Chapter 04.1
The Dragon and The Mouse
Owen barely noticed the scenery passing by as he sat in the plush leather seat of the Mercedes that was speeding down the road to some unknown destination. He didn't notice much of anything that sunny Saturday. Owen's focus was consumed with his own thoughts on how he had ended up getting into the car of a stranger. Heather might have been a stranger to Owen but she not a stranger to his father and seemed to know much about his family. How much did she know and why was she seemingly undisturbed by what she knew? The most aggravating was what did she want with him? What was it that they needed to talk about that was so urgent? Why did Owen owe her any type of explanation on how he and his family chose to live their lives?
Owen felt his guilt twinge when he thought of how he chose to live his life. Owen was not stupid and guessed that Heather wanted to talk about Richard, and that was the last thing he wanted to talk about. Ironically, it was the major issue in his life and even he had to admit that he needed some perspective with regards to how things ended with his father. Had he really driven his father to do what he did? Was Owen really the monster his father made him out to be? Was he really so sick and twisted that he would corrupt and consume everyone around him? Owen didn't have the answer to these questions and a small part of him, hoped that Heather did.
Owen was so wrapped up in his own dark thoughts that he didn't notice the fact that they had turned into a back alley in an industrial section of town. Heather's swift hand movement to press the button on a remote that was clipped to the visor above her head, pulled Owen out of his thoughts. A large overhead door of a nearby warehouse started to open and when it was open enough Heather drove into the warehouse. They entered what looked to be a sectioned off portion of the building that was used for an indoor parking garage. Pulling into a parking spot closest to a large metal door, Heather turned off the engine and got out of the car.
Owen stared in disbelief as he watched Heather walk towards the metal door. Not one word had been spoken between the two of them since he had entered the car. It irked him that she had just left the car and expected him to follow her without so much as saying a single word to him. As Owen got out of the car he paused to breathe a deep breath and prepare him for the unknown destiny that lay beyond that metal door.
It was at that moment that the thought hit Owen that he had been given the time to calm down. By not talking to him during the car ride, Heather had given him the space he needed to relax, just a little bit. Owen started to see the seemingly cold woman in a different light, perhaps she was more than the scratchy exterior let on. Owen hoped that she had some wisdom to shed on his predicament, rather than just the grilling he expected.
Owen walked though the metal doorway and found himself in a small entryway. This room looked to be much cleaner and newer than the building itself and was only about ten feet by ten feet. A camera was mounted above a solid-looking door at the opposite end of the room. There was a small card-reader device mounted on the wall right next to the doorknob. Heather did not stop walking, nor did she produce a card to swipe through the card reader, she just walked up to the door. The door buzzed when she neared it and she opened up the door and walked through it. Owen had to run to catch the closing door, not sure if it would be opened up for him should he let it close.
A large, black man stood just inside the door wearing tight black leather pants, black shoes and what looked to be a spiked leather dog collar. Owen tried not to stare at the odd sight of the bare-chested man who stood there calmly and took both Heather and his coats, hanging them up nearby. While he was massive in dimensions, he was gentle and respectful in demeanour bowing to Heather as she walked by.
Owen was so taken in by the black man that he failed to notice that they were in a hallway that led down a fair distance. Along the wall to the right were two doors that were clearly labelled as men's and women's change rooms as well as a few other doors that were not marked. There was a door at the end of the hall which also had a camera mounted above it and a card-reader mounted beside the door. Heather was swiftly walking towards this door, still saying nothing to Owen. Once again, Heather did not stop walking or produce any credentials at all, she simply approached the door and it buzzed, allowing her to open it. By this time Owen was not far behind and easily caught the door before it closed. Owen stepped through the doorway immediately after Heather and was in for a great shock at the sight that greeted him.
The room was a stark difference to the white, plain hallway and anti-room that he had just walked through. The rich wood panelling of the fireside study seemed out of place in the warehouse that it was within. The floor was made of hardwood and was rich in colour and was obviously not mere laminate. An elegant leather couch and two wingback leather chairs were situated in a semi-circle centred on the wood fireplace in one wall. A large ornamental rug covered the area between both wingback chairs and the couch. Beautiful wood furniture and bookshelves filled with books filled out the room which looked like it belonged in an English manor rather than an American warehouse. There were three doors, one in each of the walls to the left and right of the wall with the fireplace, and the other immediately to the right of the fireplace. Owen and Heather had come through the door in the wall to the left of the fireplace.
Heather sat in one of the wingback chairs and pointed to the other wingback chair situated across from her, while looking at Owen confidently. Owen nodded and walked over to the vacant chair and sat down in it and felt the warmth of the fire that crackled in the fireplace beside him.
"As you know, I knew your father, for ten years, he was a Slave of mine and paid me well for the privilege," Heather said calmly, as if she were talking about the weather.
"I see," Owen said fidgeting in his seat a little bit. "He paid you to serve you?" he added with a look of morbid curiosity.
"Didn't he tell you? I thought you knew," Heather asked in a tone of voice that was flavoured with just a hint of curiosity, with a raised eyebrow on an otherwise expressionless face.
"He only told us that he was involved with you . . . as your Slave . . . and that he loved you very much," Owen said in a stammering and nervous manner, uncomfortable talking about personal family business to a stranger.
"You seem tense. Would you like a drink? Where are my manners, I haven't made you feel properly welcomed into my home," Heather said in a somewhat understanding and conciliatory manner before she pressed a button on a small intercom on a table beside her chair. "Send in some Sluts," Heather said dismissively into the small box, releasing the button after she finished speaking.
The door in the wall to the right of the wall with the fireplace opened up not a minute later and in walked six women. While each woman was unique in her own way, being of different races and body shapes, they all were dressed (or undressed rather) the same. Each woman wore fur-lined, leather cuffs on each ankle and wrist. Around her neck, each woman wore a thick, fur-lined leather collar in the style of a dog-collar, across the front of the collar in large, bright lettering was the word "SLUT" attached to the collar and each cuff was a single silver "D" ring. Apart from that, each woman was completely nude, and seemingly not bothered by that fact one bit. All of the women had their hair tied back in some manner, either in a pony tail or braid or up in a bun. They lined up in front of the couch and stood there with their feet shoulder width apart, their hands behind their backs grasping their opposite elbows, their heads up high and looking straight ahead. They didn't move or speak at all; it was as if they were soldiers lined up for inspection.
"Pick one to welcome you," Heather said after giving the women a passing glance.
"What?" Owen said in a nervous tone.
"I don't have all day, just pick one you like and she will relieve your stress," Heather said in a slightly exasperated tone of voice of voice.
"I see," Owen said as he looked the women over again and tried to see which one he found the prettiest.
At one end there was a tall and slender Arab woman who looked to be in her late twenties, her hips were wide and clearly her best feature. The shape of her body was sleek, with subtle variations in her profile, her breasts included being that they were a B cup. Her dark skin and large eyes gave her an exotic mystique that was quite alluring.
Beside her was a small Japanese woman who could best be described as young and petite, her whole body was small yet slender. She had the curves of a woman but on a smaller and more subdued scale, her breasts were the smallest, barely an A cup.
Beside her was a woman who was quite different than her in body shape, she was a black woman with considerably more generous proportions to her figure. She had the hourglass figure of a woman but in a larger scale with more rounder and more flowing curves. Her breasts were clearly the largest of the group, yet her body was the largest as well.
On the other side of her was a slightly taller than average brunette haired woman with a muscular build and pert, pointy B cup breasts. Her body was a marvel of body-sculpting; she was toned, trim and had a tight, hard-body. She looked to be in her forties and looked to have been tanned most of her life.
Next was a native woman in her early twenties, who seemed to possess the body closest to a model's body of the group. Her tall body was nicely proportioned from her arms to her legs and even her C cup breasts seemed to be the right size and shape, nothing seemed too large or too small. Her black hair was in a single braid and fell down to her waist. If she wasn't a model, she could have been.
The last woman was a golden-blonde haired woman, in her early thirties who stood about average in height. Her hair was done up in two braids going out of the back of her head and still fell past her shoulder-blades. Her face was an oval shape and her thin eyebrows were whips over her captivating light-blue eyes. Her button nose pointed to her large mouth with puffy lips. Her body-shape was not skinny yet not plump, she was a woman who had a few extra pounds on a shapely frame. Her body, while being ever so slightly larger than desired, was well proportioned, and had the flowing curves of a woman; those curves were simply padded a little bit. The added bonus to the padded curves was that this woman had a delightfully round D cup breasts.
This last woman had an odd addition to her "attire," in the form of a large gold cross which hung from a gold chain around her neck. While that in itself would make her memorable as you do not expect to see religious symbols displayed so prominently on a woman wearing a "Slut Collar." There was something else about her that rang familiar, it was as if he was looking at someone he knew, but couldn't quite place her. Perhaps it was because she was not in the environment he knew her from or simply that she reminded him of someone he knew. Whatever the reason, Owen was left with a feeling that he knew her from somewhere.
"What's with the cross?" Owen asked as he tore his eyes away from the cross dangling in cleavage, and glanced back at Heather.
"Don't worry about it, she's just a Slut. Pick one and let's get on with this." Heather huffed dismissively.
"A cross is a strange thing to see on a S. . . Slut, don't you agree? I was just curious," Owen added, not liking the term Heather used to describe these women, yet trying to act casual, nonetheless.
"She's a 'mousy little church girl' who is here to explore her 'bad girl' side in hopes to be rid of it," Heather scoffed as she tossed the woman in question a dirty look, "Deluded woman," she added with a shake of her head. "You can't deny who and what you are! The sooner you accept that, the easier a time you will have here, Slut!" Heather spat with fire at the timid, blonde haired woman wearing the cross around her neck.
"Yes, Mistress," the blonde woman wearing the cross replied in a meek tone of voice as she looked down, momentarily embarrassed, before bringing her eyes back up to where they were expected to be.
Owen looked her over again and at once had a spark of recognition and chuckled when he remembered where he knew her from. She glanced at him with the slit eyes of a stern look, and Owen smiled and nodded at her with a knowing smile on his face. Almost immediately a look of horror washed over her face and she darted her eyes back to the front. A look of fear and embarrassment still dominated her face, though she tried to force a normal expression onto her face, and for the most part was successful. She never got the fear out of her eyes, as sporadically glanced back at Owen when she thought he wasn't looking.
Her name was Rebecca Moore and she lived in his neighbourhood, or rather his old neighbourhood. She was married with three young children, all under the age of six. She was an active member of the local church, constantly canvassing the neighbourhood for support for this or that church initiative. The last time he saw her was about a month ago, when she came by to ask him for clothing donations for some far-off disaster stricken part of the world. Rebecca and her husband ran a Christian Bookstore along the same street that Karen had her Spa. You would best describe Rebecca as a "pillar of the church," and while she was quite religious, she was not the "holier than thou" type.
Rebecca had an innocent and pure mystique about her and you hardly could imagine her saying a curse word or knowing the existence of the BDSM lifestyle, let alone be up to her neck in it! It was strange enough for Owen to see women wearing "Dog Collars," as he saw them, and prancing around a public place in the nude. To see Rebecca Moore doing so was too strange and bizarre for Owen to accept. It was one thing for him to be caught up in this world of kink, neither he nor his family had ever been that religious, but Rebecca Moore?
"I take it, you've chosen her then?" Heather asked with a raised eyebrow.
At that, Rebecca took in a quick breath of shock and looked at Owen with a fearful look. Her whole being trembled slightly as she glanced between Heather and Owen. She was shooting him a pleading look as she timidly waited for her fate to be decided by others. Owen was about to move on, and instead choose the Native woman, but something about knowing Rebecca, and her timid nature drew her to him. Owen was curious to know what she was doing there, and she was pleasing to the eye. "What could it hurt to get a neck-rub from her?" Owen thought to himself.
"Sure, she'll do fine," Owen said confidently as he winked at a mortified Rebecca.
"Good! You heard him, Sluts, the rest of you disappear," Heather said in a commanding tone as she glanced at the women standing beside Rebecca. "As for you, Slut, tend to our guest and make him feel welcome and relaxed," she said to Rebecca in a stern manner.
The other women turned on the spot and walked out of the room via the same doorway that they had entered through. Rebecca took a few steps forward and approached Owen with a timid and fearful manner about her. She folded her hands in front of her and bowed slightly as she prepared to speak to Owen with fear in her eyes. Owen smiled warmly at her with a charming and disarming smile, at that Rebecca took a little comfort, and smiled back at him.
"What would you like to drink, Sir," Rebecca asked Owen in a soft, timid voice that sounded sweet and enchanting to Owen.
"Dark rum and coke," Owen replied politely, with a nod to Rebecca.
"Right away, Sir," Rebecca said with a weak smile as she bowed slightly to Owen and turned to walk away from Owen.
Rebecca swiftly left the room via the same door in the far corner, and returned just as swiftly with a glass containing a dark liquid in it. She approached Owen and handed it to him, again bowing to Owen with a shallow bow as she looked at him and waited for him to say something. Owen took the glass and sipped its contents before he nodded his approval of the drink Rebecca had brought him.
"Is it to your liking, Sir?" Rebecca asked in a timid tone, with a hopeful smile her face.
"Yes, delicious," Owen replied with a smile and at that Rebecca smiled a pleased smile.
Owen was about to turn his attention to Heather, expecting Rebecca to walk around to the back of the chair and begin what he assumed was to be a neck-rub to relax him. Instead, Rebecca dropped to her knees and shuffled up close to Owen so that she was kneeling right in front of him. Again, Owen dismissed this as her waiting for him to give her another command. Yet again Rebecca surprised him when she reached up and without hesitation unfastened his pants! As soon as his pants were undone, she grasped the waistband of both his pants and underwear and pulled hard. Instinct took over and Owen even lifted his ass up to allow the pants to drop. Before long he had his pants and underwear down around his ankles and his semi-hard cock exposed to Heather and Rebecca. Before a stunned Owen could ask what she was doing, Rebecca silently answered his question when she took his cock in one hand and brought her lips to the tip of it.
Owen watched in slow motion as the woman whom he had seen scolding teens for kissing in public wrapped her lips around the head of his cock and started to swallow his whole cock. It was a bizarre and surreal experience, however, given the fact of who she was and what she was doing made the experience incredibly hot. Owen watched in awe as Rebecca sucked hard as she bobbed her head up and down on his cock. One thing was for sure, while Rebecca looked innocent and was indeed a religious woman, she certainly was an experienced cocksucker! Owen sighed to convey his pleasure and let his head flop back, enjoying the moment for a bit. He then looked down at Rebecca smiled at her a gratified smile and patted her head. Rebecca, in turn, looked up at Owen and smiled at him as best she could with his cock in her mouth, but conveyed her mood with her eyes.
"Now that you're relaxed, we can continue, don't you agree?" Heather asked with a wry smile on her face.
"Certainly, I have to admit, you certainly know how to make a guy feel welcome," Owen chuckled but the laughter drained from his voice before he spoke in a plain tone, "I appreciate it and all, but why am I here?" he asked curiously. As Heather and Owen talked, Rebecca continued sucking Owen's cock at a leisurely and relaxing pace.
"True enough, I'll get to the point. As you know I was involved with Richard as his, Dominatrix, his Mistress, if you will, for ten years but I broke that off four years ago, for . . . personal reasons," Heather said and fell silent while wearing an uncharacteristically, uncomfortable look on her face.
"Personal reasons? He said you got board with him, and broke it off with him after telling him he was an idiot for staying with you for so long," Owen replied without compassion, as he looked at the hurt expression that flashed across Heather's face.
"No, that wasn't it," Heather said in a hurt tone of voice, ending with a regrettable sigh. "I started to care for him too much. Too much to be able to keep it purely business . . . I . . . I . . . loved him," Heather added with an ashamed tone of voice and let out a few sobs and show a rare display of emotions.
"I don't understand," Owen said with a perplexed look on his face. "He clearly loved you and was devoted to you, why was that a problem?" he added with a shrug of his shoulders.
"My business is to dominate both men and women! I have a number of Sluts and Slaves at my disposal at any given time. If I allow myself to become attached to any one in particular, that will hamper my ability to be objective and neutral when dealing with my Slaves. Jealousy would creep in and destroy anything we might have had." Heather said as she looked up at Owen with tear-stained cheeks.
"If my father knew you had other Slaves and still stuck with you for ten years, it seems to me that he could handle sharing you and what you do for a living. I'm sorry to be so blunt but what has this got to do with me?" Owen asked with a shrug of his shoulders, frustrated and exasperated.
"Even though I never told him and you may not agree with what I did, I did love him, you must understand that. I need to know what happened to him. I overhead you talking with your Mother and your Sister, so I know that you are involved with them like I was involved with Richard, what I don't know is why. Did Richard know? Was he somehow involved in all this? And most importantly, why did you say that you killed him?" Heather asked in a subdued tone of voice as she looked at him with pleading eyes.
"I don't owe you an explanation for any of this! Despite your past with my father, you have no business poking your nose in my personal life!" Owen said indignantly and abruptly stood up.
Rebecca's mouth made a popping sound as Owen's cock was unexpectedly removed from it. Rebecca scurried to the side and just managed to get out of the way as Owen pulled up his pants. Owen pulled up his pants began to do them up, still wearing the indignant expression on his face.
"SIT DOWN!" Heather ordered, but Owen sipped up his pants defiantly as he glared at Heather.
"No, I don't owe you any explanation," Owen huffed and turned to leave, leaving Heather stunned, sitting blinking in her chair.
He had just taken a step to leave when Heather moved and did something she never did. Heather got off of her chair and dashed to Owen's feet and knelt down as she grasped his nearest hand and clutched it tight. Rebecca looked in shock as her Mistress was on her knees before a man! Rebecca didn't know what the proper thing to do was, so she chose to get lower than Heather and laid her head on the ground.
"PLEASE! I NEED TO KNOW!" Heather sobbed out in amongst the tears, as she looked up at Owen with the pleading eyes of a desperate woman, and not the scowl of a demanding one.
It was the display of real emotion that got to him and made him give in to her request. It was more the fact that it was a request and not a demand that got to him. Heather had lowered her guard and showed him her real emotions and not the cool façade that she showed most people. Owen knew that this was hard for her to do, it was hard for her to beg anyone to do anything and that too was not lost on Owen. He suspected it was the emotion of Richard's funeral that had put her emotions off-kilter that day.
"Okay," Owen said after a long moment of silence.
"Thank you," Heather said with a grateful smile before she got up and sat back down in her chair.
Owen sat down in his chair and looked down at Rebecca who looked up at him in a timid yet hopeful look. With a sigh Owen pulled his pants and underwear down to his ankles and motioned to Rebecca to come closer. Rebecca beamed at Owen and took her place between his legs and resumed her oral pleasing efforts on his cock.
Owen then told Heather the tale of how his family had changed and reformed into what it had become. He told her how her leaving Richard deeply affected him and how lost he felt without her. Owen told Heather, how things had started with his mother, how they found each other and discovered that they needed something from each other. He then told her how Rosina found out and how she joined the fold. Finally Richard's story was told on how he became part of the family. Owen told Heather how much the family felt loved and accepted by each other but also what Richard was going through. He told Heather about how Richard had disposed of his assets and killed himself. Owen explained how he had broken things off with his Mother and Sister because he didn't want them to suffer the same fate.
"Did he ever tell you that he was unhappy?" Heather asked with a sceptical eye.
"No, none of us ever had a clue that he was anything but happy," Owen said with a tone of deep regret.
"What would you have done if he had told you he was not happy?" Heather asked curiously, with a raised eyebrow.
"I would have talked to him, tried to work things out but in the end, I would have let him go with no trouble. I wouldn't have blackmailed him, or extorted money from him," Owen said with a frustrated sigh, regretting not being able to have done just that.
"Even if it meant you would be in the situation you are now? Even if it meant being poor?" Heather asked with the raised eyebrow of a knowing expression.
"I never wanted him as a Slave in the first place. I only did so as a favour to Red . . .er . . . Mom, and I thought it was what he wanted! The money was just a means to take care of the family. That's why I never took any of it, everything was used to take care of the family and the rest was left in the account, HIS account," Owen said with a sigh and shook his head at Heather.
"He made his own choices. He thought, for whatever reason, that you were a tyrant, so he decided to end his life. You didn't end it for him, you are not responsible for what happened to him, he is," Heather said in a compassionate and understanding tone of voice.
"No, you don't understand!" Owen said as he shifted forward but realized that Rebecca was still there, sucking on his cock. "Move, please . . . Mouse," Owen said calmly as he tapped Rebecca on the shoulder. The pet name of "Mouse" seemed to fit her, she was a timid little mousey woman, not that it was a bad thing, it was just who she was.
"Yes, Sir," Rebecca said as she backed up slightly, giggling a bit at her new nickname.
Owen fished around in his pants and found Richard's suicide note and handed it to Rebecca. "Mouse, take this to her," Owen said to Rebecca as he pointed at Heather.
"Yes, Sir," Rebecca replied and scurried on her knees over to Heather and respectfully handed her the folded up piece of paper. Rebecca returned to Owen's feet and looked at his cock and up at him expectantly.
"You may continue, Mouse," Owen said with a smile and nod as Heather started to read Richard's suicide note.
"Yes, Sir," Rebecca replied with a warm tone as she smiled briefly at Owen before resuming her oral pleasuring of his cock.
On the inside Rebecca was shocked and in turmoil as a result of the troubling and disgusting tale of domination and incest involving a whole family she had just heard! Rebecca knew enough to keep focussed on her task, sucking his cock in a relaxing manner. She knew he had recognized her, she saw the spark of recognition in his eyes as well as the chuckle that followed. She certainly had recognized him, even before his troubling tale. Part of her wanted to hate him for what he had done with his family, yet she couldn't. The largest blockade to her righteous hatred of Owen was the fact that he knew who she was and what she was doing in this place, yet he had not judged her or shown her contempt.
Quite the opposite, he was kind and gentle, a first for her in all the time she had spent in this place. Even in the limited interaction they had shared so far, she felt a strange connection to him. He was a little out of place here, just like she was. To the world he was a decent, respectable young man, but in private he had a terrible secret. Likewise, to the world she was a loving wife and mother, pious woman and pillar of the church, yet she had these dark urges that drove her to this place.
No amount of prayer could rid her of her darkest and most shameful secret, the fact that she came to Heather's on a weekly basis and lived a secret life as a Slut. Every week she would tell her husband that she was going to a ladies bible-study and instead go to Heather's. She was used to pleasure whoever wanted her to whenever and however they wanted her to, without the slightest thought or consideration given to her. Rebecca had no control over her life once she walked in these doors and part of her liked being treated with abject disdain. For Rebecca it was a way of doing penance for daring to explore these dark feelings, though in truth she was trying to get rid of them. She had come to Heather's in the desperate hope that by giving in to these dark impulses, she could tire of them and finally be rid of them. So far it had not worked and only produced the opposite effect. Now a little more than a year and a half later she found she was hooked, unable to rid herself of these dark feelings yet unable stop herself from coming to Heather's either.
Rebecca hated the lying to the good man who was her husband a man she loved. The fact that she was cheating on him was not lessened in any way by the fact that she had done so only within the confines of this building. Rebecca had simply justified her scandalous behaviour by telling herself that once she was inside this building, it was the dark urges that were doing these things, not her. Owen's tender and caring manner threatened to smash that, and that was what she feared.
Despite what Owen had done with his family, Rebecca liked him, and that was the problem. As long as she held everyone and everything in this building with disdain she could look down on what happened here and distance herself from it. Owen, treating her gently, as well as showing consideration and compassion to her, made her want to serve him, she liked taking care of him. Rebecca liked doing things for him, even as simple as fetching him a drink or yes, sucking his cock. As she looked back on the brief encounters they had shared outside of this place, he had always been kind and polite, she liked him even then.
That was the real problem: Rebecca was exploring the dark urges with someone she liked. Owen was not a nameless participant or cruel Mistress degrading her, he saw her as Rebecca and not as a "Slut." He knew who she was and why she was here and yet still he treated her kindly. For that she was grateful and saw him as a good man and not the bastard she felt she should see him as, due to his involvement with his family. If she liked him and still did these shameful things with him than Rebecca would have to admit that it was she and not her dark urges that were in control. That didn't feel like a road to getting rid of them, but rather getting used to them, Rebecca was troubled but returned her focus to the task at hand: pleasing Sir's cock.
"The fact that you carry this around in your pocket is troubling enough," Heather said as she held up Richard's suicide note and wore a worried look on her face. "This is the mad ramblings of a man who is unhappy with his life and looking to blame others rather than do something about it," Heather said with a sad tone of voice as she put the note down on the table beside her.
"Yeah, but . . ." Owen tried to argue back but Heather cut him off.
"LOOK! He lied to you, he lied to his family and he lied to himself. Sure, he was not happy. Sure all the submission he was comfortable with was our once a week sessions, but once he realized that, what did he do about it?" Heather asked and looked at Owen expectantly.
"Well, nothing," Owen added calmly and looked at Heather with an uneasy expression.
"Exactly! He had choices. From what you've told me you were and are a kind and loving Master. You genuinely look after your Slaves and take the responsibility for their care and well-being to heart. If you didn't take the responsibility as Master seriously, you wouldn't have been so affected by what happened. You are blaming yourself because you feel you failed him as his Master," Heather said in a reassuring and compassionate tone of voice.
"EXACTLY!" Owen emphatically agreed.
"He failed you as a Slave by not telling you what he was feeling. How can you fix a problem that is hidden from you?" Heather asked confidently and waited for Owen to respond.
"I guess," Owen relented, looking down.
"You need to let this go, you need to stop blaming yourself for something that was not your fault . . . You need to burn this," Heather said as she held up Richard's suicide note.
"I don't know," Owen replied uneasily.
"If he had come to you with this and you had brushed him aside, then I would agree that you would be to blame for what had happened to him. I loved Richard and I am sorry that I didn't have the courage to let him know how much I cared. I wish I could have my Richard back, the man I knew when we parted ways. But the man we buried today was not that man. He let regret and shame eat away at him until all that was left was hatred. He screwed over his wife and family because he wasn't happy with his life. You shouldn't feel sorry for him, you should hate him. What he did was cruel and unnecessary. He went out of his way to hurt you for something you weren't responsible for. That was not my Richard. That was not your father." Heather said as she held the note out to Owen.
"Yeah, you're right . . . I am sorry for what happened, though," Owen said with a sad and regrettable tone of voice.
"As am I, but we must put it behind us and move on," Heather said as she waved the note back and forth.
"True," Owen nodded before he looked down to Rebecca who was sucking his cock with her eyes closed. "You can stop now, Mouse," he said and smiled down at her as she opened her eyes and looked up at him.
"Yes, Sir," Rebecca said after letting his cock slip from her mouth and shifting to the side.
Owen stood up, pulled up his pants and took the note from Heather. Standing before the fireplace Owen looked at Richard's suicide note and then at the fire crackling before him. He knew that Heather was right, he knew that his father had choices that he did not exercise and that he never once told him that he was not happy. This did little to diminish the feeling of the senseless and preventable loss of life this event filled Owen with. With a flick of the wrist, Owen tossed Richard's suicide note onto the fire and watched it burn until noting was left but ashes. Owen turned to Heather and smiled a warm smile, one which she returned.
"Thank you," Owen said to Heather warmly as he sat back down in his chair. Rebecca moved to resume her oral pleasuring of Owen's cock but Owen stopped her with a gentle hand. "No, Mouse, not now," he said with a smile to Rebecca.
"Yes, Sir," Rebecca said as she sat back on her haunches, bowed her head, folded her hands and waited for his next command.
"Do you feel better?" Heather asked Owen with a friendly smile on her face.
"Yes, actually," Owen said with a relieved smile.
"Good. Do you want to go home to Red and Cat yet?" Heather asked curiously as she watched Owen for a reaction.
"I still don't know if I should . . . I . . . I just know," Owen said as he hung his head, running his fingers through his hair.
His tension and stress had gotten the better of him when he thought of Taryn and Rosina. He was still not sure if it was a good idea to resume his relationship with them. As he wrestled with his thoughts and emotions of the moment Owen felt a light touch on his right hand. He glanced over to it and saw that Rebecca had placed her small hand on his in a comforting gesture. He looked into her eyes and saw the genuine concern she held for him, and he was touched, he squeezed her hand and smiled warmly at her. Rebecca smiled up at him, happy she could comfort him in his time of need.
"You are without a doubt the most natural Master I have seen; which is why you have done so well with no training. You have your heart and mind in the right place and certainly have a way with submissive women, but you lack some basic skills," Heather said in a considered and confident manner.
"Basic skills?" Owen asked curiously, with mild confusion.
"Yes, there are many things about the BDSM lifestyle that you don't understand. I can teach you these things and help you become a better and more effective Master than you are now by adding to and honing your skills," Heather said in a confident manner as she looked at Owen with a self-assured look on her face.
"That sounds great, but it sounds like a sales pitch and I'm pretty sure I can't afford it," Owen said as he started to get up, but stopped when he heard Heather's laughter.
"No, I don't personally train Dom's and I don't need your money." Heather said in amongst her chuckling as Owen sat back down. "I see potential in you and I want to help develop that potential," she added with a serious tone of voice, a slight smirk on her face.
"Okay, thank you, but I need to find a place to stay first," Owen replied with a sceptical expression.
"While we are training, you can stay here," Heather said with a calming look of certainty.
"Thank you, but I still have College, I . . ." Owen started out but stammered at the end and Heather cut him off before he could ramble too much.
"I understand about school, that is important, while you are here you will go to college during the day and we will train in the evening," Heather said with a plain tone of voice, a slight smile on her face.
"I appreciate all you are willing to do for me, but if you don't usually do this, why me?" Owen asked with a grateful tone of voice as he looked at Heather with an expression of wonder on his face.
"As I said, I want to help develop your potential as well as give you the space you need to decide your next move. As well, Richard didn't give all his money to charity, a fair amount he gave to me. We will simply consider that he paid me to train you." Heather said with a conspiratorial grin and wink at Owen.
"Thank you," Owen said with a grateful smile and nod.
"Before we begin your training, you must understand some basic Protocols. First, when we are out there on 'The Floor' you must address me as 'Mistress' at all times and I will address you as 'Trainer.' I know this may be hard for you, but just think of it in the 'Teacher' sense of the word. Secondly, when we are on The Floor, I am always in charge and you must treat me with respect and be subservient to me. Again this is hard for a Dom to do but I must maintain the upper hand, this is important to maintain order amongst the Sluts and Slaves. This will all be easier if you consider our relationship in the 'Teacher/Student' light. Do you understand and agree?" Heather spoke in a calm and controlled manner, to convey that she was serious yet not overly demanding.
"Yes, Mistress," Owen replied, the last word feeling wrong to say, somehow.
"I like you and I feel like I can be myself around you, Owen. When we are in private, we can relax and just be ourselves, like we are now, we can drop the Mistress/Trainer, act, understand?" Heather asked with a genuine smile.
"Absolutely, Heather," Owen replied with a genuine smile of his own.
"Good, let's begin, I'll see you on The Floor in a bit," Heather said to Owen calmly as she stood up, "Slut, get him a Trainer's uniform, help him get ready and make sure he finds his way to The Floor," she said to Rebecca with a commanding tone of voice.
"Yes, Mistress," Rebecca replied respectfully with a nod of her head.
Heather turned and exited the room through the door that was to the right of the fireplace. Rebecca led Owen back through the door that they entered through and back into the hallway. The large black man was still standing beside the opposite door and just nodded to Owen and Rebecca when he saw them. Owen nodded in reply and watched as Rebecca opened up a door between the men's and women's change rooms.