Chapter 04.2
Inside the room, the walls were lined with shelves, and an assortment of clothes was neatly organized on them. The clothes were all in only one colour: Black. Rebecca searched through them, holding up a few different shirts and pants until she was confident that she had found ones that would fit. Scooping up a pair of black socks and a pair of black shoes she exited the room, closing the door behind her. Owen fully expected Rebecca to hand him the clothes so he could get changed in private, instead she walked into the men's change room.
Perplexed he entered the men's change room and found Rebecca standing not far inside the door, still holding the pile of clothing. The change room itself was just like what you would find in a gym or swimming pool. The main are had lockers surrounding the walls and off to one side was the washroom area and off to another side was the group shower. In the middle of the main area was an assortment of benches. A door that was opposite the main door, seemed to lead to "The Floor" as Heather had described it. When Owen had entered the change room, Rebecca walked over to a nearby bench and carefully laid out the clothes over it.
"I don't need help changing," Owen said as he approached Rebecca.
"I know, Sir, but Mistress told me to help you, and I will," Rebecca replied softly, with a smile as she stood with her hands folded in front of her.
"And you have, but I think I can find my way from here," Owen replied warmly and ran his hand up and down Rebecca's shoulder as he smiled at her.
"It is my place to help you, Sir . . . and I am happy to do it . . . may I please help you?" Rebecca asked in a timid and soft manner, almost fearful of asking him anything so bold.
"Alright, you may help," Owen said with a smile.
What followed was a simple act of Rebecca helping Owen get changed. She would remove an article of Owen's clothing and hang it up in one of the available lockers. She would then replace that article with a new one. Slowly Owen changed from his street clothes into the "Trainer's Uniform" as Heather had called it. In truth it was simply a black silk shirt and pair of leather pants, topped off with the black shoes and socks.
It had been some time since he had been given assistance changing, and it was nice to be served in this way. Rebecca seemed to enjoy doing the simple act and every move she made was slow and deliberate. When he was fully changed Rebecca led Owen to the door leading to The Floor. Rebecca stopped short of the door and just stood there with her hands folded.
"What is it?" Owen asked Rebecca curiously.
"I cannot enter The Floor preceding a Trainer, Sir. You must go first," Rebecca said respectfully with her head bowed.
Owen nodded his agreement and opened up the door and entered a large expanse of open warehouse space which was brightly lit. The area was vast and from a cursory glance it looked similar to an exercise gym with various stations lining the walls. Dividers sectioned off each area so you could not see from one station to the one on either side of you, but if you stood in the centre of the room you could see all the stations at once. Owen wasn't sure what many of them did but they seemed to have one thing in common: restraint. Each station was intended for a different way to restrain one or more people in a particular position. Most stations had some equipment or other type of apparatus hanging on the wall nearby.
Some of the stations were busy and Owen could see a variety of people dressed like him or Rebecca. There were people at a number of the stations in the midst of some sort of activity, unhindered by the other groups. A handful of men and women were dressed similarly to Owen, and clearly were in the Dominant position. The women Trainers wore the same black silk shirt as the men, but they wore a black leather knee length skirt with black high-heels. A handful of men and woman were dressed like Rebecca and clearly were in the Submissive position. On closer inspection some of the Collars being worn had "Slut" written across it and others had "Slave" written across it. There were a number of combinations of men and woman in both the Dominant and Submissive positions. Some stations had men in the Dominant position with women in the submissive position. Some stations had women in the Dominant position with men in the submissive position. Other stations had men dominating men and women dominating women.
Owen had finished his visual tour of the room when he spotted Heather standing in the middle of the room, dressed in red silk shirt, red leather skirt with red high-heels. The tight outfit accentuated her curves and seemed to make her more appealing than the white suit she had been wearing earlier. She was the only person wearing any colour other than back and for that fact she stood out very distinctly.
Owen started to walk towards Heather but stopped when he felt he was alone. Looking around him he noted that Rebecca was standing near the door they had come through, not moving. She stood there with her head bowed and her hands folded, looking quite small and submissive. Owen walked back over to Rebecca, but still she didn't lift her head when he approached.
"Why didn't you follow me?" Owen asked with a light scoff.
"I cannot walk around The Floor without being led, Sir," Rebecca replied in a meek manner.
"So follow me, and I will lead you," Owen replied in a peculiar tone of voice.
"No, Sir, you must lead me, properly," Rebecca said as she glanced over to the wall nearby.
Owen looked over to where she was looking and saw a row of hooks along the wall. Hanging from the hooks was a series of dog leashes. Some were made of chain, others were made of nylon strapping and stil others were made of rope. There were even a few that were in a "Y" configuration where one leash could be attached to two or more collars. Owen was a little shocked at the sight but also found the thought of leading Rebecca around by a leash and collar quite hot. Owen picked out a plain black nylon leash and attached its clip to the D-ring on Rebecca's collar. The rush of excitement Owen felt when that simple act was done was reflected in Rebecca's eyes, clearly she loved being leashed.
Owen turned and once again began to walk towards Heather, with Rebecca in tow . . . literally. Rebecca walked a few paces behind him keeping a respectful distance behind Owen. She made sure to keep just a little slack on the leash and always walked with her hands clasping her elbows behind her. Owen arrived to stand in front of Heather and returned the smile that she gave him.
"Good to see that you followed protocol, did she help you change?" Heather asked Owen with a stern tone.
"Yes. Mistress, she did," Owen replied calmly.
"Good, it's good to see that you are trainable and willing to do things properly," Heather said as she glanced Rebecca and Owen over, giving Owen a nod of approval when she was done.
Heather turned and walked towards one of the stations not far off. Owen was surprised to find a man kneeling on a cushion, at the end of one of the dividers of the station. He was dressed in the same attire as Rebecca and so he was totally nude with collar and cuffs, being the only thing he was wearing. He also had a leash attached to his collar but the other end of the leash was not held by anyone but clipped into a clip that was fastened above his head, to the divider. He sat there with his head bowed and his hands folded in his lap. He had silver hair and bore a striking similarity to Richard, if you looked at him at the right angle.
"Put your Slut there," Heather said as she pointed to a cushion in the end of the other divider of the station.
Owen took the hint and directed Rebecca to sit down on the cushion, and she did just that. Taking the end of the leash he was holding he clipped it into the clip that was above her head. As Owen backed away he noted that Rebecca was in the exact same position as the man at the other cushion.
"I know you are quite angry and frustrated right now so I'm afraid to let you lose on your Slut's ass with a whip." Heather said with a chuckle as she walked over to the man and unclipped his leash from the wall. "I know you must be angry with your father, and as well you need to learn proper whipping techniques." She said as she tugged slightly on his leash and the man stood up. "This Slut can take a lot of pain, so he will be a great help in your training. You should learn a lot about whipping and it should even be therapeutic for you." Heather said as she directed the man to kneel on a padded table that stood two and a half feet high.
"Therapeutic?" Owen asked as he watched Heather clip the man's leash into a clip on the front of the padded table.
"Yes," Heather said as she grabbed a riding crop that was hanging on a nearby wall. "Think of this Slut as your father. After all that your father has put you and your family through, don't you think he deserves to be punished?" she said with delight in her voice as she walked towards him.
"But I . . ." Owen started to baulk, as he glanced at the exposed ass of the man bent over on the table.
"Just see him as your father and do what comes naturally," Heather said as she handed Owen the riding crop.
"Men, aren't my thing . . . Mistress," Owen said politely as he handed the riding crop back to Heather.
Heather leaned in close to Owen and whispered, "I know that, but all you're going to do is whip him, nothing more. Trust me when I say that this will be good for both of you. You need to whip something and he loves pain,"
Owen nodded and took the riding crop from Heather and walked up behind the man on the table and got in to position to whip him. Owen looked over at Heather, still unsure if he should be doing this, as it felt wrong to be intentionally inflicting pain on someone else. Heather nodded encouragingly in reply and Owen then raised up the riding crop and swung it as hard as he dared against the man's ass. The man didn't flinch and Owen looked back at Heather, looking for some direction.
"Harder!" Heather urged.
Owen took another swing at the man's ass and swung with more force. This time the man groaned a little bit and a red mark formed on his ass.
"That's it! Just like that! Do it again!" Heather urged in a strong and excited voice.
Owen hit the man with the riding crop again and this time a twinge of power flowed through him when crop met flesh. Without being prompted, Owen swung again, and again and again. Soon Owen was smacking the man's ass with the riding crop with all his force.
"That's it! Now tell Richard what you want to tell him!" Heather encouraged with an aggressive tone to her voice.
By now Owen couldn't stop himself, the anger started to flow from within. As he looked at the kneeling man he could almost see that it was Richard kneeling before him, being punished. A litany of insults and harsh words flowed from Owen's mouth as all the pent up anger and resentment of the past few weeks was released. Finally Owen was able to tell his father how angry he was for destroying the lives of his family because he was unhappy. Finally the weight and burden of guilt for Richard's death was lifted from Owen's shoulders. The emotions got the better of him and he broke down and wept, falling to his knees after a few final half-hearted swats. As Owen knelt there crying, Heather knelt down beside him, wrapped her arms around him and hugged him in a soft, comforting manner. Once Owen had stopped crying, Heather dried his tears and lifted his head until they were looking into each other's eyes.
"Do you feel better?" Heather asked softly.
"Yes, Mistress. I feel as though a great weight is lifted off me, thank you," Owen said with a grateful tone of voice and a warm smile.
"Good, I'm glad but I need you to understand that what happened can't happen again. Some people might call it abuse. You can't just pull a submissive aside, tie them down and whip them mercilessly, just because you've had a bad day. You must consider the submissive and what they need, what they can take. I chose Hank because I knew he had a very high threshold of pain and I also knew that you had a lot of tension built up inside you. I was afraid you might unload on your little 'Mouse' over there and I know she can't take THAT hard a whipping. Do you understand?" Heather said in a calming and soothing tone of voice as she spoke just a few inches from Owen's face.
"Yes, Mistress, I do," Owen said with an understanding tone.
"Good. Always remember that one of the basic rules of BDSM is that everything is: safe, sane, and consensual. You can't force a submissive to do something they refuse to do, or is unsafe. If a submissive says 'Stop' you have to stop immediately. You can't push a submissive past their limits just because you feel like it, do you understand?" Heather asked in a calm and soothing tone of voice.
"Yes, Mistress, I do," Owen replied calmly, with a nod.
"Good, now that you're in a better frame of mind, we can start your real training, get your Mouse and follow me," Heather said as she stood up and walked over to Hank, the man on the table and leaned over him. "Are you okay, Hank?" she asked calmly.
"Yes, Mistress," Hank replied.
"Lisa, take care of Hank here," Heather said to a nearby female 'Trainer', dressed in the black shirt and black skirt.
"Yes, Mistress," Lisa replied and walked towards Owen, taking the riding crop from him.
Owen stood up and unfastened Rebecca's leash from its clip and with a gentle tug on the leash, signalled her to stand up. Rebecca stood up and followed Owen as he walked to the station that Heather was now standing in front of.
In the centre of the station was a bench which looked a lot like an exercise bench that had been set too high. The top of the bench stood waist high and while it was only a foot and a half wide it was about four feet long. The front vertical portion of the bench was padded but this only reached three quarters of the way to the floor. A solid metal pole at the front and back of the bench secured it to the floor. A clip was attached directly to the base of the front pole. At the far end of the bench a clip was secured to a nylon strap which was in turn attached to the metal pole at that end, the length of the strap was easily adjustable.
When Owen arrived at the station, Heather calmly took Rebecca's leash from him and guided her to the bench and had her bend over at the padded end. Rebecca seemed to know what was expected of her and stretched her hands out in front of her head as she laid her torso down on the bench. In this position she looked liked an "L" that had been rotated ninety degrees clockwise. Grasping the strap at the far end of the bench, Heather clipped both of Heather's wrist cuffs to the clip and pulled the strap so that her arms were stretched out in front of her but not so tight as to be uncomfortable for Rebecca. Owen thought Heather was done with Rebecca but she was not. This was made evident when Heather knelt down by Rebecca's feet and clipped her ankle cuffs into the clip attached to the base of the metal pole.
Owen looked at Rebecca who was now lewdly bent over the bench and couldn't help but notice that she was: restrained, helpless, trusting, submissive, and to Owen . . . hot! He saw that he could do anything he wanted to her right now and there wasn't a thing she could do about it. The dominant within him started to respond to the restrained submissive before him and his mind started working on the possibilities. As Owen was busy looking at Rebecca, Heather had retrieved two riding crops from the wall and returned to stand by his side.
"Now we can begin really teaching you how to erotically whip a submissive," Heather said with a smirk on her face as she handed Owen one of the riding crops.
What followed was a session where Heather instructed Owen on how to use the crop to heighten the excitement of the submissive. Owen learned just how hard to smack Rebecca with the crop and how hard was too hard. It amazed Owen that as the smacks continued to land, moans of pleasure started to emanate from Rebecca. As well, her hips started to undulate and wiggle as her excitement grew. Heather instructed Owen that it was more than just repeated and regular smacks with the crop that was important, variety and variation was the key. Alternating between cracks of the crop and light touching, hard smacks and lighter ones kept the submissive guessing and not knowing what was going to happen next; this was vital to enhancing the experience for the submissive.
Owen saw that while he gained satisfaction from the experience, it did not bring him direct pleasure. The only pleasure he got from the experience was the satisfaction that he had pleased her, not dissimilar to the pleasure a submissive derives from giving her Master a good blowjob. Near the end the moans and squeals of delight accompanied by the rosy glow of Rebecca's well-smacked rear became and intoxicatingly erotic combination for Owen. The sight of her wet pussy and the trail of pussy-juice that was trickling down her thigh proved too powerful a temptation for Owen.
Dropping to his knees, he knew he had to have a taste. He deserved to taste her, for he had brought so much pleasure out of her that it was trickling down her leg. With a slow constant lick from low on her inner thigh to right up to her pussy itself, Owen's tongue never broke contact with her leg. With an exaggerated flick of his tongue, Owen made a point to just miss touching her pussy.
"Oh, Sir!" Rebecca moaned in a low, guttural moan as her body shook with excitement. Owen licked a slow lick down the slit of her pussy and flicked his tongue across Rebecca's clitoris. This caused another groan and shudder from the restrained Rebecca, but the sudden sucking of her clit was too intense and shocking for Rebecca to maintain restraint, "OH SHIT!" she cried out as he eyes shot wide open.
"You got the church mouse to swear, I'm impressed!" Heather chuckled as Owen licked his way back down Rebecca's slit.
"You thought that was good, wait till you see this!" Owen said with a confident sneer as he stood up swiftly.
Without further warning to Rebecca or another word said, Owen unzipped his pants and pulled out his painfully hard cock. He lined himself up and thrust into an unsuspecting Rebecca, and before she knew what was happening she had a pussy-full of Owen's fat cock.
"HOLY FUCK!" Rebecca shouted as her back arched, straining her wrist restraints.
Owen didn't wait for Rebecca to get used to his size before he withdrew his cock and began the powerful thrusting. Rebecca dropped her head to the bench as Owen took her, again and again. Rebecca submitted to Owen's savage thrusting, even if she wasn't restrained she could not resist, it was not within her to refute a powerful man. The desire to be dominated was in charge right now and loved the animalistic way that Owen had just pounced on her and claimed her, without giving her wishes a single thought.
As Owen pistoned his cock into her pussy Rebecca knew this was far more intense and erotic than any sex she had had in recent memory; she loved and hated Owen for that. The part of her that was the good little church-going wife knew that sex with her husband would seem pale and boring in comparison. That thought should scare her and Rebecca knew that it probably would scare her silly later that night, when she was back in bed with her husband. For Rebecca at that very moment, nothing existed but her deep-seeded need to please her Sir, to be used as a vessel for his pleasure.
"Fuck me, Sir! Use my body for your pleasure! Fuck me, Oh, Sir fill me up! Fuck me, just FUCK ME!" Rebecca moaned out as she began to thrust back at Owen as hard as she could, while still restrained to the table.
"I am, Mouse! I am!" Owen growled as he continued to slam his cock into her tight little pussy.
The fast-paced, intense fuck could not continue for long. Even though it was short, it was intense, made evident by every drop of sweat that dripped from Owen's face onto Rebecca's rosy ass. Rebecca could feel every drop running down over the curve of her rump as it made its way to the floor, pulled by gravity. The only pull Rebecca felt was the one that was pulling her to Owen. The pull was not the rhythmic thrusts of his fat cock into her; it was his powerful presence that pulled her to him. The need to submit was strongest with him and while she did not know why she needed to please him she simply knew she needed to serve him.
Owen's grunt and quickening pace brought Rebecca out of her own, mixed-up thoughts. She looked over her shoulder and into his face, noting his closed eyes and intense expression, she knew he was close to cuming. With one last final thrust, Owen pushed his cock into her pussy as far as it would go and kept it there. In that fraction of a second, Rebecca knew he was about to cum, and she was proved right when she felt his cock thicken. When the first blast of hot cum hit her cervix, Rebecca's eyes shot wide open and she looked, with shock and fear, into his eyes. The fear was washed away in the flood of bliss that flowed through Rebecca as Owen's cum began to fill her most womanly of places. Rebecca came with the thought that she had indeed brought her Sir pleasure, and fulfilled her duty to him. She shook and quaked through her orgasm and when it was over both Sir and Slut were spent and they lay together catching their breath.
Owen pulled out of Rebecca and stepped back and gained his balance before kneeling down to unfasten Rebecca's ankle cuffs from the pole. Walking around to the far end of the bench, Owen released Rebecca's wrist cuffs from the strap and Rebecca was free from her confines. Rebecca stood up as she did when Owen first met her, her hands clasping elbows behind her back and her feet shoulder-width apart. Owen smiled and got a thrill out of seeing Rebecca standing dutifully before him while he held her leash.
"You may clean my cock," Owen said with a smirk on his face.
"Yes, Sir," Rebecca replied happily.
Rebecca dropped to her knees and grasped his deflating cock, which was slick with their combined juices, in her hand and guided it to her eager mouth. Wrapping he lips around the head of it she found herself happy to have him in her mouth once again. She descended her lips on his cock until her lips were at the base of it. With hard suction she pulled back, making sure to keep every delicious morsel in her mouth. A few more times she repeated this bobbing action, in order to ensure that his cock was clean. A few licks around the shaft and over his balls made sure that her Sir's cock was clean. She smiled up at him as she fastened up his pants, content in the silent praise that his smile was.
"That was good, Mouse," Owen said with a smile as he patted Rebecca's head, her leash still in hand.
"Yes, it was, but it is time for this little mouse to scurry on back to her hole in the church." Heather said in a condescending tone of voice, with a chuckle.
Rebecca knew that it was time to go, time to return to her squeaky-clean, vanilla life. With a nod, Owen led Rebecca by the leash over to the door to the women's changing room. As they walked Rebecca was filled with conflicting emotions, part of her was happy to be leaving this sick place, the other part of her was sad to be leaving; sad to be leaving Sir. She felt a connection to him and doing things with him, made her time in this place enjoyable, meaningful even. As Owen unclipped the leash from her collar, she felt sad and already missed the physical connection she had to him. Leaving felt wrong and before she could stop herself, words leapt from her lips.
"Can I come back tomorrow, Mistress?" Rebecca asked meekly, with her head down.
"But you're a 'once-a-week gal', every Saturday, like clockwork! Why the need to come back on a Sunday, yet?" Heather said in a mocking tone of voice and laughed as she waited to hear what Rebecca had to say.
"I . . . I want to help, Sir . . . I want to help in his training, Mistress," Rebecca said in a soft tone of voice.
"But we'll be training every evening for some time yet," Heather said with a raised eyebrow.
"I know," Rebecca replied while shifting her weight from one foot to the other, still looking at the floor.
"Are you willing to come in every evening?" Heather asked in a firm tone.
"Yes, Mistress," Rebecca said as she looked up and into Heather's eyes.
"Why?" Heather asked curiously, with a knowing smirk on her face.
"I like, Sir, and want to help him, Mistress," Rebecca said with a furrowed brow, keeping her eyes away from looking at Owen.
"Very well, You may help, dismissed," Heather said with a commanding tone of voice.
"Thank you, Mistress," Rebecca said with a grateful smile on her face as she bowed to Heather.
Rebecca walked into the women's change room and Owen was about to walk to the men's change room when Heather stopped him. She wore a self-pleased smirk on her face and shook her head and chuckled briefly.
"I think you two will be good for each other. You two have already developed a rapport. You need to be comfortable with the person you are working with, in this stage of your training. I also think that working with you will do her a world of good, perhaps even dispel her illusions of 'curing herself' of her submissiveness," Heather said with a laugh as she walked away, leaving Owen to wonder if working with Rebecca was a good thing or not.
As Owen bedded down in the guest bedroom of Heather's private portion of the warehouse complex, he had trouble sleeping. Taryn or Rosina were nowhere nearby, even as he had distanced himself from them this past while it was always comforting to know they were near. Now he was alone in a strange bed, in a strange place, with nether his beloved Red or Cat to comfort him. As Owen waited for sleep to come he missed Taryn and Rosina, he missed them as: companions, lovers, Slaves but most of all, as family. The confusion over what the right thing to do by them weighed heavily on his troubled mind. What right did he have to continue a relationship that may very well scar them or screw them up in the long run? Was it right to avoid them all together? The struggle to determine what was right and what was wrong was far from over in Owen's mind.