Part 01.1
To say I will never look at my parents the same again after one early summer evening would be a massive understatement. I guess the same could be said for and about my twin sisters, too. Originally, all three of us had made plans with our friends for the weekend and were to be out of the house until Sunday afternoon. My plans had been a campout with some of my buddies from High School. They had just returned from away at college. My sisters had made similar plans with their high school friends, who had just graduated that spring.
I had decided I didn't want to go to college pretty early on and began working in High School. When I graduated, I had a decent job and made good enough money for a kid living at home. After graduation, I was able to increase my hours, and the money got a little better. After a year, I was promoted to senior sales associate, and the money improved again. I was making enough money to get my own place, but my parents really liked having me around. I was kicking in for food and stuff, plus they wanted me there for my sisters, so I stayed at home.
Like I said, my twin sisters had just graduated and were looking forward to the summer off. They were bound for college at a school on the East Coast with a dual split scholarship, Academic and athletic for swimming. When those two were in the pool, they looked like fish - the most beautiful fish you have ever seen. My sister Patricia Anne, Patty typically, was headed out to become a Veterinarian. While her twin, Paula Raylene, Ray to everyone, was going for Computer Sciences, she wants to work in Data Security, maybe for Norton or MacAfee. Lofty goals, and I wholeheartedly support them. I'm Peter Jackson, Pete, or Petey to Mom. I work as a junior manager at a major parts store now.
Our parents are Patton and Pamela, Pat and Pam. Do you see the theme there? Dad is the President of a high-end car dealership, Mercedes, Porsche & Land Rover. Mom is a Commercial Real Estate agent. We are well off these days, but Dad started as a regular salesman, and Mom started with houses. Our house is nice and big in an upscale neighborhood. It's a four bedroom with a 'Maids' room off the kitchen. We have a nice-sized sized pool, of course. Dad drives a Mercedes sedan while he puts Mom in a Land Rover SUV for safety on our sometimes sketchy roads in Spring and Winter in Tennessee, where we live. My sisters share a Mini Cooper S. I have an old Porsche 914 that Dad and I refurbished. I'm not winning Le Mans, but it gets me around great.
When I went to my buddy's house with all my camping stuff, Mom dropped me off because there wasn't enough room in my car. I had hung out with Chaz overnight, beating the crap out of guys on his Xbox in Call of Duty. In the morning, when our buddy Dennis was an hour late, we called, and he canceled. He said he had scored a date with a new Aussie chick who had moved to town recently, and they were going out that night. With Dennis out, Chaz backed out too, so we just hung out the three of us on their Xboxes until Denny went to get ready for his date. We had been at it all day, so I decided to head home too. I borrowed Chaz's mountain bike and rode home as it wasn't far, leaving my camping stuff there.
I found out later that my sisters had a similar experience. It was apparently supposed to be a pajama sleepover. That plan went bust when two girls initially canceled out of the 5 of them. So we all ended up at home unexpectedly. Since I rode home on the bike, I passed my car on the street just up from our house. That's when I realized we had company. So I decided to go in from the garage side door, which put me right at my room by the kitchen, having taken the 'Maids' room so my parents could turn the fourth bedroom into an office for the both of them. My sisters had each gotten their own rooms, finally.
As I went in, I heard unusual noises coming from out towards both the kitchen and the living room. I looked into the kitchen and was shocked to see some guy I didn't know fucking the crap out of a woman I vaguely recognized but couldn't clearly see her face as she was head away from me, and I was to his back. After another step, I saw what I could only describe as a full-on orgy in our living room. There were two inflatable mattresses instead of the coffee table. There were multiple people in various acts of heavy sex. I stepped through quietly to see other people in the bedrooms. In my sister Patty's room was our mother getting pounded by our Dad's best friend from behind in doggy while our High School principal, Mr. Sanchez, had his cock in her mouth.
When Mom came up for air and said, "Fuck Yeah. Pound my pussy, Harry, pump me full of your cock and fill me with your cum." I turned and beat feet out of there.
When I returned to the living room, I saw two things. My sisters were standing just inside the closed front door where they stood, shocked at the scene, one in particular. We all saw our father pounding our neighbor, Mrs. Carson, from a few doors down. I gathered my sisters silently, grabbed the keys to Mom's Range Rover, and almost dragged them back out the front door by the hand. As I turned to close and lock the front door, I saw my dad cum into Mrs. Carson, and his face was one I will never forget, almost ugly. I waved them to Mom's SUV, and we got in. Both of them got in the back seat, and I carefully backed out quietly and drove us away.
I didn't know where we were going, but we needed to leave there and that scene right out of Caligula behind. We didn't speak as we headed into town. Soon, I came out of my shock and saw where we were. Seeing an old diner I had wanted to try ahead, I pulled in and parked. We got out and walked inside, and found a booth. We looked at each other in the U-shaped booth, not knowing what to say, so we grabbed menus. Everybody just ordered burgers and fries or onion rings plus a shake. My Sisters were not shy but somewhat innocent. They both previously had boyfriends and sex, as I had accidentally come home once to both of them having sex in their rooms. I left, giving them privacy as I knew they would have me. And, of course, I have had a good handful of girlfriends, too. So sex was nothing new to any of us, plus honestly, we all had watched porn. What we just saw in our own home was a new level in a 'Holy-fucking-shit that was weird' way.
I broke the tension with a bit of a hysterical laugh at the absurdity of what we had just seen. They joined in right after, and in a bit, we were able to talk quietly.
Patty asked, "What the fuck was that?"
My response was, "Nothing we were meant to see, obviously. And I really wished I hadn't... kinda."
Ray asked, "What did you see? Watching Dad was like watching a train wreck or after an accident, and I just couldn't look away." She gave a little shiver.
Patty nodded and added, "Me too. And I just couldn't wrap my head around he was banging Mrs. Carson like a slut, and she was loving it."
"Be happy you didn't see Dads' cum face or Mom in action, 'Nuf said."
Right then, the waitress returned with our food. We clammed up quickly. After she walked away, I said, "We probably shouldn't talk about this here." I looked around the relatively empty place, but there were still other customers. They both nodded in agreement. We then discussed how we all ended up at home in the first place. Both of my sisters blushed hard when they finally said it was supposed to be a lingerie party. My missed camping trip was to be decidedly less exciting.
We ate pretty well and left, only to wonder where we were going next. We surely weren't going home. Ironically, I spotted a motel just up the street with decent rates. So, after climbing in I drove us over there. Patty takes shotgun this time after winning at Rock, Paper, Scissors against Ray. When I pulled in, they were obviously surprised.
"Why are we here, Pete?" Ray asked.
"Well, I don't want to go home, and who knows how long that crazy shit will last. Do you?"
Both girls had that 'Oh My God!' face and replied together, "Oh Hell No!"
"So this is as good a place as any to crash. In the morning, we can go back to the diner for breakfast as a bonus." So I parked near the office and went in to rent a room for the night.
I returned a few minutes later with the key in hand and drove down to the assigned room, ironically away from most other patrons. I think the guy behind the counter saw Patty in the SUV and assumed we were there to 'Make some noise.' We went into the room and then realized we didn't have anything--no toothbrushes or sleepwear. Fortunately, there were two queen-sized beds.
"Are you two Okay with sharing a bed for the night?"
"Sure," Patty answers.
"Won't be the first time. Not even this year." Answered Ray. The girls giggle. I look at them curiously but let it go.
"So what now? I'm not tired. Wanna watch some TV?" Both my sisters shrug and hop onto the bed nearest them. I grab the remote and flick the TV on. We channel surf a bit, then settle on some reruns of Californication. We all got comfortable by taking off our pants and relaxing in t-shirts and skivvies. After the scene at the house, this may not have been the best choice, but maybe it was. After a few episodes, everyone looked at each other out of the corner of their eyes to see who else was getting turned on. After the second episode, I turned the TV off. I figured that it was time to talk about the house.
I sighed, then said, "Should we talk about what we saw at home? It was definitely surreal but not all that disgusting; it was just a surprise about Mom and Dad for me." When I say that about Mom, I shake my head at the memory.
Ray blurts out, "What did you see about Mom? You said something like that before."
Sighing deeply, I moved to join them on their bed looking at the two of them, Patty to my left and Ray on the right. I sat down sitting on the foot of the bed Indian style. "Are you sure you want to know? It will definitely change your view of Mom."
Patty asked, "Was it bad or sick?"
"No. Just really unexpected."
Mom had always been the reasonably prim but flirty Mom, just fun, not over the top. To call Mom pretty would have been an insult. She is beautiful, her hair is a light brown with some natural red highlights, and her eyes are an incredibly bright Blue. She keeps her figure by doing regular yoga and running on treadmills, ours, or at the gym. At 5'7", she is tall for most women. My sisters and I inherited that from both our parents. Dad is 6'1" with Dark Brown, almost black hair and Hazel Green eyes. I'm the tallest of us all at 6'2", my hair a deep Brown between our parents with emerald green eyes.
All of us were very active and in great shape between the pool and a small gym set up in the garage. Mom was very sexy, as we all knew from seeing her in a bikini around our pool. Dad ate right, and he and I worked out regularly in our gym or at a complete gym nearby. We have a family membership, so everybody uses it. My sisters have that thin yet curvy figure, well known to swimmers. They have very little fat but it's all in the right places, and they are even taller than Mom at 5'10". Their hair is a little lighter than Mom's, on the edge of a dirty blonde with those same red highlights. Piercing Grey eyes with a twinkle of mischief in them all the time. To say we were all good-looking would state things simply, however understated.
"I entered the house through my backdoor and headed for my room, seeing we had company. I didn't want to bother Mom and Dad's company. When I came in though, I heard what you saw and heard, so I moved to check it out. That's when I first saw some folks going at it on the kitchen table, oblivious to me. After seeing the living room, I stepped down the hall towards the bedrooms, shocked by the initial scene in the living room with the inflatable beds. Sorry, Patty, I found Mom in your room. Harry was fucking Mom from behind on her hands and knees while Mr. Sanchez was having his cock sucked, spit-roasting Mom. I could tell she was loving it, too."
They sat there shocked, and I'm sure they were picturing the scene. "Mr. Sanchez, really? Our old Principal?" Asked Patty.
"How did you know Mom was enjoying it? Maybe she was being forced." Asked Ray.
I shook my head at the question and the memory. "Because she pulled off Sanchez and told Harry, 'Fuck Yeah. Pound my pussy, Harry, pump me full of your cock and fill me with your cum'. That's when I pulled back, saw you two by the door, and pulled us all out of there."
"Yeah, Thanks for that, by the way." Says Patty.
"For sure, Pete, Thanks," adds Ray.
We all sat there quietly for a minute, and then Ray spoke up, saying, "You're right. It wasn't exactly gross or disgusting, just surprising for our fairly conservative parents."
"And that thing about Mom is kinda hot. But to walk into the house full of all that hardcore sex, Wow!" Patty says.
We all go quiet for a second, picturing the scene again. When our concentration breaks, we all look at each other and see the flushed expressions of being turned on. My sisters unconsciously grinding on the bed, and my hand between my legs rubbing my hardening cock.
"I'm sorry, girls. I'm fucking horny as hell and need to take care of it. Do you mind if I use the bathroom?" They look at each other, and I see that infamous Twins communication.
Then Patty turns and says, "Can we watch Pete?"
"Yeah, Please? I've only seen it in porn. In real life, it would be so hot." Ray adds.
I look at them stunned, then ask, "You both want to watch me jack off?" They both nod vigorously. "Wow. I guess our parents aren't the only ones a little twisted, huh? Okay, but no making fun, or I'm out of here and will get my own room."
Rays' eyes go big before saying, "Please, Petey. We won't say anything like that. We are just as turned on as you, I think." Patty nods hurriedly to agree.
I sigh loudly, then stand up to whip off my T-shirt and skivvies before I think about it too hard. I toss my T-shirt on the bed, planning ahead to the potential mess. As a second thought, I also slipped off my short tennis socks. I plop back down, sitting cross-legged at first, then get more comfortable putting one leg out, leaving one folded in.
My sisters look on in rapt attention, and I think both are licking their lips unconsciously. At 6'2", I have size 12 feet. The old adage about feet and cock size is pretty accurate, at least for me and the guys I know. As I stroke my cock it comes to full size in under a minute, a nice thick one and 7 1/2" long. My sisters sigh when I'm fully hard. I smile.
That bit of sexual tension lets me get hard, but as I sit there looking at my sisters, it also holds me back thinking about that. 'Should I really be doing this in front of my twin sisters?' As I think this, both slowly move a hand to their breasts, Patty to her right and Ray to her left. Their other hand is rubbing up and down the opposite thigh.
Ray quietly asks, "Are you gonna cum soon?"
I reply, "I'm excited, but it's not close. No."
Patty then says, her hands stop moving, "Would you seeing us help you, you know, get there?" I just shrugged, not knowing what she had in mind. She moves her hands to the hem of her t-shirt and pulls it off. At that point, I realized she wasn't wearing a bra, and her nipples were hard as diamonds. Ray, seeing what she was doing, whipped hers off too.
Seeing their breasts in this context made my cock twitch not just once but twice. They both notice and grin lustily. I pick up the pace with this incredible visual. My sisters, I see, are quite beautiful, just like our Mom, but I had never sexually thought of any of them until now. Their smallish breasts were nice handfuls, maybe big B or C cups. In their swim meets, they wore full one-pieces to streamline themselves for speed. In our pool, though, they wore lovely bikinis like mom. Everyone loved to tan.
As I continued to stroke for them and now to them, we all began to flush more. I felt the heat rise in my face and chest and could see it in theirs. As I kept working my stiff cock both my sisters began getting a little closer as time passed. Before long, they were rubbing their muffs and pinching their nipples, trading off hands regularly. Before much longer, both girls were on their stomachs, not more than a foot from my stiff member. That's when the dam broke. Patty moved forward and put her mouth on my cock, and moaned. I almost came right there, but I was able to hold off and see what would happen next.
Ray then reached out and cupped my balls, and I pulled my hand off.
Ray then complained to our sister, "You always go first!"
Patty pulls off with a 'pop.' "Because I'm older, I get everything first."
"By fifteen whole minutes. Big deal, stop being greedy for once."
Patty kept right on stroking with her right hand and grinned, then went back down for a solid minute before 'popping' off again and pointing my cock at our sister. Ray jumped on it like she was starving. She sucked and slurped with enthusiasm and also continued on my balls, and Patty continued to stroke in time with Rays' bobbing until she had me down her throat. It felt glorious, my sisters competing again over sucking me off.
Over the next ten minutes, they switched off about every minute. In the end, I announced that I was ready, and they pulled back and lay there cheek to cheek, waiting for my load with mouths wide open. When I came, I blasted it all over their faces and into their mouths. They gobbled it down like candy. It was so hot, I couldn't believe these were my wonderful, almost shy sisters. They knew they were beautiful but didn't flaunt it or show off like so many stereotypical 'Hot Girls.' They were easily more beautiful than half our cheer squad, probably all of them.
When I finished, they turned to each other and began licking and eating my cum off the other's face. My dick twitched again at the sight but lay still for the moment. I sat back and watched that scene play out.
When they were done, they both giggled and said, "Tasty." Then they giggled some more. I chuckled and shook my head in disbelief at what we just did. I handed them my t-shirt, and they wiped their faces, then I used it to clean myself. That's when I remembered we weren't home and I didn't have another shirt for tomorrow. I got up, went to the bathroom, rinsed my shirt, and hung it over the shower rod to dry. From the other room, I heard more giggling.
When I returned, my sexy sisters were lying back on the bed with their legs spread, looking at me expectantly. Ray asked, "Do you still have more in you, Big Brother? If so, I'm first this time. Come fuck your sisters into the bed, Pete."
They giggle and spread just a little bit more. My cock is at immediate attention. Patty giggles and says, "I guess that's a 'Yes' Ray."
"Nope, that's a 'Fuck Yes' Patty."
They giggle, waiting for me to climb onto the bed. But rather than just slipping it in and just fucking them, I slide up on my belly and pull Rays' panties off. Then, I reach over and take down Patty's before rolling back and shoving my face into Ray's sweet snatch.
I start off slow, though, kissing her inner thighs and stroking her left leg from the outside with my right hand underneath her leg. When she is genuinely steaming for me to get to her pussy, I slip the tip of my tongue between her lips and lick lightly up the full slit stopping short of her clit. She moans appreciatively. I continue this for a few minutes. Soon enough, I went deeper inside and slurped her flowing honey directly from the pot. It was delicious.
She begins to moan louder, and soon she cums, flooding my mouth with her juices, moaning, "Peeettteeeyy...".
I keep her going softly, strumming her clit with my left hand until she pushes me off. Patty had been watching the entire time. Her eyes were like saucers, and her nipples were so hard. While watching, she was pinching both of them pretty hard as I watched her. I came up covered in Rays' juices from eyebrows to chin with a grin. I loved it.
While Ray recovered, I went down on Patty. Treating her similarly, but even being twins they didn't respond exactly the same. When I slipped into Patty's slit, I found she needed more clitoral stimulation, but she loved it when I slurped her hole too. Luckily, both girls didn't take long to reach orgasm. When Patty came, she moaned out, "Fucking Hell Pete..." She also pushed me off in the end. This time, I went to the bathroom and grabbed a hand towel to wipe my face, bringing it back, 'Just in Case.'
By this time, my cock is beginning to hurt slightly, with my cock head almost purple like a plum and about the same size. When I returned, Ray was ready for me with her knees pulled back and her pussy opened like the most beautiful flower ever. I slipped right onto the bed and right into her hot, tight tunnel. We both moan in pleasure at the feeling of completeness. It was like the perfect fit for my hard cock. I slowly started sliding in and out, looking deep into Ray's eyes.
We weren't fucking. We were making love. It was that much of a connection. I just hoped it would be just as special with Patty. I brought Ray to a second gentle orgasm and kept going, not ready for my own, though it was building. When she came the second time, it was powerful for us both. When she came and clamped down on my cock I was barely able to move, so I buried my cock to the hilt. I came deeply inside with a giant load as her pussy milked my turgid member like a mouth. As we came down from our shared orgasm, I leaned forward to give her the hottest and most tender kiss of our lives.
"Oh My God! That was so hot and the sweetest thing I have ever seen." Patty said.
"It was fantastic, Patty. Wait until he does it to you." Ray says, her voice husky with passion and probably a little love. "Do you want the creampie Patty?" Ray says next.
"Really? We've fooled around a little Ray. Fingering ourselves and each other that one time but never that."
Ray grins and replies, "Eat me, Patty, get our Big Brothers' cum from my pussy." That's when it hit me.
I blurt out, "Oh Shit." Both my sisters look at me, curious. "I just came inside you, Ray. Are you protected?"
They both smile, and Ray replies, "Yeah. Since we were 14, Mom put us on the pill, then later the implants."
"Why Pete? Do you like the idea of knocking up your own sisters?" Patty asks with a teasing grin.
My cock twitches three times at that. We all laugh, and I reply, "Well, I wasn't before, but now since you mentioned it..." We all know that would be going too far, but the idea itself is Hot.
I slide to the left, and Patty takes up position to clean out Rays' sloppy pussy. She is somewhat unsure and tentative at first, as you might expect. Soon, she is done cleaning and goes on to bring our sister to another pleasant, if not strong, climax. When she comes up with her face covered like I did, I grin, then lean over and lick her face clean, and then I hand her the towel. When she finishes, I lean in again for a kiss with Patty. We get a little more aggressive, but it's still hot and delightful.
Feeling a bit emotional, I say to both girls, "I love you both so much. I just never thought it might be like this."
They get a little teary, and again, that twin thing, "We love you too, PJ."
I kiss them both again, then look at Patty and ask, "You ready for me now, Patty?" Showing her my stiff member, I go on saying, "I think I'm ready to 'impregnate' my other sister." They giggle, and I grin as she moves back up beside her twin sister.
"I'm ready, Big Bro, cum 'inseminate' me." Looking at Patty hotly, I move up to do just that. With her, it was again a little more passionate with our sex. Where Ray needed tenderness, Patty needed heat. So, as I looked into her eyes, I slid inside, and as wet as she was, I just began pumping.
I established a good pace quickly, and soon Patty was moaning and not long after cumming hard. I slowed down, but I kept right on driving with her, too. When I judged it the right time, I picked up my pace again and gave it to her a little more forcefully. Her first orgasm hadn't stopped when her second one blasted through her. Her pussy clamped down hard, and again, I buried myself, slamming home that last inch, mashing her clit hard.
Patty screamed out, "OH FUCK YES PETER JACKSON PHILLIPS! FILL ME WITH YOUR LOAD!" As I came, she convulsed and even squirted all over us. Her orgasm was so intense she actually passed out for a minute.
She came back to us slowly and said, "Oh my God, did I pass out?" I just grinned at her, still buried in her deliciously hot box.
"Our brother is a fucking Stud Pattycakes. Yeah, you were gone for about a minute. And you fucking squirted all over us!"
We all look down and see the mess there. I know there will be a bigger one when I pull out. I ask Ray, "You gonna repay Patty the favor and eat my creampie from her?"
"Damn straight. Move, Pete, let me get in there."
"Be careful. When I pull out, it's gonna get messy fast."
"Wonderful," Ray says back with a grin. I pull out and move further to the left, nearly falling off the bed. True to her word, Ray goes to town with gusto on Patty. Patty cums again, and her eyes roll back a second before moaning, "Oof." Instead of falling off, I stand up, look down at myself, and I'm covered. This cleanup will require a shower, not a hand towel. Then I look up at the bed, see it's trashed, too, and grin lopsidedly.
When Ray finishes, and Patty comes down, I mention both things, "I need a shower. I bet you both need one, too, because the bed is fucking done." I gesture at myself, covered in Patty's squirt and some of my own emissions. Then, expansively at the bed. Looking around at the scene and then back at each other, we bust out laughing. I help both girls gingerly from the bed, sending Ray ahead to start the shower and then helping a drenched Patty out. We continue to laugh lightly about it, then climb carefully in together for a shower.