Chapter 04.2

Manisha : You are just too naive... Which World are you living in!! Who would take such a risk, whatever the circumstances!! Who would go out of their way to help, trusting a man who was living in that Building as a Lock-Down Enforced Guest, and who would accept any of his requests!! Who would do it... Unless... Unless... They already knew him!! It is just too obvious... Kamlesh has been in that Apartment, before as well... You have to agree to it, Kapil!!

Kapil : Bhabhi... This is...

Manisha : I am now thinking what exactly Kamlesh must have been doing when Sonam fell... Yeah... I am telling you he was doing something to her when she fell... They tried being too naughty in the kitchen... I can bet that is how it must have happened!!

Kapil : Stop Imagining Nonsense!!

Manisha : Who knows what his Identity there is... Who knows whether he had always been introduced to the Residents in that Building by Sonam as her Own Husband... Bloody Bastard... He is openly accepting her, and he is keeping me a secret!! He has destroyed My Life!! He has been Cheating me!! He has another Wife!! That Bitch!!

Kapil : Okay... Bhabhi... Just Stop it... Will You?! You have gone too far... You are seriously Over-Thinking now!!

Manisha : Really?? You are still feeling I am at fault here?! You have no idea about what I am going through!! Yet, You want to blame me!!

Kapil : I wasn't blaming you...

Manisha : I had gone to Delhi with him so many times... He hardly ever took me around the City... It was always me staying locked up in the Hotel Room, and him being busy with meetings... In-fact, he would often go out very late at night, citing extremely urgent Project Discussions... He did not care about leaving me alone, and coming back hours later... It all seemed normal earlier... His genuine efforts to honor the unplanned sudden random appointments out of nowhere all looked like his sincere attempt at succeeding in life... But Now... I just don't know... Yet Now... It All Makes Sense!! Kamlesh was just finding excuses to sneak out, to be with Sonam, every time we were in Delhi... Before coming back and sleeping with me, after he had spent a lot of time inside her!!

Kapil : Bhabhi... You don't have to think like that... Please!! Don't do this to yourself!! It is a request!! You are hurting yourself, with all these unwanted thoughts.

Manisha : I am hurt... I am already so hurt!!

Kapil : I am really sorry you are hurt... What you are going through is...

Manisha : You don't want to see me hurt??

Kapil : No... Why would...

Manisha : Really?! And... Why?!

Kapil : Because... There is no need for you to feel hurt!! There is no real reason for you to feel hurt!! Everything Is Fine!!

Manisha : Just That?!

Kapil : Err... What do you mean??

Manisha : Nothing... Hhhmmm...

The silence was back again, but this time leaving me more restless regarding what was to follow - The break of-course partly relieved me, but a major section of me was left busy pondering, especially after realizing that the only sound I could hear from anywhere close to the next 100 Miles, was her very clear heavy breathing.

I had tried hard to downplay her sorrowful claims, but it was a certainty that she was once again engrossed in her plotting, and taking steps to rectify her faults - A few things she recently tried suggesting sounded very stupid, and turned out to be very useless, but she too would have understood that, for she was more crafty than anybody thought she was.

I could predict that she was getting ready to start again, stronger & smarter, and I knew she was set with a trap laid for me - Her Husband's Younger Brother had forever been just about escaping from falling into her bag, but he was now only a whisker away from being caught!!

Manisha : I always asked him about it...

Kapil : You always thought... Sonam was... You always knew...

Manisha : I mean... I did ask him about her, when I saw him text her a few times, after our marriage...

Kapil : What did he tell you??

Manisha : He told me they were Just Friends... At First!! But... Later... Like... A Year or so ago... He added they were also working together on something very important... And... A couple of weeks after that... He further confessed to me that they were actually having an affair, before I came into his life.

Kapil : I never knew all this happened... You hardly showed any signs of it...

Manisha : Yeah... You could not have guessed about it, because I gave you no chance to... I did not make an issue out of it... I did not fight with him over it... See... There was nothing I could have done... There was nothing I should have done... Other Than Respecting his Past!! It was all Ok.

Kapil : If you were so understanding... And, if you trusted him so much... Why this change in attitude now??

Manisha : There is a difference between telling yourself that you are nobody to judge him by his past, or rather, judge them by their past, AND, foolishly forcing yourself to believe that are you immune to being cheated!!

Kapil : This is all so... I don't know... You are just...

Manisha : He kept telling me for so long about how great Just-Friends they were... You see... He wanted me to believe it... Despite it being a lie... Kapil... You are just too young... This is all too complex... And... I don't think you will... Look... I really don't want you to ever get hurt... Okay?! Always be careful... That is why I am telling you all this... Consider it an advise... All Boys and Girls who claim they are Just Friends, are like that... Always!! Never Trust Them!! They are just lying!! It is always a lie!! There is no such thing as being Just-Friends!!

The already unwanted conversation was now also turning unwantedly complicated.

It started with Bhabhi telling me about her doubts of Bhaiyya cheating on her, and she tried hard, and she must have felt she had almost convinced me with her speech, but when she saw no majorly amusing reaction from me, she quickly brought in a drastic concerned change to her modus operandi - It sure made me think, and she had done it well enough, but she still was not going to get away with the desired result!!

Even then, the poisonous curiosity she had managed to built began to be somehow slowly converted into meaningful suspicion about my elder brother's faithfulness, that soon also turned itself into annoying convictions.

I unexpectedly found myself getting extremely angry at Kamlesh, for being a stupid jerk, whose idiotic doings had resulted in putting me through this ordeal.

There were a lot of ideas his wife had tried to convey to me, and even as I wanted to remain firm about the fact that the truth could still be entirely different from what she had made it seem, it was becoming a lot more evident that she was in a way attempting to hit back at her husband, by being dirty with me, whatever the actual intention was!!

As much as I was pissed at her behavior, there also was something striking about the less seducing details she had last shared with me - I could easily have maintained it was just her in the middle of the act, striving to draw me into the lunacy, but then, it suddenly hit me.

I was forced to bring my attention back to my girlfriend & my best friend, Nivetha & Rana, who had always been close friends, and with the help of my sister-in-law's allegations, I just had to wonder whether they too would have been together at some point of time - The Just-Friends Theory further blew things out of proportion, irritating me, leaving me as good as convinced that the two were always lying to me!!

Rana had introduced me to Nivetha, but still...

He would not had so happily done that if he really had a thing for her, but still...

All at once, it seemed easier to acknowledge that what was happening between them both now, was just an after-effect of their earlier relationship, and I was getting more furious about their shameful deeds!!

I was so upset about being so close to confirming the reality that they were together cheating me, with all their hurtful back-stabbing deceits, and I felt bad.

Add to the turmoil the regular loud fake innocent sighs by Manisha Bhabhi, who was playing it slow & sad, leaving me greatly frustrated - It was a marvel that what she was doing was working for once, but though not exactly the way she was hoping it to, she unknowingly sure was breaking me more, rubbing salt to injury, and adding fuel to fire, exactly as if she had knowingly passed me the clues!!

The pressure finally reached a point where I ultimately felt completely derailed, and the alluring lady next to me was obviously the first to be aware of the change.

I had crawled only a milli-meter closer to her, and she was certain she was winning the duel, even though it was never just her own moves that were causing me to flinch, and regardless of the actions having to do a lot more with the sorry state of

my own pitiful love life!!

Every time I thought about my cursed position, I felt I had more reasons to feel concerned - Agreed, I had never really been fairly decent, and I had committed enough sins to have no support in my cry for justice, but I had also never broken another person's heart.

The strong feeling of betrayal from my lover, was tempting me to seek revenge - There was this rage inside me, that was tempting me to chose the easiest available option, and complete the revenge.

This detection of vengeful calming was tempting me to give in to the advances of my sister-in-law - The shattered state of my own self was tempting me to believe that Bhabhi was right about doing what she was doing, pushing me to accept that I too would be doing the right thing if I helped her do the right thing!!

It was as good as decided, with the only hindrance remaining being the verity that I just could not take the effort to forcefully forget the image of my happy smiling elder brother.

I knew him too well to trust he would definitely have not been cheating on his wife, and even if he did, I was aware that I believed I still had no real authority to support his wife cheating on him by agreeing to be the evil partner in crime, what ever reasons I had to defend myself!!

The light was still dim in the room, similar to the previous night, but good enough to have an impression about what existed in the surroundings - Yet, I found my mind to be decorated in pitch-black, with the disturbing darkness perhaps being a realization of the fact that it was just the second day of the lock-down, with nineteen more testing harsh days, in real time, to follow.

I really had to do a better job at enabling normality, if that was my true aim, but it was obvious that my chances against a woman who was adamantly convinced she had the license to cheat, was a big zero - She also always believed she would be successful against a mostly vulnerable opponent, and now that she was nearing her goal, she was certainly going to do everything left to be done to see me fail, how ever hard I tried to keep my actual emotions under control!!

Manisha : Kapil...

Kapil : Yes Bhabhi...

Manisha : Nisha...

Kapil : Yes... Nisha...

Manisha : Are you okay??

Kapil : Huh... Yes... I...

Manisha : Sure??

Kapil : I... Yeah...

Manisha : He must be liking it there... Right?!

Kapil: I don't think so... Bhabhi... See... You don't have to...

Manisha : He must be liking it there... I know...

Kapil : I still... I am feeling so...

Manisha : Are you liking it here?!

Kapil : What??

"Did you like what you saw, Kapil?!" Bhabhi immediately asked, in a very seductive tone, moderately yet swiftly turning her face towards me, and leaving me flustered - I had always left my head slightly raised, pointed towards her, to keep a careful check on her, and I could sense her having her sight fixed on me, and I was audibly panting.

She soon proceeded to return to the original posture, with a wide loud grin on her face, but not before she very sensually hummed to the tune of an Indian Romantic Song, that originally featured in a Movie infamous for exploring the illicit relationship between a young lad and his elder brother's wife - She was changing the complete dynamics of the situation, taking the steamy uncomfortable event to a whole different level, and to the dangerous territory she wanted this game to be played at!!

Manisha : Tell Me, Kapil... Did you like what you saw Today Morning??

Kapil : Manisha Bhabhi!!

Manisha : Call Me Nisha!! I have already told you that a million times... You must know by now that is how I like it!!

Kapil : Please...

Manisha : You liked seeing me in a Bra... Didn't You?! You want to see me without one?? Tell Me!!

Kapil : I am not liking this, Bhabhi... I really mean it!!

Manisha : Why do you say that?? You are supposed to like this!!

Kapil : This feels so stra...

"Shhhhh!!" she used her hand to forcefully close my mouth shut, as she made herself comfortable gloriously sitting on the bed, in a matter of seconds, with a blanket fortunately still wrapped around her body, ultimately using the whole of her strength to finally turn me over for good, hastily, and have me lay flat on the mattress, giving me a direct view of her.

Before I could even finish wondering what exactly was happening, her other hand rapidly traveled in the one direction it should never have, easily finding it's way inside my shorts, and shockingly grabbing my erect cock!!

"Aaha!! Right... So you were lying... You were lying.... All this while... You said you haven't been enjoying sleeping next to me... You naughty pervert!!" she declared, surprisingly without any real initial change of expression, holding my throbbing dick tighter, leaving me even more heartbroken.

I rightly felt smashed into pieces, and all the preventive measures I had taken so far were made to look meaningless by the excitement displayed by my rock hard manhood!!

"Kapilllllll!!" I heard her erotically moan, continuing to press me all over the rod, roughly chewing her own lips, as I embarrassingly glanced at her.

Her eyes looked like they were shining with lust, but more importantly, her face had a very pleased content smile, plainly indicating she had achieved a major part of her goal - She had got me exactly where she wanted me, and my body had just conveyed to her how interested I was, regardless of the desperate efforts I put in to avoid this very carnal altercation!!

Kapil : I am sorry...

Manisha : Oh My... And... What Is Even... Inside... Kapil!! Hahaha... You are really hard... Like really... And... You... Oooo... You better be sorry... And... You better be ready to now make up for it!!

Kapil : Please... Please... Please take your hand away, Bhabhi... We shouldn't be... This is not at all right... What you are doing is wrong!!

Manisha : What I am doing is wrong?! Sorry... Brother!! But you are the one wrong here!!

Kapil : Please... I am begging... Look... If Kamlesh Bhaiyya finds out about this, it will be a big problem.

Manisha : So... It is not a problem if he does not find out... I see...

Kapil : Please, Bhabhi... That is not what I meant!!

Manisha : He won't find out... You and... Your friend... Hehehe... Will both be safe!!

Kapil : I don't want this... Shit!! Take your hand... Why can't you understand... Just... Move!!

Manisha : Ohh... Ahh... Fine... Okay... Don't Push Me like that... No... Alright... You... I will let you have it your way... But...

Kapil : What?? Phew... What More!! I am leaving!!

Manisha : Wait!!

Kapil : I don't want this!!

Manisha : Let me check if you really mean it!!

Kapil : What?!

Manisha : I am going to Test you...

Kapil : What?? Why?? How??

Manisha : You will know!!

Kapil : What are you going to do to me?!

Manisha : Nothing... I won't even touch you!! I promise you that!!

Kapil : Then?? What are you going to make me do??

Manisha : Nothing... Simple!! You really don't have to do anything... Just lay still... That is all what is required... But... You should not fall asleep... And... You should keep your eyes fixed onto me... Okay?! Turn Around... A bit more... Yeah... And... I will know if you are cheating, so don't do that, and make this worse!!

Kapil : I won't!! I don't want this... I won't let you trick me into something sinful!!

Manisha : Oh Yeah?! Whoa... I thought I was being kind to you... Well... How about I just call your brother and tell him you tried to Ra*e me!! How's that?! Or... How about I tell that you to your mother?? Maybe, your sister... And your brother-in-law, and his parents too!! They could all have so much fun discussing your dirty antics... Nice time-pass during the lock-down it would be for them!!

Kapil : What The Hell!! You are So Cheap... You should be ashamed of yourself!!

Manisha : Yeah?? Really?!

Kapil : Yes!! I Hate You!! You are So Cheap!!

Manisha : Wait Then... Let me just see whether your Parents too would call me Cheap... What if it turns out to be My Lucky Day... And, they trust me!! Hehehe...

Kapil : Bhabhi... Please...

Manisha : I will.

Kapil : Don't... Please...I will do as you say!!

Manisha : Hahahaha... Good Boy... Very Good Boy!!

I knew I had no other option than to obey her - I just had to say Yes.

For she had put into use the Ultimate Weapon - The Girl Card, or more specifically, The Indian Bhabhi Card!!

Every Mother in this country would proudly disown their Sons, the moment her Daughter-In-Law put forward accusations of an attempt to defile her - It was as easy as that, and I could not let it happen.

The disgraceful tale of sexual exploitation against the bride was a very common event in every household, and it was a given that mothers who were notified of the slightest of wrongful intentions, would not trust their sons on the matter, however innocent his past had been, and I could not afford to be labelled a crude individual!!

Being an intelligent desi wife, Bhabhi knew about her rights better than me, and she was sure she could take advantage of the miserable situation I was in.

Add to it the fact that she had been living in our house all these years, with us, never wanting to move out, and lead a life alone with her husband - She had everybody's trust, and she was very much a girl of our house, and she was very close with my mom, and she would have guessed from their interactions what her mother-in-law truly thought about the youngest child!!

It was obvious my female parent would have at-least once seen me being horny around her, though in a considerably harmless forgivable manner, and she would have also been definitely alert enough to at-least once guess what I would have had in my mind, and the information would have been passed on to her elder son's wife, at some point of time - The latter was more than just shrewd to use the data in her favor, and she could easily make out that her in-laws would patently believe her if she ever came up with something against me, and it was just a case of her making her statement sound very harmful and very unforgivable.

Bhabhi was very much aware of her powers, and she knew my parents would willingly throw me out of the house, and she was also sharp enough to confirm I would fall for her trap, and agree to her demands!!

I slowly turned around, exactly as she instructed me to, and much to my despair, as she made me to settle facing the side of the bed she occupied, before she herself took the spot, getting me to stare at her back.

It was an uneasy viewing experience, given the sensual magnitude of the setting, but deep inside, I still found reasons to believe I could somehow win this situation.

I felt I could quickly get this over, and prove myself by passing the test, and I just had to bluntly keep looking at her, and finish this forever - Or so I thought!!

I assumed I had it all under control, till she left me heavily jolted, when she got rid of her blanket, without a lot of delay, and thereby reminding me of the previous night - Her action also emphasizing on the kind of scheme she had in her mind.

The idea, as anybody could suspect, was simple, at-least from a neutral point of view - She promised me that she won't touch me, and she really was not going to touch me, but that was not the end of it!!
Next page: Chapter 04.3
Previous page: Chapter 04.1