Update 05

I did try not to laugh at the poor man but I'm afraid a small giggle may have escaped. We stood there looking at each other for a while. I was trying to look him in the eye to find out why he had knocked on my door and he seemed to have completely forgotten where he was let alone why he was there. Eventually, with a rather large smirk on my face, I had to ask.

"Is everything alright Ian? Can I help you with something?"


He then shook himself visibly and it seemed to take a lot of effort to re-engage his brain.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. Sorry. Distracted. Yeah, umm Cindy and I are going away for a couple of weeks. We were just wondering if you could ah keep an eye on the nip... ahh place while we are away?"

It took all of my effort not to laugh at the poor man. I wasn't about to make it easier on him though. Maybe I am just plain evil but I was having way too much fun.

"Sure, Ian. I would be happy to. Let me just grab a pen and some paper so I can get your number."

I was pretty sure I already had his number from a previous occasion where they had asked the same of me but I wanted an excuse to give him a lingering look at my ass. I turned around and casually strutted back inside. I knew he had a view of my ass still as I bent and rummaged in the drawer of the dresser table I keep near the front door. The notepad and pen were right on top but I pretended to look through them until I found what I wanted.

As I turned to walk back to him I noticed him reach down and adjust his hardening cock. I swear I felt a fresh gush of cum flood my pussy in response. I walked back to him handed him the notepad and pen then turned my back to him and bent forward so he could lean on my back to write it. As he was writing I could feel the heat of his body so close to mine. It was such a temptation to push my ass back onto his crotch and feel his hard cock on my ass. Maybe even feel it nestled between my cheeks. Fuck, I was getting so wet now. I was turning into a complete slut.

Don't get me wrong, I would never have fucked Ian. I'm not interested in being a homewrecker or dealing with the drama that comes from that. The tease, however, was so damn hot and fun. He finally finished writing his details and took a step back. I made sure my face wasn't giving away my inner thoughts and turned back to him. He was making a real effort to look elsewhere now. He handed me the notepad and pen.

"I have put the dates we will be away and where we will be staying as well."

"Okay, Ian. Happy to help."

"It's a great help. Thanks very much, Sue."

"You're welcome, have a fun trip."

I had to raise my voice as I said this last as Ian was almost running down the driveway now. Poor man.

As luck would have it, it was at that moment the pizza delivery arrived. That, however, didn't seem to go to plan either, as much as there was a plan. I expected your typical young delivery driver so when a woman who was at least ten years older than me stepped out of the car I was surprised. Suddenly I felt very self-conscious, embarrassed and foolish. Not that she said anything negative or even looked at me with more than mild surprise. I mean, with all the pizza dare videos online these days she's probably seen it all before anyway.

"Hi. Did you order the large special and garlic bread?"

"I did, thanks. I'll just grab the money."

I ran inside, hyper-aware of the fact that she could see my ass jiggling the whole way. I felt so embarrassed that I was sure I was practically glowing red. I picked up the notes that I had left on the counter and returned, determined to get this over with as soon as possible. I know it wasn't necessary but I really did feel the need to apologise to her.

"Here you go. Sorry for greeting you this way, I know it's not very appropriate."

I said as I handed her the notes. She just shrugged as she took a moment to eye me up and down.

"That's quite alright, believe me when I say I have seen a lot worse sights while doing this."

I chuckled, more from nerves than humour. She handed me the pizza and garlic bread and then began to search her belt bag for change for the notes I gave her. I shook my head and held my hand out in a stop motion.

"No no, you keep the change you've more than earned it."

She smiled at me and nodded her thanks then turned to leave. Just before she got back in the car she turned again and scanned my body again from head to toe and back. She smiled again and nodded then sat down in the driver's seat. She began to reverse down the driveway and I scampered inside as quick as I could.

I sat down on the couch and while I started to eat my mind wandered back over what had happened. I felt so confused. There was no denying that teasing Ian like that had been very hot and a lot of fun, but then it all turned so awkward and strange when the pizza delivery arrived. I felt so embarrassed and a little bit ashamed of myself but at the same time, I was so turned on by it. The whole unexpected side of things both terrified me and turned me on so much.

The way her eyes had practically caressed my body, lingering on my rigid nipples and my pussy. I know she had been looking at my ass as I went back inside, she couldn't have missed seeing it unless she suffered sudden blindness. She said she had seen worse sights. Does that mean it was bad but not the worst thing she had seen, or did it mean she liked what she had seen and was doing that typical Aussie thing of downplaying it? Why was it torturing me so much? What did it matter if she liked the look of me or not?

Ahhhhh! This was doing my head in.

My phone buzzed again.

"Lucky pizza deliverer. I wish it was me."

It made me laugh thinking about how he would behave if it was him.

"Well, let's just say that it didn't really go to plan. She was not as excited about it as you would have been. The next-door neighbour though, now that's a different story. He almost choked on his tongue. He came over to ask a favour and got quite the surprise."

We discussed it for a while longer and Luke was very excited about the neighbour getting such a close view of me almost naked. I ended up calling him when I was done eating and we made each other cum over the phone.

I was so tired and worn out from the afternoon of excitement and orgasms that not long after I listened to Luke stroke his cock to climax I was in the shower, then bed. I doubt it was any later than nine-thirty but I was exhausted.

I did have some very pleasant dreams though.

Chapter Eight.

The rest of the week went along in much the same manner. A frustratingly horny day at work followed by me finding somewhere to park that had the slight risk of being caught. I would strip naked and make myself cum, sometimes more than once, before driving home naked.

I was now spending as much time as I could naked around the house. I was doing things that I never would have dreamed of doing naked before, including one memorable occasion where I took the rubbish out to the bin completely naked. Admittedly, I waited until it was dark outside first but there was every chance of someone driving past and lighting me up with their headlights. If the neighbours heard the sound of me out there and looked, they would have seen all I had to offer as I returned to the front door where there was a light glowing above it.

I was so aroused by this act of exhibitionism that I was soaked and on the verge of coming while standing on the doorstep to get inside. I was no more than two steps inside the front door after closing it behind me when I could wait no longer. My right hand was between my legs making squelching sounds in my pussy as my left hand pinched my nipple hard enough to hurt. I came so hard that I found myself on my knees panting with no recollection of how exactly I had got there.

I removed my soaked hand from my crotch and got back to my feet. I made my way on wobbly legs to the shower and soaked my body until my mind was functioning again. I then crawled into bed, loving the feel of the fresh sheets on my clean, naked skin. I sent Luke a message telling him all about the evening's adventure and the resulting orgasm. The messages went back and forth between us for a while until he called me. We then talked and listened to each other's ideas and fantasies until it culminated with us both having orgasms. I told him good night and promptly fell asleep.

For most of my adult life, I have been a very light sleeper. I would wake up at noises outside and usually wake up early before my alarm had gone off. Not lately though. I have been going to bed earlier and sleeping like a log since this all began. Not even stirring until my alarm rudely dragged me out of whatever fantasy I was having or reliving at the time. It meant I was feeling quite refreshed, relaxed and happy now. Being desired and lusted after added to my sense of well-being too. So much so that people were commenting on how happy and radiant I was looking. One lady at work even went so far as to ask what my secret was. I laughed as I imagined telling her the detailed truth and watching the look of shock on her face but for obvious reasons, I refrained.

All-day Friday I was smiling. Luke kept sending me messages, telling me the things he was going to do to me over the weekend. I was like an excited schoolgirl, well, one with a very wet pussy all day anyway. All I could think was, I hope he has the stamina he's going to need to do all the things he says he's going to do.

On my way home I made my obligatory stop, this time at the lake where I did the first time. I was almost begging for someone to catch me this time. I pulled up, deliberately parking in a position where I couldn't just drive away in a hurry, angling the car so that I would have to do a three-point turn to leave. I stripped naked and felt a sense of relief at getting these constricting clothes off. I was running my hands over my body, watching a woman walk past my car with her dog on a leash. She was no more than a car length away from me but she paid no notice of me at all.

I spread my legs apart and began teasing my nipples and pussy with gentle touches. It soon escalated and I was slowly fucking myself with two fingers. It was so good and so nasty but something was lacking. I wanted more. More of what I don't know, just more. I wanted to be extra slutty. I removed my fingers from my pussy and smeared my cum over my nipples then sucked my fingers clean.

It was a warm day and there was a mild breeze rippling the grass and the water. I wanted, no I needed to feel that breeze on my skin. I thought of winding the window down then threw caution to the wind. I opened the door, a crack at first but it kept closing itself so I pushed it all the way open. I had to place one foot out onto the grass and lean a long way out to open it that far. Anyone in the vicinity would know at a glance that I was completely naked in there. I felt the excitement in me rise at the thought of being seen like this.

I stayed that way, legs spread wide apart, one barefoot out of the car and two fingers buried deep in my sloshing pussy. I was once again making a lot of noise pounding into myself and added to that were my grunts and sighs. I had reached the point of not caring if I was seen, in fact wanting to be seen. My imagination brought the jogger from last week back and this time he stopped and stood in the doorway of my car watching me pound my pussy. His shorts came down and he stroked his hard, throbbing cock right in front of me. I wanted him to do it. I wanted to watch as his cum burst forth from him and splash all over my naked body. I wanted strangers to cum all over me. As I had this last thought I rolled over the edge and tumbled into an orgasm that took my breath away.

I was coming down from the high when I suddenly became self-conscious and clambered to get my leg back into the car and closed the door. I had a good look around to see if anyone had noticed. I couldn't see anyone but I quickly put my seatbelt on anyway and drove off home. Along the way, I thought about what I had just done. I couldn't believe I was becoming so brazen. I was so shocked at my behaviour that I got a fit of the giggles that didn't stop until after I was safe back in my garage at home.

That night I had a glass of wine with dinner followed by a long soak in the bath. I preened and pampered myself in ways that I haven't in years. I shaved everything that I felt needed it. My legs, my armpits and the majority of my pussy, leaving a strip above my slit that I trimmed and tamed. I moisturised my entire body and felt supremely relaxed by the time I went to bed. I was so relaxed and felt so good by then that I fell asleep without the assistance of an orgasm for the first time in weeks.

I awoke to the sun streaming in through the window of my bedroom. It was a beautiful clear day with bright blue skies and the sun was warming my naked body as I lay stretched out across the bed. I had kicked the sheets off me during the night and there was a gentle breeze of fresh air blowing across me from the opened window. I remembered that Luke was coming today and a lazy grin spread across my face as I thought about all the things he had said he was going to do to me. If I was a cat I would be purring.

I sat up in bed and then eventually got to my feet. The scent of freshly cut grass hit my nose and at the same time, I realised there was a steady hum going through the neighbourhood. I looked down from my vantage as I stretched languidly in front of the open window. It was the picture of suburban normality if there was such a thing. Several of my neighbours were out mowing their lawns and some were just pottering around in their gardens. Washing lines were full of clothes and sheets while a couple of the families down the road a bit were packing their cars for a day trip to the beach or the lake.

As much as I'm not your classic suburban Mother, or maybe I am and my perception of normal is off, I had to smile at the Norman Rockwell-like scene before me. It felt so right and somehow so wrong to be standing here before my open window completely naked. I felt both immersed in the scene and separate from it at the same time.

I stood watching for a while, slowly rubbing the palms of my hands up and down my silky-smooth body and enjoying the sensation. My nipples had hardened at the first touch and my skin had become extra sensitive to the breeze coming through the window. I wondered if any of my neighbours were watching me. I was becoming moist just from thinking about it but I didn't want to cum yet. I wanted every orgasm I had today to be wrung from my willing body by Luke.

I made a real effort to remove my hands from my body. I leaned forward and placed them on the window frame, as much to keep them busy and not touching me as it was to show myself off. I began to do some basic stretches, limbering up my muscles which, although not stiff were not loose either.

I made my way back downstairs and sat at the table having breakfast. I looked out to the neighbour's house wondering if they could see me then remembered with some disappointment that they were away at the moment.

I spent the rest of the morning just pottering around the house trying to kill the time until Luke got here. It was frustrating because I had already done everything that needed doing and he still wasn't here yet. I was starting to get antsy. I was obsessively checking my phone like a high school girl. Then finally a message came through.

"Sorry I couldn't get back to you straight away, I have been driving. Have just stopped to get fuel. I will be there in about forty-five minutes if the traffic behaves."

"Just so you know, this is how I am waiting for you."

I took a photo of myself in the full-length mirror in the bedroom and attached it to the message. Seconds later my phone beeped again.

"Fuck the speed limits I'll be there in half an hour."

I chuckled. That was more like the response I wanted.

"Just get here alive and with a hard cock. I need it."

There was no response and I imagined him peeling out of the service station with smoke coming from the tyres. God, it felt so good to be wanted.

He didn't quite make it in the thirty minutes he had said but he wasn't far off it. I heard the car come to a halt in the driveway and the door slam. I looked out the window to be certain it was Luke then walked to the door. Before he could even knock I threw it open. Standing there in front of the world, completely naked and damn near dripping with desire for this fit, young man.

He stopped, his arm half raised to knock and his eyes feasted upon me. Drinking in every square inch of my naked, freshly shaved body. He let out a bestial growl and stalked in through the door. Our eyes never left each other and there was a darkness that shaded his eyes that was quite animalistic. He was a predator and I was his most willing prey. I stepped back as he stepped forward. His arm shot out and flung the door shut behind him and still, his eyes never left mine. I had goose flesh all over my body and a shiver ran through me despite the warm day.

He growled again and he closed the distance between us. His arm went around my waist and I practically melted at his touch. He pulled me into him and pressed my entire body against his. His lips met mine and scorched me with possibly the most passionate kiss of my life. I could feel the depth of his desire for me in that kiss and it scared me a little.

His hands were encapsulating me. He felt so big and strong even if he was only half my age. One hand seemed to cover my entire lower back and the other had a firm grip on my ass, kneading it like bread. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back with as much desire as I could put into it. He squeezed me tighter and lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his hips and felt his hard cock press against my pussy. I had to have him. Now. I released my kiss.

"Fuck me now. You can make love to me later but I need you to fuck me right now."

Luke didn't say a word. He walked over to the timber coffee table in the middle of the lounge room, bent forward and placed me on it. He then stepped back, kicked his shoes off and stripped naked. The whole time his eyes never left mine and mine only left his eyes to watch his hard cock spring into sight right before me. He stepped forward and I leaned back. He hooked his arms under my knees forcing my legs back and my ass up as he leaned forward. I reached down and grabbed his cock to guide it into me.

I was so wet and ready that he could have just plunged straight into me but he didn't. Once his head was inside me he hesitated then slowly he began to slide into me. I was way too impatient for that. I needed to be filled by his cock immediately. He was about halfway in when I tilted my hips further and lifted my ass, impaling myself on his cock.

We moaned in unison as my pussy was stretched open and began to pulse and twitch around his cock. I could see the look of concentration on his face as he tried not to cum straight away. I had no such qualms. My pussy began to twitch almost immediately and I could feel it rippling, trying to milk the cum from his cock. I began rocking my hips which made my clit rub against his pubic bone and that was all it took. My first orgasm washed over me and it was delightful.

I was panting and mewling softly as it began to ebb away and then Luke began to fuck me in earnest. Within two or three strokes he worked up a good strong rhythm and was pounding into me. It felt like he was trying to drive his cock through me and I loved it. I was humping back, meeting every one of his thrusts with one of my own. Our bodies were slapping together, I could smell the scent of sex and sweat and I was so turned on. My arms were around his neck as he ploughed into me and my eyes were still locked on his.

"Yes. That's it, Luke. Fucking pound my pussy! Fuck me hard. Fill me with your cum."

His rhythm sped up and I knew he loved me talking dirty to him. I could feel another orgasm building in me and it was a much bigger one than before. It was growing with every sweaty slap of our bodies. Like he was inflating my orgasm with his cock.

"Yes, Luke. Fuck me full."

I could see the moment his orgasm began to approach. He was fucking me even harder and faster now. The coffee table was making dangerous creaking sounds with every thrust and unsolicited grunts and moans were escaping me at the same tempo. Faster and harder he went until my orgasm began to roll over me.

"Fuck yes! I want your cum now Luke!"

I was yelling loud enough for the whole neighbourhood to hear. Then Luke practically roared as he came. He thrust one last time, deep into me and I felt his cum erupt from his body. Pouring out against my cervix, filling me up and then leaking out of me. It was glorious.

I felt so slutty and good until Luke couldn't hold himself up anymore and collapsed forward onto me. I loved the feeling of his weight and his sweaty body against mine until with a sudden crack the coffee table gave out beneath us. I screamed as we fell and when we hit the floor the wind was knocked right out of me. We hit together with an oomph sound. At the same moment, Luke's cock and all the cum he had just deposited in me burst out with a wet farting sound.

I was winded, mortified at the sound and mess my body had just made and having a fit of giggles at the absurdity of what had just happened. At first, Luke was trying to make sure I was okay, but he was soon laughing along with me. It wasn't until I caught my breath that we managed to untangle our bodies. I looked him over as he stood up and that was when I noticed the blood running down his leg.

"Oh, shit. Luke, are you okay?"

He just laughed and looked confused.

"I'm alright, you're the one who took the brunt of that. Well, you and the coffee table."

"No, I mean your leg."

He looked down at where I was pointing and noticed the blood coming out of his leg. It was coming out at a steady rate glugging with each beat of his heart and was now pooling around his foot.

"Oh, shit. I hadn't noticed."

Finally, my mind seemed to find traction. I braced my hands and tried to stand up. I got almost to my feet and then slipped on the mess that had been ejected from me at the impact of our fall. Luke reached out and caught me before I could tumble to the ground. I reached out to him at the same moment. We managed to stay on our feet and not do any further injuries to ourselves although I noticed Luke wince in pain as he took my weight.

Wait here I'll be right back. I took off towards the bathroom. I wet a facecloth with warm water, grabbed a towel and ran back to him. The whole time I was thinking, this is going to be so hard to explain if I have to call an ambulance.

I got back to Luke and knelt next to him. I was in care mode now and wanted to make sure he was okay but seeing his semi-flaccid cock, covered in our cum right next to my face was a treat that I really wanted to enjoy. Raising his blood pressure right now would be a bad idea though.

"How are you feeling, Luke?"

"I'm fine. It hurts a little but I'm alright."

"You're not dizzy or faint?"

He chuckled.

"I'm a bit tougher than that. I can handle a bit of blood."

"Well this is quite a bit of blood actually and I don't want you to fall over and injure yourself again. Are you right to stand at the moment?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I was gently wiping around the wound to see how much damage there was. It wasn't a huge gash but it was deep and would require stitches.

"Well, the good news is we don't need to call an ambulance. The bad news is, you are going to need stitches. It doesn't look like there is anything stuck in there but it will need cleaning out anyway. Looks like we will be making a trip to the hospital."

"Oh, you're kidding."

"Nope. Sorry, Luke."

I got him to hold the towel firm against his leg to stop the flow of blood while I went and got a bowl of warm water and rinsed out the face cloth. I did my best to clean him up, including the excess cum from his cock and balls. I helped him slip on his underwear and shorts then I put his shirt on for him and got him settled into a seat. I ran back to the bathroom, gave myself a very quick clean-up, and then went to the bedroom. I threw a dress on over my head, grabbed the car keys and was back to Luke in a few short minutes.

I helped him out to the car only to realise that his car was behind mine. I helped him into the passenger seat and we were on our way.

We spent the majority of the afternoon in the emergency room at the local hospital. They saw Luke pretty much straight away but after cleaning the wound out and stitching it closed they decided he needed an ultrasound scan on it to make sure there were no splinters in deeper or damage to important blood vessels.

When asked how it had occurred, we explained to the nurse that he sat on the coffee table and it broke. The fact that there were no holes in his shorts, which she pointed out and the fact that it had driven into him from the front towards the back as opposed to back to front was not lost on her. Neither was my furious blushing nor the fact that when she asked how we knew each other we stumbled over our words. I managed to eventually get out that Luke was Sally's friend. That comment was met with an understanding nod and a small smile. We weren't fooling anyone.

By the time we left, it was late afternoon and we had missed lunch. That coupled with the vigorous activity from earlier and we were both starving. We hit the nearest supermarket and bought everything we would need for a picnic. It was too early for a restaurant or pub meal and we were too hungry to wait for them to open so we decided this would be the next best thing.

I drove out of town to a nice spot I knew of on the river bank that offered some shade with willow trees. It was also out of town enough that unless it was screaming hot there generally wasn't many people there. When we pulled up, there was one car there already. It was a group of teenagers who were all in the one spot where someone had hung a rope from the biggest tree there. We went a couple of hundred metres down the track where the bank wasn't as steep and there was grass down to the water's edge. It was a lovely spot and except for the occasional splash and cheer from the teenagers, it was almost quiet enough to think we had it all to ourselves.

It's a really beautiful spot where the water is deep and slow-moving. There are birds everywhere and the dappled light coming through the trees spreads spots of light across the soft, green grass. We found a comfortable spot to sit down and I spread the food out on a beach towel that I had in the car in absence of an actual picnic rug.

There was little romantic about that meal while we were eating it. We were ravenous and got down to some serious eating. We didn't even talk while we ate. When we were finished we both sat there feeling lethargic and a little bloated and before long we were both snoozing in the warmth of the afternoon.

I slowly came back to consciousness, wondering what had woken me up. I opened my eyes and realised the sun had shifted enough that it was now shining through a gap between the trees and right into my face. I shifted my body as I rolled onto my side and felt the weight of Luke's arm draped loosely over my body. I slowly lifted his arm and wriggled out from under it. His breathing remained deep and slow and he showed no signs of stirring.

I stood up and stretched the kinks out of my back. I picked up the remains of the food we had consumed and carried them back up to the car. I put all the rubbish in a bag and walked back down the track a bit to a rubbish bin and placed it inside. I heard a noise and looked up at the car with the teenagers in it. It slowly drove off down the track away from us and towards the main road.

I smiled when I realised that we now had the place to ourselves and a plan was formulating in my mind. Well, "plan" is a strong word. I intended to get naked and ride Luke's cock in the open air. By the time I got back to Luke, I already had the buttons of my dress undone.

He was still asleep and flat on his back, he didn't even stir as my dress landed on the ground next to him. I stood there for a moment just enjoying the feel of the air on my bare skin. It felt so good to be naked. I stood with my legs apart feeling the air kiss the moist folds of my pussy and even my ass. I closed my eyes and soaked in the sound of the river and the birds as well as the gentle breeze blowing through the branches. It felt so natural and right to be naked out there. Add to that, the constant state of arousal I had been in lately and I felt my nerves all over tingling.

I opened my eyes and looked down at Luke. He looked so peaceful and so damn delicious. I got down on my knees next to him and slid the zip down on his shorts. I popped open the button and felt him begin to stir. I reached in, lifted his underwear and took hold of his cock. From the moment I touched it, it began to harden. I smiled as I thought about how good it was to have a young lover.

I leaned forward on my knees, slightly conscious of the fact that if anyone were to view me from behind they would see my pussy and ass spread wide open. I wanted that to happen. I wanted someone to see me like that. I took the tip of his semi-hard cock into my mouth and sucked it in deep and hard. It felt so amazing to feel his cock harden and grow in my mouth. I kept it in there, not moving much, just sliding my tongue around the smooth skin. I heard a soft moan and a smile contorted my full mouth. His hand raised and stroked the back of my head.

I helped Luke ease his shorts down his legs making sure I didn't bump the bandage that was covering his stitches. Once he was as naked as I was I returned my attention to his cock. He was fully hard now and I slowly slid my mouth down and slowly back up the length of his cock until just the tip was in my mouth. I sucked hard on it and flicked the sensitive little hole with the tip of my tongue. I felt his hips trying to push up into me but I applied pressure with my hand, telling him with my action to stay still. He moaned again. I waited just long enough that he wasn't expecting me to change what I was doing then pushed my face down onto his cock as hard and as fast as I could until his cock hit the back of my throat. I gagged a little but I didn't care. I began swallowing until the reflex went away and then I felt my throat relax as his cock slid down into it.

"Oh, Jesus! Oh, fuck, Sue, that feels so good."

I was making short little bobbing motions on his cock, feeling the ridge pop into and out of my throat. Judging by the heavy breathing going on and the moaning sounds of pleasure coming from Luke, I was doing a good job.

He still had one hand in my hair and now his other hand was roaming down my back until it settled on my ass. He began squeezing it, which was pulling my cheeks apart. I knew there was no one behind me but in my mind there was and they could see my wet pussy and asshole, gaping every time Luke squeezed it.

He was trying to reach in further but his arm was at full stretch and he just couldn't quite reach. I moved around until my knee was almost right next to Luke's face, giving him much better access to my most intimate area. His fingers went to work on me and before very long at all he had two fingers sliding in and out of me. I love the wet noises that my pussy makes now and Luke was an expert at making me wetter and wetter by the minute. I felt his hand change position slightly and then one wet finger was replaced by another. The one he had removed began circling my asshole, almost tickling, but feeling so good and so dirty. He applied a little pressure and at first, my body clamped tight but then I began to relax and slowly his finger began to enter my ass. I never would have believed that this would turn me on but my god was it. I began pushing back against him, wanting more. I wanted to be full up.

My imagination was running wild again and the people I had imagined watching before were now more involved. I had Luke's cock in my mouth but his fingers became the cocks of these faceless strangers. One in my pussy and one in my ass. It sent me over the edge again as I began to shiver and shake on Luke's fingers. My pussy and ass clamped down on his fingers as I felt cum oozing out of me and running down my thighs. I reluctantly had to release Luke's cock so I could breathe deep enough to satisfy the orgasm running riot through my body.

Luke eased his fingers out of me but he wasn't done with me yet. He tapped the leg closest to his face then applied pressure to the inside of my thigh, indicating that he wanted me to straddle his face. I had a surreal moment where it was like I was watching myself from afar. Bare assed naked, out in a public place and about to sit on my young lover's face. What a brazen slut I was becoming. I fucking loved that feeling.

I spread my thighs and a surprised cry escaped me as I felt his tongue run up the inside of my thigh all the way to my pussy. He then did the same on the other side and I realised he was licking up the cum that had escaped me during my last orgasm. He then put his hands on my hips and pulled me down until my pussy was in full contact with his mouth. A shiver ran through me as I delighted in the feeling of his lips and tongue working on my pussy. I began to squirm then a gentle rocking motion set in as I rode his face. He encouraged me the whole time with his hands on my hips, sliding me back and forth as he sucked my lips, licked my clit and occasionally pushed his tongue up as deep inside me as he could. It felt wonderful and I was slowly brought to another small orgasm.

I leaned forward, changing the pressure of his tongue from my lips to concentrate more on my clit. It felt so good and I couldn't ignore the hard cock throbbing right in front of my face. I took him into my mouth and was delighted with the humming moan he produced. It vibrated nicely against my clit so I did my best to make him do that as much as possible.

It was nice and slow lovemaking, unlike the frantic fucking of earlier and it felt so luxurious, especially with the warmth of the sun on my bare skin. I was happy to take it slowly but a need was growing in me and I knew the only way to satisfy that need was to have Luke's cock inside my pussy. To feel it swelling in me and then bursting forth his load of cum inside me. I wanted to feel it all inside.

It was at that moment that something caught my attention. I don't know if it was a sound or movement that got my attention initially but it only took a moment to realise what it was. I glanced up and there on the river in front of me was a young couple around Sally and Luke's age. They were on an air mattress and had floated around the bend in the river and were looking straight at us. They both had looks of surprise on their face but neither said anything. At first, my instinct was to jump up and cover myself but that lasted about half a second. I sensed that they weren't offended by what they were seeing because they had stopped their progress down the river by grabbing hold of one of the larger willow branches. They were just watching, not making any moves or sounds and I wondered if they realised yet that I had seen them.

I sat upright, still writhing on Luke's face. And I began rubbing my breasts and nipples seductively for my audience. I made eye contact with them each in turn and smiled, letting them know that it was okay to watch. I was so turned on now that I just had to have Luke's cock inside me. I moved forward off Luke's face and crawled down his body until I was perched over his cock. He seemed happy to lay there and let me ride him, which I felt was good because I didn't want him to react to the strangers watching yet. I hovered over him, making sure my audience had a good view of me and what I was doing. I reached down and grabbed hold of his cock, guiding it to my ready pussy.

I looked at both of them, they looked as eager for me to take his cock as I felt. I kept eye contact with them as I slid down the length of him and bottomed out. I moaned, Luke moaned and I'm sure I heard over the sound of the river one of the strangers let out a low "Fuck."

My eyes rolled back and I threw my head back in ecstasy as I felt his cock throb inside of me. I reached up with one hand and squeezed my nipple as I began a slow, undulating circular motion with my hips. It felt so good to have him inside me where he belongs. I could feel the orgasm that had been lurking in me begin to grow. I moved a little faster, sliding further up and down his cock and felt it grow some more. I adjusted the position of my feet and leaned back, placing my hands on the ground on either side of Luke's ribs. I felt so wantonly on display. They could see my pussy, wide open and now being ploughed by Luke's cock as he began thrusting harder and harder into me. His balls were slapping against my clit with each upward stroke and my ass was slapping against his body. I was moaning and making sounds that I never would have believed would come from me.

"Fuck yes, Luke. Pound my pussy."

He obliged, holding back nothing. It was almost a blur as he pistoned in and out of me. I looked down to see what they could see. It was so erotic, so pornographic. I had never seen my pussy look like this and it ratcheted my orgasm up to the point where I almost couldn't hold on anymore. The rapid motion had whipped my cum into a froth and it speckled my legs and Luke's balls. My clit was more swollen than I had ever seen it and it all just looked so delicious that if I was flexible enough I would have bent forward and tasted it myself.

That last thought was what sent me over the edge. I called out wordlessly, almost crying with the joy of it. I couldn't support my weight anymore and collapsed on top of Luke. My pussy was spasming and milking Luke's cock who responded by grunting in my ear and firing a huge blast of cum deep into my pussy. The position of our bodies made it impossible for Luke to stay inside me and as he slipped out he fired two more blasts of cum straight up into the air that landed with a splash on my belly.

I lay there, panting deeply and running my fingers through the cum that was on my belly. My legs were spread wide open and I knew that the strangers were getting a very good view of my pussy, still pulsing with the aftershocks of my orgasm and leaking cum.

Eventually, I had to move. Luke did not complain about my weight on him one bit but I knew I must be getting heavy. I put my hands down again and pushed myself back into a seated position. The first thing I noticed was that the strangers were gone. I hadn't heard them make a sound and as I looked around I couldn't see them drifting off. Had I imagined it? Had they actually been there? Was my imagination pushing me that far?

I didn't mention anything to Luke as I didn't want him to think I had lost my mind but it was a bit of a concern. I stood up and immediately felt lots of cum running down my thighs. I was sticky with sweat and all manner of bodily fluids. I walked down to the river's edge and after feeling it wasn't unbearably cold with my toes I kept walking in until it was deep enough to dive under the water. It felt so refreshing and invigorating.

I surfaced and turned around in time to see Luke walking into the water as well. I watched him as he waded in looking freshly fucked, relaxed and sexy as hell. I smiled at him as he approached. For a moment I worried about his wound but soon remembered that it was a waterproof bandage they had put on it. He smiled a sultry smile back and when he reached me we wrapped our arms around each other. We kissed, beautifully, and softly and just held each other, suspended naked in the water and it felt so right. But suddenly there was a change. A thought entered my mind and it was like a dark cloud had crossed the sun above us.

What are you doing Sue? It's one thing to have a lover but an entirely different thing to fall in love. You must not do this. This is your daughter's friend. This will not be accepted, not by Sally, not by Luke's family, and not by the small-town mentality of home.

Luke saw me frown and returned it.

"What's wrong, Sue?"

I shook my head, physically shaking myself out of the funk that I suddenly found myself in and smiled up at him. I knew I was going to have to do something about this but not this weekend. This weekend was for pleasure only.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing. I'm alright."

He looked at me and I could see in his eyes that he knew I was lying but thankfully he let it go.

He smiled at me, kissed me again and glanced down the river. I followed his gaze but there was nothing to see.

"So, do you think they enjoyed their little show?"

Holy shit! He had seen them. They were real. I wasn't going insane with lust. Then I remembered all that they had seen and blushed.

"I bet they are somewhere downriver right now doing exactly what we had been doing."

I imagined them on the riverbank, their young, wet, naked bodies slapping together as they thought about and discussed what they had seen. I felt a tingle go through my body and I felt Luke's cock twitch against me. I knew he was thinking the same thoughts. We were both turned on by it but we were too drained to do more than store it in our memory for later.

We eventually got out of the water and dried off in the sunshine before slipping our clothes back on and driving home.

Chapter Nine.

That evening was pretty quiet. We cooked dinner and sat chatting about all kinds of boring and mundane things while we ate dinner and drank wine. Luke's leg was becoming stiff and sore but after a brief inspection, it appeared to be okay. There was no redness or swelling so I didn't think it was becoming infected, just sore from the day's activities.

We went to bed fairly early and it was a nice feeling to have someone cuddled up to me. It reminded me of my husband which made me sad and made me remember the thought I had had in the river.

I realised then that as much as I was having a great time with Luke and that he made me feel very passionate and sexy, I was not in love with him. I hoped he realised that this was not going to be a long-term thing. We were never going to be an item. We were fuck buddies and it wouldn't, couldn't be anything more than that. I decided that we would have to talk about this after the weekend was over. Luke was fulfilling some needs I had and doing a damn fine job of it too but there was one need he could never fulfil. It did make me realise though that after all this time, I was ready to try again.​
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