Part 05
I wake with Carrie in my arms and sigh deeply. She looks up at me, eyes fluttering open. "Good Morning, PJ."
"Good Morning, Carrie Ann."
We meet in the middle for our first morning kiss. Then kiss a few more times. Then my alarm goes off. I remember it's Monday, but I don't have to open the store today.
"Well, I'm awake now. Care for a swim? Some laps, maybe?"
"Sure, but I don't have a suit with me."
"Then I guess it's au natural." With a huge grin.
"You want to go skinny dipping at this hour?"
"Sure, what the hell. I've seen everyone naked, and so have you, except the girls, maybe."
Carrie decides not to think about it and says, "Sure, let's go quickly before I change my mind."
We hop out of bed and walk out naked as everyone else is stumbling into the kitchen. I say, "We are gonna do some naked laps. Does anyone want to join us?"
My sisters don't even respond in words. They just sequel and strip right there. Dad gets a surprise eyeful of his grown daughters up close. Mom just grins, looking at me and then at Carrie before pulling her clothes off. Dad, in his surprise, is last to strip down. We all step outside as a family for some laps. We line up on the shallow end, Me with Carrie to my left, Mom on the right, and Dad next to her with the twins each taking a side, Patty next to Dad, and Ray next to Carrie.
After we get lined up, I say, "Two slow laps to warm up and then ten laps at pace. Okay?"
Everybody nods, and then I countdown, "3, 2, 1, go."
We all dive into the water, and I set the slow pace. Everyone is matched up before the halfway point again. We do all 12 laps, then stop where we started. Since everyone is in good shape, we all catch our breaths reasonably quickly. At this point, all this hot womanly flesh has had me stiff as a board, so I decided to be silly.
I sit down in the shallow end and say to Dad, "Pop, I feel the need to play submarine."
I then push off on my back and slowly paddle so that my cock is sticking up like a periscope. Dad laughs and then joins me, having the same problem. All the women squeal and laugh at the sight of two cocks puttering about the pool. Dad and I can't maintain it for too long as we start laughing, too.
We both return and grab our respective women. My cock slips right between Carrie's thighs along her wet lips. I grin and stroke a few times, and she sucks in a breath looking around embarrassed. I kiss her before pulling away. I pull back, then move to Ray, repeat with her, and then to Patty. All three women are glowing and flushed afterward. Dad does the same to Mom but doesn't stop. When Mom starts moaning, Dad grabs her and carries her like last night off to bed, caveman style. The rest of us laugh.
The remaining women all look at me. I smile at the love and lust staring back at me. "Damn, so this is what it's like to have a harem." They all giggle. "How ever am I to choose?" Then I grin and decide I won't. I take Carrie by the hand and tell my sisters, "I'll be right back. I have a solution." I take Carrie to my room and put her into Doggy over the edge of my bed. Quickly, I say, "Now, stay here for a minute. I'll be back shortly. Oh yeah, pick a number between 1 and 20."
I then put Ray and Patty in their rooms and do the same number thing. Ray picks 1. Patty picks 5. My number was 11. Carrie was closest, then Patty, and last was Ray. Then I get another workout running from room to room in descending order. Fucking each woman hard for 2 minutes, then move on. I do three laps before they begin popping off.
I continue the rotation until Patty cums hard and loud first, with her screaming out, "OH JESUS CHRIST PETEY!"
When her two minutes are up, I kiss her quickly but deeply, then head off to Ray. She gets her two minutes but doesn't cum yet.
I head to Carrie, and halfway through, she screams, "OH, PJ!" I finish her two minutes and kiss her too before going off to Ray to get her off last.
I start plowing and teasing her, asking, "Playing hard to get Ray? You're the last one, as you heard. Cum for me, Baby sister. Cum on your Big Brother's cock, and maybe you'll get my Creampie, and I'll start with Breeding you right now!"
I pound her hard with my last stroke at the last statement, and she cums explosively, squirting all over both of us, shouting out, "OH GOD, I'M CUMMING ON MY BROTHER'S COCK AND HE'S MAKING ME SQUIRT! OH GOD!" As she finishes speaking, I cum inside my Baby sister.
"ARRRRRGGGGHHH! TAKE MY CUM RAY!" As I finish, she falls flat on the bed like a puppet with its strings cut.
I give Ray her finishing kiss and tell her, "I love you, Paula Raylene."
"Lub yo tooo Petey."
"You recover, and I'll be back in a few." She gives a tired thumbs up.
I chuckle as I step out across the hall and gather Patty. She is up and moving slowly. I kiss her a peck and then say, "I love you, Patricia Ann."
She sighs deeply and, with a look of love, replies, "I love you too, Pete."
I led her out to my room to collect Carrie. She, likewise, was moving a bit slowly. She also got the same treatment of a kiss and statement, "I love you, Caroline Ann." She smiled radiantly and responded, "I love you too, Peter Jackson, my fabulous boyfriend."
Taking her too by the hand, we go collect Ray. She is still less with it, much like Patty. It was our first time with a squirt. I take her hand, and Patty takes the other side. We trek to Mom and Dad's room.
I knock, and when Dad calls out, "Come in."
Smiling, we step in, and I tell him, "We need your shower, Dad. The others are too small for all of us." Mom giggles loudly.
Dad then gets it and says, "Peter, did you just fuck all three of those women to orgasm?"
I grin broadly, but Patty answers first, "He sure as hell did. It was great, too."
Tiredly, almost drunkenly, Ray continues and says, "He made me squirt Daddy."
"Peter is a fantastic lover, Pat. You both should be proud." With a brief pause. "VERY Proud." States Carrie, looking from them to me with deep love in her eyes.
I just chuckle and grin like a drunk. Then I pull all three women into the Master bath, and after closing the door, I fire up the shower. We all squeeze into the ample space generally for two people, even three, but four makes it a little crowded, but we make it work. We work and get Ray under the almost hot spray first, waking her up more.
When her eyes gain focus, she looks at me and says, "Mom is definitely right. You are a fucking Stud, Peter."
We all laugh lightly, and I blush slightly and reply, "Thanks, Ray. Thank you all. It's really wonderful being with you all." They all hug me together and kiss me wherever their lips land. I kiss them all when we pull back on the lips, a little peck each.
We all move to wash. Patty takes care of her sister, and I, of course, move to Carrie. After a bit, we switch, and Carrie takes care of me. Many kisses are shared around with each of them. Once cleaned up, we step out and grab towels from the nearby linen cupboard. We are all energized now and giggling. We step out, and Mom and Dad are still cuddling in bed.
Dad quips to me, "Can we use our own bathroom now, Son?"
Throwing it right back, I reply, "Sure thing, Pop. All yours. We might have even left some hot water. Just to be sure, you might want to go in together." Mom giggles, and so do my ladies. Dad just grins and waves us out.
I call out, "To your rooms, ladies."
Carrie looks at me, saying, "But PJ, I don't have a room."
"Oh, but you do, Carrie, Mine. Now go, all three of you." I clap my hands loudly, and off they go like a shot, giggling like crazy. I look back at the folks, give a mock salute, and step out, closing the door behind me.
"I'm glad that boy isn't a part of our swingers party. He would have all the women lining up waiting to be serviced."
Mom just giggles. "Yes, I would be."
"Oh, Pam? Is he really that good?"
She looks at him surprised, then says, "Pat, think about it. He just serviced three women. Making each one orgasm hard, and one even squirted. When he fucks me, it's wonderful how energetic and virile he is. Youth does have its benefits, Dear. Where you have the experience." She finishes. As a last thought says, "Most importantly? You have me. Until Death do us part, remember?" She lays her head on his chest, hugging him fiercely.
"There is that," Dad says, smiling.
When I return to my room and Carrie, I find her getting redressed in yesterday's duds. Then I see the time and panic slightly, "Oh Shit. I'm late for work. Oh, Well, it was well worth it." I kiss Carrie, grab my uniform, and throw it on, dressing as fast as possible. I look at her and say, "This weekend was Great, Carrie. I'm delighted it worked out the way it did." She looked at me with love in her eyes as I did her.
She says, "Me too, Peter, truly. My Knight in Shining Armor."
Once I'm all put together, I double-check myself, then turn to Carrie, and she moves to me and kisses me hard goodbye. "Have a wonderful day, PJ. Will I see you tonight?"
"Probably, but I'll call if I can't."
"Okay." She smiles and kisses me once more before I bolt out the door and out of the house on the run. I haul ass to work and am there just short of thirty minutes late. I told my boss we had a family issue that morning that came up suddenly and had to be handled. I volunteered to stay late and cover my time.
He tells me, "Nah, just take a short lunch."
"Thanks, Stan. I will go get on the counter unless you need anything?" He just grins and waves me out like Dad did less than an hour ago. I chuckle at the similarity and head out to start work.
I ended up working that half an hour late anyway because an inter-store transfer driver was late. As I left the store, I called Carrie and asked, "Do you still want me to come over? It's a little late."
"Please, I've missed my boyfriend all day."
I smile and say, "I missed My Girl too. Have you eaten? I can pick up something on the way, or you could order something, and I'll pick it up."
I can hear the smile in her reply, "Just bring me you, PJ. I made dinner, and I can rewarm yours. Just come to me, okay?"
"See you soon, Carrie." I blow her a kiss and hang up.
I fire up the car and zip out of the parking lot. I am at her door in minutes, knocking and shouting in a gruff voice, "Open up! Or I'll Huff and Puff and Blow your house down!"
A squeaky voice answers, "Oh No! Is that the Big Bad Wolf?"
"Why No. I'm a very Nice wolf. I only eat things I'm allowed to."
"Okay, you sound so nice. I'll let you in if you promise not to eat me."
I cross my fingers and hold them in front of me. "I promise Miss..."
"O'Shea. Of the Dublin O'Shea's."
"Very well, Miss O'Shea. I promise I won't eat you." I hear giggling, and then the lock opens. The door opens to Carrie standing there in a thin, short Baby Doll in Green with tiny sheer panties.
In my most menacing Big Bad Wolf voice, I say, "Now I'm going to eat you, Miss O'Shea. I had my fingers crossed." Then I jump Carrie, chuckling like a fool, sweeping her off her feet and kissing her over and over all over her face and neck. She laughs outright in pure joy that I could be so silly and keep it G-rated at the Elementary level she teaches.
She squeals out, "Oh No! The big Bad Wolf has got me! I'm going to be eaten alive!"
"Damn Right, Carrie Ann, especially dressed, or should I say Undressed like that." She giggles again as I tickle her ribs lightly. I then stand her upright and kiss her normally, if full of passion, she melts into my arms. "I told you I missed you too, Carrie."
"Well, I guess so. Now let me get you that dinner, and then you can have dessert after." She says the last thing, gesturing to herself.
I chuckle and reply, "I may have to... Wolf... down that dinner then to get right to dessert." We both laugh, and I take Carrie in my arms again and spin her around her small living room, just happy to be together.
Carrie takes me by the hand, leads me to the kitchen, and tells me, "Sit here. This is your chair from now on. At the head of my table, I will be on the other side looking at you with all my love."
All my breath leaves me in that moment of Carrie's loving declaration. After several stunned seconds, I say, "My God, Carrie, that's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me. I love you too, Carrie, so much."
She smiles and pushes me lightly into my chair, setting my plate down fresh from the microwave before me. "Beer?" She offers.
"No thanks, how about milk?"
It's her turn to smile and answer, "Two percent, Okay?"
She pulls a glass from the cupboard and pours a glass after leaning into the fridge. I reach out and grab her butt. She looks back at me, playfully wagging a finger, saying, "None of that, sir. That's dessert."
"Yummy." She giggles.
She puts my milk on the table and then grabs a napkin and silverware. When satisfied, she nods, saying, "There, now my man is fed, and I can take my place." She starts to move to the other end, but I stop her pulling her onto my lap, sitting so her butt is parallel to my left leg, and my hand is on her left buttcheek while I have a large spoon in the other. But before I start, I look at Carrie and make fish lips, 'fishing' for a kiss. She giggles again and leans in to kiss me as I gesture. We kiss tenderly for a solid minute.
Carrie breaks the kiss and tells me, "Now eat your dinner, Peter, before I have to nuke it again."
I look her in the eye and say honestly, "Yes, Dear." We both chuckle, and I dig in. The meal is simple yet tasty, even rewarmed. I finished in no time, it was that good.
When I'm finished, and all my milk is gone, Carrie wipes my mouth one last time. She then stands up after a kiss, of course, and rinses and then puts the dishes in her small dishwasher. She returns to my lap, and we cuddle, sitting there just enjoying our new love. My left hand returns to her butt, but my other hand starts caressing her thigh first, then her inner arm, as I lean to kiss her more. We melt together in that moment, lost to each other. After several minutes, we moved to her couch and picked up where we had left off.
We turn on the TV, but it is not seen any more than the movie from the afternoon before. That continues for about half an hour. Before a breathing break is needed. I look at Carrie and the beautiful nightgown she is wearing and tell her, "A part of me just wants to tear the babydoll off your body and just take you, but another part wants to move this fun to the bedroom and make love to you all night long."
Carrie's eyes sparkle, and she asks, "Which part is winning Peter?"
I stand up, picking her up, and carry her to the bedroom, closing the door behind us.
I lay Carrie down in the middle of her bed and begin undressing. I started by setting my work shirt aside to use again tomorrow, knowing I wasn't going home tonight. As I undress, our eyes are locked together, the passion and love flowing between us. I strip fully, and when I'm done, I lean down, first kissing Carrie and then slipping her panties off. I then lay down between her thighs and began eating this woman that has captured me so thoroughly.
Carrie becomes wet quickly and starts moaning not long after as I kiss and lick her sex from every way I can. I slip first one, then two fingers inside, and pump slowly. While my mouth moves from her outer lips to her inner, licking inside her sweet slit with a probing tongue mining for her honey. I begin to rub around her clit with my other hand, circling but not quite touching it. Carrie's moans get louder, and her breathing becomes ragged.
At the right time, I pull a suction on her honey hole and press my thumb down firmly on her clit. Carrie cums hard then, her back arching, and her moans become groans and growls of verbal orgasmic heat. I make her ride the wave for nearly a minute, then release my thumb from her clit. I return to gentle licks and kisses of her lips as she comes down, her back returning to the bed.
I pull off after a bit and move up beside this most beautiful creature I get to call my girlfriend. As I slide in, I kiss Carrie's lips tenderly, her juices still on my lips. When I settle in, her eyes come open to see me smiling at her. So in love with her, it still astounds me.
She looks back with the same look and says, "I love you, Peter. You have captured my heart forever."
"As you have mine too, Carrie."
"I will call my OB for an appointment tomorrow and get their earliest one." I smile at her, tears forming in my eyes, knowing what that may mean for our future together. I kiss her tenderly as I can not speak, and a tear falls from my eye, slipping down her cheek, joined seconds later by more from her own eyes.
Not knowing what else to do, I slip back between Carrie's thighs and make love to her. With nowhere to go but to share our love, we don't even pursue orgasms. We just slip and glide together, each providing the other pleasure beyond unnecessary words. We make slow, sensual love for over an hour. Finally, Carrie has a petite, gentle orgasm, and mine follows, "Just to prove my love." I whisper to her. We fall asleep shortly after holding each other tenderly as nothing else matters. I wake again in the small hours and check the time. I set an alarm for work the next day. I then snuggle Carrie back into me and drift off to sleep, her cooing her pleasure.
An alarm wakes me a few hours later, but it's not mine. Carrie mutters, "Damn, that's right, work today." Much like Ray, I realize Carrie stretches out like a cat before opening her eyes. I smile at the symmetry of the most endearing parts of my sisters, which are also in the woman I have fallen so deeply for.
"Good Morning, Carrie Dear."
Her eyes opened bright and full of life and love. "Good Morning, Peter, my love."
I tell her about my observation, "You stretch first thing just like Ray does. It's so cute of you both."
"Okay, if it's so cute..." She stretches again, being silly and stretching all over the bed, including all over me, until I tickle her belly and ribs.
She laughs and curls in to 'protect' herself but leaves her flank open, and I grab a whole handful of her butt. She moans, "Ummm, I'd love that, but I don't have time. I have to be at the school at 8 O'clock. I'll be off by Noon, though, and I'll make that call to my OB, if not during a break in the meetings after I'm off."
"Great. I want to know if we can start a family when we are ready or if we have to make other plans, like adopting or a surrogate."
Carrie forced herself from the bed and out of my hands. She looked back at him, lying in her bed with hands behind his head. "I'll let you know as soon as I do, Okay? But now I need to get moving for work. I love you, Peter."
"I love you too, Carrie." Both grinning broadly, Carrie heads for her bathroom to get ready. As she does, she can't stop smiling.
I lay there for a couple more minutes, then decided to be nice to my girlfriend. After slipping my skivvies back on, I pad to the kitchen and rummage in her fridge, I find half a grapefruit. I pull it out and pull the plastic wrap off. I sprinkle a little sugar over it, then think, 'Oops, that's how I like it, maybe she doesn't. Oh well, too late now.' I put it on the table in 'her' spot. Right then, it hits me, 'Carrie has accepted our relationship, and I guess I have too, pretty fast. It feels terrific, though, and not just the sex, which is phenomenal. That she would tell me this is my chair at her table from now on is a huge step. My god, how do I love her so much already?' I grin at that and reply, 'Easily and eagerly.'
I move on to make coffee and grab a small glass of milk in a juice glass. Her breakfast is complete. I just sat and waited, but after a minute, I decided to grab my pants and t-shirt and then return to 'my' chair with a tight smile. When the coffee is ready, I pour two mugs and set hers' down, taking mine and sitting back down after adding my milk and sugar. Then I realized I saw Half & Half in the fridge and grabbed that and a couple of packs of sugar, placing them by her mug.
I just sat for the last time when Carrie stepped in. Her surprised 'O' face was priceless. "Your breakfast is ready, Honey," I say to Carrie. I stand and pull out her chair for her. She sits moving like a robot at first, but once seated, she smooths her skirt and looks at me while I retake my seat, grinning like a fool. "I accidentally put sugar on your grapefruit. I hope you like it that way. I do, and I was just on autopilot."
She gasps slightly, then says, "That's how I like it too. Pam and I have had it like that since we were kids. It's one of the guilty pleasures I still have while watching my weight."
"Your weight and figure are perfect, Carrie. I can tell you from personal exploration since this weekend."
Carrie giggles and blushes lightly while she digs into her grapefruit. While chewing her first bite, she adds two packs of sugar and a shot of H&H to her coffee, exactly like mine. "How cute," I say to her, grinning over my coffee as I take a sip.
"What?" Carrie asks.
"We take our coffee the same way, except I'm used to milk, as we don't usually have half and half. Mom won't buy it because she is watching Her figure."
Carrie smiles and also takes a sip. "You're not eating?" She asks.
"Not now. I'm just getting my girlfriend off to a good start to her day by being an attentive boyfriend."
"How sweet. Thank you."
"My pleasure, my love." I smile at her over my coffee, and she smiles back.
Unfortunately, time doesn't stand still, and it is soon time for Carrie to go.
I take her dishes, rinse them off, and put them in the dishwasher.
Carrie sits stunned for a second at my actions. Then a grin splits her face, and she says, "I guess Pam was right. You are well trained." She then giggles.
I turn to her and reply, "Yes, Dear." I then lean down and kiss her tenderly on the lips. Carrie moans her delight.
When the kiss breaks, she is up and moving. She steps into the bathroom and finishes her minimal makeup, which is mostly just a little lipstick, a pale pink. She grabs her customary cardigan and glasses. Lastly, she picks up her purse, cell phone from the charger and keys. I kiss her deeply before stepping out and walking with her down the crushed stone path from her door to the sidewalk. I watch her walk down the sidewalk to her school for a few seconds before hopping in my car. I headed home to clean up and get a clean shirt and underthings.
Since I'm up earlier than I need to be today, I even have time for a quick shower after getting accosted by my mother and sisters for kisses. Oh Damn. When I'm done getting ready, I hit the kitchen for food. I grab a couple breakfast bars and V8 for the ride to work. I eat on the way while still thinking about Carrie and our future. My day goes predictably but well enough. When I get off, I head straight to Carrie's. On the way, I stopped at a local grocery store and bought something for my girl.
I arrived a few minutes later and knocked like a typical guest. Carrie answered in her work clothes, minus the sweater and glasses. She smiled demurely upon seeing me. But before she could say anything, I pulled my arm from behind my back and presented the small bouquet I had bought. Her smile widens, as do her eyes. She takes them, her hands shaking slightly. I step in, pulling her gently to me, and kiss her as I nudge the door closed behind me. We kiss long and passionately without hurry.
When the kiss breaks, I say, "I love you, Carrie Ann. I missed you today."
Her breath husks from her as she says, "Oh, PJ. I love you, too. I missed you even more when I got my appointment. I was able to slip into a cancellation this afternoon." She then walks away, smiling, into the kitchen, intentionally leaving me hanging. She takes a vase down from an upper shelf. Her skirt slips up, but not before I get to see it nicely, displaying her beautiful backside. It rides up enough to allow me to see her creamy thighs, lovely.
She puts water in the vase and sets the flowers in it, placing the completed ensemble on the dinner table. She then takes my hand and, after kissing my cheek, leads me back to the living room and the small couch. She sits, pulling me down beside her. She looks at me with excitement in her eyes. She takes a deep breath, looking at me with a bit of trepidation in her eyes.
"I saw the doctor today, like I said earlier." She takes another deep breath and takes my other hand, having not released my first hand. "I'm completely healed, PJ. The doctor said I should be able to have a child whenever I'm ready. You are happy, aren't you, Peter?"
I don't answer directly. I slip my hands from hers, and I just take her in my arms to kiss her gently but with plenty of passion. She melts into me, and we hold the kiss until we have to breathe.
When the kiss breaks again, I tell her, "I'm Delighted, Carrie. In a few months let's start trying for a family of our own. Does that sound good to you?"
It's her turn not to reply, and she kisses me again with that same passion we have had from the first moment together. I lean back into the couch, and we continue to make out like teenagers. After a while, we break apart, grinning like fools. We get up, walk back into the kitchen, and work together to make another simple yet satisfying meal.
As dinner nears its end, I ask, "Is there any pie left from last night?" Carrie giggles at my silliness.
She replies, "I might be able to arrange that, given my boyfriend watches a movie with me after dinner."
I chuckle and reply, "As long as it's not a Rom-Com. We can discuss it."
Carrie pretends to pout with her lower lip stuck out, "Aw, really? I was looking forward to undressing and laying with him on the couch, but if that's the conditions. I may just have to hide that pie."
I fake growl like the Big Bad Wolf from the night before, "You wouldn't dare keep dessert from me if you're a good girlfriend." We both laugh, knowing we are both full of shit.
We cleaned up and then retired to the living room. Carrie closed the drapes before turning to me. She said, "Please undress me, Peter. Love me like you have for the last few days some more."
I move to her, kiss her lips tenderly, then take a half step back and reach for her blouse to begin slowly unbuttoning it. When the last button comes loose, I slip my hands inside ever so slowly around her waist. I then use the backs of my forearms to open the blouse and view what's inside. Her chest is slightly pink, and her breathing has increased somewhat. I finish tugging the blouse from the back of her skirt and then slip the whole of it off her gorgeous body. I set the blouse carefully aside so it's not ruined. Reaching back around her, I unzip her skirt and slip that from her shapely hips, setting it with the blouse.
Carrie stands before me in her matching pastel pink bra and panties with nude thigh-highs, looking so sexy. At 38, almost 39, Carrie is very well put together, as I said before. But in that moment, looking at her and thinking about soon starting a family with her, she was so much more.
"My God, Carrie, you're just fucking gorgeous." The flush of her chest increased as she blushed at my gushed compliment.
She stepped slightly towards me and began to pull my shirt up, and I raised my arms to help. She repeated the effort on my t-shirt. Right after that, going for my belt and dropped my pants to the floor. We both stood looking pleased at what each saw of the other for several long seconds. Then we came together in a passionate kiss that lasted minutes.
When we finally broke the kiss, we slid onto the couch, Carrie in my lap, and kissed for more minutes, not knowing or caring how many. Eventually, we stopped to breathe and stared into each other's eyes. We kissed a few light pecks on lips, necks, ears, and shoulders.
Then Carrie stood and had me lie on the couch. After grabbing the remote and giving me a fantastic view, she slipped down in front of me. We spooned as she turned on the TV to watch that movie, just as she requested. After settling on a suitable film, Carrie put the remote on the coffee table and pulled a blanket from the back of the couch. We worked together to put it over us and snuggle into each other underneath it. It became very cozy quickly, and we both sighed at the closeness.
The movie had a few love scenes, and we began touching and stroking each other's skin while cuddling. By the end, we were kissing regularly, with Carrie turning back towards me to make it easier. We shut the TV off when it ended and padded into her bedroom. We made love for about an hour.
I started by finally taking Carrie's bra and panties off but leaving the thigh-highs. I slipped her into the sheets and then dropped myself between her thighs face-first and ate her pie. Carrie came after several slow minutes of my licking, nibbling, and kissing outside and inside her pink folds. I pushed her gently over with a sucking attack on her clit. When she came, I moved to slurp her honeypot clean, leaving it empty but very wet.
When she recovered, she had me switch and repaid the favor. She licked and kissed my cock to fullness, occasionally lapping and sucking my balls. As I approached orgasm, she felt me begin to swell and took my cock entirely into her mouth and on into her throat just as the first few ropes blasted from me. She continued to slurp and suck until I was done, ending with a gentle kiss on the tip.
I pulled her up to me as I recovered, and when ready, I leaned in and started kissing her tenderly but with deep passion. Carrie returned the passion, and as that built, more caressing and fondling occurred. Soon enough, I rolled her to her back and slipped back between her smooth thighs right into her welcoming pussy. We moaned in unison as I bottomed out. I stroked for a long time until Carrie had another modest orgasm.
As she came, she whispered to me, "Cum for me, Peter, fill me with your cum, practice putting a baby into me." So I did. I came an even bigger load than the first one, and I hoped it was because of the thought of putting a baby in her.
I stayed plugged into her pussy but rolled us over so she was on top. We fell asleep just like that. We woke about an hour and a half later and slipped from the bed and into her shower. As we started getting wet, I cupped Carrie's pussy and caught a handful of my jizz. I offered it to Carrie, and she grinned before slurping and licking it up. The rest made a break for it down her inner thighs.
We washed each other tenderly with a lot of kissing freshly washed body parts. I even washed her hair, giving her a scalp massage in the process. She moaned in pleasure. When it was my turn, she washed my hair so tenderly I wasn't sure she was washing. We finished with a few minutes of slow, sensual kissing, just swaying in the stream of warm water. Finally, we exited the shower to dry off and then retreated to the bedroom. We found a small puddle, and Carrie grabbed a towel to place over it and climbed back in, setting alarms. We cuddled back up and slipped off to dreamland.