Chapter 02
Blackmail Continues
Nyla : What the hell?!
Ron : Come unzip my pants, My Dear Nyla...
Nyla : What?? What makes you even think I will do that?!
Ron : Haha... Well... The Circumstances... And... Your past!! And... Hehehe... I am also the proud owner of an 8 inch long uncircumcised thick dick... Unlike your men!! Unlike what your future husband has!! Haha!! I am sure you will enjoy getting there... All you need is to unzip me!! Hehe...
Nyla : Gross!! No Way...
Ron : Hahaha!! How about the three of you do it together, then?! Would that make you feel better, Nyla?? That you have the company of your slutty younger sisters!!
Nyla : I...
Ron : You horny bitches would love it... You are going to enjoy it!! You might take my meat in your hands, even before I ask you to!! Haha...
Nyla : You suck!!
Ron : Oh yeah?!
Nyla : Yes... You bloody...
Ron : Don't make me wait!!
Noorin : She won't do it... I don't think she needs to do that...
Ron : Really?? You think so, Noorin?? Well... Why don't you do it, then?!
Noorin : No Way, Ron!! There is no way I am taking your pants off!!
Ron : Hahaha!! Noorin!! I never asked you to take my pants off... I just want you to pull my zipper down... But, I won't stop you if you want to go further... Haha!!
Noorin : You said you wanted her to get you... I mean...
Ron : What?!
Noorin : Err... Just Get lost!!
Ron : Hahaha!! Come on... Don't be shy!! Do it, Noorin... Show your sisters how it is done... You can!! You are after all the same girl who got caught with your hand inside your classmate's trousers, during a Lab Session, in College.
Noorin : What?! How did...
Nyla : What is this shit!! You cannot humiliate her like that, Ron... This is bullshit!! You are abusing us!! You are really going to pay for doing this to us!! I assure you that.
Ron : Hahaha...
Noorin : You bluffed, right?!
Ron : I don't think I heard you, Noorin... A little louder, please!!
Noorin : I... I was... I was trying to...
Ron : Hehehe... Stop asking me questions, Noorin... You won't be pleased with my answers... Just do what I ask you to... Not for yourself... But, for your elder sister... For your family!!
Nyla : Your claims are baseless...
Ron : Not really... Arjun's Nyla!!
Nyla : Shut Up!! Don't listen to him, Noorin... You do not have to bothered about his lies!!
Ron : Okay... I admit I am a liar... Haha!! Happy?! Hahaha... Just get it done, Noorin!! You know you are in no position to bargain.
Nyla : Stay Away, Noorin.
Noorin : It's okay, Nyla... I will do it... It's no big deal, anyway...
Nyla : What?? Why?? Don't!!
Ron : You can try to stop her, Nyla. Go for it... You may succeed... And... There is also a great chance that Farhan may not mind, ultimately... He might just enjoy listening to your dirty old secrets... You never know until you know!! Haha!!
Nyla : Please...
Noorin : It is okay, Nyla...
Nyla : I am sorry, Noorin... I am so sorry about this.
Noorin : Just stop worrying about me... I can manage... There... There You Go!! Done... Done... Got... It...
Ron : Good Girl... Yes... Just like that...
Noorin : Yes... Yes... Done!! I have done it... I have unzipped you!!
Ron : Ooooo... Yeah... That felt great... Haha!! And... You almost touched me!!
Noorin : I did not!!
Ron : Haha!! You almost did!! Actually... You did!!
Noorin : No!!
Ron : Fine... Now... Unbutton it...
Noorin : Excuse Me?!
Ron : Unbutton my pants... And, pull it down completely... Take my bottom off me, my darling sister... Get me out of my trousers!!
Noorin : No!!
Ron : You sure?? You were not this stubborn a girl, that day in college!!
Noorin : Whatever... Fine!! I will...
Ron : Lol!!
Noorin : Yeah... Yeah... Laugh!! This is not going to matter... You won't be laughing forever... And, I am just going to... Quickly... Shit!! Ohh Myy...
Ron : Hahaha!!
Noorin : Oh...
Ron : Is... Everything alright?? Hehe...
Noorin : What... What!!
Ron : Hahahahahaha... You seemed to have greatly liked it... Noorin... Why do you look so stunned?! Are you upset I wore an under-wear?? Or... Is the hidden prick not as tempting as you imagined my meat to be!!
Noorin : Yes!! No!! Not at all... I mean... I hate what you just made me do... And, I hate you even more!!
Ron : Hahaha!! Is that so?! Really?? You did not like it??
Nazriya : She has clearly said that she did not like it!!
Ron : Aaha... You are still here!! Hehe... Why were you so silent, all this while, Nazriya?! Busy Enjoying the Show?!
Nazriya : I am sick of this!!
Ron : Great!! Let me help you... Let me get you involved... Now, Nazriya... Come take my trunks away... Reveal me in all my glory!! Haha...
Nyla : What is this, Ron?! How can you be so cheap?? You are crossing all your limits. Stop it, now...
Ron : Stop What??
Nyla : Stop doing what you are doing!!
Ron : I am not doing anything... You are the ones doing everything!! Your sisters are doing everything!! Haha...
Nyla : You...
Ron : Just Do It, Nazriya!!
Nyla : I will make you pay for this!!
Ron : You have already said that, Nyla... And, if you don't stop pissing me off, I am going to just tell all your... Maahnnn... Whooaaa... Bloody Fuckkk!! Shitt!! That was Smooth!!
Nazriya : There!! You creepy pervert!! Now keep quite!!
Ron : Hahha!! Fuck... Haha!! Ohh, Yes Baby... I thought this was going to take a lot longer. Hehe...
Nazriya : Enough!! Leave...
Ron : Okay... So, girls... Look... This is my rod saying hello to you!!
Nazriya : We don't care!! Just leave, Ron!!
Ron : Why are you so disinterested?! Why do you all look so bored?! Come on...
Nazriya : We are disinterested because we are not interested... We look bored because...
Ron : You cannot say that without even... What is THIS!! LOOK AT ME!! Hehe... Good!! I did not mean to scare you!! Sorry I shouted... Not INTO MY EYES!! Look at my little friend, down here!! Hehehe... Don't be so shy, Girls... Look at it!! NOW!!
Nazriya : In your dreams!! Go get a... Dammnnn!!
Noorin : Nazriya... What... Ohh Mahnn!!
Nyla : What is... Unbelievable!!
Ron : Hahaha!! Exactly!!
Nyla : Why are you... Not... Leaving!!
Ron : Who said I was leaving??
Nyla : We don't want you here!!
Ron : Who are you talking to?? Are you talking to me... Or... Are you talking to... Hehehe... What are you looking at, Nyla?!
Nyla : What?? Nothing!! I am not looking at anything!! I don't want to look at anything!!
Ron : Lol!! You can try being as less amused as you possibly can!! But, I very clearly heard each of your whorry gasps... Every bit of it!! I just know how badly the three of you want to feel my big cock in your hands... And... Everywhere Else!!
Nazriya : Enough!!
Ron : Enough of what?? Huh?? Enough of talking?? Hehe... Nazriya... Tell me... Look at me... You like my big tool, Nazriya?! You sisters always had a thing for uncut cocks, right?! Come on... Smile!! I am not angry at you... I am not upset about the fact that you did not believe me when I told you I was huge, Nyla... I do not hate you for telling me that you hate me, Noorin!! Lol!! I am glad I could redeem myself, and I for sure know you are loving this!! Haha!! Take a closer look girls!! I don't mind being objectified, even if it is by a group of sluts!!
Nyla : I am going to kill you!!
Nazriya : Shut Up, you bastard!!
Noorin : We want nothing of it!!
Ron : Oh Yeah?! Okay... Well... Let's... Stop the Looking Game!! That will make things better... Let's move forward... And... Are you really expecting me to ask you to start stroking my dick?! I thought you cheap slags knew enough!! Hahahaha!!
Nyla : Shameless...
Nazriya : Filthy...
Noorin : Asshole!!
Ron : Hehehe... Noorin is so cute when she cusses!!
Nazriya : What are you trying to... What...
Ron : See... Just like that... This is so easy... Right?! You only need to play with my pole... Exactly how I am doing it... Hhmmm... Ohhh Yesss!! The three of you look so much more beautiful now!! Hhmmmmmmm...
Nyla : This is disgusting... Stop doing that!!
Ron : Sure... Why not?! Stopping it, immediately!! Okay... Nyla, come here... Near Me... I will keep my hands off my body!! You can start doing it for me!! Haha!! Isn't that what you wanted??
Noorin : You are so bad!!
Nyla : Sorry, Noorin... But... You will have to wait... Don't be sad... Your turn will come soon!! Lol!!
Nyla : Enough of this, Ron!! Tell Farhan everything about my past... Tell him whatever you want to... Tell him everything you know about me!! If our marriage was to happen, it will happen... No matter what!! Otherwise... I am ready to suffer!! I don't mind... Because this is too much... I cannot let this continue... We do not deserve this!!
Ron : Yeah?! Cool!! That is a very daring decision!! And I appreciate it!! But, have you thought about what will happen to your ex-boyfriend when they hear about everything he has done?? Have you thought about what will happen to him when the pictures featuring you two are made public?? Your people will kill him... And, they will kill you, as well!!
Nyla : I... I don't care... Just get out, Ron!! That is all what I want now!!
Ron : Haha... Okay!! I will leave... Just be sure that I will make sure these pictures reach everybody concerned...
Nyla : Do whatever you want.
Ron : And, when I leak the pictures, I will leak all the pictures that has Arjun in it...
Nyla : Do whatever you want!! I am ready to face the consequences!! You cannot threaten me anymore!!
Ron : It will be not just you with him, Nyla... I will also leak pictures of him with your younger sister...
Nyla : What??
Ron : I will make sure the world sees the pictures of your ex-boyfriend with her, too. I even have a video of them!!
Nazriya : Stop it, Ron!! Stop It!!
Nyla : Exactly!! Stop It!! Stop lying!! Stop being a bastard!! Just get out!!
Ron : All of them will slut shame your mother, too... They would want to do nothing with a family full of whores like you... And, Nyla, your little sister was nothing less than a pornstar in that two minute video.
Noorin : What the hell!! Stop this nonsense!!
Ron : She was stroking his cock, inside his new car... Arjun owned your sister, Nyla. Just like he had you!! Haha!!
Noorin : What?! I did not... I really... This is rubbish...
Ron : Your sister enjoyed it!! Your ex-boyfriend completely owned her!!
Noorin : Noo!!
Nyla : No!! Stop!! Enough of your mind games!! Don't waste time lying!! Arjun will never do it... He loved me... He still loves me... He will forever love me!! Noorin was like his own sister... A loser like you will never understand!!
Ron : I know!! I know Noorin was like his own sister!! But, I am still not lying!! I can prove myself!! I have the video with me.
Noorin : You are such a...
Nazriya : Just stop!! Ron!! Stop!! How many times have I told you to keep your mouth shut?!
Noorin : Stop messing with us, Ron!! I did no wrong!!
Nyla : You cannot try tricking us into any more of your dirty plans, Ron!! I trust Arjun!! I mean... I trust Noorin!!
Ron : And... What about Nazriya?! Do you trust her??
Nyla : Of-course... I really...
Ron : You never found her behavior to be suspicious?? Not even now?! Not even after her constant attempts to break this conversation, and put my mouth to rest?! Let me remind you one thing... She was not fighting... She was willingly participating!! You don't find anything unusual here??
Nyla : What is...
Ron : If she had not cooperated, you would not have been in this mess... She started it, to be very honest... Hehehe... I am not complaining... All I am trying to...
Nazriya : How did you know about it?!
Noorin : What?? Nazriya... What did you just ask him?!
Nazriya : How did you get to see the video?! Tell me, Ron!!
Nyla : Nazriya?!
Nazriya : How did you get it, Ron?? I want to know!!
Nyla : What?! That video really exists?!
Nazriya : Who gave you my video?! Who showed my video to you??
Nyla : Nazriya?! What are you saying?? It was you?!
Nazriya : I am sorry, Nyla... I just could not resist his approaches... He has been fucking me, too.
Noorin : What?! Fucking?! Arjun?! And, fucking you TOO?! You mean Nyla and you, both, are really not virgins?! There are pictures & videos, as well?! It is all true?? Do you two have any idea about what will happen if somebody gets to know about this?!
Ron : Hahaha!! I think I am already giving you a good idea about what will happen if somebody gets to know about all this... Hahahahahaha!! I am sorry, Noorin... But, there is more... Nyla has not been a virgin, since a very long time. The truth is she lost her purity even before she met Arjun. Nazriya too is no more a virgin... Arjun has fucked them both!! And, he has also fucked them on the same day!! I mean... The day Nazriya lost her...
Noorin : How do you know all...
Ron : Be a little patient... I will tell you... Hehehe... Nyla was almost caught by Nadiya Aunty, that eventful evening, when she made out with Arjun, in the terrace... And, your elder sister hid her loving boyfriend inside the common bathroom, in the second floor, completely unaware of the fact that Nazriya was using it. Got it?! I hope you can guess what must have happened next.
Noorin : I won't believe you!! Who is telling...
Ron : You still won't believe me?! Okay... Whatever the case... It is sad that you missed out on all the fun... Hahaha... It is more unfortunate that you have to ask me for these priceless details... All Arjun took was a minute to be inside Nazriya... He would have taken you in even lesser time!!
Noorin : Shut up!! This is all just too... You are lying!!
Ron : This is the truth... Seriously!! Ask your sisters about it... Go ahead, Noorin!! Try!! Try making them tell you this is not the truth!! Nazriya has already admitted it!! Nyla is no longer defending herself!!
Noorin : This cannot be... We three have always been together... I just did not...
Ron : I can understand what you must be going through... But, don't you worry about it... You don't have to feel bad... Because, you too will be just like your sisters, by the time I am done with you girls...
Noorin : Huh??
Ron : You won't be a virgin when you walk out of this room, Noorin...
Noorin : What?!
Ron : Oh Wait!! I forgot to ask... Are you a virgin?! Hahaha... I don't know... Anything is possible with you three slutty sisters!! Lol!! However, what I know for sure is that you are going to relish having my dick deep inside your holes!!
Noorin : What The Hell!! No... No... No...
Ron : Hahaha!! I won't insist!! You should let me in only if you want your secrets to remain secrets!!
Ron : Come unzip my pants, My Dear Nyla...
Nyla : What?? What makes you even think I will do that?!
Ron : Haha... Well... The Circumstances... And... Your past!! And... Hehehe... I am also the proud owner of an 8 inch long uncircumcised thick dick... Unlike your men!! Unlike what your future husband has!! Haha!! I am sure you will enjoy getting there... All you need is to unzip me!! Hehe...
Nyla : Gross!! No Way...
Ron : Hahaha!! How about the three of you do it together, then?! Would that make you feel better, Nyla?? That you have the company of your slutty younger sisters!!
Nyla : I...
Ron : You horny bitches would love it... You are going to enjoy it!! You might take my meat in your hands, even before I ask you to!! Haha...
Nyla : You suck!!
Ron : Oh yeah?!
Nyla : Yes... You bloody...
Ron : Don't make me wait!!
Noorin : She won't do it... I don't think she needs to do that...
Ron : Really?? You think so, Noorin?? Well... Why don't you do it, then?!
Noorin : No Way, Ron!! There is no way I am taking your pants off!!
Ron : Hahaha!! Noorin!! I never asked you to take my pants off... I just want you to pull my zipper down... But, I won't stop you if you want to go further... Haha!!
Noorin : You said you wanted her to get you... I mean...
Ron : What?!
Noorin : Err... Just Get lost!!
Ron : Hahaha!! Come on... Don't be shy!! Do it, Noorin... Show your sisters how it is done... You can!! You are after all the same girl who got caught with your hand inside your classmate's trousers, during a Lab Session, in College.
Noorin : What?! How did...
Nyla : What is this shit!! You cannot humiliate her like that, Ron... This is bullshit!! You are abusing us!! You are really going to pay for doing this to us!! I assure you that.
Ron : Hahaha...
Noorin : You bluffed, right?!
Ron : I don't think I heard you, Noorin... A little louder, please!!
Noorin : I... I was... I was trying to...
Ron : Hehehe... Stop asking me questions, Noorin... You won't be pleased with my answers... Just do what I ask you to... Not for yourself... But, for your elder sister... For your family!!
Nyla : Your claims are baseless...
Ron : Not really... Arjun's Nyla!!
Nyla : Shut Up!! Don't listen to him, Noorin... You do not have to bothered about his lies!!
Ron : Okay... I admit I am a liar... Haha!! Happy?! Hahaha... Just get it done, Noorin!! You know you are in no position to bargain.
Nyla : Stay Away, Noorin.
Noorin : It's okay, Nyla... I will do it... It's no big deal, anyway...
Nyla : What?? Why?? Don't!!
Ron : You can try to stop her, Nyla. Go for it... You may succeed... And... There is also a great chance that Farhan may not mind, ultimately... He might just enjoy listening to your dirty old secrets... You never know until you know!! Haha!!
Nyla : Please...
Noorin : It is okay, Nyla...
Nyla : I am sorry, Noorin... I am so sorry about this.
Noorin : Just stop worrying about me... I can manage... There... There You Go!! Done... Done... Got... It...
Ron : Good Girl... Yes... Just like that...
Noorin : Yes... Yes... Done!! I have done it... I have unzipped you!!
Ron : Ooooo... Yeah... That felt great... Haha!! And... You almost touched me!!
Noorin : I did not!!
Ron : Haha!! You almost did!! Actually... You did!!
Noorin : No!!
Ron : Fine... Now... Unbutton it...
Noorin : Excuse Me?!
Ron : Unbutton my pants... And, pull it down completely... Take my bottom off me, my darling sister... Get me out of my trousers!!
Noorin : No!!
Ron : You sure?? You were not this stubborn a girl, that day in college!!
Noorin : Whatever... Fine!! I will...
Ron : Lol!!
Noorin : Yeah... Yeah... Laugh!! This is not going to matter... You won't be laughing forever... And, I am just going to... Quickly... Shit!! Ohh Myy...
Ron : Hahaha!!
Noorin : Oh...
Ron : Is... Everything alright?? Hehe...
Noorin : What... What!!
Ron : Hahahahahaha... You seemed to have greatly liked it... Noorin... Why do you look so stunned?! Are you upset I wore an under-wear?? Or... Is the hidden prick not as tempting as you imagined my meat to be!!
Noorin : Yes!! No!! Not at all... I mean... I hate what you just made me do... And, I hate you even more!!
Ron : Hahaha!! Is that so?! Really?? You did not like it??
Nazriya : She has clearly said that she did not like it!!
Ron : Aaha... You are still here!! Hehe... Why were you so silent, all this while, Nazriya?! Busy Enjoying the Show?!
Nazriya : I am sick of this!!
Ron : Great!! Let me help you... Let me get you involved... Now, Nazriya... Come take my trunks away... Reveal me in all my glory!! Haha...
Nyla : What is this, Ron?! How can you be so cheap?? You are crossing all your limits. Stop it, now...
Ron : Stop What??
Nyla : Stop doing what you are doing!!
Ron : I am not doing anything... You are the ones doing everything!! Your sisters are doing everything!! Haha...
Nyla : You...
Ron : Just Do It, Nazriya!!
Nyla : I will make you pay for this!!
Ron : You have already said that, Nyla... And, if you don't stop pissing me off, I am going to just tell all your... Maahnnn... Whooaaa... Bloody Fuckkk!! Shitt!! That was Smooth!!
Nazriya : There!! You creepy pervert!! Now keep quite!!
Ron : Hahha!! Fuck... Haha!! Ohh, Yes Baby... I thought this was going to take a lot longer. Hehe...
Nazriya : Enough!! Leave...
Ron : Okay... So, girls... Look... This is my rod saying hello to you!!
Nazriya : We don't care!! Just leave, Ron!!
Ron : Why are you so disinterested?! Why do you all look so bored?! Come on...
Nazriya : We are disinterested because we are not interested... We look bored because...
Ron : You cannot say that without even... What is THIS!! LOOK AT ME!! Hehe... Good!! I did not mean to scare you!! Sorry I shouted... Not INTO MY EYES!! Look at my little friend, down here!! Hehehe... Don't be so shy, Girls... Look at it!! NOW!!
Nazriya : In your dreams!! Go get a... Dammnnn!!
Noorin : Nazriya... What... Ohh Mahnn!!
Nyla : What is... Unbelievable!!
Ron : Hahaha!! Exactly!!
Nyla : Why are you... Not... Leaving!!
Ron : Who said I was leaving??
Nyla : We don't want you here!!
Ron : Who are you talking to?? Are you talking to me... Or... Are you talking to... Hehehe... What are you looking at, Nyla?!
Nyla : What?? Nothing!! I am not looking at anything!! I don't want to look at anything!!
Ron : Lol!! You can try being as less amused as you possibly can!! But, I very clearly heard each of your whorry gasps... Every bit of it!! I just know how badly the three of you want to feel my big cock in your hands... And... Everywhere Else!!
Nazriya : Enough!!
Ron : Enough of what?? Huh?? Enough of talking?? Hehe... Nazriya... Tell me... Look at me... You like my big tool, Nazriya?! You sisters always had a thing for uncut cocks, right?! Come on... Smile!! I am not angry at you... I am not upset about the fact that you did not believe me when I told you I was huge, Nyla... I do not hate you for telling me that you hate me, Noorin!! Lol!! I am glad I could redeem myself, and I for sure know you are loving this!! Haha!! Take a closer look girls!! I don't mind being objectified, even if it is by a group of sluts!!
Nyla : I am going to kill you!!
Nazriya : Shut Up, you bastard!!
Noorin : We want nothing of it!!
Ron : Oh Yeah?! Okay... Well... Let's... Stop the Looking Game!! That will make things better... Let's move forward... And... Are you really expecting me to ask you to start stroking my dick?! I thought you cheap slags knew enough!! Hahahaha!!
Nyla : Shameless...
Nazriya : Filthy...
Noorin : Asshole!!
Ron : Hehehe... Noorin is so cute when she cusses!!
Nazriya : What are you trying to... What...
Ron : See... Just like that... This is so easy... Right?! You only need to play with my pole... Exactly how I am doing it... Hhmmm... Ohhh Yesss!! The three of you look so much more beautiful now!! Hhmmmmmmm...
Nyla : This is disgusting... Stop doing that!!
Ron : Sure... Why not?! Stopping it, immediately!! Okay... Nyla, come here... Near Me... I will keep my hands off my body!! You can start doing it for me!! Haha!! Isn't that what you wanted??
Noorin : You are so bad!!
Nyla : Sorry, Noorin... But... You will have to wait... Don't be sad... Your turn will come soon!! Lol!!
Nyla : Enough of this, Ron!! Tell Farhan everything about my past... Tell him whatever you want to... Tell him everything you know about me!! If our marriage was to happen, it will happen... No matter what!! Otherwise... I am ready to suffer!! I don't mind... Because this is too much... I cannot let this continue... We do not deserve this!!
Ron : Yeah?! Cool!! That is a very daring decision!! And I appreciate it!! But, have you thought about what will happen to your ex-boyfriend when they hear about everything he has done?? Have you thought about what will happen to him when the pictures featuring you two are made public?? Your people will kill him... And, they will kill you, as well!!
Nyla : I... I don't care... Just get out, Ron!! That is all what I want now!!
Ron : Haha... Okay!! I will leave... Just be sure that I will make sure these pictures reach everybody concerned...
Nyla : Do whatever you want.
Ron : And, when I leak the pictures, I will leak all the pictures that has Arjun in it...
Nyla : Do whatever you want!! I am ready to face the consequences!! You cannot threaten me anymore!!
Ron : It will be not just you with him, Nyla... I will also leak pictures of him with your younger sister...
Nyla : What??
Ron : I will make sure the world sees the pictures of your ex-boyfriend with her, too. I even have a video of them!!
Nazriya : Stop it, Ron!! Stop It!!
Nyla : Exactly!! Stop It!! Stop lying!! Stop being a bastard!! Just get out!!
Ron : All of them will slut shame your mother, too... They would want to do nothing with a family full of whores like you... And, Nyla, your little sister was nothing less than a pornstar in that two minute video.
Noorin : What the hell!! Stop this nonsense!!
Ron : She was stroking his cock, inside his new car... Arjun owned your sister, Nyla. Just like he had you!! Haha!!
Noorin : What?! I did not... I really... This is rubbish...
Ron : Your sister enjoyed it!! Your ex-boyfriend completely owned her!!
Noorin : Noo!!
Nyla : No!! Stop!! Enough of your mind games!! Don't waste time lying!! Arjun will never do it... He loved me... He still loves me... He will forever love me!! Noorin was like his own sister... A loser like you will never understand!!
Ron : I know!! I know Noorin was like his own sister!! But, I am still not lying!! I can prove myself!! I have the video with me.
Noorin : You are such a...
Nazriya : Just stop!! Ron!! Stop!! How many times have I told you to keep your mouth shut?!
Noorin : Stop messing with us, Ron!! I did no wrong!!
Nyla : You cannot try tricking us into any more of your dirty plans, Ron!! I trust Arjun!! I mean... I trust Noorin!!
Ron : And... What about Nazriya?! Do you trust her??
Nyla : Of-course... I really...
Ron : You never found her behavior to be suspicious?? Not even now?! Not even after her constant attempts to break this conversation, and put my mouth to rest?! Let me remind you one thing... She was not fighting... She was willingly participating!! You don't find anything unusual here??
Nyla : What is...
Ron : If she had not cooperated, you would not have been in this mess... She started it, to be very honest... Hehehe... I am not complaining... All I am trying to...
Nazriya : How did you know about it?!
Noorin : What?? Nazriya... What did you just ask him?!
Nazriya : How did you get to see the video?! Tell me, Ron!!
Nyla : Nazriya?!
Nazriya : How did you get it, Ron?? I want to know!!
Nyla : What?! That video really exists?!
Nazriya : Who gave you my video?! Who showed my video to you??
Nyla : Nazriya?! What are you saying?? It was you?!
Nazriya : I am sorry, Nyla... I just could not resist his approaches... He has been fucking me, too.
Noorin : What?! Fucking?! Arjun?! And, fucking you TOO?! You mean Nyla and you, both, are really not virgins?! There are pictures & videos, as well?! It is all true?? Do you two have any idea about what will happen if somebody gets to know about this?!
Ron : Hahaha!! I think I am already giving you a good idea about what will happen if somebody gets to know about all this... Hahahahahaha!! I am sorry, Noorin... But, there is more... Nyla has not been a virgin, since a very long time. The truth is she lost her purity even before she met Arjun. Nazriya too is no more a virgin... Arjun has fucked them both!! And, he has also fucked them on the same day!! I mean... The day Nazriya lost her...
Noorin : How do you know all...
Ron : Be a little patient... I will tell you... Hehehe... Nyla was almost caught by Nadiya Aunty, that eventful evening, when she made out with Arjun, in the terrace... And, your elder sister hid her loving boyfriend inside the common bathroom, in the second floor, completely unaware of the fact that Nazriya was using it. Got it?! I hope you can guess what must have happened next.
Noorin : I won't believe you!! Who is telling...
Ron : You still won't believe me?! Okay... Whatever the case... It is sad that you missed out on all the fun... Hahaha... It is more unfortunate that you have to ask me for these priceless details... All Arjun took was a minute to be inside Nazriya... He would have taken you in even lesser time!!
Noorin : Shut up!! This is all just too... You are lying!!
Ron : This is the truth... Seriously!! Ask your sisters about it... Go ahead, Noorin!! Try!! Try making them tell you this is not the truth!! Nazriya has already admitted it!! Nyla is no longer defending herself!!
Noorin : This cannot be... We three have always been together... I just did not...
Ron : I can understand what you must be going through... But, don't you worry about it... You don't have to feel bad... Because, you too will be just like your sisters, by the time I am done with you girls...
Noorin : Huh??
Ron : You won't be a virgin when you walk out of this room, Noorin...
Noorin : What?!
Ron : Oh Wait!! I forgot to ask... Are you a virgin?! Hahaha... I don't know... Anything is possible with you three slutty sisters!! Lol!! However, what I know for sure is that you are going to relish having my dick deep inside your holes!!
Noorin : What The Hell!! No... No... No...
Ron : Hahaha!! I won't insist!! You should let me in only if you want your secrets to remain secrets!!