Update 04
"Mum, are you in there? Are you okay? Answer the door, Mum."
Oh, shit! Sally, sounded worried as she called out to me. I sat up in a hurry and looked around myself, finally taking in the reality of the room around me. I was completely naked, sticky with cum, and my clothes were spread around the room like they had been thrown off me. Which of course they had. Then I remembered Luke. Where was Luke?
Bang bang bang.
"Mum, please come to the door."
Panicked, knowing I would have some explaining to do, I grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around my naked body. Then I croaked out a response.
"I'm coming, Sally. Hang on."
I didn't want to face her like this. She would know instantly what had been going on but I didn't want the hotel security involved either and if she kept banging then that was bound to happen.
I opened the door and saw the look of worry on Sally's face. She came into the room and seemed to stop in her tracks. I saw her glance around the room at my clothes, the state of the bed, which I noticed at the same time had a rather large wet patch on it, then taking in the fact that I was clearly naked under the sheet wrapped around me. With each new thing she noticed, her eyebrows crept a little higher up her forehead. I was concerned they were going to disappear completely when she took a sniff and smelled the strong odour of sex in the room.
"Wow. Oh, mum. I'm sorry. This is... Well, unexpected."
I didn't know what to say. I was so embarrassed and blushing so hard that I felt like my hair would surely catch fire with the heat that was coming off my face.
"I'm so sorry to have barged in like this, Mum. You hadn't been answering your phone and you weren't answering the door. I was worried.
"I'm sorry I made you worry, Sally. I'm... Well, I'm fine. I just fell asleep and it must have been a deep sleep because I didn't hear anything."
I looked around the room and saw my phone lying on the floor next to my handbag. The little green light was flashing, letting me know that I had missed calls. I bent over to get it and felt the sheet separate from my hip, displaying my naked leg and half my butt to Sally and removing any doubt about the state of my undress. I picked up the phone, blushing even harder than I thought was possible. Sure enough, there were several missed calls from Sally and also a couple from Luke.
I placed the phone on the bedside table and took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry, Sally. I simply didn't hear the phone."
"It's okay, Mum. I'm sorry for intruding on a, well... A sensitive moment."
It was Sally's way of saying she could piece together pretty much exactly what had happened but that she was okay with it. I felt strangely relieved by that. She was being an adult about it when really she could very easily have been the angry child in the scenario. I was intensely grateful that that wasn't the case. She rarely had been one to behave that way but if ever there was an excuse.
I suddenly felt a cool unpleasant feeling as excess cum leaked from me and began to run down the inside of my thigh. I must have had a slightly panicked look on my face as Sally looked startled.
"Is everything alright, Mum?"
"Haha, yeah, sure, listen, I have to get in the shower, like right now."
I didn't miss the look of barely-contained laughter on Sally's face as I barged past her and into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and stripped the sheet off my naked body.
As soon as the hot water descended over my body I felt my muscles begin to ease. It felt so good that I did not want to get out. Eventually, I dragged myself from under the water and reached for the towel. As I dried myself I bent forward to dry my legs. I discovered some aches in my hamstrings that I hadn't had in a very long time. That seemed to awaken my senses to other aches and pains in my body that I had not paid attention to earlier. I was going to be sore by this time tomorrow. I dried myself and looked around for my clothes, remembering that my case and all my clothes were back out with Sally.
I stepped out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around me. It was barely big enough to cover my butt as well as my boobs at the same time. I figured, though, that the dress I had worn earlier, which was now in a crumpled mess on the floor, showed nearly as much anyway. I tried to pretend that this was a completely normal thing to do as I picked up the bag with my clothes in it and headed back to the bathroom. In all honesty, it was far from the first time Sally had seen me wrapped in nothing but a towel, in fact, thinking back on it she had most likely seen me naked from time to time. The difference was that this towel was definitely smaller than the ones I had at home and she had never found me in a state where I had clearly just been fucked to within an inch of my life before.
Even I could smell the sex in the air when I returned from the bathroom. I was embarrassed by it, knowing that Sally could smell my cum. Knowing that she knew that I had been fucking in here not that long ago. I wondered what was going on in her imagination. Was she imagining me on the bed getting fucked hard and steady by some random stranger? Or did she know it was Luke? Was she right at this moment picturing Luke, naked, sweaty, pounding his cock into her mother? Was she hearing the slapping of our naked bodies? Was the scent of our combined cum helping her picture the scenario more vividly? Was it making her sick or turning her on to think of her friend fucking her mother right in this room? Why the hell was it turning me on so much to think about her being turned on by that?
Not for the first time today I wondered if something had broken in my brain. Was I having a stroke? I glanced across at Sally, almost afraid to make eye contact with her. She wasn't looking at me though. Well, not at my face anyway. She was staring at my naked legs. I watched as her eyes travelled slowly up my legs and settled on the profile of my ass. I was sure from the side-on view she had of me and the cool air I could feel there that most of my butt was probably on display. I felt nailed to the spot by her stare. I didn't dare move. All I could do was stare at her blushing face as she stared at my naked ass. What was going on here? This felt so wrong and so weird but like a lot of taboo things, it was kind of nice too, to be looked at like this. Sally continued to stare and unconsciously bit her bottom lip.
For God's sake, Sue. Get your shit together woman. Put a stop to this immediately.
Well, that's what went through my head but it was still several, very long, seconds before I could force myself to move. I turned away from her, partly to not be caught looking her in the face when she did look up and save her the embarrassment. I won't completely deny that part of it was to give her a slightly better angle to look at my ass though.
Why I decided to not go back into the bathroom to get dressed is something that I wish I could say I didn't know but the truth is my inner exhibitionist wanted to come out to play again. I pulled my jeans out of my bag and dropped the bag on the floor. I bent forward, lifting one leg up to slide it into my jeans. I knew that bending forward like this was giving Sally an almost x-rated view of my body if she chose to look.
I slid the jeans up my legs and did them up feeling the rough seam press against my slightly tender pussy. I then let the towel drop to the floor, revealing my breasts with their hard nipples. I bent forward to get my bra and shirt out of the bag, taking my time and letting my breasts sway a little. I then stood up and turning slightly towards Sally, put my bra on. I didn't look at her the whole time but I could feel her stare burning into my body. As I adjusted the bra, settling my breasts into a comfortable position, I "accidentally" brushed each nipple with my thumbs.
I slipped the shirt on over my head, then picked up the towel that I had discarded. I took it into the bathroom. I spent a few moments in there composing myself and allowing Sally to compose herself as well, while I pretended to be cleaning up my mess and getting ready to go out.
I walked back out into the room and started putting my little dress and my soaked panties into the bag I had just emptied. I then stuffed that bag into my case. I made the bed a bit neater and a little more presentable by hiding the wet stain on it with the sheets and blankets. Finally, I felt that I could look Sally in the face.
"Well, ready to head out again, Sally?"
She was still blushing and having a little trouble looking me in the eye as she stammered.
"Ah, yeah... I guess we should... Umm, okay."
It would have been comical under different circumstances. I reached out and took her hand in mine and forced her to look me in the eye.
"Sally, are we okay?"
She stared for a second as though unsure what to say. Finally, she smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, Mum. We're okay, just... Well, I don't know."
I decided to grab the bull by the horns so to speak.
"You just walked into your Mum's room and discovered that she is a human being with sexual needs just like any other human being and it has short-circuited your brain temporarily?"
Sally blushed again and nodded then giggled. She shook her head as she laughed.
"Well, yeah. That about sums it up. Like most people I guess, I've just never thought about my mum in that way. It's more though, Mum. I feel like I have seen you from a stranger's perspective for the first time. I was looking at a very attractive, very sexual woman and well, to be honest, Mum. You have got it going on."
She said the last sentence in a bit of a rush and blushed even further.
"Well, I will take that as a compliment any day of the week. Thank you."
Sally giggled and it had broken the tension in the room.
"Come on. Let's go get some dinner, I'm starving."
"I bet you are."
Sally said with a wry grin on her face. We were both laughing as we strode down the hallway to the elevators. Sally shocked me by spanking my butt as we walked.
"Oh, and since when do you get around with no knickers on anyway? Or G-strings for that matter."
I laughed, although that spank made my butt and other parts tingle like crazy.
"If you must know, today has been a day of many firsts for me."
Sally smiled.
"Good for you, Mum."
The rest of the evening was wonderful. We had a lovely meal in a nice cosy restaurant and listened to the house band play some great songs as we sat there and enjoyed each other's company. We then wandered back in the direction of the hotel and Sally promised to pick me up in the morning for a coffee and breakfast before I returned home.
Chapter Six.
I had been home for just over a week and I had finally reached the point where I could get through five minutes without thinking about Luke's cock or the way I gleefully exposed myself to Luke, Sally and whoever was looking through the window of the hotel room. Not that I didn't think about those things at all. I doubt there would ever be a time when I don't think about how good it felt to slide down onto Luke's cock and have it fill me up slowly. Or remember the taste of our cum combined together, or how good his tongue felt as it caressed my folds and my clit. It would be nice to look back on that day without blushing but that knowing look on Sally's face, when she got to my motel room, would be etched into my mind for a long time yet. I know she's okay with it and has said so herself but it is kind of weird to know that your daughter knows something so intimate about you.
I was getting on with the routine of the day when my phone buzzed. There was a message from Sally. At any other time in my life, I would have opened it without a moment's hesitation. The fact that I had just been thinking about her and that most awkward situation though made me pause.
"Stop being silly."
I opened the message and tried not to dwell on the fact that speaking aloud to myself was a habit I had gotten into when I was nervous.
"Hi, Mum. I wanted to get in early and make sure you have nothing planned for the weekend after this one coming."
I didn't think I did but I checked my planner to be sure. I had been so preoccupied with thoughts of Luke and his magnificent cock lately that things had been slipping my mind.
"No, I've got no plans, Sally. Why what's up?"
"I will be getting all the footage back from the cube this weekend and I wanted to go through it with you. Sort of the last thing we can do together on the project if that's something that interests you."
"Of course it is. I would love to go through it with you."
"Great. I will see you on Saturday morning then."
It seemed almost strange to have such a normal conversation with Sally. It was nice though and I felt that if she still wanted me involved then she wasn't upset with me. I know we had resolved any weirdness on the day but a bit of time and distance had made me nervous again.
I finished doing the rest of the chores I had started and got ready for work. The whole day I had a smile on my face. Partly because of Sally's message and partly because I was thinking about riding Luke's cock, naked and in front of an audience.
I was glad I had decided to wear panties today as it seemed I was destined to spend an entire shift with a wet pussy. Luke and I had exchanged a few messages back and forth since that incredible afternoon. I was trying to be careful not to get too involved. I was under no illusions about what our relationship was but I also knew how easy it was to slip up and fall for someone we shouldn't. I didn't want anyone getting hurt by this but oh how he turned me on. He seemed to know what I needed and how I wanted to expand my horizons.
I sent Luke a message telling him that I was thinking about his cock and how I wanted it inside me with people watching us fuck. I told him that even though he wasn't here, his cock was still distracting me at work and how wet my panties were. I didn't really expect a reply from him straight away as I knew he had lectures that day so I was surprised when my phone buzzed in my pocket so soon after sending it.
"Mmm, I love the thought of your wet pussy. All glistening and dripping with your yummy cum, just waiting for me to taste you."
Oh wow. Now I wanted his tongue on me too. My pussy began tingling as I thought more about it. I was squirming now and I glanced around to make sure there was no one else around to notice what was going on.
"You have no idea how much I want that. How I want your tongue on me, inside me, tasting me. I want to taste you too. I want to taste your pre-cum as it oozes from your cock. I want your cock to fill me up and pump me full of your cum."
I was getting worked up and as much as work wasn't the right time or place for this I couldn't stop it either. I felt like a naughty teen, sneaking around and sending dirty texts at work. I was trying to focus on my work but I was also checking my phone every thirty seconds or so because I wanted a response. I had almost decided that Luke had obviously become too busy to respond and that I should just get on with my work and put the phone out of my mind when it buzzed again. I practically dived for it and almost dropped it in my rush to open it.
It took longer to open than I had expected then I realised why. Luke had sent me two images. I stared at them in disbelief. My pussy clenched and was practically salivating. The first image showed Luke, in a high-up seat in a lecture hall. Behind him was the Lecturer standing at the board and talking to the students. In between Luke and the lecturer had to have been about thirty other students, all facing away from Luke and looking at the front of the class. Standing rigid and proud from Luke's lap was his nice hard, delicious-looking cock. The view from the rest of the class would have been blocked by the back of the seat in front of him, but only just. It wouldn't have taken a genius to figure out what he was doing if they looked back at him.
It was so risky but so incredibly erotic. I thought about sitting in his lap in that lecture hall with all those people around and letting his cock slide up into me while everyone around us was oblivious to the fact that we were fucking right there. The thought alone was almost enough to make me cum.
The next photo was a much closer one of his cock and it showed every detail including the large drop of pre-cum that had formed at its tip. I wanted it all in my mouth so much right now that my jaw almost ached from the need for it.
My phone buzzed again.
"These lectures can be so damn boring but you make them a lot easier to take. I hope your pussy is nice and wet. I want to see it."
Was he really saying "send nudes"? It felt like it. Why didn't that turn me off? Why was it so damn exciting to be thinking of actually doing it? Surely that would be a silly thing to do. I mean, we're taught that you can practically guarantee they are going to end up online if you do. That kind of exposure would be madness if they could work out who it was in the picture. But if they couldn't...
"Don't be stupid, Sue."
I mean, if there's no face in it, how would anyone know?
"What are you doing, Sue?"
Without even being conscious of making the decision I was on my way to the toilets. There was a part of me that wanted to do it here and now where the risk of being caught was much higher but that tiny part of my brain that was still functioning properly judged the risk to be just too high.
I entered the stalls and glanced around to make sure I was on my own. I locked the door, pulled my pants down and sat on the edge of the seat. I spread my legs as wide as I could with my pants around my calves and started taking photos. The first didn't show much, so I used my other hand to spread my lips apart. The next one showed my finger sliding over my clit. The next had my finger inside me. The next showed a string of my cum stretching from my pussy to my now removed finger and the final one showed my finger in my mouth. I didn't even think about it as I sent them all to him and then got on with the business of making myself cum.
I thought again of fucking Luke in the auditorium but this time everyone had stopped to watch as I rode his cock to a mighty orgasm. In my mind, I had stripped naked and they could all see my tits bouncing wildly, my nipples hard as rocks, the juices coating Luke's cock and the squelching sounds of our wet fuck.
It didn't take long for me to cum at all. In fact, I probably spent longer calming back down to normal than it took for me to reach my orgasm.
I cleaned myself up and redressed. I put my phone back in my pocket where I vowed to ignore it for the rest of the day until I got home, even though I knew this was a lie to myself. I then washed my hands, splashed some water on my face to try and get some of the heat out of it and headed back to work.
I managed to ignore my phone for a while, if not the remainder of the day. I even managed to avoid destroying another pair of underwear until I got... Well, almost home. I know I should have waited to get home before calling Luke but I just couldn't wait. I was so worked up that I just had to have as much of him as I could. I was trying to concentrate on driving but all I could think about was Luke fucking me and the fantasy of him fucking me in front of an audience that had been playing through my mind all day.
"Well hello there, sexy lady."
His voice practically poured out of the speakers. Mmm, fuck, I was so turned on.
"Hello, my stud. I wish you were here to fuck me right now."
"Mmm, straight to the point, just the way I like it. I would happily fulfil your desires. Where are you?"
"I'm driving home from work right now, so that might be a bit tricky."
"I want you to stop the car as soon as you have somewhere to park."
"Umm... What do you mean?"
"I mean, pull the car over and park it. I may not be there in person but I am going to do the best I can from afar to fuck you right now."
I felt a shiver run through me and I angled the car to a parking lot right next to the public lake where all the joggers ran and exercised. I pulled the car up and turned off the ignition far enough to stop the car but keep the hands free running. I had a feeling I was going to need my hands free.
I was already panting with excitement. My nipples were hard and tingling, as was my clit. I pulled the handbrake on and my seat belt off.
"Okay, I'm parked."
"Good girl."
I was twice his age but him calling me a good girl made me so fucking hot.
"Take your shirt off."
Fucking what? There was every chance someone could run by and see me. But wasn't that the point? I started to undo the buttons of my shirt. My hands were shaking with nerves and I kept looking around as though someone was going to come up to the car and catch me straight away.
My phone seemed to drop out and I was about to hit redial when it rang itself. It was a video call and I realised Luke had hung up because he wanted to do more than just hear this.
I answered and saw my face pop up in the corner as Luke's face appeared on the screen.
"Mmm, that's much better."
"Mmm, yes it is. I see you have no shirt on, Luke. Where are you?"
"I'm stuck at home in my dorm now but I wish I was there with you. Where are you?"
"I have parked at the lake, you know where the joggers go in the morning and evening."
"Oh yeah, I know the spot. It seems I have interrupted you, please continue."
He leaned back as though to admire the whole thing. I could see his naked body and I wanted to taste him, touch him, feel his hands on my body. I continued undoing the buttons of my shirt. I took it off and looked around outside the car once again. There wasn't a soul around except some joggers around the other side of the lake. I reached behind myself and unclipped my bra. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I was looking around nervously then I took a deep breath and slid the straps down off my shoulders. I felt the cooler air caress my nipples and it was so exciting.
I shifted the phone to the dashboard where I could see Luke and he could see me. I reached up and squeezed my nipples. It sent a thrill of electricity through me, especially when I saw Luke licking his lips. His desire for me sent me into overdrive. I wanted to show off for him, I wanted to drive him crazy. And if somebody else saw me then good luck to them. I went wild. My body was quivering with desire as I ran my hands over my breasts. Soon I was rubbing the crotch of my pants, trying to apply enough friction but it just wasn't enough.
I kicked my shoes off and undid the button on my pants. I ran the zip down and pushed my fingers down into my crotch to my soaked panties. I ground into my pussy until I was on the verge of an orgasm but I wanted this to last. I delayed my pleasure a little further. I grabbed my pants at the hips, pushed my feet against the firewall and lifted my hips up off the seat. I pushed my pants and panties down my legs. I sat back down and tried to touch myself again.
Frustratingly I still couldn't get to my pussy because my knees were locked together by my pants. I growled with frustration as I pushed them further down, then off one foot, freeing my legs to spread nicely. God, it felt good to be naked. I looked around again and when I saw no one there I wound my window down halfway. I wanted to feel the breeze on my naked body.
I looked at Luke and realised he now was completely naked, leaning back and stroking his lovely cock right in front of me. Oh, God, I wanted that cock. I wanted to taste him and ride him and have him fuck me full of cum. Oh, I was so worked up now. My heart was pounding as I swung my leg up and over the centre console. I moved the phone so that Luke had a closer view of my dripping pussy. My fingers began circling my clit as I moaned in pleasure. I slid one finger inside me and pumped it in and out a few times before adding a second.
"Oh, yes, my good girl. Make yourself cum for me baby."
I shivered as his words washed over me. The pace of his stroking sped up and he was staring at me with an almost unnerving intensity. I pounded my fingers in and out of my pussy, it was making all kinds of squelching sounds as my cum leaked out and down over my ass.
I was crying out as my orgasm built. Anyone walking or jogging past would have known for sure what was going on but I was beyond caring. The thought of some random stranger seeing me spread open and naked, fucking myself with my fingers, just drove me further towards this almighty orgasm.
I was right on that edge, the precipice. I looked at the video and I could see that Luke was about to cum as well. I shoved a third finger inside myself and practically yelled with pleasure as the wave I was riding crested. I was shaking and twitching. Moaning as my cum practically splashed my thighs and hand. Damn near fisting myself as I watched my young lover blast jet after jet of hot sticky cum from his engorged cock.
"Yes, cum for me."
I don't know which one of us said it, maybe we both did. It didn't matter. The next few moments were that state of bliss as we came down from our orgasms. My chest was heaving and my fingers slowly slipped from my pussy.
"What are you doing to me, Luke?"
"Hopefully seducing you."
"Oh, you have definitely done that. I can't believe I just did that. In a public place no less."
I glanced around as I said it and for a moment almost missed the guy jogging towards the car park. I looked back and literally squealed.
"Shit, shit, shit!"
I looked at the camera in panic. Luke had a bewildered look on his face.
"Someone is coming."
I threw the phone onto the passenger seat, pulled my leg back over the centre console and started the car all in one movement. I slammed it into gear and floored it. The jogger was about two car lengths away as I left and had a shocked look on his face as he caught a glimpse of the top half of a crazy woman who appeared to be naked in her car.
I took off up the road towards home, trying to put my seatbelt on as I drove. My pants were still wrapped around one leg and I hoped desperately that it didn't cause me to have an accident. I began to giggle nervously at the turn of events. All the rest of the way home I fretted that the jogger would know who I was. I pulled into my street and looked around, hoping there was no one around to see me. I was incredibly grateful for the automatic door opener in the garage.
I pulled into the driveway and waited very impatiently for the door to go far enough up that I could drive in. I pulled in finally and sat nervously until the door was down again. Suddenly the garage was dark and cool and I sat there laughing at the stupidity of the situation.
I jumped as a voice spoke to me unexpectedly.
"Hey, Sue. Are you alright?"
"Oh, shit! You scared the crap out of me, Luke. I'm sorry, I thought I had hung up."
"Well, that was an interesting ride."
I laughed again, but this time I really could see the ridiculousness of the situation.
"No kidding. I'm pretty sure that jogger just got a good look at my tits, not to mention anyone else who saw me driving like a crazy woman all the way home completely naked."
I laughed again.
"That was so fucking hot."
I was about to tell him it was more terrifying than arousing but when I stopped and thought about it I knew that this would be definitely in my playback reel when I masturbated next. Which was probably going to be fairly soon judging by how hot I was getting thinking about it.
"Frightening, but yes, yes it was very hot."
Luke smiled wryly.
"Fuck, you are so sexy when you get like this."
I smiled at him, blushing.
"Sue, I wasn't planning on it, but I am going to come back home this weekend. I have to have you again."
A grin lit my face.
"I hope you have your Wheaties before you do. I don't plan on letting you get much rest then."
"Sounds good to me."
"To me too. Now I hope you don't mind but I need to walk upstairs and go have a shower."
"I hope you don't plan on getting dressed to do that."
"Absolutely not. I don't plan on wearing clothes again for the rest of the day. So imagine me walking around the house, doing the dishes and other chores naked for the rest of the day."
"Oh, I am definitely going to be thinking about that."
Chapter Seven.
I did exactly what I said I was going to do too. I walked from the car with my clothes bundled in my hands. I walked right through the house to the laundry where I put the clothes in the washing machine. I stretched, feeling the taut muscles in my body relax as I released the stretch. I was delaying going up to the bathroom because the sensation of walking, or should I say strutting, around the house completely naked was so naughty and nice.
I took my sweet time as I strolled up to the bathroom, grabbed a towel from the linen cupboard and finally went into the bathroom. I spent much longer under the running water than I normally would because I was daydreaming about how much fun it had been to do something so naughty. I kept replaying the surprised look on the face of the jogger over and over in my mind. I wondered how he felt about it. Was he disgusted by my actions or was he turned on by them? Did he go home and tell his wife what he had seen or did he keep it to himself? Was he doing what I was doing right now and playing that scene back through his mind? Was he getting home from his jog all sweaty and in need of a shower as much as I had been?
In my mind, he entered his home with his head full of the thought of the naked woman masturbating in her car. His wife greets him and after wrinkling her nose at his sweaty smell sends him to the shower. He strips off and glances at his naked body in the mirror, admiring what all the physical exercise had done for his physique and watches as his cock expands while thinking about the woman who was so horny she couldn't wait to get home to make herself cum. He wished he had gotten there earlier to watch her through her car window as she made herself cum on her fingers.
He was standing under the water now and stroking his cock as he thought about what he would do if she let him watch. Would she encourage him to stroke his cock for her? Would she reach through the window of her car and stroke him herself? He reached his climax thinking about her stroking him and as he watched his cum squirt from his cock to land on the floor of the shower, he thought about it landing on her naked tits.
I came again and felt my knees giving out. I hadn't even realised I was playing with my pussy because I was so deep into the fantasy. I was kneeling on the floor of the shower now with my knees wide apart as I could get them. My fingers still slowly stroked my pussy lips in a gentle circular motion as I came down from my orgasm. The hard spray of the water washing down over me was starting to irritate me now that my skin was extra sensitive so I wobbled back to my feet and turned the shower off.
I stepped out and grabbed my big fluffy towel. So much better than the ones in the Hotel, I thought randomly. I dried myself, noticing how sensitive my nipples had become as I did. It felt kind of weird not to be getting dressed after having a shower. Even though I was mostly saying it to tease Luke I decided to try it and see how it felt.
So that was how I spent the rest of the day, wandering around the house just doing all the things I would normally do except completely naked. Some of the time, after I got used to the sensation of being naked, it felt just like any other day, but then I would bend over to do something and feel the cool air on my pussy or my ass. Sometimes a nipple would brush against something and send a thrill through me and every time I walked past a window I would get a thrill of excitement.
If one of my neighbours was looking in this direction they would see me completely naked. The thought no longer scared me, more than anything it turned me on, and gave me an electric thrill that seemed to travel from my nipples to my pussy and back. Looking at it from an outside perspective, I was almost shocked at myself for feeling this way. It was nice, the confidence it was giving me.
I sat at the kitchen table, enjoying the last of the day's sun as it shone through and warmed my skin. I sat there drinking my coffee, the whole time hyper-aware of the fact that the neighbours could quite easily see through the window and see me naked. If they came out onto their deck at all there would be nowhere for me to hide and being that it was a warm summer evening, the chance was very good they would.
I wondered what I would do if they did? Would I panic and scarper or would I sit there trying to pretend I was oblivious to them and allow them to look all they wanted?
Sadly, I didn't get to find out as apparently they weren't getting home until much later. I finished my cup of coffee and as I rinsed it in the sink I noticed that their driveway was empty of cars. I couldn't decide if I was relieved or disappointed.
I moved around the house from room to room, ostensibly with the idea that I was doing housework. The reality is though that I was achieving little more than strutting from window to window in the hopes of giving someone a surprise view of my naked body. I was enjoying the risk but becoming more frustrated as I went because nobody seemed to be out in their yards this evening or looking through their windows.
I once again questioned my sanity. What would I do if I spotted a neighbour out there? Would I continue to show them all of me or would I, as I suspected was more likely, squeal and run for cover? It was strange to feel so torn by something. I wanted to show myself off. I wanted people to see me as a sexual being and desire me. I wanted to be wanted. I wanted to make men hard and women wet when they thought about me. I wanted them to take their glimpses of me and use them as masturbation and fantasy material. I was practically dripping with desire as I thought about this.
However, at the same time, my instinct was to hide. To cover up and not behave in such a slutty manner. I knew this was just the rules of society that I had grown up with and I could almost hear my mother's voice telling me not to behave like this. I had been thoroughly trained my whole life to think a certain way and it was a difficult thing to fight that. Ultimately though it was the taboo nature of it all that actually turned me on the most. That feeling of being slutty, dirty, naughty and desired because of it.
It was getting later now and the sun was setting. It wasn't cool yet but the temperature was going down. I decided I couldn't be bothered cooking anything so I rang and ordered a pizza. I had seen the "pizza dare" videos before and gave some serious thought to just opening the door bare-assed. The idea of being so brazen was rather hot but there was just no way I could do that. Not yet anyway, besides, a part of me found that a glimpse could be more erotic. I think that's why it turned me on so much to think the neighbours might catch me naked in my house, or see me riding Luke's cock in front of the window where someone could see or even get caught masturbating in my car. I wasn't just blatantly naked in front of strangers I was allowing an opportunity for someone to see the taboo. Where they were never really certain if it was intentional or accidental. There was an extra thrill in that for them too I think.
I know it would turn me on a lot more to find myself in a position where I could witness someone masturbating or fucking. Where they had just given in to the moment and were in the throes of pleasure. That was somehow so much hotter to me than someone just walking naked down a street, through a crowd, unashamed of their nakedness.
I went to my room and dug through my t-shirt drawer. I found what I was looking for and then reluctantly went for the underwear drawer. I found the G-string that I had bought and worn the day of the cube experiment and slipped it up my legs. I then put on the white t-shirt, the smallest one I owned, and went to inspect the result in the mirror.
I turned this way and that and was pleased with the look I had created. My nipples, which seemed to be perpetually hard these days, were quite prominent and there was no mistaking that I was only wearing the G-string and nothing more. I wished I was still as pert and firm as I was at Sally's age but I was still pretty happy with how I looked.
I pulled out my phone and took a couple of photos to send to Luke. As I was doing this the doorbell rang. I made my way downstairs again and headed for the door. I was impressed at how fast they had gotten here. I opened the door and was greeted with a very awkward yet erotic situation.
There standing before me was my next-door neighbour. I know I wanted to flash him from within my house before but now here he was, standing before me, blushing and trying to keep his eyes off my body. He was failing miserably.
"Oh, Hi Ian. I thought you might be the pizza delivery."
I was quite surprised and pleased to note that I had kept all hints of awkwardness and embarrassment from my voice. The same couldn't be said for Ian as he stammered, made a few false starts then eventually managed to get a greeting out.
"Oh my... Wow. Oh, haha, hi Sue. Umm. Yeah."
Oh, shit! Sally, sounded worried as she called out to me. I sat up in a hurry and looked around myself, finally taking in the reality of the room around me. I was completely naked, sticky with cum, and my clothes were spread around the room like they had been thrown off me. Which of course they had. Then I remembered Luke. Where was Luke?
Bang bang bang.
"Mum, please come to the door."
Panicked, knowing I would have some explaining to do, I grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around my naked body. Then I croaked out a response.
"I'm coming, Sally. Hang on."
I didn't want to face her like this. She would know instantly what had been going on but I didn't want the hotel security involved either and if she kept banging then that was bound to happen.
I opened the door and saw the look of worry on Sally's face. She came into the room and seemed to stop in her tracks. I saw her glance around the room at my clothes, the state of the bed, which I noticed at the same time had a rather large wet patch on it, then taking in the fact that I was clearly naked under the sheet wrapped around me. With each new thing she noticed, her eyebrows crept a little higher up her forehead. I was concerned they were going to disappear completely when she took a sniff and smelled the strong odour of sex in the room.
"Wow. Oh, mum. I'm sorry. This is... Well, unexpected."
I didn't know what to say. I was so embarrassed and blushing so hard that I felt like my hair would surely catch fire with the heat that was coming off my face.
"I'm so sorry to have barged in like this, Mum. You hadn't been answering your phone and you weren't answering the door. I was worried.
"I'm sorry I made you worry, Sally. I'm... Well, I'm fine. I just fell asleep and it must have been a deep sleep because I didn't hear anything."
I looked around the room and saw my phone lying on the floor next to my handbag. The little green light was flashing, letting me know that I had missed calls. I bent over to get it and felt the sheet separate from my hip, displaying my naked leg and half my butt to Sally and removing any doubt about the state of my undress. I picked up the phone, blushing even harder than I thought was possible. Sure enough, there were several missed calls from Sally and also a couple from Luke.
I placed the phone on the bedside table and took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry, Sally. I simply didn't hear the phone."
"It's okay, Mum. I'm sorry for intruding on a, well... A sensitive moment."
It was Sally's way of saying she could piece together pretty much exactly what had happened but that she was okay with it. I felt strangely relieved by that. She was being an adult about it when really she could very easily have been the angry child in the scenario. I was intensely grateful that that wasn't the case. She rarely had been one to behave that way but if ever there was an excuse.
I suddenly felt a cool unpleasant feeling as excess cum leaked from me and began to run down the inside of my thigh. I must have had a slightly panicked look on my face as Sally looked startled.
"Is everything alright, Mum?"
"Haha, yeah, sure, listen, I have to get in the shower, like right now."
I didn't miss the look of barely-contained laughter on Sally's face as I barged past her and into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and stripped the sheet off my naked body.
As soon as the hot water descended over my body I felt my muscles begin to ease. It felt so good that I did not want to get out. Eventually, I dragged myself from under the water and reached for the towel. As I dried myself I bent forward to dry my legs. I discovered some aches in my hamstrings that I hadn't had in a very long time. That seemed to awaken my senses to other aches and pains in my body that I had not paid attention to earlier. I was going to be sore by this time tomorrow. I dried myself and looked around for my clothes, remembering that my case and all my clothes were back out with Sally.
I stepped out of the bathroom with the towel wrapped around me. It was barely big enough to cover my butt as well as my boobs at the same time. I figured, though, that the dress I had worn earlier, which was now in a crumpled mess on the floor, showed nearly as much anyway. I tried to pretend that this was a completely normal thing to do as I picked up the bag with my clothes in it and headed back to the bathroom. In all honesty, it was far from the first time Sally had seen me wrapped in nothing but a towel, in fact, thinking back on it she had most likely seen me naked from time to time. The difference was that this towel was definitely smaller than the ones I had at home and she had never found me in a state where I had clearly just been fucked to within an inch of my life before.
Even I could smell the sex in the air when I returned from the bathroom. I was embarrassed by it, knowing that Sally could smell my cum. Knowing that she knew that I had been fucking in here not that long ago. I wondered what was going on in her imagination. Was she imagining me on the bed getting fucked hard and steady by some random stranger? Or did she know it was Luke? Was she right at this moment picturing Luke, naked, sweaty, pounding his cock into her mother? Was she hearing the slapping of our naked bodies? Was the scent of our combined cum helping her picture the scenario more vividly? Was it making her sick or turning her on to think of her friend fucking her mother right in this room? Why the hell was it turning me on so much to think about her being turned on by that?
Not for the first time today I wondered if something had broken in my brain. Was I having a stroke? I glanced across at Sally, almost afraid to make eye contact with her. She wasn't looking at me though. Well, not at my face anyway. She was staring at my naked legs. I watched as her eyes travelled slowly up my legs and settled on the profile of my ass. I was sure from the side-on view she had of me and the cool air I could feel there that most of my butt was probably on display. I felt nailed to the spot by her stare. I didn't dare move. All I could do was stare at her blushing face as she stared at my naked ass. What was going on here? This felt so wrong and so weird but like a lot of taboo things, it was kind of nice too, to be looked at like this. Sally continued to stare and unconsciously bit her bottom lip.
For God's sake, Sue. Get your shit together woman. Put a stop to this immediately.
Well, that's what went through my head but it was still several, very long, seconds before I could force myself to move. I turned away from her, partly to not be caught looking her in the face when she did look up and save her the embarrassment. I won't completely deny that part of it was to give her a slightly better angle to look at my ass though.
Why I decided to not go back into the bathroom to get dressed is something that I wish I could say I didn't know but the truth is my inner exhibitionist wanted to come out to play again. I pulled my jeans out of my bag and dropped the bag on the floor. I bent forward, lifting one leg up to slide it into my jeans. I knew that bending forward like this was giving Sally an almost x-rated view of my body if she chose to look.
I slid the jeans up my legs and did them up feeling the rough seam press against my slightly tender pussy. I then let the towel drop to the floor, revealing my breasts with their hard nipples. I bent forward to get my bra and shirt out of the bag, taking my time and letting my breasts sway a little. I then stood up and turning slightly towards Sally, put my bra on. I didn't look at her the whole time but I could feel her stare burning into my body. As I adjusted the bra, settling my breasts into a comfortable position, I "accidentally" brushed each nipple with my thumbs.
I slipped the shirt on over my head, then picked up the towel that I had discarded. I took it into the bathroom. I spent a few moments in there composing myself and allowing Sally to compose herself as well, while I pretended to be cleaning up my mess and getting ready to go out.
I walked back out into the room and started putting my little dress and my soaked panties into the bag I had just emptied. I then stuffed that bag into my case. I made the bed a bit neater and a little more presentable by hiding the wet stain on it with the sheets and blankets. Finally, I felt that I could look Sally in the face.
"Well, ready to head out again, Sally?"
She was still blushing and having a little trouble looking me in the eye as she stammered.
"Ah, yeah... I guess we should... Umm, okay."
It would have been comical under different circumstances. I reached out and took her hand in mine and forced her to look me in the eye.
"Sally, are we okay?"
She stared for a second as though unsure what to say. Finally, she smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, Mum. We're okay, just... Well, I don't know."
I decided to grab the bull by the horns so to speak.
"You just walked into your Mum's room and discovered that she is a human being with sexual needs just like any other human being and it has short-circuited your brain temporarily?"
Sally blushed again and nodded then giggled. She shook her head as she laughed.
"Well, yeah. That about sums it up. Like most people I guess, I've just never thought about my mum in that way. It's more though, Mum. I feel like I have seen you from a stranger's perspective for the first time. I was looking at a very attractive, very sexual woman and well, to be honest, Mum. You have got it going on."
She said the last sentence in a bit of a rush and blushed even further.
"Well, I will take that as a compliment any day of the week. Thank you."
Sally giggled and it had broken the tension in the room.
"Come on. Let's go get some dinner, I'm starving."
"I bet you are."
Sally said with a wry grin on her face. We were both laughing as we strode down the hallway to the elevators. Sally shocked me by spanking my butt as we walked.
"Oh, and since when do you get around with no knickers on anyway? Or G-strings for that matter."
I laughed, although that spank made my butt and other parts tingle like crazy.
"If you must know, today has been a day of many firsts for me."
Sally smiled.
"Good for you, Mum."
The rest of the evening was wonderful. We had a lovely meal in a nice cosy restaurant and listened to the house band play some great songs as we sat there and enjoyed each other's company. We then wandered back in the direction of the hotel and Sally promised to pick me up in the morning for a coffee and breakfast before I returned home.
Chapter Six.
I had been home for just over a week and I had finally reached the point where I could get through five minutes without thinking about Luke's cock or the way I gleefully exposed myself to Luke, Sally and whoever was looking through the window of the hotel room. Not that I didn't think about those things at all. I doubt there would ever be a time when I don't think about how good it felt to slide down onto Luke's cock and have it fill me up slowly. Or remember the taste of our cum combined together, or how good his tongue felt as it caressed my folds and my clit. It would be nice to look back on that day without blushing but that knowing look on Sally's face, when she got to my motel room, would be etched into my mind for a long time yet. I know she's okay with it and has said so herself but it is kind of weird to know that your daughter knows something so intimate about you.
I was getting on with the routine of the day when my phone buzzed. There was a message from Sally. At any other time in my life, I would have opened it without a moment's hesitation. The fact that I had just been thinking about her and that most awkward situation though made me pause.
"Stop being silly."
I opened the message and tried not to dwell on the fact that speaking aloud to myself was a habit I had gotten into when I was nervous.
"Hi, Mum. I wanted to get in early and make sure you have nothing planned for the weekend after this one coming."
I didn't think I did but I checked my planner to be sure. I had been so preoccupied with thoughts of Luke and his magnificent cock lately that things had been slipping my mind.
"No, I've got no plans, Sally. Why what's up?"
"I will be getting all the footage back from the cube this weekend and I wanted to go through it with you. Sort of the last thing we can do together on the project if that's something that interests you."
"Of course it is. I would love to go through it with you."
"Great. I will see you on Saturday morning then."
It seemed almost strange to have such a normal conversation with Sally. It was nice though and I felt that if she still wanted me involved then she wasn't upset with me. I know we had resolved any weirdness on the day but a bit of time and distance had made me nervous again.
I finished doing the rest of the chores I had started and got ready for work. The whole day I had a smile on my face. Partly because of Sally's message and partly because I was thinking about riding Luke's cock, naked and in front of an audience.
I was glad I had decided to wear panties today as it seemed I was destined to spend an entire shift with a wet pussy. Luke and I had exchanged a few messages back and forth since that incredible afternoon. I was trying to be careful not to get too involved. I was under no illusions about what our relationship was but I also knew how easy it was to slip up and fall for someone we shouldn't. I didn't want anyone getting hurt by this but oh how he turned me on. He seemed to know what I needed and how I wanted to expand my horizons.
I sent Luke a message telling him that I was thinking about his cock and how I wanted it inside me with people watching us fuck. I told him that even though he wasn't here, his cock was still distracting me at work and how wet my panties were. I didn't really expect a reply from him straight away as I knew he had lectures that day so I was surprised when my phone buzzed in my pocket so soon after sending it.
"Mmm, I love the thought of your wet pussy. All glistening and dripping with your yummy cum, just waiting for me to taste you."
Oh wow. Now I wanted his tongue on me too. My pussy began tingling as I thought more about it. I was squirming now and I glanced around to make sure there was no one else around to notice what was going on.
"You have no idea how much I want that. How I want your tongue on me, inside me, tasting me. I want to taste you too. I want to taste your pre-cum as it oozes from your cock. I want your cock to fill me up and pump me full of your cum."
I was getting worked up and as much as work wasn't the right time or place for this I couldn't stop it either. I felt like a naughty teen, sneaking around and sending dirty texts at work. I was trying to focus on my work but I was also checking my phone every thirty seconds or so because I wanted a response. I had almost decided that Luke had obviously become too busy to respond and that I should just get on with my work and put the phone out of my mind when it buzzed again. I practically dived for it and almost dropped it in my rush to open it.
It took longer to open than I had expected then I realised why. Luke had sent me two images. I stared at them in disbelief. My pussy clenched and was practically salivating. The first image showed Luke, in a high-up seat in a lecture hall. Behind him was the Lecturer standing at the board and talking to the students. In between Luke and the lecturer had to have been about thirty other students, all facing away from Luke and looking at the front of the class. Standing rigid and proud from Luke's lap was his nice hard, delicious-looking cock. The view from the rest of the class would have been blocked by the back of the seat in front of him, but only just. It wouldn't have taken a genius to figure out what he was doing if they looked back at him.
It was so risky but so incredibly erotic. I thought about sitting in his lap in that lecture hall with all those people around and letting his cock slide up into me while everyone around us was oblivious to the fact that we were fucking right there. The thought alone was almost enough to make me cum.
The next photo was a much closer one of his cock and it showed every detail including the large drop of pre-cum that had formed at its tip. I wanted it all in my mouth so much right now that my jaw almost ached from the need for it.
My phone buzzed again.
"These lectures can be so damn boring but you make them a lot easier to take. I hope your pussy is nice and wet. I want to see it."
Was he really saying "send nudes"? It felt like it. Why didn't that turn me off? Why was it so damn exciting to be thinking of actually doing it? Surely that would be a silly thing to do. I mean, we're taught that you can practically guarantee they are going to end up online if you do. That kind of exposure would be madness if they could work out who it was in the picture. But if they couldn't...
"Don't be stupid, Sue."
I mean, if there's no face in it, how would anyone know?
"What are you doing, Sue?"
Without even being conscious of making the decision I was on my way to the toilets. There was a part of me that wanted to do it here and now where the risk of being caught was much higher but that tiny part of my brain that was still functioning properly judged the risk to be just too high.
I entered the stalls and glanced around to make sure I was on my own. I locked the door, pulled my pants down and sat on the edge of the seat. I spread my legs as wide as I could with my pants around my calves and started taking photos. The first didn't show much, so I used my other hand to spread my lips apart. The next one showed my finger sliding over my clit. The next had my finger inside me. The next showed a string of my cum stretching from my pussy to my now removed finger and the final one showed my finger in my mouth. I didn't even think about it as I sent them all to him and then got on with the business of making myself cum.
I thought again of fucking Luke in the auditorium but this time everyone had stopped to watch as I rode his cock to a mighty orgasm. In my mind, I had stripped naked and they could all see my tits bouncing wildly, my nipples hard as rocks, the juices coating Luke's cock and the squelching sounds of our wet fuck.
It didn't take long for me to cum at all. In fact, I probably spent longer calming back down to normal than it took for me to reach my orgasm.
I cleaned myself up and redressed. I put my phone back in my pocket where I vowed to ignore it for the rest of the day until I got home, even though I knew this was a lie to myself. I then washed my hands, splashed some water on my face to try and get some of the heat out of it and headed back to work.
I managed to ignore my phone for a while, if not the remainder of the day. I even managed to avoid destroying another pair of underwear until I got... Well, almost home. I know I should have waited to get home before calling Luke but I just couldn't wait. I was so worked up that I just had to have as much of him as I could. I was trying to concentrate on driving but all I could think about was Luke fucking me and the fantasy of him fucking me in front of an audience that had been playing through my mind all day.
"Well hello there, sexy lady."
His voice practically poured out of the speakers. Mmm, fuck, I was so turned on.
"Hello, my stud. I wish you were here to fuck me right now."
"Mmm, straight to the point, just the way I like it. I would happily fulfil your desires. Where are you?"
"I'm driving home from work right now, so that might be a bit tricky."
"I want you to stop the car as soon as you have somewhere to park."
"Umm... What do you mean?"
"I mean, pull the car over and park it. I may not be there in person but I am going to do the best I can from afar to fuck you right now."
I felt a shiver run through me and I angled the car to a parking lot right next to the public lake where all the joggers ran and exercised. I pulled the car up and turned off the ignition far enough to stop the car but keep the hands free running. I had a feeling I was going to need my hands free.
I was already panting with excitement. My nipples were hard and tingling, as was my clit. I pulled the handbrake on and my seat belt off.
"Okay, I'm parked."
"Good girl."
I was twice his age but him calling me a good girl made me so fucking hot.
"Take your shirt off."
Fucking what? There was every chance someone could run by and see me. But wasn't that the point? I started to undo the buttons of my shirt. My hands were shaking with nerves and I kept looking around as though someone was going to come up to the car and catch me straight away.
My phone seemed to drop out and I was about to hit redial when it rang itself. It was a video call and I realised Luke had hung up because he wanted to do more than just hear this.
I answered and saw my face pop up in the corner as Luke's face appeared on the screen.
"Mmm, that's much better."
"Mmm, yes it is. I see you have no shirt on, Luke. Where are you?"
"I'm stuck at home in my dorm now but I wish I was there with you. Where are you?"
"I have parked at the lake, you know where the joggers go in the morning and evening."
"Oh yeah, I know the spot. It seems I have interrupted you, please continue."
He leaned back as though to admire the whole thing. I could see his naked body and I wanted to taste him, touch him, feel his hands on my body. I continued undoing the buttons of my shirt. I took it off and looked around outside the car once again. There wasn't a soul around except some joggers around the other side of the lake. I reached behind myself and unclipped my bra. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I was looking around nervously then I took a deep breath and slid the straps down off my shoulders. I felt the cooler air caress my nipples and it was so exciting.
I shifted the phone to the dashboard where I could see Luke and he could see me. I reached up and squeezed my nipples. It sent a thrill of electricity through me, especially when I saw Luke licking his lips. His desire for me sent me into overdrive. I wanted to show off for him, I wanted to drive him crazy. And if somebody else saw me then good luck to them. I went wild. My body was quivering with desire as I ran my hands over my breasts. Soon I was rubbing the crotch of my pants, trying to apply enough friction but it just wasn't enough.
I kicked my shoes off and undid the button on my pants. I ran the zip down and pushed my fingers down into my crotch to my soaked panties. I ground into my pussy until I was on the verge of an orgasm but I wanted this to last. I delayed my pleasure a little further. I grabbed my pants at the hips, pushed my feet against the firewall and lifted my hips up off the seat. I pushed my pants and panties down my legs. I sat back down and tried to touch myself again.
Frustratingly I still couldn't get to my pussy because my knees were locked together by my pants. I growled with frustration as I pushed them further down, then off one foot, freeing my legs to spread nicely. God, it felt good to be naked. I looked around again and when I saw no one there I wound my window down halfway. I wanted to feel the breeze on my naked body.
I looked at Luke and realised he now was completely naked, leaning back and stroking his lovely cock right in front of me. Oh, God, I wanted that cock. I wanted to taste him and ride him and have him fuck me full of cum. Oh, I was so worked up now. My heart was pounding as I swung my leg up and over the centre console. I moved the phone so that Luke had a closer view of my dripping pussy. My fingers began circling my clit as I moaned in pleasure. I slid one finger inside me and pumped it in and out a few times before adding a second.
"Oh, yes, my good girl. Make yourself cum for me baby."
I shivered as his words washed over me. The pace of his stroking sped up and he was staring at me with an almost unnerving intensity. I pounded my fingers in and out of my pussy, it was making all kinds of squelching sounds as my cum leaked out and down over my ass.
I was crying out as my orgasm built. Anyone walking or jogging past would have known for sure what was going on but I was beyond caring. The thought of some random stranger seeing me spread open and naked, fucking myself with my fingers, just drove me further towards this almighty orgasm.
I was right on that edge, the precipice. I looked at the video and I could see that Luke was about to cum as well. I shoved a third finger inside myself and practically yelled with pleasure as the wave I was riding crested. I was shaking and twitching. Moaning as my cum practically splashed my thighs and hand. Damn near fisting myself as I watched my young lover blast jet after jet of hot sticky cum from his engorged cock.
"Yes, cum for me."
I don't know which one of us said it, maybe we both did. It didn't matter. The next few moments were that state of bliss as we came down from our orgasms. My chest was heaving and my fingers slowly slipped from my pussy.
"What are you doing to me, Luke?"
"Hopefully seducing you."
"Oh, you have definitely done that. I can't believe I just did that. In a public place no less."
I glanced around as I said it and for a moment almost missed the guy jogging towards the car park. I looked back and literally squealed.
"Shit, shit, shit!"
I looked at the camera in panic. Luke had a bewildered look on his face.
"Someone is coming."
I threw the phone onto the passenger seat, pulled my leg back over the centre console and started the car all in one movement. I slammed it into gear and floored it. The jogger was about two car lengths away as I left and had a shocked look on his face as he caught a glimpse of the top half of a crazy woman who appeared to be naked in her car.
I took off up the road towards home, trying to put my seatbelt on as I drove. My pants were still wrapped around one leg and I hoped desperately that it didn't cause me to have an accident. I began to giggle nervously at the turn of events. All the rest of the way home I fretted that the jogger would know who I was. I pulled into my street and looked around, hoping there was no one around to see me. I was incredibly grateful for the automatic door opener in the garage.
I pulled into the driveway and waited very impatiently for the door to go far enough up that I could drive in. I pulled in finally and sat nervously until the door was down again. Suddenly the garage was dark and cool and I sat there laughing at the stupidity of the situation.
I jumped as a voice spoke to me unexpectedly.
"Hey, Sue. Are you alright?"
"Oh, shit! You scared the crap out of me, Luke. I'm sorry, I thought I had hung up."
"Well, that was an interesting ride."
I laughed again, but this time I really could see the ridiculousness of the situation.
"No kidding. I'm pretty sure that jogger just got a good look at my tits, not to mention anyone else who saw me driving like a crazy woman all the way home completely naked."
I laughed again.
"That was so fucking hot."
I was about to tell him it was more terrifying than arousing but when I stopped and thought about it I knew that this would be definitely in my playback reel when I masturbated next. Which was probably going to be fairly soon judging by how hot I was getting thinking about it.
"Frightening, but yes, yes it was very hot."
Luke smiled wryly.
"Fuck, you are so sexy when you get like this."
I smiled at him, blushing.
"Sue, I wasn't planning on it, but I am going to come back home this weekend. I have to have you again."
A grin lit my face.
"I hope you have your Wheaties before you do. I don't plan on letting you get much rest then."
"Sounds good to me."
"To me too. Now I hope you don't mind but I need to walk upstairs and go have a shower."
"I hope you don't plan on getting dressed to do that."
"Absolutely not. I don't plan on wearing clothes again for the rest of the day. So imagine me walking around the house, doing the dishes and other chores naked for the rest of the day."
"Oh, I am definitely going to be thinking about that."
Chapter Seven.
I did exactly what I said I was going to do too. I walked from the car with my clothes bundled in my hands. I walked right through the house to the laundry where I put the clothes in the washing machine. I stretched, feeling the taut muscles in my body relax as I released the stretch. I was delaying going up to the bathroom because the sensation of walking, or should I say strutting, around the house completely naked was so naughty and nice.
I took my sweet time as I strolled up to the bathroom, grabbed a towel from the linen cupboard and finally went into the bathroom. I spent much longer under the running water than I normally would because I was daydreaming about how much fun it had been to do something so naughty. I kept replaying the surprised look on the face of the jogger over and over in my mind. I wondered how he felt about it. Was he disgusted by my actions or was he turned on by them? Did he go home and tell his wife what he had seen or did he keep it to himself? Was he doing what I was doing right now and playing that scene back through his mind? Was he getting home from his jog all sweaty and in need of a shower as much as I had been?
In my mind, he entered his home with his head full of the thought of the naked woman masturbating in her car. His wife greets him and after wrinkling her nose at his sweaty smell sends him to the shower. He strips off and glances at his naked body in the mirror, admiring what all the physical exercise had done for his physique and watches as his cock expands while thinking about the woman who was so horny she couldn't wait to get home to make herself cum. He wished he had gotten there earlier to watch her through her car window as she made herself cum on her fingers.
He was standing under the water now and stroking his cock as he thought about what he would do if she let him watch. Would she encourage him to stroke his cock for her? Would she reach through the window of her car and stroke him herself? He reached his climax thinking about her stroking him and as he watched his cum squirt from his cock to land on the floor of the shower, he thought about it landing on her naked tits.
I came again and felt my knees giving out. I hadn't even realised I was playing with my pussy because I was so deep into the fantasy. I was kneeling on the floor of the shower now with my knees wide apart as I could get them. My fingers still slowly stroked my pussy lips in a gentle circular motion as I came down from my orgasm. The hard spray of the water washing down over me was starting to irritate me now that my skin was extra sensitive so I wobbled back to my feet and turned the shower off.
I stepped out and grabbed my big fluffy towel. So much better than the ones in the Hotel, I thought randomly. I dried myself, noticing how sensitive my nipples had become as I did. It felt kind of weird not to be getting dressed after having a shower. Even though I was mostly saying it to tease Luke I decided to try it and see how it felt.
So that was how I spent the rest of the day, wandering around the house just doing all the things I would normally do except completely naked. Some of the time, after I got used to the sensation of being naked, it felt just like any other day, but then I would bend over to do something and feel the cool air on my pussy or my ass. Sometimes a nipple would brush against something and send a thrill through me and every time I walked past a window I would get a thrill of excitement.
If one of my neighbours was looking in this direction they would see me completely naked. The thought no longer scared me, more than anything it turned me on, and gave me an electric thrill that seemed to travel from my nipples to my pussy and back. Looking at it from an outside perspective, I was almost shocked at myself for feeling this way. It was nice, the confidence it was giving me.
I sat at the kitchen table, enjoying the last of the day's sun as it shone through and warmed my skin. I sat there drinking my coffee, the whole time hyper-aware of the fact that the neighbours could quite easily see through the window and see me naked. If they came out onto their deck at all there would be nowhere for me to hide and being that it was a warm summer evening, the chance was very good they would.
I wondered what I would do if they did? Would I panic and scarper or would I sit there trying to pretend I was oblivious to them and allow them to look all they wanted?
Sadly, I didn't get to find out as apparently they weren't getting home until much later. I finished my cup of coffee and as I rinsed it in the sink I noticed that their driveway was empty of cars. I couldn't decide if I was relieved or disappointed.
I moved around the house from room to room, ostensibly with the idea that I was doing housework. The reality is though that I was achieving little more than strutting from window to window in the hopes of giving someone a surprise view of my naked body. I was enjoying the risk but becoming more frustrated as I went because nobody seemed to be out in their yards this evening or looking through their windows.
I once again questioned my sanity. What would I do if I spotted a neighbour out there? Would I continue to show them all of me or would I, as I suspected was more likely, squeal and run for cover? It was strange to feel so torn by something. I wanted to show myself off. I wanted people to see me as a sexual being and desire me. I wanted to be wanted. I wanted to make men hard and women wet when they thought about me. I wanted them to take their glimpses of me and use them as masturbation and fantasy material. I was practically dripping with desire as I thought about this.
However, at the same time, my instinct was to hide. To cover up and not behave in such a slutty manner. I knew this was just the rules of society that I had grown up with and I could almost hear my mother's voice telling me not to behave like this. I had been thoroughly trained my whole life to think a certain way and it was a difficult thing to fight that. Ultimately though it was the taboo nature of it all that actually turned me on the most. That feeling of being slutty, dirty, naughty and desired because of it.
It was getting later now and the sun was setting. It wasn't cool yet but the temperature was going down. I decided I couldn't be bothered cooking anything so I rang and ordered a pizza. I had seen the "pizza dare" videos before and gave some serious thought to just opening the door bare-assed. The idea of being so brazen was rather hot but there was just no way I could do that. Not yet anyway, besides, a part of me found that a glimpse could be more erotic. I think that's why it turned me on so much to think the neighbours might catch me naked in my house, or see me riding Luke's cock in front of the window where someone could see or even get caught masturbating in my car. I wasn't just blatantly naked in front of strangers I was allowing an opportunity for someone to see the taboo. Where they were never really certain if it was intentional or accidental. There was an extra thrill in that for them too I think.
I know it would turn me on a lot more to find myself in a position where I could witness someone masturbating or fucking. Where they had just given in to the moment and were in the throes of pleasure. That was somehow so much hotter to me than someone just walking naked down a street, through a crowd, unashamed of their nakedness.
I went to my room and dug through my t-shirt drawer. I found what I was looking for and then reluctantly went for the underwear drawer. I found the G-string that I had bought and worn the day of the cube experiment and slipped it up my legs. I then put on the white t-shirt, the smallest one I owned, and went to inspect the result in the mirror.
I turned this way and that and was pleased with the look I had created. My nipples, which seemed to be perpetually hard these days, were quite prominent and there was no mistaking that I was only wearing the G-string and nothing more. I wished I was still as pert and firm as I was at Sally's age but I was still pretty happy with how I looked.
I pulled out my phone and took a couple of photos to send to Luke. As I was doing this the doorbell rang. I made my way downstairs again and headed for the door. I was impressed at how fast they had gotten here. I opened the door and was greeted with a very awkward yet erotic situation.
There standing before me was my next-door neighbour. I know I wanted to flash him from within my house before but now here he was, standing before me, blushing and trying to keep his eyes off my body. He was failing miserably.
"Oh, Hi Ian. I thought you might be the pizza delivery."
I was quite surprised and pleased to note that I had kept all hints of awkwardness and embarrassment from my voice. The same couldn't be said for Ian as he stammered, made a few false starts then eventually managed to get a greeting out.
"Oh my... Wow. Oh, haha, hi Sue. Umm. Yeah."