Part 02
Just before my alarm would go off, I woke up again to a wonderful feeling. That of two sets of lips and hands on my cock. I look down and grin, seeing my gorgeous sisters servicing my member with smiles.
"Good morning, girls. Thanks for the exceptional wake-up. That feels great."
They just keep going with their eyes twinkling in love and lust. Between the skills of the two of them, I cum in less than 5 minutes. Ray takes the first few blasts of my load before quickly giving Patty the rest. They both moan, thoroughly enjoying the taste. They pull off and kiss, then clean the little drops missing from each other's faces. They then slip up to me for morning kisses. Of course, I obliged them, not caring they both tasted of my cum.
We cuddle up for a couple of minutes until my alarm goes off. I kiss them both again, then slip out, saying, "Well damn. I really don't want to go to work with this kind of beginning to my day. If only I could stay in bed with you two lovelies all day."
"While that would be nice, we planned on wearing one of those new bikinis and working on our tans today," states Ray.
"And who knows, we might even still have them on when you get home," Patty says suggestively with a wink.
I just chuckle and say, "I guess I'll see later then. I gotta get a shower and get ready for work. Are you ladies gonna stay? You can if you want."
"Nah, I'm going to go back to bed and cuddle with Mr. Bun Bun." Answered Ray, referring to a huge stuffed rabbit from a summer fair several years before.
"I might go get in a few laps and then maybe a little nap, too, " says Patty.
"Well, have a fantastic day either way. I'll see you after work. I'm off early in the mid-afternoon. I'll see you both then, I hope." Having grabbed clean socks and skivvies I kiss them both again and step out for the bathroom to start my day.
The girls slip out of my bed, grin at each other, and make the bed quickly before going about their plans. I start with shaving and brushing my teeth, then hop in the shower quickly. I am clean and ready to go on time. After a run through the kitchen saying 'Good Morning' to the folks, I'm out the door to work. I get to the store, open it up, and begin the day. It's Monday, so it is relatively slow. We take care of a bunch of customers through the morning, but there is time for some inventory items, too. My store manager is cool, so he lets me off an hour early, and I hurry home to my sisters.
I come home to loud music, louder shrieks, and squealing from the pool area. I look out the back sliding glass into the patio to see my sisters and Mom in their bikinis having a great time in and around the pool. I quickly duck into my room, almost rip off my work clothes, and jump into my trunks. As soon as I was changed, I made my way to the sliding glass door with a sneaky plan. I hid from view, but with no lights on inside and the sunshine outside, they were unlikely to see me anyway. I waited a minute until my sisters were occupied splashing in the pool. Mom's back was turned, and then I slipped out. When the alignment was correct and safe to pull off my prank. I ran up behind Mom, scooped her up, and jumped into the pool. Of course, she squealed. I landed intentionally to splash my sisters with a big wave.
I came up laughing my ass off at the looks of my sisters indignant expressions, I had so thoroughly got them. Mom was busily play-swatting my shoulder, saying, "Oh, you rotten boy! Dunking your defenseless mother like that."
I grin big and reply, "Yup. It was my pleasure, and getting them with mouths open with my wave was epic."
Mom laughs, throwing her arms around me and hugging me. I hugged her back, of course, it was Mom. I notice, though, that Mom's tits are pressed into my chest, and her nipples are hard. I watch my sisters look at me, and Patty says, "You know that just means we owe you one for that?"
"Exactly." Adds Ray.
"Bring it." I am happy to be with my family. Then I swam over and hugged them with pecks on the lips. They both sighed, and our foreheads bumped together in a light triangle like a different sort of kiss. We stood like that for several seconds, and then we pulled back, remembering Mom. We all pulled back and looked at Mom. She was looking at us with Love, pride, and...was that a little...lust?
I let the twins go and made off to do laps to one side of the pool. On the second lap, I sensed another person joining me, matching my pace. I caught a glimpse and noted, surprisingly, it was Mom. Before long, the twins joined us on each side of us. We did a total of 10 laps together and then rested. It felt good getting my blood pumping and feeling the light burn in my muscles. Feeling the need for water, I got out and asked, "Does anybody else want a bottle of water? I'm grabbing myself one."
In that harmony, the twins replied, "Yes, Please, Petey."
I chuckled, remembering Mom saying she shouldn't call me that anymore.
"I want one too, but I'll come with you and help." Replies Mom. We exited the pool and dried off enough not to drip water all over the kitchen.
The twins watched us go, and then, just as I opened the slider for us, they giggled. I wondered what had come across their devious minds. I followed Mom into the kitchen and over to the fridge. Looking right, I gave the table a sideways look and snickered at the memory. Then I looked forward and got an up-close look at Mom from behind in her wet bikini. 'Just sexy as hell.' I thought. 'That suit is like a second skin when wet.' Just then, Mom bent down and grabbed some grapes from the bottom crisper drawer, and I was treated to a beautiful shot of Mom's ass and cameltoe. I could see her outer lips plainly and just the hint of the inner ones, too. 'Jesus. If only I could push into that right now.' My cock twitched twice at that thought.
Then Mom stood back up, and I looked away, hoping not to get caught looking. Unknown to me at the time, Mom had done it on purpose and had seen me in the reflection inside the fridge.
"Hand me the waters, please, Mom."
She handed me three and kept one, plus the grapes. When she turned around, she had a little smile on her face. I realized she had done it intentionally and had caught me. I just shrugged, saying, "Still very sexy, Mom."
"Thanks, Baby." We walked back out to the patio and gave the girls their water. By then, they had left the pool and were drying off.
That's when I saw the new suits I had helped purchase and judged for them. They were like Mom's still wet and clingy, the very definition of sexy. I gave a wolf whistle at them, and they giggled.
Patty said, "I guess you like these just as good as in the store?"
"Nope, Better. Very Sexy ladies. It's obvious you take after Mom in that respect."
Mom giggles and waves her hand, saying, "Oh, Pete, stop teasing your old mother. These girls are the whole package. Smart, sexy, and graceful, not to mention young."
"Yup, no doubt about that, Mom, but those apples came off your tree, not Dad's." She just blushes and grabs her lounge to lie down to tan.
My sisters moved to their lounges, too, and I'm about to grab mine when Ray asks. "Pete, would you mind putting sunscreen on me? I don't want to burn Big Brother." She says it with fluttering eyelashes and a naughty little girl's voice.
"Me next." Patty chimes in sweetly.
Mom just smiles at me. "Yes, Mom, I'll get you too."
I grab the lotion and move to Ray. After squirting some in my hand, I rub my hands together and then move to start her back at the shoulders.
Ray says, "Wait, let me untie this. I don't want tan lines."
I wait for those few seconds as Ray unties her top back and then the neck and she drops the strings to the side. I move in to apply the sunscreen and look up to see not only Patty but Mom doing the same thing.
"You ladies know you're all a little vain, right?"
"Nope. Just fashion conscious, Big Bro." Patty replies.
"Open-back dresses and tan lines are a fashion faux pas, Peter," Mom tells me.
"Noted," I reply, grinning.
I slowly apply the requested sunscreen on her back, slipping my fingers under the bottoms and those ties. Moving to her legs, I begin at her cute little toes, noting her toenail polish matches her bikini. I chuckle to myself. As I get closer to her hot little pussy I slip my pinky into her bottoms and into her pussy full depth. Ray gives a little moan. I repeat this on the other leg, pushing in two on that side. She moans again, just a little louder. Mom's head turns towards us but I'm standing up by then moving to Patty. I repeat the entire rub down to Patty but slip two fingers in both times. I'm sure Mom watched through slitted eyes, but I ignored her.
When I move to Mom, I repeat the neck to bottoms rub down, but when I do her first leg and don't touch her pussy Mom says, "I thought you liked what you saw inside Petey. I don't get a finger or two also?"
Nonplussed, I replied, "I thought you might still be sore, Mom, and I didn't want to hurt you." It sounded like a reasonable excuse, even if it was complete bullshit.
Mom knew it, though, and said, "Nope, I'm just fine there. Feel free."
She grinned slightly and spread her legs just a bit. 'Holy crap! My mother just told me to finger her pussy and even spread her legs. Well, I can't disappoint now, can I.' I slip back up her thigh and repeat the two-finger slip inside her, and Mom moans appreciatively. I switch legs and repeat it, slipping two fingers inside but stroking a few more times. Mom moans louder and pushes back into my fingers. I finish applying the lotion and then take my seat, too. I grab my water, drink half, and pour the rest over my head and face. I rub some sunscreen on my chest and legs as I sit face up.
After a good twenty minutes, Ray turns over, slipping the tiny patches of material over her nipples and bringing the ties to the sides, then tucks her arms close. Patty follows suit, and so does Mom.
Ray then clears her throat to get my attention and says, "Oh, Pool boy, I need service." A little teasing grin on her face. Of course, I move to perform the requested service. This time I just straight up groped her perfect titties before making sure the suit was back covering those now hard nipples. She moans like before, lightly and appreciatively. Moving to her legs, they get the same previous treatment, a two-finger slip and slide. She was moaning again the same. I complete my rounds with all three women, each getting a fingering, and Mom gets three fingers this time around, pushing up against me again.
This time, it's my turn for hands-on help, and I ask, "Is anybody willing to repay the favor? I need my back done, please."
I just lay down and have multiple hands rubbing me with lotion in no time. At one point, I feel a hand on my cock, and I guess before looking, it's Patty. Color me surprised to see it's Mom. She smiles and tugs one more time and then lets go. Both girls and Mom all giggle and then return to their lounges. After another twenty minutes of baking, I get up too hot and hop to my feet, looking to jump in the pool.
I state, "I'm too hot now. I'm getting in the pool. Is anyone gonna join me?"
To my further surprise, all three hop up, leaving their tops off, and we all step to the edge, join hands, and hop in together, laughing. If they weren't before jumping in, all three women's nipples were hard a minute later, I see.
"More laps?" I suggest. We line up again, Mom on my right, Ray on my left, and Patty on Mom's right. We count off and start, and before halfway, we match paces. This time, we took it easy and only did five laps.
Then we come up to relax, and Patty suggests with an evil grin, "Chicken fights?"
I smile and see how this is expected to go, but I say, "That's fine. I want Mom as my partner to keep things sort of even." My sisters eagerly agree, figuring they have the better chance with two athletic, svelte physiques. Needless to say, my regular workouts with Dad make me no slouch. Mom stays in shape because anybody can tell you sex sells, especially in Real Estate. So we set the usual rules, and the winners are the best of the three.
The first match goes pretty well, and Mom and I win after a handful of minutes. The second match didn't go as well for Mom and me, though, as we were about to win, disaster. When I moved, I stepped down on my sister's foot, which caused me to start toppling. As it turned out, we were too close to the side, and to keep Mom from hitting the side, I twisted us away. Doing that, though, put me face to pussy with Mom. I could feel her heat as before on my neck, but with my face there, it was scorching.
Then we were in the water and separated. I found her scent intoxicating and wanted to smell and taste it. Mom remounts my shoulders to my sister's laughter that I was so clumsy, yada yada. In the last match, Mom is pushing and pulling, as you would expect, when I reach out and grab Patty's nipples and pinch them.
She pulls back, shouting, "Hey!" While Mom pulls Ray forward, they collapse, and Ray gets a nose full of water.
We celebrate by hopping up and down, arms pumping our victory. After a minute, I sat Mom down on the side of the pool and turned to look up at her, grinning. Once again, face to pussy with Mom. She pulls my face in, and automatically, my tongue lashes out around her displaced bottoms right into her hot hole.
Mom moans loudly before releasing me quickly. "Well, that was a surprise." She says to me, smiling.
"Sorry, Mom, it was a reflex. I have a ready pussy in my face, and I lick it."
"Don't be. It was delicious but too quick." She grins wider.
I grin right back and play like I'm going back for more when I stand the rest of the way up and simply hug her.
"Mom, he cheated! He grabbed my nipples!" Complained Patty.
She just smiles and shrugs, replying, "No rule against it, so no foul. The win stands. We win, me and my Baby boy." I pull Mom back down into the water, and we hug again, this time though she grinds on my cock, which of course is rock hard. We both moan quietly. Unlike a son, I lean in and kiss Mom while my sisters look at each other, blaming each other for the loss.
We make our way towards the stairs, but instead of getting out, we just sit and relax on the stairs. The twins start to play-wrestle over the loss, giggling as much as 'fighting.' I look at Mom while they are distracted. I ask Mom, "What has been going on this afternoon between us, Mom? Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed it, but..."
"Well, Peter, just like you see me and your father in a new light, I see you as the man your sisters proclaimed last night, too. Also, when we caught you fucking Ray...I saw your cock, and now...I want it inside me, too." She looks just like Ray from the other night, excited but scared of rejection.
I gave my mother a pronounced appraising look. Then I say, "Hell Yeah. I'd love that, too. I wasn't kidding before, Mom. You are every bit as beautiful as my sisters. But what about Dad? Will you tell him? Or should I ask permission or something?"
"No, this we keep between us. Not even your sisters should know, at least not for now. Okay?"
"Sure, Mom. Did you want to do it soon or..." Just then, my sisters swim up and splash me and Mom. We all laugh and see it's getting late, so we hop out of the pool.
"What do you ladies think about Pizza for dinner? I'm buying."
Mom looks at me with pride but tries to refuse, "No, Peter, I will pay."
"Nope. I'm buyin' Mom. That way, you don't have to cook after all day in this heat, and I already said I would."
Mom smiles at my consideration and replies, "Thank you, Peter, that's very nice of you."
"Anything for you, Mom." I wiggle my eyebrows when the girls are looking away for the menu in the drawer. Mom stifles a giggle. I kiss her cheek and head to grab the phone from the cradle. We order two large pizzas from our local Happy Joe's and request delivery. We were told their driver had called off, so they only had pick-up available. We agreed, and I ordered a Supreme and a Pepperoni with mushrooms. They tell us it will take 40 minutes.
I volunteered to go, and Mom said, "I'll go too since you wouldn't let me pay. I wouldn't mind a little more time with my Baby boy."
My sister's coo, and then Ray says, "Oh, that's so sweet."
"Okay, I'm gonna wash the pool off. Meet you at your Rover in 20, Mom?"
"Sounds good, Baby. I'll wait a few minutes and then hop in when I think you're done."
"Deal. Would you girls mind grabbing the paper plates and plastic cups from the pantry? That way, there will be no dishes tonight either." I ask with a big grin since we usually are the ones doing the dishes after every meal.
Together, they reply, "Yes, Peter."
Then they giggle, but each gives me a peck on the cheek before I head for my room and shower. I grin the entire time I'm in the shower.
Right at the twenty-minute mark, I meet Mom at the front door. I'm dressed lightly for comfort in just a tee and cargo shorts. When Mom shows up, she is in an adorable Summer dress with her hair pulled back in a ponytail. She looks more like my sister's age than a woman at just over Forty. We hold hands out to her SUV, and I play the gentleman and open her passenger door. Once she's all snug, I jump into the driver's side and head out.
Most of the way there, Mom tells me to pull into a carwash ahead. "Go to the last bay, Petey."
Shrugging, I do as I'm asked and pull into the bay. "We have time, Mom. Do you want me to wash the truck? It doesn't look all that dirty, though."
"No, Petey." She removes her seatbelt, lifts her Summer dress, and shows me she isn't wearing panties. "No, I want you to take me into the backseat and fuck my steaming hot cunt. I have been so turned on all afternoon with all the teasing. I can't take it anymore. Can you do that, Peter? Will you fuck Mommy's cunt and give me your hot load?"
"Jesus, Mom, nice dirty talk. I'd love to fuck you right now. That back seat looks kinda small for someone my size, though."
Mom grins and says, "Ah, but there's a feature you may be unaware of." She reaches into the overhead and pushes a button different from the sunroof. A motor begins to whir, and the backseat starts moving into a flattened bed. She climbs over the seats and onto the new surface when it stops moving.
"Well, I'll be damned." I hop out and into the back quickly. I'm too big to climb over.
"Come on, Petey, come fuck, Mommy."
I look at her with a naughty grin and reply, "I will, Mom, but I need a snack first." Then I push my face into her hot pussy and start eating my mother's pussy with glee. Shortly, Mom is cumming on my tongue, and she is as sweet as I found earlier. After that, without delay, I move up and shove my cock into her greedy hole. I start fucking her hard, and in under ten minutes, we cum together, Mom first, which causes mine to push over. I fill Mom with her requested creampie with glee.
She moans out, "Oh Fuck Yeah. That's so hot, taking my son's cum deposit. So much bigger than all those middle-aged men, including your father."
I kiss her hard as we crest and on our way down over and over. When I finish, Mom slips down and sucks my cock clean, then tucks me back into my cargoes with a grin. She then reaches down and begins scooping my jizz from her hot snatch and gobbles it up.
"Mom, that's so fucking Hot. Just like you."
"You should get us to the pizza joint, Peter. We shouldn't take too long getting back."
I grin at her and reply, "Yes, Mommy." She giggles wickedly.
I hop back up front, pull out, and head for the pizza place. Mom finishes getting as much jizz from her cunt as she can. Then she crawls back over, giving a nice up-close look at her freshly fucked cunt. "Splendid."
She giggles again. "Do you like looking up Mommy's dress and seeing her pussy, Baby?"
"Damn straight. Seeing it, eating it, and fucking the shit out of it. I love it all. Thanks, Mom."
"No. Thank you, Baby. That was so hot, and to take my own son's hot load, commit incest, and love it. I'm going to need more of that."
I grin again, pulling into the pizza joint, "Yes, Mommy."
We both laughed, and I hopped out for the pizza while Mom finished buckling in again. I brought the hot pizza back out shortly after and handed it carefully to Mom so the hot pies didn't burn her. I giggled again, and with Mom's curious look, I held up a finger for her to wait a minute.
I hop back in again and say, "I was thinking, 'I wasn't sure which pie is hotter, yours or these.'"
"Oh, you're so bad. Mine is, of course. I'm still horny and want another fucking, but we need to get home." We laughed and headed home. The round trip only took an extra five minutes.
Dad is home by the time we return, and my sisters are similarly dressed as Mom in their own summer dresses but with dual pigtails emphasizing their youth. We set the pizzas on the table and grabbed the staged paper plates from the counter. The girls ask for drink orders and fill them rapidly to get in and get their share of the pizza. We take our pizza and drinks to the patio and enjoy the late afternoon sunshine from cover under the umbrella over our picnic table.
It's a lovely dinner, and Dad even says, "Thanks for dinner, Pete. It was really a class act for you to buy."
"It's no problem, Dad. I wanted to, and it was such a beautiful day that I figured Mom didn't need to cook."
"Yeah, and this way, we don't have to do dishes." Ray quips, and everyone laughs.
I have an idea after my first slice, as I'm on my way to get another. I hustle to the living room, turn on the radio, and then pipe the music outside. After we all finished, the plates were tossed, and the few slices left were put into the refrigerator. I ask Mom to dance. The first one is a little fast but not too bad on a full stomach. Then, the next one is slow, and we slip in and enjoy a gentle swaying step.
Dad puts his hand out to Ray and says, "May I have this dance, young Lady?"
"Yes, Daddy." Ray answers, all giddy about going before Patty to dance with Daddy. Patty happily watches both 'couples' and smiles, knowing we all love each other like any other family.
After that second song, Patty cuts in with me from Mom asking, "May I cut in, Miss?" Then she giggles. Mom giggles too at her daughter's silly compliment and gives up my hand to her. I start dancing with Patty, and we have a fantastic couple dances before Mom cuts in on Ray, and she moves to me. We continue like that for a couple of hours with breaks for drinks. The ladies even all dance together when the song, 'It's Raining Men,' comes on. Dad and I just watch those three gorgeous women swaying with the music. It's the most fun we have had as a family in a while. After those couple hours, Mom changed my music choice to slow Big Band music, and we danced for another hour before we called it a night.
When Mom pulled Dad into their bedroom, I noticed that she still had that fire in her eye, but she also had even more love for our father. She does pull a sneaky, though. Not long after they go in, the shower comes on, and they are in the shower where Mom can clean up my leftovers before Dad fucks her again in the shower. The girls and I hear them and chuckle at our parents, who are still going strong over twenty years of being married.
Ray says wistfully, "I want to be married like that. Some nights hot, sweaty sex and others slow gentle lovemaking."
Patty quips, "With the side order of swingers' sex parties?"
Ray blushes hard. Then replies, "No. I just want one man to treat me like Pete does." She then looks at me and says, "I love you, Peter Jackson Phillips. I couldn't ask for a better big brother."
Those simple statements catch me off guard as we all prepare for bed. The girls again joined me in my bed that night, too. Patty says quietly, "Yeah, I want that too. She's right, Pete. You treat us so well it will be hard to find men to replace you. I love you too, Pete."
"Damn, girls, you make me sound like the second coming. I treat you so well because you're my sisters, and I love you both so much. Like I said to the folks, more now than ever before, but eventually, we will need to move on to those others. I'm not in a hurry, but sooner or later it will happen. Until then, let's enjoy each other's company for as long as we can and want to. But in the end, we are still family, which will always come first for me." The girls both tear up at that and hug me, then kiss me and I them.
We slip into my bed with them cuddling up to me like we have been waking up. I started to think about what they said and about my tryst with Mom and their sex party weekend. All that swirled together, and then I felt compelled to ask them, "Would either of you want to have sex with Dad? Like we have been doing."
Ray speaks up first, replying, "I don't think so. I want to keep the more innocent 'Daddy's girl' relationship we have. You're different in that you're basically our age essentially. So it's more like a strange boyfriend than that kind of intimacy with him would be."
"Wow, Ray, that's pretty well said. I know I'm not that touchy-feely, but I have to agree with that assessment. What about you, Pete? Would you want to be with Mom?"
I think about how to phrase my response since I've already fucked Mom and plan to again. "Well, if I did, would that make me any less of a 'Good big brother' than you think of me now?" I give it a couple of heartbeats before continuing, "I mean because after seeing Mom this weekend, I do see her differently. Not less of being Mom but also being a sexy woman. An older version of the two of you really."
Both girls think about that. I can see them processing what I said. This time, Patty speaks first, "I don't think I'd mind. I get it after seeing Mom as a sexual creature that it might turn you on, and you're right. Mom is so beautiful. Why wouldn't you want to, right? Besides, isn't there something about all little boys wanting their mothers for their own?"
Ray answers that, "The Oedipus Complex. It says that 'all boys and young men have a desire to replace their father and own their mother.' Is that how you feel, Pete? Do you want to replace Dad?"
"No. I just think Mom is gorgeous, and if the occasion presented itself, I probably would go for it. Is that bad? Would it gross you out and make you hate me?"
Patty takes this one, being the more forceful of my sisters. She sits up and looks back at our sister and me, a little shocked. "If it's something Mom wants and you want, why would we hate you, Pete? As you said, you'll always be our brother, and she will always be Mom. Besides, if we don't hate you for being with us, why should it be different with Mom? We love you more like you said before about us. It's different than it was, but still, we love you."
Ray looks at me, smiles slightly, and says, "Yeah, what she said." We chuckle, and Patty lies back down.
After we cuddle a bit more, Patty quietly says, "After all that... Will you make love to us, Pete? I don't want you to fuck me tonight. I want you like Ray has had you, slow and loving."
"Again, I agree with Patty. Show us your love again, Pete. Make love to us tonight."
"I would love that. Do you want to do Rochambeau for first up?"
"Nope. Ray can go first. I can wait."
"But you are the one that asked specifically to be made love to Patty. You should go first. Pete already makes love to me unless I say different. Tonight, you're saying something different. Please go first."
I smile at Ray's generosity but think she is right. I say so to Patty. "Pattycakes, it's okay to want to be vulnerable sometimes. You need to feel like a woman, not an object tonight, and I can do that for you. Please let me?"
In a small voice, she says, "Okay. Thank you both. I love you both so much."
We move, and Ray pulls back a bit so Patty can lie down more centered. Before I start, I get up and strip down naked and then gently pull off both my sister's panties. I say to them, "Jesus, you're both so beautiful and sexy. I'll repeat it, I Love you both so much." Both of them blush deeply, knowing I mean every word. I then lay down between Patty's open thighs and lightly rub her outer lips first with my fingers. Then, as she gets more excited and wet, I slip a finger in and keep stoking her fire, tapping her G-spot.
When she is good and wet, I slip into her pussy and show my sister my love. Over the next half hour I bring Patty to two gentle climaxes before filling her with my seed. I kissed her tenderly over that whole time. Sometimes on her lips, others down her neck, and even on her sensitive breasts, particularly her nipples. At the end, Patty happily expresses the love we all share. After some cuddling, I repeated my performance with Ray in every way. When she is finished, we all cuddle and slip off to sleep, lying there blanketed in our love.