Page 02

As I walked in, she stood up and walked over to greet me and to shake my hand. I guess my face couldn't hold back my shock when I saw her. She was a lot shorter than you'd expect. A LOT shorter. My guess is that she was 4'10" at most, with amber eyes and black hair in a pixie cut. Upon seeing the look on my face, she chuckled. "I'm not what you expected, am I?"

I finally got my tongue loose and said, "Honestly? No. But I also didn't know what to expect!"

"Fair enough. Most people expect to see this physically imposing woman and then they see me. It used to piss me off, but I'm used to it now."

Moving back to her side of the desk, she sat down and gestured for me to sit as well. "So, Johnny said you want a divorce. What's up?"

So I told her everything, including my friendship with John. She sat there, occasionally taking notes, mainly just listening. Once again, I purposely left out just how I came by the information. When I was done, she said, "Ok. No bullshit here. I know you're holding back. I don't care, but if it's something that can bite us in the ass later on, tell me now so I can get ahead of it." She's good, I thought.

I took a deep breath and said, "Ok, cards on the table. You know what I do. Some of what I do means I also need to play dirty when tracking down those who are trying to ruin a company. I'll admit that some of the information I got about Phee was a little, shall we say, shady. I didn't break any laws, not that I know of at least, but I did bend a few."

She nodded her head and said, "Ok. Ok. Don't do it again. But if you do it again, don't let me find out. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Now I have a private investigator who's damn good at her job. The info you got? She can get the same thing and more. A lot more. I will say, however, you have provided me with a lot to start with here. Hold on, let me give Jo a call. She's in the office down the hall.

"Jo? Could you please come to my office? I have a client who needs us."

3 minutes later a very tall black woman entered the office. Even at my size I was intimidated by her. Just by the way she walked, I could tell she could handle herself. Her hair was done up in cornrow braids that was long enough just barely touched her shoulders. She wore a nose stud and I could see that her body was very chiseled, I wouldn't been surprised to find out that she may have been a MMA fighter at some point. Despite it all, when she talked, her voice was very soft and almost melodic.

The three of us sat and talked about what I wanted done. I didn't have much recourse with the men Phee had been seeing, not legally at least, but I let them know I had my own plans for them. I also told them not to worry, I wouldn't do anything illegal, but I was planning on burning everyone and not just my bitch of a wife.

After an hour, I agreed to have Phee served in a very public place. Since I had access to her day diary, I knew she had lunch planned with Pagen in 2 days. I gave Bonnie a copy of the pre-nup and all the financial info she required. And that was that. The next 2 days of waiting were going to be tough.

When I got home, I turned on my phone and I was greeted to a couple of voicemails and numerous texts, all from Phee. All them essentially saying the same thing. Mainly how dare I Ra*e her. I'd pay for what I did. Blah, blah, blah. I deleted them all without responding. I then took to moving all of her stuff out of MY bedroom into the guestroom. After a quick trip to the hardware store, I installed a lock. I then changed the code on the safe, after removing her passport.

At 6:00 she arrived home. I greeted her with a smile and asked how her day was. She threw insults at me and went upstairs to change. I then heard her screeching that she couldn't get into the bedroom.

I yelled upstairs, "Yeah, I locked it. Your shit is in the guestroom. "

More screeching and I heard her kick the door before stomping off to the guestroom. 20 minutes later I heard her stomping down the stairs. She sure made a lot of noise.

She entered the kitchen like a woman possessed. "What the fuck is with you? Why did you move my clothes into the guestroom? And... OH, and what the fuck was this morning all about??? You fucking raped me!!!"

I looked at her and said, "Nooo, I didn't. All I did was just put my dick close to your mouth, you did the rest. You never could resist sucking a nice dick, could you? I did notice that you orgasmed pretty hard too."

"OH FUCK YOU! I didn't give you any permission!!! That's Ra*e, asshole! I should call the cops!!"

"I didn't Ra*e you. You never said no and you were the one who grabbed my ass to hold me in place as I came. Hell, you made a mess yourself."

"I... I... I never... I.. Oh fuck you! You will fucking pay for that humiliation!!"

I silently said, "Fuck me? Nah, I'm never fucking you again." Outwardly I said, "So, what do you want for dinner?"

That evening was extremely chilly, but I got a great night's sleep. The next morning she was gone before I woke up. I guess no repeat of the previous morning. Be that as it may, I used the day to do some actual work. One of my clients had a particularly nasty malware issue that was confounding their IT department. I'll admit it wasn't easy to eradicate, but I did. Unfortunately, it cost them some data, but it could've been much worse. It felt good to just do my job and not think about anything else.

That night was much like the previous night, but less screeching and "fuck yous" being hurled in my direction. After she had gone to bed, I decided it was time to figure out when I lost my wife. It was one of those things where you shouldn't ask the question if you don't want the answer, but I wanted the answer. Unlike the other night, I knew I would really need to dig deep. In 3 hours, I found what I was looking for, and it was mostly legal, too.

My loving wife, it seems, really got twisted when she hooked up with Trey. But not when I caught them, 4 years later when she was studying to be a DVM. Based on old text messages and emails that I could recover (yeah, that stuff never disappears, people!), they accidentally ran into one another right after we moved to the Chicago area (his family was from here) and one thing led to another and they hooked up again. This time, however, he really worked on her. Introducing her to more and more depravity. Stuff she never even dared show me. Stuff that goes well beyond simple BDSM. Stuff that I can never share here.

Now, to her credit and based on the texts, she broke it off with him because she was beginning to feel guilty about cheating on me. Then, from what I could gather, there was nothing for about 3 years. At that point she then met up with some guy who brought his cat to the clinic she first worked at. They hit it off it seems. And the pattern began again. This time she wasn't going to quit. This guy really got ahold of her. She kept texting about how she loved his huge cock and how he was so much bigger than me. I laughed at that. I'm not the biggest guy in the world, but I thinking the nearly 8 inches I'm packing is bigger than that idiot. She then dumped him, moved on to another guy, dumped him, moved on to a guy and girl (didn't know she swung that way), and so on. The pattern I noticed though was that with each successive new affair, she kept moving up in "class". Trey was rich, but he had no control of his trust. So rich in family name only. The affair she had prior to her current Pagen was some millionaire real estate guy. The one who handled the deal on her clinic.

So once it was all said and done, I had something like 8 names. I'll give her credit, she didn't jump from one lover to the next in quick succession, she had long term "relationships". Maybe I'm the lucky one since I had her for a lot longer? Nah. Fuck that. Regardless, each lover helped her "better" her social standing in some way.

Anyway, with all that I had gathered, I sent it all off to Jo to review. I didn't know what she'd do with it, but she asked me to send her any and all legally acquired info during our meeting. Since I paid for the phone package, I had every legal right to get the messages I did. The email was easy too: I guessed her password. Some of the stuff I didn't send her was info I gathered on the dark web. It was for my use only anyway. Divorce was just the beginning.

The next day, D-Day, I slept in. I knew she was being served at about noon at her favorite restaurant. Jo was handling it and she was filming it for me to see. At 12:17 I received an email entitled, "Damn, she is a bitch!" When I opened it and viewed it, I was laughing my ass off. Phee was a raving lunatic. Nowadays, they'd call her a "Karen" by how she acted. I would've answered my cell, but I was too busy with the moving company in getting her shit out of my house. Never putting her name on the deed was now paying me dividends!

Now I'm not a huge asshole. Nope. I was being a nice guy here. There was a house down the block that was for rent, so I graciously paid for 6 months of rent and moved her shit there. After everything was out, locks were changed, entry code was changed, and she had no access to my house. I taped a note to the door letting her know where she lived now. She also had until the end of the month to get her own phone plan and to start paying for her car. I was done.

So you would think that's the end of it, right? Bitch is burned. She fights the divorce before she finally succumbs and I live happily ever after with some hottie I hook up with. Yeah.... That doesn't happen.

You see, I severely underestimated her current beau. Yeah, I dug deep into his business, etc., but not deep enough. I was too focused on Phee and not enough on him. I took him to just be another idiot entrepreneur. Once I got the info I wanted, I stopped. Had I dug even deeper, I would've discovered that he was also involved with quite a few incredibly shady individuals. Chuck did forewarn me, but I ignored it. I just took him at face value and that was my downfall.

It was 3 days after Phee was served. I was driving over to see Bonnie and Jo to go over a few things. On the way there, I noticed a black SUV behind me and driving a little too close for comfort. I didn't like the feeling I was getting, I probably should've called the cops, but I called Jo instead and let her know what was going on. I started to give her the license plate number, but before I could give her all the info, the SUV slammed into me. When they did that, I dropped my phone on to the floor of the car. I still had an open line, but no way of telling Jo anything. They slammed into me a second time, a third, then the fourth one put me in a spin. I must've caught a pothole or something because my car started to flip and roll. Blackness overtook me...

When I awoke, I was in pain. A lot of pain. I was also unable to move or see. At first I thought I was blind and paralyzed, but I soon realized I was blindfolded and tied down to what I guessed was a bed. I yelled out for help, but none came. I laid there for God knows how long, until I heard footsteps. No, 2 pairs of footsteps.

Someone entered the room, but they were whispering so softly that I couldn't understand them. I finally said, "Hey, who's there? What the fuck's going on?"

I then heard a laugh. A laugh I recognized. Phee.

"Oh, darling, you seem to be in the most God awful predicament here. I warned you that you would pay. Now here you are and no one knows that you're here."

My blood ran cold upon hearing that.

I was about to say something, but then I heard another voice. One that sounded vaguely.... Chuck.

"Heyyy, buddy. How ya doin'? Now I'm going to say, this isn't my normal gig, but when I'm told to do something, I do it. And I do kinda owe you for the busted nose. Now I'm going to take off the blindfold, so don't... I said DON'T struggle."

Once the blindfold was removed, the light was extremely bright and it took awhile for my eyes to adjust, I saw Phee, Chuck, and a figure in the shadows just outside the open doorway that I knew had to be Pagen.

Chuck said, "Now, we're just going to hold on to you for a short time, ok? You be a good boy and you'll get out of this with minimal damage. You be bad, it won't end well for you. Capiche?"

I glared at him and nodded slowly.

He continued, "Good. Now we're going to move you to better accommodations, meaning I need to untie you. Do nothing. You may not see them, but there are guns trained on you and they will take you out."

Now I didn't know if he was bluffing or not, but I decided not to take the chance. Better to submit and fight another day. After they untied me, they led me to different room. I could tell the door was reinforced and as I entered the room I saw that the lone window had bars on it as well as a wire mesh, the walls had rebar screwed into the studs and in a checkerboard pattern. I knew enough to know that this made it impossible for me to bust through the drywall in hopes of escape. The more I surveyed the room, the more the reality sunk in. I wasn't getting out of this.

I turned to Chuck and asked, "Is there at least a bathroom?"

"Yeah, through that door over there. We're not animals. There's a shower in there, too. Fair warning, we got cameras all over in here, yep, even in the bathroom. You'll get a change of clothing later."

"Gee, thanks. That'll be wonderful." If they didn't catch the sarcasm, they're morons.

Chuck said, "Now be good." And with that, he shut the door and locked it. Three times.

Great, now what the fuck do I do? I thought.

True to his word, I got fresh clothing. 6 day's worth. But no fresh underwear. Assholes. So for the next 3 days I sat on the single chair that they gave me, wondering what was next. I had absolutely no contact with the outside world. I did know that Jo knew that something happened to me, so my only hope was that she contacted the police or that she'd find me. As each day passed, I was getting more and more anxious. After day 6 passed, I was definitely expecting for it to end, but it didn't. On day 8, I had a special visitor.

Backing up a bit, there was a schedule that was set. 8:00 am I had breakfast, lunch was at noon, dinner was 5:00. Then nothing. Every time each meal was served, the door was unlocked to hand me a tray, the old tray was taken when they handed me the new one. 3 people stood in the doorway to make sure I didn't make a break for it. They were the only human contact I had. Until day 8, as I said. On day 8, Pagen visited me.

Now I knew something was up when I heard the door being unlocked at 10:00 am. I steeled myself for the worst, but instead it was Pagen along with two goons. They entered and someone then shut the door with the 4 of us in the room.

He looked at me and said, "You know, you're a real fucking pain in my Goddamn ass, Porter."

I just looked at him.

He continued, "You have no idea what I mean, do you?"

I shrugged my shoulders while pretending to be mute because I had absolutely no fucking idea what he meant.

"Ok, fine, I'll lay it out to you. Your fucking business has cost me millions. Because of your little computer virus business. You took down one of my projects and now it's fucking useless. This has caused people, very bad, very connected people to come to me asking questions that I can't answer."

Inwardly I smiled, now it was beginning to make some sense, but I remained mute, which was obviously pissing him off.

"LOOK, motherfucker, you screwed with the wrong people here! You destroyed a year of work last month and you're going to fucking fix it!!!"

I raised my eyebrow at that comment. The more he talked, the more I was beginning to understand. I knew of 4 programs that I destroyed within the last month. One of those programs I knew I destroyed at the source, that might be the one he's talking about.

I was expecting him to keep talking, but then he backhanded me. Had I been expecting it, I could've at least done my best to absorb the punch, but instead it knocked me off my feet and I hit the ground. He leaned over and grabbed my shirt and lifted me up off the floor. "I am NOT fucking around here! I've got people after me, asshole!!!! These are people you do not fuck with! Whatever the fuck you did, we can't get it to fucking work any more!!!! You will fucking fix it or die!!!!!" He then threw me to the ground again and kicked me in the gut. That hurt.

He turned away from me and said to the two goons, "Work him over, just don't break bones or kill him. Yet." He then opened the door and slamming it shut as he left, leaving me behind with my two new friends.

Now I know I could've just taken the beating, but by now I had enough and I needed to release some anger. They were told to not breaks bones, but that didn't mean I couldn't. I'll admit these guys were good. Damn good. They got in a few decent shots that really did hurt. Of course, the car accident I was in just over a week ago was still bothering me. Unfortunately for them, they didn't know what I could do. 3 busted kneecaps and 1 broken jaw later and they were dragged out of the room with Pagen swearing up a storm. I knew I had lost my advantage, but I hoped it bought me some time.

2 more days passed, this time I wasn't getting fed. So they were going to starve me into submission. Good luck with that. By now, however, I had gotten very good at listening to what was being said on the other side of the door. I didn't catch it all, but I was catching enough. They were going to starve me out the next few days and see if I break. I can admit that it was a good possibility of happening, but I wasn't going to let it happen. I had to make a move soon, real soon.

As day 10 turned into day 11, I could tell someone was on a cellphone on the other side of the door. I had to get my hands on that phone and find a way out of here. It was a long shot, but it's all I had. I then started banging on the door and making a lot of noise. "HEY!!! Assholes!!! I'm fucking hungry!!! Are you guys too fucking wimpy that you can't handle me??? Give me some fucking food, you Goddamn losers!!!" And on and on I went for about 20 minutes. I questioned their masculinity so many times that one of them finally got pissed enough to do something stupid. He opened the door alone.

The moment the door swung open, I was on him. I knew I had to get him out quickly, because I would never have a second chance. My best bet was take out his nuts and then a quick blow to the head to knock him out. I got the nuts, but he shifted a bit and I missed the knockout blow. He was still wheezing from the strike to hit nuts, so I drove an elbow into his solar plexus and he expelled all the air in his lungs. Gasping for breath, I was able to get up and then I delivered a kick to the head. That did it. He was out.

Weakened slightly from lack of food, I was a bit out of breath myself. I then prepared myself to be attacked, but nothing happened. I guess the night shift was only one guy. Thankfully I noticed that there was a half eaten candy bar on the table, and I grabbed that and shoved in my mouth. I still couldn't relax though. Knowing that I had cameras in my room, odds are they had them out here, too, so I had no idea how much time I had. I ran to the door and realized it was locked as well, so I had no escape. I then quickly searched him for keys, but there were none other than the ones for my door, but I found his cell. And of course it was locked. Now I just had to hope that it locked by a fingerprints or facial recognition. Fingerprint didn't work, but facial recognition did!

I was about to start dialing and I heard a car drive up. Fuck. I knew calling 9-1-1 wouldn't help because I had no idea where I was, so I had to figure out just who to call. The only number I could remember was John's, so, John, you're my only hope!

After 3 rings, he picked up. "John! It's me Mick!"

"Dude, what the fuck? You know what time...."

"John, shut up! Listen! I've been kidnapped and I'm bring held prisoner. Get ahold of Bonnie O'Hara. Tell her to let Jo know that Phee and Pagen are involved and...."

That's all I got out as the outside door burst open and 4 guys were on top of me. I could only hope that John was awake enough to understand. The beating I took then was just short of putting me out of my misery. I figured they had orders to keep me alive as they just tossed me back into the room. When I woke up, I was in a position that most human beings wouldn't find comfortable.

I dragged myself to the bathroom, undressed, turned on the shower, and essentially fell into the tub. I just laid in the tub as the water cascaded over me. It helped. Sort of. At least it cleaned off all the blood. After turning off the shower, I stood up uneasily and nearly collapsed. I figured I'd just stay right where I was at. Sleeping in the tub sounded like a grand idea.

I don't know how long I stayed there. All I know is when I woke up I was cold and shivering. I moved to get out and my body screamed at me. It felt like I had a busted rib or two. I then gingerly lifted myself up and out of the tub. Every movement I made, my body was asking me why I was doing this. I got to my clothes and put them very slowly. At least I'll be warm now. I leaned back on the wall and then slid down to the floor. Well, that was fun, I thought. At that moment, I heard the lock disengage and the door slammed open and there stood Pagen with a gun in hand. Not good.

Ratcheting a bullet into the chamber, Pagen said, "Ok, asshole, no more fucking around. You talk or you die. I'm done playing games with you. Phoebe and I didn't work on this for all this time to lose out on millions."

When he mentioned Phoebe, he got my attention. I said, "Oh so this was her idea?"

"Yeah, asshole. She stole some of your work and handed it over to me. I gave it to my guys to make sure it would never work on our program after they looked it over. I gotta admit, they really underestimated just how fucking advanced your shit was. After we grabbed you, we tried looking through your computers, but everything's destroyed!!! Now I'm done with playing games with you, asshole, fucking talk."

I laughed and said, "No. Knowing you'll be dying soon because I did my fucking job gives me joy."

He fired a bullet into the wall next to my head and I winced. He then pointed the gun at me again. "I'M NOT FUCKING AROUND!!! If I die, Phoebe dies too!!! Now talk!"

"Phoebe dies too? Good. Fuck her. Oh and fuck you too. Shoot me and get it over with, I'm tired of listening to you whine."

All of a sudden I heard a shot and I flinched. At first I thought he missed, but he didn't. Instead he fell to the floor in a heap. And in rushed 3 guys all dressed in black Kevlar with guns drawn. I said, "Oh, hello officers. Please excuse me as I pass o....".

The next thing I remember is waking up to beeping noises. I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was in a hospital. I went back to sleep again, relieved in knowing I had been rescued.

The next couple of days I was in and out of consciousness. By day 3, I was awake enough to receive visitors. First it was John and Beth. He explained to me that at first he thought I was joking around with him because Phee had told him that I was on a business trip. He only discovered the truth when he contacted Bonnie. Apparently Jo was going crazy trying to figure out where I was taken. She nearly beat Phee to death until my lovely wife spilled her guts. Thankfully Jo made bail in time to be there for the rescue.

My next visitor was Bonnie. She informed me that Phee had been arrested for kidnapping and accessory to mur*er. It seems that the guy I beat up to gain access to his cell was killed and Phee was present when it happened. She also said that she was fairly confident that the divorce will go through uncontested. I tried to laugh, but my ribs and face hurt too much. I did ask her why she didn't contact John about my disappearance. She admitted that the police asked her not to.

Later that afternoon Jo visited me. She kept apologizing for not being able to find me. She took it very hard because I was on the phone with her when it happened. All the days I was being kept prisoner, she never stopped looking. When I got ahold of John and then he called Bonnie, Jo was finally able to do something. Unfortunately, she might lose her PI license over it. I promised her that I'd make sure that would never happen because I knew someone in the FBI. She stayed with me until visiting hours were over. The entire time I was amazed at how a woman who looked so strong was also very vulnerable at that moment.

7 days after my rescue, I was finally released from the hospital. I'd be home in time for Christmas. As I exited the building, Jo was by my side. Mostly for moral support, but also to help me get past all the reporters who were camped out in front. We got to her car with little difficulty. She drove me back to my house and I could see that the front door was now a piece of plywood.

I looked at her and she said, "I forgot to mention it, your wife and lover broke into your house and stole your laptop in an effort to see what you did."

I laughed. "Yeah, Pagen told me he tried to access my computers. Let me guess, on the third attempt my computer self destructed Mission Impossible style."

"Yeah... How did you do that?"

I winked at her and said, "Trade secret. But don't worry, everything was backed up. Had they been smarter, they'd know that."

She reluctantly left me alone after dropping me off. I walked in and collapsed into my easy chair and let out a sigh of relief. Was it really less than a month ago that I found out Phee was a serial cheater? My how time flies.

The aftermath:

As Bonnie promised, my divorce went through with no problems, mainly because of Phee's legal issues, plus the pre-nup was firmly enforced. My divorce did create some headlines though, which did increase Bonnie's business quite a bit. She now has 2 associates and a paralegal working for her, along with Jo.

Phoebe was convicted on all counts, but she turned state's evidence against her late lover's backers. I don't know where she's at now. I do know that she's not happy with the conditions of her life. As for her veterinarian clinic, since I took ownership of it once Phee was arrested, I sold it to the 3 doctors who still worked there for $1 each. The business is definitely flourishing. To this day, I still have no idea why she remained married to me while cheating.

John and Beth divorced once he found out Beth knew about Phee and her cheating. Beth apparently joined in on occasion as well. She did not, however, know anything about my kidnapping or what Phee was doing with Pagen. John and I held one hell of a divorce party. Think bachelor party, but with more girls, sex, drinking, and a hell of a lot more fun.

All the people that Phee had been involved with over the years were all hit a variety of problems. They were all completely outed as having been involved with Phee. However, the worst thing that happened was that their bank accounts were all drained for 2 months before the money was all returned. In the meantime, checks bounced and their bills weren't paid. In the grand scheme of things, it was a minor inconvenience, but they also received an email to not fuck around with someone else's wife. I have no idea who did any of that. Really. Trust me.

As for Jo, we remained good friends. Yes, we dated for a brief time, but it wasn't meant to be. She's more like a sister to me than a lover. Oh, and I was right, she was a former MMA fighter. Just not a successful one.

And as for me, I healed up just fine, though on really cold days my left knee aches. Once I was able, I went back and researched what I destroyed that pissed off Pagen so much. It seems that a month before I was kidnapped, I thoroughly eradicated a particularly nasty piece of malware. At the time, I thought it was just one of those programs that took over your system and wreaked havoc. Nope, this one imbedded itself in banking applications and websites and eventually filtered its way past the bank's firewall. It needed a certain number of people to be infected. Once enough users accessed their app, the malware would activate. It was a very slow acting piece of programming.

I got lucky and found it while working on something else and I took care of it before anything could happen. Not only was I able to erase it entirely from all infected systems (something I wasn't aware of at the time), but my program backtracked to the origin point and utterly destroyed it. Making it completely unsalvageable. Even if I gave into Pagen's demands, what was done was done. My wife stealing my work didn't do shit to help them. If she had any idea of what I actually did, she would've known this. It was because of that one particular program that I was able to erase Pagen's virus entirely because it was like a big shining beacon for my program to key in on. Using part of my code wasn't a good idea on their part. I always made sure no one could steal it without suffering the consequences.

Now being the smart ass that I am, I nicknamed my four main programs after the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The name of that specific program of mine that was used to kill off Pagen's virus? It was called "War". So all's fair in love in war? Fuck being fair, I let war rain down upon them and I took no prisoners. I rest peacefully at night knowing Pagen is probably in hell and that Phee is suffering. Hm, I wonder what Kimmie is doing nowadays... I still fantasize over those knockers.​
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