Chapter 01

Richard's Revenge

*** Author's Note ***

This series picks up the story four years after the point that "Big Changes at Home" left off. It is STRONGLY recommended that you read that series first to understand the characters and what has happened in the story so far. This is a new series with the story evolving, growing and changing, yet it is keeping in line with the premise of the original series. For those of you who wish to read on, without reading "Big Changes at Home," you should be able to pick up the basics of what has happened. I feel, however, that you are doing yourself a disservice in bypassing the prior series. In either event, I hope you enjoy the series as much as I enjoy writing it!
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The room was silent. The rich oak interior reflected no sound, yet spoke volumes as to the success of the Law Firm, of which it was a part. The conference room had been the scene of many discussions and countless: legal negotiations, depositions, consultations and many other meetings. The simple gathering between these three men was barely worth noting in the distinguished history of the room. Yet this meeting today was indeed monumental and life-changing, having far-reaching effects.

Richard sat at the conference table and carefully read the papers spread before him. It was second nature for him to scan over any legal document set before him, even those prepared by his colleagues. The two other men sitting around the conference table sat there patiently as Richard continued reading. One was a middle-aged, portly Italian man, and the other was a slender Korean man who was not quite thirty. Both of the men worked at Richard's law firm, one was a partner, the other was about to become one. Finally Richard finished reading the legal documents and picked up his pen.

"Are you absolutely sure about this? There's no going back once you sell to Brad!" Tony, the portly Italian man asked with an urging tone of voice as he grasped Richard's right arm, stopping him from signing.

"I just need out, Tony," Richard said with a calm tone of voice as he smiled slightly.

There was a tense moment as Tony looked deep into Richard's eyes, searching for sincerity. After a moment had passed, Tony looked down, shook his head and released Richard's arm. Richard then began to sign and initial the papers where he needed to. Tony's face made his feelings known as he looked at Richard with an expression that made it clear that he thought his long-time law partner was making a huge mistake. The young Korean man however looked elated and pleased that the papers were finally being signed.

"So if you need out so badly, where are you getting out to?" Tony asked with a bit of a mocking tone to his voice.

"Montana, always wanted to live in Montana," Richard said with a warm smile as he paused momentarily from signing the papers.

"Well sir, I wish you the best of luck in Montana. I'm just thankful for this great opportunity that your leaving gives me," Brad said in a gleeful tone of voice.

Richard finished signing the papers and passed them over to Brad who eagerly signed the papers before passing them over to Tony. Tony then signed the papers and collected them up and stuffed them in a folder. Finally he passed a bank draft for Richard's share of the law firm. Richard picked up the bank draft and shook the hands of both Tony and Brad, each one in turn.

"I hope you know what you're doing Rick, We're gonna miss you," Tony said with sincere regret as he patted Richard on his shoulder.

"It's just something I have to do," Richard said with a calm sense of peace about him as he looked into the eyes of his old friend and now former law partner.

Richard returned to his office, his former office now, and pulled out a file that he had hidden away in his desk. He looked over a list of tasks that he had set out for himself and saw that almost all of them were taken care of. There were only a few details yet to tend to, and enough time left in the day to get them done. Richard smiled to himself as he picked up the phone and began the first of a few calls he had to make that afternoon. Everything was almost ready, tomorrow would be a big day, the biggest in Richard's life.

By the time Richard left the law firm for what would be the last time, he felt a sense of release and relief. As he carried the last box of his belongings from his office to his car, he knew he was doing the right thing. He had a calming notion that told him that leaving the firm was what he needed to do. The drive home was uneventful and soon he was home so he pulled into the garage that had been built in the back yard. After parking his Mercedes next to Taryn's Cadillac, he left the garage and walked up the small path and into the recently added door which opens up into the kitchen.

Taryn was standing at the stove in a slender-fitting, flower-print dress that had a scooping neckline and stopped at her mid-thigh. The dress that Taryn was wearing looked pretty and form-fitting, yet comfortable at the same time. Richard stopped in the doorway and paused to look over, his wife, now "Mistress Red" to him, who was standing at the stove cooking dinner.

Taryn had slimmed and toned up over the past four years, and it certainly showed. While she still had a curvy, hourglass figure, she had lost a few pounds and gained some muscle-tone. Her breasts were still large, round and impressive to see, though they had shrunk slightly as a result of the weight-loss. What they lost in size they made up for in regained firmness. Richard had to admit that Taryn looked better than she had in years and he smiled to himself as he walked over to her.

"How was your day?" Taryn asked casually, without taking her attention away from the pot she was stirring.

When Richard got close enough to Taryn he attempted to kiss her on the lips, but she turned her face at the last moment in order to have him kiss her on the cheek instead. Richard rolled his eyes in frustration but said nothing to convey his hurt feelings to his wife.

"Fine, typical day, nothing special," Richard said as Taryn gave him a peck on the cheek.

"That's nice, get changed quickly and set the table, Nick, dinner's almost ready," Taryn said dismissively as she returned her attention to the pot of dinner she was stirring.

"Yes, Mistress Red," Richard replied respectfully and walked out of the kitchen on his way to his room.

As he walked through the house he passed by the living room and saw Owen sitting in his now usual chair with his pants around his ankles, watching the news. Rosina was on her knees before her brother and was steadily and leisurely sucking his cock. Owen was focused on watching the news on the huge, plasma TV and seemed oblivious to Rosina's oral efforts on his cock. Richard paused to look at his children and noted how much they had changed and grown.

Rosina was wearing a dress that was cut very similar in style to her mother's dress, but Rosina's dress was a light cream-coloured dress with a slightly higher hemline and more daring neckline. The past four years had resulted in some considerable changes in Rosina's body as well. The regular routine of working out in the newly installed family gym in the basement had helped to shape Rosina's body. Her shoulders and arms had grown in size and bulk which helped to enhance her hourglass figure. Rosina was always self-conscious about her breasts and had wished they were larger. With her working out and toning up these past four years, she had lost a little size in her breasts, and this she couldn't stand. After pleading with Owen for months, he finally gave in and allowed Rosina to get plastic surgery to enhance her breasts to a C cup. While Rosina had wanted D cup breasts, she adored her breasts now and loved to show them off whenever she could; cleavage was her new best friend.

Owen had remained in the similar shape that he had been in before, because he always was the most physically active member of the family. He had gained a little muscle-definition here and there but still looked pretty much the same as he did before. The main difference that had taken place in Owen was his confidence had grown and he exuded an aura of authority. Friends and strangers alike tended to listen to him, and go along with his ideas because he was so confident and persuasive in his delivery. Being Master of three Slaves all the time had given him a slightly over-inflated ego and a natural assumption to take command of any situation.

Richard walked up the stairs and found his room, the small room that had been his for close to four years now. It was a room that he had hated almost as long but one that his son, his Master, had forced upon him. Richard swiftly changed into the tight-fitting shorts and white T-shirt that had been deemed his "uniform" around the house and left the accursed room.

On his way to the kitchen, some movement in the living room caught his eye and he glanced over to see what it was. Once he did, he almost wished he hadn't, and quickly glanced away. Yet the image of his daughter with her dress pulled down to her waist and breasts wrapped around Owen's cock as she vigorously gave him a tit-fuck lingered much longer than he wished it to. Rosina was always finding new things to do and try with her breasts; they seemed to be a new toy that she was infatuated with.

Upon returning to the kitchen, Richard saw Taryn bending over as she searched through the refrigerator, looking for something in particular. The sight of his wife bent over like she was, was indeed a tempting sight, and part of him wanted to walk up behind her and fuck her right there in the kitchen. Richard sighed as he knew that he wasn't even allowed to touch his wife sexually unless directed to. Even just an uninvited patting of her ass or squeezing of her breast would land him in big trouble, with both Master and Mistress Red. Richard growled to himself and then began to set the table for dinner.

Soon enough the family was seated around the dining room table, having just finished dinner. Dinner was over and the family was enjoying the after dinner coffee, and the usual family meeting that coincided. That meeting kept everyone up to speed on what was happening in the family, with each family member now assigned areas of responsibility. Taryn's area was meals, food and managing the household budget. Rosina's area was laundry and household cleaning chores. Richard's area was household, yard, and vehicle maintenance. Everyone had just discussed with Owen how things were going in their area, and Owen then moved to his usual period of announcements.

"With tomorrow being my birthday, we will be meeting at the restaurant at 6. Red, make sure you take your car to work, as I know your timing will cut it close." Owen said while glancing around the table at everyone, looking at Taryn last.

"Yes, Master," Taryn replied respectfully and nodded as she looked at Owen.

"I'm sorry to counter your will, Master, but as I have already said, the Cadillac will be getting serviced tomorrow. As I said, I'm seeing to that personally, Master," Richard replied in a submissive and slightly fearful tone of voice with his head bowed.

"Yes, I forgot, shit, any chance for a loaner?" Owen replied with a growl and frustrated sigh as he looked directly at Richard.

"No, Master," Richard replied with a similarly fearful tone of voice.

"Fine, Cab it instead, Red," Owen said dismissively before glancing around the table as he said, "Any questions?" and upon hearing none, he added, "Dismissed,"

"Thank you for your wisdom and guidance, Master," Taryn, Rosina and Richard said in unison.

As the family got up to go their separate ways, nobody saw Richard smile to himself, knowing that yet another piece of his plan was falling into place. All he had to do was get through this evening and night and everything would be fine. Tomorrow, he would set everything right, and with that Richard breathed as sigh of relief.

Richard and Rosina collected up the dinner dishes in silence and began the process of washing up after the evening meal. Owen and Taryn proceeded into the living room to watch some evening television. They cuddled up on the couch and watched whatever Owen's whim was at the moment. After washing up the dishes, Richard and Rosina walked into the living room and sat down on the loveseat. Nobody but Owen dared to sit in the big chair, even if Owen chose not to occupy it at the moment.

The whole family started to fidget in their seats as they watched the show that Owen had decided to watch. As was not unusual, the current show was a porn movie that was shown larger than life on the massive television. With the surround sound, home theatre, the scene was intense and more than a few people in the room were getting excited from the erotic action displayed before them.

Taryn was the first one to make a move when her hand started to rub up and down Owen's chest. Rosina bit her lip as she watched Taryn's hand make wider and wider circles until her hand brushed over Owen's hard cock on each pass. Coyly Taryn watched her Master's face out of the corner of her eye as she grew bolder and bolder with her hand movements.

"If you're going to tease it, you might as well please it," Owen said without averting his gaze from the television screen.

"Yes, Master!" Taryn replied with a playful giggle.

Taryn didn't have to be told what that meant, and it was the answer she was looking for. You'd think after four years of sucking her son's cock she would get tired of it, or at least the excitement would wear off. Four years of servitude to her son, and sexually servicing him, had only increased her love and devotion to him. Taryn fervently loved her Master now and honestly had come to see herself as his Slave, his possession with no more free-will than his shoes. She adored sucking his cock and happily obliged in doing anything that brought him pleasure. Swiftly and smoothly Taryn positioned herself between the legs of the man she looked up to as a god and unfastened his pants, freeing the fleshy idol of her obsession. Taryn quickly licked her lips before she wrapped them around Owen's cock and descended her lips down to its base, sucking hard as she swallowed his cock.

Owen rested his head back and revelled in the sensations of the expert cocksucker who was at that very moment servicing his cock. The past four years had brought him more sex than some men experience in a lifetime. On one hand Owen knew that his complete control over his whole family was not normal, yet to he could not see any other way to live his life. It was as if this was what he had been meant to do: dominate his family. On top of all that, his life was getting better and better. Owen was looking forward to the end of the long road to becoming a lawyer. He was in the last semester of his last year of schooling, and happy to soon have school behind him.

Owen looked down at his mother who was sucking his cock and saw the love and devotion in her eyes. Before his birthday four years ago he couldn't imagine his mother even having sex with his father, now he couldn't imagine not having sex with her! Owen looked over at Rosina and felt a great swelling of love for her and winked at her as she started to rub her pussy, while watching her mother with great intent. Owen also looked over at Richard and was content in the knowledge that his father was happy, being relieved of the burden of family leadership. Glancing back at Rosina and noting her excitement, Owen winked at her as a wicked idea formed in his mind.

"Red, how many times do I have to tell you that your tits should swing free when you suck my cock!" Owen said with a smirking growl as he looked down at Taryn and winked at her.

"Sorry, Master," Taryn replied as she every so briefly stopped sucking Owen's cock to peal her dress down to her waist before resuming her oral efforts on Owen's cock.

With Taryn's breasts now bouncing free as she energetically bobbed her head on her Master's cock, the heat of the room increased dramatically. Rosina now had pulled up her dress up and was fervently rubbing her pussy as she watched her mother suck her brother's cock. Richard was reluctantly turned on by the goings on but on a deeper level he was sickened, and wanted to puke. Get through this night, Richard told himself repeatedly as he did his best to keep his calm. This scene of building family lust continued for a few moments yet, but Owen wasn't satisfied by blowing his load down his mother's throat.

"I'm too hot for your mouth to satisfy me, get up here and ride my cock, facing away from me!" Owen commanded as he looked down at Taryn with passion in his eyes.

"YES, MASTER!" Taryn replied in a giddy squeal as she stood up as fast as she could.

Taryn pushed her dress all the way down and stepped out of it as quickly as she could. She kicked it off to the side before turning around to face away from Owen. Only Richard and Rosina could see the excitement and anticipation on Taryn's face as she planted her legs on either side of Owen's legs. Taryn bit her lower lip as she looked down between her legs, daintily grasping the cock she worshiped in her hands. Lowering herself down steadily Taryn watched in awe as her pussy drew closer to the fleshy outcropping of her Master. Pure bliss flowed through the Slave as she was once again given the privilege of being joined to her Master. Once again the Slave was one with her Master and she had a purpose, being a vessel for his pleasure in the most intimate of ways. A guttural moan escaped Taryn's lips when she had sunk fully onto Owen's cock and she laid back so she was right against his body. Owen's head just peeked over her left shoulder as Taryn rested her head as far back as it would go. Both Taryn and Owen closed their eyes as they revelled in the sensations of first joining.

Nowhere in Taryn's mind did it seem strange to be fucking the man who she once thought of as her son in front of two people who she once thought of as her daughter and husband. Rosina also didn't feel the slightest bit strange about seeing her Master and Mistress fuck right before her eyes. All Rosina wanted to do was join in the action somehow, to be used to bring them pleasure, as a good Slave should. Richard wanted to leave, and almost did, but kept his cool as he watched his wife fuck their son in front of his eyes.

It was barely a moment before Taryn lifted her hips and withdrew Owen's cock from her pussy until just the tip was still inside of her. Slowly and steadily she lowered herself onto him again, taking exquisite pleasure out of the slow pace. It wasn't two minutes later that Owen grunted in frustration as he grasped Taryn's hips and held them still as he thrust up into her body at a quick pace. Taryn's body twitched as her Master ravaged her body from underneath.

"Cat, Tits. Nick, Pussy!" Owen grunted in time with each thrust into Taryn's body and both Richard and Rosina knew what was expected of them.

Rosina squealed in delight as she rushed across the floor and kneeled beside her mother on the couch. As soon as she possibly could, she wrapped her lips around her mother's left nipple and sucked on the bud of pleasure. Taryn inhaled a sharp breath as she grasped a clump of Rosina's hair and held firm onto the young woman's head. Rosina's tongue snaked out of her mouth and pushed the nipple out, before it started to trace circular patterns on Taryn's abundant bosom. Taryn sighed contently and giggled giddily as she looked at the young woman who started to lick her right breast.

"Have I ever told you how much I love the way you suck my tits, Cat?" Taryn said dreamily as she started to stoke Rosina's hair.

"Almost every time I play with them," Rosina slurred with a mouth full of her mother's tit. "Have I ever told you how much I love your tits?" she added as she flicked her tongue over the older woman's right nipple.

"Almost every time you play with them," Taryn giggled back as she looked down at her long-standing daughter/lover with love and lust.

Taryn and Rosina looked into each other's eyes and wordlessly conveyed the love they had for each other. The love they had was more than merely family love, more than merely the love of lovers. They were fellow Slaves to the man they loved more than life itself and had long since accepted their love of the female form. Words could not express or define the relationship between these three people, so they never tried to define it. Now and again they would wordlessly reaffirm their love for each other with a deep look, this was one of those times.

"Nick, Master has give you an order, now lick my pussy as Master fucks it!" Taryn growled as she glared at Richard who still hadn't moved from his seat on the loveseat.

"Yes, Mistress Red," Richard replied submissively with a frustrated sigh that he tried to disguise as a deep breath.

Richard shifted his weight and slowly got off the loveseat and looked down at the floor as he walked on his knees toward the couch. As he drew nearer he looked at his wife's pussy and saw his son's cock repeatedly stroking it. It was a cock that had no right to be anywhere near it but it was the only cock that had pierced it's depths in almost four years. As Richard drew his face close to the pussy that he had ate out many times, he had to fight to keep a distasteful look from spreading onto his face. Feeling more than a little uncomfortable with being this close to a cock, Richard decided to focus on Taryn's clitoris.

Taryn was in seventh heaven as her Master pounded her pussy with his thick cock, Rosina expertly sucked on her breasts and Richard mercilessly attacked her clitoris. Taryn's whole body was in constant motion as pleasure shot through her, overwhelming her. Squeaks and moans accompanied the delightful sensations that rocked her body.

"CUMMING, MASTER I'M CUMMING!!!" Taryn screamed as her body tensed up before it quaked and shook violently and unpredictably. Once Taryn's orgasm was over her body collapsed against Owen and she laid there dreamily as she recovered from the intense bout of pleasure. "Stop it you two," she said as she brushed Richard and Rosina away from her body.

Dutifully Richard and Rosina moved to the floor and knelt before Owen and Taryn with knees together and head bowed. Taryn sat there for a moment more, catching her breath and regaining her strength as Owen's cock was still hard and imbedded deep in her body. Taryn moved her head around and leisurely kissed Owen on the lips with a drawn out kiss of love and appreciation.

"Why don't you break out your 'little friend,' as I take care of Cat here," Owen said with a wide grin on his face after the kiss was broken.

"That's a delightful idea, thank you sooo much, Master!" Taryn said in a sultry tone of voice as her mouth also spread into a wide and wicked grin. "Don't you agree, Nick?" she asked as she glanced at Richard with an almost evil grin on her face.

"Yes, Mistress Red," Richard replied as he hid his face so she could not see the anger that momentarily flashed across it.

Richard had hoped he had seen the last of that damn thing and once again assured himself that tomorrow would bring a brighter day; tomorrow everything would be fine. Taryn swiftly left the room with a spring in her step. It took only a look and a wink from Owen before Rosina moved up and started to lick Owen's cock clean. Rosina savoured the taste of Taryn as she tongued her Master's cock, making sure to lick it clean.

Taryn returned a moment later gently stroking a plastic, strap-on dildo which she had already strapped onto her body. Richard saw the plastic phallus and sighed in resignation, for he knew where that thing would soon be imbedded. The only solace that Richard took was that the plastic cock was only about six inches long and rather "normal" in its dimensions. Rosina didn't see Taryn return because she was still licking Owen's cock. Taryn looked at Richard who was still kneeling from his spot at the floor and blew him a kiss as she stroked the plastic cock in his direction. Richard winced in reply before he wiped any trace of emotion off of his face. Tarn looked over at Rosina who was kneeling before Owen and at that moment was licking his left testicle.

"Need a bit of lubrication for where this 'bad boy' is going, eh Nick?" Tarn said with a chuckle as she glanced over at Richard with a smug look on her face and winked at him.

"Yes Mistress Red," Richard replied and looked down and away.

"Cat, get up on all fours," Taryn said as she knelt down behind Rosina.

Rosina lifted her bum up so that she was now on all fours but still didn't stop sucking Owen's cock. Taryn positioned herself behind Rosina and grasped the cock with one hand and placed her other hand on Rosina's back to steady herself. Taryn moved forward and guided the strap-on dildo to the entrance to Rosina's depths. Once the plastic cock touched Rosina's pussy lips the young woman shot a hand down between her legs to spread her nether-lips apart. With a shove, Taryn penetrated Rosina and continue to stuff the tight pussy with the plastic cock. Rosina let Owen's cock slip from her mouth and moaned her approval as she sat there and revelled in the sensation of being filled. Taryn didn't pause at all once she was fully imbedded in Rosina's pussy; she drew back her cock and began a steady pace of fucking. Once the fucking began Rosina resumed her sucking of their Master's cock while her Mistress fucked her with the strap-on dildo.

"I do like fucking you, Cat," Taryn said as she grasped Rosina's hips and quickened her pace of fucking her daughter.

"I like getting fucked! It's been a while since we played around with 'Fred,' maybe I could take a turn with you next," Rosina said as she glanced over her shoulder and looked at her mother and winked.

"Some other time, perhaps, I got plans for this one," Taryn said as she looked over at Richard who sat there still looking at the floor.

"That's enough, Red," Owen said as he started to shift forward on the couch.

"Nick, on all fours!" Taryn commanded as she pulled out of Rosina, eliciting a whimper of protest from Rosina.

Richard groaned internally as he slowly got up from his kneeling position and got on all fours, facing away from the family. He knew what was going to happen and didn't want to participate, yet knew he was powerless to stop it. While he hated his submission to his son and the whole sick world he had been drawn into, he couldn't bring himself to protest or break free of the hold Owen had over him. He had gone too far down the road of submission and Slavery to see his way out. All that would change tomorrow, with that thought, a sense of peace fell over Richard as he waited.

Once Rosina saw Owen start to get off the couch, she spun on the spot so that she was in position for Owen to fuck right away. She spread her pussy lips and waited for Owen to mount her. Owen didn't pause at all he simply positioned himself behind Rosina and thrust his cock into Rosina swiftly and steadily. Both Rosina and Owen moaned and marvelled at the tight fit of his cock in her pussy, even after four years of fucking. As soon as he was fully inside her, Owen pulled back and began to fuck Rosina at a savage pace, tightly grasping her hips and pounding her pussy like he owned it, because he did.

Richard had been watching Owen start to fuck Rosina but as soon as he felt Taryn's hand on his back he knew the moment had come. Richard fought his instinct to tighten up and instead forced himself to relax his ass and waited for Taryn to begin the humiliating ass-fucking. Taryn positioned the dildo at Richard's back door and pressed forward until the head of it sunk into Richard's ass. Taryn pushed just a few inches in before she pulled back and slowly began the ass-fucking of her husband. After a few strokes Taryn would push just a little farther into Richard's ass for a few strokes, repeating this until she was fucking Richard's ass with the full length of the plastic cock.

Richard closed his eyes and imagined he was back with Heather and all was the way things used to be. He wished he was anywhere but where he was and that he was doing anything but what he was doing. It was true that at one time he lived for the times that Heather, his former Mistress, would ream his ass with a strap-on dildo. It was different then, back then it was only for a short time on Fridays. His submission was compartmentalized; now it consumed his life. The ass-fucking his wife gave him only reminded him of the complete lack of power or control over his life that he had. Richard lowered his head and fought the urge to sob his shame.

Of the four people having sex in that room, Owen was the first to cum and slammed deep into Rosina's pussy as he flooded her pussy with his cum. Once she felt Owen cuming inside her Rosina came, excited and content in the knowledge that she had brought her Master pleasure, as any good Slave should. Once their respective orgasms were done, both Owen and Rosina collapsed on the floor to recuperate. Owen rolled off Rosina and watched Taryn fuck Richard up the ass with gusto.

Looking underneath his father, Owen noticed that Richard's cock was hard and throbbing, seemingly ignored. While Richard himself may have hated what was happening, his body seemed to remember and like the familiar sensations. Richard just wanted Taryn to be satisfied and finish the act that he found utterly humiliating, yet he couldn't deny that part of him still liked the humiliation.

"Cat, why don't you help finish off Nick," Owen said as he pointed at Richard.

"Yes, Master," Rosina said breathlessly and then started to crawl towards Richard and Rosina.

The last thing Richard wanted was to cum right now. The last thing he wanted was to give Taryn the satisfaction of knowing that he drew any pleasure from the activity whatsoever. Yet Rosina steadily crawled over to him and he couldn't help but notice how well her body was shaped and his cock twitched in response. Richard looked away from his daughter who approached with the express purpose of sucking his cock. Worse yet was the memories of the previous times that his little girl had sucked his cock and how expertly she had done so. He hated that his sweet little angel still turned him on so, and that part of him still longed to sink his cock into her pussy, just once; as yet, that desire remained unfulfilled.

Rosina neared Richard and flopped onto her back and slid under Richard so that she was in a 69 position with Richard. Without pausing to tease or announce what she was about to do, Rosina wrapped her lips around her father's cock. She began to suck her father's cock like it was the most natural thing in the world to do, yet the mixed feelings the act stirred up in Richard was troubling indeed. On one hand he wanted to keep his relationship with his daughter pure and innocent, yet on the other hand he wanted to ravage her tight, young body. The taboo, illicit blowjob he was receiving was only the least of what Richard desired to do to his darling daughter.

"She's being nice to you, Nick, it's only fair that you reciprocate," Taryn growled as she gave Richard's head a shove.

Richard knew what that meant, and once again the thought of eating Rosina's pussy filled him with conflicting emotions. On one hand he wanted to taste her sweet pussy and bring her pleasure. On the other hand he knew that pussy was filled with Owen's cum and the thought of doing anything with his son, the source of his humiliation, filled him with anger. Before he could even start to protest, Richard began to lower his head to his daughter's pussy and started to lick the young snatch. The slight rocking of her hips silently conveyed her approval of Richard's experienced tongue-work.

Richard focused only on pleasing Rosina, pushing all other thoughts out of his mind. Richard ate that pussy with all the love and lust he had for his little girl, using his considerable experience in pussy-licking to his advantage. Rosina's hips started to quiver and shake uncontrollably as pleasure began to consume her. While Richard focused on eating Rosina's pussy to the best of his ability, Rosina focused on sucking Richard's cock to the best of her ability. It was a close race between who was going to make the other cum first: Richard or Rosina.

In the end it was a very close finish with Rosina cuming first, but only just. Rosina pulled Richard's cock out of her mouth and screamed as her father-induced orgasm ripped through her body. The sound of his little girl moaning like a whore as a result of his oral efforts was too much for Richard, and it pushed him over the edge. His cock exploded like a cannon, shooting cum all over the place, covering Rosina's face in her father's cum. Taryn was the last to cum, the sounds of decadent orgasm and the sensation of the dildo on her clitoris proving too much for her. The three people collapsed this way and that, ending up in a grouping of fleshy bodies.

"Impressive show," Owen said as he looked at his family covered in sweat and cum, all piled together on the living room floor. "Let's get some rest," he added as he watched Taryn begin to lick Rosina's face clean.

Richard didn't have to be told twice to leave and did so as soon as he was graciously able to. All he wanted to do was put this day behind him, not even noting which woman spent the night with Owen. The next morning both Taryn and Rosina got up early and made breakfast for the whole family. Once Taryn, Rosina and Richard had finished breakfast, the women served Owen breakfast in bed. Thankfully Richard wasn't required to help in this part of the annual celebration that the family called: "The Reformation."

Owen's birthday had become a dual celebration to the family. On one hand it was simply Owen's birthday, celebrated like any other birthday, with an evening out and that person being the focus of the attention. Even Richard was treated to this family celebration and it was one of the few moments that he took pleasure in spending time with his family, for it was almost normal. The other meaning that Owen's birthday had taken on was that it was the symbol of the new "Reformed structure" of the family, a structure that they simply called "The Reformation". So the "Reformation Celebration" (called "Reformation" for short) followed the path that Owen took to become "The Master of The Family" and lasted 11 days in total.

The first day of Reformation was Owen's birthday, because it was the night that he took Taryn on as his Slave and took his first steps as becoming "The Master of The Family". Five days later, it is remembered as Rosina's anniversary, when she first became his Slave. Six days after that is the final day of Reformation where the family celebrates the actual time of Reformation, the day when Owen took Richard on as his Slave and became "The Master of The Family". The final day of Reformation was the most special day for the family, taking on a very special significance. The other days are only marked with a special breakfast in bed and a momentary pause of reflection. The final day of Reformation was celebrated with a ceremony where the whole family would kneel before Owen and praise him as their Master and reaffirm their commitment to him and "The Reformation." Owen would then reclaim each family member, with the same oath, each and every year, promising to guide and protect them, as they serve and submit to him.

Richard left the house early on the pretence of an early meeting, yet not really having anywhere to go; he just wanted to get out of there. He hated Reformation with a passion and loathed every part of it. Richard spent the next few hours driving around the city, taking in the sights. He drove to places he had been and memories both good and bad came back to him as a result. It was late afternoon by the time this trip down memory-lane was finished and Richard was back at the house. Richard leisurely walked around the house, examining the pictures and mementos on the walls. Once again, he thought back to the happier times, before his family had become so twisted and lost to him, before The Reformation. Richard finished his tour and the last room he was in was the master bedroom, even just standing in Owen's room filled him with a feeling of dread.
* * *​

Owen looked around the restaurant and frowned as he saw no sign of anyone approaching. Taryn put her hand on Owen's hand and smiled at him warmly as she squeezed it in a show of support. Owen looked at her and smiled back, taking comfort in her gentle touch. Just the two of them sat at the table in the dimly lit restaurant which was one the same restaurant that the family always went to.

"He'll be here, Moe. He wouldn't miss your Birthday dinner," Taryn said in an assuring manner.

"I know, but it's 6:30 and we should order, I'm starved." Owen said as he let out a frustrated sigh.

"You're right, but I'm sure he just got caught up at work, is all," Taryn replied as she smiled lovingly at Owen. "Cat, get up here, we're ordering," Taryn said with a confident tone of voice.

Immediately there was some rustling and movement from under the table and shortly thereafter Rosina emerged. She quietly slithered up into her seat and wiped her chin as she settled herself in her seat. Taryn and Rosina shared a smile and momentary giggle as Owen signalled the waitress that they were ready to order.

Before long, their meals were spread before them and the trio were happily eating. Out of the corner of his eye, Owen noticed that Taryn wasn't eating, but rather felt her looking at her. Owen looked over at Taryn and saw that she was smiling lovingly at him with a reminiscent look. Owen couldn't help but smile, lean over to her and kiss her.

"What is it?" Owen asked Taryn after the kiss was over.

"Oh, I was just thinking how much I love your birthday," Taryn said with a bashful giggle, momentarily looking away.

"Oh, why?" Owen replied with a knowing smile.

"It's the first day of Reformation, the day I became yours!" Taryn said with a beaming smile.

"Yeah, it almost seems like a different life now, doesn't it?" Owen asked with a chuckle.

"You mean, life before The Reformation? Yeah, all I remember is the pain and sadness," Taryn said with a twinge of regret in her voice, as she looked down, the emotions getting the better of her.

"All that is in the past now," Rosina said in a reassuring tone as she put her arm around Taryn and squeezed her in a comforting gesture. "We have each other, what more do we need?" she added in an upbeat tone of voice.

"Not a thing, Cat, not a thing," Taryn said in a grateful tone as she leaned in and gave Rosina a peck on the lips. "I have you and Master, and that is all I need," she added as she leaned over and gave Owen a peck on the lips.

"So neither of you regret The Reformation?" Owen asked curiously as his eyes darted back and forth between Taryn and Rosina.

"No, of course not! You took away the pain and confusion in my life and I have felt nothing but love and contentment ever since! I honestly couldn't imagine my life any other way!" Rosina responded confidently, as her face beamed with love and devotion while looking back at Owen.

"So you don't feel odd about, or regret becoming your brother's Slave?" Owen asked curiously.

Rosina drew a breath to speak but Taryn cut her off, placing her hand on Rosina's hand. Taryn leaned in and looked Owen in the eye with a serious look on her face. She paused for a moment to focus Owen's full attention on her, before she spoke slowly and deliberately.

"Some time ago, Cat and I were talking about that very thing. We both came to the same conclusion, something that we always thought you felt and understood, so we never have voiced it until now. After The Reformation, so many things have changed, not the least of which is how we perceive each other." Taryn said carefully, pausing momentarily.

"Yes," Owen replied in a calm tone.

"After The Reformation, you ceased to be my son and her brother but became our Master. In turn I ceased to be her mother and she is no longer my daughter but we are instead Fellow Slaves to you. Do you understand, we feel more like your wives than your kin?" Taryn said and finished, almost fearful of Owen's reaction.

"Yeah, exactly," was all Owen said with a broad smile on his face as he leaned in and kissed Taryn and then Rosina on the lips.

The evening wore on and the dinner turned to dancing, drinks accompanied the dancing. Yet during all this time, Richard never showed. The family was disappointed that Richard was a no-show but this was not unlike Richard to miss important events due to work concerns.

Eventually the evening was over and the time had come to go home. A strange thing happened when the time came to pay the bill. Without really thinking about it, Owen paid the bill with a credit card and the family started to pack up to leave. An embarrassed waitress came back saying the card was declined, flustered the family produced credit card after credit card until every last one had been tried and declined. Angrily, Owen pulled out his cell-phone and started to dial the credit card company, only to find that the phone wasn't working, even though he had good signal. Angrily Owen paid the bill with his debit-card and the family left the restaurant to catch a cab to take them home. Owen would deal with the phone and credit card companies tomorrow.
* * *​

Richard looked at his watch as he stood in the master bedroom of his home and noted that it was 6:15 pm. Richard smiled to himself, happy that the time had finally come to put his plan in action. Richard picked up the phone and made the last two phone calls that he had to do to make his plan complete. Richard then returned to his room, and changed into his best suit and examined himself in the mirror. Smiling to himself that he did look good, he went into the closet and retrieved the gun that he had bought not long ago. Richard made sure that the gun was loaded before he put it in his pocket while leaving the room.

Richard walked downstairs and out the back door. Richard went to the garage and paused to look at both cars parked beside each other. Picking up the full jerry-can of gasoline he poured a splattering of gas on both cars and the walls before walking out, trailing gasoline from the garage into the house. Upon entering the house Richard went from room to room tossing gasoline around liberally, until he was back in the Master bedroom where he tossed the empty Jerry-can aside.

Returning to the garage, Richard lit a match and tossed it into the pool of gasoline where it erupted in flames. Even as Richard left the garage, the flames quickly spread and engulfed the whole garage. Richard walked calmly up to the master bedroom sat on the bed, removed the gun from his pocket, put it to his head and pulled the trigger. Richard's body fell back on the bed with a hole in its head as the house started to catch on fire, in minutes the house was also engulfed in flames.
* * *​

As the cab turned the last corner, Owen, Taryn and Rosina saw that their quiet street was bustling with activity. Fire- trucks lined the street and fire-fighters were fighting a losing battle against a fire that was raging at a house down the street. Police were on the scene trying to keep order and the crowd of onlookers back to a safe distance. As the cab pulled up to the action, it was clear that the fire-fighters were not trying to save the house but prevent the fire from spreading to the neighbouring houses. This house was a write-off and unrecognizable amidst the inferno. When the family got out of their cab, they had the horrific realization that this was not a neighbour's house, but their own. Taryn and Rosina collapsed in shock and horror as they saw their decimated home. Owen wrapped his arm around each woman and held them tight, practically holding them up as they watched helplessly their home burn to the ground.​
Next page: Chapter 02