Chapter 06.6
"If you ask me, the dumb slut got what she deserved."
Vicky Prentice looked over her shoulder, apparently not caring if Kelly Gray heard her words as she sat weeping in the school cafeteria. Kelly was sitting there, crying her eyes out. A few hours earlier, the holovid of her having sex with those frat boys had been posted on the Holonet. The predominant opinion was that Kelly had been banged repeatedly by a bunch of guys, but that she had been asking for it and even enjoyed it.
Vicky's friends laughed and snickered at Kelly, and they all walked away. In their minds, the incident was quickly forgotten.
But not Kelly's.
Vicky Prentice was happily married to James Bennett. Vicky worked for the World Government as a Nutritional Educator. Her job was to roam around supermarkets, checking shopper's wagons to make sure they had enough fruits and veggies. First time offenders would get a lecture; repeat offenders could be fined.
James, on the other hand, was a Meteorological Social Justice Coordinator. His job was to sample the weather in white and minority neighborhoods, and if there was any discrepancy, to suggest reprogramming the weather modification nets so that good weather was distributed more equitably.
Neither of their jobs were strictly necessary, but the World Government promised a job for everyone who wanted one, and after tallying their interests and matching it against its needs, the World Government gave them these assignments. Vicky loved to spend her days roaming supermarkets, lecturing people, and feeling very self-important and virtuous. It was not very demanding work, and there was very little supervision.
But too much free time was Vicky's downfall. James was handsome, but after a few years of marriage, Vicky grew restless. She met a tall Spanishy man named Eduardo who seduced her into a bit of afternoon fun. She wasn't hard to persuade. Vicky had freelanced from time to time. She still loved James, but also liked a bit of variety.
She had a nice time of it, and didn't think anything of her tumble with Eduardo, when he approached her the day after and gave her a kiss in the World Government offices they both worked at.
"No, Eduardo, not here," she said, looking around.
"Why not?" Eduardo was so demanding and strong. "I want to see you, tonight."
"I... I don't think so," said Vicky. There was something very wrong about Eduardo's demeanor. He wasn't acting like a man having a tangential fling; he was acting like something else, someone with an agenda.
"But I do," said Eduardo. He held up his Pad, and played a vid for her.
"Oh my God," said Vicky. It was her, making love to Eduardo. She watched as Eduardo moved between her legs. Vicky could clearly be seen to be enjoying it.
She immediately pushed the stop button on the Pad. "What do you want?" she said softly, her eyes large and vulnerable.
"Not much," said Eduardo. "One more tumble."
"On more tumble?"
"One more tumble, and I'll erase it."
Vicky nodded slowly.
Vicky felt tense when she entered the hotel room. This time things were different. The mood the first time had been playful, illicit. Now she felt trapped. She saw Eduardo, lying casually on his back on the bed, sitting up by the headboard. He had a look of pure dominance in his eyes.
"Good, you've come. We can begin," he said.
Somehow, his words filled Vicky with incredible fear.
This time, Vicky was on top. She had no choice, as she bounced up and down on Eduardo's penis. Normally, the dominant one was on top. Eduardo had been on top the first time. But now she was, at his insistence.
She knew what he was doing. He was making her participate more actively. As she moved herself up and down on his rigid Spanishy shaft, she knew she could no longer argue that she was simply giving in. She was actively involved.
But despite the tenseness Vicky found herself participating willingly. There was something almost exciting about being blackmailed into having sex. And after all, they had already had sex once before.
Eduardo tried to make the forbidden nature of the sex spicier by asking her questions. "You love feeling me inside you, don't you?"
"Yes," Vicky said, smiling as she rode up and down on his shaft.
"It feels good, doesn't it?"
"Yes," she said again.
"Better than your husband?"
Vicky paused. Why was he asking that?
"I asked you a question," said Eduardo, his voice stern and hard.
She had to satisfy him. She would do anything to satisfy him, or else James would get the recording. "Yes... much better than James."
Eduardo smiled, and for the first time he started to actively participate, thrusting upwards as she went downwards.
"Oh... oh, Eduardo-"
"I know!" he cried.
In moments they both cried out, as they climaxed.
Afterwards, while they were still in bed together, Eduardo took out his Pad. He hovered over their sex video, and pressed the delete button.
"You see? I keep my promises."
"Thank you," said Vicky, snuggling against him.
"This, however, is another story," said Eduardo. He pressed a button, and a large holoimage appeared of Vicky, riding up and down on Eduardo's shaft.
Suddenly Vicky realized she had been tricked. Eduardo had also recorded their most recent sex encounter.
"Better than your husband?" came Eduardo's recorded voice.
Vicky bounced up and down on Eduardo
"I asked you a question," said Eduardo, his voice stern and hard.
"Yes... much better than James!"
And then they both cried out-
"Why did you do that?" Vicky cried, pulling away from him.
"Because it is the next step in your training."
"My next step?"
"The first video you might have been able to explain away to your husband as a fling, a temporary weakness," said Eduardo. "But this one, where you told me you preferred me over him? No man would forgive you for that. Your marriage is in the palm of my hand." He smiled at her.
"What... what do you want?"
"I am going to take you, Vicky Prentice. I am going to take you down a road so twisted, so perverse, that you won't even recognize yourself when this is all over. And at first you're going to obey me out of fear; but as time goes on, you're going to obey because you want to, as I change you into the thing you despise the most."
"No!" Vicky whimpered. But she knew she would have no choice. With that recording, Eduardo could make her do anything to keep her marriage intact.
It would not be accurate to say that Kelly Gray was in control of Eduardo Suarez; she had simply been fortunate enough to find a man who enjoyed the idea of a submissive woman. Every man had fantasies of women submitting to their will, but Eduardo's were stronger than most. Absent Kelly, Eduardo probably would not have made Vicky do the things she did; but then, absent Kelly, Eduardo probably would not have had sex with her at all. It was Kelly who first whispered in his ear to flirt with Vicky, it was Kelly who suggested he then take it to the next step. And then it was Kelly who started Eduardo on the dark path she was leading him and Vicky down to. Eduardo was hesitant, at first, but it really didn't take Kelly long to wear him down.
Don't you think she would look so submissive, as your slave? Kelly asked, as she stimulated his penis. There was no woman next to him, but at the moment, there didn't need to be. It felt so good!
Eduardo groaned.
Wouldn't you like that, to control her? To shame her, to humiliate her?
"Oh, yeah," said Eduardo, rubbing his crotch.
Then do exactly as I say....
Vicky licked her lips. She was nervous. She had just received her first assignment from her Master.
Her Master. That was what Eduardo required her to call him now. She was required to report to him, in the same hotel room, the following morning, with recorded evidence that she had obeyed his orders.
Vicky didn't know if she could do it. But she had to, she told herself. She had to do it to save her marriage to James.
And so that evening she cuddled up with James and started kissing him. He kissed her back, and one thing led to another, and before long they made their way to the bedroom. But after they stripped down, Vicky produced two black pieces of cloth.
"What are these?" he said.
Vicky started to tie one around his wrist.
"No, babe," said James.
Vicky kissed him again.
"No," he said again.
She kissed him again, and this time moved her free hand lower. In a moment, she had him gasping. When she moved her hand back up and started to tie his wrists, he didn't resist. He even smiled. "What's gotten into you?"
Vicky just gave him a mysterious smile as she tied his wrists to the bedposts. Soon he was immobilized from the waist up, lying naked on his back on the bed. It was only when she picked up the blindfold she had hidden under the pillow that James looked alarm. "Hey, what is that for?" he said, as Vicky put it over his eyes.
"It's all part of the fun, my love," said Vicky. She checked to make sure the blindfold was secure. Then she reached under the mattress and pulled out a sign. The sign read, "FOR MY MASTER, EDUARDO." She put it on the bed by his body, and set her Pad on the nightstand to record.
And then Vicky slowly and methodically mounted her husband and started to make love to him. But she remembered Eduardo's instructions. Even as she made love to him, she was looking at the Pad the entire time, and smiling.
Vicky was in the hotel room where she had met Eduardo. She was completely nude, on her knees, with her hands behind her back and her head bowed down. She learned her training very quickly.
Eduardo sat on the bed and watched the video of Vicky making love to James, in front of the sign he had given her. He was nude as well. As he watched the video, Vicky noticed his organ getting hard. Soon it was standing straight up.
Eduardo put down the Pad and sighed.
"Does that please you, Master?" Vicky asked hopefully. She didn't know exactly when she had fallen into the role of lesser. It had just seemed to occur naturally.
"Um hm," said Eduardo. He nodded slightly. That was all that was needed. Vicky rushed over on hands and knees and proceeded to pleasure him with her lips and tongue.
"Uuummm," said Eduardo appreciatively. "You do learn fast, don't you?" He stared down at her. The voice in his head had given him a truly tremendous idea. "Are you ready for your next assignment?"
Vicky nodded, as much as she was able to in her position.
"Good, here's what I want you to do...."
When Vicky heard what was expected of her, she was so astonished that she pulled out so she could speak again. "No, Master!" she cried.
"No? You dare say no to me?" said Eduardo.
"It's just... how will I explain it to James?"
"Explain it any way you like," said Eduardo, with a lazy grin.
"I... I can't," said Vicky. "Please, don't make me do this, Master!"
"You don't have to," said Eduardo. "But imagine what will happen when James sees the holovid of you fucking me."
"No, Master!"
"Imagine what happens when he sees the recording of you fucking him, with the sign saying you are doing it at my bequest?" Eduardo shifted upwards. "Let me get my Pad, I can send it to him right now-"
That was all he needed to say.
LaShonda Williams was a big black woman with a voluminous bosom that sloshed around like the Pacific Ocean and big broad shoulders and hips to match. She had given Vicky injections to make her nipples and clitoris less sensitive to pain, but by their nature they were hard parts of the body to fully numb.
And so, when LaShonda started to pierce her nipple, Vicky cried out.
"You white girls, you all da same," said LaShonda, as she threaded the needle inwards. "You know what we say in da hood? You do da crime, you gots to do da time." And then LaShonda slowly and methodically pierced both nipples, and put gold hoops into them, and soldered them shut, exactly according to the instructions she had received. "You sho you want dem sealed like dis?"
"No... but I have to!" Vicky sobbed. Eduardo had told her that if she deviated from his instructions even slightly, that she would be punished.
And then LaShonda got to work on Vicky's clitoris. Vicky cried out more than once as she was pierced, and a chain was put in there. At the end of it was a glittering imitation diamond.
"White folk sure be weird," said LaShonda. "And dis tattoo... you sho you want dem letters?"
Vicky, still sobbing, nodded. She had no choice.
Two hours later, Vicky, still sore, presented herself to Eduardo in his hotel room for inspection. She lay back on the bed, her legs spread, completely open to him. She had gold hoops embedded in her nipples, a diamond linked to her clitoris by a slender chain, and... in a shaved area of her pubis, the word WHORE in big letters.
Eduardo's smile grew broader as he saw what had been done to her. "Excellent, my pet."
"How... how am I going to explain this to James?" She asked, pointing to the word. Vicky was totally horrified.
"Easily. Just tell him that's what you are," said Eduardo, his tone hardening. "Now go home. I'll contact you for your next assignment in a few days... if you're still married."
He smirked. He was enjoying this.
But Vicky had a plan. After Eduardo dismissed her, she didn't go home. She went back to LaShonda.
"Use again?" said LaShonda. "What up, honey?"
"I want you to add one more letter to my tattoo," said Vicky.
It was two days before James cuddled her in a clear request for sex. Vicky responded, somewhat confidently, making sure that the lights were off in the bedroom when they made love. But darkness couldn't hide the feelings of gold hoops pressed against his chest as he banged into her.
"What is that?" he asked, as he banged her vigorously.
"Nothing, dear," said Vicky nervously.
"Ow!" said James, as he thrust into his wife. "Ow, ow, ow!"
"What is it?"
"There's something hard down there. Vicky, what's going on?"
"Lights," said James. The lights turned on.
Vicky shielded her eyes from the brightness for a moment, her heart beating a mile a minute.
"Oh my God, Vicky. What did you do to yourself?"
"You mean these?" She indicated her gold hoops attached to her nipples. "Do you like them?"
"Do I like them?" said James, in an odd voice. He spread her legs. "And what is this? You've attached some kind of... gemstone to your clitoris? Why, Vicky, why?"
But before she could respond, James saw what he should noticed first, before everything else.
"And what the FUCK is this?" he said, pointing to the tattoo on her shaved pubis.
What James saw, in big, bold letters, was the word SWHORE.
"Swhore?" said James. "What the fuck does that even mean?" he asked.
"It's supposed to be Swore, S-W-O-R-E," said Vicky. "The tattoo artist couldn't spell!"
"Vicky... why do you have SWHORE written above your vagina?"
"I... I...." Vicky had thought for hours how to explain this. "I thought it would look naughty."
"Naughty?" James said it as if he had never heard the word before. "Why, Vicky?"
"I... I wanted to spice things up between us."
"But look at what you've done! You've burned a nonsense word above your vagina, put gold hoops in your tits, and you have this rock hanging from your clit which is actually kind of painful for me if it gets in the way."
"I'm... I'm sorry, James."
James gave her an odd look, and slept on the other side of the bed the rest of the night.
Thankfully, Eduardo didn't seem upset when he learned that she had altered the tattoo. He was eager to learn James' reaction, though. "So you got through it. She thought you would."
"She?" said Vicky.
"Never mind." Eduardo shook his head. "Now you are to perform your next assignment. Do you know of the Tricky Club?"
"You mean... that strip club on 4th avenue?"
"The very one. I want you to get a part time job there."
"No, Master!"
Eduardo's tone hardened. "If you say no to me one more time, I'm going to send a very incriminating holovideo to James."
"But... I can't become a stripper. That's not me."
"You're wrong. It is you, and you will do it."
Mister Hernandez was the proprietor of the Tricky Club. When Vicky appeared and asked for a job, he said, "Show me what you've got."
"What?" she said. It took a few seconds to understand what he was saying. "You want me to take off my clothes? Here? Now?"
"An odd request to make of a stripper, is it?" he said.
And at that moment Vicky knew that that was how far she had fallen. She slowly removed her clothes. Mister Hernandez seemed amused by her pierced nipples and the gemstone hanging from her clitoris. "You're kind of plain looking, but the accessories pay off." He peered at her tattoo. "Swhore?" he laughed. "I'll hire you just for that! Babe, I like the hurt look in your eyes when you peel them off, but you have to work on making your act even sexier."
And so Vicky got a job at a strip club.
The first time she stripped in front of old, fat men she was mortified, and she froze. But then she saw Eduardo in the crowd, glaring at her impatiently. He held up his Pad.
Vicky stripped.
What have I become? She asked herself, as she stood naked before leering men.
But the worst was yet to come.
After several days of stripping, Vicky became aware of "floor girls", scantily clad girls who would mingle with customers and whisper in their ears. Sometimes customers would like what they heard and accompany the girls to private rooms in the back. At first Vicky was confused by this, but then Mister Hernandez mentioned that she could make more money by performing "extra work" in back, and she figured it out.
Eduardo knew all about it, of course. And so the day came when he ordered her to start doing "extra work."
"No!" she exploded. "Eduardo, this is too much. I am not going to become a whore!"
And then, the most amazing thing happened. A glowing, ghostly shape came out of Eduardo's body, and entered her own. Vicky gasped, "What's happening to me?"
"You're just getting a visit from an old friend," said Eduardo.
"An old friend?"
Hello, Vicky, remember me?
"Who are you?"
Remember Kelly Gray?
Think back to college, you fucking bitch cow! Remember the girl you called a dumb slut?
This was getting to be frustrating for Kelly. Remember the girl who killed herself after she got raped?
"Oh, that girl! Uh... kind of."
After I got raped, you called me a dumb slut.
"I... I did? Listen, Kell, I'm so sorry-"
Vicky went into the back room, whimpering.
And so Vicky became a prostitute, or a sex worker, as the World Government's "96 Paths to Success" High School Career Guide called it. Now that Kelly was inside Vicky's body, she made sure to remind Vicky at every opportunity how low she had fallen.
After Vicky had satisfied her first customer, a fat bald man with terrible body odor, Kelly told her, How does it feel, Vicky? This was only your first one, but you never forget your first!
Vicky's sobs didn't seem to move Kelly at all. On the contrary, Kelly seemed to enjoy them. And when Kelly sensed that Vicky was getting used to the unpleasantness of prostituting her body, she figured out other ways to make it unpleasant. She forced Vicky to invite clients over to her apartment, purposefully in the late afternoon shortly before James came home from work.