs, when I started my family, I set myself up as a freelance event organiser: things like weddings, parties, anything that anyone would pay me to make happen. My husband, Ethan, is more-or-less the male equivalent of me physically, but he turned out to be more talented intellectually, and he's managed to work himself up to lower senior management in one of those large, behind-the-scenes IT companies most people have never heard of.

We have two children, fraternal twins, Mimi and Daniel, who when the events in this story began, were twenty-one, and just finishing their degrees in different institutions in the city, while Ethan and I still live in what was once a farmhouse, way out of town.

It all started less than a week before the Easter holidays, when Mimi and Daniel were due to come back home for a few days. I heard my phone ping to tell me that there was a text message, but when I looked, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a close-up picture of a highly aroused penis, complete with a drop of clear liquid emerging from the opening of the circumcised head.

I'd seen one before, of course I had, but somehow the impact it had on me was huge. I mean, it was so in-your-face, with every detail of the engorged veins down the shaft visible. I just stood there, open mouthed, staring at my phone, unfamiliar feelings running through me. No, there was no way that a picture of an erect male organ could have aroused me, was there? I was a married woman with two children, for goodness sake, and although lovemaking with Ethan had reduced to a couple of times a month, like most middle-aged couples probably, a single image surely couldn't affect me.

It had though. I just couldn't stop staring at it for a long time, then I started to wonder who on earth had sent it to me. I didn't think it was Ethan's, though the truth was, I wasn't sure I'd recognise it if it was. Anyway, Ethan certainly wouldn't have done such a thing.

Was I being stalked, or something? It hardly seemed likely, but I had a quick look through the windows to see if there was anyone spying on me from outside. It was a scary thought, but a little thrill shot through me at the thought that there might be someone who still saw me as sexually attractive, and not just an aging mother. Was I a MILF, I wondered, not entirely sure what exactly that meant?

When I'd collected myself properly, I saw that the picture had come from my son, Daniel. What the hell? Surely, he wouldn't send his mother a picture of himself, would he? Even less, send a picture of someone else?

Then I saw a few words of text: 'Hi Mim, CU 2nt'. I confess that some bad words, that I never normally would dream of using went through my mind. I immediately assumed that the message was meant for my daughter, Mimi, who we usually called just Mim, and my son had confused 'Mom' and 'Mim' when he sent it. Goodness knows, I'd sent a few messages to the wrong people that way.

But nothing like this one, of course. Was my son really sending a picture of himself to his sister? Or maybe it was someone else, one of her boyfriends, maybe, but it still left the question of why my son had the picture, rather than the other guy. Without really thinking what I was doing, I forwarded the message to my daughter, who clearly was the intended recipient.

Damn, what on earth was I doing sending a dick pic to my daughter, let alone if it was my son's? I was just trying to work out the consequences when my phone pinged again, and a new picture appeared on the screen. If anything, this was even more shocking.

It was a close up of a ... well ... a vagina, two fingers pulling back the lips, so that the opening was, well, open. The message had clearly come from Mimi, presumably just as a reply to Daniel's message, without noticing it had been forwarded by me.

I was shocked, horrified, but yet fascinated and to my shame, even a bit further aroused. I was used to seeing my husband with an erection, but not a close-up of what was between a woman's legs. I mean, I don't normally get to see myself, do I? Did I look like this?

Well, not quite. The woman in the picture had shaved or waxed, though I thought I could see some pubic hair left above the front of her lips. The lips themselves had a brownish tinge, making a perfect arrowhead shape, coming to a point just ahead of the clitoris, the inner valley a beautiful salmon pink, the whole length glistening.

Hell, I'd never realised just how interesting and beautiful a vulva was, and I couldn't drag my eyes away from it. I'd never had the slightest lesbian inclination, apart from my sister and I feeling each other's tits while they were growing, and the sort of play at grabbing each other's bits in the girls' shower room at school. Yet here I was, fascinated by the most intimate parts of what might well be my daughter.

Apart from that, I was still stunned at the idea that my son and daughter were sending each other pictures of their private parts. It was disgusting, but yet horribly arousing, not just the pictures, but the thought of what I presumed was my son's rather beautiful shaft entering my daughter's open hole.

I started wondering whether my lips were bigger than the ones in the picture, which I couldn't help but go back to look at. I slipped my hand under my dress, then down inside my panties, trying to feel with my fingers the size of mine in comparison. Well, that was a mistake, because as soon as I touched myself there, it felt as if something had exploded between my legs, and I felt warm, wet fluid coming out of me, making my already damp panties even wetter.

No, that wasn't going to work, but I still wanted to find out whether I looked like the woman in the picture, and if it would give me evidence to decide whether the picture really was of my daughter. I went upstairs to the bedroom, took of my panties completely, and held myself open in front of the mirror on the sliding door of the wardrobe.

Damn, it was too far away to get a good enough look, though what was clear was that I was a heck of a lot hairier between my legs than whoever it was in the picture. I'd have to use my phone to take a picture, if I was going to get the same level of close-up to do a proper comparison.

Well, I don't know if you've ever tried to photograph your bits, but if so, you'll likely have discovered, like me, that it is nowhere near as easy as it sounds. I had to hold myself open with one hand, then guess the direction and hope the distance was enough for the camera to focus, and press the button to take the picture with the other.

I got lots of blurred images, then ones of a bit of hair and the bedroom ceiling, then ones mostly of my butt. I dropped the phone a couple of times, then had to wipe my secretions off it, only to find my fingers were then so slippery they kept sliding off the button, and I dropped it again. It must have been so funny to watch, that even I was giggling by the time I finished.

I stopped giggling, though, when I looked at the perfect shot I'd eventually managed to get. Yes, I did have larger lips, but mine were paler in colour, and the inside of my vulva was less salmon and more pink, all of which helped me not at all in deciding if it were my daughter in the picture I'd been sent.

The most amazing thing, though, was that I looked just as arousing as the picture. No, I thought, surely, I couldn't get excited just looking at myself? I guess Ethan must have looked at me like this, but maybe it was the thought of having a picture I could send to other people that I found arousing, or, dare I think it, having other people look at me in the flesh.

I knew it was stupid, but I couldn't seem to stop myself pushing two fingers into my hole, which was slippery with my heavily scented fluid, and rub my thumb around my clit. Shit, I couldn't remember the last time I'd masturbated, but it felt so damn good I wished I had a lot more.

I'd forgotten just how wet and slippery my gash was when I was excited. Was it my imagination, or could I really hear sucking noises like pulling a spoon out of Jell-O when I pulled my fingers out of my hole? My vagina seemed to want to suck my fingers back inside, and I loved the way my lips seemed to curl around my fingers, trying to stop them leaving.

One hand was between my legs, while the other held my phone, and I flicked backwards and forwards between the man's already oozing erection, and the woman's and my own open holes. I was enjoying rediscovering the little tricks with my fingers, that would send bolts of lightning right through me, sending my arousal soaring.

Reminding myself of the way I loved it when I pinched and rubbed the very front of my slit, ahead of my clit, then pressing hard on the hard lump of my clit itself, making my knees jerk up as the almost unbearable pleasure shot through me. Why had I stopped doing this, I wondered, when it was so unbelievably enjoyable. These days, I didn't even bother finishing myself off when Ethan made love to me, as increasingly he himself seemed to have stopped bothering to make sure I came and not just him.

I lay there, relishing the pleasure in my belly, trying to make it last, as I switched between the pictures on my phone. How could I be doing this, I thought, at the same time as the pleasure from the hand on my pussy sent waves of pleasure radiating right through me? I knew I should be ashamed, but the prospect that two of the pictures were of my own children, now adults of course, just added to the thrill.

Still, however much I'd wanted it to last, it wasn't long before I came, screaming out one of those words I'd always told the kids they shouldn't use, which just added to my shame, and I realised just what a disgusting and shameful thing I had just done.

For my penance, I spent the rest of the afternoon dusting and tidying Daniel and Mimi's bedrooms, making sure they were spotless for when they came back in two days' time. By the time Ethan came home, I'd managed to get myself more-or-less back to my normal, restrained self. As we ate dinner, I was wondering whether to mention the pictures to Ethan, when he decided it for me.

"You know, Hil, I had a strange message today. It was of, well, a woman's private parts, and it seemed to come from our daughter. The only thing I could imagine was that she'd sent it to me by mistake, intending it to go to Daniel. You know, Dad, Dan, an easy mistake to make. I forwarded it on to him, but then I started to worry that it wasn't really for him at all. I could hardly ask Mimi, could I, else she'd realise I'd seen parts of her that a father should never see?"

"That's funny, Ethan, because something similar happened to me, but I also got a picture of an erect ... um ... you know."

I explained how I'd also forwarded, and got back the same picture he had. We compared the pictures to confirm they were the same, and I could see from the look on my husband's face, plus the bulge in his pants, that he found the thought that this was our daughter's vagina at least as exciting as I did.

"What the hell are they up to, Ethan? Surely, they aren't actually ..."

"Who knows, Hilary? Perhaps it was some sort of college dare, or bet. But there's nothing we can do about it, is there? They're both adults, after all. Maybe, though, we'll be able to get a better sense of it when they come back home, and we might even be able to give them some advice."

"Not that they ever took our advice when they were young, let alone now."

We cleared away the dinner things, and tried to find something worth watching on the TV. The problem was, though, that looking with my husband at what appeared to be our daughter's vagina, had started off the same feeling between my legs, that I thought I'd dealt with that afternoon.

"Have another look at what we were sent, darling," I said, showing him the picture on my phone. "I know you like it, but what about this one? Is it as good? Or maybe you'd like to have a good look at it in the flesh?"

I flicked Mimi's photo off the screen, moving to the one I'd taken of me.

"Hilary! When on earth did you do that?"

I explained that I'd never seen myself, and wondered what I looked like compared to my daughter.

"Well, do you want to look or not, Ethan? Have you ever looked that carefully at my vagina?"

He said he hadn't, but he certainly seemed to enjoy it when I laid back on the bed, legs wide apart, pulling myself open. He couldn't cope with it for long, though, before he climbed on me, and we made love. And boy, did we ever make love! Ethan had more energy that he'd shown for a long time, and given my experience in the afternoon, I didn't hold back using my fingers on my clit, so for the second time that day, I had a more powerful climax than I'd had for years, this time as my husband came inside me.

Well, not insideme, I was sure. No, he was thinking he was in the hole in that other picture, and I was imagining that what was in me was the bigger male organ I'd been sent, that I myself was that other woman.

Ethan, as always, went off to sleep soon after, but I lay there for ages, while I replayed the events of the day and my emotions. Were my children really engaging in incest? It was against everything we'd brought them up to believe, and part of me was angry and disgusted. However, there seemed to be another part of me with a more lenient view.

I mean, what was actually wrong with it? Clearly there are massive risks of genetic disease in close relatives having children with each other, the way lots of European royalty had, including the last Russian Tzar, whose son had haemophilia. But with reliable birth control, that wasn't a problem, surely?

More importantly, had Mimi and Daniel deliberately sent those pictures to us? I could just about believe that Mim and Mum could be confused, as could Dan and Dad. But both together? And why did they need to be sending them like that anyway if they were just intended to be to each other? Could my children really be as wicked and dirty as to try to seduce their own parents? Surely not.

In any case, would I ever let my son make love to me? Would it even count as cheating on Ethan, especially if he had been imagining making love to our daughter, which I could tell intrigued him. I was absolutely shocked and disgusted that I could even ask myself those questions, but yet the idea of watching my husband fuck my daughter, while my son fucked me, was horribly exciting.

Oh God, I even used the word 'fuck'. Shit, I'd also blasphemed! What on earth was becoming of me, I wondered, as I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke in the morning, Ethan had already gone off to work, but I realised that I seemed to have a different level of inner energy than I'd had for years. The kids were due back that evening, and I was looking forward to seeing them again. I always did, just because I loved them, but this time there was the added excitement of perhaps finding out what had happened. Unless they were just going to pretend nothing had happened.

I went to the store and did some food shopping, my curiosity ramping up in my unconscious brain as I chose items for our meals. When I got home and had put everything away, I found that my mind was full of questions. What was incest, really? Was it still illegal, and if so, had anyone actually been charged with it recently?

I opened my laptop, and typed 'incest' into my search engine. I'd never have predicted the volume and diversity of what it returned.

I mean, who knew that in a couple of states, and several European countries, sex between sisters and brothers is perfectly legal! And in some states and countries the laws were obviously drawn up by men, so the definition of incest involves insertion of the male member into the female, so strictly speaking, lesbian relationships, perhaps even between parents and daughters are legal as long as both consent, and the daughter is above the legal age.

Mind you, the number of prosecutions for consensual, adult incest is tiny, yet the estimates in several countries, including the USA, is that in at least 1%, and maybe up to 21% of families there has been some degree of incestual sex. How on earth did they work that out?

I didn't really believe incest was so common, or even discussed, not until I started to look at some of the porn sites that came up through the search. I couldn't believe how much stuff there was: often mother, daughter and son, or mother, son or daughter and girl or boyfriend, then father and daughter, often with the mother, and sometimes the son. Often the description said stepmom or stepson, although what I'd read earlier said this was just as illegal as with the actual birth parent.

I couldn't take my eyes off the images on screen, as a succession of mothers were fucked by their sons and daughters. Yes, I'd started using the f-word all the time now, and I hardly realised that I'd slipped my hand down inside my panties, and inside my slit, which again was leaking cum already. Of course, I had to use my left hand, needing my right to control the trackpad, which itself was stimulating, as I had to learn how to masturbate with the hand I'd never used before.

Shit, I'd never really looked at porn. Well, only when I caught the kids looking and I made them disconnect, so I hadn't realised just how good the quality was these days. The images of the cocks pumping in and out of the mom's pussy were so clear, the way they showed the hole being stretched open and pulled around, that I could almost feel it going up inside me. Oh God, shit another blaspheme, I'd started to think of a penis as a cock, and a vulva as a pussy.

I was sliding my fingers up and down my slit, getting increasingly skilled at circling my clit until I was close to coming, then ramming them into my hole, enjoying the warm, slippery flesh inside me pushing against them. Then I'd pull out, pinch my labia between my wet fingers and thumb until my eyes started to water, finally sliding them back to the rock-hard nub of my clit.

I'd skimmed through a few videos, stopping to watch scenes that gave me the biggest tingle in my pussy, keeping myself deliciously on the edge. But then I came across one where a son and daughter decided to punish their mother for coming home drunk the previous night, and passing out on the bed.

They crept into her bedroom in the morning, and she was still asleep, her button-thru dress rucked up, showing most of her legs, and the buttons open enough at the top to show plenty of cleavage.

The son and daughter tried to wake her without success, then one of them suggested pulling her dress up some more. They did, exposing her shaved slit, as she clearly had no panties on. Oh God, I wanted that to be me, innocently letting my son and daughter look at my pussy, in return for the pictures they'd sent me.

Of course, the daughter dared the son to touch it, and in hardly any time at all, they were both fingering their mother, who still didn't wake up. Open her dress and look at her breasts, I thought, as I took my hand off the trackpad, and pulled out one of my own breasts from my bra and blouse. Yes! They did, and then the two of them each kissed one of her nipples, then sucked it into their mouths, as their fingers were still inside her.

My own fingers were going mad in my pussy, as I tried to work out what was going to happen next, and tried to persuade myself that it wasn't what I would have wanted myself if I were the woman. Shit, the daughter pulled her fingers out of her mom's pussy, licked her cum off - yes, I had to do that myself - then grabbed her brother's cock, and told him to fuck their mother.

As his cock entered her, the woman eventually woke up, first putting up some resistance, but then the daughter kissed her, told her how much they both loved her, but she needed to be punished for getting so drunk, when they knew she must have been fucked as well.

As the daughter kissed her mother's mouth, and her hand squeezed one of her tits (oh God, yet another word I'd always avoided) and the son started thrusting in and out of his mother's pussy, I couldn't hang on any longer.

"FUCKING MOTHERFUCKER!" I screamed, disgusting myself, as my fingers plunged into my sloppy wet hole, cum, gushing out of me, and my thumb pressed down on my clit.

Fuck, the video wasn't finished though. When I'd come down enough to look back at the screen, I watched the son come inside his mother. He pulled out of her, leaving a stream of his spunk hanging out of her hole, and I had to bite my lip not to come again.

"Don't worry, Mommy, I'll clean you up," the daughter said, lifting her mother's legs back over her body, giving a splendid view of her mother's gaping vagina, full of sperm, then she lowered her head, and started licking along her mother's slit.

Ethan had tried eating me out early on in our marriage. He'd never liked the taste, but the video brought back a powerful memory of just how good a tongue felt, as it lapped along my gash, and licked around my clit. Oh shit, how much better would it feel, though, if it were my daughter and not my husband?

I thought that would be the end of the video, but then I realised it wasn't, and I had to bite my cheek once more to stop myself coming. No, the son had fantastic stamina, and he was already pushing his cock into his sister's pussy, while she was eating his sperm from their mother's hole.

Oh God, it was just like the perfect conclusion from the pictures on my phone, the cock in the first plunging into the open vagina in the second. It was all I could do to pace myself, so that as the son pulled out, his spunk shooting over his sister's ass, and their mother filled her son's mouth with her cum, I came as well, leaving the trackpad and grabbing my exposed tit as my fingers once again drove as far into me as I could manage.

Goodness knows how long I would have kept going, watching more incest videos, more and more imagining I was the mother in them, but fortunately I'd set a timer to go off when I needed to start to get the meal prepared for the evening. That brought me back to reality with a bang.

I disconnected the laptop, cleared my browsing history, then closed it down. Shit, I was hot and sweaty, and the scent of my own cum filled the room. I definitely needed to shower before I could think of doing anything with the food.

When I pulled off my panties, they were absolutely soaked, and I threw them into the washing bin, before pulling everything else off, then showering. As I cleaned myself off, I started to feel ashamed again. Had I really masturbated, imagining my son and daughter fucking me? I was disgusted with myself, and vowed to start behaving myself, and going back to being the normal, asexual mother when my twins came back home.

As it turned out, I'd have had more time to get the meal ready, because not long after I'd started, I got a message from Daniel, saying that he and Mimi had stopped off to look at the views, since the sunset looked as if it would be a beautiful one.

Ethan was home, the table laid ready, and the food getting close to ready to serve when eventually Daniel and Mimi came bouncing through the door.

"Where did you stop off," I asked, as Mimi gave her father a kiss and a hug.

"The viewpoint through the woods, Mom," Daniel said, as he came towards me. He put his arms around me, as he always did, then he gave me a quick kiss on my lips.

Huh? Surely that was pussy I could smell on him, similar, but not quite the same as mine, and believe me, after what I'd done earlier, my own scent was fresh in my memory. And that viewpoint through the woods was one used by lovers to ... well, probably do more than I did in my day. Had he just used his mouth on his sister's pussy? And if so, shit, I must have just got some of my own daughter's cum on my mouth.

"Hi, Mom," Mimi said, as she also pulled me into a hug, kissed me on the lips, and I could feel that under her pale blue dress she wasn't wearing a bra.

It was just reflex to take a look to see if her nipples were showing, in which case, I'd feel entitled to tell her she needed to dress better. I can't really remember whether I saw her nipples or not, because instead I saw a small smudge of white on the dress closer to her neck.

"You ought to wash that mark off straightaway, Mim," I said. "What is it?"

"I must have dropped a bit of ice cream, I guess," she replied, and I swear she blushed.

As well she might, because I had a pretty good idea what it was. If Dan had his face between her legs, it was a certain bet that she'd have been sucking him off. I could still remember just how easy it was to get a bit of spunk on your clothes, and how difficult it was to get rid of it without leaving a mark, just like the one on her dress.

I thought my vow was going to go straight out of the window, as I could feel the tingling start up again in my pussy, and I was longing for one of them, either of them, I didn't mind, to make some sort of sexual move. But they didn't.

Dinner passed just the way it used to, the conversation being entirely about what they had been learning in college, and the little Ethan and I had done. At one point, I looked questioningly at Ethan, but he shook his head slightly, so neither of us mentioned the photographs. Time enough, I thought over the next two week vacation, when there might be a better, or even unavoidable opportunity.

I had a restless night, as I kept waking up from dreams where my son and daughter were fucking me, just like the video I'd watched. Part of me was disgusted with myself, while the other part of me seemed to long for this to become a reality. Ethan let me sleep in again, and when I woke after catching up on my lost sleep, I found a note from Dan and Mimi saying they had gone into town to catch up with friends who had also come home for the Easter vacation.

I threw myself into housework, hoping to ignore the voice in the back of my mind that kept making me think of going back to that porn site again. I'd never got off on that sort of thing, which would have been appalling, and I was determined I wasn't going to now. Ah, how easily good intentions come to nothing.

I decided I'd do some washing, so I collected up the dirty clothes from the laundry basket in the main bathroom. That was the start of my undoing, because one of the items I picked up was the panties I'd thrown in there the previous day. They were still just a little bit damp to the touch, but hell, they still seemed to smell of me as strongly as ever. That must have been the start of my downfall.

As I walked past the door to Mimi's bedroom, I noticed a screwed-up pair of panties on the floor. Typical, I thought, she'd always been an untidy girl, so I went in and picked them up, intending to add them to the wash. Panties? Well, they were little more than bits of string, with a padded bit under the gusset. I put down the rest of the washing to get a better look. That was the second step that took me down further.

As I untwisted them, and held them up to get a proper look, a powerful waft of scent, the sort that comes from inside a woman, hit me full on. I could feel something happening between my legs, but my brain seemed to try to find a way of excusing me.

I'd tried, without a lot of success, to work out whether the picture really was of my daughter's vulva, based on whether it looked like mine. So, what about the other question: was our scent the same, or similar? Maybe that could give me the answer? Now, when I look back, this was a pretty silly question, because I hadn't ever had the opportunity, or desire even, to find out what other women's scent was like, so I didn't have any sensible basis for a comparison.

That didn't stop me, though. I picked out my more modest panties from the day before, holding Mimi's in the other hand. I held mine over my face, and drew a deep breath through my nose, trying to remember every little nuance of the scent, the way a parfumier is supposed to. Then I moved them away to arm's length, and did the same with Mimi's. God, she smelled good to me. Quite like me, but with an additional muskiness, and I keep breathing it in as the tingling in my pussy got stronger.

"Mom! What are you doing? Smelling your little girl's cunt?"

Oh God, I hadn't heard her come in the house, and she'd caught me red-handed.

"Mimi! I was just collecting the dirty washing, but what have I told you about using that awful c-word?" I said, hoping that attack was the best form of defence.

"You mean cunt, Mom? But you didn't seem to object when I sent you the picture, and you seemed to be enjoying sniffing my panties. So, what were you doing, Mom?"

"Um ... well ... I just ..." I stuttered; my face red as I tried to work out what I could possibly say.

"Remember what you used to tell us when we were growing up: if you tell the truth, and admit when you've done something wrong, the punishment will be much less."

Shit, there was my daughter smiling at me, using the same tactics I'd used on her when she was a child. Maybe it was my love for her, my guilt at being found out, a little devil in my mind that said maybe this could go the way of that video, or some combination of all three.

Anyway, I gave in, with Mimi sat on the edge of the bed, and me standing in front of her like a naughty girl being told off by her mother, I told her the whole story. The getting the picture messages, then trying to find out if it was her by comparing our look and smell, leaving out just the bits about me masturbating.

"I'm sorry, Mim."

"Well, Mommy, you have been a naughty girl, haven't you? Dan didn't think those pictures would work, but he was wrong, wasn't he? Still you know you need to be punished, don't you? Kneel down in front of me."

Shit, I hadn't had to confess like that for years, and part of me was ashamed of myself. How could a couple of dirty pictures trigger me to get so carried away? But wait a second, it was her and my son that had started it all, so why was I being punished? Perhaps even less explicable, why did I obey my daughter, and sink to my knees in front of her?

My daughter wiggled forward a bit, pulling her skirt up at the same time, and opening her legs wide, one to each side of me. An even more powerful blast of her aroma than I'd got from her panties hit me. When I looked down, I could see that she had no panties on now, and although her lips were closed, I could see enough of her pussy to recognise that it was the one in the picture.

"Are you enjoying looking at your daughter's cunt again, Mommy? This time in the flesh, not a picture. Want to smell me some more?"

Hell, I did, of course, but I barely had time to open my mouth to reply, when she put her hands behind my head, and pulled my face hard against her pussy. I had to put out my hands to stop from falling forward, then had to shuffle my knees forward, as the scent of her vagina overwhelmed me. It was terrible. I knew I shouldn't be doing this, but at the same time it was wonderful, even better than in my dreams.

I felt one hand leave my head, and push between my face and her pubes.

"Even better, Mommy, why don't you taste me? Lick your tongue along my cunt, swallow my cum, Mom. You know you want to."

Everything told me I shouldn't; that if I pushed back hard, I could get away. The idea of sucking out another woman's hole was just repulsive, something I'd never wanted to do. At least until yesterday.

Mimi was now holding her slit wide, using the other hand to rub my face into the scented, translucent white goo coating the inside of it. I could feel her clit rubbing against my nose, and I could feel from the way her body was moving, that she was getting herself off. I felt a new gush of fresh cum spread out from her hole, and my wicked tongue came out of my mouth, and lapped it up.

"Yes! That's right Mommy. Lick your tongue right along my cunt, drink in your daughter's cum. Lick my clit, then push your tongue as far into my hole as you can ... yes ... yes ... rub your face on my clit ..."

I should have resisted. I should have pushed away. I should have told my daughter that for us to have sex together was just totally wrong. But I didn't. I couldn't. I was enjoying the taste of her too much, and the whole idea of making my daughter come while I licked her cunt - I'd even embraced that word in my mind - was just so wonderful, and my whole body felt alive and tingling.

"Oh ... Mommy ... bite my clit ... oh ... oh ... I'm cumming ..." Mimi moaned, her body arching, as I gently nibbled the hard stump of her clit, grinding her cunt hard into my face.

Eventually, she released her grip on me, and I sat back on my heels. What had I done? Mimi was laid back on the bed, her legs still wide, and her hand was still holding herself open. But now, not only was her cunt gaping wide, but it was covered with a sticky, whiteish mess of her cum and my saliva.

God, a mother should never see her daughter like this, let alone be responsible for getting her like it. Would she ever forgive me? Would I ever forgive myself, even? I saw her move, starting to sit back up, and I knew I was about to find out.

"Oh fuck, Mom, that was wonderful. I've longed for it, but it was even better than I'd imagined. Come here, let me kiss you."

She pulled my head towards her, but this time to her face, and she kissed me, not like a daughter, but like a lover, pushing her tongue between my lips, and ignoring, maybe relishing the taste of her own cum.

"I don't think that was quite punishment enough, though, Mom, do you?"

"Oh ... what do you mean, Mim?"

"Well, you've seen and tasted my cunt, Mom, but I haven't seen yours, even though I came out of it over twenty years ago. Stand up, then strip for me. Let me see you."

Well, I knew I shouldn't do this either, but I was probably bound for hell anyway, given what I'd already done, and the thought of my daughter looking at my cunt the way I had looked at hers, was making me itch and tremble in anticipation.

As I stood to take my dress off, Mimi also stood, letting her skirt fall to the floor. Then she removed her blouse. We stood face to face, me now in a bra and panties, and my daughter naked. Her tits were definitely bigger than mine, but still little more than a B, and they were firm and pert.

"Oh dear, Mom, do you always were granny pants and armour-plated bras, even when your tits are so small you can hardly need any support?"

"They still managed to feed you and your brother, you cheeky little cunt," I replied, shocking myself, and I hoped, her.

"Touché, Mom," Mimi said, smiling, as she jiggled her tits at me enticingly, "but get them off, and let's see what else you've got."

I unclasped my bra, and let my tits fall out. If only. No, as Mimi had said, they weren't big enough to do much falling, but I hoped she was impressed by how stiff my nipples were, the areolas shrunk to less than half their normal diameter as the skin wrinkled, and the nipples pushed out.

"Nice, Mom. Maybe they'll fill out when you grow up," she laughed.

I was really going to get even with her as soon as I had a chance. I slipped my panties down, and I'm sure my daughter noticed just as well as me that dark patch of wetness in the gusset, and I stepped out of them as they hit the floor.

"Fucking hell, Mom, do you keep wild animals in that bush? I think we need to do something about that, else Dan and I will constantly be pulling hairs out of our teeth," she said, smiling.

I was about to make another comment back, but I was still processing her glorious prediction that my son was going to eat my cunt as well as her, and she flung her arms around me and kissed me hard on the mouth again, cutting me off before I could start.

I could feel her breasts pushing against mine, then the warmth spread down, as our bellies pressed together, and only the bony hardness of our pubes stopped me thinking our bodies were about to merge into each other.

"You do know I love you, Mom, don't you? Just like I always did. But now I'm a sexually active adult, what's wrong with including you in that part of my life as well, eh? No, don't talk. We'll explain everything to you and Dad later. Let's go and get you sorted."

When we got to my bedroom, Mimi started riffling through my drawers, pulling out panties and bras, and rejecting them as two modest and unflattering as soon as she saw them.

"See the thing is, Mim, no one other than your father was going to see my underwear, so what was the point of buying anything adventurous but uncomfortable."

"And I bet Dad doesn't fuck you as much as he used to, Mom, does he? No, I didn't think so," she added as she saw my blush and the look on my face, so I had to defend myself again.

"I don't think who your mother fucks, or how often, is really your business, is it?"

"Aha. So mostly you're getting fucked by a bit of plastic, Mom, are you? Seems you've worn it out, because the batteries are flat."

Mimi had found my rabbit, and was waving it around, trying, without success to turn the vibration on. Shit, I'd forgotten I even had that, and it hadn't been up me for years. I wasn't going to admit to my daughter that I hadn't even fucked myself, though, was I?

"I only put new ones in recently," I said, lying through my teeth.

"Don't worry, Mom, I've got some," she said, darting back to her room.

Before I even had time to get my thoughts in order, she was back again, with my rabbit in one hand, now buzzing away, and in the other a massive black dildo, also buzzing, but the tip of it circling around slowly as well. Shit, I didn't even know such a thing existed, and I could only imagine how amazing it would feel stirring round inside my vagina.

"Right, Mom. Lay on the bed, and let me watch you fuck yourself with your rabbit."

"No, Mim ... I can't ..."

And I didn't think I could, although my pussy was aching with desire to come. No, it was just too intimate a personal thing, to let my daughter see me with the rabbit in me, and watch all of the dirty little tricks I liked to get myself off.

"Of course, you can, Mom. You've seen right up my hole, and you've eaten me to a climax, so get back on the bed and pull your cunt open. You know you really want your daughter to see where she came from, don't you?"

Damn, she was right again. The prospect of having my daughter look right inside me had started my pussy twitching, and I knew that once I was exposed like that, I wouldn't be able to resist ramming something up me, and playing with my clit.

"Come on, Mum. You can watch me fuck myself with this big black cock as well," she said, turning the chair around to face the bed, and sitting on it with her legs open.

My resistance crumbled. I climbed on the bed, propped myself up on the pillows, then opened my legs, and pulled my pussy lips wide.

"Gosh, Mom, did I really come out of that? It's beautiful, and your asshole is gorgeous."

My asshole, gorgeous? Even Ethan had never suggested that, although he'd tried to fuck me up there a few times, but I'd never let him.​
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