Part 01.2
The shower is both erotic and romantic but mostly gentle and loving. When we are clean, I get out first, dry quickly, and help each of my sisters out. First, dry them slightly with a peck on the lips, then hand them the towel to finish up. Ray strolls out first, and we hear her laughing again. We step out to see the aftermath, too. The bed looks like we had our own orgy, and I guess we did.
I ask, "Any regrets, girls?"
"Not a one," Ray replies with a loving smile.
"Just one," Patty replies. Then she grins, saying, "That we didn't do this sooner."
We all laugh, then pile into the other bed and spoon up together. Ray wins this round of RPS, and I spoon her in front of me while Patty spoons up behind me. We turn out the lights and slip off easily to sleep. I wake up a couple of hours later and roll over to spoon Patty, pulling Ray in behind me without waking her as Patty moans contentedly. I wake in the morning, though, on my back with both girls curled into me and an arm wrapped around each. We are all still naked from the shower. When I look down, I see both girls' nipples are hard, and my usual morning wood has made an appearance.
I just enjoy having my sisters cuddled up to me for a bit, though. Slowly, both woke as my little movements shifted the bed slightly. Patty sees me first and smiles that first-moment awake, happy grin.
I lean down and kiss her tenderly, saying, "Good Morning Patty. I love you."
She reaches up and caresses my face gently, replying, "I love you too, Pete."
Smiling, I look over at Ray. Her eyes are just fluttering open to see my smiling face. "Good Morning Ray. I love you."
She smiles back, stretching like a cat, and when done, she answers, "I love you too, Pete. Good morning. Mornin' Patty."
"Mornin' little sister."
Ray grinned over me and gave it right back, "Little sister, huh? Who got the better cum from their creampie cleaning?"
"Yeah. That was awesome and very hot. Thanks, Ray. Thank you too, Pete. Last night was Hot, fun, and memorable. And I only mean for us here. At home, Wow." We all chuckle at that again.
"Well, since we are awake, do we get up or..." I asked the two of them.
Patty answers by pulling my face to hers and kissing me hard. Breaking apart, we grin at each other like fools. Then Ray pulls me to her, and last night's tenderness continues as she kisses me softly. Both were very different, just like my sisters, but equally pleasant. I lean back after and sigh contentedly. After a few heartbeats, I look back at Patty, and we kiss again, then back to Ray. Once in a while, they would lean up and kiss each other, too. We continued kissing like that for about ten minutes, I'd guess. I was running my hands up and down their backs gently the entire time. And they caressed my chest and belly. Yes, it is a beautiful way to wake up and start the day.
After that, we slowly climbed from the bed, saw the other bed again, and laughed at the destruction again. Next, a run through the bathroom for each of us. Then we got dressed. I check my shirt, it's dry, but I find a considerable string of cum across the back of my collar. I shrug and put it on for now. I leave a big tip for the maid. We all step out into a beautiful early summer day. I think for a second, then pop the back of the SUV. I found what I was hoping for, my Dad's workout bag. He keeps spare clothes in it, so I grab a shirt and toss my dirty shirt on the floor. I close up and think about the diner and breakfast.
Then, I had an evil thought and decided to yank the counter guy's chain a bit. I tell the girls what I have in mind, and Patty laughs while Ray giggles with a bit of blush. We hop back in the truck, and I pull by the office, ensuring he can see both passenger doors. I walk in to turn in my key and tell him, "Thanks for the separation of our room, my man. We were probably pretty loud. I know one was. And one bed is really trashed. Things got a little messy." I say with a shit-eating grin.
He was startled like, I expected. Then he asks, "They?"
"Yeah. Two hot girls." I wave at the SUV, and the passenger window to the back door rolls down. The guy sees my gorgeous sisters waving at us, and then the window goes back up. "Jesus, Man, it was awesome, Twins."
His eyes go huge, and he stutters, "Tt-wwi-ins?"
"Yup, I fully recommend it. Do I owe anything?"
It takes him a few seconds for his brain to re-engage before saying, "Nah, you're all good. Have a nice day."
"I'm sure I will. I will have more time with the Twins." I grin broadly and walk out, leaving him hyperventilating.
I get in, I buckle up and pull away before starting to laugh my ass off. My sisters joined me, and we were barely under control when we returned to the diner. We walk back in much happier and less shell-shocked than the night before. We take the same booth since it's open and chuckle at that, too. We all grab menus and quickly pick out our breakfast orders. When the waitress showed up a minute later, we gave her our complete order instead of having her come back after drinks. We look at each other and begin grinning, all of us thinking about the night before.
"I don't know about you two, but I wouldn't mind doing more of what we did last night again."
The girls look at each other again, and there goes that Twin thing, both turning back, grinning, saying together, "Fuck yes."
Something then occurs to me, but the waitress returns with our coffee and juices. When she walks away, I ask, "Are we always going to be, you know, all together? Or will you ladies like some one-on-one time with me or, for that matter, each other?" My face is more serious, showing I just need the plan going forward. They look at each other again, but there isn't a clear answer for them both this time.
Ray speaks up first, saying, "I wouldn't mind some one-on-one time with Pete, but I don't want to leave you out either, Patty. I don't think I want just us, either. As hot as it was, I liked that Pete was there watching and eating his creampie was fun and so hot."
Patty takes her hand and says, "Yeah, I liked that too. I mean, kissing this morning was just us showing our love for each other. I'm all about boys, not girls, as much as last night was really a great time." I clear my throat as the waitress brings our food, and I thank her.
After she leaves again, I ask, "So, just to be clear. We all want time together again, both singly together and all of us together too?" Both girls nod. I smile broadly, then lean in and whisper, "It would be my pleasure to try to 'impregnate' my sisters over and over again." Unable to hold it in, we all burst out laughing.
We thoroughly enjoyed our breakfast. We continued, staying a bit after our food was gone to enjoy more superficial conversation and coffee. When I noticed the waitress was looking at us and the place was getting busier, we headed out. I left a Twenty-dollar tip and gave her a wink. I walked out holding hands with my sisters, smiling at having them with me.
As we got outside and over to the SUV, I said, "Well, I'm not interested in going home yet. Do you have any ideas on what to do now?"
Both girls think, and then there goes that twin thing again. All of a sudden, they blurt out, "Shopping!" I groan loudly. "No, no. You'll like this shopping Petey-boy, Bikinis." Patty starts.
"We'll try them on and model for you. You tell us which ones make us look hottest, and we'll get those." Finishes Ray. They grin at me, and I start grinning too.
We make our way to the mall near us, but we are not really in a hurry. We start strolling through, looking at the various stores that might have what the girls want. They pick out a few, and then we start with the last one, working our way back to the front. At each store, they pick out three each and I select the best one. It's not always the smallest or hottest but the best one for the girl of those chosen. They end up getting one each at 3 of the four stores. Fortunately, Dad gave each of us a credit card for things like this, and I paid each time.
After that was all done, we were all very horny but also hungry again, so we hit the Food Court for a late, light lunch. After dropping those purchases in the SUV, we went back in and fooled around at the giant arcade there. Sometimes, we competed. Sometimes, it was together while one of us cheered the others on. At Skeeball, it was on like Donkey Kong, and so was it at the Go-karts outside. Of course, it was best of three each time. The only draw was at go-karts, and we each won once. It was a great time with my sisters. We hadn't really done anything like this together in quite a bit, between my work and their School and swim obligations. It seems summer is a great time to reconnect.
When we were all ready, we headed home, figuring it should be safe by then, and dinner with the folks soon. When I pulled in, we were met with a relieved-looking Dad. "Afternoon, Dad," I said.
"Hi, Daddy." The twins said together.
Dad asks, "Um, how did you get your mother's truck guys?"
I fibbed a little and replied, "We all ended up home this morning, Dad, and seeing you still had guests, I reached in and grabbed Mom's keys, and we went out to breakfast and then the Mall. It was great reconnecting with my sisters." The girls giggled.
"Oh. By the way, your credit card took a couple of hits this morning. These two decided it was time for more swimwear for the summer." Dad looks relieved at hearing we hadn't come inside. I thought, 'Like you did in Mrs. Carson and whoever else, you dirty old man.' I grinned knowingly at Dad, but he had no idea about what.
"Okay, your mother was a little worried, but I said we should wait to see if one of you showed up with it. I'm glad you did. I hate calling the police needlessly.
'Also, to keep my sex life private.' Dad and son both thought.
"Dinner soon, Dad?"
"Yep, go get cleaned up for dinner. It should be ready in less than 15 minutes."
"Sure, Pop," I say.
"Yes, Daddy. " This comes from my sisters.
When Dad isn't looking, I grab my dirty shirt from the back and throw it into the hamper in my room when I get there. Both girls split up, taking a bathroom each: Patty using our parents' and Ray using the one the two of them share. I hit the small one off my room after a few minutes, making sure to have hot water. Then I grab a fresh shirt and skivvies and drop Dad's borrowed shirt into his hamper.
The three of us end up in the hall between the bedrooms, grinning at each other and then sharing a couple of quick kisses. We walk out into the living room, and I take a look for any telltale signs of the escapades from last night and probably this morning. I noted a couple of minor things, but nothing significant. I smile to myself and shake my head at what our parents had been up to. Then I think about what the three of us had gotten up to, and my smile is enormous. My sisters saw it and looked at each other, giggling too.
We gathered in the kitchen, and the three of us pitched in to set the table quickly, then grabbed drinks for everyone. Mom went all out and made an excellent meal. We all complimented her on it. After that, the three of us did the dishes and sent the folks to the living room. When Mom sat down, I noticed she did it slowly, obviously a little sore. I moved to my sisters and whispered, "Mom is a little sore, it seems. I wonder why?" We all laughed and continued cleaning up. When we finished, we joined them in the living room and took the couch, all three of us intentionally sitting down like we had woken up.
I put my arms around them, and they cuddled in. I asked Dad, "So what's on the tube, Pop?"
"Just finished the local news and weather. I was thinking of Jeopardy and Wheel. We can compete like we used to when you kids were younger."
Looking at my sisters quickly, I reply, "You're on. Us against you two, right?"
Mom pipes up, smiling, "Of course. We'll try and take it easy on you."
We all grin, but I reply, "No need, Mom. We aren't ten anymore."
"Let the games begin," Dad says.
We have a great time, and of course, we kids whip their butts. A little bit into prime time, Mom starts nodding off, and I say to Dad, "Mom looks tired, Dad, maybe an early night? You look kinda tired too now I look at you, Pop."
"Yeah, maybe you're right, Pete. You guys don't stay up too late, huh?"
"Sure Pop. I have work early tomorrow, too." He leads a tired Mom off to bed at the far end down the hallway.
After all the noise of their getting ready for bed stops, Patty says, "I bet all Moms' holes are tired after this weekend."
"And Dads' dick, too," Ray says, then giggles. We all laugh quietly and then return to watching the show. We lose interest quickly, and before long, we return to that morning's kissing cycle, but the girls are just kissing me this time. We continued like that for quite a while. Finally, though Patty got so worked up, she climbed into my lap and started kissing me in earnest.
Of course, I loved it. Then, when it was Rays' turn after a minute, it was just as good. When they were in my lap, of course, my hands wandered. I cupped and fondled their beautiful tits, at first over the shirts and soon underneath. I would have one hand there and the other cupping and massaging their tight little asses. They moaned more and more the longer we went. Also, they were grinding my cock the entire time in my lap.
In less than an hour, we couldn't stand it anymore. We first moved to Patty's room but decided both rooms were too close to our folks and went to mine. We slipped in and closed the door. When I turned around from the door, my sisters were doing a kind of anxious, happy dance like they had to pee. I figured out quickly that they were just that turned on, and I smiled and kissed them both sweetly.
I then told them, "You will each get the servicing you want and deserve, just like last night. Does that sound Okay?"
Both nodded emphatically. But Patty says, "God, Pete, I need a royal fucking after all the making out. Can I have that, please?"
"Of course, Patty."
"I need some of that, too, Pete, but I liked it a lot last night when it was slow and sweet. Please."
"Yes, Ray, of course."
I began slowly undressing them both, one piece of clothing at a time. Kissing them as each piece slipped from their shoulders or hips or even their feet. Leaving little butterfly kisses on their skin wherever that piece came off from. When they were both just down to panties, they returned the favor. One kissed my lips in their way while the other slipped my clothes from me. It was the most erotic thing I had ever experienced, and it was with my twin sisters, Heavenly. They took me all the way down until I stood naked in front of them. They then moved to my bed, laying on their backs, knees spread slightly.
I moved up and pulled their panties off them gently, like the night before, but this time starting with Patty. I then reversed last night's order and began with eating Patty's perfect little pussy. When she got off after only a few minutes, I moved to Ray's equally perfect muff and ate her to climax as well. When it was time for Patty to get my dick, I started like last night. At first slow and soft but built to the hot fucking she asked for. When her orgasm hit quickly and hard, she cried out loudly. Ray grabbed a pillow and almost smothered her. We continued until I filled her up, and another orgasm hit as I did, less intense but just as enjoyable to Patty. I moved to kiss Patty for a minute while she returned to us with a big smile.
In short order, I had Ray spread before me, and I took enough time to give her that first slow, sweet lay she asked for. Then I flipped her over to be able to eat Patty's cream-filled snatch as I took her doggy-style for her hot finish. As I'm starting to go to town on Ray, my door opens. That's when I realized I forgot to lock it, Oops. Both our parents were shocked, that's for sure.
Dad yells at me, saying, "Peter Jackson Phillips, What the fuck are you doing?"
At the same time, Mom yells at the girls, only getting out, "Patricia Ann Phillips, Paula Raylene Phillips!"
Yep, they went full-on, and three named us. But I continued plowing Ray. I answered Dad, "The same thing you did to Mrs. Carson last night, Dad. And the same thing Harry was doing to you, Mom, but while sucking Mr. Sanchez's cock. Like a champ, if I may so. I guess deviance runs in the family." Patty looks at our parents and just moans loudly as Ray attacks her clit. Ray doesn't say anything but moans appreciatively at my efforts.
Both parents go sheet white and gasp loudly. "If you don't mind, would you close the door so I can finish and fill Ray with her creampie to breed her too?" I added the last part just for shock value, and it worked. Mom almost fell over, Dad catching her and then reaching in to close the door in shock.
"Thanks, Pop," I say and return to plowing Ray in earnest.
In only a few more minutes, we all cum, and since they know and especially can hear us, we all don't hold back and yell out, "Jesus Christ, Ray, Yes!" From Patty.
"Take My cum Ray, Give me that baby!"
Hearing that pushes Ray that much further, and she adds, "Fuck Yes, Petey! Fill me up with your potent sperm and Breed Me!"
When she comes down, Patty moves to my side as I pull out of Ray so she can clean her sister out. Again, Ray pops off in short order to moans of, "Oh Yeah, Patty! Thanks for the cleanup."
When they finish, they together turn to me and clean up my cock and loins. That done, we dress marginally. That is me in just shorts and both Ray and Patty in panties and tees. We step out, grinning and kissing, right out to the kitchen and on into the living room, where our stunned parents sit waiting.
We return to the couch we had earlier while our parents are on the companion Love seat like before, too. There is a tense, shocked silence from our parents. We just sit there cuddled up like before, but with the girls gently rubbing my chest and thighs. The freshly fucked glow on all our faces, along with small smiles. We just looked at each other as the minutes ticked by. I was determined to make them blink first. If I felt either of the girls tense slightly like they were going to speak, I lightly squeezed their shoulder, and they remained quiet.
Mom stayed quiet and avoided direct eye contact with us. Dad just kept looking from me to his precious 'Daddy's Girls' and back. Eventually, Dad broke first. "H-how l-long has this been g-going on?"
I looked my dad in the eye and said, "Just since last night. We all walked into your Orgy last night, separately but nearly the same time." I stressed the context intentionally. "I think I was like a minute ahead maybe. I came in the garage door by my room since I saw you had company so as not to disturb y'all. But when I heard sounds I didn't expect, I checked it out and found some guy, I couldn't tell who, from behind him plowing some chick I vaguely recognized on the kitchen table."
Mom gasped and blurted out, "Becky."
I caught that and asked, "Becky. Becky Smalls, your receptionist? Wow, Dad, she's hot, but why were you fucking Mrs. Carson then? Becky is so much hotter." Dad blanches.
I continued, "After seeing that, I made it up to see into the living room and saw all the people there fucking and sucking. I moved from there, up the hall, until I saw Mom in Patty's bedroom getting railed. I guess you really enjoy creampies, too, huh Mom? What you said to Harry was pretty hot, if unexpected. Then again, this whole scene was pretty unexpected. I guess that was the point, huh, Pop? That's why you kept checking we were all gonna be out of the house this weekend." Dad groans now, knowing he has overplayed his interest.
To his credit, he kept looking me in the eye. I nodded, giving him that. His lips twitched, almost smiling. "When I backed away from Mom's hot statement, I found the Twins standing just inside the closed front door, shocked to beat hell. I grabbed Mom's keys and pulled them out of there. Sorry, I lied about when and how I grabbed those keys earlier, Pop, but I'm thinking it's not a big deal with everything else. Anyway, we left quietly, went downtown, and had a weird dinner at the diner down there on Main." Dad nods, knowing the one I mean. Mom's eyes begin to flick up to look at us, but just to see our expressions, not meeting anyone's gaze.
I pause to take a breath and look at my sisters. They both nod and kiss my cheeks. "When we went to leave, I realized we couldn't come back here as I was sure your Orgy was still going strong as not a soul saw us." Mom moans again. Dad just blushes. "So we went across the street to that motel near the diner. We checked in and got a room with two beds. As it turns out, the guy behind the desk saw Patty in the passenger seat and assumed we were there to fuck. Turns out he was right." Mom moans again, and Dad's anger rises a little, knowing I'm being a bit graphic on purpose.
"Anyway, we went in, and we split up the beds. My sisters took the closet one, leaving me the far one. We flopped down and watched some TV until a break between episodes when I couldn't take not talking about what we saw. We started talking at the diner, but I realized that even though it was not busy, too many people were around. When we talked about it, we all agreed we weren't disgusted, just really surprised to see our pretty conservative parents like that. We all agreed it was pretty hot, especially after I told the girls about you, Mom. Sorry. We all were getting pretty turned on, and then I asked if they minded if I used the bathroom to relieve myself. It was beginning to hurt some."
Mom moans, "Oh, Jesus."
"Sorry, Mom." Dad tilts his head back and forth, knowing that feeling, too.
I look at the girls again, and both nod again. I plow on, "That's when Patty asked if they could watch. It kind of went downhill from there. Needless to say, we were all intimate, and it was pretty Hot and so beautiful. I loved my sisters before Dad and even told them that then, but now I couldn't imagine not loving them like that, too."
I look at the girls at that. I see the same thoughts in their eyes, but I need to ask, even if only for our parent's sake. "What about you two?"
Patty says, "Me too. I want to be able to be with Pete as much as we can. Not necessarily all the time, but when the mood strikes us."
Ray waits for a beat, then says, "I love how Pete makes slow, gentle love to me. I've never had that with those other boys. Pete is a man in every sense in that way. He gives and does not just take."
I take another big breath and then look at Mom. "Mom." I wait until she looks up and say, "Mom, I'm sorry. We were pretty rude and crude earlier. For the record, I have no intention of knocking up either Patty or Ray. Okay?" She nods, looking up more. "At least not now. They need to go to college and graduate to support me in the manner I have become accustomed to." I grin, looking around and showing that I'm kidding. With a nervous giggle, Mom laughs, too. Dad looks at me, shocked, then starts a big, deep-belly laugh. Eventually, we all laughed, letting the tension out of the room and our home.
My sisters move to Mom to reassure her their secret is safe with us. As I move away, I pull Dad with me. "I'm really sorry to you too, Dad. What we did tonight must have shocked you, too. Mom just has always worn her heart on her sleeve so it was easy to shock her. We never meant to hurt either of you ever. We were just overcome by the situation and started down a path that, honestly, I wouldn't trade for anything. I love them, Pop. I would never hurt them. I hope you know that."
Dad finally says, "I do know that, Peter. You're my son, and I know you just as well as I know myself. Your mother does, too. You will always be her 'baby boy'."
He then takes a deep breath and says, "Last night was our first weekend hosting but hardly our first foray into this lifestyle. We have been swapping for a while now. This was mostly a swapping party, but it kind of branched out into...more. Can you keep all this to yourself, Pete? I mean, it could ruin your mother and me if this got around."
I looked at him, shocked he had to ask. I answered him honestly, though: "Yes, Dad, I can. I'm sure Patty and Ray will, too. We would never want to hurt you guys in any way. I am surprised you felt you needed to ask, though."
Dad pulls me into a big hug and says, "I'm not really worried about me, Pete. Your mother could never stand the shame." He let me go and looked me in the eye again. "You saw how she was with her loving children. Can you imagine if it got out just the littlest bit? She would make me move us away. Or at least stop working and become a hermit. I couldn't take that. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Pop. I understand completely, and so do the twins." We shake as men, and he just nods.
We move back to the women. I pull Mom to her feet and hug her tightly, just holding her and letting her know I have her back, always. She sighs deeply and whispers, "Oh, Peter. I'm so sorry you had to see that. And what I said, Oh my god. A son should never hear his own mother talk like that." She lets out a rattling breath at that.
"Mom, it's fine, really. It was pretty hot, honestly, to see and hear you enjoying yourself so thoroughly. It gave me, and probably the twins, too, a new perspective on both our parents. That you were still sexual creatures with needs. You're both beautiful people and living the life you want. So enjoy it, and don't worry about us."
I pull back to see her face and say with a grin, "Maybe a heads up next time so we don't come home at the wrong time?" She gasps a little, then sees I'm serious but being funny, too. She giggles a little then. We hug again, a nice mother-son hug like so many before. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Petey. Oh my." She gasps. "I guess I shouldn't call you that anymore with your sister calling you that, you know, that way."
I chuckle and say, "You can still call me that, Mom. Ray was just playing it up and in the moment. I did find it a little hot, though." I shrug. Mom and I look at each other, and we chuckle. I kiss Mom on the lips and then the cheek with a final hug.
We join Dad and the girls with Mom under my arm, but I slip her to Dad and pull my sisters over, kissing them both tenderly. "Well, I don't know about anybody else, but I'm tired. I'm heading to bed." I look at our parents and say, "I Love you, Mom. I love you, Pop. Good night." I look at my sisters and ask, "Will I have company tonight, too?"
The girls look around me, grin at each other, and without missing a beat, reply, "Yes, Pete." Then they look at our parents and tell them together again, "Good night, Momma, Night Daddy."
"Night, sweethearts."
"G'night, girls."
We pad off to my room and close the door. We slip into bed like the night before but again reversed.
I think of something to ask my folks and hop back out, saying, "I'll be right back. I have a question for the folks."
Our parents walk up the hall to their room slowly and, once inside, breathe big sighs of relief. I arrive just as the door closes and hear them sigh. "Oh My God, that was close." I heard Mom say.
"Yeah, can you imagine if he had turned around and looked into Rays' room and seen her? Talk about seeing someone differently."
"Can you imagine the shock if any of them had seen the basement?" Mom gushes.
"Yeah, talk about an eye-opener. But that wasn't originally part of this weekend," says Dad.
"Yeah. My ass is still sore from the Mistress' paddle. I don't think that stuff's for me." Adds Mom.
"Understood." Replies Dad.
"Well, next time, we will do what Pete asked and just warn them. Asking them for our private time for a 'social engagement.' Ask them to make plans away for the weekend." Mom says.
"Okay. Now, let's go to bed. Pete's right, I'm tired." Breathes Dad.
"Yes, Dear," Mom says with a giggle.
"To sleep, Pam."
"Of course, Patton."
They slipped into bed and slipped easily off to sleep, not knowing I had overheard their cryptic conversation.
Forgetting my question as thoughts ran through my head about what I had overheard. I slowly walk back to my room quietly. I mused about the first part. 'Who would I have seen and seen differently? And Mom with the 'Paddle' and a 'Mistress,' I bet they had a dungeon downstairs. Wow! As if a sex party wasn't shocking enough.' Shaking my head, I file that away in my memory. I step back in my room and the girls are quietly murmuring and holding hands. I kiss them both and slip back between them. We are asleep in minutes, too. Again, I wake and turn over to spoon the other sister and then again wake to cuddle both to me, but this time, I smile and nod back off.
I ask, "Any regrets, girls?"
"Not a one," Ray replies with a loving smile.
"Just one," Patty replies. Then she grins, saying, "That we didn't do this sooner."
We all laugh, then pile into the other bed and spoon up together. Ray wins this round of RPS, and I spoon her in front of me while Patty spoons up behind me. We turn out the lights and slip off easily to sleep. I wake up a couple of hours later and roll over to spoon Patty, pulling Ray in behind me without waking her as Patty moans contentedly. I wake in the morning, though, on my back with both girls curled into me and an arm wrapped around each. We are all still naked from the shower. When I look down, I see both girls' nipples are hard, and my usual morning wood has made an appearance.
I just enjoy having my sisters cuddled up to me for a bit, though. Slowly, both woke as my little movements shifted the bed slightly. Patty sees me first and smiles that first-moment awake, happy grin.
I lean down and kiss her tenderly, saying, "Good Morning Patty. I love you."
She reaches up and caresses my face gently, replying, "I love you too, Pete."
Smiling, I look over at Ray. Her eyes are just fluttering open to see my smiling face. "Good Morning Ray. I love you."
She smiles back, stretching like a cat, and when done, she answers, "I love you too, Pete. Good morning. Mornin' Patty."
"Mornin' little sister."
Ray grinned over me and gave it right back, "Little sister, huh? Who got the better cum from their creampie cleaning?"
"Yeah. That was awesome and very hot. Thanks, Ray. Thank you too, Pete. Last night was Hot, fun, and memorable. And I only mean for us here. At home, Wow." We all chuckle at that again.
"Well, since we are awake, do we get up or..." I asked the two of them.
Patty answers by pulling my face to hers and kissing me hard. Breaking apart, we grin at each other like fools. Then Ray pulls me to her, and last night's tenderness continues as she kisses me softly. Both were very different, just like my sisters, but equally pleasant. I lean back after and sigh contentedly. After a few heartbeats, I look back at Patty, and we kiss again, then back to Ray. Once in a while, they would lean up and kiss each other, too. We continued kissing like that for about ten minutes, I'd guess. I was running my hands up and down their backs gently the entire time. And they caressed my chest and belly. Yes, it is a beautiful way to wake up and start the day.
After that, we slowly climbed from the bed, saw the other bed again, and laughed at the destruction again. Next, a run through the bathroom for each of us. Then we got dressed. I check my shirt, it's dry, but I find a considerable string of cum across the back of my collar. I shrug and put it on for now. I leave a big tip for the maid. We all step out into a beautiful early summer day. I think for a second, then pop the back of the SUV. I found what I was hoping for, my Dad's workout bag. He keeps spare clothes in it, so I grab a shirt and toss my dirty shirt on the floor. I close up and think about the diner and breakfast.
Then, I had an evil thought and decided to yank the counter guy's chain a bit. I tell the girls what I have in mind, and Patty laughs while Ray giggles with a bit of blush. We hop back in the truck, and I pull by the office, ensuring he can see both passenger doors. I walk in to turn in my key and tell him, "Thanks for the separation of our room, my man. We were probably pretty loud. I know one was. And one bed is really trashed. Things got a little messy." I say with a shit-eating grin.
He was startled like, I expected. Then he asks, "They?"
"Yeah. Two hot girls." I wave at the SUV, and the passenger window to the back door rolls down. The guy sees my gorgeous sisters waving at us, and then the window goes back up. "Jesus, Man, it was awesome, Twins."
His eyes go huge, and he stutters, "Tt-wwi-ins?"
"Yup, I fully recommend it. Do I owe anything?"
It takes him a few seconds for his brain to re-engage before saying, "Nah, you're all good. Have a nice day."
"I'm sure I will. I will have more time with the Twins." I grin broadly and walk out, leaving him hyperventilating.
I get in, I buckle up and pull away before starting to laugh my ass off. My sisters joined me, and we were barely under control when we returned to the diner. We walk back in much happier and less shell-shocked than the night before. We take the same booth since it's open and chuckle at that, too. We all grab menus and quickly pick out our breakfast orders. When the waitress showed up a minute later, we gave her our complete order instead of having her come back after drinks. We look at each other and begin grinning, all of us thinking about the night before.
"I don't know about you two, but I wouldn't mind doing more of what we did last night again."
The girls look at each other again, and there goes that Twin thing, both turning back, grinning, saying together, "Fuck yes."
Something then occurs to me, but the waitress returns with our coffee and juices. When she walks away, I ask, "Are we always going to be, you know, all together? Or will you ladies like some one-on-one time with me or, for that matter, each other?" My face is more serious, showing I just need the plan going forward. They look at each other again, but there isn't a clear answer for them both this time.
Ray speaks up first, saying, "I wouldn't mind some one-on-one time with Pete, but I don't want to leave you out either, Patty. I don't think I want just us, either. As hot as it was, I liked that Pete was there watching and eating his creampie was fun and so hot."
Patty takes her hand and says, "Yeah, I liked that too. I mean, kissing this morning was just us showing our love for each other. I'm all about boys, not girls, as much as last night was really a great time." I clear my throat as the waitress brings our food, and I thank her.
After she leaves again, I ask, "So, just to be clear. We all want time together again, both singly together and all of us together too?" Both girls nod. I smile broadly, then lean in and whisper, "It would be my pleasure to try to 'impregnate' my sisters over and over again." Unable to hold it in, we all burst out laughing.
We thoroughly enjoyed our breakfast. We continued, staying a bit after our food was gone to enjoy more superficial conversation and coffee. When I noticed the waitress was looking at us and the place was getting busier, we headed out. I left a Twenty-dollar tip and gave her a wink. I walked out holding hands with my sisters, smiling at having them with me.
As we got outside and over to the SUV, I said, "Well, I'm not interested in going home yet. Do you have any ideas on what to do now?"
Both girls think, and then there goes that twin thing again. All of a sudden, they blurt out, "Shopping!" I groan loudly. "No, no. You'll like this shopping Petey-boy, Bikinis." Patty starts.
"We'll try them on and model for you. You tell us which ones make us look hottest, and we'll get those." Finishes Ray. They grin at me, and I start grinning too.
We make our way to the mall near us, but we are not really in a hurry. We start strolling through, looking at the various stores that might have what the girls want. They pick out a few, and then we start with the last one, working our way back to the front. At each store, they pick out three each and I select the best one. It's not always the smallest or hottest but the best one for the girl of those chosen. They end up getting one each at 3 of the four stores. Fortunately, Dad gave each of us a credit card for things like this, and I paid each time.
After that was all done, we were all very horny but also hungry again, so we hit the Food Court for a late, light lunch. After dropping those purchases in the SUV, we went back in and fooled around at the giant arcade there. Sometimes, we competed. Sometimes, it was together while one of us cheered the others on. At Skeeball, it was on like Donkey Kong, and so was it at the Go-karts outside. Of course, it was best of three each time. The only draw was at go-karts, and we each won once. It was a great time with my sisters. We hadn't really done anything like this together in quite a bit, between my work and their School and swim obligations. It seems summer is a great time to reconnect.
When we were all ready, we headed home, figuring it should be safe by then, and dinner with the folks soon. When I pulled in, we were met with a relieved-looking Dad. "Afternoon, Dad," I said.
"Hi, Daddy." The twins said together.
Dad asks, "Um, how did you get your mother's truck guys?"
I fibbed a little and replied, "We all ended up home this morning, Dad, and seeing you still had guests, I reached in and grabbed Mom's keys, and we went out to breakfast and then the Mall. It was great reconnecting with my sisters." The girls giggled.
"Oh. By the way, your credit card took a couple of hits this morning. These two decided it was time for more swimwear for the summer." Dad looks relieved at hearing we hadn't come inside. I thought, 'Like you did in Mrs. Carson and whoever else, you dirty old man.' I grinned knowingly at Dad, but he had no idea about what.
"Okay, your mother was a little worried, but I said we should wait to see if one of you showed up with it. I'm glad you did. I hate calling the police needlessly.
'Also, to keep my sex life private.' Dad and son both thought.
"Dinner soon, Dad?"
"Yep, go get cleaned up for dinner. It should be ready in less than 15 minutes."
"Sure, Pop," I say.
"Yes, Daddy. " This comes from my sisters.
When Dad isn't looking, I grab my dirty shirt from the back and throw it into the hamper in my room when I get there. Both girls split up, taking a bathroom each: Patty using our parents' and Ray using the one the two of them share. I hit the small one off my room after a few minutes, making sure to have hot water. Then I grab a fresh shirt and skivvies and drop Dad's borrowed shirt into his hamper.
The three of us end up in the hall between the bedrooms, grinning at each other and then sharing a couple of quick kisses. We walk out into the living room, and I take a look for any telltale signs of the escapades from last night and probably this morning. I noted a couple of minor things, but nothing significant. I smile to myself and shake my head at what our parents had been up to. Then I think about what the three of us had gotten up to, and my smile is enormous. My sisters saw it and looked at each other, giggling too.
We gathered in the kitchen, and the three of us pitched in to set the table quickly, then grabbed drinks for everyone. Mom went all out and made an excellent meal. We all complimented her on it. After that, the three of us did the dishes and sent the folks to the living room. When Mom sat down, I noticed she did it slowly, obviously a little sore. I moved to my sisters and whispered, "Mom is a little sore, it seems. I wonder why?" We all laughed and continued cleaning up. When we finished, we joined them in the living room and took the couch, all three of us intentionally sitting down like we had woken up.
I put my arms around them, and they cuddled in. I asked Dad, "So what's on the tube, Pop?"
"Just finished the local news and weather. I was thinking of Jeopardy and Wheel. We can compete like we used to when you kids were younger."
Looking at my sisters quickly, I reply, "You're on. Us against you two, right?"
Mom pipes up, smiling, "Of course. We'll try and take it easy on you."
We all grin, but I reply, "No need, Mom. We aren't ten anymore."
"Let the games begin," Dad says.
We have a great time, and of course, we kids whip their butts. A little bit into prime time, Mom starts nodding off, and I say to Dad, "Mom looks tired, Dad, maybe an early night? You look kinda tired too now I look at you, Pop."
"Yeah, maybe you're right, Pete. You guys don't stay up too late, huh?"
"Sure Pop. I have work early tomorrow, too." He leads a tired Mom off to bed at the far end down the hallway.
After all the noise of their getting ready for bed stops, Patty says, "I bet all Moms' holes are tired after this weekend."
"And Dads' dick, too," Ray says, then giggles. We all laugh quietly and then return to watching the show. We lose interest quickly, and before long, we return to that morning's kissing cycle, but the girls are just kissing me this time. We continued like that for quite a while. Finally, though Patty got so worked up, she climbed into my lap and started kissing me in earnest.
Of course, I loved it. Then, when it was Rays' turn after a minute, it was just as good. When they were in my lap, of course, my hands wandered. I cupped and fondled their beautiful tits, at first over the shirts and soon underneath. I would have one hand there and the other cupping and massaging their tight little asses. They moaned more and more the longer we went. Also, they were grinding my cock the entire time in my lap.
In less than an hour, we couldn't stand it anymore. We first moved to Patty's room but decided both rooms were too close to our folks and went to mine. We slipped in and closed the door. When I turned around from the door, my sisters were doing a kind of anxious, happy dance like they had to pee. I figured out quickly that they were just that turned on, and I smiled and kissed them both sweetly.
I then told them, "You will each get the servicing you want and deserve, just like last night. Does that sound Okay?"
Both nodded emphatically. But Patty says, "God, Pete, I need a royal fucking after all the making out. Can I have that, please?"
"Of course, Patty."
"I need some of that, too, Pete, but I liked it a lot last night when it was slow and sweet. Please."
"Yes, Ray, of course."
I began slowly undressing them both, one piece of clothing at a time. Kissing them as each piece slipped from their shoulders or hips or even their feet. Leaving little butterfly kisses on their skin wherever that piece came off from. When they were both just down to panties, they returned the favor. One kissed my lips in their way while the other slipped my clothes from me. It was the most erotic thing I had ever experienced, and it was with my twin sisters, Heavenly. They took me all the way down until I stood naked in front of them. They then moved to my bed, laying on their backs, knees spread slightly.
I moved up and pulled their panties off them gently, like the night before, but this time starting with Patty. I then reversed last night's order and began with eating Patty's perfect little pussy. When she got off after only a few minutes, I moved to Ray's equally perfect muff and ate her to climax as well. When it was time for Patty to get my dick, I started like last night. At first slow and soft but built to the hot fucking she asked for. When her orgasm hit quickly and hard, she cried out loudly. Ray grabbed a pillow and almost smothered her. We continued until I filled her up, and another orgasm hit as I did, less intense but just as enjoyable to Patty. I moved to kiss Patty for a minute while she returned to us with a big smile.
In short order, I had Ray spread before me, and I took enough time to give her that first slow, sweet lay she asked for. Then I flipped her over to be able to eat Patty's cream-filled snatch as I took her doggy-style for her hot finish. As I'm starting to go to town on Ray, my door opens. That's when I realized I forgot to lock it, Oops. Both our parents were shocked, that's for sure.
Dad yells at me, saying, "Peter Jackson Phillips, What the fuck are you doing?"
At the same time, Mom yells at the girls, only getting out, "Patricia Ann Phillips, Paula Raylene Phillips!"
Yep, they went full-on, and three named us. But I continued plowing Ray. I answered Dad, "The same thing you did to Mrs. Carson last night, Dad. And the same thing Harry was doing to you, Mom, but while sucking Mr. Sanchez's cock. Like a champ, if I may so. I guess deviance runs in the family." Patty looks at our parents and just moans loudly as Ray attacks her clit. Ray doesn't say anything but moans appreciatively at my efforts.
Both parents go sheet white and gasp loudly. "If you don't mind, would you close the door so I can finish and fill Ray with her creampie to breed her too?" I added the last part just for shock value, and it worked. Mom almost fell over, Dad catching her and then reaching in to close the door in shock.
"Thanks, Pop," I say and return to plowing Ray in earnest.
In only a few more minutes, we all cum, and since they know and especially can hear us, we all don't hold back and yell out, "Jesus Christ, Ray, Yes!" From Patty.
"Take My cum Ray, Give me that baby!"
Hearing that pushes Ray that much further, and she adds, "Fuck Yes, Petey! Fill me up with your potent sperm and Breed Me!"
When she comes down, Patty moves to my side as I pull out of Ray so she can clean her sister out. Again, Ray pops off in short order to moans of, "Oh Yeah, Patty! Thanks for the cleanup."
When they finish, they together turn to me and clean up my cock and loins. That done, we dress marginally. That is me in just shorts and both Ray and Patty in panties and tees. We step out, grinning and kissing, right out to the kitchen and on into the living room, where our stunned parents sit waiting.
We return to the couch we had earlier while our parents are on the companion Love seat like before, too. There is a tense, shocked silence from our parents. We just sit there cuddled up like before, but with the girls gently rubbing my chest and thighs. The freshly fucked glow on all our faces, along with small smiles. We just looked at each other as the minutes ticked by. I was determined to make them blink first. If I felt either of the girls tense slightly like they were going to speak, I lightly squeezed their shoulder, and they remained quiet.
Mom stayed quiet and avoided direct eye contact with us. Dad just kept looking from me to his precious 'Daddy's Girls' and back. Eventually, Dad broke first. "H-how l-long has this been g-going on?"
I looked my dad in the eye and said, "Just since last night. We all walked into your Orgy last night, separately but nearly the same time." I stressed the context intentionally. "I think I was like a minute ahead maybe. I came in the garage door by my room since I saw you had company so as not to disturb y'all. But when I heard sounds I didn't expect, I checked it out and found some guy, I couldn't tell who, from behind him plowing some chick I vaguely recognized on the kitchen table."
Mom gasped and blurted out, "Becky."
I caught that and asked, "Becky. Becky Smalls, your receptionist? Wow, Dad, she's hot, but why were you fucking Mrs. Carson then? Becky is so much hotter." Dad blanches.
I continued, "After seeing that, I made it up to see into the living room and saw all the people there fucking and sucking. I moved from there, up the hall, until I saw Mom in Patty's bedroom getting railed. I guess you really enjoy creampies, too, huh Mom? What you said to Harry was pretty hot, if unexpected. Then again, this whole scene was pretty unexpected. I guess that was the point, huh, Pop? That's why you kept checking we were all gonna be out of the house this weekend." Dad groans now, knowing he has overplayed his interest.
To his credit, he kept looking me in the eye. I nodded, giving him that. His lips twitched, almost smiling. "When I backed away from Mom's hot statement, I found the Twins standing just inside the closed front door, shocked to beat hell. I grabbed Mom's keys and pulled them out of there. Sorry, I lied about when and how I grabbed those keys earlier, Pop, but I'm thinking it's not a big deal with everything else. Anyway, we left quietly, went downtown, and had a weird dinner at the diner down there on Main." Dad nods, knowing the one I mean. Mom's eyes begin to flick up to look at us, but just to see our expressions, not meeting anyone's gaze.
I pause to take a breath and look at my sisters. They both nod and kiss my cheeks. "When we went to leave, I realized we couldn't come back here as I was sure your Orgy was still going strong as not a soul saw us." Mom moans again. Dad just blushes. "So we went across the street to that motel near the diner. We checked in and got a room with two beds. As it turns out, the guy behind the desk saw Patty in the passenger seat and assumed we were there to fuck. Turns out he was right." Mom moans again, and Dad's anger rises a little, knowing I'm being a bit graphic on purpose.
"Anyway, we went in, and we split up the beds. My sisters took the closet one, leaving me the far one. We flopped down and watched some TV until a break between episodes when I couldn't take not talking about what we saw. We started talking at the diner, but I realized that even though it was not busy, too many people were around. When we talked about it, we all agreed we weren't disgusted, just really surprised to see our pretty conservative parents like that. We all agreed it was pretty hot, especially after I told the girls about you, Mom. Sorry. We all were getting pretty turned on, and then I asked if they minded if I used the bathroom to relieve myself. It was beginning to hurt some."
Mom moans, "Oh, Jesus."
"Sorry, Mom." Dad tilts his head back and forth, knowing that feeling, too.
I look at the girls again, and both nod again. I plow on, "That's when Patty asked if they could watch. It kind of went downhill from there. Needless to say, we were all intimate, and it was pretty Hot and so beautiful. I loved my sisters before Dad and even told them that then, but now I couldn't imagine not loving them like that, too."
I look at the girls at that. I see the same thoughts in their eyes, but I need to ask, even if only for our parent's sake. "What about you two?"
Patty says, "Me too. I want to be able to be with Pete as much as we can. Not necessarily all the time, but when the mood strikes us."
Ray waits for a beat, then says, "I love how Pete makes slow, gentle love to me. I've never had that with those other boys. Pete is a man in every sense in that way. He gives and does not just take."
I take another big breath and then look at Mom. "Mom." I wait until she looks up and say, "Mom, I'm sorry. We were pretty rude and crude earlier. For the record, I have no intention of knocking up either Patty or Ray. Okay?" She nods, looking up more. "At least not now. They need to go to college and graduate to support me in the manner I have become accustomed to." I grin, looking around and showing that I'm kidding. With a nervous giggle, Mom laughs, too. Dad looks at me, shocked, then starts a big, deep-belly laugh. Eventually, we all laughed, letting the tension out of the room and our home.
My sisters move to Mom to reassure her their secret is safe with us. As I move away, I pull Dad with me. "I'm really sorry to you too, Dad. What we did tonight must have shocked you, too. Mom just has always worn her heart on her sleeve so it was easy to shock her. We never meant to hurt either of you ever. We were just overcome by the situation and started down a path that, honestly, I wouldn't trade for anything. I love them, Pop. I would never hurt them. I hope you know that."
Dad finally says, "I do know that, Peter. You're my son, and I know you just as well as I know myself. Your mother does, too. You will always be her 'baby boy'."
He then takes a deep breath and says, "Last night was our first weekend hosting but hardly our first foray into this lifestyle. We have been swapping for a while now. This was mostly a swapping party, but it kind of branched out into...more. Can you keep all this to yourself, Pete? I mean, it could ruin your mother and me if this got around."
I looked at him, shocked he had to ask. I answered him honestly, though: "Yes, Dad, I can. I'm sure Patty and Ray will, too. We would never want to hurt you guys in any way. I am surprised you felt you needed to ask, though."
Dad pulls me into a big hug and says, "I'm not really worried about me, Pete. Your mother could never stand the shame." He let me go and looked me in the eye again. "You saw how she was with her loving children. Can you imagine if it got out just the littlest bit? She would make me move us away. Or at least stop working and become a hermit. I couldn't take that. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Pop. I understand completely, and so do the twins." We shake as men, and he just nods.
We move back to the women. I pull Mom to her feet and hug her tightly, just holding her and letting her know I have her back, always. She sighs deeply and whispers, "Oh, Peter. I'm so sorry you had to see that. And what I said, Oh my god. A son should never hear his own mother talk like that." She lets out a rattling breath at that.
"Mom, it's fine, really. It was pretty hot, honestly, to see and hear you enjoying yourself so thoroughly. It gave me, and probably the twins, too, a new perspective on both our parents. That you were still sexual creatures with needs. You're both beautiful people and living the life you want. So enjoy it, and don't worry about us."
I pull back to see her face and say with a grin, "Maybe a heads up next time so we don't come home at the wrong time?" She gasps a little, then sees I'm serious but being funny, too. She giggles a little then. We hug again, a nice mother-son hug like so many before. "I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, Petey. Oh my." She gasps. "I guess I shouldn't call you that anymore with your sister calling you that, you know, that way."
I chuckle and say, "You can still call me that, Mom. Ray was just playing it up and in the moment. I did find it a little hot, though." I shrug. Mom and I look at each other, and we chuckle. I kiss Mom on the lips and then the cheek with a final hug.
We join Dad and the girls with Mom under my arm, but I slip her to Dad and pull my sisters over, kissing them both tenderly. "Well, I don't know about anybody else, but I'm tired. I'm heading to bed." I look at our parents and say, "I Love you, Mom. I love you, Pop. Good night." I look at my sisters and ask, "Will I have company tonight, too?"
The girls look around me, grin at each other, and without missing a beat, reply, "Yes, Pete." Then they look at our parents and tell them together again, "Good night, Momma, Night Daddy."
"Night, sweethearts."
"G'night, girls."
We pad off to my room and close the door. We slip into bed like the night before but again reversed.
I think of something to ask my folks and hop back out, saying, "I'll be right back. I have a question for the folks."
Our parents walk up the hall to their room slowly and, once inside, breathe big sighs of relief. I arrive just as the door closes and hear them sigh. "Oh My God, that was close." I heard Mom say.
"Yeah, can you imagine if he had turned around and looked into Rays' room and seen her? Talk about seeing someone differently."
"Can you imagine the shock if any of them had seen the basement?" Mom gushes.
"Yeah, talk about an eye-opener. But that wasn't originally part of this weekend," says Dad.
"Yeah. My ass is still sore from the Mistress' paddle. I don't think that stuff's for me." Adds Mom.
"Understood." Replies Dad.
"Well, next time, we will do what Pete asked and just warn them. Asking them for our private time for a 'social engagement.' Ask them to make plans away for the weekend." Mom says.
"Okay. Now, let's go to bed. Pete's right, I'm tired." Breathes Dad.
"Yes, Dear," Mom says with a giggle.
"To sleep, Pam."
"Of course, Patton."
They slipped into bed and slipped easily off to sleep, not knowing I had overheard their cryptic conversation.
Forgetting my question as thoughts ran through my head about what I had overheard. I slowly walk back to my room quietly. I mused about the first part. 'Who would I have seen and seen differently? And Mom with the 'Paddle' and a 'Mistress,' I bet they had a dungeon downstairs. Wow! As if a sex party wasn't shocking enough.' Shaking my head, I file that away in my memory. I step back in my room and the girls are quietly murmuring and holding hands. I kiss them both and slip back between them. We are asleep in minutes, too. Again, I wake and turn over to spoon the other sister and then again wake to cuddle both to me, but this time, I smile and nod back off.