Chapter 04.1
The Isle of Man
There are a number of different kinds of kalaks... are you listening, Doctor?
"I'm trying hard not to," said the Doctor grumpily.
They were on the last leg of their journey, having taken a stratoliner from Tel Aviv to London, and now a smaller plane from London to the Isle of Man. The Doctor was trying to hide his increasing concern for Sophie. Did she get away safely? Did the kalaks really let her go? The Doctor still wasn't sure how much he trusted the kalaks in general or Alanna in particular. It was clear they wanted him to eliminate this Penguin, so it was unlikely they had harmed Sophie, but the Doctor wouldn't be satisfied, not until he saw her in person.
She will be fine.
Are you reading my mind?
It's kind of hard not to!
So... I have absolutely no privacy, then?
Well... I won't actively probe your mind. I'm only aware of what you're thinking at the moment.
This is the most extreme kind of violation I could ever imagine.
Alyssa never minded....
Your pet ghoul slave.
Alyssa is not a slave! Perhaps that's where we should start your education, Doctor, with Samaritans.
Those trusted few who agree to carry our form.
And why would anyone in their right mind ever agree to do that? No, don't tell me, I think I can guess.
The Doctor turned to Alyssa Kleinberg, who was sitting in the seat next to him. Alyssa, a short, dark, curly haired woman in her late 20's with a round face and nose almost as prominent as the Doctor's, looked vaguely uncomfortable. She missed having Alanna inside of her, and was worried about her now that she was inside the Doctor. Several times she had asked the Doctor to speak to Alanna, but the Doctor had ignored her and Alanna felt that speaking through the Doctor would only exacerbate tensions.
"You," said the Doctor, turning to her. "Let me guess. You're Jewish."
"Jewish," Alyssa confirmed. "Jewish like you."
"Not like me," said the Doctor sharply.
"But I read your bio. You were born in Israel, and so was I, before my family moved to Westport, Connecticut-"
"Not like me," the Doctor repeated, studying her as he would a bug. "You're a follower of Aura, aren't you?"
Alyssa looked startled. "How did you know that?"
"Because the pattern fits," said the Doctor. "Jews who forsake their religion to follow the She-Goddess Aura. Just like supposedly devout Christians who abandon their own religion to become Equalitarians. "
Alyssa frowned. "I didn't abandon or forsake my Judaism. I just supplemented it."
"Supplemented. Such a fine word," said the Doctor. "It sounds just like taking an extra vitamin in the morning. You didn't abandon your religion, you just added onto it, like building another floor onto your house."
"Are you such a devout follower, Doctor?" Alyssa asked.
"Me?" said the Doctor. "I'm an orthodox skeptical believer." He turned towards her. "But you, you have abandoned your religion for the siren call of social justice. Am I right? Equalitarians call it 'preparing for the Equalpocalypse', the day when everyone will be made totally, absolutely equal in material wealth and abilities. And what do the Aureans call it? Wait, don't tell me... Nurda Gababba."
"Yes, Doctor, Nurda Gababba," said Alyssa, her eye shining brightly. "That means-"
"I know what that means," the Doctor snapped. "To heal the world. You think God has put you personally in charge of healing the world, don't you? And, not only that, but you know the best way to do it, don't you? Empty the prisons. Import millions of culturally incompatible Laquintans into western society. Double taxes. Triple spending. Give the World Government even more control over us, and limit our freedoms in the pursuit of the greater good."
"You make it sound so sinister," said Alyssa.
"Did I? A slip of the tongue, I assure you," said the Doctor.
"You're right, Doctor. The principles of Nurda Gababba require us to help the poor, the downtrodden, the disadvantaged-"
"One disadvantage being not having a body, I suppose," said the Doctor.
"Yes, Doctor," said Alyssa. "The kalaks are fragile souls. Without us, they have no physical form. We were made to help them-"
"Said the spider to the fly," said the Doctor. "But don't you see, by helping them you are hurting others. When you let one of those things ride inside of you, you let it use you to hurt and maim and kill other people."
"Never!" Alyssa said sharply. "Alanna would never do such a thing. She is the gentlest kalak I have ever met! Alanna, are you all right in there?" She looked anxiously at the Doctor.
May I speak through you?
"Alanna told me to tell you that she's fine," said the Doctor.
"Really?" Alyssa asked, and the Doctor simply hated her eager puppy dog look.
"Yes," said the Doctor. "But she wants you to stop pestering me and leave me alone for a while so I can take a nap." And he turned away from her, even as Alyssa's face was filled with shock and dismay.
You were very rude to Alyssa.
Sorry. I'm always a little on edge when I have a ghoul inside my head.
We find the term ghoul to be very offensive.
And I find having you in my head to be very offensive. What do you say we make a deal--you get out of my head, and I will only refer to you as wonderful psychic friends?
Alanna didn't respond for a long moment. The Doctor's eyes flickered out the window. The Isle of Man loomed large.
We're landing.
It beats crashing.
You grew up in Israel, Doctor. Why did you leave?
Unpleasant memories.
I'm sorry for what happened to you. I know you had a bad experience with a kalak-
A bad experience? Is that what you call it? A ghoul forced me to kill my wife and all my friends. Is that what you call a bad experience?
My apologies. I call that horrifying.
Horrifying doesn't begin to cover it.
They rode in silence for a long moment.
So tell me, why did you move to the Isle of Man?
It's one of the few places in the world that doesn't have an income tax.
Really. I wanted to live in a place where I wouldn't have a parasite living off of me. And then I met you.
Doctor Ren, I know this is a very uncomfortable situation for you, but I hope we can at least have a working relationship.
A relationship... with a voice inside my head which can control my body. I'll have to think about that one.
They took a hired grav car to the Doctor's home. Or at least, not far from it. They got out at a busy intersection.
Doctor, why are we stopping here?
"Because I don't want you to know where I live," said the Doctor. Alyssa, who could only hear half the conversation, hung onto every word. "You and your media consultant can wait here, while I go home and check on Sophie. If she's all right, I'll come back and get you."
Oh no, Doctor, it doesn't work that way. I'm not leaving your body until the Penguin is dead.
"Do you really expect me to lead you to my home? That will make me incredibly vulnerable!"
More vulnerable than we are to you? You know of our home base under the Mount of Olives now.
The Doctor paused, then sighed. He hung his head in defeat. "Get in," he told Alyssa, as he got back into the hired car.
They drove for another twenty minutes until they were in the countryside. Then they went on a private dirt road which had a series of signs.
"Private Property, No Trespassing," said the first.
And then, a hundred feet down the road, a second sign.
"Warning: Live Fire Android Shooting Range ahead."
And then, a hundred feet beyond that,
"Warning: Entering Nuclear Land Mine Zone."
You're not very welcoming to visitors, Doctor.
And how many tourists do you show around the catacombs under the Mount of Olives?
The cemetery is very old, the catacombs even older. They suit our purposes.
And so do these signs.
And then suddenly, they pulled up in front of a giant Dome. Alyssa looked startled and the Doctor smiled.
Sophie gave the Doctor a hug so tight that it practically knocked the wind out of him. She pressed against him for a long moment and made a squealing "ooooooow" sound that made him smile as he felt her firm Dutch breasts pressed against him. Then she pulled back, her hands on his cheeks. "I was so worried!" she exclaimed. "I thought-" her voice broke off as she noticed Alyssa.
"It's all right, Sophie," said the Doctor.
"You!" said Sophie accusingly. "You were the one who kidnapped the Doctor."
Sophie, understandably, thought that Alanna was still inside of Alyssa. The Doctor gave Alyssa a warning look. "It's all right, Sophie. She's come along to help us with a little job."
"What kind of job?" Sophie asked, her ass cheeks flexing in her tight jogging shorts as she walked with the Doctor further into the Dome.
"My favorite kind," said the Doctor. "Killing ghouls."
The Doctor was giving Alanna and Alyssa a tour of the Dome while Sophie prepared dinner.
When are you going to tell her?
"When the time is right," said the Doctor.
"When the time is right for what?" said Alyssa.
She has a right to know.
She's been through a lot. I don't want to add to her stress.
"Do you want a tour of my home, or not?" the Doctor asked.
"Yes," said Alyssa.
They started back at the front door. The Doctor pointed to the giant tongue sticking out of the wall at floor level.
"What's that for?" Alyssa asked.
"We should have used it the moment we stepped through the door, if I hadn't been... distracted...." The Doctor stuck his foot out. The moment his tall black boot came into contact with the giant tongue, it came alive, and started to lick his boots, making strong sucking sounds.
"Disgusting," said Alyssa, making a face.
"That's what you do for the ghouls, isn't it?" said the Doctor.
"You are so unprogressive."
"Thank you," said the Doctor, flashing a grin. The next stop was a walk in coat closet near the front door. It was a closet that one could walk in... and walk, and walk, and walk. The room was easily 250 square feet in size. And it was filled with dozens of coats. All black coats, just like the one the Doctor wore.
Doctor, why are all the coats the same?
"Why are all the coats the same?" Alyssa asked, running her hands along one of them.
"Oddly enough, you're not the first person to ask that question," said the Doctor. "The answer, of course, is that the coats are nothing alike."
"Nothing alike?" said Alyssa, making a face. "They are all alike?"
The Doctor smiled, and began pointing at them. "This one is lead lined. That one has a personal force shield built into it. The one behind it has built in oxygen support-"
"Why would you need a coat with oxygen?" Alyssa asked.
"You never know," said the Doctor. "The one behind it has a portable power pack, the one behind that has an air filtration system built into it...."
"And this one?" Alyssa asked, touching black coat with a frilly border along the lapel.
"And that one has a frilly border along the lapel," said the Doctor.
Alyssa looked at him and said, "Alanna, this man is odd."
I quite agree.
"Alanna says you're not being open minded," said the Doctor sternly.
The next stop was a study with furniture on the floor, the walls, and the ceiling. There was a couch on the floor, padded chairs on the walls, and reclining chairs on the ceiling.
"Should I ask why?" Alyssa asked.
The Doctor gave her a look and walked up to one of the walls. Then he actually started walking on the wall, and sat down in an elegant chair. He stared at her for a moment, then got up and walked to the ceiling, where he relaxed in a reclining chair.
"You're upside down," said Alyssa.
"I was about to say the same thing to you," said the Doctor.
"Why, Doctor?" she asked.
The Doctor shrugged. "This is my thinking room. Sometimes it helps to view things from a different perspective." He got up, abruptly did a back flip, and landed on his feet on the ground. He smiled at Alyssa, but frowned when she looked unimpressed.
Don't mind Alyssa, Doctor. I find all of this fascinating.
"I'm glad you're pleased," said the Doctor dryly.
"And this is the Music Room," said the Doctor, gesturing to a completely empty room.
"How do you turn on the music?" Alyssa asked.
The Doctor gave her a look, and then raised his hands as if he were holding a trombone. He blew with his lips tightly puckered, and trombone started to play as the Doctor moved his hands forward and backwards.
Alyssa's eyebrows went up and the Doctor smiled. Then the Doctor shifted his arms downwards and blew again, this time rapidly moving his fingers. Fluent clarinet music started to play.
"Incredible," said Alyssa.
Did you design this yourself, Doctor?
"Yes. It's one of my minor hobbies," said the Doctor.
You are a very multifaceted man.
The Doctor nodded. Alanna could sense the pleasure bubbling up within him.
The tour continued.
The next room was a big sectioned off area of the Dome which contained an eighteen hole nuclear miniature golf course.
Another form of relaxation, Doctor?
"I find manipulating physical objects helps my mind relax," said the Doctor.
Alyssa, looking at the miniature golf course, frowned. "There's something missing, Doctor. Where are the holes?"
"They are cloaked," said the Doctor.
"Cloaked holes?" said Alyssa.
"Openly viewable would be too easy," said the Doctor. "In this game, you have to find them."
You're a very unusual man, Doctor.
Again Alanna felt a wave of pleasure, which the Doctor worked to suppress.
They passed by what looked like a science lab, with all sorts of scientific equipment in it.. "What's this?" Alyssa asked, as they walked by.
"Sophie's bedroom," said the Doctor.
"Her bedroom?" Alyssa looked around and saw a small bed in the corner of the room, and an equally small closet behind it. "Why do you make the girl live in such squalor?"
"Do you have any children, Miss Kleinerschnitzel?" the Doctor asked.
"No, and the name is Kleinberg," said Alyssa.
"My apologies," said the Doctor dryly. "No, of course you have no children, because followers of Aura believe that human beings are natural born polluters and children are an affront to Mother Nature. You think humanity is a stain on the planet, don't you?"
Alyssa shifted uncomfortably from one foot to another. "Well... kind of."
"So forgive me if I don't take any parenting tips from a misanthrope," said the Doctor.
"Misanthrope!" Alyssa cried. But the Doctor was moving onwards.
The Doctor led Alyssa into a greenhouse filled with long tables. Empty long tables. "Do you like the plants?"
"I don't see any plants," said Alyssa. And yet, when she sniffed the air, she smelled greenery. She gave the Doctor a confused look.
"Well of course you don't see them. This is an invisible arboretum," said the Doctor.
Is that really true, Doctor?
"There's no such things as invisible plants!" said Alyssa. But she looked unsure of herself as she tentatively stretched out with a hand.
"Well, go on, touch it," said the Doctor.
Alyssa's hand reached out and suddenly her eyebrows shot up as she felt a fern in her hands. "There is something here." She reached out more widely. "I feel a plant! Why would you grow invisible plants?"
"Why not?" said the Doctor, giving a grin. He watched as Alyssa gradually walked by one of the tables, reaching out to touch leaves with her outstretched hands. "I would be careful about that," he said.
"Careful of what?" said Alyssa. "Ow!" she said, pulling her hand back suddenly. There were several pinprint marks on her fingers.
"Careful of the invisible cactuses," said the Doctor, letting his grin go wide.
Doctor, you are a very odd man.
"Why thank you," said the Doctor.
"What did Alanna say?"
"Only that she derives pleasure from your pain," said the Doctor.
"She did not say that!" Alyssa looked indignant.
Doctor, when will you stop baiting Alyssa?
"When you get out of my head," said the Doctor.
They passed by the massage room, where they saw a pair of couches.
Who massages you, Doctor, Sophie?
"You have a dirty mind," said the Doctor darkly.
"No I don't!" said Alyssa.
The Doctor lay face down on one of the couches. Suddenly, holographic hands appeared and started to rub his back. Even though they were holographic, Alanna could feel them actually rubbing his body.
That feels... good.
"I'm glad you like it. Bodysnatcher," said the Doctor, getting up abruptly.
I'd like us to be friends, Doctor.
"Yes, I'm sure you would."
They heard the sounds of weapons fire as they entered a darkened part of the Dome. Sophie was there, firing a pistol into the air.
"There you are," she said. "Dinner is ready. I was just about to go looking for you." She fired again, sending a ray of light into the air.
"What is this place?" Alyssa asked.
"Welcome... to the practice range," said the Doctor. As they entered the room, Alyssa could see clearly what Sophie was shooting at.
It was kalaks. Images of kalaks suddenly appeared out of nowhere and Sophie blasted them with her weapon.
You let a young girl play with guns? Alanna tried to hide her feeling of horror as an image of a kalak was vaporized.
"That's the only way I know to let young girls grow up into old ones," said the Doctor.
"The only way what?" said Sophie, pausing for a moment. A trickle of sweat went down her nose. Her breasts stuck out of her tight pink shirt, and her ass cheeks looked remarkably firm inside her tight jogging shorts.
"Nothing. Let's have dinner," said the Doctor.
Sophie was unusually talkative to Alyssa Kleinberg, much to the Doctor's annoyance.
"The Doctor adopted me when I was ten," said Sophie, glancing to the Doctor briefly as she ate salad. "Ghouls killed my parents, because they were researching psychic energy."
"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that," said Alyssa.
"The Doctor saved my life and... he took me in," said Sophie, again glancing at the Doctor with dark eyes.
"Do you go to school here?"
Sophie shook her head. "The Doctor teaches me everything I need to know."
"Does he?" said Alyssa, chewing her own salad. Naturally, she was a vegetarian. The Doctor, of course, was eating a juicy T-Bone steak, and enjoying it with relish. "Don't you have contact with other people?"
"Other people?"
"Kids your age," said Alyssa.
"Kids?" Sophie made a face. "How old do you think I am?" Without waiting for an answer, she said, "I'm 18, and fully emancipated, for your information."
"That's wonderful," said Alyssa, watching the Doctor watch this exchange without saying a word. "But what about contact with boys your age?"
"Boys," said Sophie. "What use could I possibly have for them? Oh, the Doctor insisted I make an effort."
"Did he?" said Alyssa.
"Yes, he has a dating quota he makes me fulfill. But I don't like it," Sophie declared, as she picked at her salad. "It interferes with the work."
"The work?"
"Scientific research. Locating and eliminating...." Sophie bit her lip. "Eliminating adversaries."
Doctor, you taught this young girl to kill kalaks?
You bet.
"But what about dating?" Alyssa asked.