Page 04
"God, Hilary, how did you learn to suck cock like that. It was amazing, and your little display at the end. The only thing is ... well ... I wish it had been me, rather than our son who had the privilege of being the first cock to be deep-throated by you."
"Well, darling, it might have been if you hadn't made the comment about our daughter still being better. However, I do have another present for you, that you might like, darling, if you've got your energy back," I said, smiling, and kissing him, my naked body pushed against his side, and reaching over to feel his cock, which was indeed starting to stiffen again.
"Oh, what?"
"Well ... I thought you might like my asshole, darling."
"Really, Hilary? Last time you barely let me get the tip of my dick in you before you called a halt."
"If you're going to be like that, then forget it. I'm sure our son would be happy to take my ass virginity, darling. Are you sure you want to turn my ass down?"
As I was saying the last sentence, I got up on my knees, then straddled his legs, my head facing his feet. I bent forwards, letting my head rest on the bed to take my weight, so I could put my arms behind me, and pulled my butt cheeks apart.
"Look, darling, here's both my holes. Take my cunt, if you prefer, else your son will be the first cock up my ass."
I looked between my legs, and could see that he was now fully erect, his cock throbbing rhythmically, so I knew that whatever he decided, it wouldn't be because of any lack of desire for me.
"God, Hilary, if you haven't taken anyone up your ass before, how can you be sure I'll be able to get my cock up you. I don't want to hurt you."
"I've been practicing with a plastic cock of a less modest size than yours, darling. I noticed, though, that you didn't have the same delicate feelings when you fucked your daughter's asshole, did you? So, make up your mind, there's some lube next to the bed. I'll count to three and then I walk into the other bedroom and take Dan's dick up my ass. Even if he's fucking Mimi, I know both of them will cooperate to let him take Mommy's ass cherry. One ..."
I didn't get to two, because I felt my husband's hands on my waist, and something cool and wet touched my anus. He pulled me towards him, and I straightened up, as I did so, impaling myself on his cock. I felt Ethan take a hand off my waist, in order to help keep his cock pointed the right way. Then, as I felt that hand touch my butt, I heard Ethan gasp as he realised the full length of his manhood was inside my bottom.
"Oh god, Hil. I've waited so long for this, but you feel so good, darling."
"Just fuck me, darling. Don't worry if the novelty is too much for you and you don't last long, I'll look after myself."
Fuck, it wasn't going to take much, because having my husband in my ass was so much more exciting even that my daughter's strap-on. It had been uncomfortable when he first entered me, but now he was sliding in and out of me so easily, that I was enjoying it, wondering why I had resisted for so long, and when my fingers touched my clit, I let out a little squeal as it was so sensitive.
I bent forward again, lowering my ass a bit so Ethan didn't risk slipping out, and I gently rubbed along my slit, pushing my fingers into my vagina, when I could feel Ethan's pistoning shaft so near, yet so far, then back to rub my clit.
As I'd expected, Ethan didn't last long, and I soon felt the now familiar change of pace, as he worked himself to a climax in my asshole. I felt him thrust into me hard, then pull out and do it again, and I knew that for the very first time my husband, or anyone else for that matter, was unloading his spunk into my guts. I rubbed harder on my clit, and I came as the last ropes of sperm were shot inside me, and I jerked and twisted, my head resting on the bed still.
What I hadn't expected was the applause that came from the doorway. When I looked around, I saw my naked son and daughter stood there, clapping, spunk running down my daughter's leg. Even more surprising was Ethan joining in.
"Congratulations, Mom," Mimi said.
"Was she good, Dad? My turn tomorrow, eh, Mom?"
Ethan slipped out of me, and we had another quick shower, before we got back in bed, and Ethan spooned into my back.
"Thank you, darling. I love you, but you know, I would still have loved you even if your butt stayed off limits."
"Well, you should thank our daughter, really, for helping me get up the courage. I'm just sorry it took so long. Maybe I mistook my body for me, whereas it's really just the house I live in, with its own play areas, as it were. It took our kids getting us to fuck them for me to realise that whatever I do with the play areas of my body, and whoever I let use them, I'm still me, and I love you, and our son and daughter, just as much now as before."
That was a bit long and pompous, and I have a feeling that Ethan had already nodded off before I'd finished. In truth, my first experience of anal sex wasn't the best fuck I'd ever had, and the climax I had when I got myself off beforehand was way better, probably because of the exhibitionist component of doing it to myself with the family watching, and partly because of the challenge I was throwing out. And it was my husband, rather than the forbidden treasures of my children. And honestly, I like it just as much up my cunt.
Still, it definitely marked a milestone in my life, and if only to keep my husband on his toes, yes, I was going to let my son have my asshole as soon as I could, though tomorrow, Easter Saturday, was going to be a busy day.
I was up early the next morning, and left the others still in bed, my son in my daughter already fucking as I discovered when I looked into their bedroom to say goodbye.
A couple of wealthy families had got together to celebrate their children's birthdays, which coincided this year with Easter. They'd also decided to have all the Easter Sunday traditions of egg painting, hidden eggs, and rolling eggs on the Saturday, combining everything into one giant party, with forty-odd kids.
They'd hired an indoor stadium, which had a bit of a hill near it for the rolling, as well as areas suitable for hiding things. It had been a lot of work to set up: getting a health and safety certification for the rolling alone had been a nightmare. Then, just to make it even more work, they had decided to have a disco party in the evening for the adults alone. Still, it paid well, and even though it was hassle, it was the sort I enjoyed, at least after it had all gone well.
It was close to midnight when I got back home, to find my husband, son and daughter all asleep in my own super-king-sized bed, the room still carrying the unmistakable smell of sex, so I just flopped down in the other bedroom, and went straight off to sleep.
I was woken in the morning by my son and daughter, shaking my shoulders, and making excited noises which it took me a while to decode.
"Happy Easter ..."
"Mom, Mom, look ..."
"We got pictures from lots of the others with their parents ..."
"Look, Mom, there's Joshua and Hanna with theirs ..."
I kicked my brain into gear, and sat up in bed, by now not even noticing that my tits were exposed in front of my son and daughter.
"Fucking hell ..." I muttered, as they scrolled though the pictures: pictures of older men with their cocks up younger women, who surely had to be their daughters, and younger men in the cunts or asses of their mothers, and shots of mothers and daughters with spunk coming out of one or other or both of their holes.
"How many pictures did you send of us?" I asked, as I started to realise that all of these other people were probably looking at similar pictures of us, which both scared and excited me.
"You knew I took the one, but we sneaked a lot more, Mom. That was the deal. We had to provide evidence to the Deans that we really had fucked our parents."
"Alright, get me some breakfast, while I get dressed. You should as well. Remember we're all going to the big Easter Sunday church service."
I dressed in my Sunday best, then went down stairs, to find everyone else still only in bathrobes, not fastened at that, so everything was on display.
"Happy Easter, darling," Ethan said, giving me a hug and a kiss, the scent of Mimi's cunt on his face telling me his daughter had already given him his Easter present.
"Eat up, Mom, we've got a present for you," my son said.
"Well, you all go and get dressed while I eat my toast and coffee. Remember we need to get off to church, as it always gets full on Easter Sunday, so if my present involves physical penetration, it will have to wait until we get back, I'm afraid."
For some reason that set the three of them into fits of giggles, but they went off. I finished my breakfast, and they came back fully clothed, my daughter looking just on the right side of smart rather than outrageously sexy.
"Right, Mom, here's your present." Mimi said, handing over a rather small, but expensive-looking box.
It was too small for an Easter bunny, and anyway, they knew I preferred bitter, dark chocolate, so I was hoping that when I opened it, there would be something like squares of expensive chocolate from Ecuador or Guyana, or even pralines from Belgium. I opened the box, as the three of them stood watching, smiles on their faces.
"What the hell?" I muttered, as inside was something shaped like an egg, but with a cord attached, and definitely not make of chocolate.
"It's your Easter egg, Mom," my son and daughter said in unison, giggling away.
"But it doesn't look edible, and if it were, it isn't very big."
"No, Mom, you don't put it in your mouth, you put it in your cunt," my daughter said, taking the egg out, and before I knew what was going on, her hand was up my dress, inside my panties, and I felt the chill as she pushed the egg into my vagina, laughing all the time.
"It's a vibrator, Mom," Dan said, taking over from his sister, who was licking my cum off her fingers. "It's worked by remote control, and the tiny thread is the aerial. You can control it with this remote, or better still, an app on your phone."
"See?" Mimi said, as she picked up her phone, and I felt something buzzing gently inside me. "We've set Dad's phone up, but as long as you are on wifi, and so are we, Dan and I can control it even when we're back at college."
It was hardly the time to be getting aroused, but I couldn't help myself, as the buzzing inside set my pussy tingling.
"Thank you, I think," I said, "we'll have to try it out when we get back from church, so let me take it out now."
"No, darling," my husband said, you have to keep it in you until one of us in control tells gives you permission, "but I'll take control, and I'll turn it off now."
"Once you get used to it, Mom, you won't even realise it's in you when it's off - I've got one in me as well now," my daughter said, pulling up her skirt, holding her panties to one side, and letting me see the little pink cord dangling out of her slit, like an electronic tampon.
Somewhat against my better judgement, I gave in, and we all went off to church, my daughter and I carrying our little eggs in our vaginas. Of course, someone kept setting them going during the service, so there was I, asking forgiveness, now not just for incestuously fucking my son and daughter, but letting my husband sodomise me, while the sensations ripping through my cunt kept make me crave to do it all again. Especially as I could see that my daughter was having the same feelings, as she kept wriggling around, giving me knowing little looks in the hymns.
If that was strange, it got even stranger after the service, when I recognised the parents of the other two twins, Joshua and Hannah, and Dan brought them over and introduced us.
"This is Hannah, Mom ..."
"And this is Joshua ..." Mim added, with the sort of gooey look I might have expected on her face if she really did love him.
"And these are our parents, um, Sophia and Michael Lee..."
"And ours, Ethan and Hilary," Mimi added, completing the introductions as we shook hands with the parents, and the youngsters hugged each other.
I knew that he was a banker, and she was a hot-shot corporate lawyer, both maybe a year or so older than me and Ethan. That in itself was fine, but of course, the images in my mind were from the pictures I'd seen when I got up, when they looked more like pornstars.
He was dark-haired and dark-eyed, and his body was fit and lean, presumably from hours in the gym, and I suspected that at some point his ancestors were Chinese. Li, probably which was changed to Lee to make it more American, and they likely came over in one of the gold rushes, or to build railways. What I knew from the pictures, though, was that from the stretching it was giving his daughter's cunt, he had a massively thick cock under the business suit he was wearing now.
His wife was blonde, shorter, and even dressed as she was now, the curves of her body were unmissable, and I knew from seeing her huge tits naked, that her bra must be straining under the weight of them. What surprised me more, though, was the full bush of blond hair she had, though it did nothing to hide her gaping cunt I'd seen in the pictures, dripping with her son's sperm, his cock still just in shot after he'd pulled out.
I'd never been introduced to people I'd already seen naked and fucking, and I suddenly found myself turned on in a big way, especially as one of my kids, I'm sure, had turned the egg back on. I could feel cum oozing out of my hole, as I imagined being fucked by that big cock, sucking on Sophia's impressive tits, and fingering her hairy cunt.
Oh shit, just as I was enjoying that guilty pleasure, the pastor came up to speak to us, and if that weren't bad enough, I suddenly realised that if I'd seen them, they surely had seen me as well. A massive wave of guilt and shame swept over me, until someone turned the egg up to the highest setting yet, and I had to bit my lip to avoid crying out.
Somehow, I managed to keep in the conversation, though I had no idea what was said, until at last I heard Sophia say something that got my attention.
"We really should get together, and get to know each other better, since our sons and daughters are at college together, and they seem to have a thing for each other."
She put her arms out, and gave me an air kiss on both cheeks, European-style, and then her husband did the same. As soon as we got to the car, I pulled my daughter into the back with me.
"Turn that fucking egg right up, and my fucking daughter's" I said to whoever had control, pulling both of our dresses up, using one hand to pull my panties to one side, so I could reach my clit, With the other hand I reached over to touch Mim's cunt, made easier by her not having panties on at all. It was lucky that it wasn't too long a drive back home, else goodness knows how many times we would have come.
It was only after we'd got back home that Dan dropped a bombshell.
"Um ... Mom, Dad ... the Lee's have an apartment down on the Florida coast, and they've offered to let me and Hannah, and Mimi and Joshua use it until we need to go back to college, so we'll be driving down early tomorrow. You don't mind, do you?"
It kind of made sense to me. They were all adults, and now Hannah's and Joshua's parents knew their son and daughter were fucking each other, and that their son had fucked my daughter, and my son their daughter. Even if they still had any objections to four young people sharing their apartment, when fucking clearly was going to be on the agenda, they'd given power to their children as soon as they'd let themselves be photographed having incest with them.
As had we, of course.
"I was looking forward to a lot more incest, actually, and I've not had my son take me in the ass, so we'd better make up for it, hadn't we? Let's make the rest of our last day together an absolute fucking orgy," I said, smiling, already starting to take my dress off.
"Can't we have a sandwich first, Mom," Dan asked, "I'm hungry."
We all stripped off, and piled into the kitchen naked. We all tried to join in to make ourselves our choice of sandwich, but hands were everywhere, spreading mayonnaise over tits and cocks, to have the pleasure of licking it off.
After Mim and I had taken our eggs out, a cucumber found its way into both my cunt and then Mimi's, and I even thought I saw Ethan and Dan rubbing butter into each other's cocks. Now that would have made a great TV cooking program!
"Go and get your strap-on, Mim. I want to start by you filling all my three holes to make me airtight."
Of course, I had no real idea of what I was letting myself in for, having only heard the expression 'airtight' somewhere, maybe when I was searching for incest porn. I pushed my son back on the couch, then lowered my asshole towards his cock, letting it force its way deep into me.
"Come on, Ethan, you can have my cunt until our daughter comes back."
My husband's eyes widened, shocked, even after all that had gone on, I think, that his wife wanted her husband in her vagina at the same time her son was in her asshole. The pulsing in his cock gave away his enthusiasm, though, and he came over and drove his dick straight into my leaking vagina, stretched open as Dan's cock plowed my ass.
Oh God, apart from the time my daughter fisted me while she fucked my ass with her strap-on, I'd never felt anything like it, and this seemed even better, as the rhythms of my son and husband varied, each thrust of their cocks seeming to compress a different area of my vagina.
I didn't have long to experience it, though, as I saw my daughter come back and pull my husband's cock out of my cunt, only to replace with her vibrating strap on.
"Eat your cum off my dick, darling, and this time I'm going to give you no option but to swallow my spunk," my husband said, climbing on the couch, and ramming himself down my throat.
The rest of the afternoon became just a blur of sexual pleasure. It was heaven, Nirvana, Elysium and every other place of mythic delight, all rolled into one. My mouth, jaw and throat ached, my cunt was on fire, and my asshole felt stretched to bursting by the time I came.
"Let me eat you out, Mom. Push all that spunk out," my daughter said, and I'm sure I farted her brother's sperm out of my anus, spraying all over her face, as I knelt up, and she put out her tongue towards my ass.
Or was it just my imagination? Surely, I wasn't that dirty, and if I'd done it, I'd have just died, wouldn't I? The sequence of things that surely were too disgusting to do, though, just carried on, my daughter seeming to take the lead.
I swear she pushed me back on the couch, and to my surprise my husband's face appeared above me as his cock entered my sloppy pussy. I heard him yell, but I couldn't work out why, until I realised that my daughter was pegging his ass with her strap-on.
"Well, you did say you liked anal, didn't you darling, so fucking enjoy it," someone said, but it couldn't have been me, could it?
And surely no one would believe that whilst my husband was fucking my cunt, and being pegged by my daughter, that her brother was behind her, fucking her asshole through the gap in the panties holding the strap-on, that was designed just for it, while the vibrating end in her cunt must have been sending her wild, would they?
It must have been a dream, mustn't it, when my daughter took of her strap-on, and suggested we use a rabbit on each other, while the boys recovered? Maybe not if they were sex toy rabbits, but these were solid chocolate, Easter bunnies.
"You said you wanted a chocolate bunny, Mom, so here you are," I thought I heard her say, as she drove the head of the rabbit into my spunk filled cunt, pulling it out and sucking it before shoving it up me again.
And I would never have stuck a chocolate rabbit in my daughter's dripping asshole, would I, and certainly not licked it off afterwards?
And fucking both holes with the chocolate animals, until they were mostly melted, leaving dark brown chocolate, streaked with white spunk coating our cunts and assholes, and up inside us, was just too extreme for it really to have happened, wasn't it?
Let alone my son and husband pushing their newly-stiff cocks in us, so they came back out chocolate coated, firing up the four of us fucking and sucking until we had removed as much of the chocolate as we could.
I'm fairly sure we had a shower before we got dinner, of course the traditional meal of ham and roasted vegetables, and I was glad that someone, perhaps me, had the foresight to set the oven to start cooking while we fucked.
I've got even less memory of what we did after, as now my belly was full, my head was swooning from the Zinfandel we drank with it. My holes were aching, but my cunt seemed still in full-on 'fuck me' mode.
It would have made sense for us to make my daughter airtight, mirroring what had been done to me, and I think we did. But would I really have made my husband eat my son's spunk out of her asshole, while I ate his out of her cunt, let alone making him kiss my spunk-filled mouth, so we could share?
And it's barely believable, isn't it, that I took my daughter into the bathroom and we pissed over each other in the shower, as her brother and my husband watched?
What I do know, is that my body just couldn't take any more, nor could either my son or husband get their cocks up again, so Ethan and I clung to each other, and went to our bed, while Mimi and Daniel went to theirs.
"You know when we played 'Truth or Dare' and you took the dare, Ethan? The truth question I would have asked would have been what was your biggest regret, darling. Do you regret fucking your daughter?"
"No, I love fucking Mim, and I love watching our son fuck you, and you with her. No, my biggest regret is that over the years, I've slipped into thinking of you less and less as a lover, and more and more as a mother and housekeeper."
"Did you fuck anyone else?"
"No, darling. Not that I didn't think if it. I often wonder what happened to Julie Simmons, and if she'd let me screw her again."
"I bet you'd like it if we tracked her down, and I sat on her face and made her eat me out while you fucked her, wouldn't you?"
"God, Hilary, you know I would. But do you think that our children will let us fuck them again?"
"I've no doubt of it, darling, or even if they'll have any choice. The two Deans have succeeded in not just all their twins fucking each other, but they've made them seduce all their parents. I can't believe they won't want to see how much further they can go, and maybe even get more involved themselves."
"And you'd be fine with that, Hil, would you?"
"Oh, Ethan, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. I can't believe how I've got here, but the awful truth is I think I'd now be happy to have anyone fuck me, any hole, man or woman.
"I love you Hilary, and as long as you never leave me, and I could join in, that would be great. Still, unless that happens, darling, I guess I'll just have to be ready to screw you as often as I can, to keep you out of mischief, hadn't I?"