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They say that all's fair in love and war. Well, I certainly disagree with that. There's absolute nothing fair when it comes to love. And when it comes to war, those who can gain an advantage in any way they can, they'll use it. I certainly did. Fuck being fair about it. All thanks to a woman who I thought loved me as much as I loved her. So I've been on both sides of love and war...
I suppose before I get too deep into how I got to where I'm at today, I should introduce myself. I'm Michael Porter. My friends all call me Mick. (I've always hated "Mike" as a nickname. I don't know why, I just did.) I'm 42 years old and I stand at 6'2". I'm no jock, but I'm decently built because I love to swim. I've got short blonde hair and blue eyes. Most people wouldn't take a second glance at me as I walk down the street. I'm just an average guy doing average things. I guess the only "non-average" thing about me is that the business that I own makes damn good money.
I'm a consultant that helps companies who need technical assistance that their normal IT can't handle when their systems are being affected by malicious software. In layman's terms, I come in an eradicate any viruses they might have and fully safeguard their systems. I've created 4 programs of my own design to completely handle whatever is being used. I could easily sell them and make tens of millions, but I know there are far too many people out there who would use it for their own nefarious methods. I have my own safeguards for that. Now most of what I do is above board, but occasionally I need to get into things that aren't entirely ethical. But when you're dealing with assholes who use ransomware as a way to extort money, you can't fight fairly. Do I break the law? Maybe, maybe not. I definitely bend it when needed.
This is when I probably should start way back in the beginning here, back when I first met my wife when we were in high school. Back then we were just two people who were part of a group of friends that hung together. My best friend (John Gryphon) was dating her best friend (Beth Spencer), so that's when we all started hanging together. Eventually it grew to be 10 of us. A group who just fucked around like teenagers did, doing stuff that teenagers did. She and I didn't really talk much beyond a "hello" or a "hey" now and then, but that all changed in our senior year.
Now the summer between my junior and senior year, I had a growth spurt and shot up from my 5'8" to about 6 foot even. I continued to get taller throughout my senior year to my current 6'2". I went from looking like a geeky kid to a full on adult. Then I started to get the attention of the girls in school. I should've been drowning in pussy, but I wasn't. Just because the body grew up, my mind was still a kid's. Hell, it wasn't until I turned 18 that I finally got a real date with one of my classmates. I'll always remember her. Her name was Kimmie and she had knockers that were absolutely massive. I have no idea just how big, but I think her IQ equaled the bust size. We dated a couple of times, but I grew to hate her giggling at everything and her high pitched voice. Nails on chalkboard. But those knockers...
Unfortunately, I was an idiot and broke up with her at the wrong time as senior prom was fast approaching, but there was no way my nerves could handle her, big knockers or not. I did gather up my nerve to ask a few girls, but they all had dates. At that point, I figured to say fuck it and just stay home. Then the girl who would eventually become my wife asked me out to prom. You could've knocked me over with a feather!
Let me tell you about her. Phoebe McCallister was one of those girls in high school that every guy wants, but few actually get. I know she dated a few guys, but they weren't guys you'd expect. She was fairly popular, but she never dated the star athlete or anyone like that. Nope, she just dated "regular guys". In high school that's a big deal! As I said, she was also among the aforementioned group of friends, too. Phee (pronounced "fee"), was (is) very beautiful, but not like a model. Standing at 5'6", with long wavy red hair, emerald green eyes, a few freckles on her nose, and with a body that was built for sex. I didn't know it then, but eventually I found out that she was a perfect 36-24-36. 36D to be exact. Even today she maintains her weight (approximately 140 lbs.) and measurements.
So when she asked me out, it was totally unexpected. I thought she was seeing someone already, but she discovered that he was "dipping his wick" where it didn't belong and she dumped him. When she found out that I was also single, she asked. I eagerly said yes, of course, and we were inseparable from that point forward. As we dated, we discovered we just clicked. It didn't take long before we were finishing each other's sentences and anticipating what the other wanted or needed. Two 18 year olds acting like that had known each other for years. I guess this is why I fell in love with her so deeply and so quickly. That, and the fact that we both lost our virginity after the prom. Yeah, I know it's cliché, but we both knew then we were in love with one another. A love that I knew that would last forever...
As luck would have it, we both were going to the same college. (Well, actually I had my pick, but one of them was the one that she got a scholarship to, so I let her think it was fate.) Once again, we were inseparable throughout school.... except for a brief time in our third year. Y'see, I caught her with another guy. Not just another guy, but Brandon Q. Giles III a.k.a. Trey who thought his shit didn't smell. Mr. Trust Fund Baby. A guy with a very punchable face, but he seemed to never get punched because of his entourage was always with him. Well, it seems Trey was able to worm his way into Phee's life because they shared a class. (She was studying to be a veterinarian.) The class they shared was an elective and one I almost took, but I didn't give a shit about comparative politics. I wish I had.
Anyway, they got paired together often during class, so they always "had" to study together or work on a project. It didn't really affect our time together, but it did alter things slightly. After a couple of months I realized that I was seeing less and less of Phee. Every day went to 2 or 3 days. Then one night that she never even showed up for our date. I had a sinking feeling. One that, unfortunately, was correct.
Trey had a dorm room in the building next to mine, so he was easy to find. When I got there, 2 of his buddies were at the door, like they were guarding it. When they saw me walking down the hall, I could tell by the looks on their faces that something was up. And when they tried to stop me from knocking on the door, I definitely knew then.
Backing up a bit here, the one other thing that many people don't know about me is I took a lot of martial arts when I was younger. When your dad is an FBI agent and your mom works in security services, you tend to gravitate toward such things. Whether you wanted to or not. I stopped taking the lessons my junior year in high school. No reason, I just didn't want my weekends taken up any more. However, those lessons do tend to stick with you. Something these 2 idiots found out.
A few punches later, they were laid out on the floor out cold. I tried the handle on the door and surprisingly it was unlocked. I slowly opened the door quietly and there was Phee bent over with Trey fucking her from behind. I silently walked up behind them both as she was squealing and screaming in pleasure. I tapped him on the shoulder, he tried to brush me off thinking that I was one of his buddies, but I tapped harder. He finally turned to face me and I cold cocked him. Lifted him off the ground and he crumpled to the ground. Phee stood up and screamed when she saw me. She tried to apologize by making excuses. I told her to fuck off and left.
The next few months were not easy on me. Yeah, I got a visit from the cops. Yeah, I was arrested. Yeah, Trey wanted to press charges. But having a dad who works for the FBI can give you a free pass, well mostly, especially when the cops find out your girlfriend was cheating on you. I ended up doing a few hours of community service and that was it. Publically, dad was pissed, privately he was proud of me while being concerned about what happened. In the end, it blew over, but Trey, steered clear of me the rest of my time there. Though his car developed numerous mechanical issues of which I had no idea how they occurred.
Phee, on the other hand, kept trying to explain, to apologize, make excuses, you name it. I wanted nothing to do with her. She could've gone on a robbery spree and stole millions and killed people and I would've forgiven her. But cheat on me? Fuck off. Zero tolerance for that shit.
Once our third year ended, we were both back in our home town for the summer. I tried my best to avoid her, but the same group of friends did get together. John was still seeing Beth (engaged at this point) and I got suckered into going out with them all when I thought it just me and him. Little did I know that this was going to be an intervention of sorts. Forcing me to sit and listen, forcing her to accept what she did was wrong. It was a long 4 hours. Once done, we were at least talking again. She told me that he tricked her and must've drugged her in some way. Maybe I was an idiot for believing her, but I did, she just sounded so damn sincere. I mean, I just knew there was no way Phee would ever intentionally cheat on me, especially after she had been cheated on, and I knew Trey would do whatever he could to get a piece of ass. My reasoning was that Phee was just too trusting. I accepted her apology and we were back together.
Once we were back together, I still kept a very close eye on her, even though I felt like I could trust her. Trust, but verify. In all honesty, she never gave me a hint that there was anything untoward going on with her, but still... That nagging feeling was still that nagging feeling. A nagging feeling that slowly disappeared and by the time I asked her to marry me, it was gone completely.
Now I knew she still had another 4 years of studying to do after getting her undergraduate degree, while I was done with mine in computer and systems analysis. I knew I could get a job anywhere, so prior to her starting her next 4 years, we got married. Not a huge wedding, just one with family and close friends. I also ignored the fact that she looked a bit overly tired the next day after her bachelorette party. Probably just too much to drink. I know I drank a lot! Nagging feeling? What nagging feeling? The only hiccup was my dad insisted on us signing a pre-nuptial agreement a few days before wedding. I fought against it because I trusted Phee, but he reminded me of what happened a year before. The wedding was almost cancelled, but her mom just told her to sign the damn thing because didn't want to lose the money at the venue. Both of us begrudgingly signed it and put it out of our minds.
The next 4 years were a bit tough on us. She found the vet program she wanted and could afford in Chicago, so we moved there from the Seattle area. Chicago's not cheap, but my parents gifted us a large amount of money in order to buy a house. Not enough to buy outright, but enough for a decent down payment so we could afford better house. Unfortunately, with me being the only one with a job, the house was going to be just in my name alone since her credit sucked. Phee was fine with that, we both said we'd eventually get her name on the deed. Something that never happened because, honestly, it just completely slipped our minds over the years. Now with her doing her schooling and me working the grave shift for a lowly IT job at the time, our time together was precious. What time we did get together was spent in each other's arms. And when she finally did graduate, I was probably the loudest in my applause.
With her now officially a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, she quickly found employment at a local vet. Thankfully it was fairly close by, so we didn't need to relocate. But now her hours were a little wonky, while mine were more along the lines of being "9-5". Being "low woman on the totem pole", she was on call most of the time, especially nights and weekends. So making plans was never an easy thing. I was seeing her even less now than when she was in school, but when I did see her, it was like a honeymoon.
It was around this time I noticed some small changes in her, but I didn't think much of it. She started to be a little more standoffish, a little more aloof, a little more not her. I brushed it off in thinking it was the job. I should've paid more attention I suppose. We were still like honeymooners whenever we had our times together, but our love making was not what it used to be. She was a bit more aggressive and vocal. I mean, I loved it, but it was odd.
After a few of years of working for someone, she decided she wanted her own practice. As it turned out, one of the smaller clinics were looking for someone to buy into it. The current doctor was looking to retire, so he was hoping to sell out. Phee was there at the right time and in 2 years she was formally the owner. Dr. Phoebe Porter, DVM, was now her own boss. Best of all, she was 5 minutes away now.
Myself, on the other hand, while Phee was toiling away, I was moving onward and upward. No longer a lowly IT guy, but now in charge of a large corporation's entire computer network. I had dozens of guys working under me. It was during this time I also taught myself in how to better battle malware attacks and viruses. Developing counterattacks and figuring out how to isolate the malware without the perpetrator knowing. This was especially key when it came to ransomware. In IT, you usually have enough knowledge in what to do, but I was learning how to essentially nuke any attack, not just block it. I was determined to fully eradicate it. In short order, I decided to leave the corporate world and venture out on my own, but not before signing my first client: my former employer.
Now most companies do have their own techs to handle the small stuff, and I know they're damn good at what they do, but when that company is being maliciously targeted, they need help. Help I can provide. Help that I'm very well compensated for, too.
So here I was at age 35 making more money than I thought possible with a beautiful wife who's also doing what she loves. Life couldn't have been any better. And by now, our lives have settled down to the point where our hours were more in line with one another. Hell, my hours were my hours. I generally worked when I wanted to work.
Around this time, Phee and I had "the talk" about having kids because we were getting older. We both had discussed it prior to marriage and we were both a bit blasé about it. With our careers going the way they were going, we opted to remain childless. We were perfectly fine with that, our parents were not too happy about it because they wanted a lot of grandkids. At least Phee's brother helped them out there! In the end, Phee got her tubes tied to make sure no accidents happened and we went on with life.
2 years later, with Phee's clinic growing and with her becoming more of a voice in local government, I really started to notice a change in Phee. More bitchy, more of a short fuse, more time spent apart. She started attending some local political events and causes to benefit the community. Some I attended, some I did not. The one I did attend was the Sunday after Thanksgiving. This was the one that completely changed the course of our marriage.
Phee said, "Now Mick, do not forget this is a black tie event! Do not embarrass me!"
I rolled my eyes. "I remember, see?" I said while holding up my tux.
"Mm-hm, I see."
She went back to applying her makeup. She never used to wear a lot, but now she liked using bright red lipstick and heavy eyeliner. And then I noticed the dress she was planning on wearing. There was no way it would hide much.
"So, um, Phee?"
"Yes, what is it?"
"This dress. You're wearing this little number?"
"I am. What of it?"
"Isn't a little too revealing?"
She looked over at me with a smile and said, "Oh, no, that's perfect. Absolutely ideal."
I frowned and said, "Well, I would prefer you wear something a bit more appropriate and a lot less revealing."
This time she looked at me via the mirror and I saw a scowl. "You would prefer? YOU would prefer?"
I nodded.
Turning to me she said, "Well, I would prefer you just not worry about it. I love this dress and I am wearing it. End of discussion."
"Now hol..."
"Mick. Don't. Not tonight. I'm wearing that dress and that's final. Now go get ready, I'll be done shortly."
I sat there and fumed. I knew when to fight and I knew when to back away. Backing away at this moment was the way to go. I had no idea what was going on with Phee, but she's not the same woman I married. Maybe it was all the pressure of the clinic and this event. Regardless, after the night was done, I was planning on the two of us having a very long discussion about our marriage.
30 minutes later exited the bedroom and asked, "Well? How do I look?"
Sitting in my easy chair as I looked at her, I thought for a moment, measuring my words carefully, and said, "Nice."
"Nice. It's just 'nice'. I'm so glad you think I look nice," with obvious venom in her voice. "Fine, whatever. It's more for someone else's attention."
I stood up and said, "What do you mean by that?"
She smiled and said, "Oh nothing. This is a fund raising event, so I'm hoping to get a few people to increase their donations is all."
I said softly, "I see...."
"Ok, let's go, Mick, I want don't want to be late."
I thought to myself, "We're already 10 minutes late."
15 minutes later we entered the event and heads turned as we walked in. They definitely were not looking at me. No, they were looking at my wife in her off the shoulder emerald green sequined dress that left little to the imagination. And even though she was wearing 4" matching green high heels, she glided across the floor.
Before we were even a few feet into the event, she said, "Be a dear and get me a Prosecco." And off she went to meet and greet. I shook my head in disbelief, this was going to be a great evening.
Now I should point out, when we first started dating, she was more the wallflower type. Slow to start a conversation, but once engaged she could hold her own. As the years have worn on, she's changed. Now she was belle of the ball and she played to it. Plus everyone knew she was the one to focus on. In the past I may have enjoyed it, now it pissed me off. Gone was my loving wife, only to be replaced by... this.
However, being the loving husband I was, I still got her the Prosecco she wanted, as well as a whiskey sour for me. I barely got a thank you when I handed it to her, but I did get her turning her back to me as she continued her conversation with whomever it was that was soooo engaging. I was just a fucking errand boy.
I decided to say fuck it and just sat my ass down at a nearby table. Let her have her glory. I'll just enjoy my drink in silence.
Someone sat next to me and said, "She sure is something, isn't she? Really fills out that dress."
I looked at him and said, "Hm? Oh. What?"
He chuckled. "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt, I was just saying that she definitely likes being the center of attention."
I then looked in the direction he was looking and saw Phee. Phee laughing, her hand on some man's shoulder, his hand on her back. Very friendly.
I said, "Yeah, she is definitely something."
He laughed again. "Oh hey, let me introduce myself, I'm Chuck, Chuck Westen."
He held out his hand and I shook it and said, "I'm Mick Porter. And that's my wife over there." I tilted my head in the direction of Phee.
He looked at me like I just caught his hand in the cookie jar. "Oh man, I'm sorry. I didn't mean...."
"Eh, it's ok. I should be pissed, but right now I have no fucks to give. Time was I probably would've punched you, but not tonight. This is a big deal for her, so I'm not going to ruin it. Unless I have to." I now saw the man she was with pat her butt and she just smiled at him. I was about to stand up, but Chuck put his hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, I know it's none of my business with what goes on with you and your wife, but the guy she's standing next to? That's Daniel Pagen."
"Dan Pagen. He's only one of most powerful men in the state. He's some sort of super agent for professional players in the NFL, MLB, etc. But now he's branching out and now he's pretty much got his hands in almost everything."
"Yeah, and apparently my wife..."
Chuck smiled without mirth and said, "Yeah, that too. But he's the one helping to finance the stadium out in the burbs, plus he's got the ear of a lot of politicians. Not just within the state, but federally."
I just merely glared at my wife as he continued. "Yeah, rumor has it that he may be involved with some unscrupulous people, too. But you know, rumors and all... I tend to ignore all that stuff, y'know."
I then took a good long look at Chuck and asked, "Who the fuck are you and how do you know all this shit?"
Again he gave me that smile, took a sip of his drink, and said, "I'm glad you asked. You see, I'm the guy who's here to make sure you don't do something stupid."
Now I was confused. I was about to say something, but he interrupted. "Now, don't shoot the messenger. I'm just here to make sure you sit here, be quiet, let your wife do whatever she's going to do."
My eyes narrowed at him and I said, with every ounce of bitterness I could muster, "So you think I am just going to sit here quietly while my wife does... what exactly?"
"You're a bit slow on the uptake here, are you Mickey?"
"Don't fuck with me. You won't like the outcome." I leaned in close as I said that and I could've sworn I saw a bit of fear in his eyes, but he quickly recovered.
"Hm. Fair enough...Mick. Look, I'm just here to do a job. My job is to protect Mr. Pagen and his...interests."
"So what the fuck does this have to do with my wife?"
Even though I asked, I really didn't want to know, but he answered anyway.
"Mick, she's one of his 'interests'. As you obviously know, she's been having an affair with him for the past 6 months. This is their 'coming out' so to speak."
My stunned silence apparently caught him by surprise.
"What? You didn't know? Oh fuck... I was told that... shit. Look, I never..."
He never finished that sentence because I hit him in the nose so fast with the back of my fist that no one saw it happen. All they saw was him falling back in his chair and I made the excuse that he apparently had too much to drink. I got him upright again, but he was knocked out. I thought about confronting Phee right then and there, but this was not the right place for what I had to say. I decided to walk out and headed home. We'll handle this in private.
Once home I began to review how things possibly led to this. What did I miss? How did I miss it? I started going through everything.
An hour later I had all my answers. My wife of 13 years was definitely no longer the woman I married. It took some digging, but if you know where to look, you can find it. For me it was easy. My loving wife has been living a double life. It seems her "one time" with Trey wasn't a one time thing. Even after I forgiven her, she continued with it later on, just not all that often. And he was far from the only one it seems. With each move up in her career or social life, there was another lover or two.
Now finding all this stuff isn't easy for most people, but I'm not like most people. When you have the computer knowledge I have, you have access to more than you'll ever know. The second cellphone she has that I never knew about until tonight? I've got control of it now. Her car? I can track her wherever she goes now because of its onboard GPS. All those tricks I learned to fight malware, I used to fully infiltrate her life and the lives of those she was seeing. And, no, Dan Pagen wasn't the only one, he was just the current one. The only thing I couldn't figure out was why. Why did she do this? I knew I had to dig deeper, then my cell went off. Seeing that it was Phee, I ignored it. Then I got a text. Then another. Then another call. On the fourth call, I finally picked up.
"I... hey, do not answer the phone like that when I call. Now where are you? I don't see you and I'm ready to go home."
"I'm already home. I wasn't feeling....well. I tried to get your attention, but you seemed otherwise occupied." I was wondering if the iciness was coming through.
"Hmph. Fine. I'll have Dan drive me home. But we need to talk about this when I get home."
"Yeah, you do that." And I hung up.
Suspecting what she wanted to discuss, I knew I only had a short time to do what I needed to do short term. I wanted to do more research on Phee, but I didn't have the time. So I quickly logged on to the bank account and moved out half of the funds to my personal account. I then cancelled the joint card and paid it off. I also did a few other things to fully protect myself, just in case it was needed. I then changed my passwords on all my electronic devices and shut down my computer. I then sent off a text to John, who happened to be my tax attorney at this point, and asked to meet him the next day because I needed some legal advice. Once he responded, I shut off my phone and waited in the living room in the dark for my wife to get home. No matter how this talk went, I knew where this marriage was headed.
I waited longer than I thought was normal, but then I heard the key in the lock and in came Phee...along with Dan. This is not a good sign, I thought.
I heard her saying to Pagen, "I don't know why he's...." She stopped and realized the room was dark and flipped on the switch.
I guess I startled her when I said, "Welcome home, honey. I wasn't expecting company."
She recovered quickly and said, "Well, yes, I said Dan was driving me home and..."
I stood up and walked slowly towards them and said, "Yes, but you didn't say he was coming in. I would've better prepared myself. For company, you know."
I was clearly beginning to fluster her, but she did her best to maintain her cool. "I just wanted to properly thank him and I offered him a nightcap."
When she said that, he walked around her and held out his hand to shake mine. Which I ignored, while I looked at him like he was nothing. I was then taking my measure of him. He was older than I was by probably a decade or so, a bit more broad shouldered and maybe an inch taller than me. The one thing I noticed were his eyes. They were black and soulless.
He finally said, "Hey. Yeah. Nice to meet you. Phee has told me a lot about you. I could use a guy like you in my business and..."
I cut him off and said, "Nah, I've got enough work to do, especially over the next few weeks."
He eyed me warily, like how a lion eyes its prey. The façade fell a bit and I saw the type of man he was.
Phee finally said, "Gentlemen, please, let's all sit down."
Dan headed towards my chair, but I stopped him. "Nope, that's mine." He looked at me and I knew he was wondering if should challenge me or not. He decided not to, but I could tell he was aching to. So was I actually.
Once settled in, I asked, "So what are we talking about here?"
Phee said, "Oh, I just, you know, wanted you two to get to know one another better. With the clinic essentially running itself nowadays, I'm looking at possibly branching out a bit personally in doing more charity work, getting more politically involved in things. Dan is involved in so many charities and he's asked me to help with one. I'm really wanting to work alongside him." She almost cooing when she said that.
I said, "I see. Wow. That's a bit of a change all right. Are you sure you want to stop being a vet and treating all those animals? I know how much you love it."
I knew I was hitting her right where it would affect her the most. Regardless of what she's become, I knew that she absolutely loves animals. There were many times I had to console her when she came home after putting down one of patients.
She cleared her throat and was about to speak, but Dan spoke up first.
"Oh, I'll never take her completely away from her practice. But she and I have discussed this and we agree that she would be wonderful in running the benefit auction next month. It goes to help the multitude of animal shelters in the area, especially those in severe need. So it's right in her wheelhouse."
I nodded as if I agreed, but inwardly I was thinking of all the ways I could rip out his heart. Finally Phee said, "Um, yes. It's such a good cause and all. And I can still help the animals in other ways! I'll just be working at the clinic 2 or 3 times a week until after the event."
I finally said, "Well, how can I stand in the way of this?"
Phee smiled, thinking she had won. "Oh honey, thank you. Now, we will need to work some late hours, Dan and I."
I looked at them both, seeing Dan smiling and nodding. Hm, this was obviously rehearsed in some way, I thought. She continued. "It won't be a lot though."
Dan said, "Yes, just a few nights a week, maybe a weekend or two.."
"A few nights? Maybe a weekend? Hm. I don't know if that'll work for me," I said.
The look they both gave me at that moment when I said that would've had me laughing normally, but I wasn't in the laughing mood.
Phee said, "But...."
I held up my hand and said, "No. I understand you want to do this, but if you're going to only work 2 or 3 days at the clinic, you don't need to be working nights, especially not a weekend. Or two."
"But honey... I..."
Dan interrupted. "Look, I understand it's a little bit of an inconvenience, but my time is limited and nights and weekends are what I generally have free. So she'll to be with me at that time."
By now all pretense was gone. He didn't ask, he told. The smile I gave him was without any semblance of joy and I said, "No. My wife belongs at home with me at night and the weekends. It's an inconvenience to me if she's not. I'm perfectly fine with her assisting you in this charity, but there's absolutely no reason for her to be with you during that time since she's cutting back on her clinic hours."
He scowled and was about to say something, but I spoke up first. "Now, I am going to wish you a good night as I'm tired and I'll be heading to bed with my wife. It's been a very long day and I need my rest, as does Phee." I stood up and gestured for him to go.
He sat there, contemplating on what to do before Phee said, "Dan, let's table this for now. I'll talk with him. He'll get in line." He angrily nodded his head and got up to leave. The war had begun and I just won the first battle.
I watched them whisper a bit as he said his good byes and then Phee shut the door. Turning to me, she yelled, "Just who the FUCK are you to say 'no' as to what I can or cannot do?!? Dan is a very powerful man who can help me in so many ways!!!"
I looked at her and calmly said, "I didn't say you couldn't work on the charity, I just said I preferred you to be at home with me in the evenings and weekends. We had too many times in the past that we never got to be together because we had no choice. We have a choice now. I want you at home with me. It's a simple request. One I know that isn't unreasonable at all."
She glared at me and headed towards the stairs. "I... You.... Fuck you!! This is NOT over, Mick!"
Whispering to myself, I said, "You got that right, babe. It's just beginning."
I followed he up the stairs and I couldn't help but admire that ass of hers. Say what you will, despite what I discovered about her this evening, I was still deeply in love with her. Or, rather, the woman she was. I was still trying to figure out why she had been cheating on me all these years, but at that moment it didn't matter. This marriage was over, she just didn't know it yet, but I was going to get my pound of flesh one more time from her.
We entered the bedroom and she was still muttering how embarrassed she was, how I was such an asshole. I ignored it and I let her vent. We did our normal evening routine, brushing our teeth, etc., and then back into the bedroom. As I disrobed, I watched her take off her shoes and then she started pulling off her dress. Surprisingly, I noticed she had on no underwear. I could've sworn she had on a pair earlier...
As we slid under the covers, I reached over to her, but she pushed my hand away. "You do not fucking get to touch me, Not tonight." She then tugged on the covers hard in an attempt to steal them all, but I knew that was coming.
I sighed heavily and laid there thinking. Leaves with panties on, came home without them. It doesn't take a genius to know what happened. It did take her a longer time to get home than normal. You fucking bitch.
I slept fretfully that night and woke up well before she did. At some point during the night she pushed off all the covers and she now laid there fully exposed to me. I just sat up in bed and just looked at her. I used to love watching her sleep. Now I want to strangle her in her sleep. As I sat there, she shifted a bit and I could then see that had completely shaved herself down there. I chuckled. She knew I liked her natural. I then took a better look and saw a small tattoo next to where her pubic hair would be. It looked somewhat new and it appeared to be Chinese characters. I grabbed my cell and did a quick search and finally found out what they stood for: Dàng fù. It was Chinese for slut. I shook my head and couldn't help but laugh softly. This had to have been done purposely so I would eventually see it. If I wasn't already done with her, this would've pushed me over the edge.
Now the younger me, the one in college, would've been yelling and screaming at her. But the older me, the me nowadays, is much more calm. My job has taught me to be patient, thoughtful, more methodical. Unfortunately, there were some things I just couldn't foresee happening, and by the time I realized it, it would be too late. For now, however, I lived in blissful ignorance.
So as I watched my unfaithful wife laying there next to me fully naked, I knew then that I wasn't going to just divorce her, I was going to destroy her and every man she had ever been involved with while we were married. I had the means, I had the money, and I certainly had motive. She's fortunate that I'm not prone to fits of rage, my hitting Chuck notwithstanding. Pagen, however, he'll discover what I can do. Not just physically, but in every way.
After a time, I decided to get out of bed to take a shower, but I realized that I had a boner. Despite knowing she was a slut (the mark was there!), she still aroused me. I had planned on fucking her this morning one last time, but knowing that she was used the night before, I passed. That didn't mean I couldn't still have my fun. I walked around the bed and reached down to her. I gently nudged her to have her turn her head to where she was now facing me. She obliged me by also shifting a bit in the bed. I was now faced with a dilemma: Do I just masturbate and cover her slutty face or do I force her to suck me? If there's one thing I know she loves to do, it's that she loves sucking cock. I woke up many mornings with her working my knob. Hell, one time she was fully asleep when she did it and she never knew.
I was about to just go easy on her, but then she opened her mouth and started to snore softly. Obviously it's a sign. So I decided to just do it. I softly pressed my cock head on her lips and she naturally started to lick. I knew if I didn't go slowly, I ran the risk of waking her. Her teeth could do damage! But I really didn't need to move all that slowly. Her natural instincts took over. Even while she slept, she could give a darn good blowjob.
This went on for a few moments while I allowed her to do all the work, even though she wasn't aware. At some point, I knew I would need to be a little more forceful, but for now this was niiiiice. Another few minutes and I could tell that I was getting close and she was definitely sucking with more gusto. I don't know what she was dreaming, but I was definitely benefitting from it! It was now that I knew that I had to move faster and I knew it would wake her. Ah well, no risk, no reward!
I grabbed her hair and then started pumping her mouth. That familiar "gluck, gluck, gluck" sound you hear when you start fucking someone's mouth began to fill the air and then she woke up. At first she tried to push me off, but I had her. My cock was abusing her mouth. She should've been trying to get away, but she really wasn't. As I was face fucking her, I noticed her hand go between her legs. She was turned on by what I was doing, which made me increase my pace. I gave her no quarter. She was just a cock sleeve at this point, she was no longer my wife. And when I felt my balls start to tense up, I didn't give her any warning, I just let it go. She gagged and choked, but she swallowed it all, and she also came so hard that she squirted.
I pulled out of her mouth, pushed her back on the bed, and walked away to go take my shower. She was saying something, but I ignored her. I was done with her now. I locked the door to the bathroom and enjoyed a nice long hot shower while she banged on the door.
2 hours later I was meeting with John in his home office. I laid out everything that I had discovered, without going into great detail as to how I obtained it.
"Damn, dude, are you fucking serious? I mean, you and Phee? You're like the perfect couple! Besides me and Beth, that is."
"Yeah, I'm serious. I know you and Beth are really good friends and all, but I don't want it to affect our friendship."
"Nah, we're good. We were friends long before I met Beth. Man, she'd die if she ever knew."
I laughed and said, "Yeah, that's why client confidentiality is a thing."
He smiled and said, "True dat. But I gotta tell you, when I see them together, it's gonna be rough. You know I don't have much of a poker face."
"Well, that's definitely true, but I was planning on having her served long before it becomes an issue. And after it's done, I'll talk to Beth."
"Yeah, that's cool. Now, you know I'm no divorce attorney, I only do your taxes, but I have a name of a great one here. Her name is Bonnie O'Hara. She's fucking badass, man. And, dude, she really hates cheaters."
I smiled and said, "She sounds perfect. Got her card?"
"Hey, I can do one better, lemme call her for you. Give me a sec."
And, so, 20 minutes later I was on my way to see Ms. O'Hara.
As I sat in her waiting room, mindlessly flipping through a year old issue of Bon Appétit, I was struck at how stark her waiting room was. It was there to serve one purpose and one purpose only: Sit there and wait.
After about 10 minutes, an older woman came out to me and said, "Ms. O'Hara will see you now."
I followed her back to Ms. O'Hara's office. The door was closed, she silently knocked and then opened the door for me to enter. Now unlike the waiting room, the office was designed to illicit a specific response: Do not fuck with the person behind the desk. Dark woods, a few diplomas hanging on the wall, a huge bookcase filled with numerous volumes of law books, a gorgeous mahogany desk, and a beautiful woman sitting behind it.