Chapter 05.1
For the following week, life settled into a comfortable routine for the three people who had been thrown together by circumstance and chance. Owen went to college during the day and back to Heather's every evening to be trained to be a "Proper Master." Rebecca got her family ready for their day, her children off to school before going to the family's Christian Bookstore to help her husband run it. Once the shop was closed, she would go to Heather's (under the guise of a church project) to help in Owen's training. Heather's routine was only altered by the presence of another person in the private apartment portion of the warehouse complex. While Heather liked the friendship and companionship that Owen provided, she did not see him as anything more than a student and friend.
It was Saturday night and the day's training for Owen was already over and Rebecca had already gone home. Owen was busy working on the stack of homework that he had been putting off all week. The quiet of his room in Heather's apartment was just what he needed to focus and make some headway with the homework. Owen was so focussed on his homework that he didn't hear the door open or Heather walk into the room.
"Hard at it, I see," Heather said warmly as she entered Owen's room.
"Oh! Heather, I didn't hear you come in! Yeah, finally getting to this homework I have been ignoring all week," Owen said with a chuckle.
"I guess I have been keeping you busy on The Floor this week," Heather added with a smile as she sat down on the bed.
"Not that I have been complaining! I have learned so much this week! You've opened my eyes to so many things! Thank you," Owen said gratefully.
"You have learned a lot this week, you have picked things up much quicker than I thought possible," Heather added with an impressed tone of voice as she nodded her head.
"I had a good teacher," Owen replied with a warm smile on his face.
"You were a good student," Heather said warmly.
"Were?" Owen asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes, were. It is time you decided what you are going to do next," Heather added with a serious tone to her voice.
"Next?" Owen asked with a slightly confused tone of voice.
"You have learned so much this past week that I feel it is time for you to move on, either go back to Taryn and Rosina or strike out on your own," Heather added with a serious yet compassionate tone of voice.
"But I like it here! I have learned so much and I have so much more to learn!" Owen pleaded, as he grasped Heather's closest hand.
"You do have more to learn, this is true but you have already learned the basics. You are ready to return to those who need you," Heather added with a warm and comforting smile as she squeezed Owen's hand.
"I just don't know if I should go back to them," Owen said as he turned and sat hunched over in the chair, facing away from Heather. "I don't know if I could or should resume a relationship with my mother and sister. I just don't want to screw them up like I did my father," he finished with a worried tone of vocie as he ran his fingers through his hair.
"Do you love them?" Heather asked calmly.
"Yes," Owen sighed.
"Do you miss them?" Heather asked knowingly.
"Yes," Owen replied, looking down at the floor.
"Do you also miss them as: family, companions, lovers, Slaves or all four?" Heather asked in a leading tone of voice.
"All four," Owen replied in a drained tone of voice after taking a long pause before answering.
"Then don't you think it is time to at least talk to them? Don't you think that they miss you the same way that you miss them?" Heather added with a warm and tender tone of voice.
"I guess," Owen admitted with a sigh. "But I don't know if I should start things up with them again, I don't even know if they want to," Owen finished with a furrowed brow.
"Don't you think that you should at least talk to them and give them the chance to tell you how they feel?" Heather asked with a soft and compassionate tone of voice as she put her hand on Owen's back and began rubbing it.
"I . . . I . . . I'm just not ready yet!" Owen stammered out and flashed Heather a fearful look before looking away.
"You can't stay here forever and sooner or later you will have to talk to them, to at least salvage some sort of family relationship with them," Heather added as she continued rubbing his back.
"I'M JUST NOT READY!" Owen shouted and glared at Heather before looking down at the floor.
"Okay, just think about it," Heather said in a resigning tone of voice as she stood up.
Looking back at Owen one last time Heather shook her head before leaving the room. When Heather had returned to her room she paced the room for a moment while deep in thought over Owen's predicament. Sitting down in the chair beside the phone she picked up her daytimer and flipped through the pages before finding the number she was looking for. Picking up the phone she dialled the number and waited for the other party to answer.
"I have a special task for you and you must do exactly as I say," Heather said after the other person had answered the phone.
* * *
Rebecca turned off the engine of her car with shaky hands, she grasped the wheel and exhaled deeply. She was so very nervous and wasn't sure she could go through with what she had been ordered to do. Pausing momentarily she sent up a quick prayer for the strength to do the task she had been assigned. Guilt immediately washed over her for asking God for help in doing something associated with her "sinful life." Rebecca glanced at the sign of the spa that she was parked in front of before she closed her eyes and rested her head on the steering wheel. Reminding herself that she was here to help Sir, and therefore it was the right thing to do, she gathered up her courage and got out of her car. On shaky legs she walked towards the Spa and opened the door.
When the door to the Spa opened up, Taryn looked up and smiled warmly at the nervous woman entering the spa. The slightly plump, blonde haired woman glanced around the room as she slowly walked towards the counter that Taryn was standing behind. "Hello, dear, is this your first time in a Spa?" Taryn asked in a warm and inviting manner.
"Well, yes," Rebecca replied with a timid and nervous tone of voice.
"Well, you've nothing to fear, we'll take good care of you. What did you have in mind?" Taryn asked in an inviting manner as Rebecca arrived at the counter.
"I didn't come here for any Spa treatment," Rebecca said in a lowered tone of voice before she looked around to see if anyone else was around, before she leaned in toward Taryn. "I am here to talk to Taryn Thompson," she added in a hushed tone of voice.
"I'm, Taryn, what can I do for you?" Taryn asked curiously, with a raised eyebrow.
"I'm here to talk to 'Mistress Red' I bring news from 'Moe'," Rebecca said in a low and shaky voice, her manner full of the nervousness she felt at the moment.
Taryn's eyes closed to slits and her manner turned angry as she glared at Rebecca, it was all she could do not to yell at or strangle the strange woman who apparently knew too much. Glancing the woman over she felt a familiarity about her, she knew her but not well.
"Who are you and how do you know those names?" Taryn snapped in a stern and angry manner as she leaned in to intimidate the frightened Rebecca.
"My name is Rebecca Moore and I live down the street from where you used to live. My husband and I run a Christian Bookstore down the block. I know about you because Sir, or rather Moe has told me about the unique nature of your family. I have been sent here on his behalf to see if you will speak to him," Rebecca answered in a quiet and frightened manner as she looked down at the counter and not at Taryn as she spoke.
"Master sent you? How do you know Master?" Taryn asked with a confused and slightly less angry tone of voice.
"Sir did not send me, but I was sent by my Mistress to bring you to her. She wishes to help heal the rift between the three of you," Rebecca said in an embarrassed manner, still looking down.
"Mistress? Do you mean that YOU are a . . . SLAVE? Aren't you some really religious, church woman? The last thing I need is a lecture from YOUR kind about how I choose to live my life!" Taryn asked with a confused tone of voice, ending with an indignant snort.
"I don't have time to explain my life's story but I am not here to lecture you. I have been serving my Mistress for quite a while now, in the hopes to rid myself of these impulses to serve others, and be dominated," Rebecca said in a low tone of voice and a red face of embarrassment.
"How has that been going?" Taryn asked with a raised eyebrow and knowing tone of voice.
"Not well, the more I serve, the more I want to serve," Rebecca said with a frustrated tone of voice.
"Take it from me, those feelings never go away, you can try to suppress them, but they will never go away, they will surface sooner or later," Taryn said in a compassionate tone of voice as she put her hand on Rebecca's shoulder and lightly shook it.
"I think you're right," Rebecca replied with a saddened huff before she looked up into Taryn's eyes.
"So where is Master and where do we meet him?" Taryn asked calmly.
"I can't tell you. I have specific instructions to pick you and Cat up and bring you before my Mistress. You must come now if you want to see Sir," Rebecca said with a slightly uncomfortable tone of voice.
"If you're going to take me there what harm would it do to just tell me where we're going," Taryn replied insistently.
"You should know as well as I do that when the one we serve gives us specific instructions we must follow them to the letter," Rebecca replied with a furrowed brow.
"You're right," Taryn replied with a frustrated sigh. "Give me a minute," Taryn said before she walked behind the wall.
After simply telling Karen that they were going to talk to Owen, Taryn and Rosina returned to Rebecca. Veronica took over Taryn's place at the front of the Spa. Taryn, Rosina and Rebecca piled into Rebecca's car and without a further word being said Rebecca drove away from the curb, on the way to Heather's.
All throughout the ride, Taryn and Rosina looked out the windows, trying to guess where they were going. Rebecca said nothing as she drove the car on the route she had driven many times over the past eighteen months. Taryn and Rosina got nervous when they entered an industrial section of town and turned down a back alley. Taryn was about to ask where they were going when Rebecca stopped behind a warehouse and rolled down her window. She fished out a plain-looking pass card and swiped it across the unassuming card reader. The card reader made a beeping sound and a nearby large overhead door started to open up. When it was open far enough Rebecca pulled inside and parked.
Rebecca, Taryn and Rosina had just exited the car when the overhead door started to close. Rosina gave Taryn a worried look, yet Taryn put her arm around Rosina's shoulder and the two women followed Rebecca walked towards the metal door. Once inside Rebecca swiped her card over the card reader and the second door clicked and she opened it, ushering her two guests through it. Taryn and Rosina were shocked to see the black guard, especially the way he was dressed but they said nothing and handed him their coats. Rebecca walked down the hall and towards the door at the end of the hall. When they neared this door it just clicked and Rebecca opened it up. Taryn and Rosina paused just inside the door as they looked around at the rich wood panelling and fireplace of the fireside room.
"We are to wait on the couch," Rebecca said as she motioned to the leather couch situated between the two Wingback chairs.
"Wait for what?" Rosina asked curiously.
"For my Mistress to come and speak with us," Rebecca said as she walked towards the couch.
"I thought we were going to talk to . . . Owen?" Rosina asked curiously as she sat down beside Rebecca.
"You will speak to Sir later, My Mistress wants to talk to you first," Rebecca replied as Taryn sat down beside Rosina.
The seconds tick slowly by and what was actually only a few minutes felt like a few hours as the trio of women waited in the fireside room. Eventually Heather entered the room through the door in the wall to the left of the fireplace, the one leading to The Floor. All three women on the couch looked at Heather who strode confidently into the room and said nothing until she was seated in her usual Wingback chair.
"Hello, my name is Heather and I have called you here to talk about your former Master, Owen," Heather said mater-of-factly, as she looked Taryn and Rosina over. "You must be Taryn, or Mistress Red," she said as she looked Taryn over. "And you must be Rosina, or Cat," she added as she looked at Rosina.
"Look, I don't know who you are or what you think you know, but I don't see how any of this is any of your business!" Taryn snapped indignantly as she glared at Heather.
"I am not here to cause trouble but to solve trouble, more specifically the rift that is between you and Owen," Heather said calmly as she smiled warmly at Taryn.
"Who are you and how do you know all this?" Taryn asked with a sceptical expression.
"I was Richard's dominatrix for ten years. I was . . ." Heather started to explain but an incensed Taryn cut her off.
"WHAT! YOU BITCH! STEALING MY HUSBAND WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH! NOW YOU'RE AFTER MY OWEN!!" Taryn screamed as she stood up and stared down at Heather.
"I didn't steal Richard, it was a business arrangement, he paid me to dominate him once a week, that's all. I ended it when I felt we were getting too close. I had no intention of stealing him from you, and as for Owen he is simply my student, that's all," Heather replied calmly, seemingly undisturbed by Taryn's outburst.
"Student?" Rosina asked curiously.
"Yes, I have been teaching him how to be a proper Master this past week. As well I have been giving him time to calm down, in hopes that he would go back to you on his own, but he keeps saying he's not ready," Heather calmly explained as she looked back and forth between Taryn and Rosina.
"Proper Master?" Rosina asked.
"Yes, he has natural abilities as a Dominant, but he lacks some basic understanding of the lifestyle as well as some basic skills. He has picked these things up quickly and I feel that he is ready to resume his relationship with you," Heather explained with a soothing tone of voice.
"So you're really trying to help? Why?" Taryn asked with a puzzled expression as she slowly sat back down on the couch.
"At first I brought Owen home to find out what happened to Richard. I was about to offer you my condolences at the funeral reception but I overheard the fight you had and when I heard Owen say that he killed Richard, I had to know what happened. Once I understood what happened and what Richard had become I was sad and helped Owen realize that Richard was responsible for what happened, not him. After that, my heat went out to Owen, for he seemed so lost and confused that I couldn't throw him out on the street. It seemed the right thing to do to help him, to help all of you." Heather said in a warm tone of voice.
"So you know about the three of us?" Rosina asked with a unsure tone of voice.
"Yes, I know that up until recently, Owen had dominated both you, your mother and your father. I know that you feel more like his wives that his sister and mother," Heather replied calmly.
"Doesn't that bother you? Aren't you shocked?" Taryn asked incredulously.
"In my line of work I see all kinds of relationships and the one common thing that I see in all of the good ones is 'love between consenting adults'," Heather said with a chuckle as she shook her head.
"You said that you wanted to help us get back together with Owen but you also said that Owen wasn't ready to get back together with us, so why are we here?" Taryn asked in a concerned tone of voice.
"What I said was that Owen feels he is not ready, but I believe he is, but is just scared," Heather said confidently.
"Scared? Scared of what?" Taryn asked with a confused tone of voice.
"He is scared that he will affect you two the same way he affected Richard. For that reason he is unwilling to resume a relationship with you. He loves you both so much that he doesn't want to hurt you," Heather said in a compassionate tone of voice.
"That's crazy! Richard made his own choices and kept his resentment bottled up inside until it consumed him. Owen didn't cause what happened to Richard and he could never make us hate him!" Taryn replied in a frustrated tone of voice.
"That is my thinking exactly. That is why I feel he needs a little nudge to do the right thing," Heather said in a conspiratorial manner as she winked at Taryn and Rosina. "Tell me, what would you be willing to do to have Owen back?" Heather added in a curious manner.
"ANYTHING!" Taryn and Rosina replied fervently.
Heather smiled and chuckled to herself as she looked at the three ladies on the couch.
* * *
About half an hour later Owen was in his room, still working on the last of the homework that he had been putting off. The silence of the room was broken by the door opening up and Heather entering the room. Owen was hard at work and seemingly ignoring Heather's entrance.
"I've almost got this done, this is the last of it," Owen said without taking his attention away from the homework he is working on.
"Good, then you can take a break. It is time for another lesson," Heather said confidently as she stood just inside the room.
"I need to get this done, can't it wait?" Owen said as he spun in his chair to look at Heather.
"It is time for another lesson . . . now," Heather repeated sternly as she stood up straight.
"Yes, Mistress," Owen said sullenly as he stood up.
"Get changed and meet me in the fireside room," Heather said before she turned and walked out of the room.
"Yes, Mistress," Owen replied before Heather is out of earshot.
A few moments later, Owen entered the fireside room wearing his "Trainer's uniform" and cannot see Heather anywhere. Owen walked towards the door leading to The Floor but when he nears the door, he heard a noise from behind him. Heather, who was sitting in her Wingback chair, motioned for him to sit in the other Wingback chair. Owen nodded and walked over to the Wingback chair and sat down. All this while Owen looked unimpressed but does not voice his disappointment.
"I know you have homework to finish and you need to get back to it but this lesson is important," Heather started out in a calm and controlled manner, sounding very much like a teacher starting a lesson.
"What exactly is the lesson today, Mistress?" Owen replied respectfully with just a hint of resentment in his voice.
"You have learned a great deal this week and come a long way since you arrived here. For you to progress further it is time for you to take on a Slave for real," Heather said in the same teacher-like manner.
"I'm not ready for that, I'm doing fine learning with Mouse," Owen replied in a slightly defensive manner.
"It is your reluctance that is the problem. I know you are ready, and you must get past this belief that you will poison and destroy anyone who serves you. It is vital for your development as a Master to take on a Slave," Heather said with a stern and slightly chastising tone of voice.
"But I'm not ready to go back to Red and Cat, I don't know if I ever will," Owen said in a worried tone of voice with a wrinkled forehead.
"A number of women in this building have expressed an interest in becoming bound to you. All you have to do is pick one you like and take her on as a Slave. Nobody is saying you have to leave just yet but believe me when I say that this is vitally important," Heather said in a calming and consoling manner.
"Are you sure this is necessary? I just don't know if I'm ready for all this," Owen replied in a worried manner.
"You need a Slave, to prove to yourself once and for all that you are a good Master," Heather said in a compassionate tone of voice as she leaned in towards Owen. "Trust me," she added in an imploring tone of voice.
"Okay," Owen replied reluctantly, as he nodded his head.
"This is for the best," Heather said in a warm tone of voice before she leaned over to the intercom and pressed the button. "Send in the Sluts," she said directly into the intercom.
At that moment the door to The Floor opened up and in walked three women: Rebecca, Taryn, and Rosina. They were all dressed as "Sluts," each wearing a "Slut collar," wrist and ankle cuffs and nothing else. Owen was shocked to see his mother and sister parading around nude. Sure he had seen countless women dressed as they were dressed now and he had seen more nudity this past week than he had in his whole life up until now but to see HIS Red and HIS Cat dressed up as common "Sluts" enraged Owen.
"WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS!" Owen shouted in an outrage as he stood up and pointed at the women who walked towards the couch and sat down on it, without saying a word.
"I have arranged this because you need to deal with this situation. I have tried to encourage you to talk to them, but you have refused. This is for your own good, for all of you," Heather replied in an unapologetic manner.
"But why are they dressed as Sluts! This is degrading and an OUTRAGE!" Owen snapped as he pointed at Taryn and Rosina.
"You know very well that all 'Unbound Submissives' bear the label of 'Slut' in this place because they serve everyone and no one. If they were still bound to you they would bear the label of 'Slave' and wear your collar and tag proudly. You released them so therefore they have no Master and must bear the label of 'Slut'," Heather sternly replied as she glared at Owen. "Now sit down," Heather added in a commanding tone of voice.
"Fine," Owen said as he sat down hard in the chair and glared at Heather.
"Why don't you start by telling them why you don't want to be their Master any more," Heather said to Owen as she indicated Taryn and Rosina.
"I love you both very much and I admit that I do miss you and don't regret the times we have shared but I don't want to . . . damage you. I don't want to screw you up as I screwed up dad," Owen said in a compassionate tone of voice as he turned in his chair to face Taryn and Rosina.
Taryn looked at Heather and waited until Heather nodded approvingly before she turned to Owen in preparation to speak.
"We both love you very much . . . Owen . . . and we miss you terribly," Taryn said with a loving tone of voice as she leaned in towards Owen.
"I just don't know if going back to that life is the best thing for us," Owen replied in a worried tone of voice.
Taryn fell to her knees and grasped Owen's nearest hand and looked up into his eyes with a pleading look. Rosina immediately fell to her knees beside Taryn and grasped Owen's other hand and looked up to him in an equally desperate look.
"We need you to guide us and take care of us. We have spent so much time serving you that we don't know any other way to be, we are lost without you! We have only survived by pretending that you have been away on a trip. I have been looking after Cat, in the manner that you taught me but I don't know how much longer I can keep this up before I fall apart!" Taryn said in a shaky and desperate tone of voice.
"We need you, Master! I know that you released us but to me you are still my Master because I have remained faithful to you in my heart and with my body. I want to serve you again, please come home! I know that you were not responsible for what happened to Nick, and you could never hurt us in the same way! Mistress Red and I promise that if we were every unhappy we would tell you, just like we have always brought our problems and concerns to you for you to solve. You have never let us down before, and we know you never will. Mistress Red is right, we need you! We can't function without you!" Rosina added in a pleading and heartfelt manner that brought a tear to Owen's eye.
"As you can see, you have responsibilities to your Slaves that are not easily shirked. You claimed them, you broke them, you trained them to serve and rely on you. They have done everything you have asked of them. Now you expect them to go back to their old lives just because you don't feel like being their Master any more?" Heather spoke in the teacher-like manner once again.
"It's not like that! I don't want to be their Master because I don't want to hurt them," Owen replied fervently.
"But you are hurting them by your absence, perhaps more than what you fear your presence would hurt them. If they were just Submissives, or just submitting part time, then they could more easily adjust to life without you, but they are Slaves whose whole being is centred around serving a Master . . . you," Heather said in a calm yet confident tone of voice.
"We need you, Master," Rosina said in an urging tone of voice as she pressed her cheek against Owen's hand.
"Come back to us, everything will be fine," Taryn said as she also pressed her face against Owen's hand she was holding.
Owen looked at each tear-stained face before him and tried to think of a reason to refuse them. As he looked at the faces of the two women he loved more than anything else in the world, Owen's mind couldn't think of a single reason not to be with them. Owen sighed as he smiled at Taryn and Rosina, each in turn, and each women smiled back at him, finding hope in his smile.
"Everything will be fine, Owen. Clearly you all belong together, and should not deny yourselves the love you have found in each other's arms simply because of what other's might think, or what may or may not come to pass," Heather said with a warm and comforting tone of voice.
"Okay, I have missed you both very much, we can try this again," Owen said in a warm tone of voice, with the hint of nervousness entering his voice.
Both Taryn and Rosina rose up and hugged Owen tightly and pressed their nude forms against his clothed body as well as each other. Owen hugged both women tightly and the love they have for each other flowed freely between them all, and they gripped each other tighter and tears of joy begin to flow.
"Everything will be fine my dears, we are together once more," Owen said as he stroked the backs Taryn and Rosina.
"Reach under your chair and do things properly," Heather said warmly as she wiped the single tear from her cheek.
Taryn and Rosina sat back in the kneeling position as Owen reached under his chair and retrieved a wooden case a little smaller than a briefcase. Placing it on his lap he opened it up and inside he foud three "Slave collars." Each collar had a small metal tag attached to either side of the word "Slave" which read: "Property of Owen Thompson." Owen looked up at Heather and gave her a puzzled look.
"Three?" Owen asked Heather in a puzzled tone of voice.
"Yes, the three women in this room have served you well and each have expressed their desire to be bound to you," Heather said in a calm and matter-of-factly manner.
"I can't take Mouse on as my Slave!" Owen replied in shock.
Upon hearing this, Rebecca bowed her head and fought the urge to cry with all she had. She was conflicted and embarrassed for actually telling Heather that she wanted to become Owen's Slave. The dark urges that drove her to this place had called out to become closer to Owen and desired to have his collar more than anything else on earth. However, Rebecca knew that becoming Owen's Slave was not a path to ridding herself of these urges and becoming the good and wholesome woman that she once was. But to be refused by Owen was humiliating and she wanted to cry and wondered why she was not good enough for him but couldn't bring herself to ask him why, thankfully someone else asked that question for her.
"Why not? She has served you well this week and has functioned as if she was your Slave since you first met. She has not been with anyone else and has been treated as if she was your exclusive property since you first started training. Don't you agree that you have already formed a connection with her? Do you deny that she has served you well?" Heather said in a challenging tone of voice.
"It's not that, yes she has been great this past week and yes I care for her," Owen said in a frustrated tone of voice and took a deep sigh.
Taryn and Rosina looked at each other in mild shock and then over to Rebecca who still had her head bowed. Instead of jealousy, as they thought they should feel towards Rebecca, who had apparently taken their place this past week, they felt compassion. The sight of the troubled woman with her head bowed, trying not to cry forced them to put themselves in her place. They knew what it was like to be brushed aside by the one you wanted to serve and so had an understanding of the pain she was feeling.
"Then what is it? If anyone has ever earned their collar, your Mouse has earned yours," Heather said in a calm yet challenging tone of voice.
"I admit that she would make a great Slave but I can't Collar her for one very important reason . . . she is married," Owen said with a regrettable tone of voice as he finished with a deep sigh.
"So? That hasn't stopped you from letting me serve you this week? Why does it stop you from taking me on as your Slave? I promise I will serve you well and faithfully!" Rebecca urged in a wavering voice as she implored Owen with tear-filled eyes.
"Because, to us the Master-Slave relationship is very deep and intimate . . ." Owen started to explain but he stumbled over his words and fell silent, huffing in frustration in his inability to voice his thoughts.
"Being a Slave to a Master like Owen is much like being married to him. I feel a closer bond to Owen than I ever did to my husband. I know that is a terrible thing to say but it is true. I know you love your husband but you also care for Owen. Can you have two husbands? Would your husband let you serve Owen if he knew?" Taryn said in a compassionate tone of voice as she picked up where Owen left off and completed his thought.
"No, I would be torn between the two of them. I know that I cannot love more than one man, it is not within me. I care for Sir and love the things we do but I love my husband, he is a good man. Harold would be angry if he knew I was here or had anything to do with this place. He would probably leave me if he knew about Sir," Rebecca said with a sad and troubled tone of voice, still hanging her head.
"There's nothing saying we can't still be friends. I do care for you, Mouse, you are a very special woman and I know that you would make a great Slave of mine," Owen said in a warm and comforting manner.
"I agree that she would make a great addition to the family," Rosina said in a friendly manner with a nod of her head.
"Now you're just being too kind to cheer me up," Rebecca chuckled as she wiped the tears from her eyes.
"No, she's right. I don't know what it is exactly, perhaps it is the fact that you are a good and decent person, but you would make a great addition to our family," Taryn said in an equally welcoming manner as she smiled at Rebecca.
"How can I be a decent woman when I do all the things I do in this place?" Rebecca said with a troubled tone of voice.
"Being a Submissive or Slave does not make you a bad person. In truth you should find strength and peace through it. Do you not feel yourself more confident and less troubled since you have been submitting?" Taryn said with a confident tone of voice.
"Not really, I hate coming here and I hate what I do in this place," Rebecca said in an embarrassed tone of voice as she hung her head and sobbed a few sobs.
Taryn got up and rushed to Rebecca's side and put her arm around her, pulling the troubled woman to her. Rebecca leaned into the embrace and cried harder as Taryn tried to comfort her. Rosina moved over to kneel in front of Rebecca and started to rub Rebecca's thighs in a soothing and comforting manner.
"I came here to get rid of these urges to serve and be dominated, but the more I come here, the stronger those feelings become! I had hoped that after a few times of being here and submitting, I would become shocked and horrified and be able to put these evil impulses behind me. Instead I can't seem to stop myself and I have been cheating on my husband for the past eighteen months with untold numbers of men in this place!" Rebecca said as she cried on Taryn's shoulder, clutching the women tight, seemingly oblivious to the fact that both women were nude. The hardening of Taryn's nipples silently attested that this fact was not lost on or unappreciated by her.
"I know that the urge to serve and be dominated is powerful and does not go away. Clearly you are a Submissive, and that is not a bad or evil thing, it is simply who you are! The sooner you accept that, the sooner you will be at peace over it. If you don't like cheating on your husband, why not talk to him about this, perhaps he would like to dominate you? Perhaps this is something that you can explore together?" Rosina said as she continued to stroke Rebecca's thighs.
"Harold would never be interested in that!" Rebecca snorted in shock as she huffed in surprise.
"I'm sure he hasn't talked to you about it because he feels that you would never be interested in submitting to him. How do you know if you don't try? He may not even know if he is a Dominant," Taryn said with a comforting and reassuring tone of voice as she stroked Rebecca's hair.
"Just give it some thought, as involving your husband seems to be your best option. We can talk later if you like, as you still are very special to me, Mouse. However, there is some business we need to attend to." Owen said in a friendly manner and in response Rebecca smiled and nodded at Owen. "Red, Cat, kneel before me," he added in a commanding manner.
Taryn and Rosina quickly scurried to the floor and knelled before Owen like they had countless times before. Both Taryn and Rosina kept their eyes on the floor before them, knowing not to look up at Owen until directed to. Owen leaned forward and grasped a clump of Taryn's hair and pulled down so that she looked up into Owen's face.
"I Owen Thompson, with the power vested in me by the laws of nature, do hereby claim you Taryn Thompson and make you my Slave, to be owned by me and serve me in anyway I see fit, until I release you or death claims you. Do you submit?" Owen said in a stern and commanding tone of voice as he glared at Taryn.
"Yes, Sir, I happily submit to you and place myself in your care. I will gladly serve you faithfully as I am your possession to be used as you see fit," Taryn replied in a confident and loving manner.
Owen released Taryn's hair and removed one of the collars from the wooden box and placed it on his lap. After removing the "Slut Collar" from around Taryn's neck and putting it in the box he clasped the "Slave Collar" around her neck. Taryn reached up and touched it, running her fingers along the word and smiling up at Owen with a tear in her eye, she felt content to belong to him once again.
"You are now my Slave and are bound to me, you have earned the right to call me Master. I will give you the title of 'Mistress Red' to have power and authority over all my Slaves, to see that my will is done," Owen said as he stroked Taryn's hair and they shared a loving smile for a moment, silently expressing their love and commitment to each other.
Owen turned his attention to Rosina and without warning grasped a clump of her hair and pulled down hard on it, forcing her to look up into his eyes. Rosina looked up into Owen's eyes with wonder and devotion.
"I Owen Thompson, with the power vested in me by the laws of nature, do hereby claim you Rosina Thompson and make you my Slave, to be owned by me and serve me in anyway I see fit, until I release you or death claims you. Do you submit?" Owen said in a stern and commanding tone of voice as he glared at Rosina.
"Yes, Sir, I happily submit to you and place myself in your care. I will gladly serve you faithfully as I am your possession to be used as you see fit," Rosina replied in a dreamy and loving manner.
Owen released Rosina's hair and removed one of the collars from the wooden box and placed it on his lap. After removing the "Slut Collar" from around Rosina's neck and putting it in the box he clasped the "Slave Collar" around her neck. Rosina also reached up and touched it, running her fingers along the edge of her collar and smiled up at Owen with a tear in her eye, she felt content to belong to him once again.
"You are now my Slave and are bound to me, you have earned the right to call me Master," Owen said as he stroked Rosina's cheek and they too shared a moment where they looked lovingly at each other before Owen sat back in his chair.
"You are our Master and we are your Slaves, we humbly beg you to take your rightful place as the 'Master of the family.' Will you bless us with your leadership, Master?" Taryn and Rosina said in unison.
"I accept your request and hereby claim the title of 'Master of the family.' I pledge myself to uphold and defend the Reformation of this family," Owen said confidently.
"We pledge ourselves to upholding and defending the Reformation of this family. We look to you for guidance and wisdom, Master," Taryn and Rosina said in unison.
"As nice as it has been to have you around this week, Owen, I think it is time that you went home," Heather said with a warm smile to Owen, clearly conveying her feelings of friendship.
"I think you're right, but I would like to come back again," Owen said in a friendly manner as he smiled warmly back at Heather.
"Come back any time, all of you," Heather said as she reached into a drawer of the table next to her and pulled out a pass card. "I would hate for you to turn your back on me," she added as she stood up and walked towards Owen.
"I won't forget you or what you have done for me. We'll come back again, soon," Owen said as he walked towards Heather and embraced her in a hug that she returned after a brief moment of surprise.
"I'll hold you to that, but for now, you have a family to attend to," Heather said as she handed Owen the pass card for the complex.
The drive back to Karen's Spa was a quiet one as Owen, Taryn and Rosina all cuddled in the back and left a jealous and conflicted Rebecca in front to drive the car alone. As the trio got reacquainted in the back of her car, Rebecca's mind was swirling with the various thoughts and emotions that this day had stirred up within her. Could she really talk to her husband about Domination and Submission? What if he was disgusted? What if she talked to him about being her Master and he saw her as a twisted deviant? Would she really be willing to risk her marriage over this? How long could she keep going to Heather's before he found out anyway?
After dropping Owen, Taryn and Rosina of at the spa, Rebecca drove home to her husband and kids without finding a resolution to her troubles. As she kissed and hugged Harold hello, she was ashamed for betraying his trust all this time. As she looked into Harold's eyes she resolved that she would not be unfaithful to him again. Somehow she would resist the urge to go to Heather's. Somehow she would be strong and not betray her husband's trust until she decided what to do. Clearly, going to Heather's had not done what she had hoped, her urges to submit were stronger than ever. Her urges had grown exponentially this past week since she had been serving Owen. Rebecca knew that she needed to submit, but she resolved to do it in some honourable way. Somehow she would have to balance her family life and her submissive life, no longer would she betray the man she loved in order to feed this need to submit.