Chapter 02

The morning sun did not bring a brighter day, nor did the problems of the trio seem any lighter. All that the morning sun brought with it was a clearer picture of the devastation that had entered their lives. As they stared at the smouldering pile of burned out debris, they had little concept of just how completely their lives had changed that morning.

Owen, Taryn and Rosina sat there on the bumper of the ambulance and stared blankly at what once been their home. Tarn and Rosina clutched Owen for dear life and rested their heads on his shoulders while Owen held them around the waist. The three were in a daze and to say they were shocked would be a monumental understatement. None of them noticed the older fireman approach them, covered in soot, sweat and dirt. Nor did they notice the black police officer walking beside him.

"Hello, Mrs, Thompson, I'm Fire Chief Solomon, and this is Officer Bronson." The senior fireman said as he took off his helmet, ran his fingers through his short, sweat-soaked hair before he pointed at the black police officer beside him. "We've finally got the fire out but we're still searching for hot spots,"

The two men were as opposite as they could be. Fire Chief Solomon was a short, older, slightly portly white man who was covered in dirt, soot, sweat and grime, as he had just spent the night fighting the fire. Officer Bronson was a tall man in his late twenties who looked clean, crisp and professional. He almost appeared to have just come on shift rather than what he had actually done: keeping the crowd of onlookers under control all night as the firemen battled the fire.

"Of course it's out, you let it burn to the ground! There's nothing left to burn!" Owen snapped as he glared at Fire Chief Solomon.

"We got here fast and this house was fully engulfed by the time we got here, there was nothing we could do. It's a miracle the whole block didn't go up, we were lucky to keep it contained to just your house. We're going to conduct an investigation, but in my opinion, there must have been some accelerant used," Fire Chief Solomon said with a certain and slightly sombre tone.

"Do you mean that somebody deliberately did this?" Taryn snapped as she stared at Fire Chief Solomon n disbelief.

"I can't say for certain, that is what the investigation is for, but it looks that way to me," Fire Chief Solomon said with confidence and a touch of compassion.

"Can you think of anyone who would like to hurt you or your family?" Officer Bronson asked as he looked at Taryn with a discerning look.

"Well, no . . . but my husband is a lawyer, so I suppose it might have something to do with a case he was working on, but I doubt it," Taryn said, the shock and confusion still evident in her voice and manner.

"Where is Mr. Thompson?" Officer Bronson asked, still observing Taryn.

"He was tied up at work. He was supposed to meet us for a family outing last night, but he never showed," Taryn replied, still frazzled.

"Where does Mr. Thompson work?" Officer Bronson asked calmly.

"Downtown at the law firm of Anderson, Basilone, Jersey, Schmidt, Thompson and Verbeek, he's a senior partner in the firm," Taryn said, trying to keep her composure.

"So you talked to him, and he told you that he was staying at work?" Officer Bronson asked expectantly.

"Well, no, but he is always staying late at work for one reason or another. It's not unusual for him to miss family outings for work." Officer Bronson asked with a discerning look.

"When was the last time you had any contact with him?" Officer Bronson asked curiously.

"Yesterday morning, when he left for work," Taryn replied with a shrug.

"You're sure he was at work and wasn't at home at any time yesterday?" Officer Bronson asked with a pressing tone of voice. "I work at the Spa around the corner but he never comes home during the day, he's a workaholic," Taryn replied, a little flustered.

"Where is this going? What are you trying to say? We haven't seen him since yesterday, what does that have to do with the fact that our house has burned down?" Owen snapped as he glared at Officer Bronson in defiant disbelief.

"Where is he now? It is usual for him to stay at work all night?" Officer Bronson asked with slight annoyance entering his voice.

"He never does. He always comes home. Sometimes quite late, but he always comes home," Taryn replied with a stunned and shocked manner.

"I don't know what this means but we have witnesses who say they saw Mr. Thompson came home in the late afternoon yesterday and nobody saw him leave," Officer Bronson said with confidence.

"So he forgot something at home and came back for it," Owen replied defiantly.

"How many cars does your family own?" Officer Bronson asked casually.

"Two, what difference does that make?" Owen scoffed.

"We found two cars in the garage," Fire Chief Solomon said with sombre certainty.

"That's impossible, the Cadillac was being serviced and we couldn't get a loaner, that's why we took a cab to the restaurant!" Owen explained with a defiant tone of voice and an angry demeanour.

"Did you drop it off for service?" Officer Bronson asked, with a hint of a knowing tone to his voice.

"No, Rich . . ." Owen started to say but then fell silent and looked down in shock.

"Right now we don't know anything for certain. All we do know is that the fire looks suspicious, Mr. Thompson was the last one seen at the house before the fire, and that he is missing."

"Oh my God!" Taryn cried out in shock and embraced Owen harder.

"We're going to investigate this fire and do our best to locate Mr. Thompson. The best thing for you to do right now is get some rest. Is there anywhere that you can stay?" Officer Bronson spoke with calming confidence, silently reassuring the Thompson family that he would get to the bottom of this mystery.

Taryn, Owen and Rosina stared blankly back at Officer Bronson, and tried to work their stunned minds to think of anyone who could take them in. Nobody would be up for this sort of inconvenience, and panic started to settle in as the trio realized they had nowhere to go.

A bustle and commotion could be heard not far off and getting closer. A woman could be heard shouting in shock as she looked upon the demolished house for the first time. When the crowd started to part to let the now frantic woman through, it was soon evident who it was: Karen.

In the four years that Taryn had been working at Karen's Spa, Karen had not seemed to change one bit. She was still the tall, slender, Italian woman she had always been, her breasts were still large and unmistakable, no matter what she wore. She simply couldn't hide them and never paid much attention to them in the first place. Her thick black hair still felt to her shoulder-blades and her face was a pretty as it always was, Karen seemed to have a timeless beauty about her. She was wearing jeans, a T-shirt and a light jacket that day as she rushed towards the Thompson's that fateful morning.

"Oh my God! TARYN! Are you okay? What happened?" Karen shouted in shock as she rushed over to embrace Taryn tightly.

"We don't know what happened. There was a fire and Richard is missing," Taryn said as she tried hard not to break down and cry.

"WHAT! Oh my God!" Karen shouted in shock.

"Mam! Mam! Do you know these people?" Officer Bronson asked sternly and loudly enough to get Karen's attention.

"Yes, she works for me," Karen replied in a mildly flustered tone.

"They've been here all night, and they need some rest, can they stay with you?" Officer Bronson asked confidently.

"Oh Absolutely! C'mon, let's get you out of the street," Karen said as he helped Taryn to stand up.

After giving her contact details to Officer Bronson and assuring him that she would take care of them, Karen walked the family over to her spa. On the way they told Karen what little they knew of what had happened. Karen was in shock and had as hard a time believing that Richard had anything to do with the fire as anyone. When they arrived at the Spa, Taryn wanted to help Karen out, but she wouldn't hear of it. Karen insisted that all three of them stay in the apartment downstairs to relax.

The Spa's downstairs apartment was a modest and functional, but was not fancy by any stretch of the imagination. A door behind the front wall, yet off to one side of the building hides a single, straight set of stairs that leads down to the basement. When you exit the stairs you are facing the front wall of the spa. A small storage room is against the opposite wall that the stairs runs beside. Between the stairs and the storage room is a wall, which forms an open area between the two. The entrance to the apartment itself is a plain door in the middle of the wall. The door opens up into the living room area and just inside the door and off to one side is a small hall closet. In the living room are: a single hide-a-bed, a chair, a coffee table, two end tables and a small entertainment centre with a TV and DVD player. Two thirds of the width of the basement is taken up by the dining room and kitchen. A hallway runs beside these two rooms and turns after the kitchen, forming an L shape around the kitchen and dining rooms. The other side of the hallway is one bedroom, used for storage, and a bathroom, the far wall is divided evenly between two bedrooms. The kitchen is a galley kitchen, with one entrance near the bedrooms and the other leading into the dining room. The dining room has one other entrance, leading into the hallway.

Taryn, Owen and Rosina were cuddled up on the couch of the downstairs apartment, trying to grasp the concept that they were in fact homeless. Nobody said anything for a long time, simply taking comfort in each other's arms. Rosina was the one to break the silence, posing the question that was on all of their minds.

"Do you really think Richard did it?" Rosina timidly asked no one in particular.

"It's absurd! He loved that house, he grew up in that house and I could never get him to move. Why would he burn down his childhood home?" Taryn replied in frustrated puzzlement.

"I don't know, but it all seems odd. I mean, where is Richard? Do you think he was called away on some urgent business trip?" Rosina replies, sounding scared and confused.

"Not without phoning, he would never leave town without phoning," Taryn replied with a worried tone.

"We don't know anything for sure! We don't know how the fire started. We don't know why the cars were there. We don't know where Richard is. We can't make any assumptions until we know more!" Owen said with an aggravated tone of voice.

"What about the credit cards and the phones . . . you know, last night, why wouldn't they work? Do you think that has anything to do with this? It is odd that all the credit cards and our phones stop working on the night our house burns down?" Rosina replied, now more worried than ever.

"Well, that is one part of this mess that we can find out about. Give me the phone." Owen said with certainty.

Rosina passed Owen the phone and he fished out his wallet and he pulled out his credit card and dialled the number on the back. To his horror he found out that he card didn't work because it was cancelled by the main card holder: Richard. Pulling out his cell phone he dialled the service access number and talked to the phone company only to find out the same thing, that Richard had cancelled the cell service on all three phones yesterday and closed the account. What was more aggravating was that Owen could not get either reactivated because the accounts were closed, he would have to open a new cell phone account and apply for a new credit card. Taryn snatched the phone from Owen and proceeded to call the credit card companies for the cards she had. One by one she got the same answer: the card is no good because the account was closed, yesterday. With shaking hands and a fearful heart she dialled the bank and spoke with them to confirm her deepest fear, all of the bank accounts were closed and the money withdrawn. Every penny was gone from, the main checking account, the emergency account, and the retirement savings account. It was clear that Richard had deliberately cleaned them out, but no one in the room could fathom why.

"So, not only are we homeless but we're destitute too! He took everything! He cut off all the cards, cancelled the phones and closed out all the bank accounts! That Jackass took everything!" Taryn fumed as she slammed down the phone after talking to the bank.

"If he wanted to leave, why didn't he just say so? Why do all this?" Owen asked with a stunned and shocked expression.

"Because he's a JACKASS, that's why! I'm going to find out where Richard is and get some answers from him, right now!" Taryn said as she picked up the phone and dialled Richard's extension at the law firm.

"Brad speaking, how can I help you?" Brad said as he answered the phone in his new office.

"I'm sorry, I must have dialled the wrong number, I was trying to reach Richard Thompson's office," Taryn said with a perplexed and apologetic tone of voice.

"This WAS, Richard Thompson's office. He quit two days ago when his family moved to Montana," Brad replied with an unsure tone of voice.


"Mrs. Thompson? It is you! Wha . . . um . . . I don't know what to tell you, but he sold his share in the firm to me two days ago and told us he was moving to Montana," Brad stammered into the phone

"WELL THIS IS NEWS TO ME! ALL I KNOW is my house BURNED DOWN last night, the bank account is DRY and my husband is MISSING! And now you tell me that he quit the firm and is moving to MONTANA!" Taryn angrily snapped, her voice dripping with anger and outrage.

"Let me put you through to someone who may know more about this than I do," Brad said with a fearful tone in his voice and quickly transferred Taryn's call to Tony.

"Tony here," Tony said as he answered the phone in his office.

"Tony! It's Taryn here, do you know anything about Richard moving to MONTANA? And did he REALLY sell his share in the firm? What the hell is going on?" Taryn said with a panicked tone of voice.

"You mean, you're not moving to Montana?" Tony replied in disbelief.

"NO! He never mentioned a word about any of this. All I know is that he left for work yesterday, like any other day, and last night the house burned to the ground, none of the credit card are working, the phones are cut off, the bank account is dry and Richard is missing!" Taryn said with the outrage and stress tainting her voice.

"Oh my God! You can't be serious?" Tony replied in disbelief.

"Oh believe me, Tony, I wish I was kidding," Taryn replied, her voice still dripping with anger.

"But Richard wouldn't do that to you and the kids! It's not like him," Tony replied, still stunned over the revelations of the past few moments.

"Is there anything you can tell me? Did Richard really sell his partnership?" Taryn asked, a little calmer now, but not by much.

"A few weeks ago . . ." Tony started out explain but was cut off by Taryn

"A FEW WEEKS AGO!" Taryn shrieked.

"Let me finish!" Tony sternly said and paused momentarily to ensure Taryn wasn't going to interrupt. "A few weeks ago Richard came to me and said he just wanted out, wanted to sell his stake in the firm, that he needed a change of pace he said, we finalized the deal two days ago," Tony explained with a calmer tone of voice.

"Two days ago! He never said a word of this to ANY of us! He went through his usual routine like everything was fine, he even left the house yesterday morning, saying he was going to work! What the hell is going on? Where is Richard? What am I going to do now?" Taryn asked in a panic.

"Calm down, listen, where are you staying? Where can I get a hold of you?" Tony said in a firm tone of voice.

"Karen's, we're at Karen's spa," Taryn replied in a slightly calmer tone of voice.

"Good, stay put and don't do anything. I'll make a few calls and see what I can find out, it may take a few days but I assure you, I will get some answers." Tony said confidently.

"Thanks Tony," Taryn said with a relieved sigh as she hung up the phone.

The family tried to watch television to take their minds off of their troubles but none of them were really watching what was on the screen. The three of them zoned out for the remainder of the day and only snapped out of it when Karen and Veronica walked downstairs at the end of the workday. Veronica had stayed upstairs and helped her mother run the Spa after her college classes, in order to give the family some privacy.

"So, are you guys hungry?" Karen asked in a forced chipper tone of voice as she walked through the door. "Hmm what?" Taryn replied as she looked up at Karen.

"Dinner, are you guys ready for dinner yet? Have you eaten anything all day?" Karen asked as she paused to look at the trio on the couch.

The scene on the couch was disturbing to Karen but not enough for her to say anything about it. Owen was seated in the middle of the couch and Taryn and Rosina were sitting on either side of him. Each woman was snuggled up to him in a borderline intimate embrace, each woman was leaning right up against Owen and was resting her head on his upper chest. Each woman was cuddled up to Owen about as close as they could get without lying on top of him. Owen had his hand around each woman's waist. No hands were anywhere private and while it seemed to be an intimate embrace, it was not overtly so. Karen thought it was an odd way for a family to sit together but then, the Thompson's were always a "touchy-feely" family. Karen shook her head and wrote it off to the fact that they were simply more affectionate than she was comfortable with. "Dinner? I'll give you a hand," Taryn said, coming out of her funk as she started to get up from the couch.

"Don't be silly, we can handle it! After all you've been through, you just relax," Karen said as she glanced at Veronica who was standing just inside the apartment door, saying nothing.

Veronica was now twenty-two and in her last year of college, working towards her degree in Business Management. She was still a touch on the plump side, but her weight was evenly distributed around her body, giving her an hourglass figure and softer, rounder curves. Her breasts had grown slightly in the past four years and now were a DD cup, slightly larger than her mother's D cup breasts. Her thick black hair still fell straight to her waist and she was as much of an Italian beauty as her mother and was very similar to her mother in appearance and manner but not quite as tall.

Veronica looked at the Thompson's on the couch with longing in her brown eyes. Her eyes wandered over the three on the couch again and again, yet still she said nothing. Veronica, like Karen had noticed the intimate embrace that the three on the couch were in, yet she was not disturbed, but envious. Veronica longed to hold her mother like Owen was holding his right now. Veronica would settle for holding Taryn like Owen was holding her now. Her mind started to wonder if there was more to this "affectionate family" than met the eye. Could she somehow get her mother to accept that this type of intimate contact was acceptable between family members? Veronica was snapped out of her thoughts by her mother's stern voice.

"You gonna help me with dinner or what?" Karen asked again in a slightly firmer tone of voice as she stared at Veronica with disbelief.

"Sure," Veronica said pleasantly and walked towards her mother.

Veronica followed her mother into the kitchen and the two started to fix dinner for the five of them. Karen had told Veronica when she arrived at the Spa, earlier that day, what had happened and that Owen, Taryn and Rosina were staying with them for the time-being. Veronica wondered what her mother thought of the Thomson family's embrace. How receptive would Karen be to her own daughter cuddling up to her in a similar fashion? Veronica decided to slyly broach the subject while they were making dinner.

"It's terrible what they've been through." Veronica said as she moved the pot of water onto the stove to begin heating it to boiling.

"Yeah, terrible; it looks like they've lost everything!" Karen said as she began searching through cupboards.

"It's good of you to take them in. Do you know how long they'll be staying with us?" Veronica casually asked.

"Until they get back on their feet," Karen replied as she started to pull out a few items for dinner.

"Well, that's fine by me, they've always seemed like a nice and loving family," Veronica said and watched her mother out of the corner of her eye.

"Yeah, quite loving," Karen said with an uncomfortable tone of voice and gave a mild shudder.

"What do you mean?" Veronica asked with a curious tone of voice.

That was the response Veronica was looking for. That was the excuse she needed to steer the conversation towards where she wanted it to go. Veronica wanted to know how open her mother would be to similar contact between them. Could she somehow use the Thompson family as an example, and somehow move her mother towards more physical contact between them?

"They've always been quite 'affectionate' if you know what I mean," Karen said with an uncomfortable manner as she looked at Veronica.

"What's wrong with physical affection between family members?" Veronica asked curiously with a raised eyebrow.

"Well . . . nothing . . . but there is a line, and how they interact borders on the 'intimate'," Karen stammered out, not at all comfortable with this conversation, nor having to defend modesty and restraint to her daughter.

"What's wrong with me coming home and showing you how much I love you?" Veronica asked with a mildly hurt tone of voice.

"Well, nothing!" Karen replied defensively.

Veronica turned and approached her unsuspecting mother from behind and hugged her. Veronica wrapped her arms around her mother and pressed her body tightly up against Karen. Veronica could feel her mother's breasts barely touching her arms as she squeezed her mother in the tight hug. Veronica wondered if her mother could feel her daughter's nipples pressing into her back. Veronica rested her head on her mother's shoulder, her lips dangerously close to her mother's ear. Oh how Veronica wanted to nibble that ear, but she knew that was crossing the line. She held the embrace for as long as she dared, only a few seconds, but for Veronica it was heaven; it only left her wanting more.

"Like this?" Veronica whispered in Karen's ear curiously.

"Perhaps that's a little much, but I appreciate the gesture, dear," Karen said as she started to wiggle and squirm to get out of Veronica's embrace.

"It's just a hug! I think you're being silly," Veronica chuckled dismissively as she broke the embrace.

Veronica returned to her portion of helping make dinner and dropped the subject. Veronica left her mother to think and ponder on the embrace and hoped Karen liked the hug as much as Veronica did, but she doubted it. Veronica decided to be just a little more affectionate, hoping her mother would slowly accept the increased level of intimate contact, the intimate touch she craved.

Karen was stunned by Veronica's actions and attitudes. She stood there and wondered if she was simply being too conservative. She actually wondered if she was being too stand-offish with her daughter. Was this simply a result of Veronica seeing the odd behaviour of the Thompson's and thinking that was normal? A frightening thought fleetingly crossed her mind that perhaps the Thompson's were normal and she was too cold and distant with her daughter? That thought seemed absurd, but Karen was still confused and said nothing, only occasionally glancing at Veronica with a troubled look.

Dinner was eventually served and everyone talked about the latest revelations that had been discovered that day. After the discussion everyone agreed that the Thompson family should go through their regular routines. There was nothing else they could do at the moment and the sitting around the house doing nothing served no purpose. Taryn would continue to help out in the Spa to cover "room and board" for the family. Owen still had his bus pass so he could continue to get to and from college (at least until the end of the month) and continue his studies. Rosina would continue working at the hospital, which was within walking distance from the Spa.

Taryn, Owen and Rosina were well mindful that they were in Karen's home and that they had to act as a "normal" family. Owen said he would sleep on the floor and Taryn and Rosina would sleep on the couch. After the tumultuous day, they wanted to sleep together, but knew that would raise too many questions. Karen and Veronica helped to get the three of them situated and then walked toward the back of the apartment.

Karen and Veronica got changed into their sleeping attire, Karen into her silk pyjamas and Veronica into her oversized T-shirt that came down just below her round rump. The two had just finished brushing their teeth and had left the bathroom on their way to their respective bedrooms. Karen turned to Veronica expecting to give her the light hug and peck on the cheek that was the norm between them before heading off to bed.

"Goodnight, dear," Karen said pleasantly, with a smile on her face as she opened her arms for the expected hug.

Veronica had other things in mind and decided to start to increase the level of physical affection between her and her mother starting right then. Veronica moved in to hug her mother and instead of the distant hug, she usually gave, Veronica pulled her mother tightly to her. Veronica's embrace forced their bodies and breasts to be mashed together, without an inch of space between them. Karen turned to look at Veronica and was about to ask what was going on when Veronica planted a quick peck on her lips.

"Goodnight, mom," Veronica said in a chipper tone as she quickly broke the embrace and darted into her room, before her mother could protest.

Karen stood there with her mouth agape and her mind stunned at the bedtime exchange that had just happened. Karen was bewildered and wondered what was going on with her daughter that evening and what she should do about it. She thought about charging into Veronica's room and talking about what had just happened but she wasn't sure if it was enough to make a big deal out of. There was a small part of Karen which equated the kiss to the one that she and Taryn had shared when Taryn first came to the Spa, those four years ago. Karen couldn't help but remember how Taryn's body felt, how exciting it was for her to hold another woman intimately. For a fleeting moment the embrace with Veronica echoed that level of intimacy. Her body flushed from the heat of the embrace and Karen reminded herself that it her daughter and not Taryn! Wanting to put the experience behind her, she pushed the troubling thoughts out of her head and went to bed.

Veronica's heart pounded in her chest as she leaned up against her bedroom door. She had just hugged and kissed her mother like she had always wanted to, and had gotten away with it! Veronica knew she had to play it cool and pretend that what she was doing was normal and a common thing. Veronica was so excited that she thought of masturbating to take the edge off of her excitement, but decided against it. There was still the chance that her mother would come in and talk to her about the hug.

Veronica went to bed and after a little while was able to drift off to sleep, somewhat frustrated. Perhaps that is the reason for the dream that Veronica had that night, perhaps all of her suppressed desires and pent up sexual tension needed a release. Whatever the reason, Veronica's dream featured her and her mother and was anything but platonic!

In her dream it was just before bed and they had just exited the bathroom. Karen turned to Veronica to say goodnight. Before Karen could say anything Veronica took Karen's head in her hands and planted a kiss on her mother's lips. This was not the peck on the lips that actually took place but a full-on lip-lock, the type of which that Veronica so very much desired to give her mother. Karen started to panic and struggle against the passionate kiss, trying to break free of her daughter's embrace. Not to be outdone or denied her prize, Veronica pushed Karen back until she was backed up against the wall.

Once there, Veronica pressed her body firmly against Karen, ensuring her mother wasn't going anywhere. Karen's body started to react to the kiss and after a moment she stopped squirming. Veronica grasped a large clump of her mother's hair to ensure she would stay put. Veronica kept her lower body pressed tightly against her mother and backed her upper body away from her mother. With her free hand Veronica started to confidently grope and caress Karen's heaving, breasts.

"What are you doing?" Karen asked in a petrified manner, her eyes full of fear and confusion.

"I'm feeling up your big tits, what does it look like I'm doing?" Veronica firmly retorted, finishing off with an indignant snort as she continued to openly caress Karen's breasts.

"No! All of this, the kiss the t . . . touching, why are you doing this?" Karen replied in the same terrified manner still not daring to move as Veronica continued to grope her breasts.

Veronica leaned in, tugged on her mother's hair, causing Karen to squeal in pain. Veronica pressed her body against Karen's, pinning her mother to the wall. With her face on Karen's shoulder she turned her attention to her mother's left ear. With her tongue she traced the outer contour of Karen's ear.

"I'm tired of waiting, so I've decided to take what I want, and I want you!" Veronica whispered confidently with a growl in her voice and then nibbled Karen's ear.

"Me?" Karen asked fearfully but then shuddered in pleasure and moaned her approval of Veronica's nibbling.

Veronica suddenly stopped nibbling Karen's ear and brought her face right in front of Karen's face, their noses only an inch apart. With a firm and determined look Veronica stared deeply into Karen's eyes. Karen quickly felt weak, meek and mild under the intensity of Veronica's gaze. She dropped her eyes, fearful of the heat of Veronica's gaze. When Karen's eyes dropped, Veronica tugged on Karen's hair, causing Karen to quickly look back up into Veronica's eyes, terrified to do so.

"Yes, you! As of this moment I'm your Mistress and you're my Bitch, my Slut my Slave! Do you understand?" Veronica spoke with a firm and demanding tone of voice. Karen's eyes searched Veronica's face for any sign that this was a joke. After a moment had passed and Karen had not said anything, Veronica tugged on Karen's hair. "I'm not giving you a choice! I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, you are my Slave!" Veronica growled.

"I . . . I . . ." Karen stammered out incoherently.

"WHAT ARE YOU?" Veronica shouted an inch from her mother's face.

"Your S . . . slave," Karen timidly replied, her voice trembling with fear.

"And what am I?" Veronica said in a commanding tone, backing her face away from Karen's face, slightly.

"My, M . . . Mistress," Karen replied, her voice still trembling with fear.

"Exactly! Don't forget it!" Veronica said as she abruptly released Karen and stood back up straight. "Come," she sternly ordered.

Veronica turned and walked into her bedroom and left the door open. Karen soon appeared in the doorway with the same meek manner, looking unsure of what she was doing. Veronica smiled wickedly at Karen, her mother, who stood in her doorway, because SHE ordered her to.

"I think it's time I saw my Slave naked, remove your clothes!" Veronica ordered sternly.

Karen looked puzzled and a frown crossed her face and it was clear that she didn't want to do this. Veronica scowled at Karen and raised her hand, preparing to backhand Karen. Karen picked up on this and sighed in defeat. Slowly she unbuttoned the silk pyjama top and removed it, revealing her D cup breasts to her daughter's hungry gaze. Grasping the waistband of her pyjama bottoms, Karen pushed them down until she could step out of them. Not knowing what to do, Karen stood there with her hands folded in front of her and her head bowed.

"You're more beautiful than I had imagined," Veronica said in wonder.

"Thank you, Mistress," Karen replied appreciatively, before she could stop herself.

Veronica pulled her nightshirt over her head and tossed it aside standing proudly before her mother, her new Slave. She bent one leg and thrust her breasts out and smiled at her mother as Karen's eyes walked over her daughter, her new Mistress with appreciative eyes.

"What do you think of your Mistress's body?" Veronica demanded.

"You're beautiful, Mistress," Karen replied timidly, blushing as soon as she responded.

"What do you like best about it?" Veronica asked in a demanding tone of voice that dripped with sexual innuendo.

"Your breasts, Mistress," Karen said in an embarrassed tone of voice as she looked down. "Then by all means, please your Mistress, as you please the breasts you love so much!" Veronica said as she sat on the edge of her bed.

Karen trembled as she moved towards Veronica and kneeled before her Mistress. With her body trembling with fear and confusion Karen knelt before Veronica and began to suckle at her daughter's breasts. Veronica looked down and she was filled with ecstasy as her mother, her Slave was now passionately devouring her breasts with wild abandon.

The timid and doubt about having sex with her daughter seemed to be a thing of the past as Karen passionately made love to Veronica's breasts. Veronica was brought to the verge of orgasm just from the skilled oral attention to her breasts and the fact that it was her mother who was sucking her tits. Veronica desperately needed release. Veronica laid back on the bed and spread her legs wide, Karen's lips never left Veronica's right nipple as the woman leaned back.

"EAT ME! EAT YOUR MISTRESS!" Veronica breathlessly breathed out.

"Oh, YES Mistress!" Karen replied dreamily.

Karen dove down between her Mistresses legs and quickly started eating pussy. Veronica was beside herself with pleasure as she looked down to see her mother going down on her. The added excitement that her mother was her Slave only heightened the pleasure for her. Karen ate Veronica's pussy with skill and expertise and it didn't take long before Veronica came and came hard. Without being told to do so, Karen lapped up every bit of juice that flowed from Veronica's pussy. When she came down from her orgasm, Veronica lay there panting as Karen continued to lap away at her pussy. One single thought entered Veronica's mind: she wanted pussy!

"Lay down! I want to eat my Slave's cunt!" Veronica ordered.

"You're too kind, Mistress!" Karen replied dreamily as she complied.

Veronica knelt down between her mother's legs and stared at the wet pussy spread before her. Veronica drew closer to that pussy and everything moved in slow motion, soon her mother's pussy filled her vision and she stretched out her tongue to take her first lick of the pussy she craved above all others!

The screeching of the alarm clock pulled Veronica from her dream and back into the real world. Veronica shot upright in bed and smacked the alarm clock into silence. She looked around the room and found that it was dark and that she was alone. The dream came back to her, as big as life and she laid back down heavily as the guilty feelings it generated, rushed to the forefront of her mind. Veronica knew it was not right to lust for her mother like she did, she knew she could never act on her feelings that had always been there.

Ever since puberty Veronica knew two things with absolute certainty: 1) she preferred women, but occasionally desired men, 2) she wanted to sexually dominate her mother. Veronica didn't just want a conquest of her mother and then move on, she wanted a relationship. Veronica wanted to spend the rest of her life, involved with her mother in a real relationship: living and loving together. The twist that was hardest to accept was that she wanted to OWN her mother! Like in the dream, she wanted to be her mother's Mistress and for her mother to be her Slave.

Veronica knew it was bad enough for her to desire her mother, but to want to dominate her? Veronica knew that such things didn't happen in the real world, and it was wrong, so very wrong to desire such things. For years she tried to make them go away, tried to bring her feelings for her mother more inline with "normal" feelings. Veronica's latest drive for more intimate contact with her mother was just a way to placate her desires with just a bit of touch. Perhaps after some contact, she could see how bizarre it all was and her "dark feelings" would go away.
* * *​

Veronica wasn't the only one who had a troubling night, Taryn had trouble sleeping. She tossed and turned for an hour before giving up, knowing what she needed, knowing it was a risk but after the day she had, she needed it. Taryn got out of bed, walked over Owen and shook him awake. A puzzled Owen looked around at the darkened room and then at Taryn.

"What is it?" Owen asked sleepily.

"I just can't sleep and after today, I need you to hold me." Taryn replied in a hushed tone of voice.

"You know we can't. What if Karen or Veronica sees us?" Owen replied with a hushed but firm tone of voice.

"I know it's a risk but I just can't sleep without you, I need you, Master! I need you now more than ever!" Taryn urged, her eyes conveyed how deeply she needed him.

"Okay, but if they catch us, it will be you who will be explaining things, this time," Owen relented with a laugh,

"Yes, Master," Taryn replied with a giggle and roll of her eyes as she helped Owen out of his sleeping bag.

When Owen climbed into bed, Rosina woke up and her eyes lit up and she cuddled up to him even before Taryn had climbed into the bed. In moments the three were cuddled up with Owen in the middle, a sleeping arrangement they had done on a semi-regular basis. Owen was about to drift off back to sleep, when Taryn's fear got the better of her and she spoke what was on her mind.

"I'm afraid of what will happen to us now? We're homeless and penniless! We have nothing left! How are we going to live?" Taryn said, with her voice tainted with fear.

"Everything will be fine, Red. As long as we have each other, we'll be fine! Don't worry, Master will take care of us," Rosina assured Taryn with a loving and confident tone of voice.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just being silly," Taryn replied in a relieved tone of voice and snuggled closer to Owen and quickly fell asleep.

Owen did not find sleep for some time after that, Rosina's words ringing through his mind. He was supposed to take care of things and he had always done so. It was easy to take care of things when there was a house that was paid for and plenty of money rolling in. They were now "homeless and penniless" as Taryn had put it and the mantle of leadership still rested on his shoulders. He was "The Master of The Family" and was expected to handle whatever came their way. Owen wondered if he had what it took to "handle" this crisis. With that frightening thought, Owen finally fell asleep an hour or so later.
* * *​

After waking from the disturbing dream, Veronica decided the best thing to do was to get up and start the day. With a yawn and stretch she climbed out of bed, put on her slippers and pulled on her bathrobe. With the plumbing in this old building, Veronica knew it was best to be the first one in the shower, to ensure you got some hot water. With that thought she made her way to the bathroom.

Before she entered the bathroom she glanced into the living room, not really sure why she did it. What she saw was a puzzling sight; she saw Owen's sleeping bag, but no Owen. Tenderly, Veronica knocked on the bathroom door but no response came. She opened the door to find the bathroom dark and vacant. Curious as to where Owen was, if he was not in bed, Veronica walked to the living room and what she saw stopped her in her tracks.

There, curled up together were the Thompson's with Owen in the middle. The way they were intertwined definitely looked intimate, even to the liberal thinking, Veronica. Her eyes traced the three sleeping forms in the bed and found that each was appealing in their own way. For some reason Veronica was more disturbed about finding Owen attractive than finding Taryn and Rosina attractive. Taryn was the most desirable of the three of them, to Veronica.

Veronica glanced back at the closed door of her mother's bedroom and knew that her mother would freak if she were to find all of them in bed together. What compounded the oddness of the situation was the fact that it appeared that they were nude, or at least mostly nude, the bare shoulders attested to that. Wondering what she should do, Veronica asked herself if she should leave them be or wake them up.

If she left them be, her mother would find them there and freak out, tossing them out regardless of what had happened to them. Veronica wanted the three sleeping people to stay now more than ever. Whether or not there was something going on between them was irrelevant and none of her business as far as Veronica was concerned. Veronica wanted their presence to influence and nudge her mother towards accepting the physical closeness that Veronica was trying to achieve. With that thought she knew what she had to do, wake them and warn them.

"You should get up now" Veronica said as she shook Taryn awake.

"Hmm . . . what?" Taryn replied groggily as she started to wake up and look around the room. "VERONICA?" she shouted in a stunned manner and glanced at Owen and Rosina in the bed and then back at Veronica, her mind in a panic. "We just . . . um . . . needed . . ." Taryn started to fumble with words for a reply.

"Look, I understand, after yesterday you needed to have each other close, but I don't think mom would understand," Veronica said as she turned to walk away.

"Thank you for understanding," Taryn said in a relieved tone of voice.

Taryn started to get out of bed pulling the sheets back, forgetting that she was nude. Veronica tried not to seem too excited as Taryn's big breasts started to come into view. It took a few seconds for Taryn's sleepy mind to realize that she was nude and shouldn't reveal herself to Veronica. Taryn covered herself up as Veronica left the room, on her way to the bathroom. Taryn briefly thought she saw a satisfied smile on Veronica's face as she left the room. Turning to Owen and Rosina she began to shake them awake.

After Veronica's shower she exited the bathroom to find her mother standing there in her bathrobe, looking sleepy. Not missing an opportunity like this she hugged her mother tightly and gave her a peck on the lips, just like she had done the night before.

"Good morning, Mom," Veronica said in a chipper tone of voice as she broke the embrace and walked to her room.

Karen stood there for a moment and her sleepy mind had trouble processing what had happened. Writing it off to her sleepy mind playing tricks on her she glanced in the living room. She saw Owen rolling up his sleeping bag with his back to her. Karen woke up when she saw him bent over and nude except for his boxer shorts. She had to admit that he was looking quite good, especially for a woman that hadn't had a man since Tony divorced her eleven years ago. Karen shook her head and walked into the bathroom to have her shower.
Next page: Chapter 03.1
Previous page: Chapter 01