Part 04
I wake in the morning to sunshine streaming in around the edge of the drapes but, more importantly, to the lips around my cock. I look down, and Carrie is sucking me slowly and gently. When she sees I'm awake, she picks up the pace, bringing me to an explosive orgasm, taking my entire load down again. She smacks her lips, saying, "Yup. It's just as yummy as before. Good morning, Peter."
"Perfect morning, Carrie Dear." She slips up beside me, and we kiss long, hard, and passionately. We both sigh deeply. After a few minutes of cuddling, our bodies decided to remind us that food is required regularly. Stomachs rumbling, we laugh and pick our clothes off the floor to get dressed.
I leave another decent tip for the maid. Then I step down to turn in our room key with a smile and a wink to the desk guy. I help Carrie into my car and then drive over to the Diner again. "This was our first refuge that night in finding out about the 'events.' What a crazy night and a couple of weeks since then, though last night was even better." I look at Carrie, realizing I think I'm actually falling in love with my Aunt Carrie. It's then I understand the commitment I made to her and smile broadly before going around to help her out after parking.
"What's the broad grin for PJ?"
I take her in my arms again and tell her, "I just realized I have fallen in love with my own Aunt, and I'm okay with that. Are you?"
"Oh, Peter, of course I am. After the way you both rescued me and made love to me multiple times, how could it be any way else?" I kiss her tenderly and then pull her into a long hug. We hear a 'Harrumph' from behind us. We look and see an older couple in probably their Seventies. They move down the line to get into their car. He helps her into the car and then leans down for a quick peck on the lips. He stands smiling, gives me a wink, gets in himself, and they drive away.
I look at Carrie and say, "Let's be in love like that when we get to their age." Then I get a devious grin. "I mean, You get to their age. I'll still be young."
Carrie gasps and playfully slaps my chest. "Only 12 hours in, and already the age jokes?" We laugh, knowing it will never really be a factor.
I loop her arm through mine and walk her into the Diner. I spot the booth and quickly move us to it, chuckling again. Carrie looks at me curiously, and then it hits her. She grins, then says, "This is the booth you kids were in that night, huh?"
I grin back, nodding, and then add, "And again in the morning after." The symmetry makes us both chuckle as we grab menus from the table rack.
We both decided to go big on our meals. While Carrie ordered French toast and scrambled eggs, I ordered a massive order of two large waffles and three over-easy. We both ordered coffee with OJ for me and V8 for Carrie. After placing our orders, we scooted together in the U-shaped booth to kiss lightly while holding hands. The waitress brought back the coffee and juice. Then I saw a thought hit her: It was the same waitress from our first two forays here as well.
She asks me, "Weren't you in here a few weeks ago with two beautiful girls?"
I smile and reply, "Yes, my twin sisters, we were here for both Dinner and Breakfast after a stay across the street."
She smiled, "Well then, welcome back again. I hope everything turned out Okay. When you three came in that evening, you all were looking a little spooked."
"Oh yes, Thank you. We had received some disturbing family news and were, I guess, not quite ourselves that night. Everything worked itself out between that night and the next couple of days. Thank you for asking." I explained. She smiled and went back to her customers.
"Nothing a little hot and heavy incest sex didn't fix. And then again last night." I quietly quip to Carrie. She giggled loudly, slapping my chest, then leaning in, and we enjoyed another sweet and tender kiss. Soon after, our order arrived, and we dug in after I commented to Carrie. "For some reason, I'm pretty hungry this morning. I wonder what caused me to work up Such an appetite?" I chuckle at my own joke, and Carrie giggles.
Continuing to be silly, we share our breakfasts, trading bites of waffles for French toast with an attempt at scrambled eggs for fried. I ended up with the scrambled eggs with ketchup down my shirt front instead of my mouth. Carrie giggles and then tries to clean up the mess like I was a little boy instead of her man. It's so cute watching her face scrunch up at the ketchup stains. I capture her hands gently, telling her, "That's what washing machines are for, Carrie, don't worry about it."
She grins and winks, then says, "Ooo, my plan is working. I'll take you back to my place only to get you out of your clothes." She giggles again.
I smile, saying, "Anytime you want that, I'm ready."
We finish rather quickly after that. I leave a nice tip again, and we leave holding hands. I turn to ask Carrie while we are climbing into my car, "How late do these 'events' usually last? Is it too early to go back and get your purse and things?"
"Well, Pam says it usually wraps up by Noon, but some stay just to chat after getting things reset."
"Okay, so no going home." We consider what is next since it's still too early to return. Then it hits me, and I tell her, "Well, usually when I have a date, it's usually a meal, a movie, then sex and /or home. We are kind of out of order on this one, so the only thing left is a movie. How's that sound to my new girlfriend?"
"Like my boyfriend wants to get me in the dark and do dirty things to me." She replies with a little twinkle in her eye and a tight grin on her face. "It sounds perfect." She finishes.
I grin back, lean over for a smokey kiss, and then start the car before heading out. We make our way to the Mall and the theater there. We leave the car after another hot kiss, smiles plastered to our faces. I get a goofy idea and ask Carrie, "I have a silly idea, but without your purse, I doubt you can now."
"What's that PJ?"
"Would you put your hair into a couple of pigtails?"
"Um, yeah, I need scrunchies or hair ties for that, but sure. I bet we can get some in the mall. There's probably a Claire's or Walgreens if I remember."
"To quote a gorgeous woman I know, 'perfect.'" She grins at the compliment, and we kiss again, standing next to the car. We angle away from the theater entrance to a side entrance into the Mall proper.
We found a mall map inside and found both suggestions, but instead of Walgreens, it's a Rite-Aid. Rite-Aid turns out to be closer and only a handful of stores down. We make our way there and find what I have in mind: a couple of hair ties with big balls on each end to hold them closed. Grinning like a fool, I pick out the cutest ones with pink ribbons to add to the desired effect.
I ask, "Would you put them in now, Carrie? I want you to use this mirror over here and see what I see."
She nods and puts her hair up as requested. She giggles when she sees the effect and says, "You're turning me into a teenie bopper. You are so silly, and I love it, but something is missing. Two things, really. But one is right here. Let me show you." She grabs a nearby small makeup kit and starts applying it artfully. When she is done, she is every bit the Teenie bopper in hair and makeup.
She turns to me and says, "Now your girlfriend is more 'girly' and less old broad." That twinkle in her eyes has become a small fire. I lean in to kiss her, but she squeals and says, "Oh No! No kissing, you'll ruin my make-up." Then she giggles in her best little girl pitch.
I hold up my hands in surrender.
We head to the front with our purchases, and I pay with my debit card. As we left, I asked, "So what was the other thing?"
She just grins and angles over to another Mall map. She finds what she is looking for, takes me by the hand, and drags her boyfriend further into the mall and the store she needs.
We arrived at Abercrombie & Fitch. I smile, not knowing the plan, but Carrie grins harder. She heads for the section she needs and quickly finds a cute cotton crop top and skirt set, not letting me see. She takes it and me by the hand again, then heads for the dressing rooms.
I drift away after saying, "I probably should get a new shirt to replace my egg-stained one."
"Oh wait, I'll pick one out for you." She zips right back out of the dressing room she stepped into moments before leaving her purchase behind. She fairly runs to the men's graphic tees. After searching for a few minutes, she grabs one and holds on to it, saying, "You get this after I'm changed."
A slight scowl crosses my face, but she says, "Don't worry, I got this. It will be so cute." She flits back to the dressing rooms and goes back in.
When she finishes a couple minutes later, she calls out, "PJ?"
"Yeah, right here."
"Take your new shirt, step over to the mirror, and put it on, but with your eyes closed. Okay? I have a surprise for you."
"Umm, Okay," I replied. I take the shirt, step to the mirror, and strip off my dirty shirt. After closing my eyes, I slip the new tee on and say, "Okay, I'm ready with the shirt on and eyes closed, Carrie."
"Okay, just one more minute, I'll tell you when to open them. Give me one more minute." She peeks out, then steps out and quickly goes to the nearest salesgirl. "Would you take the tags off these? I'm wearing them out of the store." The girl sees the outfit and giggles, saying, "That's perfect and so cute on you. Sure, one sec, let me grab some scissors."
She gets them and, as requested, clears the tags. Carrie tells her conspiratorially, "I'm getting my boyfriend a matching tee, and he is over in the dressing area. Would you pop the tag on it, too? He doesn't know yet, and it's a surprise." Carrie giggles, just like the young woman she is transforming into. The salesgirl giggles, too.
They step over to me, and the girl says, "I'm going to take that tag off for you, sir. Your..."
"Girlfriend." Carrie supplies.
"Your girlfriend said you will both be wearing your purchases out."
"That's fine," I reply, standing still. She snips off the tag and holds onto that tag, too, to ring it up.
She asks Carrie, "Will that be all, Miss?"
"Yes, we'll be there in just a minute. The reveal first."
"Can I watch Miss?" Carrie smiles and nods.
Carrie moves up beside me, putting her arm around my waist and my arm around her shoulders. "Ready?" She asks.
"Okay, open up."
The transformation of Carrie is fantastic. Instead of a woman in her late thirties, a young woman stares back that appears to be in her late teens or early twenties. She is wearing an adorable Crop top blouse and skirt set with Minnie Mouse on them, with a decent amount of flat tummy showing. Her hair is in the cutest ponytails, and almost juvenile makeup is applied. I am wearing a matching Mickey Mouse tee shirt. We are the cutest couple I have seen since High School a few years back.
I grin broadly, then say, "You did great, Carrie. It is perfect now." I turn and give her a light kiss on her cheek, avoiding messing up her makeup.
She giggles and replies, "Thanks, PJ. Now let's get to the movies after paying this nice young woman."
I look at her and reply like my Dad would to Mom, "Yes, Dear." We smile with a light peck on the lips and head for the register, following the sales clerk. This time, I put these purchases on Dad's Credit card.
After putting the clothes we wore into a bag and the items from Rite-Aid, we headed out to my car, dropped off the bag, and then walked into the theater. I selected the oldest movie still in the theater and the very first showing that started in a few minutes. We grabbed a large drink and a small bucket of popcorn to share. We strolled into our movie, selected seats away from the few others, and sat down beside each other. I immediately lifted the armrest between the seats, and Carrie cuddled right up. We sat chatting quietly while watching the previews and a few kisses to boot.
Once the movie had been on for several minutes, Carrie and I began to kiss in earnest. Our tongues slipped back and forth, learning each other's mouths and twirling back and forth, tickling each other's lips. Our hands were by no means idle. I was immediately caressing Carrie's perky tits first over the new top until she pushed my hand under the short top whispering, "It's a crop top for a reason, PJ." She grins at me in the darkened theater.
As I slide underneath, I realize Carrie isn't wearing a bra. It's my turn to grin and whisper, "My girlfriend was worried about having dirty things done to her in the dark. I wonder what happened to her bra?"
Carrie grins and replies, "The same thing that happened to my panties." She then slips my hand under her skirt to find her bare pussy.
I pretend to be shocked and whisper, "Whatever happened to my Sweet, modest, Christian Elementary School teacher, Aunt?"
"She got a young boyfriend and remembered what it felt like to be young and desired." She then kissed me passionately. "I love you, Peter. Thank you for finding and rescuing me."
I just lean in and tenderly kiss her back with as much love as I have for her. We snuggle like that for a few minutes until I remember my hand is still in her crotch, so I begin petting her pussy lightly. The softness of her skin turned me on rapidly. Carrie also responds quickly, and soon her muff is slick with her juices, and I slip a finger into her pussy. I kiss her deeply to muffle her moans as I slip in and out slowly. In another minute, I slip a second finger inside, and soon after, she cums lightly, moaning a little louder.
I pull my hand from under her skirt and boldly lick my fingers clean. "Delicious," I said to her.
She grins at me first, saying, "Thanks." She giggles and continues, "It's my turn now. Keep an eye out, Boyfriend." I grin and nod as she pulls the zipper down on my cargos. She fishes out my hard cock and, without fanfare, goes down on me, swallowing me all at once. The timing was a little bad as the movie had gone quiet just then as I moaned loudly. I quickly grabbed popcorn and shoved some in my mouth. We heard a 'Shh!' and I waved my sorry into the dark. Carrie kept right on going and actually started humming lightly, increasing my pleasure tenfold. In minutes, she had me cumming down her throat as she swallowed, not missing a drop.
Carrie pops back up, grabs a quick sip of soda, and then kisses me hard again. I returned the kiss whole-hog and even squeezed her breast, plus pinched her nipple. She moaned into my mouth. I pull back afterward and ask, "Are you as ready as I am to get out of here?"
"God, yes," Carrie replies with a fire in her eyes. We grab the drink and remaining popcorn, then walk out holding hands again. We get back to my car, and I help her in with a large flash of glistening pussy and thighs. I smile appreciatively and wiggle my eyebrows. This causes Carrie to go into a fit of giggles. She is still giggling as we leave the mall headed home.
When we arrived, I parked at the curb and asked her, "Where is your purse, Honey?"
"In the same closet as my clothes were."
"Is there anything else? A light jacket, maybe?"
She giggles and says, "My light green cardigan. It's on a hook on the left."
"Okay, I'll be right back, and we'll head to your place. You can then take my clothes off, even though these ones don't need washing yet."
She giggles again and replies, "It would be my pleasure." I kiss her again and step out of the car. I head inside on my usual route through the side garage door.
I step in, and there aren't any noises to be heard. I move first to my room. A couple of people are asleep on my bed, so I close the door and move on. I head to Ray's bedroom and her closet. I check for occupancy again. There are a few people in there again, but I don't let that stop me from quietly retrieving Carrie's things. I leave the room as quietly as I came. On my way out, my parent's bedroom door opens, and out steps a naked Mom.
She sees me and smiles, then whispers, "Morning, Petey. I'm surprised you're here and not in bed with Carrie somewhere."
She giggles, and I chuckle. "Just for the record, it's afternoon, and I'm retrieving her sweater and purse. We forgot them in the rush last night."
She slides up and hugs me fiercely and says, "Thank you for getting her out of here, Baby. I wish I had known she was unsatisfied with participating in these events. Disgusted even." I hug her back, and after she finishes, I kiss her hard and passionately, not at all like a son.
"Don't worry, Mom. It worked out beautifully, and we spent the night at the motel I went to with the twins. We made love again, and I showed her passionate fucking with love and not lust. That will be when we return to her place in a bit." I grinned at Mom, grabbing her ass for emphasis, and chuckled.
I then smell the telltale rancid smell of old sex and say, "A shower might be a good idea, Mom. You smell a little gamey. Almost like you fucked the night away."
She giggled and playfully slapped my chest. "Well, if you must know, I did, but the best lover of the night was this hot young man. He really fucked me good and even filled me with a wonderful creampie. It's still inside there, I think." She giggles again and quickly kisses me before pushing off to start coffee and rousing those still here.
From the front door, I say, "See you at dinner, Mom. I love you."
"I love you more, my Baby boy Petey." She actually starts laughing full out, and I head out the door, chuckling.
I stride down the driveway to my car and Carrie. I hand her her purse and toss the sweater with the bag in the tiny backseat. I climb back in and pull away after slipping on my seatbelt. Carrie asks, "What took you so long? I was getting lonely." She smiles, not meaning a word.
"I ran into Mom on the way out."
"Oh. Did you have to knock off a piece of that before you left?" She joked.
"I did grab her ass, but she was a little gamey, and I told her as much. She laughed, of course." Carrie laughed with me, knowing just how that would be precisely how everyone smelled leaving an event.
I drove us to her small cottage a few blocks from the school. I parked on the street and hopped out to head around to help her out like a gentleman. She stepped out and kissed my cheek this time. I grabbed the bag and her sweater, and we walked up the stairs and quickly inside. After locking the door, she dropped off her purse and keys, and we walked into her bedroom. We quickly undressed each other and were soon on the bed, making out and groping each other lustily, picking right up where we left off at the theater.
Before long, though, I have to get some of the sweet pussy in my mouth again. I go down on her with lust and fire in my eyes. I bring Carrie to a powerful orgasm pumping her with two fingers as I maul her pussy and clit with my mouth. After she calms a bit, I slide my drooling cock into her hot, wet, tight tunnel. I pound her into the bed like a man on a mission because I am. I wanted Carrie to feel my lust and want of her and to fill her with another load from my aching balls.
While we lay there getting our breaths back, I told her, "Carrie, Honey, Please let me put a baby inside you as soon as the next time you're fertile. Okay?"
"Oh, Peter, while that would be beautiful, I think we need to wait a little bit, Okay? Maybe just a few months. I want to get used to having you and you to have me, being an 'Us,' Okay?"
"If that's what you want, Carrie, but I know I'm ready. Knowing how much I have loved you as my aunt and now more so as my girlfriend, I know I'm ready for that step. I may be only Twenty, but I see what Mom and Dad have between them, and I want that too. I see children as an extension of that love, just like my sex with Mom is an extension of ours as mother and son. Love in a new way."
"How about that love you have for Pam and the twins? Can you give up the sex with them and just have me? I'm not making demands. I'm just seeing where I stand and how dedicated to Us you are right now."
"Carrie, if you want me to stop, I can, and I will. The girls and I already discussed if any of us getting involved with somebody else at some point down the road. We all agreed that if that happened, then the sex would stop, at least with that person, if not all of us."
"You'd do that for me, for Us?"
"Of course. Our love, however new, is still more important than sex. No matter how hot and sexy and dirty it is, having taboo incestual sex with my sisters." I grin, showing that I'm teasing.
"What we have begun between us outstrips that. Besides, I get to have a beautiful, mature woman who loves all of me as I am, has known me all my life, and made me fall 'In Love' with her overnight. It doesn't hurt that she's my Aunt, so I can keep having Taboo incestual sex."
I start laughing as she starts play-slapping, pinching, and tickling me. I wrap her up, pin her arms, and kiss her with all the genuine love I feel for her, showing her how much I mean it. We kiss for a few minutes with passion and tenderness. When we break again, Carrie sighs deeply and puts her head down on my chest contentedly.
"I do Love you, Caroline Ann. I will show you the rest of my days as long as I draw breath."
"Oh, Peter. I love you too, more than I thought I could love anyone, even my sister."
We lay there quietly for many minutes. As I lay there stroking Carrie's soft skin, I felt I needed to make love to her again to show her my love. I roll her off me onto her back and slip between her soft, creamy thighs. I gently enter her, sliding easily into the woman who, in less than 24 hours, has captured my heart. I make love to Carrie for another half hour, bringing her two more very lovely orgasms and filling her again with my seed.
I whisper to her as I finish cumming, "One day, that will be me putting a baby in your womb, Carrie. I can't wait to see your belly swelling with my, no, with Our child."
Carrie sighs, knowing I mean every word, and she snuggles into me again. "Yes, Peter, one day, maybe. I really hope I can have a child with you, maybe more than one. For now, though, just hold and love me, Okay?"
I pull back so she can see my face, and I can see hers. Smiling, I reply, "Yes, Dear." We chuckle, kiss tenderly, and hug fiercely.
Carrie then thinks about how last evening started, with her joining Peter's 'Harem.' Then she realizes she can't just demand or even ask him to stop that cold. Her sister and the girls deserve proper closure, however short it has been.
As we lay there, Carrie speaks up, "PJ?"
"Yes, Carrie."
"For now, keep taking care of Pam and the twins. This is so new, and they deserve you just as much. I love that you rescued me. You really did, but at the same time, I can't ask you to abandon them either. After all, I was asked to join your 'Harem.' So I will, with the condition that when we are ready, you end it with them all. Okay?"
"If that's what you want Carrie. I don't want to hurt you ever. So if my stopping with them is what it takes for us to figure out where we go from here, that's fine too."
"No. For now, keep them happy and satisfied, too."
"Okay. I will because that's how I was raised. To respect my elders and do as I'm told."
Carrie's head snaps up, eyes flashing in fake anger and humor, "Elder, huh? What happened to your sweet girlfriend?" She asks, pinching my nipple.
Laughing, I holler, "Ow! Okay, okay. Just teasing."
"Uh Huh. That's what I thought." Carrie replies. She smiled at me, and we kissed, full of everything we were at that moment: man and woman, aunt and nephew, boyfriend and girlfriend.
I then see the time and sigh deeply. "Well, not to be a party pooper, but we need to get into the shower and then get dressed for dinner with my folks and sisters. Of course, you are coming, right?"
"I hadn't thought about that, Peter. I had a few other things on my mind. But, of course, your Aunt should be joining the family for dinner."
I smile lovingly at her and say, "Nope. Not my Aunt but my Girlfriend. I want everyone to know we are together, Carrie. I know they will support us."
She tears up, saying, "Really?"
"Absolutely. Now let's get going, young lady because I plan on fucking you again in the shower."
Carrie giggles and says, "Oh, Well, if you must." Giggling again, she jumps from the bed, with me right behind her, squealing as I catch her at the door. We walk together in lockstep, my arms around her waist, to the tub.
She reaches in to start the water, and I reach under her and slip two fingers into her slippery slot. She moans appreciatively. Moments later, with the warm water flowing, we step in, close the door, and turn on the spray head. We wet down and get all slippery, but I pull Carrie around and lean her into the end, away from the head. I slip into her steaming cunt and fuck her to a hot orgasm for us both. As I cum into her, I chant, "Baby, baby, baby, our baby."
Carrie sighs, both from the fresh orgasm and my enthusiasm. "God willing." She whispers, almost to herself.
We cleaned up quickly after that and redressed as we were. Carrie reapplied her juvenile makeup and pigtails. We again stepped out, and Carrie, having grabbed her purse and keys, locked the door again. We just hopped quickly into my car, Carrie not waiting for me to be gentlemanly. We took off quickly and were back at my family home in just over ten minutes. This time, we walked in the front door, and I hollered out, "I'm home with a guest."
Mom says, "Oh, how nice."
Dad chuckles, and my sisters, while setting the table, say in that twin speak, "Oh, Yeah?" Patty starts.
"Who did you bring?" Finished Ray.
Grinning, I reply, looking at Carrie, "My new Girlfriend."
We then step around the corner. Everyone is surprised by our matching outfits and that the 'Girl' looks familiar, and then the Twins say together, "Aunt Carrie?"
Mom just giggles and looks at us, grinning ear to ear.
A surprised Dad blurts out, "Jeez, Carrie, you look more like the twin's sister than you do Pam's. Adorable. And the matching outfits are also cute." I chuckle with Dad, and all four women giggle loudly. I even think I heard a little squeal and a snort. Carrie moves to kiss Dad's cheek and hug her sister tightly.
Minutes later, dinner is served, and we all sit, Carrie next to me between Mom on her end and the twins across from us--Dad, of course, at the head of the table. Dinner is fun and boisterous, with great food and even better company. We got the third degree, and how we ended up as a couple because I was a free agent as of Friday.
Of course, most of the questions came from my sisters. That's when I told the folks about overhearing them that night when the twins and I were caught together. It got me so curious that I had to find out. I found Carrie in the room and, with Mom's help, got her out and away without the rest of the 'party' knowing I was there.
I told the twins specifically and our parents by extension, "I took Carrie to the Motel and the Diner. That one bed got just as fucked up too." First, they gasped in surprise, then busted out laughing, and everyone joined in. I told everyone about our silly romantic breakfast and headed to the mall to see a movie we didn't watch. I tell about the idea of the hair ties to make Carrie look younger, and Carrie tells everyone the rest of the clothes story. And then, finally, after a pit stop here, we went back to Carrie's to fool around and make love some more.
When most of the food is gone, everyone is happy. I tell everyone, "Guys, we have something more to tell you." Everyone quiets immediately. I look at Carrie and, seeing her smile, just say, "Not only did we make love a few times, but we fell in love too. I plan on having a child or children with Carrie if she can. She had a medical issue in the past that may mean we cannot conceive, but I plan to try like hell to make this beautiful woman into a mother. The mother of my children. God Willing." I say, looking at Carrie. She tears up not realizing until then I had heard her little plea.
Dad's eyes are all that show his surprise as they widen slightly. The twins' jaws almost hit the table. Mom starts crying happy tears for her sister and squeezes her hand. "Carrie wants to wait at least a few months, but I told her earlier I'm ready now or as soon as her body is. The timing will all depend on a lot of things, of course. I think we will be dating for a while before moving too far, but I hope to be together sooner rather than later." I say the last to Carrie. She nods in return, with tears rimming her eyes but a smile on her lips.
It's right then, and I lean over, put my arms around her shoulders, and kiss her tenderly. She quickly returns the kiss, which we continue for several seconds before Dad clears his throat. We break, chuckling, feeling guilty but not so much as not to go for one more quick peck. Dad grins and shakes his head, then puts his hand out to me and says, "You've grown into quite the man, Peter. Your mother and I are very proud of you."
Shaking his hand like the equal, he now sees me. "Thanks, Pop."
My sisters' just stared at me for a few extra seconds before rushing around the table to hug each of us. Patty nearly jumped through Dad. At the same time, Ray squeals as she hugs Carrie. Then they switch. The happiness factor ratchets to the roof, and we all couldn't be any more pleased. We kids move to begin cleanup without being asked.
Mom then stage whispers to Carrie, "He's been well trained. He cooks, cleans, and completes chores promptly. Except for the bathroom, you may need to lay down the law occasionally."
"I'm only bad at cleaning the TWINS bathroom because it starts out AWFUL, and I can only get up to Bad before they mess it up again." The twins squeal indignantly, but everybody else laughs, including the twins, after several seconds of unsuccessfully trying to play the martyrs.
Dad and the women move to the living room, Carrie and Mom taking the love seat, shunting Dad to his rarely used Lazy-boy. I can't hear what they say as they keep their voices down. Regularly, though, one or both look out at me before giggling. The twins corner me at the sink and start asking me how it is with Carrie in the sack.
Shaking my head in disbelief at them, I say, "It's kind of like being in bed with either of them. Looking at Patty, "Sometimes it's hot and sexy, and other times." Shifting to Ray. "It's the most romantic thing ever. The hell with Jerry McGuire."
Ray suddenly asks, "What's it like in the sack with Mom then?"
I think about it and then say, "It's a good thing Mom's heritage is Irish, not Latin. She'd kill somebody." We all laugh at that image.
That's when we hear Mom say, "Oh, what's so funny in there? Those dishes aren't going to wash themselves."
"The girls asked me to compare you and Carrie in the bedroom."
"And what was so damn funny then?" She asks, a little indignant.
"Well, I said to Ray, asking about You in the sack, Mom. 'It's a good thing your heritage is Irish, not Latin, or you would kill somebody.'" Dad immediately starts laughing his ass off. We all join him, including Mom, as she blushes a bright red.
After the laughter dies down, Carrie asks, "And what did you say about me, Peter Jackson Phillips?" Her face was a bit pensive.
"Carrie, Dear, I told them you remind me of the both of them. Where Patty is more Passionate and fierce, and while you can be that too, you are also very much like Ray in that when it's Romantic, it's very much that too. The best of both worlds, I'd have to say." Wiping my hands on a towel, I walk to her and plant a sweet yet passionate kiss on her lips.
When we break, she sighs and then says to Mom, "Damn, he's good at that, and I guess I have to let him off the hook, huh?"
"Yup, He takes after his father that way." She looks at her son first, then her husband continues, "Pat can kiss me so well he takes my breath away when he wants. The rest of the time, it's just so lovely that it makes me look forward to the next one. As a matter of fact, excuse me."
Mom stands up, walks to Dad, plops down on his lap, and moves to him to get a kiss. Dad smiles at his loving wife and plants one of the breath stealers on her. We can all tell as Mom flushes deeply across her face and chest.
"Wow Pop. Nice job." He grins, pulls Mom to him, and does it again. Mom melts into him.
I got the same idea, and sitting down with Carrie, I gave her my best try. When we come up for air, we both say, "Wow."
"Yup, best of both worlds there too. Thanks, Pop." We look at each other and grin like fools. Then we return to kissing our women in those lighter kisses.
Soon, those kisses garner both couples a sharp quip from the twins, "Oh, get a room."
"Yeah, it's getting thick in here."
At that, all four of us come up for air, chuckling. We do smell the arousal of everyone. I think I pick out the scent of my sisters, too.
Feeling silly, I stand up, pulling Carrie with me, then, like a caveman, throwing her over my shoulder to her squeal of delight. I carry her off to my bedroom, closing the door behind us. Dad thinks that's a great idea and follows suit with his wife of almost twenty-five years. Mom squeals, too.
The twins look at each other as they are left standing there with no man to drag one or both of them off.
Patty says, "Well Fuck That.."
".. didn't work out right." Finishes Ray.
They shrug, then flop on the couch and watch TV until later, when they decide to go to bed together in Patty's room.
Both couples start with heat and passion, quickly shedding clothes and hopping into the beds and fucking like animals. After that first go, they end up resting for several minutes before moving on to have slow, tender lovemaking for almost an hour. Carrie takes another creampie to deeply satisfied moans of her own plus chants of "Baby, baby, baby" from Peter. Each couple slips into the shower and cleans up before going to bed. Carrie, of course, spent the night with Peter.