Page 05
"Happy birthday, Peter," she husked.
I lifted my head and stared at her. Turning her face to the side, Paula released a hoarse chuckle. I smiled and kissed her cheek, then stretched around to envelop her mouth and kissed her, afraid that if I stopped she would go back to sleep, until Paula put her fingers between our lips and gently pushed me off her and away. She twisted onto her back and reached out to pull me in tight against her front, offering the soft pleasure of her breasts and the warmth of her tummy. We cuddled in silence. Paula offered no explanation for the sleep-walking ruse or dying her hair blonde, and I didn't ask. Several long minutes elapsed before she spoke.
"I have to go. Michael will be waking up soon," she whispered when the faint light of dawn first intimated its imminent onset.
"Do you have to?"
"Yes, but if you come home early, I'll be waiting for you."
"I wish you could stay the night. I'd love to wake up with you."
"You may get your wish but something has to happen first."
I didn't get a chance ask Paula what she meant. She pushed and I gave way. An emptiness crept over me as I watched her walk away. She tugged the nightgown down to cover her ass but it was too short to hide the moist sheen on the inside of her left thigh.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I hadn't thought I would be able to sleep after that but I did and even slept through my alarm. Mike was gone when I woke up, but so was Paula. Strangely, I was relieved, on both counts. I needed time to think about what had happened.
After eating, I grabbed some gear from the trunk of the rental car and headed for the pipeline. On the way, I thought about the situation. Paula had obviously used the sleep-walking thing as a ruse to seduce me. I guess I should have been angry, or disappointed, but in fact I was intrigued by her inventiveness.
She could have simply initiated an affair. Despite my public disavowal of those who cheated on their partners, God forgive me, I probably would have accepted. Sure, I could have used Mike's indiscretions to rationalize such behavior but the simple fact was I was enamored with this woman. There was no awkwardness within my conscience about being with her.
I wasn't born yesterday. If knew it would help to have a damning report from one of the pipeline owner's top technical people but I didn't care that she had played me for that purpose. I wanted to get the goods on the pipeline for her if it meant that much to her. Anyway, the pipeline had been shoddily maintained, which I couldn't countenance, and should certainly now be dismantled. I didn't feel guilty about what I was doing, and anyway, the past week had been fun, more fun that I had had for a long, long time!
Neither Paula nor Mike were home when I returned to the house. If it was the weekend the kids would have been home from school but it wasn't so I sat on one of the lounges and enjoyed the rural landscape. Mike and Paula arrived home separately but about the same time. She appeared through the glass doors but Mike's voice remained distant. He was talking on the phone again, something he did a lot, even at home.
"Would you like a drink?" Paula asked, hesitating by the door.
"No thanks. I'm fine."
"I'm sure you are," she smiled.
I blushed. Can you imagine? At my age?
Paula settled effortlessly into the other lounge without spilling a single drop from her full wine glass. She was wearing a simple, sleeveless dress with a hem that would have reached just above the knees but settled halfway up her thighs when she stretched out on the lounge and raised her knees, an action that transferred just the right amount of tension to her calves. She sipped her wine and I tried to see why I sensed something different about her.
Maybe it was the hair, which was back to her normal color. I was about to comment on it, instead of telling her I was ready to write up a report on the pipeline like I had planned, when Mike burst through the door.
"There you are. I was wondering where everyone was."
Mike dragged one of the lounges to the other side of his wife and spilled some of his scotch as he plopped down upon it.
"You missed a hell of a day at the office. Lot's of tension between us sales types; but best left alone. I talked to Parker though. Told him about your plan to have Erickson tag along with me and you providing support from the office. He thought it was a good idea; said you'd know what would work best. He has a lot of confidence in you."
I nodded. Mike raised his glass in salute and took a big swig. I noticed that he referred to Sheila by her last name and phrased his sentence to avoid saying 'her'. I glanced at Paula but she was looking straight ahead, head tilted slightly down to sip her wine. Mike didn't try to engage her in the conversation by switching to another topic. Instead, he plowed right on to give a blow-by-blow of the exchange between the sales types despite having said it was best left alone. Paula bore it for a minute, then quietly got up and disappeared into the house. I wished I could have gone with her but felt obliged to remain behind to listen to my host's retelling of how he had come out on top in the daily jousting with his peers. It was an eon before we were called to dinner.
Paula didn't visit me that night. I had looked forward to her visit all day, thinking about what to say to her, and wondering how I could tell her about my report without sounding like it was payment for what she had done. I wanted to tell her I loved her, that I thought she was the most beautiful creature alive, and that Mike didn't deserve her. I wanted to ask her to leave him and come home with me.
Then my feelings vacillated and I rushed to the dark conclusion that she was just as bad as her husband, that she had seduced me maliciously, manipulating me for the sole purpose of writing the report she needed to get rid of the pipeline. She didn't care about me. Dying her hair was probably a joke.
For Christ's sake, Peter. Get hold of your emotions. She's nothing like that. Paula is a fine woman, and she doesn't deserve your bullshit.
Yes, that's true. The way she had talked to me, the way she had been with me after sex, that couldn't be faked. She might not care deeply about me but she wasn't a malicious woman. Still, I couldn't shake the impression that there was more to this than met the eye. She wasn't just a lonely woman with a cheating husband, gracefully offering herself to an emotionally wounded man that had turned up on her doorstep.
Why didn't she come?
An eerie feeling came over me when I remembered some of Paula's sounds and movements were almost indistinguishable from Linda's. I shivered, and though I tossed it off as nonsense, I couldn't quite shake the feeling that I had been in bed with a ghost.
I hoped she didn't come.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The next day, I went into the office and spent the day writing up my report except for one call from Sheila seeking help for a problem she should have been able to handle easily herself. There were at least two other people on the technical staff that were better trained than she and more suitable for Mike to have taken along for support. Oh well, it was his commission.
I finished the report and composed a letter to send to Parker, one that laid out the reasons why I would have to contact certain officials in order to comply with the demands of my professional principles and personal conscience. I had already spelled out why it made technical and economic sense to dismantle the pipeline in the body of the report but felt the letter was necessary for Parker to move on its recommendations. Parker knew me. He would know the report could not be ignored or covered up. Also, I knew he wasn't likely to actually read the report proper.
Mike called to say that he needed to stay over until the next day. He asked if I could let Paula know and would I be available to help Erickson. I assured him I would, on both counts. I left the office immediately, wishing Mike had called earlier. I was now eagerly looking forward to an evening alone with Paula. I drove quickly, not wanting to waste a single minute. I would show her the report and, to hell with it, collect any reward that was offered. What was that she had said when I said I wanted to wake up with her? Something has to happen. Well, I was making it happen.
Robert's car was in the driveway when I arrived. Crap! I hoped he wasn't staying long. I entered the house and was surprised to find nobody there. Come to think of it, I hadn't noticed any of the outside staff around either. Surely, at least the cook was there. Nope. The house was empty. I couldn't even find Robert or Paula. Perhaps they were out for a walk. I looked around the living room, suddenly worried. I hoped nothing unfortunate had happened. What about the children? Why else would Paula give the staff the night off and be absent?
I went upstairs to have a shower and get changed before dinner. If they weren't home soon, I would drive down to the village and get some dinner at the local pub. I had heard the food there was excellent. Thinking about driving made me wonder how Robert and Paula had left when both their cars were parked in front. Maybe I should go to the local hospital.
I pushed the door open to my room, and had my answer.
A couple was having sex on my bed. They weren't in a hurry. The woman was stretched out on top of the man, her pelvis slowly working his manhood, and doing a great job of it, judging from the sounds he was making.
It was Paula. Jealously flooded through me and I stepped forward, not in anger, but rather in anguish. How could she? In my bed, where I had taken such care to possess her virgin ass, hoping she would want experience that pleasure again. And now I had caught her cheating on her husband. She was as bad as him. She must have known he would be gone overnight. I took another step forward. Who the hell was she fucking?
I stopped, aghast!
Robert peered at me past Paula. He whispered something I couldn't hear but Paula stopped working his cock, turned to look at me, and smiled, genuinely pleased to see me. Her hair was blonde again.
"Peter, what took you so long?"
She leaned further over Robert and laid her head down on his chest. Then, reaching back, she grasped her lovely cheeks and pulled them apart. I stared between her open cheeks at the well-lubed anus that winked at me as Paula resumed sliding up and down her brother's cock which was a surprisingly long one for such a slender fellow to possess.
"Come Peter, show Robert how you made love to me."
I was dumbfounded. I wanted to turn and run from the room but couldn't spark my limbs into action. I just stood there like a dork.
"Please," Paula begged, her pucker winking wetly. "You know I've always wanted to try this."
She spread her cheeks wider, tugging her anus open. My head felt light. It could have been Linda speaking those words.
"I'm so ready for you. We've been waiting for ages. I thought you'd be home early."
I stepped forward.
"You know I've always wanted to do this."
My fingers were on my shirt, already starting to unbutton it.
"DP me."
I ripped at my shirt and buttons flew everywhere. I jerked my belt open and shoved my pants down, shorts and all in one fell swoop, cried out when my already hard cock got caught in the waistband and yanked downward at a painful angle. I stepped forward, half tripping, struggling to get the pants off my feet, scratching my legs in the process.
"Fuck it for me," Paula urged.
I leapt onto the bed and straddled Paula's ass, grabbed her hips and tried to get into her hole, stabbing at it too eagerly with little success until she grabbed my cock and set the tip at her greasy entrance. I pushed, slipped through easily, and howled my pleasure, then stroked slowly in and out several times.
"Hard, baby," Paula cried. "I'm so fucking ready," she wailed.
I started pounding on her ass, dimly aware of a strange, new sensation. Robert's cock was shoving up, pushing Paula's ass up to meet me, scraping against my own cock just millimeters away. My thighs slapped against Paula's ass.
"I love it," Paula cried out. "A cock in each hole."
My hands slipped from her hips and cinched around her narrow waist. I started banging her with wild abandon, aware that Robert was doing the same from below. Paula didn't speak but her moans and groans encouraged us more than mere words could ever do. Near the end, I grabbed the hair at the back of Paula's blonde head and pushed her face onto her brother's. While she kissed him, I lunged into her ass, only once every five seconds or so, relishing the way her whole body rocked upon her bother's. He was still now and they were both susceptible to my heaves, each groaning in unison with every lurch.
We came like that, a minute or so later. As I filled her ass, Paula came and squeezed Robert's cock. Within seconds, I felt it gushing within her and we all moaned like animals, then collapsed in a heap with Paula between us amid a mangle of twisted limbs. Minutes passed before Paula spoke.
"You guys will have to be more gentle next time."
"I don't know. I kind of got off on that."
"Me too," I said.
"Yeah, well you boys weren't in the middle."
After we ate dinner, we went back upstairs and tried it again. Gentle didn't last long but it wasn't Robert's or my fault. At least, we didn't start it.
I enjoyed regular sex after a midnight snack on the living room rug while Robert watched, then took my turn observing as he bent his sister's legs way back and fed his long schlong into her pussy. I would never be able to match his cocksmanship, not from the front anyway, but I knew there was a field on which I couldn't be conquered. I woke up with Paula's mouth on my cock. We were back in bed, though I couldn't remember climbing the stairs. Robert was leisurely taking his sister from behind and he laughed heartily when my eyes opened.
"It's about time, sleepyhead," he laughed.
After a few minutes, I tried to break away so I could take Robert's place behind his sister but Paula wouldn't let me go. She kept sucking and worked her mouth all the way down to the root. When I begged her to back away because I couldn't hold it anymore, she held her face above my dick and let it shoot all over her face.
"Did you like that," she gurgled, when I was done.
"Not particularly."
"Oh. Robert loves it."
"To each his own," I said.
"I guess," Paula replied, and turned around to face her brother who had pulled out of her pussy.
I watched as Robert unloaded and felt only disgust. Paula possessed a rare, quiet beauty, and I didn't like seeing it marred this way. When she returned from the bathroom, drying her face with a large, fluffy towel, she stood beside the bed and said, "I won't do that again." She turned to her brother and said, "Is that alright with you?"
"Whatever you say, Sis."
Paula looked back at me. "Okay?"
"Let's get something to eat." She laughed and threw the towel at me.
Downstairs, I was surprised to see the kitchen staff on the job. They weren't in the least surprised to see Robert, even half-dressed, and I realized that he was probably a regular visitor when Mike was away.
"That's probably Gina," Robert said when the phone rang half way through breakfast. Gina was Robert's wife.
"Oh oh," I said.
"It's not like that," Paula said as Robert got up to answer the phone. "Gina's very understanding. You'll like her."
"Yes. She's young, beautiful, very sexy, and…" Paula's eyes twinkled.
"And?" I prodded.
"She's our cousin."
"Robert is married to your cousin?"
"Shhhhhh," Paula cautioned, laughing.
When Robert returned, Paula announced, "Peter wants to meet your wife."
I protested that I had said no such thing but Robert only laughed. "Does he want to teach her new tricks?"
My face reddened but something stirred lower down. Maybe I wasn't a one-woman man after all.
"Paula," I blurted, "I've written a report about the pipeline."
"I know, Peter. I don't think you should send it. You might get in trouble."
"I don't care. I want to help you get rid of the pipeline."
"It isn't just for me. It's for the children and everyone around here."
"I know. That's why it has to go. It will become dangerous soon. I'm sure the company will see that."
"I'm going to submit the report."
"You don't need to."
"Yes, I do."
Robert interjected, "I think Peter should present the report, so he can get fired."
Paula and I both looked at him.
"Then," he continued, "we'll raise a public outcry, you can move here to live with Paula, and visit Gina and me."
"What about Mike?" I blustered.
"Oh," Robert said, "I think he's about to leave, isn't he Paula?"
"Yes," Paula said. "Something has happened. She smiled at me and reached out to take my hand. "No more blonde hair," she said. "Except for special occasions, if you want."
"What about Mike?" I repeated.
Paula shrugged. I couldn't believe how dismissive she was of marriage no matter how poor a husband Mike was.
Robert noticed my consternation. "They're not married," he explained
I turned to look at Paula who seemed surprised that I hadn't known.
"No more blonde hair," I confirmed.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
I wasn't fired but I did quit. It was an amicable separation, though I hadn't expected it to be when I went into the office to hand in my resignation in person to Parker.
"There's no need for this, you know," Parker said, taking my resignation letter and letting it flutter to the desk. "I told Mrs. Entwhistle…"
"Mrs. Ashton," I corrected.
"Of course…Mrs. Ashton. I told Mrs. Ashton two years ago that the pipeline behind her property was to be dismantled next year. Surely, she told you?"
Paula hadn't, but she had insisted I didn't need to submit the report.
"We've been negotiating a cost-sharing arranging with the British government—with the involvement of Mr. Ashton, the local MP and her brother, I might add—for the past nine or ten months."
I felt at that moment that I had indeed been played but not for the reasons I had suspected. If Paula was guilty of manipulating me, at least I was the prize and not just an means to and end, and that made all the difference in the world.
I couldn't get out of New York fast enough. It wasn't until I was half way across the Atlantic that I remembered seeing Linda and Parker in deep conversation at the end of one of his parties, and that hadn't been the first time I had seen them. Was that how Paula had heard about our close relationship? Had Linda confided in Parker? It seemed unlikely, but then, how had Paula known that Linda and I had been so close? Was it Paula who had engineered my stay at her home rather than being in a hotel?
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Two years later, I woke Paula in the usual way, trailing my fingers lightly around her naked chest, skirting her breasts in favor of tickling her tummy, circumnavigating her navel before exploring lower, avoiding the musky treasure and proceeding along the edge of her thighs to her knees which was as low as I could reach.
Paula couldn't prevent the miniature, telltale movements that betrayed her sleep as a pretense and I smiled to myself. This was a ritual we greatly enjoyed, the preliminary steps to our waking hour of making love. Though I would spend long minutes circling her breasts and caressing her limbs, I wouldn't move between her legs until she opened them, nor would I take her nipple into my mouth before she arched her back.